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Eshil, 24th day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 ADW
9 Days after the fall of Thalia
10 miles North-East of
@Falcon @Verran @Jessica2477 @Nomad-22 @Takumi @Conway @TheSly

Alrevis watched sighing a bit as Ludivine mentioned they had in a most unexpected tactic caught Fosc. Rubbing his temple at his old friends rather large failure to keep herself safe while tracking he noticed that Reina would be best left to her own devices of decision. He was the new one to the group after all, and while Gavril trusted him that didn't ease Reina mind clearly from the look he got from her. Knowing the support realm all to well it was clear attempting to try anything further would only backfire it was best to wait for her to talk it out, and question him if she wanted advice. With that Alrevis respectfully kept to himself waiting to see how the situation would pan out. Though as he did he did take a new near Ludivine grabbing his water canteen, and offered her a drink whispering to her partially to not interrupt the conversation at hand.

"So mind telling me why one of Stanislavs elite wyvern riders is so far away from home scouring the land for a missing political figure," Alrevis asked offering her to drink as by the dryness of her lips it was clear she was very parched, and like the stubborn mule he knew her for on missions had probably not taken much care of her dietary needs. He sat down watching her eyes knowing her damn to well for her to get away with anything but the truth though what he clearly wanted was the name of the Stanislav officer that sent her. He needed to know if that group had already infiltrated deeper into the Stanislav ranks faster then he had projected.


24th day of Zoi - 9 Days after the fall of Thalia
Atrea, The Dancing Willow Charside

@Falcon @Verran @Conway

What began as a amusing day filled with Aina yelling out a check point officer with hazardous materials was easily brokered by the reminder of Iori's ever held stare into his soul.He had heard Midorians were stubborn with a culture that hated subterfuge, but damn the stories never prepared one for the feeling of it down your neck. Iori was truly a worthy blinking contest rival... hell she could go pro if she wanted. He chuckled at the silly notion right in front of Iori giving her a peaceful grin as he helped Gus by pushing the collective giving the mule a much better start. As the group headed for a rather specific tavern Lauvus kept note of the building layout notioning multiple high tier archering spots, and potential assassin hiding spots. A gift from his training as a lord. A notion of planned attack was what kept him alive after all. Upon Aina's notion to the servicing of the nights sleeping arrangements Iori immediately gave her full opinion to which Lauvus was in full agreement to.

"Very true miss Iori it would be improper to you both if i stayed in the same room. I will garner my own bedding, and stay with the supplies, and Gus tonight. Besides I am much more akin to a sleeping bag then a bed to be honest," Lauvus answered honestly not wanting to impose on Aina's budget for something so meager as a proper sleeping arrangement.

"Alas I dread the notion to allowing Iori another night of just staring at me I might start to get the wrong idea," he jovially teased waving off Iori's continued hostility. As the conversation died down a new form of entertainment for the night bloomed into life as the group of three was introduced to a rather crafty bard who rather impressively played the entertainer and the bouncer to a room of drunk sailors expertly weaving one such man out of a midorian woman's way. Lauvus himself had a tankard near the edge of the table in case he needed to route a handsy man himself for his female companions. As the festivity ended with the Bard returning to the table Lauvus smiled respectfully clapping for the man's genuine skill.

"No worries ma'am and we appreciate the gesture of kindness you have bestowed upon us," Lauvus chuckled politely bowing to the tavern woman as his attention returned to Tsubaki.

"Quite the master of your craft good sir, but by all means don't let me stop your hunt," he chuckled as it was clear the bard was playing a cupid notion to their Aina. He chuckled watching the situation play out the man was quite frankly a breath of fresh air to the companionship of Iori.
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Gavril Daulfern and
Ludivine Daulfern
Mentions - @Falcon @Azurian Dream

"..." He paused at Reina's suggestion for only a moment. It'd been seven years since he last saw his sister, and hadn't been around for most of Ludivine's training as a Stanislavian soldier. However, from what training he did receive from his homeland, Gavril could figure out his sister's fighting foundation. He knew the commanders would have each soldier repeat their movements until it became muscle memory. Gavril's own fighting technique stemmed from the very same foundation.

But on top of that, he still remembered the general raising of Ludivine's wyvern when they were children. What she taught it, how she raised it, and how the two became an inseparable pair.

