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Adventure Finder
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
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I have a shifting work schedule, so My online times will be random.
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
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Fantasy, scifi, futuristic modern, fantasy modern, Action/adventure, Mystery, Fan-based,

OOC Thread

The Story Premise

Millenia ago the great dragon Naga and her tribe bestowed upon humanity numerous gifts that allowed them to advance into a productive society. Yet before Thabes had flourished into a city, empty before the city was even a dream a small party from the dragon community was sent to explore new lands and start their own small colony in case the worst should happen. It was Naga's compromise to Duma's fears of the humans amassing power. And though she hoped it would be unneeded not even Naga could foresee the coming battle.

When the war came Naga took comfort in the fact that her sister, Ahni, had been sent away with the colony unknowing that they were about to repeat the mistakes of the dragon tribe. The colony made friends with the races of their new land, sharing gifts and developing their own society. They didn't learn of the war in their homeland until it was too late. And when they heard they decided to stay where they were, building a new home in hope of a new future.

However, the ice dragon Isolde grew restless with having to share the new land with others of non-drake lineage. She and her followers started their own war, a war of conquest, forcing the colony to follow in it's homeland's footsteps. Divine weapons were forged and a pact of holy blood drawn with six allied generals. When the war was over Isolde had been sealed away and the survivors were left to pick up the pieces, and start over.

The dragons retreated into their own little sanctuary, the home of the original colony, as the human race spread. In time the truth of the war was forgotten and a twisted version of history stated the war had been humanity against all drake kind. Those few who still bear the mark of the pact are shamed and treated as outcast for their ancestor's sin of allying with the dragons. Only a handful of scholars and one royal house still remember the truth.

Now, 1000 years later, the seal on Isolde's prison has weakened and she has begun to stretch her influence on those once pledged to guard her in the attempt to break free. They call themselves the brotherhood and their influence has been slowly spreading across the continent. The goddess of healing has felt Isolde's influence and though her powers have waned she has managed to reach out to her chosen, instructing humans to once more pick up the divine weapons and reset the Seal of Ages.

GM @Falcon, co-GM @Verran
Last edited:
World Lore

Countries and Maps

    • NgO0MCio56VQKZkJUCAg1g4o_yyaVs6Jm7MItOZAsRW5ABDMZpc4R1aoUD3idA0ozoYSK3cGO0t4Q9KKeZ6eLhcKNy5vUDbwSGZO8TGZDcXeg7ryWSprcKc5FvVWDdl8I9yS6Lfh

      Scale markers read 0-80-160-240-320-400​

    • xSVyzKS62VhtMMq0i7TZmbTsWSyrEAFtXSqsmOe9Nk8OSEGkMjIDiwK8omoI63i_oczys5Ec6kwjn_UWQwXQjG0aUAwUH_WnqEm2zjYmV5FZnuxVwQ7eRq1QhhjmBuJm2lWTDW9H

      Scale markers read 0-50-100-150-200-250​

    • TIguMWggP3eB1sotsaTt_UxTL8l-dyNUOhp3KA4Q86cNP68xNYSyDQkxlqUyGLV6vtcHdGiVWyzHUhfFA41FO5IDJqnP6qBTML-s25TdP5bt1WubOTR8O3vmxKX-zkFseZXCEu9z

      Scale markers read 0-50-100-150-200-250

  • Please Note: The following is just basic information. I want to leave things open for player input and ideas :)

    • Atrea
      National Anthem:
      (lyrics by Conway) to the following tune
      Written by @Conway

      Sounds of war and battle blaring,
      Hordes of foes have charged declaring,
      To heroic deeds of daring,
      Come you Atrea's lance

      Groans of wounded peasants dying,
      Wails of wives and children crying,
      Send the scum and foe-men flying,
      Come you Atrea's shield

      Death they are deserving
      From no danger swerving
      Strike with haste their savage band
      For the country you are preserving
      From Bannoch's hills with harp and song,
      And to Nahstrad's gate proceeds a throng,
      Whose ranks with yours shall proudly vie,
      "And nobly win or die!"

      March ye men of Atrea go,
      Lov'd fatherland your duty claims,
      Onward comes the western foe,
      His footsteps mark'd in flames;

      But his march breeds no dismay,
      Boasting taunts we meet with scorn,
      Craven like their hosts shall flee
      Like mists before the morn.

      On the foemen dashing,
      Swords and bucklers clashing;
      And on this land we'll proudly stand
      Nor think of e'er retreating:
      They firmly grasp the flash of steel,
      As ye strike for Atrea's weal,
      Be this your Cry to life's last breath,
      "Our Honor or our Death!"

      the martial pipes are loud sounding,
      Every manly heart is set bounding,
      As our trusted Marques are surrounding,
      March we Atrean men.

      Short the sleep the foe is taking,
      Ere the morrows morn is breaking,
      They shall have a rude awakening,
      Roused by Atrean knights.

      By each lofty mountain,
      By each crystal fountain,
      By your homes where those you love
      Await your glad returning,
      Ere the sun is high in heaven,
      They you fear by panic riven,
      Shall like frightened sheep be driven,
      Far by Atrean men.

      Mothers cease your weeping,
      Calm may be your sleeping,
      You and yours in safety now,
      The Atrean Knights are keeping,
      Lead to battle on his noble steed
      By Nahstrad your Hero King
      And as each blade gleams in the light,
      Cry, "Our Lives for Atrea!"

      Political Type: Constitutional monarchy

      Capital: Nahstrand
      The city was named for Singri Nahstrand, the architect who designed it. The king at the time commissioned a summer palace there. With the conflict with Ufral on the border the royal residence was eventually moved there and over time it became the official capital of the nation.

      Mixed terrain as the west runs into the desert and the east the sea. The foot of the Mountains protecting Midori lie to the north and drop toward Eishil through the country's center. The plains lay to the south. Plenty of hills and wooded areas. Full seasons but not harsh except storms in coastal areas

      Colors and Symbols: A red lion on white bordered in red

      Historical Influences: European influences

      Other: has a written constitution of people's rights on display in the public area of the main palace

      Population: 17 million aprox.

      Atrea is divided into several provinces with each section having long ago been gifted as a dukedom by the king. These dukes were allowed to make further gifts of their allotted lands and appoint lords they found trustworthy over them. Lords enjoy a variety of perks, but in many cases fail to work together. Politics has becoming something of a game with ever shifting loyalties and repeated grabs for power.

      Over time the rift between the upper and middle class grew until the middle class became almost nonexistent. The lower classes (surfs) begin to resent the upper, especially as the common people were frequently drawn into the political plotting and feuding of their lords. Another part of this is the frequently abused taxation system.

      Tournaments are often held to help encourage camaraderie and lift the spirits of the people, the rewards and prestige for the winners is often great and had made many a carries and inspired legends. it is also not uncommon for cities and most larger towns to have an arena or gaming pit where patrons can spar against each other. While not as prestigious or regulated as the Thalian games, more than a few have made a name for themselves in the ring.

      Atrea has the land and resources to trade in raw goods. This primarily consist of food and livestock with some timber and raw ore. The actual area these good come from depends on the terrain.

      Due to the conflict between the lords of the land, and the desire to keep their existing borders from shrinking any more than they have due to recent conflicts in the last several generation, Atrea has come to employ many a foreign mercenary, alongside importing steel from Stanislav, and other manufactured foreign goods.

      Fed up with the nobles' treatment of them, eventually the common people organised a revolt. After much time and conflict a people's bill of rights was born, shortly followed by a constitution. The Kings of Atrea have ruled by these ever sense. A copy can be read on a stone monument located in the public hall on the royal palace grounds. This acts as a museum for much of Atrea's known history.

      Atrea has a history of repeated trouble with Ufral with the two countries fighting over the mountain range that makes up their western border. This range offers both valuable resources as well as strategic positioning. Currently Ufral holds most of it.

      A little over 150 years ago during one of these border conflicts, King Woden was a battle hardened warrior with a iron hand and a strong will. The conflict over the border waged on longer than any of the men or generals were familiar with in their lifetime, to the point that the peasantry were conscripted into the army. This in turn put a strain on food resources as many of the farms were left unmanned. Confidence in Woden's ability shaken one of the Duke's began to plan an uprising.

      Duke Haul Beaufort saw this as a sign that it was time for a change in the monarchy. Being a highly clever man he managed to make the right allies in the right places offering what he knew would entice them to his point of view. Secured holdings, defined borders, clear roles, rulings on long held power struggles… the very things they felt Woden should have provided instead of being focused on expanding Atrea's border. With time and planning the plot came to fruition.

      When it was done Haul used the change in power to force peace talks with Ufral, giving up enough of the border to allow the desert nation access to water and a few places for small settlements, while still maintaining control of the mines that Atrea had feared to lose. It was a tenuous peace, but it lasted the rest of his lifetime.

