Fighting the Losing Battle

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Rachael had been somewhat quiet as they had walked back to the cabin. She hadn't been gone long and Juvo had begun to cry. That concerned her because she was going to be gone much longer when she went out scouting. She shook her head and snapped out of her thoughts at Scrubz's and Alex's words. She looked at Scrubz, "Seems I am indeed. When all is said and done I think I am going to need that drink you mentioned earlier. Just a heads up now." She then looked at Juvo. She ruffled his hair a bit and gently removed his hand from her pant leg, "Alrighty Juvo. I have to go for a while. No worries though. I will be back, I can promise you that. No crying okay?" She gave him a soft smile.


Rin saw Blue and shouted a bit, "Blue!!!!!" in her mild excitement at seeing her she dropped the human. At the thud she jumped a bit and glanced down at Atlas who was now on the floor with a slightly embarrassed face. " will be fine...I hope." She then glanced back at Blue."You think he will be fine? Didn't wake up so..." She then looked back at the human. "Oh goodness...oh well. He'll be fine for now!! Doesn't appear to be dead!!!" She then turned to Blue again and tackled her in a hug. "Now tell me what's wrong! Do I need to go beat someone into a pulp for being cruel to such a kind person? Because I will do so!!!"
Juvo looked up at Rachael as she scruffed his hair and took his hand from her pant leg. He wasn't happy that she was leaving him behind, after all he had just found her... Still he had a plan so he wouldn't really be away from her. She just wouldn't know he was their. Still, he was a bit bumbed she had to leave so soon. "Bye." Once again he found it hard to look her in the eyes. Honestly she was one of the verry first people he ever did that too.
Scrubz smiled and winked "I'll hold you to that Rach, the bar should be stocked when you get back. You stay safe and good luck". Scrubz looked down at Juvo and wondered "Hey Juvo" and crouched down so he was eye level "Why don't you come with me there are some tasks on ship you can help me supervise, it'll be fun. I promise"

Blue was startled by Rin's Voice and looked up just to see Rin drop the human which made Blue slightly giggle. When Rin asked if Atlas will be fine "I think so" she replied. She soon was tackled with a hug and she embraced it. Tears formed into her eyes once again "I'll be fine Rin but thank you for coming to me, it just saddens my heart chip to see how Juvo is. I tried to help him but...." She sniffed and continued ".... he just didn't want it. I'm sorry Rin I'm being silly. I know how it is to be depended on someone but my physics needs a captain."
Rachael hugged Juvo and then stepped back. When Scrubz spoke she smirked, "Sounds good then, and don't worry I have managed to stay along this live after all." With that she took off towards the main deck meet up with the others. She now was grateful that she had taken time earlier to take care of her weapons and pack all of her small pouch. As she walked onto the deck she now seemed calm and serious.


Rin frowned as Blue spoke, "Hey it's okay, I don't think you are silly at all. It make me sad too. However, I just think he is still in the mentality he had when he was in the woods. He probably went through a lot and kept himself alive despite how hard that can be out here. After some time I think he will get better, we are just going to have to be patient and slowly help." She paused for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. "In a way...he is slowly getting better. I mean he talks to Rachael after all. That has to mean something. No?"
"I can see why," Cordel replied lightly. "Oh no, we wouldn't want to make Alex upset. She seems occupied enough as it is." He shut the door behind them and resumed following Evelyn. "And I certainly wouldn't want to leave ahead of all of you. I don't even know all the details of the plan, such as where the building we will be scouting out is located. Or even the main purpose of your group's endeavors, although I can assume it has something to do with the humans."
Evelyn's eyes widened when Cordel spoke of how little he knew of the plan, "Oh, right! I forgot how late you came. Well there's this really bad human named Cyrus Ryan and he does a bunch of really evil things to kick supernaturals out of their houses and lands so he can take them. 'Cus of him there's a whole lot of us that are stuck on the streets now. He's been doing this for a long time and won't stop unless we make him so we gots to kill him. It's our job to scout out his base so the others know what to be ready for when we attack." She explained as they walked. As she finished explaining they just reached the deck but the others were not quite there yet so she sat on one of the boxes nearby, swinging her legs half-mindedly.