If anyone could keep Ludivine in check, it was him...

He waited for his turn to speak when it came time, "I can certainly keep the prisoner under control, and I know just how to get her compliance." He assured them.

Alrevis had gone up to Ludivine to try and offer water while asking his own questions... Though Gavril had a good idea how that would end.

Meanwhile, Ludivine had been silent until she unexpectedly snapped at Uaria, "He is not some flying lizard."

She was aware that she wasn't in the right place to be talking back to her captures, but her companion wasn't just some flying lizard that they could command willy nilly! He was her partner-in-arms! Her comrade! And they had the gall to talk about him as if he weren't!

That was all she said as she fell silent again, inwardly cursing herself for speaking out of turn. Whether she liked it or not, she had to cooperate. They still had Fosc under their capture, and until then, they could threaten her with his life...

She didn't know what she'd do if she lost her beloved wyvern.

But, as the more the Taguel spoke of the band of missing children, her eyes betrayed the stoic face she held in front of her captures.

Ludivine wanted to help those children as well.

She could guess very well what fate awaited those poor souls at the hands of those thieves... She couldn't bear the thought.

And she knew Gavril caught it.

Alrevis approached her, offering a very... tempting drink from his canteen. However, he asked her questions on top of it. She turned her head, refusing the drink, and refusing to answer.

Though they were friends in the past, Ludivine was still a prisoner. She didn't know what herb or poison laced that water and she would not take the risk...

No matter how good the intentions were, betrayal was always possible...

"You won't get an answer from her like that, Alrevis." Gavril spoke up to him, "You and I are well aware the end that awaits her if she supplies one."


"However. As heartless and war hungry Stanislavians may be, I am willing to bet my hands and feet that the prisoner wants to rescue the children as much as my charge does. If she cooperates, then maybe the well being of her wyvern can be promised in turn."

Ludivine's eyes widened a bit hearing that last sentence. A microexpression, but an expression.

Her beloved wyvern...Where was he?

Gavril had worked her into a corner, hadn't he? What choice did she have unless she wanted to risk Fosc's life...

"...Of course..."


Suraya of Farrokhzad
Mentions - @Falcon @TheSly @Conway

Her ears perked up as she listened to Esmail's explanation that corrected whatever she got wrong, keeping a mental note for it for the future, and to Levi's words. She enjoyed talking amongst their small group; though she had just met these men not too long ago, their companionship did make her travels with Naira all the more interesting~

Plus, it was much more fun to get to hear what strangers turned friends had to say instead of listening to herself talk while Naira politely listened.

She noticed Esmail seeming to fall silent at the realization of something, and while oh so tempting, she decided not to mention anything. Suraya just gave him a smug little smile that promised mischief in the future.

Since he gave no implications of wanting it to cease, maybe she could compliment him a bit more? Maybe she'd get to see that pale face turn pink?

"Thank you, Levi~ I'd be happy to have a tour guide to help this lost, fair maiden. Besides, I enjoy your company~" She answered the archer with a smile. Joris's description of Atrea came after, making her wonder just what awaited her in that new, unfamiliar territory. "A tavern you say? Well, I just so happen to frequent the taverns of every place I've visited, and I'd hate for this new tradition to stop... I'll buy you all driiinks~" She added the last part as if it would help influence their decision.

If they chose not to enjoy the tavern when they arrived, then Suraya would be happy to go by herself.

Early, Early Morning
24th day of Zoi - 9 Days after the fall of Thalia
Eshil, 10 miles North-East of Abelsol

"Thank you!" Reina whispered back to Martha, half reaching for a hug before she remembered where they were and who they were with. A greatful nod was given to Gavril when he confirmed he could handle the new woman who had been spying on them.
"Since so many of you seem okay with the idea I think we should all get some more sleep and then when it's daylight we can try to track the bandits?" Her eyes scanned the group seeking any resistance to the idea, although her tone implied her mind was made up.

"That will be well" Uaria bowed from where she stood a short bit away as if Reina had spoken to her. "We will help with the night watch. And to you, Lady Soldier," here she bowed to Ludivine , "I meant no offence to your flying companion. My hunters should have him safe as we harm none who have not yet harmed us."

"We lured it with a deer carcass, Ma'am," a blue haired taguel answered. "The... Wyvern? seemed to be happy enough to sit put as long as we were not threatening it, and we just provided extra incentive to do so."