      The keeping of Haul's promises to his supporters brought the birth of the Atrean constitution. A signed and sealed document that clearly outlined each dukedom's holdings and responsibilities. To a degree it helped curb some of the infighting that had been plaguing the land, allowing them to build up their military and refine the system for the eventuality that Ufral broke their agreement.

      In addition to securing future support from those who had helped him gain the throne, Haul used the opportunity to fix a few of the problems he had noticed which had sparked his rise to power. In the constitution he included provisions that any conscripted man would be provided with at least basic armament and a weapon (to help avoid thinning ranks and inefficient battle style), and a provision stating that no district could be required to send more men to the army than were necessary to run their farms (the potential food shortage having had been a scare to everyone). He also set into place several maximum penalties for the most common crimes to be followed across the country, allowing for mercy in judgment, but not undue harshness. Although some say this last was at the urging of his wife Lady Roberta.

      When Haul's son Guillaume succeeded him he added additional laws to the constitution including a maximum tax rate to help insure the people would not lose the means to support themselves in lean years. Some people thought this was a misunderstanding of politics and how the people actually affected his power, others that he was just that soft hearted. Guillaume died without a male heir and the throne was passed to his first cousin in another house. Her line still maintains they have some claim to the throne.

      During Guillaume's reign there was also an incident where Ufral and Midori worked together to grab a swatch of land that used to be along Atrea's border with Stanislav. Now the other two countries enforce much pay higher taxes and tariffs n Atrea in order to transport goods through either country. Smugglers often attempt to do so without getting caught to avoid these taxes.

      Atrea's military is relatively well-formed and organized. While the king rules the nation, and the Dukes govern their dukedoms, the Marquis are responsible for maintaining the military forces. Each has their own area of focus. Some may specialize in certain weapons or tactics others are in charge of border patrol.

      Peasantry going into the military often start out as a squire or apprentice to someone of higher rank and with enough time and training on the approval of their superiors eventually rise up the ranks as well. Those born into a noble house may go through similar training, but also have the means to purchase a desired commission.

      There's a difference between enlisted and commissioned men. Enlisted men generally serve in a variety of positions. While there are rank advancements available to the enlisted, any commissioned officer outranks them. An enlisted man may also earn a commission through deed and reliability. A commission, as previously mentioned, can also be purchased by those with the fortune and name to do so. These are generally higher level officers with a specialty in the army. One may start out with a base commission, and then rise in the ranks through deed and reliability.

      Each Marquis is responsible for their own small force, ensuring that the men are well equipped and trained. If they fail in this duty they may have to answer to their duke, or in extreme cases the king himself. It is not uncommon for a full knight to swear duty to a Marquis and be placed in command of sub-units as a lower officer, depending on their earned rank. In extreme situations the Marquis may call the peasantry (sufs) to arms in order to fill out the ranks. Training for these units is often subpar, and so it has become common for every man to know how to at least use a basic polearm, such as a farmer may wield a pitchfork or boar spear. If a man in this position wants more than the most basic equipment provided, they must find means to purchase their own. Fortunately, circumstances like these have been few and far between in the past 20 years.

      "The two most common weapons on the battlefield are pole weapons, such as halberds and pikes, and the Bow, which is easy to use and gives an edge to untrained militia men who are not well versed in close combat. Mercenaries and Wandering Warbands are often employed to provide some more elite units.

      The King of the Atrean battlefield however, is the mounted Knight. The mere sight of a unit of mounted Knights is enough to rout untrained and undisciplined Levys. Even more experienced units might break at thunderous sound of them charging at full speed, with lances couched. The only two true counters to them are pike blocks and clever use of terrain. Shield walls, pike blocks and long lines of soldiers are very common.

      Pegasi are not seen very often on the Atrean battlefield because of the abundance of archers, the general lack of Pegasi in Atrea, and a long standing sentiment within the ranks of the elite that it is cowardly and dishonorable to avoid danger by being in the sky."

      ~ Tsubaki Yusha, on the history of Atrea

      (Courtesy of Conway)
    • Shown: Jebei's people's flag
      Eshil has multiple flags. let me know if you want one for any particular tribe or city.

      National Anthem: TBD
      Political Type: Multiple tribe and/or city governments of various types
      Terrain: Plains, hills, lots of grassland with rivers and some tree stands. Some small mountain areas near the foot of the Atrea range. Hot summers, wet spring, mild winter
      Colors and Symbols: Each tribe has their own emblem, many use gold or yellow
      Influences: native tribal influences
      Other: There are various lifestyles depending on which tribe a person is looking like. Some have built settlements and others prefer to remain nomadic.

    • Islas de Abaroa
      National Anthem:
      Political Type: civilian (Pirate) Council
      Terrain: an island nation. Terrain may very, experiences storms and high winds seasonally
      Colors and Symbols: Yellow sun on a blue sky rising over a navy ocean
      Influences: Island nations, seafaring melting pot, some Latin influence
      Other: encourages trade. Boasts some of the largest markets on the continent

    • Midori
      National Anthem:
      What a beautiful jasmine flower
      What a beautiful jasmine flower
      Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
      Fragrant and white, everyone praises
      Growing in my home
      the land of my birth
      Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower

      My homeland is like this flower
      My homeland is like this flower
      eye pleasing, strong at heart, full of my people
      This is my home, strong through all seasons
      I honor my home
      and I praise her strength
      My country, the land of my birth

      Political Type: Absolute monarchy

      Capital: Hai'Yuhal

      lush greenery, very wet, has full seasons. Mountains lie to the south providing a natural barrier.
      Midori is divided into seven provinces. Nguyen, Jirou'Kai, Amihan, Chenting, Dae'Won Ganzorig, the Sakchai Islands


      Colors and Symbols: Two circling black and white coy fish on pale blue with a green border and a pink lotus in one corner

      Influences: Asian influences

      Other: Has a firework guild that is very protective of their trade secrets. The only place wild Kinshi live. They are trained and honored along with their riders.

      Population: 6.6 - 6.8 million

      Of all the faiths found in Jedica, the worship of nature is most prevalent in Midori. There are several sects within this philosophy, though the most common thread is that "as we have come from nature so we are returned to it." The spirits of nature are honored as those who bring guidance and understanding, and many believe that by becoming one with the land they can obtain balance and inner peace. This is most easily seen in a Midori funeral.

      White is worn at a funeral as it is seen as the color of lamentation and grief, but also in understanding that death comes to all and that with death there is also life. Family and friends wear arm bands as well. Two lines on the band represent family, one representing friends. The act of burial itself varies by sect. The most popular way being to shroud the body in clean linen and place it directly into the ground where it can become nourishment for the grass and the living things that thrive on it. However there are sects that cut out the heart to be buried in a sacred grove, and still others more extreme that believe the eating of the heart passes on the essence to the next person and carries on a legacy.

      Red is worn at weddings. Red is the color of the hearts which are to be joined and is often seen as a color of happiness. In the weeks before the wedding the bride and the groom's families exchange gifts. This is done to symbolize the new connection between the two families and a willingness to help each other out. For their children the groom's family often provides a home and the bride's family provides furnishings. Families remain close throughout life continuously meddling in each other's affairs. And this includes the spouses their children choose, and where they live. A groom who is unable to provide a home (with or without the help of his family) may find achieving marriage difficult. (Living with the family is acceptable.) Matches are typically made either through parents or a matchmaker.

      The family dynamic is extremely important to Midorians. Whether it's immediate family or a whole clan, most major decisions are made as a group. When parents grow old their children begin taking care of them, and it's not uncommon for extended family to live in the same area of a town or village. Richer families may even have their own compound.

      More interestingly In Midori's culture it's rude to eat in public. Homes have a special dining room and restaurants have private booths for the dinars to sit in. Meal time etiquette is observed any time food is present. Drinks however are seen differently. A host may offer something to drink first when visitors enter, and bars and tea houses are quite popular social places. Many people enjoy chatting as they politely sip their drinks. Such places do not provide food, but may have a private room for those who wish to bring their own.

      An establishment such as a tea house may also provide entertainment. This may include the music of a bard, or the social company of one such as a geisha. Entertainers may be both male and female, and often have many talents. While their main place of work is in the establishment, such individuals are also often open to outside employment as well.

      Midori is also home to a number of artistic expressions, especially those related to music and theatrics. Some of the larger cities have special theaters where plays and concerts are performed. Plays usually center around mythology or great figures of history. Painting, calligraphy, and poetry are also enjoyed by many.

      Most trades in Midori are overseen by guilds designed to meet the needs of that particular profession. This includes everything from mercenary services to blacksmiths. The selling of trade goods, along with the merchants who provide them, is overseen by one of the Merchant guilds. The guilds have a chapter house in each major city where merchants may stay while traveling or do business. Many guilds have a shared faith across the membership, and thus it is not uncommon to see two chapter houses belonging to similar guilds of competing faith in the same city.

