PLOTS CHARACTERS Fluff's Character Crypt

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The Demon King ~ He/They
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
It varies. I can't promise much consistency due to my chaotic life.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Superpowers, Drama. Also, romance is required with me because I will get bored without it.
Greetings, wanderer. 👿💕 Have you been seeking us out? Or, perhaps, you've lost your way?

You seem to have found yourself at...

*~*Fluff's Character Crypt*~*
Here, you will find yourself in some rather strange and unusual company. Not to worry, though! All of them are lovable in their own special ways. If you wish to show them such love, do not hesitate to contact me.
Other than that, this will be a useful place to store some of my brain babies. Updates will be made to the characters as needed. There will also be character profiles under construction. :]

IMPORTANT NOTE: As you can see, some of these characters are grouped into universes or categories I've designed. For extra story spice, I may have characters show up in RPs to start up family dramas, initiate fights, do wholesome family or friend things, and whatever else may come to mind.

Character Index;;

🩸August J
🩸Orpheus Alpin
:werewolf:Damon Shadowmaw
:werewolf:Jonah King
:werewolf:Edgar "Animus" Madden
:werewolf:Terry Whitlock
🐈‍⬛Shane Howard
💚Arthur Cobb

🕵️‍♂️Ezra Finch
🕶️Sylvester Kemp
:sword:Asher Teagan
⚔️Ajax Powell

Valamir Family (Vampires);;
🩸Cain Valamir
🩸Abel Valamir
🩸Elfin Valamir

The Demon Siblings;;
:devil:Mallikar - The Firstborn
:devil:Zekas - The Secondborn
:devil:Vazithan - The Thirdborn
:devil:Arrin - The Fourthborn

Miscellaneous Demons && Angels;;

The Reaper Family;;
:skull:Cordelia, a Reaper of Animal-life and Stars
:skull:Callisto, a Reaper of Sea Life, Sailors, and Stars
:skull:Xenos, a Reaper of Animals and Vampires
:skull:Celestria, a Reaper of the Stars, Mother to many including Cordelia & Callisto
:skull:Norrix, a Reaper of Animals, Father to many including Cordelia and Xenos

Superheroes, Supervillains, Badass Humans && Anti-Heroes;;
👓❤️‍🔥Percy Nadir & Dark Pyre
🌊Wyatt Roosevelt & Enu, aka Leio
💪Lionel Brooks, aka Sergeant Iron
:computer:Zayn Karimi, aka The Djinn
:tiger:DD/Hu, aka The Conqueress
👟Dante Romano, aka Posthaste
👔Felix "The Jaguar" Griffin
:raven:Raven Stormore

Regular Human Characters;;
🎥Lewis Foster
:guitar:Nathaniel Barnes
:book:Nolan Parrow
🎮Jayden Rivera
🚨Christopher Collymore
:parrot:Jackie Bartlett

:wickedwitch:Etenphyr, aka Tenten

Fantasy World Characters;;
🎼Princess Melodee
:raindrop:Weeping Willow
:dragonfly:Prince Marlow

Miscellaneous Characters;;
:cat:Agent Molly Levine
:panda:Xiong Bohai
👑Quentin Beringer
🩷Remy Cash

Fandom-Inspired Characters;;
[Overwatch] Cassius
[Star Wars] Korvas
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1654454553509.jpegBirthname: Kazuya
Surname at birth: Sato
Rebirthname: Cain
Vampire Clan name/surname: Valamir
Age: Somewhere between 400 and 500 years. Has a young, 20-something appearance because he was killed and turned into a vampire at age 25.
Race: Vampire
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: He works two different jobs. One of them is an entertainer job. More specifically, he is the percussionist for a locally famous rock band called The Banshee Choir. To earn a more steady income, he bartends at a bar called The Red Moon.

Personality: Adventurous, Friendly, Cunning, Morbid, Naughty, Romantic, Powerful, Confident, Funny, Secretive, Mischievous, Charming, Emotional, Creative, Macabre, Social

Likes: Music, Blood, Reading, Singing, Sex, Warm blankets, Hanging out with friends

Dislikes: Being cold, His monster form, Being lonely

Random Creative Descriptors:
Smiling On the Outside, Crying On the Inside
Goth Vibes
Vampire Angst
"Quit Trying To Fix My Tie. I Like It This Way."
Sexy Bad Boy
Thinks Humans Are Precious
Loves To Bite
Look Away, I'm A Monster
Will Befriend Animals

- When he drinks the blood of somebody, he can learn a lot of useful information about them. Our blood holds many secrets that relate to our identity, memories, and so much else, it's always interesting what he can pick up from a single taste.

- He can tolerate sunlight for lengths at a time. Eventually, he does need to find shade or he'll start getting a sunburn that will get worse and potentially lead to burning to death. He'll favor shady places to hang out too, in general.

- He can transform into a wide variety of animals at will. He also has a 'monster form' he can use at will but he prefers not to due to how scary of a sight he is. When he's angry or blood-lusting, the form will come out against his wishes and enter a destructive mode (which he will feel great shame for at the end of it all).

- Cain is superior to humans in strength, speed, durability, and much else. This makes him a reliable protector or ally in a fight. He will lose that effectiveness against certain enemies, though. Such as vampire hunters, witches who know what they're doing, werewolves, wielders of holy magic and/or items, and wielders of silver weapons. And, of course, there's the obvious weakness of 'if he doesn't have enough blood in his system, he will be more vulnerable.'

- Cain can temporarily benefit from anything 'special' or 'different' about a person's blood. For example, if he drinks from someone with magic in their veins, he will be able to use their magic for a short time. If he drinks some of Peter Parker's blood, he'll become Spider-Cain for a short time. Drinking the blood of a caffeine addict means he'll be more energized than usual, drinking from a pothead will get him high, and drinking from someone who's drunk can get him drunk (all of which are nice, because he can't enjoy coffee, drugs, or alcohol). Things like that.
On that note, he can face consequences too, sometimes even fatal ones. For instance, he avoids drinking from anyone who smells like they have cancer or a deadly blood disorder of some kind. Because if he drinks that blood, it means he will die.


Story ideas:

1. Cliche but fun: vampire x vampire hunter. Two beings who are supposed to hate each other end up as unlikely friends and lovers.

2. Cain bonds with a human who is sickly in some way. They help each other stay strong because the human provides him with blood food and he provides the human with his own vampire blood. Consuming his blood keeps the human's health consistently improved so that they can do everything they ever wanted to do.

3. A band member or a die-hard Banshee Choir fan secretly has feelings for Cain. The feelings eventually come out and with that comes the surprise that the Banshee Choir drummer is a vampire.



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1654455484828.jpegBirth Name: Isabella Hendrix (She is aware of this name and shares it with nobody, although it's possible she might with a love interest who she trusts enough)
What the CCD (Chaos Control Division) renamed her: Molly Levine
Age: 26
Race: Cat-person
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Molly is a special agent for an organization called the Chaos Control Division. People in the CCD help take control of chaotic situations brought on by superhumans, supernatural, strangeness of all kinds really. (She can also be a bodyguard, mercenary, hitman, really anything that goes with the vibe of 'well-dressed, professional, highly trained deadly woman with weapons'.)

Personality: Serious, Independent, Cautious, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Heroic, Private, Busy, Stressed, Self-conscious, Deadly, Good-hearted, Tough, Athletic

Random Creative Descriptors:
Needs A Vacation
Hates Being Called Cute Even Though She's Very Cute
"I Know Who Molly Is. But Who Is Isabella? Will I Ever Get To Know Myself?"
Fatal In the Streets, Cuddly In the Sheets
Doesn't Smile Much
"Let's Keep This Professional"
An Orphan Adopted Into A Secret Spy Program
Has A Praise Kink
"Will I Ever Be Anything More Than a Weapon?"
We Couldn't Lose Our Best Agent, So We Did Whatever It Took To Fix Her After The Accident

- Molly is like a living doll or puppet. (Somewhat inspired by Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.) The areas of her body that are stitched together can come unattached and remain functional so long as she is conscious. With this comes her ability of thread manipulation/generation. She can produce threads and use them in multiple creative ways. This will activate within her own body at times, as well. To describe an example, she can use her own arm like a grapple gun by detaching her hand and shooting it up to the targeted surface. Her claws will latch on and there will be long, unbreakable threads connecting the wrist to the rest of her arm. She can then pull herself up via those threads and then put her hand back on as if it was never removed.
Molly has to be awake for all of these functions to work, though. If she passes out for any reason, she'll remain fallen apart until she wakes up and commands everything to piece back together.

- As a catgirl, she is blessed with enhanced senses, sharp teeth, claws, sharp reflexes, and what more. She has lots of ways she applies this to her combat and missions. Having been trained for this line of work since childhood, she is a scarily skillful person to face off against. Molly does have very sensitive ears and nose, though. She has to fight through a significant amount of suffering if there's a disturbing smell or big loud noise nearby.


Story ideas:

1. Molly is used to working alone for the most part. But now she's been assigned a partner to watch her back in the field. Molly doesn't want this and learns to deal with it.

2. Someone needs protecting and Molly happens to be right for the job.

3. Molly is forced to go on a vacation. During the vacation, she discovers things about her true self. She also meets someone who gets her to see the beauty within herself and the world.