23nd day of Zoi - 8 Days after the fall of Thalia
Eshil, Several miles south of the Ufral Boarder

"No," Esmail answered, "I have never left Ufral's boarders before. In fact that is precisely why I arranged for Sr. Joris to come along. I wasn't sure where I'd find her ladyship and I knew that once we reached the grasslands I would need help. As for his particular travels you shall have to ask the man himself.

His eyes scanned for danger although Esmail was painfully aware that this was territory he was very unfamiliar with. He wasn't even sure what he should be watching for.

His eyes completely missed the way the long grass moved unalterably some twenty yards off the road they followed.

@Verran @Conway @VicViper1

Early Evening
24th day of Zoi - 9 Days after the fall of Thalia
Atrea, Charside, off the Main Road

"Oh I've traveled far and wide and with many companions since we last met, but none yet have managed to match your silver tongue, my friend." Aina gestured for Tsubaki to sit in the empty chair at their mostly hidden cover booth. Her smile was wide with mirth and her eyes bright.

"But even so, let me introduce you. This is Iori. We hail from the same part of Midori and have had quite a few adventures together. She's agreed to be my guard for this trip since my father has finally convinced the guild i'm capable of trading without a minder." She nodded to the pale haired woman with a smile, pronouncing the girl's name Ee-or-ee.

"And this is Lauvus. We have only a few days acquaintance, but I found him half drowned in the river and couldn't very well leave the man there. He's proven to be quite handy and I dare say may know some stories you've yet to hear." Here she nodded at the young man in the pink shirt.

"Iori, Lauvus , this is Tsubaki, a bard of some renown and a great source of entertainment for myself. We've shared more than a few meals whenever our paths cross. Now, you must tell me, Tsubaki, what brings you to these parts? Are you escorting that young woman over there perhaps?" and here she nodded towards the Midorian mercenary.
Arell McCain
Islas de Abaroa

Arell let Rendan drag him along, doing his best to keep up while he slipped his tome from his satchel and held it tight under arm while his companion rushed them out and spoke in a way that seemed urgent in an almost panicked way, if you asked the redhead. He nearly tripped but quickly righted himself, heart beating fast and for a moment he was a bit worried that his chest was going to start hurting from how hard it was going.

Then a ball of fire had hit, and Arell was already opening his tome with his gaze trying to follow the trajectory and path the spell had come from, amber eyes quickly scanning the rooftops as two fingers were outstretched to cast in the hopes of hitting their attacker with a slightly similar level of precision in an attempt to limit any potential collateral damage.

That also didn't account for the fact that his target could likely try and move out the way, but right now his focus was on finding and incapacitating said target.

'Where...where are you?' He thought, runes at his fingertips and the words to cast on his tongue. The moment he saw movement that definitely wasn't a bird he had released his own smaller fireball towards his target, standing between their initial firing point and where Rendan laid upon impact, heart thumping so loudly in his ears from the rush of adrenaline and the bit of running down the stairs moments before.

"Rendan, how bad is it? Can you even stand?" He questioned, not wanting to take his eyes off of any potential threats but also wanting to check on his companion, while mentally cursing at the fact that he didn't bring anything medical other than some bandages that were likely at the bottom of the satchel.

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Islas de Abaroa, 26th​ day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 ADW.
11 Days after the fall of Thalia.
Port City of

Upon crashing into the ground, Rendan instinctively rolled to smother the flames that threatened to scorch across his body. A hole would be seared into his clothes, leaving a horrendous burn until he could mend the former and heal the latter. Internally, he examined the injury. It'd hurt like hell to move his left arm, but it'd mend. It wasn't the first time Rendan had been on fire.

"I'll live! We need to keep moving. Get back to the ship and get out of here."

People were scattering, running from the center of the attack, which is to say, him. Not that there were ton of people around. With the church's service still a fair bit off, not many were milling about the square in front of it. Arell's fireball had flashed into a nearby alley. If it hit anything, Rendan had no idea. He rose to a crouch and planted a foot to the ground to rise when, ready for it this time, he caught the flare of magic and fire from the corner of his eye. Rolling, the blaze of another fireball shot past, straight at his companion. But that wasn't the end of their problems. As the remainder of the civilians cleared, it became apparent that the enemy mage wasn't alone.