      The guilds help set fair prices for goods to ensure that everyone knows what guidelines a fair trade falls under, oversee training and apprenticeships, and collect taxes for the government, among many other things. The also help ensure that trade secrets (such as the creation of porcelain and fireworks) are kept and passed only from master to apprentice. Outsiders who may have learned these secrets are rare, and are often made to disappear.

      Craftsmen are welcome to sell their creations under their own authority, or commission a merchant to do it for them. Merchants may also buy directly from craftsman to sell in other locations.

      Midori most commonly exports spices including sugar and cinnamon. They also export silks, rice, porcelain, fabric dyes, and on rare occasions fireworks.

      They import wine and other liquors not crafted from rice, wool and cotton goods including carpets, glass, fruit from warmer climates, metals, furs, and livestock.

      Midori is perhaps one of the oldest countries on the continent that still bears its original name from the founding. Originally the name of a single island, the country expanded to several other islands around it before spreading to the mainland, and slowly grew to fill the space between Atrea's northern mountain range and the sea. It has endured at least one civil war which resulted in the imperial dynasty changing hands shortly after the dragon war, but in name and law the country itself remains whole.

      Midori has been known to favor politics and trade as opposed to open war to expand its borders. An alliance with Ufral gained the country a swatch of land between Stanislav and Atrea, allowing it to impose strict trade restrictions on any goods being transported through that area between the two, and the emperors of Midori have used that as a foothold in the area ever since.

      The emperors of Midori range across the spectrum of men. Good and bad, just and vengeful. Some faithful to their bride and some taking multiple concubines as well as their wife. Some were military leaders in their own right, and some too afraid to even step outside. Some ruled by their own authority and others influenced far too much by their advising council. Only children of a wife may bare their father's royal name. Children of a concubine take the last name of their mother. So it is that many may claim descent from one of these emperors, but there is no benefit of doing so unless the family name can be associated with a specific dynasty. Most known families of such are found in some position of power.

      With few exceptions the ruling line has always been passed to the oldest son of the Emperor's first wife. If she is unable to provide an heir within 7 years, the Emperor may choose to take a second wife. To do so is a solution for an heir only, however, and the first wife maintains her status as head of household. Children of such unions may take their father's name, but must also state to which mother they belong. any children born to the first wife after a second wife has been taken will still maintain precedents in the line of ascension, regardless of if they are the eldest.

      Early history shows several dynasty changes in a relatively short period of time. Each seems to accompany either a loss of land or a successful expansion campaign. While much history has been lost from this time period, scholars speculate that military conquest may have also led to rewards in leadership and the empire's advisory council could have disposed the current emperor in favor of the leading general. This is only speculation, however. What is clear is that in later years, with Midori's lands more stable, there have been only four Dynasties, Kuang, Liao, Zheng, and Zheng'Han, and that the strength of the council has been directly proportionate to the strength of the emperor. Middling at best when a man of strong will was on the throne.

      The Kuang is known as the first of the great four coming into power in year 10 adw shortly after the dragon war. They ruled until around the year 372 adw although the exact date of the change is in question as the country was in conflict at the time of the change over. It is believed that the Kuang was largely militaristic with most of the families of power having served a vital role in protecting the country during the Dragon War itself. over time the necessity of military action beyond basic protection have fallen away and power has shifted far more toward the political. However most of the fortresses, walls, and military outposts in Midori to this day can trace their origin of construction back to the early Kuang. toward the end of their rule it is believed that Emperor Kuang Rong fell out of favor with his council.

      Rong was replaced by Liao Shu'an who became the first emperor of the Liao dynasty. It is said that Shu'an had seven sons whom he placed in charge of different sectors of Midori. The land holdings secors of each became known as what today are termed the seven provinces. it is believed that they are still named after these sons and each province has their own mythology and holidays to celebrate them. The Liao dynasty is also credited as having produced Hoang Shufen who is credited as one of the principal fathers of Midori philosophy. His proverbs are often quoted to this day.

      Toward the late 400s adw the Zheng family came to power being far more influential when it came to matters of trade and bargaining with the surrounding countries. There is speculation that in 532 adw the lady Zheng Kamiko successfully dressed up as her twin brother Ichirou and ruled for a year in order to deny Stanislav's allegations that the man had been caught trying to spy on their border. No one has ever been able to prove the truth of this story, however, it is known that about a year after the first rumor of these events the Imperial summer home was moved out of Jirou'Kai Province and relocated to Chenting. Zheng Ichirou is also recorded as one of the most peaceful of Midori's rulers, and the first to hire mercenaries from Stanislav for military action in Midori.

      In 872 adw the emperor Zheng Daichi died and his only wife had been unable to provide an heir. The throne was passed to the eldest son of his first concubine, Han Yeong. In an effort to satisfy tradition Yeong chose to combine his last name (taken from his mother) with that of his father. The Zheng'Han dynasty has maintained its rule since that day and Yeong is often held up as the prime example of what they aspire to be. Having grown up never expecting to rule, he is credited as being more intune with the needs of the people than his predecessors, and is also known as having been an accomplished military leader. He took only one wife and is said to have loved her well. Yeong is also credited as being a lover of literature and history, and said to have founded the imperial city's royal library, although some scholars give credit of this achievement to his son.

      The Zheng'Han Dynasty rules Midori to this day.

      The military of Midori is one of the few organizations that is not guild run largely due to government regulation. This is done in an effort to keep any one guild or faith from gaining too much power in the country, or using military force to manipulate trade. Often propaganda is spread to glorify military service and imply that this career path is a higher calling. This means that those who choose to be career military personnel are often seen with an extra level of achievement from the rest of the population. Theirs is an honor gained from the willingness to put their lives on the line for the peace of their country. In the event of death their families are often well looked after by the government and community for the sacrifice they have given.

      Most of midori's military is highly mobile, allowing their fewer numbers to reach the location where they are needed quickly. In most cases they are seen along the borders where they may be enforcing trade and travel regulations, although occasional excursions by bandits or monsters from the mountains may require attention. Some units may also be seen patrolling the main highways. Town guards are seen as a subunit of the Midori Military, but rarely travel outside their own village.

      Kinshi riders are often utilized as scouting parties in the event of trouble. They may also act as messengers for any missive that is too long or cannot be carried by pigeon for whatever reason. In most cases the rider is chosen young, by the age of sixteen, and trained until they can move as one with their bird. Riders are rarely used on the front line as they make an easy target for archers. Unlike with Pegasi and Wyvern riders, the rider is chosen first and introduced to the Kinshi. The pairing is based on a series of separate tests for bird and rider to determine compatibility. If the Bird rejects the rider the rider is then reassigned elsewhere. It is very unusual for an untrained bird to allow itself to be ridden. One trained Kinshi may pass through several riders in its lifetime. Often older birds are given to new riders in hopes that the bird's experience with offset the lack in the recruit.

    • Stanislav
      (Written by @Verran)

      National Anthem:

      Political Type: Stratocracy - military government where the militia upholds the laws created by high ranking officials. Those who have served with a military branch may serve in government roles

      Capital: Cerkaust

      Terrain: Mountain with lots of pine. Full seasons. Harsh winters. Summer may be dry or overly wet depending on weather patterns

      Colors and Symbols: A purple and silver gauntlet on a black field

      Influences: Slavic

      Perfect environment for the Wyverns to thrive away from humanity. Some military officials befriend them as mounts. A Wyvern will not carry one it does not trust. Up until about 20 years ago they were content to stay as they were. However some of Isolde's followers found their way to power and Stanislav slowly began expanding its borders.

      Population: 1-1.2 million

      Stanislav has been argued the most barbaric of the Jedica nations. Even above the tribes of Eshil who have the city states to often yank their cultural standing towards a middling position and helping to keep Stanislav on the lowest ring. This is, perhaps, paradoxical with their unsurpassed steel work along with almost unparalleled construction of fortresses that surpass the complexity of the Midori castles, majesty of Atrean walls, and the hidden qualities of Ufrali fortresses. Yet, despite these accomplishments, or perhaps the envy of them, the majority of the world slanders these simple, yet rich, people. Save for many of the men and women of Islas de Abaroa, who seem to consider not being known as the most barbaric culture a general insult.

      Regardless, for better or worse, Stanislav has been pushed into the title. Such reasoning is, perhaps, understandable. For the most part, the average citizen of Stanislav lives a simple life of farming, herding, hunting, or some combination thereof. Usually, it is only two out of every village who are smiths, a master and an apprentice. A similar number becomes a local bard, or skald, to keep the history of his or her village. A smaller number will walk the paths of the land and beyond, trading amongst their people and the nations while another group, equally as small, are consider bardic masters who sing the songs of their people across the land.