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percy_small.jpgLegal Name: Percival Gray Nadir (likes to be called Percy)
Birth name he has since abandoned: Duri Storm
Titles: The Storm Prince of Crime
Age: 30
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation: Musician, Offers private lessons for guitar and piano, Math tutor, Author, Songwriter, and Freelance artist (And from time to time does superhero-related work against otherworldly threats)

College Experience:
Percy's father required that his son go to college to study multiple avenues of Business. Percy earned a Master of Finance and he is a Certified Management Accountant. He also has a 2-year Economics Degree. On the side, he studied Marketing and Business Psychology.

Personality: Creative, Melancholy, Anxious, Quiet, Sensitive, Caring, Scholarly, Bitter, Phlegmatic, Hard-working, Sarcastic, Authoritative, Gentlemanly, Paranoid, Self-loathing, Romantic, Tired

Random Creative Descriptors:
The Misunderstood Artist
"I Am Not My Father"
Deeply Traumatized
Learning How To Smile
Tragic Poet
Calls His Guitars and Pianos His Babies
"These Hands Weren't Meant To Destroy... They Were Meant To CREATE"
So Handsome In His Business-Casual Styles
The Ice To Sid's Fire
The Stuff He's Smoking Is Not Tobacco 🥬

Mental Health Info: Percy deals with a major case of depression, C-PTSD, and insomnia. Symptoms of these issues will show up in my posts. He uses medications, cannabis, and therapy as aids.

- Percy's dad required him to master Tae Kwon Do, so he's quite practiced with that martial art. He doesn't show off the talent though with it in mind it should only be used in emergencies or for self-defense. Additionally, that element of surprise can be painful as it is easy for people to look at him and assume he's a defenseless soft boy. That said, he isn't the same badass he used to be due to injuries he's gained throughout life. He's had to practice some new moves that include his walking cane, which can be quite brutal.

-If he has to, he can tap into the harder version of himself in the most dire of situations. He behaves like the crime prince he was raised to be. He's not uncomfortable with the idea of killing or hurting someone who genuinely deserves it, and he turns into a mechanical punisher if someone needs a proper beating up. He'll feel exhausted afterward, but during the whole thing, he'll act as though his own pain doesn't exist.

- Throughout his life, Percy's sustained some heavy damage to his body. There are a lot of scars under his clothes to tell those stories. These injuries cause him chronic pain and have a tendency to slow him down. Therefore, he favors a more peaceful, easygoing lifestyle that lets him cope with his conditions. Percy follows the advice of doctors who are familiar with his medical chart. He prefers to let Sid handle the violence and fighting while he provides her with ideas, commands, and directions. Just as well, she's very aware of how fragile Percy can be, so she'll stop at nothing to aid him if he ever needs it.

- Percy is virtually untouchable because of the genie he commands. (That said, if the two can somehow be separated or he's unable to contact her, he is absolutely more vulnerable.) He can also bring forth a devastating amount of damage if he so commands it. Fortunately for us all, he aims to be fiercely responsible with the power he wields. He wants to do right by others and most of all wants to do right by Sid. Even though they do some crime-fighting, Sid most of the time is providing support and protection so her master's pain can feel less and so he can sleep better at night knowing someone will protect him.

NOTE: Sid was brought about because Percy's dad told him "You will need an army or a miracle to stop me, boy." Percy performed the miracle of summoning a demon who also happens to know some secrets to access a demon army.

Chul Storm, father
Nari Storm, mother
Beatrix Frost, ex-fiance
Alec Barlowe, deceased husband [who has taken on the form of a disembodied rain storm]

Their contract is written in blood, fire, and stone...

Name: Jassidiya – But we call her Sid. In character, her entire name is unlikely to be shared.
She'll also sometimes go by the name of 'Dark Pyre'.
Titles: The Mistress of Ashes and Flames, The Four-Armed Inferno, She Who Made Widows Out Of Wildfire, The Blazing Conqueress, The Former Empress of The Pyre Throne and Commander of the Pyre Legion
Age: Old/Ageless
Race: Demon/Genie
Sex: Female (She's capable of shapeshifting with male nethers, but even then she'll prefer feminine pronouns)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: She is a genie. Specifically, she is a genie who belongs to Percy. Whatever he wishes or commands, she is there to fulfill. She enthusiastically supports him in his everyday life. Their partnership also involves occasional 'superhero' work as they deal with threats that go beyond normal human understanding.

Personality: Strong, Loud, Aggressive, Passionate, Mischievous, Adaptable, Vulgar, Self-loving, Optimistic, Fearless, Protective, Entertaining,, Dangerous, Energetic

Random Creative Descriptors:
Warrior At Heart
Loves To Show Off Her Muscles
The Fire To Percy's Ice
Hated All Her Masters Until She Met Percy
"Any Friends Of Master Percy Are Friends Of Mine, Too!"
Please, Please, Please Don't Piss Her Off
Tall, Buff Mommy Energy
"There's Nothing Wrong With The Way I Dress"
"Master Percy Is A Prince, Which Would Make Me His Royal Guardian"

Abilities/Weaknesses of note:
- In most settings, Sid is used to being the toughest contender. Someone intending to harm her needs to be experienced with the topic of demons, such as demon hunters. Sid can also be at a disadvantage against other demons if they happen to be an opposing element or simply stronger than she is.
- Sid's appearance is very obviously not-human-looking in many ways. All too aware of this, she doesn't make a fuss of it if Percy requires her to wear a human disguise for some reason. She is capable of shapeshifting and will favor a feminine identity when doing so.
- She is a wielder of fiery and earthly elements. They can be used individually or in combinations. She can do fireballs, lava attacks, firebreath, Earth/rock manipulation, to name a few skills.
- Even though Sid has a lot of terrifying abilities, she is strictly limited in power level nowadays. A past incident led to her becoming a genie bound to an artifact, which has been in the possession of many different individuals over time. Whoever has the artifact can command the genie, given that they've already completed the rituals and sacrifices required. The most recent one to complete the aforementioned rituals and sacrifices was Percy. He is the one in control of her freedom, which he is quite flexible with, but she requires his say-so for the majority of things in life. Therefore, she's not particularly dangerous unless he tells her to be, or unless something triggers her angry protective instincts (she has been told in the past to act on those instincts).


Story ideas:
1. Percy's dad either gets equipped with a genie of his own or he hires someone antagonistic who can fight a genie. It's a more dramatic but scary effort at forcing his son to come back home. Percy and Sid need help but don't know who to trust. Sooner or later, they befriend a powerful ally who can help.

2. Percy bonds with someone he's giving music lessons to or works with at the cafe or whatever really, and then shenanigans happen when that person gets a closer look at what Percy's life is like

3. The duo manages to rescue someone from a terrible fate. The three of them bond over time.

4. A past love goes looking for Percy after he leaves with only a vague explanation. A classic case of 'I didn't want you to get hurt, you deserve better, I couldn't ask you to leave your family for me, that's why we had to break up,' with the significant other not at all liking that choice being made for them. They get followed by some creepos who work for Percy's dad and are put into danger and Percy has no choice but to keep that ex close at all times to help deal with the danger.

5. Sid gets targeted by a demon hunter who is from the same bloodline as the man who initially turned her into a genie. But not everything goes as planned and the hunter gets taken prisoner by Sid and Percy. During the imprisonment, the hunter gets a new perspective and learns some interesting truths about their ancestors. Just as well, Sid will offer that she understands the motivation of demon hunters since not all demons are as well-meaning as her.


NOTE: Percy and Sid come as a set. They are a dynamic duo that can be written in different ways to suit the story.

NOTE ON ROMANCE: When it comes to romance, Sid the demoness doesn't consider it a personal interest. She is primarily dedicated to protecting Percy. However, she's had multiple partners in the past (most of them demons like she is), so I'm not against having situations where an old flame might come back with drama, or romantic intentions, whatever might be your writing interest. She may even take an interest in a cute human someday. Who knows what could be worked out.



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Melodee_small.jpgName: Melodee
Titles: The Second Princess of the Grimplume Kingdom, The Caged Bird
Age: 23
Race: Harpy
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Bi-Curious

Occupation: Princess

Personality: Whimsical, Affectionate, Musical, Melancholy, Romantic, Emotional, Protective, Dramatic, Cute, Spunky, Proud, Hopeful, Anxious

Random Creative Descriptors:
The Key To Her Cage Is Also The Key To Her Heart
The Most Beautiful Singer You'll Ever Hear
Screeches When Angry
Always Wants To Cuddle
A Sweet And Spicy Snack
Promises To Take The Best Care Of You
Deserves To Be Treated Like A Queen
Wants To See The World
Will Melt If You Call Her A 'Pretty Bird'

- Melodee is equipped with a deadly set of foot talons, hand claws, and teeth. She is also gifted with speed, agility, and flight [once she is freed from her cage and allowed to shake off her rust]. Melodee is not a fighter by nature, though. She mostly relies on feral instincts, or she hopes she can put distance between herself and a threat she can't claw up. That isn't to say she isn't teachable. Melodee could be a dangerous fighter with the right mentor as her guide.