Brandishing a simple hatchet a man with a black and grey beard that looked more akin to twisted metal than hair with a grin missing at least three teeth charged. Rendan groaned as he fumbled free his katana. Visitors to the Islas de Aboroa were usually shocked at the lack of anything resembling a town guard. It was usually merely considered bad form to murder in broad daylight. That you shouldn't expect to live after nightfall if you killed. Clearly, whoever was paying these brigands was offering the right price. They'd have to at least dispatch the hatcheteer and move quickly. Rendan hoped there weren't too many more who had also been offered whatever price had suddenly manifested on himself and Arell's head.
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Islas de Abaroa, 26th​ day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 ADW.

11 Days after the fall of Thalia.

Port City of Levitum


Upon crashing into the ground, Rendan instinctively rolled to smother the flames that threatened to scorch across his body. A hole would be seared into his clothes, leaving a horrendous burn until he could mend the former and heal the latter. Internally, he examined the injury. It'd hurt like hell to move his left arm, but it'd mend. It wasn't the first time Rendan had been on fire.

"I'll live! We need to keep moving. Get back to the ship and get out of here."

People were scattering, running from the center of the attack, which is to say, him. Not that there were ton of people around. With the church's service still a fair bit off, not many were milling about the square in front of it. Arell's fireball had flashed into a nearby alley. If it hit anything, Rendan had no idea. He rose to a crouch and planted a foot to the ground to rise when, ready for it this time, he caught the flare of magic and fire from the corner of his eye. Rolling, the blaze of another fireball shot past, straight at his companion. But that wasn't the end of their problems. As the remainder of the civilians cleared, it became apparent that the enemy mage wasn't alone.

Brandishing a simple hatchet a man with a black and grey beard that looked more akin to twisted metal than hair with a grin missing at least three teeth charged. Rendan groaned as he fumbled free his katana. Visitors to the Islas de Aboroa were usually shocked at the lack of anything resembling a town guard. It was usually merely considered bad form to murder in broad daylight. That you shouldn't expect to live after nightfall if you killed. Clearly, whoever was paying these brigands was offering the right price. They'd have to at least dispatch the hatcheteer and move quickly. Rendan hoped there weren't too many more who had also been offered whatever price had suddenly manifested on himself and Arell's head.

Arell McCain
Islas de Abaroa

Arell nodded at Rendan's words as he watched his attack enter an alley. Squinting, he could barely make out a silhouette deeper in before his fire ball made contact with something and burst forth in a flicker of orange light. Small embers hit the ground, but quickly snuffed out. It was hard for the young mage to determine if his attack had hit his opponent head on and if the sound he strained his ears to listen for was a muffled cry or grunt of pain when Rendan had hit the ground again behind him.

Arell turned his head and caught a glimpse at the attack heading for him and nearly scrambled to sidestep it, sucking in a sharp breath when it instead caught the end of his satchel.

No, no no no no! He quickly patted the flames out with his free hand on autopilot, not caring much for the pain that it sparked in his fingers. The satchel and coat were the only possessions he had from his mother, they had been her's and he'd be damned if he lost them like this!

Taking a calming breath he turned on a dime, a counter attack of his own aimed right at where the second enemy mage had sent their attack as he assessed Rendan's condition and how he was doing just as another assailant made themselves known. A man with a graying beard and a hatchet, a few missing teeth from his wide grin. Likely seasoned and experienced, willing to kill for whatever price was put on their heads.

Amber eyes narrowed as his mouth set in a thin line for a moment. While Rendan's injury wasn't exactly fatal, it would most likely hinder him somewhat, and the redhead had no doubt that their opponent would try and exploit that and use it to their advantage. The moment there was any distance between Rendan and the hatchet weilder, he'd send a small ball of fire at the man's feet to, hopefully, distract him or give Rendan enough time to quickly go on the offensive.



"Thank you!" Reina whispered back to Martha, half reaching for a hug before she remembered where they were and who they were with. A greatful nod was given to Gavril when he confirmed he could handle the new woman who had been spying on them.

"Since so many of you seem okay with the idea I think we should all get some more sleep and then when it's daylight we can try to track the bandits?" Her eyes scanned the group seeking any resistance to the idea, although her tone implied her mind was made up.