      Each village is often a chaotic mix of buildings, clumped into valleys or upon the sides of foothills. A few stand atop cliffs. All, however, have at least a palisade that offers the villagers protection. Generally, every family builds their own home. Be it in their own town, a different town, or in a completely empty tract of land. These families work steadfast dedication to produce their product for the nation. Eching out usually simple existence. Yet, it is likely that every family possesses at least one full suit of armor and enough weapons that the whole household may be armed. This has come from the general buildup of such devices from serving within the Stanislavian legions.

      One cannot speak of Stanislav without including their military with it. Service is mandatory for every man and women, with the only exceptions being physical disability. The extent and makeup of the legions are not covered in this chapter. Know that, however, every member of each family in Stanislav is encouraged to join a different legion than the others. This helps ensure that there will always be someone who will be able to tend the homestead when another is called into active deployment. For, while service is mandatory and the minimum total time required to be active is five years, most are not full time soldiers. Service to one's nation is a great honor and is considered a notable achievement to be asked by one's commander to stay on with the armed forces. Such individuals have generally shown tenacity in their work and are likely to be promoted as they continue their military service.

      While continued service is considered an honor, few can claim the glory of befriending a wyvern. Such an occasion his heralded with great joy for wyverns live many lives of men. Meaning that any family who is able to brave the attempt and succeed will have a wyvern rider for the legion for generations. The event is marked down by first the local skald, then one or more of one of the wandering bards will compose a song to further commemorate the event. Finally, the additional wyvern for the family and the new line of riders is marked down by the Grand Warlord's personal scribes. It then goes without saying that Stanislav love wyverns as dearly as their own kin. In fact, these creatures have been given, in essence, equal rights to the common man. Should one be slain, the responsible party is held for judgement. This extends to all crimes committed against the beasts. Such practice is one of the reasons why other nations find Stanislav barbaric. Most cannot quite comprehend giving such leeway to what they consider to be ferocious beasts.

      However, the core reason the people of Jedica find this nation barbaric is their continued practice of exogamy. Now, in and of itself, exogamy simply means to marry outside one's immediate social unit. Be it village, city borough, or general society. However, Stanislav practice has the to-be spouse be stolen from their home. This practice dates back to when the people were simple tribes, scattered across the mountains. While this practice has changed over the centuries to be far more relaxed, the country still encourages their men and women to steal their spouse to be from their neighbors. It has become a ritual of sorts where one tries to catch their to-be spouse after a courting period. Often there is a celebration of the event, but nothing in Stanislavian law that actually disallows one from simply taking their desired spouse in the dead of night.

      Pervading all of their culture, beyond the military focus, is Stanislav's love of music. As mentioned, there is at least two skalds every village and many that wander up and down the lands. All of them singing the tales of Stanislav, the doings of their people, marshalling their soldiers, and telling epic tales of their people.

      Stanislav has always had an interesting set of policies in regards to trade. Least complex is their trade of timber, wool, and, interestingly enough, goat cheese. However, the nation's chief export has always been steel and its various products. Weapons, armor, and even arrow heads have been shipped out of the nation. Yet never have they sold their techniques. Certainly, various other nations have successfully created their own products of steel. But all came after Stanislav delved the iron from its mountains and smelted its own first true steel ingots. For quite some time, most nations could only manage to coat the iron with a steel sheen. That is, until Midori created their own folding technique that would lead to their iconic curved and single edged blades. However, to this day, Stanislavian steel is the most sought after due to its cheapness in price as well as their ability to produce the purest ingots. Consequentially, they have kept their method a complete secret to all outsiders. There have been many who have tried to copy their technique but to no complete success. Ironically, the technique is rather simple. Using a crucible, they place refined iron ore with charcoal. A precise mix of the two that, when fired in their brick furnaces, produces nigh pure steel. This had differed little to not at all from their original technique when steel was first smelted. What has been refined is the ratio of carbon to iron. Using a combination of scales and monocle empowered eyesight to examine the ore for impurities. Then, they are smelted in the aforementioned crucible, which much be methodically cleansed of any other impurities before firing, before being removed with wyvern scaled protective gear. The molten metal is poured into any mold desired. The metal is then further tempered with continued heating and dousing. Eventually, the product is the strongest and most pure products of steel upon the continent.

      In return, Stanislav buys up textiles, spices, fabrics beyond wool, horses, food, and other such goods. It would not be false to say that, should Stanislav's technique, production rate, and skill level be matched, much of their trade would simply vanish.

      Military and History:
      To understand Stanislav's military, one must also understand their history. One cannot have one without the other. So let us begin. Stanislav began as disjunct land of bickering, warring clans of humans who came and settled the continent. Often, they would be set to raiding people outside and within their mountain domain, stealing and, in their own words, liberating, the population by giving them the option, after being captured, to remain free within their village, or return home. This early, apparent barbarism arguably attributed to Isolde's desire to bring the continent under her rule. Their desire for a freeman's life meshed against her line of order. However, it would still be several centuries before the ice dragon launched her bid for power. During this time, the Clanlord Stanis Leonhardt, rose up and conquered and united the bucking clans under his rule, creating the then Kingdom of Stanislav. For the everyday citizen, not much really changed beyond that they were discouraged from fighting with each other, though not forbidden. However, it did mark the increase of organized soldiering. The creation of divisions based from clans or tribes. While everyone would serve, military service did become mandatory under his reign. Furthermore, in a matter of two generations, the people pioneered steel, discerning the secret on their own and able to craft weapons and armor to rival the dragons own steel. Fortresses of stone and burrowed into the mountains rose. It seemed, unspoken, that King Stanis's granddaughter, Queen Amelia Leonhardt, was preparing for war.

      This would be one of the key causes for Isolde's sudden assault. Long angered at the growing lack of worship and the continued barbarous ways of the humans, Isolde's wrath rent across the continent with a destructive fervor. It was then that the Companions of the Seal of Ages would rise to do their epic quest across the land that would eventually seal the dragon away. Among them was Queen Amelia Leonhardt's son, Artur. Artur was an oddball within Stanislav of the day as he was a bard. Singing songs and tales across the land. Certainly, the skill was considered important in keeping an aged oral tradition within the nation. But it was nowhere near as prevalent then as it is today. However, it would be false to say that Artur was not instrumental in his music in helping the Companions succeed. Such a glory echoed throughout the embattled kingdom, changing its face forever.

      Ever since the victory of the Companions of the Seal of Ages, Stanislav has developed an ever-adapting language of music from which their commanders direct their troops. The constantly shifting nature of the songs, generally a new set every half century, makes it difficult for foreign ears to determine exactly what a Stanislav soldier is being ordered to do. Marching songs exploded and the creation of true epic poetry became practice in Stanislav. Not to mention the numerous drinking songs and the cultural practice of impromptu choirs of villages singing any particular song as most everyone knows them.

      It was also in that time, when the kingdom was at it's lowest, that the first legion appeared. Men and women from numerous clans, 10,000 strong. When asked to whom they belonged, to which clan they hailed from, they simply answered that they were of legion. That they were legion. As such, legions were born into Stanislav. Each 10,000 in number, made up from people of different cities, towns, villages within the nation, forever guided and directed by the songs given by Artur.

      Last comes the needed understanding as to how Stanislav came a Stratocracy. This understood easily enough when looking at Stanislav at the end of the war with Isolde. The country was, as many others, in ruins. Broken cities, fallen fortresses, and other such devastation dotted across the land. When Artur Leonhardt became king, he focused on rebuilding the land as best he could, while leaving security to the alleged legion. It would be his child, Verdov Leonhardt, who would look at the world and seek to create the forces to protect it, should Isolde ever rise again. They would release power to the military, those who would be best primed to defend them. The legion of Stanislav. Over the course of the millennium, the legion would become many. All following the pattern of 10,000 soldiers who would, at the time of Isolde's rising again, rise also to fight her.

      This has been lost. Stanislav has forgotten is grand design. Now the legions are, while no weaker in might and no less set in their cultural ways of the clash of honor and barbarism, now far from preparing for any possible rise of Isolde. She is a monster of the past, a name that has been construed to simply mean might, rather than even evoking the true terror of a deific dragon queen who once tried to conquer the world.

      This left them particularly susceptible to the Brotherhood who, with their doctrine so in line with their culture, would sweep into Stanislav ease. In essence, almost the entire nation fell into the thrall of the Brotherhood, without even the consideration of resistance.

    • Thalia
      National Anthem:

      Political Type: Theocratic Republic (the royal family is a very important part of the church but the people's council takes care of most of the ruling necessities)

      Capital: Thalia

      Terrain: coastal, mild full seasonal range, coastal storms

      Colors and Symbols: Two crossed green olive branches on a white field

      Historical Influences: Roman and Greek

      Other: Home of the largest herds of Pegasus. Pegasi choose their own riders but it is not uncommon for a rider to join the Sky Knights of Thalia. They are the smallest of the nations.