- Her singing voice is perhaps her greatest gift of all. She can use it for more than just entertainment or expression of feelings. Melodee is able to soothe anxious minds, lull others into peaceful sleeps, motivate/buff her allies, distress her enemies, and much more that may come to mind. She can also hurt someone's ears pretty badly with a screech, but that means her friends better cover their ears extremely well if they can.


Melodee is in a situation of 'I'm a princess locked in a tower waiting for my prince to free me and marry me.' Whoever finds the key to her cage can unlock it and allow her that freedom. She will be very devoted to the person who frees her and will hold out hope for marriage. Especially since she is technically a princess of nothing. Her parents sold her to an organization geared toward competition among princes looking for their perfect bride. This type of sport/search for love is for princes who don't have arranged marriages, don't have obligations to another kingdom, and what more, but still seek the hand of a princess.



1. A prince who's had his eyes on Melodee for a long time finally sets out to free her. He is rivaled by another prince along the way who is determined to steal her away even after she's been officially claimed.

2. Melodee is unexpectedly rescued from her cage by a princess instead of a prince.

3. Someone who isn't of royal blood ends up freeing Melodee. They find the key by happenstance and don't think twice about letting her free. Melodee is shocked she wasn't rescued by royalty but is grateful nonetheless, so she does happily devote herself to the rescuer. Unless harshly told to turn away, she intends to follow them around and earn their love.

4. Rather than rescue her himself, a prince hires someone to do the rescuing for him. Melodee is successfully rescued by this character, then the two end up falling in love during the journey back to the kingdom. (lol kinda like the plot of Shrek)

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wyatt.jpgName: Wyatt Heath Roosevelt
Alias/Vigilante Name: Leio (a name inspired by the Leiomano weapon)
Age: 25
Race: Human-Alien Hybrid
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him, They/them
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation: Part-time beach bum, part-time super-vigilante

Some Personality Traits: Polite, Depressed, Paranoid, Caring, Lonely, Silly, Sleepy, Feral, Empathetic, Odd, Healthy, Crafty, Resentful, Brave

Random Creative Descriptors:
A Runaway Experiment Being Hunted Down
The Shark Boy
Handsome Surfer Vibes
Smile And Joke So They Don't See How Sad You Are
Always Hungry And Thirsty
Champion Surfer And Swimmer With Or Without Superpowers
"Am I Too Different To Be Loved?"
Rarely Wears Shirts, Shoes, Or Pants - Just Wears Swim-Shorts
In A Symbiotic Relationship With An Aquatic Alien Lifeform
"I'm Not Homeless! The Sea Is My Home."

Notes on the alien:
- This alien was nameless until Wyatt named it 'Ehu.' ([Hawaiian Dictionary (Hawaiian)] ehu.ehu. 1. nvs. Animation varying from fury and storm to power and majesty; violent, furious, powerful, animated; violence, fury, anger, majesty, animation.)
- Ehu primarily uses "it" pronouns but they/them is also acceptable. Ehu likes the idea that it and Wyatt can be recognized as a plural being with the use of they/them.
- Ehu is not evil or ill-meaning by nature. In fact, it loves that it can share in Wyatt's vibe of 'Let's just freely swim in the sea as a water-loving powerhouse who doesn't want to bother anyone or be bothered.' However, it does share in some trauma with Wyatt that will make it hostile in the face of triggers or dangers. It's also extremely protective of Wyatt because A, that's its host and any harm to him means harm to Ehu, and B, Ehu genuinely cares about Wyatt.
- To offer some more on my intentions here: Ehu is sort of like what The Symbiote is to Eddie Brock. This is a Venom-inspired character.

- Wyatt's biotechnology originates from a planet inhabited by a deadly, crafty, water-loving alien race. Although labeled as 'Organic Hydro-Tech,' this is technically a living creature. Prior to installation, the living piece of tech was a fist-sized black mass with patterns of thin, aqua blue lines all over it. The creature requires a Host to call its home so its full potential can be unlocked. Generally, this would be done with the lifeforms from the same planet, but this lone alien accidentally wandered too far from home. It had the misfortune of being discovered, intercepted, and contained by the same scientific organization that experimented on Wyatt. The two of them were eventually joined in the same experiment though and found they had a lot in common: they hate their 'creators,' but they really really fuckin' love water. The two of them vibe extremely well and do their best to care for the other so survival can continue. This included a well-crafted escape that allowed them to flee the lab and take to a watery, nomadic lifestyle.

- Prior to experimentation, Wyatt was already an impressive athlete, specifically when it came to aquatic sports. His enhancements, of course, offer a nice boost to these skills. He's also equipped with mutations that include gills and webbed digits. Additionally, the alien he's fused with can morph him in ways that suit their needs, like if they need Wyatt to be more animal than man. He would be highly difficult to contend with in a hostile underwater encounter. The animal they most often mirror is the great white shark.
In contrast to this, Wyatt is significantly more vulnerable on land. The further he strays from a water source, the more vulnerable he gets. He will be constantly thirsty and need to chug down bottles of water, and he will splash water onto himself to remedy feelings of being 'dry.' It is also not uncommon for him to panic and jump into a city fountain, for instance, because the alien he shares his body with is severely uncomfortable.


Story Ideas:

1. Someone takes a beach vacation. That vacation happens to be at the beach where Wyatt resides. The two of them start hitting it off nicely as he shyly but charmingly makes an approach. But things start turning topsy-turvy when teams of mercs start showing up to engage Wyatt and capture him for their employers.

2. Wyatt heroically rescues someone (either on the beach or in the city, he will help wherever he can and get his water-fuel by other means) who has become a target of somebody dangerous. Wyatt decidedly stays by their side for protection.

3. Wyatt catches the eye of someone who is fascinated by him (whether it's a fanboy crush, a scientist wanting to learn more, a detective wanting to know his secrets, lots of fun things we can do~). This person makes careful efforts to find out where they can meet the man and hopefully learn more.

4. Wyatt escapes the secret evil lab with a fellow experiment. They vow to always stick together no matter their differences and we explore the shenanigans and troubles they get into during their runaway life.
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Name: Keturah
Preferred Name: Arrin
Titles: The Queen of Blood and Pain, The Blood-Toothed Disgrace, The Horned Vampire Lord, The Blood Harvester of Lazaroth, Keturah the Banished, Prince Keturah of The Forsaken Kingdom, Keturah the Cursed Half-Breed, Number Four (in reference to being the 4th born sibling in their family)
Age: Old
Race: Half-Vampire, Half-Demon
Sex: Female
Gender: Bigender
Pronouns: She/her, He/him (They/them is also okay)
Sexual Orientation: Androsexual

Personality: Capricious, Sensitive, Masochistic, Whimsical, Seductive, Weird, Affectionate, Compassionate, Needy, Changeable, Feral, Powerful, Dramatic, Loyal, Cat-like

Random Creative Descriptors:
Mentally Unstable But Will Love You Forever
"Somewhere Out There Is My Adonis~"
Rage-Filled Pastry
"May I Call You Master In The Bedroom, Too~?"
Cuddlier Than They Look
Literally Needs Scratching Posts Or Else Your Sofa Is In Danger
Wants To Nibble
Scared Of Being 'Too Much'

- In a way, Arrin is a vampire of two different kinds. They have to maintain a healthy balanced diet of human blood and energy (specifically, sexual energy). When lacking in energy, Arrin will become sleepy, sluggish, and increasingly useless until a coma-like sleep eventually sets in. When lacking in blood, Arrin will become increasingly wild and impulsive and sooner or later someone will get hunted down for their blood.

- Arrin is scarily pain tolerant and will, in fact, become stronger in combat if the pain is heavy.

- Has blood manipulation abilities that can apply to Arrin's own blood or the blood of others.

- Arrin is significantly stronger when under the command of someone, whether that is a summoner or a person who agrees to make a pact with her. In these partnerships, the vampire-demon proves to be very cooperative, protective, and loyal. However, Arrin is also very needy and will depend on this partner to help keep hungers at bay. When taken care of really well, Arrin makes sure to take care of you too in any way you ask. You also have a fierce guardian for life.
This partnership is extra nice to have if Arrin has to deal with any full-fledged demons who mean harm. A good number of them are naturally stronger and may scoff at the half-breed.

- Has claustrophobia due to the trauma of being trapped in a small space for many, many years. Even though she was slumbering throughout this captivity, her mind and body recall the memories of being beaten up, shoved into a coffin, and remaining conscious for a little while before a coma kicked in.
She also has a fear of and weakness to fire. Arrin will trust someone to handle fire if they know what they're doing, but she will prefer to keep her distance. Having almost been burned to death once, Arrin lives in constant fear of that painful death eventually occuring.

- Vampire hunters and demon hunters can be a real annoyance. Arrin doesn't do well against weapons and items that are blessed, which these hunters oftentimes have. It's also possible to end Arrin's life with wooden stakes, but the killer needs to be aware that the vampire-demon has two hearts. If only one of them is pierced, the attack is survivable.

- The most vulnerable outer body part would be Arrin's wings. Damaging those will cause pain that is not at all pleasant (and trust me, she loves pain), to the point where she might end up KO'd. Also, if she is unable to fly for too long, she will get very depressed.