"That will be well" Uaria bowed from where she stood a short bit away as if Reina had spoken to her. "We will help with the night watch. And to you, Lady Soldier," here she bowed to Ludivine , "I meant no offence to your flying companion. My hunters should have him safe as we harm none who have not yet harmed us."

"We lured it with a deer carcass, Ma'am," a blue haired taguel answered. "The... Wyvern? seemed to be happy enough to sit put as long as we were not threatening it, and we just provided extra incentive to do so."

Martha Fabre and Gertrude
Plains of Eshil

Martha gave Reina a slight nod of her head in acknowledgement of the other noble's gratitude, resisting the urge to hug her friend with almost every fibre of her being. When Uaria mentioned taking up the night shift she could almost hear the protests of a few in their group on such a thing. Glancing to Veran, she gave the man a tilt of her head and a silent question on how he felt on it.

She doubted the Taguel would try to harm them after all this trouble, and yet she also knew that some of their group had already been on watch. Even so, with all the adrenaline from moments ago, some might not be able to just...go back to sleep. Either way, her and Reina were of a similar mindset in the moment that their minds were made up in the matter, she was also anxious to catch the bandits and return the young to their families.

@Verran @Falcon @Conway @Jessica2477 @Azurian Dream @Nomad-22 @TheSly
Islas de Abaroa, 26th​ day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 ADW.
11 Days after the fall of Thalia.
Port City of
Collab with @Takumi

Raising his blade just in time, Rendan caught the axe crashing down. Hooking his blade, the brute yanked down, clashing the steel against the blade's guard. Rendan's grip, though sturdy, wasn't a match for the sheer raw power and, with his other arm injured, his guard was simply wrenched out of the way. A haymaker flew out from the man's free arm, clapping Rendan squarely across the jaw.

Staggering back and spewing spit and blood, the young man barely had time to block the next chop. Ready for the blade-lock, Rendan tilted his nodachi to send the axe sliding off and away. With a quick step back, he whipped his blade into a high guard. Its point forced the foe a step back. Rolling his shoulders for a split second as he prepared for his next attack.

Arell, upon seeing the two separate, pointed right at the Mercenary's feet as a small ball of flames formed at his fingertips that whizzed forward with a muted roar of flames that exploded into sparks and embers upon contact with the ground, doing his best to condense the attack enough that Rendan hopefully wouldn't be injured in the process.

Quickly, he spared his ally a quick glance and attempted to give him a quick once over to ensure he was alright and wasn't injured any worse than he had been moments before.

Fortunately, as the blast wasn't directed at him, Rendan was fine save for a few pebbles smacking harmlessly off him. The other man seemed to have at least some combat awareness and hurled himself to the side. Seemingly catching it out of the corner of his eye. It saved his leg, but the grizzled mercenary wasn't quite fast enough to avoid the magical fire from searing his flesh as bits of earthen shrapnel bit everywhere else. Leaving the man yowling in pain and unsure if the enemy mage was still out there, Rendan took the opportunity to disengage. Rushing to Arell's side, he shouted, "you ok still? Let's get moving so we can…"

But whatever he was going to say was cut short as a flying hatchet whizzed right next to the pair of them. Apparently, the would-be-axe-murderer wasn't down for the count yet. It became crystal clear how far away from being crippled the man was as, with suddenly steady legs, the man got to his feet. His injuries now nowhere to be seen, save for the burnt holes in his pants.

Oh by the spirits, Rendan thought, they have a cleric!

"I'm fine, let's--" the redhead started in response, before his gaze snapped right back to the Hatchet throwing maniac, the words on his tongue to release another fireball until he realized he was up and moving again.

"Damnit all." Arell whispered under his breath as he came to the same realization as his Midorian companion.

"Do you still want to try getting out of here now?" He muttered to his friend. They could try and hurt the man again and bolt for it, depending on how fast it'd take the Cleric to heal the man by the time they'd even turn on their heels. Alternatively, they could try and weed out the Cleric and take care of them first.

"Yes, we need to get back to the ship and crew before even more show up," Rendan whispered back. He had no idea how many of these thugs were in the city and, with the cleric able to heal at a distance, anything but killing blows was tantamount to useless. If that enemy mage was still alive, they could be up and back at any time. And who knew where the blasted healer was. Could be in any of these buildings, looking through a closed window at the square. Getting away meant ditching the cleric at least for a moment. Now, how were they supposed to get enough space as the mercenary, despite being unarmed, began to advance on the pair. "Got a plan?"