      Population: 6.4 - 6.5 mil

      Thalia is ruled by a council of elders elected from their people, with a Mediator descended from the former royal family who acts to keep the council on track. Those elected must have lived 10 years or longer in the region they are elected to represent, been born in Thalia, and have reached the age of 30. The mediator can be any individual approved by the council above the age of 18 (as they have no governing power of their own except in time of war)

      While Thalia is not a military focused nation, and are quite pacifistic on the whole, they do believe strongly in the concept of fair sport. Thus the great Thalian games are held once every other year and the arena in the capitol, with smaller events taking place between to determine those who will compete. Each town may send one champion to competition in their county, per event. The winners of the county competitions will then travel to the main event. Champions can compete in more than one event but only one champion or team can be sent per town. Those who do well have their names reported by heralds, and it's not unusual for a champion to make a living with the winnings and earn support and fans across the country.

      The inclusion of the concept of school into the Thalian life is perhaps another of the many differences that separate their society from their neighbors. most churches include a schoolhouse of some sort as part of their establishment the hope being that availability of information can help insure the prosperity of the country with each new generation. Most children learn the basics of arithmetic and geography along with the history of their home country and region. The principles of the church of ages are often interwoven into the lessons. Reading is considered advanced learning and so it is that often only those that can manage to stay in school long enough learn this skill, or they are taught by their parents.

      In most cases parents have a strong voice in what their children are taught and so it is that often a school may end up specialising in those skills most utilized in the community. For example a farming area school may teach on crop rotation and the proper care of farm animals, while a coastal area may learn about the winds and tides important for fishing. In most cases once old enough for work a child will leave the school and enter into either the family business or an apprenticeship of sorts. Thus, it is often the case that the school is filled only with those too young or too frail to work.

      It is also not uncommon for a upper class family to hire a private tutor to teach their child a specific set of knowledge they deem important.

      Thalia's trade focuses mostly on textiles and food stuffs. Their position near the ocean provides excellent fishing grounds, and the climate and terrain proves excellent farmlands. Thalian has also developed a number of ways of salting, smoking, and otherwise preserving foods for trade. Between a number of plant fibers and wool from live stock Thalia had also progressed greatly in the textile industry. While they have not achieved the delicacy of Ufralian lace, their goods are hearty, comfortable, and well suited for trade.

      During the time predating the war with the dragons Thalia was a monarchy. In this era the country learned not only to make sailing ships that could be used for more than hauling in fish, but began the formation of the military what would later come for be called the "knights". They started out as small units associated with particular towns, and could be hired for various tasks such as policing duties or as escorts from place to place. These duties eventually became folded permanently into the general tasks into the knightly order soon after Lady Teresa helped defeat the dragons, and married the king. This is largely due to the church's gain in influence in the country, such jobs being seen as honorable acts of charity in protecting the poor.

      Lady Teresa never intended to start a church, only to share what she had learned in her travels. but her followers grw numerous and a system had to be set in place to keep her teachings true to their original form. As the philosophy spread, they brought with them the construct of orphanages and schools the intent being to raise up and instruct the next generation in the proper way. Soup kitchens and temporary shelter for those without a place of rest also became common to find around a church building. In general the people saw these things as good improvements to their way of life and began to help maintain the establishments.

      Over time Thalia began to move away from the monarchy system. The credit for this goes largely to King Argos who had four sons and one young daughter, and wanted to choose his successor based on merit not birth order. The king sent his sons out into the world for three years to learn about life and how the people lived. They were to return with a precept they believed was important to governing the people. Legends share many tales of their daring exploits but all agree on one thing. When it was almost time for their three years to be up the four brothers had to work together to save their land from an invasion on the Ufralian border as the desert land underwent its own civil war. When the crisis was averted and the brothers returned home they decided to share leadership. King Argos was very amenable to this solution. Their sister often acted as a tie breaker and become known as "the Mediator".

      Eventually the council moved from royalty and aristocracy to elected leaders of the people.

      historically Thalia has avoided conflict with her neighbors by use of trade negotiations in combination with natural fortifications along their borders. for example the placement of mountains along their borders have for a long time protected against large evanion forced from Stanislav coupled with their willingness to trade foodstuffs at affordable prices. Similarly Thalia's ack of interest in fighting over water, and the strategic location of lake and canyons in the east, coupled with the number of times they have helped mitigate between the ufralian chiefs, have kept the peace on their Eastern flank. In the West the coastal cliffs combined with the use of their Sea Knights keeps Thalia's shores safe. Their southern border has historically been kept safe by the fast the Eshil has no unified governing body or military and the more war like leaders of the region have been more concerned with securing their own borders than starting conflict with neighboring nations.

      Thalia's military, called the Knights of Thalia, is almost nonexistent when compared to the other nations, operating more as a peacekeeping force than anything else. However they are organized and very well trained and have do enough forces to discourage evasion.

      They are often tasked with patrolling the roads and towns where needed, hunding bandits, and safe keeping the borders. General duties often include many matters that most other nations would delegating to policing units.

      The Knights are divided into three Branches, sky, land, and sea. Each branch is commanded by a general and subdivided further into wings commanded by a brigadier general. Wings are comprised of 2 or more groups which are commanded by a colonel. Two to three squads make a group and each is commanded by a captain. A squad has two or more flights which range from 12 -25 people each.

      The Knights value speed and maneuverability over many other aspects of battle, and thus the majority of land and sky units are mounted.

      In the Sky branch the units are Pegasus mounted while a good portion of the land branch are Cavaliers. In both cases the prefered weapons are the javelin and lance. The ground troops also include various foot soldiers, including archers, although in many cases archers are not utilised where Pegasus riders are in play due to the inherent danger to their flying comrades. They primarily find their role on the ships where ranged weaponry has the advantage.

      As a coastal country, Thalia does have a small fleet of warships primarily used to patrol the shores and discourage pirates. These make up the sea branch of their military. Their fleet is primarily composed of brigs which can double as merchant vessels when not on duty.

      In most cases a soldier will be referred to by the branch they serve in. Sky Knights, Land Knights, or Sea Knights

    • Ufral
      Political Type: Aristocracy
      Terrain: Desert, dry and arid, some canyons. Residents tend to be nomadic or build around oasis. Has one major river to the west where the capitol is located. (think the nile)
      Colors and Symbols: A copper/orange pyramid with the all seeing eye on top on a tan background
      Influences: Middle East
      Other: water is a very valuable commodity in non-oasis area


  • Other than the three main systems listed here there are many religious/spiritual beliefs floating around Jedica, some traditional from before the war, others created by individuals for themselves.
    Feel free to use what's provided or make up whatever works best for your character.

  • The Church of Ages was founded after the marriage of Terese the healer to the crown prince of Thalia. While the country eventually turned into a republic with the king serving as forum mediator, their heroine and the church remained close to their hearts and thus a woman is chosen from every generation of the original royal family's descendants to become high priestess.

    It is said that the great creator appointed six heralds. Each to represent an element and look after a specific aspects of humanity. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, and Dark. Work and home, spirit and imagination, intellect and competition, flexibility and patience, heart and healing, grief and rest. These things work together and flow through all life, and by peace and understanding we can come to know our true selves. It is said that the goddess of Healing, she that is worshiped in the Thalia temple, is the appointed mediator for the heralds, that in time of crisis she will be the first to warn humanity.

    The church preaches of loving thy neighbor above all and the pacifist viewpoint is often treated as a mockery by those of a more aggressive nature. Still, the peaceful influence has slowly spread throughout all the lands in the form of orphanages, food houses, and various charitable missions. Some believe the church has led to making people soft, relying too much on charity and not enough on hard work.

  • Many Jedica believe in the communion with nature. That the world is made up of unseen spirits and forces that move through everything and work together to bring about life. Some have names others are unknown, but those who take the time to listen can learn. They believe that the church has its origins in this theology and they they simply dressed up the original to make it easier to learn for children. By this belief while everyone can be taught, the truth must be understood for one's self.

    The following has been contributed by @Verran:

    The worship of nature can be easily traced back to the lands of Midori. However, unlike the contemporary faiths of the Brotherhood and the Church of Ages, which have consistent and established doctrine and hierarchy, the greatest similarity that exists between the various nature worshipers is that they believe that spirits are everywhere. In the water, in the earth, in each living being that strides the planet, in the deadly refined iron, and in the ever-breathing flame.

    These faiths all fall under differing names and contain differing amounts of members. The largest is, perhaps, the most moderate whose core tenants cycle around casual worship at personal, household shrines with holidays being the only time that one is required to visit any of the numerous shrines and temples dotted across the lands. These shrines, a trait shared across all but the most cultish of faiths, are maintained by various shrine maidens, priests, priestesses, and monks. In a great departure from the other faiths, these people do not actively teach doctrine. Such a burden is left upon the families themselves. However, they do continuously pray for the people and answer questions posed to them. A goodly number wander the land, doing works of faith and charity. These wanderers are often seen as good fortune and bring with them spirits that bless the land.