Another note: Arrin is a rare breed. Her mother, a demon queen, looked into a ritual that would grant temporary life to her vampire king. In doing so, he was able to impregnate her before the effects wore off. They were hoping for a boy but were instead given a girl. To keep up the appearances expected of them, the king and queen raised their daughter with male pronouns and insisted on appearances as well as activities that were 'masculine.' Arrin, later on, discovered she did consider herself a male even without her parents telling her to. But also really wanted validation for the female gender that felt and feels very real to Arrin. Both aspects have a femme style to them.

Mother: Demon Queen Aliza - Arrin absolutely despises her and will agree to any opportunity to fight her.
Elder half-brother: Mallikar - Arrin used to admire him, but eventually realized she was invisible and insignificant to the eldest of Aliza's children. It's caused Arrin to build an indifference toward the brother.
Elder half-brother: Zekas - He is her favorite brother and she carries constant heartbreak from years of not seeing each other. Both of them are always on the run from something, but when they cross paths, they are always happy to see each other.
Elder half-brother: Vazithan - Arrin doesn't know how to feel about Vaz. Yes, she loves him, but she also hates him! He is a very caring older brother. But he also is the one who killed her father. Slaying the Vampire Lord was necessary for her freedom, but she is angry at her brother still. He even had the nerve to harvest her father's skull and fashion it into a relic for personal use.


Story ideas:
1. Arrin is freed from a prison of an enemy's design. The demon's been trapped there for an unreasonably long time until, finally, someone perfectly practices the ritual meant to set unlock that prison. All the sacrifices have been made and the words have been spoken, which binds Arrin to the summoner forever unless something's done to break that contract. From there, Arrin swears loyalty, declares love, and offers power that will continue so long as basic needs are met.

2. Arrin wanders around freely in a city where humans and monsters harmoniously exist. Having been banished by the vampires and the demons she once served, the former prince finds a place to settle down. Somewhere along the way, Arrin catches the eye of an admirer, a nightclub guest, or perhaps a bold and clever hunter trying to do a difficult but high-paying job.

3. Arrin is met by a fellow 'freak of nature' who understands in ways others never could.

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Vazithan_smaller_thumbnail.pngName: Vazithan
Titles: The Red Prince of Vengenace, Number Three (in reference to being the 3rd born among his siblings), The Blood Painter, The Dark Horned Devilspawn, Harvester of Souls, The Demon Gardener, V the Vampire Assassin (which is a very old, retired title, he was only slaying vampires to find the Vampire Lord he needed to harvest a skull from)
Age: Old/Ageless
Race: Demon
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: Vaz works two jobs. There is of course the work he does as a Demon of Vengenace. For the right price, he will deliver punishment or death to targets who are guilty of abusive crimes. Very specifically, the task needs to be along the lines of "I want this abuser's/criminal's harm to come to an end and I'm willing to do what it takes."
When he's not serving up vengeance, he puts time and energy into the property that's under the name of a human summoner he's close with, who is named Raven. This property is full of gardens that he does well to maintain, with the help of a crew who is paid fairly. He also rents out small cottage-like homes that are tucked within the forests of trees. The rent can be paid for in money, or labor spent on the gardens. (It's also rumored that a couple of his tenants have magical gifts to them that add something extra special to the beautiful gardens~)

Personality: Mischievous. Romantic, Vindictive, Compassionate, Melancholy, Artistic, Poetic, Deviant, Charming, Wry, Devilish, Odd, Naughty

Random Creative Descriptors:
Our Menu Offers Vengenace For Every Meal
Bad Boy With A Loving Heart
Those Roguish Smiles Are Dangerously Handsome
"Perhaps, We Can Make A Deal?"
Treats His Kills Like Works Of Art
Really Loves Flowers And Their Symbolism
Gentle When He Plays, Sadistic When He Slays
Loves Using Actual Blood As A Paint Color

Info on his Skull Relic:
This is a custom-made artifact of sorts. Vaz harvested three different things to make it: the skull of a vampire, a black rose, and a bloodred opal. It also has barbed wire wrapped around it to add extra 'bite.'

The vampire skull is magically bound to the black rose and the opal. The person seeking vengeance must allow the skull to bite them and take blood from them as payment. The blood will be laced with emotions that mirror the person's vengeance, hatred, pain, sadness, determination, and what more, to better fuel the relic (and by extension, Vaz himself. The stronger your vindication, the stronger he'll be). When the flower blooms and the opal brightens, you know the price has been rightfully paid.

The process pretty much involves the exchange of, "My price per life is the entire soul that comes with them. For that and a small fee of blood, I will make your dangerous scary problems go away." (I'm working on a more poetic way for him to introduce these deals.)

Vaz can make use of this relic for combat, as well. He has been seen using the skull to take bites out of enemies, or he will launch it at them like a hard ball of spikes. To name a couple of examples. He can also make some crazy creative things happen through that skull if he feeds it a bit of his own blood.

He is seldom seen without the relic floating around nearby, implying it is directly connected to him in some way.

- Vaz's demonic strengths make it scarily easy for him to break a human with little effort. Not only that but his teeth, claws, and horns are super effective at ripping apart someone's skin and then whatever lies beneath. All too aware of this, he demonstrates an impressive level of control so as to not harm anyone by accident. He can be considered a 'gentle giant' in many cases, appearing as a big, tall, scary monster with a rather graceful and soft approach.
...At least, until something gives him reason to be any other way. Vaz can get to be quite bloodthirsty and spiteful if he's properly angered. He will be difficult to stop when he's in a blind frenzy.
As for instances where he'd be impossible to stop? That applies solely to his contract kills. Once a deal has been sealed, the vengeance will be carried out, and he will wreck anything or anyone standing in the way.

- Vaz shows a wariness around books. Books can even be considered a phobia, or triggering in many cases (really depends on who is holding the book, how the book is presented, how pushy the book holder is, things like that...). This is because a book was used to trap him away in another dimension, where he served many, many years as a prisoner. He might agree to be read to if he trusts you, or if you're just a plain being with a plain tongue (as in, you're not a witch or an enchanter or sorcerer or something generally capable of magically imprisoning him). Otherwise, he will prefer to take no interest in books and get information or stories from other means.

- In a way, Vaz does use vengeance to help sustain himself. Souls are the main source of nutrition for him and the reward he most looks forward to when he carries out his kills. They're extra nutritious when they've been bound to a demonic contract. Going too long without this 'soul food' will force him to seek out someone he can track like a hunter to prey. But in those instances, it's just enough to get by until he can find something better. He does his best to be responsible with his self-care. For if he doesn't, many many souls will be in danger of getting ripped from their bodies all at once...

- Cliche' as this may sound, Vaz does not want his Relic falling into the wrong hands. That's one of the reasons why it's literally painful to hold in your hands. But if some sort of psycho by chance wants to endure the stings of the barbed wires, they can attempt to use the skull in a ritual that enables them to control him (or hurt him, if that's their intention instead). Mind you, I'm saying control him, but not own him. (He'll call them 'Boss' or 'Chief' instead of 'Master/Mistress'.)

Demon Queen Aliza - To say that Vazithan despises this woman feels like an understatement. One of his greatest comforts is imagining a reality in which she does not exist.
Elder half-brother: Mallikar - Vaz doesn't have much of a connection with Mal. He doesn't think too highly of him, either.
Twin brother: Zekas - He holds a lot of love for his twin, and he worries for him constantly. Fortunately, Zekas makes a habit of either visiting or sending out messages to keep them connected.
Younger half-brother/sister: Arrin - Even though they didn't grow up in the same home, he does care a lot for Arrin. They don't have a good relationship though because....well, Arrin hates him for slaying her father. That said, his efforts to prove he cares don't go unnoticed, and sometimes Arrin even allows for a few minutes of interaction! (Even if that interaction mostly involves rage toward him...)



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1657773543172_small.pngName: Cordelia
Age: 326 (Not as if it matters because she's immortal, she just adorably likes to keep count of her age and do birthday parties for herself)
Race: Reaper
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: She is a reaper for animals and stars. Wherever she may be traveling, she offers safety, company, and safe passage into death for animals or stars who are near death. Their souls are held in Cordelia's capable hands, given plenty of affection, and then sent off to wherever they need to go.

Personality: Optimistic, Bubbly, Ghostly, Youthful, Loving, Sensitive, Silly, Motherly, Pensive, Lonely, Cautious, Empathetic, Affectionate

Random Creative Descriptors:
Doesn't Like Walking, Prefers To Float Around Like A Ghost
Hopes To One Day Be A Mother
Spooky But Adorable
Collector Of Animal Bones, So Long As There's Not An Unrested Soul Attached To Them
Sweet Enough To Give You Teeth Cavities
Professional Star Gazer
Sometimes, She Sings Her Words Instead Of Plainly Speaking Them

- Cordelia is a creature who is uniquely composed of immortal bones and stardust. She can use the stardust to manipulate the shape of her own appearance, her many years' worth of experience eventually allowing her to separate the sparkling effects into clothing so that the rest of her can appear like a human with flesh. (Her 'true' form is otherwise something akin to this cosmic starry-looking skeleton that is significantly less friendly and cute, in her opinion.)

- When it comes to shapeshifting, her expertise is mainly with animals. This goes for animals of literally any kind, including those who are from outer space/different planets, and those who are from different time periods or different realms altogether. Basically: if it's an existing animal, ever, in any time period, she will know it by name and can take on its shape, as well as mimic its voice.