Arell quietly ran through a few ideas in his head, and while many were half formed, he frowned as he kept his hand outstretched and focused on the unarmed for advancing.

"So far all I have is to set him on fire and bolt for the ship as fast as we can, taking his hatchet with us and if we make it in time, chuck in the sea or simply keep it." He replied in a whisper, glyphs at the tip of his tongue and at the ready to distract their pursuer long enough to try and help Rendan relay what they found to the captain.

"Do it," Rendan said as he prepared to spring for the weapon lying on the stone.

"Alright." Arell breathed before sending a ball of flames bigger than the last right at the man as he grew closer, just as the words 'Now!' left his lips for Rendan to move into action.

Rendan dove for the hatchet with as much speed as he could. Picking up the weapon with his hand before turning to sprint off towards the direction of the docks with a simple shout to get Arell running after him.

The mercenary, on the other hand, split a wide grin at Arell's mighty inferno and hardly moved. He only raised his arm and braced. Fire exploded across, melting skin and muscle down to the bone. Ruining nerves and splitting sinew. Gritting his teeth the man didn't even groan in pain as he slapped his burning arms against his legs to smother the smolders. Almost immediately, and apparent to everyone, divine magic licked up the wounds. Stitching muscle back together at an alarming rate. But the fireball had, at any rate, the intended effect of slowing him down.

Arell hadn't stuck around long after he attacked. Amber eyes lingered only a second once the man didn't make a single sound of pain before he had turned to follow after Rendan, ready to try and go on the offensive again when needed, but for now did his best to keep his eye on Rendan while trying to listen out for any pursuers following them to the docks.

Sending as many prayers to Miha as possible for the crew and for him and companion, he ran to keep up and ignored the ache starting to settle in his chest with each step as his heart pumped as fast as it could from the rush of adrenaline and effort to keep him going.

'Keep going, don't look back, just follow Rendan and stay alive. Miha above, help us.' he thought in an attempt to keep himself from internally panicking at their situation. He wondered if in another life, Rendan and him could run down to the docks as two young men with mischief on their trail that didn't have weapons and was trying to kill them.

Maybe they were friends from school, who were trying to get away from some authority figure that threw threats of telling their parents or guardians of whatever the boys had done to earn such ire? Laughing as they ran on a bright summers day to cause trouble elsewhere, perhaps with a ragtag group of friends close in age? Ha, sounded like something from some novel! If only things could be so simple, but this life he imagined would likely be better off as such, or maybe a dream of some sort.

Fortune or the Spirits or the Goddess Miha seemed to be on their side for that final leg for both were able to come skidding onto the docks without a single spell. The captain, being a sharpish man, quickly realized something was up when his lookout shouting that the two young men were sprinting for the ship and ordered them covered by any man or woman who could lay their hands upon bow, spear, or throwing axe. Then set the rest of the crew about getting anyone not on the boat back to the boat to cast off as soon as possible. Whatever the lads had found, it was worth getting out of dodge for.

As one, the duo who had heard a children's tale and then nearly killed for it made it back onto the ship and were, in short order, brought below deck and told all they knew. If it weren't for the attack, the captain would have laughed them off. Instead, with a glint in his eyes, he ordered them to shove off as soon as able to set course as soon as someone could get out the summer star charts.

Back in the town, two men watched as the preparations to disembark continued from the hidden depths of the usual portside crowd.

"You sure we was supposed to be lettin' them go if they left the square?" the grizzled mercenary asked.

"Indeed," replied a blonde man with numerous tattoos down one arm and a brown shoulder cape covering the other and a magic tome, "though I'm as bamboozled about it as you. But, our good Captain has always been a bit odd. Your arms alright?"

"Shore is! Cappy's lovers are always the best healers."

"Good! Then the next step is catching up to him and rotating with the next team."

"Yah, 'sides, I need ta get me axe back."

"Aw, doggy missing his bone?"

"Oy! I's no dog. I's a wolf!"