    However, one cannot forget that these faiths, while fundamentally are the same, are quite different in practice. Many have stricter tenants of worship, often requiring dawn, noon, and evening prayer to the spirits. Shrine tenders of such sects are often demanded to have full days of prayer, fasting and devoiding themselves of sleep for days, and even weeks, at a time. Others have militarized. Though not actively violent against other faiths, they profess their worship of nature by, as they call it, "the law of nature." That slaying the powerful, grants more power and contributes to the circle of life and spirits of the world. Often, these groups demand the devouring of hearts to absorb the power. Perhaps the most disturbing are the rumors of severely isolated cults that practice full cannibalism in their worship. However, there are sects that are less extreme, though still moreso than the moderates, that seek to bury only the heart, as it is the essence of the person, than the whole body.

    As of today's estimate, there are no less than 73 variants of Nature Worship existing in Midori alone. Some get along, others do not. However, there is an unmistakable trend that has been gradually happening ever since the rise of the Brotherhood. Nature Worship has been declining. The radical dedication of the Brotherhood teachers along with the response of the Church of Ages has lead to gradual conversion across the masses. Nature worship has begun to steadily die out.

  • They hold that to accomplish a goal one must strive for it. There is no such thing as a gift, only what is earned, and each man's place is determined by his deeds.

    They include the followers of Isolde. They believe she is the true goddess, cast aside in rebellion and replaced by Thalia's healing goddess. The existence of the dragon has been kept from "young" (new) followers, who are taught only of working hard for what they have and striving to make dreams come true. The inner circle seek a way to revive the great dragon and restore true glory to the land.

    Some additional plotting on the Brotherhood has occurred between RP members on a need/want to know bases. Please PM or ask on discord for details if knowledge is desired.

Additional World Lore

  • The RP currently takes place in the year 1012 adw. (After Dragon War)

    The year starts with the first day of Spring. It is common to refer to the season time as well as month name. For clarification I have included our month names along side Jedica's in parenthesis. Each month is also believed to be naturally aligned with one of the 12 elements. much like our wold's zodiac. This has no baring on the game but is included for fun ^_^

    Season of Planting (spring)
    Avgi (March - light)​
    Nero (April -water)​
    Lignum (May -plant)​

    Season of Growing (summer)
    Zoi (June - life)​
    Fotia (July - fire)​
    Caeli (August - air)​

    Season of Harvest (fall)
    Mea (September - spirit)​
    Terra (October - earth)​
    Metallo (November - metal)​

    Season of Rest (winter)
    Umbra (December - shadow)​
    Pagos (January - ice)​
    Thanatos (February - death)​

  • Magic stems from a single source energy. This means that while casters may follow different callings they are essentially doing the same thing although methods and use may very.

    The four callings include
    1. light
    2. dark
    3. anima
    4. healing

    A caster can perform any spell they know either from memory or their own personal note book at need. However, the use of magic often takes a physical toll and only so many castings can be performed before the user must rest. The higher the spell level the more energy is taken. Many casters use a focus to help direct their casting. In most cases a healer uses a staff as their focus, other users may prefer an amulet or valuable stone.

    Magic can be learned either from another magic user or from spell books (although self taught book learning often takes much longer). Many casters often compile their own books of favorite spells to avoid carrying multiple tomes. Known spells have been tried and tested, passed on teacher to student. New spells are heavily regulated and researched (and must be GM approved). Experimental magic is frowned upon in society.

    Magical items are created by a caster and may be used by anyone who meets the conditions of use. Such include the legendary weapons.

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Character Information


Humans - Humans make up the majority of the the population. In rare cases those descended from the six heroes may bare a brand if certain conditions are met. However, due to the twisting of history, the brand is seen as a mark of shame. PM me if you would like to know more.

Manakete - Manakete are the dragons who started a colony 1000 years ago and the few descendants of those dragons. They are not native to Jedica. Due to life-span and fertility issues they are extremely rare. Very few go outside the colony borders due to safety issues. After the war the dragons faced issues of insanity and deterioration and created the dragon-stones in order to contain their power and combat these issues. This is why they are always seen in their human form unless fighting or for special ceremonies.

Shapeshifters - tribes of shapeshifters are native to Jedica, however after the human/dragon wars most retreated to the safety of their hidden communities. Shapeshifters have a humanoid form and a beast form that varies by clan. The most common are Kitsune, Wolfskin, and Taguel. The majority of shapeshifters must use a beastone to change between forms. While some elders have mastered the change without, it is seen as risky to attempt and something that takes many years and a lot of training to learn.

Class List

Where possible links have been provided to class information on the fire emblem Wiki. Also, I have tried to color code multiple promotion paths to make promoted classes for a unit easier to find. Those that are not color coded only have one promotion path listed directly across in the chart. Additional notes may be included with appropriate class sets.

  • Promotion Mechanics

    Promotions will occur after enough time and character development has occurred and after some sort of significant event central to that character has happened. I will let you know when your character has been approved for promotion and you may then choose to promote them at any time after that point. Please select an available student or base class option from the promotion chart until that time comes.

  • GM Note: I had some trouble making readable color coded tables with the new table options. So, the charts are now in the linked Google Doc

    Lord Class Options

    Please note: Only one character can claim one of these at a time. If a holding character dies I may consider letting another character inherit the class/title* if there is sufficient story reason to do so. Lord Characters must be in some way related to the governing body of their respective homeland. In the case of the plains or shapeshifter colonies there may multiple possibilities.

    Click here for the Lord Class List

    Standard Class Options

    Please note: this chart is a combination of various games class lists. Some may have different names and others may be missing. Also note that some classes have variations or changes to weapons usage where game classes were inconsistent.

    Click here for the Standard Class List

    Midori Class Options

    These classes can be held only by those from Midori

    Click here for the Midori Class List

    Manakete and Shapeshifter Exclusive Classes

    Manakete and Shapeshifters have the option of being beaststone/drakestone exclusive or picking up another class as well

    Stone Exclusive Classes - these are masters of their stone types. Only those seen in game are currently listed. Talk to me if you have another animal type you want to make.

    Click here for the Stone Exclusive class List

    Stone + Skill classes - these are the classes a shapeshifter may choose if they wish to use their stone and a weapon. If they wish to give up their stone completely a shapeshifter may choose from one of the other class sheets.

    Click here for the Stone + Skill Class List

*If there is a class you would like that is not here, let me know ^_^

Character Sheet

Please put only what I have requested in your character sheet.
I intentionally have not included a place for backstory as in the games it is usually revealed in conversations with other characters. Consider this an excuse to plot together!

Appearance: Description or image. please use art for images. Preferably in fire emblem's style. face sprites are also acceptable.




Country of Origin:


Main Weapon: (e.g. sword, beastone etc.)

Mount: (if applicable )

Mount name: (if applicable)

3 Special skills (in as few words as possible e.g. lock-picking, horseback riding, diplomacy etc.)

3 strengths: (in as few words as possible)

3 weaknesses (in as few words as possible)

5 words to describe personality: (e.g. genuine, whiny, gold-digger etc.)

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Game Rules and Information

What to Know

    1. All Iwaku rules apply, Obviously

    2. Please wait for character approval before posting in the IC. All OOC chatter belong here or in the Discord, not in the main story thread.

    3. This is a cross age RP. All smut belongs in the appropriate bedroom forum

    4. Respect your fellow players. Basically don't be a jerk

    5. Please remember that not everyone uses the same background when choosing colors for your posts.

    6. Also, remember to start a new paragraph any time you start a new line of dialogue. Especially if it's a new character talking. If you need an example open any book.

    7. Posts are expected to be one paragraph (8 complete sentences) minimum.

  • All the lore you need to know is in the premise. Other than that, it's an entirely new continent (Jedica) with entirely new countries, although it is on the same planet as other Fire Emblem games. Timeline wise it is roughly the same time as Marth's adventures on Archanea (give or take 100 years) but you won't need to know anything about that for this RP.

    As for style, this is in the form of the classic Fire Emblem games, in which characters from all over come together to form a group which works toward a common goal. I imagine all sorts of background stories etc, and some side plots could happen, but by the end all the characters should be trying to reset the Seal of Ages.

    If a group of characters wants to make an enemy faction I won't object to that either.>:)

    Additionally, it should be noted that as a GM I am very fond of the Karma Paddle. If an action would have real world consequences then expect in-game consequences. for example, if your character commits a murder in broad daylight in the middle of town, then expect that character to be arrested and tried for Murder. Remember, NPS are character too.

    Also @Verran is my co-GM. please treat any game related thing he asks you to do as if it came from me.

  • If I get repeat questions or really good ones everyone should know the answer too then those will got here :)
    1. This game is huge, is there a co-GM?
      YES. @Verran in my co-GM. he can answer any game related questions you may have. He also has the authority to both approve characters and ask for changes as needed.