- She is able to creatively manipulate the bones and stardust she is made of. This can be for varied purposes, be they useful, fun, combative, transportive, violent, artistic, and much more.

- The bones of her animal familiars are also under her control. She commands a flock of skeleton crows, and a pet-sized t-rex she named Boo. These familiars can provide a lot of usefulness to her (they are also friendly company, even if they're more like puppets she controls). The birds are most often used for scouting, while she likes to use Boo's skeleton for armor, or for additional weaponry she can use in lots of ways.

- As a Reaper, she does have the ability to disconnect a soul from a body. That's on the condition that the body has died first. Once the soul is in her possession, she can decide whether to help carry it onto the next step in life, or devour it so it may not taint the world ever again. She will pass judgment on the soul if a different entity hasn't already. But before the reaping, she does her best to offer comfort to the dying. The souls she primarily guides are those belonging to animals and stars, though. Judgment isn't really necessary unless she's reaping the soul of, for example, a werewolf. Still counts as an animal she can aid, but judgment might be necessary for any 'human' crimes on the werewolf's part. (That isn't to say she's incapable of soul-reaping a simple human being. It's just not something she allows of herself unless someone 'employs' her to do it, or if someone is recruiting extra help during a massive slaughter or something)


Story ideas:

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1661125351461.pngName: Lewis Foster
Age: 28
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Professional Actor and Singer, Professional Model, Artist of Varied Forms ranging from Casual to Professional, Expert-Level Dancer (someday he shall be a professional though!)

Personality: Passionate, Emotional, Dramatic, Loving, Confident, Fatherly, Honest, Optimistic, Generous, Traumatized, Gentlemanly

Random Creative Descriptors:
Very Much A Family Man
Lonelier Than He Cares To Admit
He Loves To Party But Also Loves Sleepovers With Good Books
One Of Those Rare Types Of Rich Guys Who Tries To Help Others
Loves To Cook
A British Man Who Is Obsessed With Tea
Gentleman In The Streets, Bad Boy In The Sheets
Harmless Until You Give Him Reason To Use His Fists

Abilities/Weaknesses of note:
- Lewis is all about entertaining. He can sing, model, draw/paint, act, voice act, and play a few different instruments. That's where his strengths lie, other than simply looking good all the time. He's about to get almost anything done because of his ability to charm others, or trade his services for something he needs.

- As far as weaknesses go, his confidence in dancing is considered one. Even as he builds up the skill, he carries childhood trauma that makes him scared of reliving that past event.
On the subject of trauma: his days as an orphan aren't positively remembered. Not many of them, anyway. He's also gained some trauma from a pair of bad romantic relationships. Lewis is susceptible to episodes of depression, PTSD, and anxiety. However, he actively sees a therapist who has been successfully helping him heal and manage his mental health.

[Old, Soon To Be Updated] Info On His History:
Lewis Foster has a background akin to the classic story of the underestimated orphan who wasn't afraid to dream big. Since infancy he spent time waiting at an orphanage in London; either to get adopted or be released because he was too old to stay. Fortunately, when he was eleven, an interested pair of candidates showed up from America. Two married men, named Harold and Cory, wanted to welcome a child into their lives. Much to the eleven-year-old's surprise, they fell in love with him from day one of getting to know him.

Having already covered some basics in education back in London, getting caught up at his new home didn't take long. The boy showed brilliance that assured he would graduate with flying colors and go on to achieve his goals. His passions mainly lay with the arts, though. When he was creating a masterpiece, citing poetry, performing, singing-- Just about anything to do with the subject made his heart happy. The loving fathers were enthusiastic and supportive every step of the way, even going so far as to fund his college career. With their help, he acquired a major in theater, and another in drawing. Throughout his years, he's supplied local galleries with work of his, performed in the theaters, sang in a men's group, and provided vocals as a guest for a couple of cartoons. To say the least, Lewis kept busy during and after his time in college. His growing fame eventually led him to becoming an actor that quite a few directors want to get their hands on. He's starred in a couple of dramas that were filmed in his home country, then a western-themed comedy filmed in Texas.

The famous life was briefly devastating for Lewis. Having left behind the wholesome livelihood he once had, he was exposed to a realm of pleasures he never dreamed of even as a poor boy on the streets. An addiction to cocaine put him out of business, giving him the opportunity to better himself and decide he wanted to attempt the life of an actor again. He pondered for a long time while getting clean, attending therapy, and recovering from an accident that put him on crutches for about two months. His fathers reminded him he should do what makes him happy. Acting made him happy, entertaining people made him happy. Which prompted the encouraged young man to put himself back out there. Weeks of failure ultimately let up to him being offered a small role in a werewolf romance movie geared towards teenagers. Despite it being a horrible watch, people responded positively enough to his character that he was later offered an important role for a historical documentary about Vernon and Irene Castle.

The problem with that is... Of all the arts he studied, dancing was not one of them. The one class he took for it earned him enough embarrassment to not try it ever again. Now, he has no choice but to conquer this weakness. Lewis is determined to show his fans that he's serious about bettering himself and giving them the quality acting they deserve. More than that, he's doing this to prove to himself that he can overcome anything if he tries his hardest.
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1661129895125.pngName: Damon Shadowmaw
Age: 24
Race: Werewolf
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Alpha Werewolf, The Main Boss of Shadowmaw Homestead and Shops

Info on the Family Business: The business title his family uses is 'Shadowmaw Homestead and Shops.' Varied individual businesses and skills are offered on their rightfully owned territory. Huge amounts of land and forest are properly maintained by the Shadowmaw family. They have lots of goods to offer for sale. There is a nursery with lots of different plants and trees, gardens with plenty of harvests to share, handcrafted high-quality goods, and pine trees that sell well for Christmastime. They also have a farm, should anyone want to buy milk, eggs, cheeses, just about any product imaginable really! And a small butcher shop of meats for those times they have enough to spare. (Even though they have omnivore diets, their bodies demand high consumption of meat, so the family gets dibs on the meat products they raise.)
Oh, they also have a hemp farm. And some of that 'hemp' is definitely for smoking out of pipes.

Personality: Quiet, Stoic, Serious, Angry, Melancholy, Protective, Strong, Cautious, Spiritual, Loyal, Patient, Curious

1661129964585.pngRandom Creative Descriptors:
Resting Sad Face
Doesn't Believe He Deserves Love
"May The Man In The Moon Guide My Troubled Spirit..."
Secretly Loves To Frolic Through Fields Of Flowers
Not A Very Good Cook
Frighteningly Protective Of His Family
"I Am As You Made Me, Father..."
Will Do Anything To Protect Those He Loves

- Damon is a brute of a manwolf with strength that's hard to match. When he transforms into a beast, that strength gets terrifyingly greater. However, it is important to note the dramatic speed differences between both forms. As a human, he's incredibly fast, but as a werewolf, he's quite slow. The best way he can improve that is to find shadowy spots he can use for teleport-like abilities. That is where the limit is, though. He can blink from one place to another only if the two locations are covered in shadow. For that reason, he does like keeping to places with lots of trees and shade. He'll also lure enemies to these types of places so he can hide in the shadows and use the advantage.

- His highly sensitive hearing can be targeted pretty painfully. High-pitched sounds are capable of freezing him where he stands.

- Werewolf hunters will forever be a pain in the ass. They are well-equipped to handle his kind and he's made enemies out of some who've lived to talk about their encounters. And more than half of the scars on Damon are from werewolf hunters.

Damon, Cora, and their twin siblings all lived under an alpha father with a toxic mentality. Part of that included the opinion that emotions could make a pack too vulnerable. You were expected to set aside your feelings in favor of hardness and strength. This was forced on Damon the most because he was the next in line to lead their clan. Jenex wished to mold his son into an intimidating monstrosity capable of great feats and conquers. In his efforts to do so, he would shame his son anytime he expressed too much sadness or happiness. Damon's growing rage was utilized, however. When Jenex learned the right ways to agitate Damon, he would use that to his advantage to send him on destructive rampages. He also encouraged him to use his anger as a weapon, to direct it at anyone who stands in his way.

A contributor to Damon's trauma is the early loss of his mother, Tila. This, perhaps, played a huge role in Jenex becoming more unstable as well, having lost the soulmate who helped calm him when he was at his worst. She also did her best to validate the feelings of her children and bring that to their father's attention. Unfortunately, they lost her one dreadful evening when she died protecting her twin babies against a werewolf hunter. Later down the line, Jenex introduced a new mate to the pack named Zephyr. Although she could never replace their mother, she filled the role the best she could, most of her energy going into the young twins, and then her own two children when they came along.

Even though part of Zephyr did learn to love Jenex, her biggest secret is she got with him so she could help take care of the clan. Having been a lone werewolf at first, Tila showed her a sisterly love she never found in anyone else. That led to an attachment to Tila's family as well, where Zephyr now provides plenty of motherly love and guidance for all in need of it. Damon's never been close with the stepmother, however, he does appreciate her, care for her, and respect her highly.