The two bantered as they disappeared into the crowd, completely unnoticed by any of the crew of the intrepid escapees.
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Early, Early Morning
24th day of Zoi - 9 Days after the fall of Thalia
Eshil, 10 miles North-East of Abelsol

Veran's scowl turned to Ludivine as Alrevis approached to question her. At least he asked the right questions, even if everyone already knew what the answers to them would be. It was not a surprise when she turned him down, Veran would have done the same in her position. He looked on as they spoke to Ludivine. He was still suspicious of Alrevis, and Ludivine, but trusted Gavril to be able to handle his sister, and trusted himself to be able to place a blade through Alrevis if he did turn against them.

As they spoke, he caught Ludivine's eye, for not but a moment, but it was enough. Enough for him to recognise the look in her eyes; the passion, anger, and desire to help those kidnapped children. He recognised them, because his eyes betrayed him, revealing the very same emotions. That look put him more at ease with the fact that an Elite Wyvern Rider had been following them for a while, allowing him to focus his attention on the matter of the children.

Veran looked up towards Martha, noting her questioning glance. His eyes still burned with anger and passion for the children, that the rest of his face continued to hide. His answer was clear. Veran was a veteran of many battles, had seen and done horrendous things, but children were his weakness. They were the reason he betrayed the country he had fought so long for, they were why he killed the comrades he had fought alongside. No one who messes with children gets to get away with it.

He turned to the Taguel, "Word of advice, one deer carcass won't feed a wyvern for long, especially one as well cared for as that one." He gave a glance to Ludivine, acknowledging her bond with the beast, before he walked back to the tree he had been sitting at before. He pulled out a whetstone, and began sharpening his blade, ensuring it was razor sharp for their date with these kidnappers.

23 day of Zoi
Eshil, several miles south of the Ufral border

Joris laughed heartily as Sayura offered to buy them all drinks on their next tavern escapade, "I shall gladly accept your offer, and will go easy as to not break your pocketbook."

He looked back to Esmail and Levi, "Indeed, I've traveled this road before and would say we are… oh, only about four days travel from Atrea, probably a bit less as we are a smaller group traveling at a good pace. Either way, I shall ensure we arrive safe…" Wait, where exactly were they?

Even having traveled this road dozens of times, the vast emptiness of the plains made it hard to judge their location using landmarks. Even still, he did recognize the collection of hills just ahead of them. That is where he had been ambushed once while escorting a Thalian envoy. He pulled Fjord to a halt, scanning the hillside from a distance, and drawing his lance.

His eyes did not leave the land as he spoke, "This area, I remember now, there is a tribe in these parts. One bold enough to ambush a caravan with a full Thalian escort. Watch yourselves." The grass Esmail had missed moved again ever so slightly, only barely enough for Joris to catch it. He maneuvered his mount so that he was between the grass and the rest of the party, his lance ready to spring forward into whatever might jump out of it.

24th day of Zoi - 9 Days after the fall of Thalia
Atrea, The Dancing Willow Charside

Tsubaki smiled and dipped into a deep and extravagant bow as Aina introduced him. He then pulled a tankard off a barmaid's tray and took a seat next to Aina, listening intently to her tale of how she met her new traveling companions.

"Oh Aina! Your truly kind heart touches this man's soul. I could write a hundred ballads inspired by your kind works!" his tone was full of emotion and he spoke as if reading poetry. He turned his attention towards Lauvus, nodding again towards him, "I take your complements with honor, and in return, when my name is sung from the tip of Stanislav to the furthest isles of Islas de Abaroa, you may boast that you are a friend of great bard, Tsubaki," Tsubaki spoke in a friendly tone, and one might start to understand that many of his words were simply flavor to add to what he was trying to say, in this case, that he now considered Lauvus a friend.

"Oh, it is not simply a hunt, my dear friend, it is more of a search for something that was lost, for dear Aina here has already stolen away my heart," he said with a cheeky smile, before turning his attention to Aina's other new companion. "Ah Iori, I am glad to see Aina's choices of companions remains flawless. If you are as fierce as you are beautiful, which I can see you are, then my heart can rest, knowing no harm shall befall anyone who travels alongside you."

Finally he looked back addressing the group, "I see you are seeking to spend the night in town. I myself have a special arrangement for a room here, which I may be able to negotiate to acquire a second space. Though, I have not the coin to furnish a third, not after purchasing this!" Tsubaki pulled up his new lute, strumming a harmony on its strings.
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