    Last edited:
    IC Event Tracking

    Character Roster

    • Thalia
      Isles de Abaroa


    • Avgi
      9 Jebei​
      17 Joris​
      2 Ludivine​
      2 Martha​
      20 Rendan​

      14 Aina​
      19 Tsubaki​
      6 Veran​
      29 Reina​


      3 Jomei​
      18 Suraya​


      1 Sadia​
      3 Avina​
      14 Iori​


      25 Arell​
      28 Esmail​


      12 Korwin​
      12 Gertrude​
      28 Gavril​


    Current Goal

    Main Group - Help the Taguel
    Atrrea Group - reach the Eshil Boarder
    Pirate group - find the Spear
    Suraya's Group - Continue Eastward

    Game Log

    After Nightfall of the 23nd day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 adw.

    After the fight in Abelsol's marketplace Reina and her new friends travel away from the town trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Little do they know that they have already been spotted and tracked on their path, but not by any they know to fear. As the group makes camp for the night dark shadows draw closer.
    As new friends and old friends camp for the night, the Taguel sneak in, intent on capturing the party. After a brief conflict is is revealed that the Taguel have mistaken the party for a group of bandits that have taken some of their children. After recognizing Reina due to her resembalance to her mother, the Taguel request help.

    The group following Suraya continue to follow her eastward on the Eshil Plains.

    The group of pirate make port as a small town and make a visit to a monastery known for it's historical record keeping. there they hear a story about the Pirate king and the spear they seek.

    The group traveling through Atrea continue south until they reach Charside a town by the great Lake.
    Evening of the 22nd day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 adw.

    Reina, Daughter of Thalia's Mediator and the High-Priestess of the Church of Ages, travels south into Eshil with the nomad Jebei. Their Goal is the village of Abelsol. A prosperous town for merchants and a decent place to catch up on some rest. Neither knows of the trouble that waits for them there. Rather they are far more concerned with the presence of the Pegasus Knight Gavril who has just joined them.

    The Trio in Atrea defeat the bandits and decide their next course of action

    Reina, Jebei, and Gavril arrive at the village where Korwin currently is. Also Present are Martha and her Cavalier Gertrude who have been waiting to hear of any concrete news from Thalia. Ludivine follows them but sets up camp a short distance from the tow where she can watch while remaining unseen.

    While Gavril and Jebai settles the horse and Pegasus, Reina is attacked by Sadia and saved by Korwin. Korwin whisks her off to the slums where a deal is made both to save Sadia's life, and gain her help. During this little adventure Korwin shows himself to have a head for dealing with underground elements, paying multiple beggars and other residence of the slums to mug anyone who may be following their little group. A message was left for Jebai and Gavril to change locations to another Inn, where eventually Korwin returns with the two women. Over the course of the evening everyone baths and eats and settles in for the night.

    Meanwhile Martha has gone drinking at a bar when she meets a Stanislav Myrmidon named Veran. The two end up talking and Martha eventually hires him as a guard.

    Gavril undergoes the difficult job of Informing Reina that her father has been killed in the conflict.

    Over in Ufral, in the border town of Tahir, the albino Esmail and Joris eventually track down lady Suraya. She and her friend Naira have been set upon by mercenaries hired to bring her home. They along with the archer Levi help defend her. After the battle introductions are made.

    The 23rd day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 adw.

    The Next morning the group in Abelsol takes some time to purchase Korwin's (who has given his name as Agato) contract from the Merchant Gonz. The then proceed to the market place when Reina, seeking guidance from Anhi, approaches a fortuneteller. Denzin delivers a surprisingly accurate fortune despite knowing nothing about the girl. Reina takes the message as instructions to stay the course, although Denzin has explained that the cards to not read the future only offer incite into knowing oneself better.

    Meanwhile Jebei tends his horse in the stables, Gavril remembers Reina's birthday is close and shops for a gift, and Martha's little group does a little shopping of their own having decided to leave the city. Ludivine sneaks in to the market hoping to confirm Reina's presence.

    A group of Bandits who spotted Martha at the bar the night before prepare to kidnap her. They manage to sneak into the market place unnoticed by the average population, although "Agato" and Sadia have some idea something is to happen and Veran reads the movements clearly.

    Before either group of guards can get their charges out of danger the Bandits attack. Denzin the fortuneteller revealed as a stone mage jumps in to help Reina with a combination of taking wolf shape and wielding a sheep spirit. Also drawn into the fight is an Ax wielding pirate named Jirn who just wanted to buy supplies, and the tactician Alrevis, who recognizes Gavril.

    Reina shows some wisdom in choosing to retreat from the fight, calling out to Martha who follows shortly after, having recognized her childhood friend.

    Additional Information Learned

    We also learn that the Lordess Commander Amelia Tersch took over Thalia later the same day of the fall, declare Miron a traitor and executed him, and promised to restore peace to Thalia. A soldier by the name of Caradoc Van'Ike was summoned and dispatched with the task of locating Reina and bringing her back unharmed. He is also to discover the fate of Ludivine who is at this point believed to be lost.

    Outside the city a group of Taguel gather, trying to track some bandits who have kidnapped several of their children. After sneaking into the city looking for someone to help them, they retreat to wait and watch. The person they hoped could help being unable to offer aid.
    Morning of the 22nd day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 adw.

    As Chaos fell on the city of Thalia, Princess Reina was fortunate enough to find cover in a cart of wheat that had already been inspected by the Stanislav Wyvern Guard. The cart keeper had no clue he had an extra passenger as he was allowed to drive out of the city. Reina was able to slip out of the cart after dark and though she attempted to find the river quickly gave up that plan in favor of staying close to the road. Far enough to remain unseen by casual travelers but close enough to find it as needed to check her direction. The cleric now travels by night, hiding to sleep in the day, and very rarely makes contact with anyone. Meanwhile others travel their own path, unaware that fate may soon bring them together.
    Reina managed to travel by night until she reached the boarder between Thalia and Eshil seven days later. There, as she tried to cross she was set upon by bandits. Fortunately, Jebei was near by and heard her scream. The nomad made the decision to save Reina and was able to get her onto his horse and flee south toward the nearest town. On their ride Reina confessed to him who she really was.
    Ludivine managed to catch up to her target, but out of curiosity decided to stay hidden and follow her, hoping to learn more.

    Cade, a fighter from Atrea, decides to join up with a caravan to help protect them from bandits. He recklessly decides to stay behind and fight them of so the caravan can escape. Paige, a pupil, decides she will not let him fight alone and jumps out of a wagonto help him.

    Korwin continues his travels. eventually reaching the village of Abelsol which happens to be the same village Reina and Jebai are heading towards.

    Meanwhile in the Isas de Abaroa, a ship is getting ready to set sail. on is a young mage named Arell and a Samurai named Rendan meet and trade stories
    The 15th day of Zoi in the Season of Growing 1012 adw.

    The continent of Jedica is divided into seven nations: Stanislav, Thalia, Ufral, the Islas de Abaroa, Midori, Eshil, and Atrea. These countries, albeit different, have generally observed a standing peace, at least since the end of the great war. Now, hoping to insure future eras of peace, the stratocracy of Stanislave has sent an envoy to the theocratic republic of Thalia. The current terms of peace between the military ruled realm and the pacifistic kingdom have been a bit tender of late. Largely the work of several bands of bandits that have been hiding in the wooded foothills and mountains, raiding both sides. Hoping to secure promises of more aggressive action against the bandits by Thalia's High-Council and perhaps the hand in marriage of Princess Reina, the daughter of the Country's mediator, the young Captain Miron travels to Thalia's capitol. He is a promising officer in Stanislav's army. Highly thought of by many...

    Captain Miron, a Hero of Stanislav, had no honorable intentions. his country had been slowly staging the takeover of Thalia by Hiring bandits to raid their own boarder so they could Blame Thalia's inaction and apply diplomatic pressure, eventually leading to an annex of the smaller country. However, General Ioannis of the sky knights witness a brigade and recognized the Mercenary in charge. He sent a messenger back to the assembly. Knowing his plot had been reveled Captain Miron proceeded to take the capitol by force. Slaughtering the peaceful people and taking captive any noble of note.

    The Lady Reina escaped, taking time only to steal the sacred healing rod from the temple and the urging of the goddess Ahni before she left. The Wyvern Rider Ludivine was sent to capture her.