Needless to say, Damon grew to resent his father over the years. And as he got older and stronger, he got bolder in the face of his family's abuser. His younger siblings suffered less and less over time because their elder brother came between them and the incoming fury. Eventually, that escalated to a point of him challenging his father for the alpha position. Managing to best him in that fight, he marked the old man werewolf's face with scars that indicated shameful banishment. So that other packs knew to think twice before taking him in because he was a disgrace not meant to be trusted. Damon promised he would kill Jenex on sight if he ever saw him again.

For a while, the Shadowmaw clan went quiet and in hiding. Taking the time to recover from the violent banishment of their leader and acknowledge the damage he left behind.
When Damon and the pack established synergy, he took his first steps as their official leader. He's set a reputation for himself as a savage brute who can't be defeated. He has claimed a good amount of the forest as his own, but is known to allow others to pass through or even settle there if their intentions are good and they follow his rules. Damon is determined to set an example that sets up far above his father. He wants to be remembered as a mighty king who led his people to a life of success, safety, and happiness. Along the way, he has to learn to accept how deeply he's been hurt and get to know the emotional parts of him that are aching to be unburied, understood, and heard. Damon is absolutely terrified of the idea of being vulnerable, though.

[Shadowmaw info]
The family name of Shadowmaw has a way of bringing a chill to one's skin. As if hearing it causes the sensation of a shadow kissing you on the back of the neck. Shadowmaws are known to be fierce, sneaky warriors and protectors of the forest they call home. Especially where their territory is most concerned. They use the shadows cast by trees to their advantage, their dark furs (usually black or varied tones of brown) allowing them to blend in scarily well. This also makes them excellent hunters, most of their group efforts bringing in big prey for their family to consume.
That is, however, if you have made an enemy out of them. Those allied with the Shadowmaws know a different side of them. Ever since Damon has stepped in as alpha, they are praised for their strong family values and their reliability as support on the battlefield. They are beautiful singers in the night as they show their love to the moon, and they are skillful crafters with the resources provided by their foresty home.
Members of the family spend their free time practicing tool-making, art, clothes-making, tasty recipes, and coming up with natural healing remedies based on needs. They love to keep to themselves in the comfort of their shady territory.

Tila, Mother, deceased
Jenex, Father, exiled
Lily, Damon's grandmother
Zephyr, Damon's step-mom
Cora, the Secondborn, Damon's sister
Ronin and Ira the Second, the twins, the Third and Forthborn, Damon's brothers
Vivi, the Fifthborn, Damon's half-sister
Scout, the Sixthborn, Damon's half-brother
Ira, Damon's Uncle (related to Jenex)
Angel, Damon's Aunt (related to Tila), who has recently introduced her mate, Landis, to the clan
Zeena and Finn, a brother and sister pair who are only two years apart in age. They are young, abandoned pups who the clan cares for like a community of parents and siblings.​

Note: These characters are all NPCs [for now, anyway. Cora and Ronin, and maybe Zephyr, might become OCs.]! They help keep the family business going and certain family members can add fun ideas to stories too. My RP partner is also welcome to ask me about writing for some of these characters, I won't mind in the slightest. There are nameless NPC werewolves who are employed and living among them, too. Some help keep the businesses running, others provide territory security, and some do werewolf delivery service!

Also, when I get the chance, I'll elaborate more on Damon's relationship with these named individuals. That way it's easier for me and anyone else to keep track of how he interacts with certain members of the pack!


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Name: Lazlo
Age: 23
Race: Catboy
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: He is a "Seeing-Eye Cat" for the blind

Some Personality Traits: Paranoid, Reserved, Curious, Proud, Fun, Bitter, Pensive, Artistic, Bold, Prickly, Rebellious, Cute, Mischievous, Hurt

Random Creative Descriptors:
Moody Boy Who Needs Hugs
Lovingly Possessive Of His Favorite Person
Tough Guy Facade
Has A Lot Of Scars Beneath His Tattoos
Gets Easily Offended, Just Like A Cat
Thinks Good Boy Behavior Deserves Rewards, Just Like A Cat
A Handsome Rapscallion
Thinks He's Unlovable, Even Though He's VERY Lovable
"When It Storms, I Think Of...Him..."

Abilities/Weaknesses of note:
- Lazlo has 2 forms he can shapeshift into. One of them is a chocolate-brown house cat with medium-length hair. The tip of the tail and all four paws are cream colored. The other form is a cat-human hybrid. Cat-like features stay with him, such as his tail, ears, claws, teeth, eyes, and hind-feet. As a man, he is tall and athletically built in a way that balances strength and speed. When he's well-fed and exercising daily, he is able to maintain a strong body for both forms. Additionally, he is provided the enhanced senses of a cat, giving him many advantages but also some vulnerabilities. His sense of smell is incredible and he can identify almost anything he puts his nose to. However, his nose can also get over-whelmed by scents that are too strong, which may nauseate him or make his sinuses congested. Worse than that is he can be immobilized by a sound if it's loud enough, not just because of his sensitive ears but because of his hidden traumas.

- Something that few expect of Lazlo is his ability to use martial arts. As a cat-man and as a regular cat, he creatively puts to use what he's learned from observing dojo sessions and television programs. He, of course, is far more effective with the skill when he's in his human-like form. Leopard Style Kung-Fu is his favorite and what he uses most often. It's essential to his self-defense, and to any defense he must provide to his favorite person.

- Having spent his life in the streets, he learned to become an excellent hunter. These skills are useful for many situations that may require stealthiness or tracking. He's also good at navigating/exploring, gathering information, and memorizing significant locations, even in unfamiliar territory. It is appropriate to say that he is 'street smart.' This makes him very aware of street-level secrets, criminal activities, and places that are either safe or highly dangerous for cat-folk such as himself.

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1662092320138.pngName: Cassius
Age: 25
Race: Human Cyborg
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Cassius serves as Team Leader and "Tank" for an Overwatch division called Vigorwatch.

Personality: Stoic, Professional, Traumatized, Depressed, Athletic, Encouraging, Protective, Thoughtful, Militaristic, Polite, Stric, Introverted, Caring, Tired

Random Creative Descriptors:
He Hasn't Been The Same Since He Lost His Brother
Will Protect You With His Life
Doesn't Smile Much
Rescued Science Experiment
Sad Orphan Boy
Wants To Connect With Others, But It's Hard...
All Work, No Play
Learning To Let Love In
Loves Team-Building Exercises

Cassius is the defender of his team. Because of his enhanced physical and mental stamina, he can endure significant amounts of pain, discomfort, stress, and generally anything else that would usually slow down a regular person. Combining this with his high-end armor, and shield technology makes him an effective damage blocker. Even he has limits, though. When his body has been pushed to a certain point, he will struggle and sometimes fail, to fight the need to shut down and recover his energy. He will also experience all the fatigue, aches, and whatnot, that he was meant to feel before all at once. Depending on the reasons for this condition, he could need lengthy naps, lots of food to devour, medication, massages, and so on. Proper care assures he will be able to continue his duties as an Overwatch tank, as well as sustain his improved health and survivability.

Part of his modifications come from alterations to his physical being. Both arms are mechanical, the functions of which are controlled through technology wired from his limbs to his brain and spine. They have a mode for defense and a mode for attack. The former produces shields, the latter produces knives to make him deadlier in melee combat. The blades can be used as projectiles. He carries spares on himself since the blades can't always be retrieved for reattachment. When he needs to expand on his ranged weaponry, he'll arm himself with guns of varied sorts depending on what the mission demands.

Many kinds of smaller organizations exist in the shadows of the greater, well-known ones. As popular names such as Overwatch and Talon command the attention of all, it can be surprisingly easy to make one's scientific dreams a reality. Not all of these projects, unfortunately, are born with the good of mankind in mind. There are some that are built on foundations of selfishness and greed, not to mention an unhealthy type of curiosity...

Cassius had once been a victim to one such organization that simply called itself "Sanctum." Sanctum was run by a team of three, with one being the main supplier for money, and the other two being brilliant, scientific minds. Under them, of course, was a team of equally as brilliant people who swore to secrecy, and agreed to push the boundaries of science however necessary.

And push them they did. Knowing it would earn them millions, possibly even billions, they designed experiments that would create super-enhanced human beings to sell to the highest bidders in private auctions. They could be purposed as guards or soldiers who would serve the government that bought them. To make this possible, stealthy criminals-for-hire were employed to kidnap healthy orphan children of varied ages. They saw the benefit of raising them in their laboratory environment so they could be educated, exercised, and brought to good health, before the experiments. Growing up in the lab from a young age, it will become the only life they know until they are assigned to someplace else.

Among the orphans were Cassius, and his slightly younger brother. The two were abducted from the streets of Mexico at the young ages of 9 and 8. Prior to their transformations as enhanced human beings, they were called Oscar, and Alonso, but were then renamed, Cassius and Thorn. The names of their former selves, along with the many other memories, were forcibly removed from their minds. At most, they've maintained the memories significant to their bond as brothers, that being an importance even the men and women in lab coats acknowledged.