    Meanwhile Korwin wanders through Eshil, and the plainsman Jebei slowly makes his way to Thalia's border. A Knight in Atrea leaves home.
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    Jebei of the Batu Tribe



    Country of Origin:


    Main Weapon:
    Bow and arrows

    Mount: Horse

    Mount name: Temüjin

    3 Special skills
    1. Horseback Riding
    2. Archery
    3. Scouting
    3 strengths:
    1. Valiant
    2. Cunning
    3. Perceptive
    3 weaknesses
    1. Can't read or write
    2. Fears dark magic
    3. Can't swim in sea water
    5 words to describe personality: Honorable, adventurous, spiritual, mischievous, and compassionate.
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    Name: The Errant Knight (to be revealed when I come up with a fitting name the character is comfortable)


    Gender: ????? (What's under all that armor?) (no it's not a sentient suit of armor, that's ridiculous)

    Country of Origin:

    Class: Squire

    Main Weapon: Swords

    3 Special skills (in as few words as possible e.g. lock-picking, horseback riding, diplomacy etc.)
    1. Charisma (among knights and nobility)
    2. Tracking
    3. Intrigue
    3 strengths: (in as few words as possible)
    1. Endurance
    2. A little too graceful for someone wearing so much armor
    3. Persistence
    3 weaknesses (in as few words as possible)
    1. Little sense of self-preservation
    2. Conspicuous
    3. Self-restraint
    5 words to describe personality: Grim, Dutiful, Withdrawn, Sincere, Poetic

    Steel, from head to toe, dented and scratched in various places from use. The darkened armor could very well be simply that: a mere suit, if not for the sound of feint, frustrated breath and the hot air being expelled from an opening on its face. And while there is most certainly a human face behind the helm, it remains obscured, as stripped of identity as the rest of the figure's body underneath the scales and plate.

    There is no heraldry, emblem, or tabard to mark the wearer as part of a noble's guard. They are no knight. Perhaps not even a squire, but a sellsword. It might explain what they're doing so far away from any Atrean castle.
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    • Love
    Reactions: Takumi and Jessica

    Reina Portocalis



    Country of Origin: Thalia

    Class: Lord (staff)

    Main Weapon: Heal Staff

    Mount: N/A

    Mount name: N/A

    3 Special skills
    1. Diplomacy
    2. Light on her Feet
    3. Healer's Touch
    3 strengths:
    1. Great Memory
    2. Resiliant
    3. Talent for planning
    3 weaknesses
    1. Stubborn
    2. terrible with woodcraft
    3. too trusting
    5 words to describe personality: Scholar, Pacifist, Determined, Honorable, Caring
    Name: Korwin Eraventice



    Country of Origin:
    Dragon Colony in Jedlica, Claims Midori


    Main Weapon:
    Naginata (lance)

    Mount: None

    Mount name: None

    3 Special skills
    1. Strategy
    2. Exotic Forms
    3. Draconic Lore
    3 strengths:
    1. Edurance
    2. Exotic Tactics
    3. Eternally Calm
    3 weaknesses
    1. Social Skills
    2. Trust issues
    3. Tactless
    5 words to describe personality: Marked, Running, Nomadic, Old Soul, Sardonic

    Jet black hair and auburn eyes. Skin too sun tanned to be from where he claims to originate from. Dusty forest green hood and cloak covering black greaves, pauldrons, along with chest platings. All of which are in line with Midori gear, down to the helmet that hangs at his waist. His naginata had red beads wrapped around the head, just below a sweeping silver blade that connects into a hardwood pole and steel butt.

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    Reactions: Jessica and Falcon


    (Didn't know what to draw outfit wise so I did whatever ^^")

    Ludivine Daulfern



    Country of Origin:

    Wyvern Rider

    Main Weapon:

    Mount: Wyvern

    Mount name: Fosc

    3 Special skills

    1. Wyvern Care
    2. Empathetic
    3. Physical Strength

    3 strengths: (in as few words as possible)

    1. Diligence
    2. Adaptive
    3. Judgment

    3 weaknesses (in as few words as possible)

    1. Magic
    2. Pessimistic
    3. Awful at hunting animals

    5 words to describe personality:

    Protective, Disciplined, Hardworking, Motherly, Self-Assured
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    and we now have a IC thread!

    OPEN SIGNUPS - Fire Emblem: Seal of Ages

    it should be noted that none of the art in that post is mine. The city images are the result of a google search and the characters are a photo merge and recoloring of existing fire emblem character images


    Name: Arell McCain

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Country of Origin: Islas de Abaroa

    Class: Mage

    Main Weapon: Fire Tome

    Mount: (if applicable )

    Mount name: (if applicable)

    3 Special skills (in as few words as possible e.g. lock-picking, horseback riding, diplomacy etc.)
    1. Magic
    2. Swordplay
    3. Diplomacy (to a degree)
    3 strengths: (in as few words as possible)
    1. Caring
    2. Adaptable
    3. Map reading (somewhat)
    3 weaknesses (in as few words as possible)
    1. Sickly
    2. Sheltered
    3. Not very strong physically
    5 words to describe personality: Naive, genuine, slightly spoiled, determined, and lonely
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    Reactions: Falcon and Jessica
    Oh boy, a Fire Emblem setting! Here's my contribution to this little ragtag team of ours. Hopefully the Granblue art is fine - I notice all the other characters either have descriptions or personally drawn art - but it was perfect for the type of character I wanted to portray. There's even a "promoted" artwork for him! I also tapped into my old sprite-stitching powers to create an approximation of the character with the in-game style as well. Lemme know if anything needs to be touched up or changed altogether~

    Caeden &quot;Cade&quot; Forrester

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Country of Origin: Atrea

    Class: Fighter

    Main Weapon: Axe

    Personality: Dependable, Loyal, Honorable, Straightforward, Mercenary

      1. Pathfinding
      2. Cooking
      3. Fighting

      1. Courage
      2. Resilience
      3. Resourcefulness

      1. Subtlety
      2. Leadership
      3. Stubborn
    @Hieronymous Phantom - approved!
    We've been doing a lot of plotting in the discord if you want to join us ^_^
    otherwise feel free to read over the IC and make an intro post :)

    @Takumi - looking good so far. Let me know when you're done ^_^

    Also, everyone, I realize that after the updates the color coding on my class tables is broken. I am currently working on a fix for this. You can try highlighting the info, or just tag or PM me with any questions. :)
    • Like
    Reactions: Takumi
    I love that most of the recruits are looking to be tactless jerkasses at a glance. Also, welcome to the party, friends!
    • Bucket of Rainbows
    Reactions: Jessica

    Name: Rendan Hadomi

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Country of Origin: Midori

    Class: Samurai

    Main Weapon: Sword (Nodachi

    3 Special skills

    1. Grenadier
    2. Able Seaman
    3. Alchemist
    3 strengths:

    1. Optimism
    2. Sharp Eyed
    3. Sewing
    3 weaknesses:

    1. Indecisive
    2. Laid-back
    3. Prankster
    5 words to describe personality: Lazy, Precise, Friendly, Decorator, Chaotic
    • Love
    Reactions: Takumi and Falcon
    Full Armor

    Name: Tiberius DeTylmerand

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Country of Origin: Atrea now Stanislav

    Class: Wyvern Knight

    Main Weapon: Sword Halberd

    Mount: Wyvern

    Mount name: Aarcherre

    3 Special skills (in as few words as possible e.g. lock-picking, horseback riding, diplomacy etc.)
    1. Wyvern Riding
    2. Prodigious swordsmen
    3. Precise Strikes
    3 strengths: (in as few words as possible)
    1. Honorable
    2. Compassionate
    3. Diligent
    3 weaknesses (in as few words as possible)
    1. Too trusting
    2. Intimidating
    3. OCD
    5 words to describe personality: (e.g. genuine, whiny, gold-digger etc.)
    1. Loyalty
    2. The compulsion to do the right thing even if it goes against orders.
    3. Iron Will
    4. Self-confident
    5. Absent-minded
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    • Love
    Reactions: Falcon
    Approved - I will make sprites for the two new Characters this weekend
    • Love
    Reactions: Jessica


    Name: Martha Fabre

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Country of Origin: Thalia

    Class: Lord (sword)

    Main Weapon: Sword

    Mount: N/A

    Mount name: N/A

    3 Special skills: (in as few words as possible e.g. lock-picking, horseback riding, diplomacy etc.)

    1. Swordplay
    2. Horseback
    3. Diplomacy (somewhat)

    3 strengths: (in as few words as possible)
    1. Physical strength
    2. Slightly flexible
    3. Passionate
    3 weaknesses (in as few words as possible)
    1. Babies
    2. Short-tempered
    3. Magic?
    5 words to describe personality: considerate, stubborn, bratty, rough, tomboyish


    Name: Paige Spiros

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Country of Origin: Unknown, raised in Atrea

    Class: Pupil

    Main Weapon: Wind Tome

    Special skills:
    • Magic Proficiency (wind specialist)
    • Selling
    • House Chores

    • General Education
    • Likes to talk
    • Inquisitive

    • Noncombatant (currently)
    • Inexperience with the world
    • Taking on too much

    • Tolerant
    • Reliable
    • Selfless
    • Passionate
    • Determined
    • Love
    • Like
    Reactions: Falcon and Takumi