Seeing their potential to be a formidable duo, the two were modified, raised, and trained to complement one another in a battlefield. With Cassius growing to be a tall, muscular sort, they altered him to where his body has high resistance to the build-up of lactic acid in his muscles. As a result, he can last a very long time without slowing down or getting too tired, at least until his limits are reached. Thorn was skinnier and smaller, but amazingly agile. By enhancing his speed, he was significantly faster than his brother, making it easy to stay caught up with him. Although he was trained to use a gun, he primarily made use of a weapon meant to heal. Using it to full effectiveness added to the number of hours Cassius could last, which was certain to make them extra valuable in the auction.

At the ages of 19 and 18, they were transported to the auction along with many other orphans who finished their final exams, so to speak. To everyone's surprise, the auction was interrupted by a squad of Overwatch agents. Through the work of their well-trained spies, they uncovered the secrets of Sanctum in time to foil their plans. No final sales were made that evening, needless to say. This also meant the permanent end to Sanctum. Any guilty members of the organization who managed to escape arrest are actively hunted down.

Pure chaos erupted, though. Many ended up fleeing the scene, including the majority of the super-humans being put up for auction. Cassius and Thorn, on the other hand, were found hiding in a conference room of some sort. This was what led to them being recruited by Overwatch, so that they could fulfill their purpose in a good way. Living a normal life just didn't seem possible for the two young men who were raised to be killing machines of certain kinds.

For six years, the two of them loyally served their Organization. Despite their dark history, they proved to be perfect fits for what Overwatch stood for. However, not all good things were meant to last... Only Cassius will see his seventh year of service, due to an unexpected tragedy. While the team of four was on a risky mission, a sudden disaster struck. At the time the brothers were separated from their teammates, only Cassius was safely reunited with the other two. Cassius doesn't like to talk about how and why it all happened. All he tends to say is that his brother made a brave sacrifice for him, and the only way he thinks he can repay such a huge debt is to keep carrying out his duties until he physically can't anymore. Although he has become more quiet, and somewhat colder, he carries much determination to protect as many innocent lives as possible, just like his brother did.

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Name: Varaim [Vah-ray-m]m1smol.png
Titles: The Golden-Eyed Nightmare Eater, The Horned Dream Fairy, Keeper of the Night Blue Hyacinths
Age: Ancient/Ageless
Race: Demon
Sex: Male
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Primarily a They/Them, but He and She are also acceptable
Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Varaim is called a 'Dream Demon' or a 'Nightmare Eater.' Their specialty is infiltrating a person's mind and learning the weaknesses of whatever nightmare is plaguing them at bedtime. When summoned, Varaim will help the mortal be able to sleep peacefully.

Personality: Playful, Whimsical, Lovable, Romantic, Youthful, Sage, Nature-loving, Solitary, Cute, Slumbersome, Curious, Airy, Secretive, Reliable

Random Creative Descriptors:
Literally Hungry For Darkness
Demonic Mischief Blended With Fairy-like Sweetness
Always Smells Like Flowers And Good Dreams
Professional Sleepyhead
Cuteness And Whimsy
A Light In The Darkness
Adores Children And Animals
Will Cheer You Up With Silliness And Magic

Summoning Ritual:
Varaim is a demon who freely travels and is their own boss. That semi-changes in the event of a summoning, of course. The summoner's wishes are Varaim's command so both sides can get what they desire. Once the contract is fulfilled (as in, the summoner's nightmare is gone and Varaim has devoured the nightmare), the partnership is over.

-Decorate the summoning circle with candles and flower arrangements. You should include Hyacinths because they are Varaim's favorite. Adding in potted plants and flower seeds earns extra favor from the demon.
-Place a bedtime stuffed animal (or a sentimental trinket or toy if you don't have stuffies) at the center of the circle. One that is personal to you. It won't work if you buy a new one for the summoning. (Nothing bad will happen to the stuffy. Varaim promises.)
-On a coffee mug or teacup, paint or draw the demonic runes that spell out Varaim's name. Where you write the runes doesn't matter as long as the writing won't easily wash away.
-Speak these words when you're ready to summon Varaim:

"Ev'ry night, I go to bed
with cruel monsters in my head
I wish them away
and I wish them dead
I call on Varaim
to devour this dread"

It's also acceptable to write your own prayer or poem to the demon. If you do so, and you do it well, it'll earn you more favor.
-Sacrifice some of your own blood. It must be freshly offered during the summoning. Let the blood drip into the coffee mug/teacup. You don't have to fill the entire cup. A teaspoon's worth will be enough.
-OPTIONAL: If you wish, you can add extra gifts such as moon water, coffee, tea, stuffed animals you're willing to part with (old or new), handwritten lullabies, sweets/pastries, pinwheels, blue lace agates, lapis lazuli, and handwritten stories about your dreams. These gifts will not only gain you favor but will amplify Varaim's abilities when they get to work. If you think you have quite a powerful nightmare beast in your head, it's worthwhile to add at least an extra item.

NOTE: Varaim can and will also respond to simple prayers for help. You have to really, really put your everything into it, though. An interesting thing about this is that Varaim does like to help others, but they also have to prioritize their own health. The darker and nastier the nightmare, the better sustained they'll be for a while. They want to go to where the biggest hunts are.
Those who manage to 'summon' Varaim this way will still have to make a deal. And true to a demon's nature, Varaim will try to get a little more out of the deal, since there's no contract beholding anyone to a code. Usually, they'll ask you to give them something of value, or they'll ask for a favor, it depends on who you are and what you can offer and also perhaps what mood the demon's in at the time.

- Varaim's shapeshifting capabilities can go beyond one's imagination. They can take on forms of quite possibly anything, including creatures and concepts that technically 'don't exist.' These abilities enable Varaim to blend in better with someone's dreams, or they may need to take on a comforting form that soothes their summoner. Shapeshifting is also a bridge for communication, should Varaim's usual form not be ideal for a conversation.

- Although this demon has a small and delicate appearance, their strength and power should not be underestimated. Neither should the peaceful demeanor they have. When there's reason for it, Varaim can and will get violent, and their appearance can quickly become traumatic to witness. We're not just talking about their shapeshifting or crafty illusions. If you think you've seen a nightmare already, prepare to witness a living nightmare unlike any other.

- There are many individuals who want to either capture, control or kill Varaim. They are equipped to deal with demons, whether through certain forms of magic, weapons, skills, and so on. Varaim might need backup in these situations or else they might get captured or severely injured.

- Varaim has a weakness against holy elements and fire magic.

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smaller_norrix.pngName: Norrix [Noh-ricks]
Title(s): The Skeleton Horned Animal King, The Father of Graveyard Moths, The Soul-Reaping Skeleton Father, He Who Wanders the Pet Cemeteries, The Golden-Eyed Ram, Fierce Protector of Cats
Names of his Cats: Dana (She/Her) & Jello (She/Her)
Age: Ancient/Ageless
Race: Reaper
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Norrix is a Reaper specifically for earthly animals. This means animals of all kinds in all realms of nature, including the likes of dinosaurs and animal-like creatures like werewolves or cryptids. Their souls get led to their proper afterlife. He can perform his duties for humans as well but his intended role is geared toward animals. (And since human souls have some measure of judgment involved, he prefers to not mess with those. Animals are such pure souls that he doesn't have to worry if they're 'good' or bad'.) Those who reap or guide human souls might not appreciate him interfering, however, it's not uncommon for his help to be recruited in times of great devastation, like wars for instance where there are too many souls for one reaper to handle in enough time.

Personality: Empathetic, Fatherly, Melancholy, Grouchy, Quiet, Compassionate, Wise, Authoritative, Cryptic, Gentlemanly, Proud, Curious, Caring

Random Creative Descriptors:
Acts Cold But He's Secretly Intense
A Manly Monster; A Monster Of A Man
"I'm So Proud Of My Children"

Bone Manipulation: Norrix can command his bones to do anything he imagines, whether that be reshaping, weaponizing, defending, or even communicating. This includes the bones of his skeleton cats.
Shapeshifting: He can take on any kind of form, whether it's humanoid, animal, or even alien.
Afterlife Marking: Norrix will mark a soul with a symbol that specifies which afterlife they'll go to. From there, the soul's final resting place will be determined.
Afterlife Transport: If it's needed, Norrix can provide transportation to the soul going to the afterlife. It can be done willingly or unwillingly.

Cordelia, daughter
Xenos, son
Celestria, former lover/mate

Norrix (2).jpg
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willow.jpgName: Willow Trevelyan
Title: The Weeping Willow
Age: 25
Race: Half-Forest Nymph, Half-God
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Princess

Personality: Somber, Kind, Emotional, Shy, Compassionate, Sisterly, Artistic, Melancholy, Self-Conscious, Anxious, Sweet, Giving, Affectionate, Sensitive

Likes: Art, Nature walks, Plants, Naps, Dresses, Poetry

Dislikes: Rain, Crying, Fire

Random Creative Descriptors:
It Literally Rains When She Cries
A Princess Locked Away In A Tower
A Drama Queen And She Knows It

Plant Camouflage
Life-giving (to plants)
Rain Summoning
Plant Communication
Plant-based Attacks

Emotionally Unstable
Not A Fighter

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1685167756611.pngName: Callisto
Title: Mother of Dead Sailors, She Who Guides The Dead Stars & Seafolk, The Rainsoaked Reaper From Space, The Queen of Stardust Seas
Age: Ancient/Ageless
Race: Reaper
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: She is a Reaper who can be found in two places. Either she is guiding souls from the sea of the Earth, or souls from space.

Personality: Motherly, Enchanting, Affectionate, Calm, Emotional, Somber, Mysterious, Musical, Soothing, Macabre, Curious

Abilities (wip):
Water Constructs:
Stardust Constructs:
Water + Stardust Constructs:
Afterlife Ladyship:
Life-Force Manipulation:

Cordelia, half-sister
Celestria, mother

Bio (wip):
Callisto is the product of a reaper attached to the stars, and a reaper attached to the seas. On account of these connections, she is someone who can travel between the realms of Space and Earthly Seas.
Through her ability to manipulate stardust and water, she can create uniquely beautiful constructs. Although there are defensive and combative purposes available, she is not hostile by nature. Callisto is meant to be a comfort for others, whether they're alive, dying, or dead. She makes use of her talents to soothe them until her services are no longer required.

As much as she's in tune with death, she's also in tune with life. When it's not yet someone's time, she may give them what they need to carry on, but only if they choose to accept her aid (example: she can guide a sailor out of a storm unharmed if it's not their time to die. But they need to agree to her helping them, otherwise, she'd be interfering without consent. There are rules to follow!)

Due to her connection with the seas, she carries with her many memories to do with sailors, pirates, and sea creatures who she helped pass into the afterlife. She spends a lot of time looking at the stars, too, listening to their voices should they travel her way. Sometimes, she can offer guidance to a star that's about to perish, seeing to it they have a name of their own and a sweet song to hear in their passing. The very same is offered to the mortals she walks amongst.

Callisto is a patient, fun-loving individual with flirty charms and a motherly type of love. It's very hard to anger her, but if you manage to, you will face a wrath akin to the stormy seas themselves.

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tenten_humanform.jpgName: Etenphyr
Titles/Nicknames: Tenten, Guardian of the Swamp, Swamp Queen, Swamp Witch, The Dragon Witch
Age: 601
Race: Dragon
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Elder Dragon, Swamp Witch, Local Prophet

Personality: Kind, Eccentric, Wise, Motherly, Mysterious, Protective, Smart, Powerful, Friendly, Proud, Silly, Emotional, Peaceful, Creative, Territorial

Height: 6'
Build: Strong, Muscular
Skin: Caramel Brown
Eyes: The left one is brown, the right one is emerald green
Hair: Hip Length, Chocolate Brown with Green Streaks, Unkempt
Clothes: She doesn't like clothing, but she'll wear simple covers where it matters most, or she'll wear dresses. She also has a couple of hooded cloaks in her wardrobe, and she likes to wear accessories naturally made from plants.

Shapeshifting: Tenten is able to change her appearance to anything she can imagine. This allows for better communication with other species. When she isn't wearing one of these alternate forms, she likes to be her true self, which is a massive swamp dragon who is tall enough see past the tops of the trees. As a dragon, she is a mighty beast whose size and battle prowess takes a lot of skill to outdo. In her 600 years of life, she's experienced a lot, to say the least.
Magical Skills: Through a combination of Earth and Water magic, she produces what she calls 'Swamp Magic.' She is also an expert with Witchcraft, and she knows Low-Level Fire Magic via her Fiery Dragonbreath.

Local Professions: Locally, she is known as a Prophet who vocalizes messages from the gods and obsessively tells the stories of The Chosen One. In addition to this, her reputation as a Witch has gotten people to realize how skillful she is with Healing, Plant identification, Making potions and poisons, and much more. She provides services for small favors or fees in exchange, or she might do them for free depending on how much she likes you.

Isolation: Tenten is a loner, which means she is extra vulnerable against a group of other dragons. None have tried to challenge her for her territory for years, but she always worries it'll be tried again someday.

Fire Limits: Using her firebreath will cost a tremendous amount of energy, and it'll be painful for her. It's a give and take because she can do a lot of damage with this, but it'll cause burn damage that'll need some time to heal.

Weak Spots: Her underbelly, eyes, and wings are the most vulnerable places on her body. Enough damage to these areas could end up disabling her. She gets especially worried about anything happening to her wings because it sorrowfully hurts a dragon to not be able to fly.

[[Note: The pictures are just Faceclaims. I didn't commission them.]]
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Bohai.jpgFirst Name: Bohai
Surname: Xiong
Titles/Nicknames: Master Bohai, Bo, Bear
Age: 27
Race: Were-Bear
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Dojo Master

Personality: Serious, Hard-Working, Authoritative, Lonely, Strong, Confident, Melancholy, Doesn't Smile Much, Secretly Playful, Grumpy, Spiritual, Calm, Stolid, Compassionate

~Martial Arts Mastery: Bohai is well-trained in multiple fighting forms. The ones he achieved Mastery of are teachable to pupils. He has his own Dojo where students can train under him.
~Weapons Training: Bohai practices daily with different kinds of swords, for the most part. Swords are his favorites and they are his babies. He's also dabbled with spears and crossbows. Everything else, he can say he's at least sampled, so that there's something to start with for The Chosen One. Every little bit of knowledge helps.
~Water Magic: Morwenna, The Water Deity, blessed him with the ability to wield water as a magical element.
~Good With Animals: Since he is partly an animal himself, he gets along extremely well with other animals. He can even translate what they're saying.
~Were-Bear Form: Bo's other form is a giant panda bear. The version of him is naturally intimidating, makes use of sharp claws, has powerful bone-breaking jaws, and is terrifyingly strong.

~Form Differences: Bo deals with a huge contrast between his Human Form and Bear Form. As a Human, he's much faster, more agile, more flexible, and has quieter footsteps. As a bear, he's much slower, he's heavier, he can't sneak around as easily, and he's very limited on the fighting stances he can take on. It's much easier to just fight like a wild animal when he's in bear form.
~Calm vs Aggressive: As a human man, he is such a calm presence that people feel calm just being around him. Sometimes he has angry outbursts, but they don't last very long and he reigns it in really well. However, as a bear, he has a harder time controlling his emotions and aggression. If the form change gets triggered by fear or anger, he is likely to go into a blind rage until he comes to his senses or just gets knocked out. But if he changes into the form at will, or during a full moon, he can maintain his calm quite well. It's just important for him to avoid stress so he doesn't start giving into his aggressive beastly side.
~Magical Limitations: Water exists all over, but dry waterless areas exist, too. Bohai sometimes finds himself unable to use his elemental magic if there's not enough water available for him to control. In a dire enough situation, he could be forced to use his own blood, which comes with obvious consequences.

Height: 5'9"
Build: Athletic, Toned Muscles, Lean
Skin: Honey Beige
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Shoulder-length, White
Clothes: Plain in fashion or Traditional garbs, Dresses practically, Sometimes wanders around shirtless with pants on.
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Josephine "Joseph" Birchall

Rebirth Name:
Elfin Valamir

Lady Valamir, The Ice-Hearted Countess, Elfi, EV, Eva



Female (She/They)


Hard-Working, Cool, Clever, Curious, Strict, Haughty, Authoritative, Sadistic, Confident, Powerful, Self-Loving, Secretly Lonely, Moody, Untrusting Of Others, Emotionally Unavailable (Until the ice around her heart starts to finally melt, at least), Easily Amused, Melancholy, Nerdy

Height: 5'7"
Skin: Beneath her disguise of caramel brown skin, her actual skin tone is pale snowy white. When she's feeding well, she can maintain whatever form she wants to.
Build: Athletic, Lean, Flat Chested, Skinny
Hair: White, Medium-Short length, Sometimes messy and Sometimes clean
Style: Elfi aims for androgynous styles that make people question what her gender is supposed to be. She dresses like a proper noble in tasteful pants and tops with matching coats, vests, and accessories. Rarely will she be seen in dresses, but when the mood strikes her, she will dust off one of the few she has in her closet.
Youthfulness: Elfin was mid-twenties when she was turned into a vampire. No matter how old she gets, she continues to look this age.

Cain Valamir, Brother

Elfin is from a vampire family called The Valamirs. Having demonstrated years upon years of loyalty to The Master, she earned a place among those who get to be Lords, Ladies, Nobles, and the like. It was a dream come true to be told she'd get her own territory to govern.

The town where she resides is successful thanks to all the investments made by the Valamir Family. The crops are thriving, families are wholesome, the businesses are booming, and security is reliable as ever. Even wildlife is flourishing because doing harm to nature would lead to deadly consequences. Doing good by the townsfolk makes Elfin's reputation more positive than she deserves it to be. For the staff members who work at her mansion know a different version of the countess...

Before she was turned, Elfin was a scholar named Josephine Birchall. It was hard to fit in or be taken seriously as a woman pursuing educational professions, so she practiced mannerisms and styles that would make her a convincing man in public. She went by the name of 'Joseph' and proved to be quite successful with her efforts. She was able to learn a lot from her mentors because they believed she was a man.
Those aspects of her history are what play into her new identity as the androgynous vampire countess named Elfin Valamir. In this new life, she doesn't have to worry about being taken seriously or getting proper respect. Plenty of it is provided by her Master, her peers, and her family, and she can look however she wants to without worry. (That said, part of her deep down does fuss over her gender identity.) It would also be safe to say that she's gone mad with power. Nothing will get in her way or else she unleashes a cold wrath like no other.
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