Alex raised one of her eyebrows when Rachael ignored her presence but at least she didn't ignore her words, it still caused a slight rise in her smothered temper. She decided to wait and walk up with Rachael so she wouldn't have to be waiting up top with the kid and her invisible best friend so she crossed her arms and leaned more on one leg as they spoke. When she was done and walked away from the others, Alex walked after her and stopped at the top deck. "All right you guys, you may know where Cyrus Ryan's base is but because most of you are from out of town I'll tell you. From where we are now you will need to travel through the woods for a short bit going East until you reach the town. From there you will split up and take different side streets until you reach the wharf area. It isn't hard to miss; lots of docks, boats, and fisheries. Be careful, we don't know much about the area. In reality the only thing we really know is that it is one of the most heavily guarded areas in the whole town."
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Blue rose her voice at Rin "talked to Rachael?" she closed her eyes and breathed "sorry, it's more like he's leeched on. I'm sure that's no good for him". She looked into Rin's eyes "I guess your right bit at a time right?"

Blue's smile started to shine once again and she looked over Rin's shoulder and noticed Atlas, "We better get him off the floor Rin". She jumped backwards in excitement "I know why don't you come with me I can get a hammock on deck and Atlas can lay down in that and you can wait with me for the delivery. It be brilliant what you say, pleeeeease pretty pretty please". Blue's eye seemed to change into big pretty puupy dog eyes or was it the effect she gave on people. Scrubz never seemed to work it out.
Juvo looked up at captain Scrubs as he started to talk about helping him out around the ship. He ws going to shake his head no because it would be harder to follow Rachael when she got off the ship but to his dismay Rachael said it sounded like a fun idea and that he should try... Finally Juvo nodded and looked sheepishly over at Captain Scrubs.
Atlas blinked once, then twice, then thrice- being whisked back into reality from a lucid dream with a strong headache. He felt like he had been hit by a carriage. Atlas didn't know where he was, what had transpired, or for that matter- who he was. He tried to get up, but found that any motion left him a sharp pain- forcing him to stay perfectly still where he had awoken.

Meanwhile, far to the east- in a High-Security Slaughterhouse..."Go fish."
"Blow off."
"I said, go fish!"
"Aren't you supposed to be gutting a whale?"
"Now shut up."
The two butchers continue to bicker as another boring shift drags on in the "Newland Slaughter & Cannery." As they play another "rousing" game of cards, they find themselves doused in blood as a large whale passes over them- newly dissected and headed to processing. The two exhaust their vocabulary of vulgar words and rise, discarding their drenched cards whilst taking off their soggy aprons. They then pass through storage on their way back to the Rec. Room in search of a change of uniform. Half an hour passes, and they find themselves holding large bonesaws as they tear apart yet another whale.
Just another day on the job.
Rachael tilted her head a bit as they were told where to go, "Oh this should be just lovely for my sense of smell. Also I take it this is where we are being left. Do we get the luxury of landing or do we get to jump? Either is quite fine mind you." Her voice came out a bit bored and there was a bit of sarcasm too.


Rin winced a bit when Blue talked about leeching onto Rachael. It was kind of true but hey at least he was talking to someone. "Yeah, just a bit at a time." She then glanced at the human and back at Blue. She wasn't so sure but then Blue used the puppy dog eyes and she caved. "Sure, I don't wanna be locked up in a room at the moment so of course. I will meet you up there, I just got to go pick up Atlas." She then walked over to where she had accidentally dropped him and right before she picked him up she noticed he was awake. "Oh! Finally awake I see. Hm...still going to carry you. Probably extremely sore from yesterday anyways. Before you ask why I am here...I am the babysitter! sitter rather." She grimaced as she remembered how Alex lost her cool, and she also realized she never spoke to her about that and would need to do so. She then picked Atlas up so that she could go up onto the deck with Blue.
Atlas rolled, trying to escape from her grasp while pondering over who exactly she was.
"Who the- What the- What-!?"
Rin sighed and tightened her hold a bit because he was squirming around. "It's Rin. You are still in custody of the rebellion forces. If you thought you were having a crazy weren't. I know, major mood killer. Isn't it?"
Atlas stops his struggling, blinking wildly as everything comes back.
"Wh-Wha... Oh. Right. Of course."
His hands drift to his chest as he tries to find the wound.
"If I might ask... What happened?"
Rin's expression sort of resembled a bad poker face. " see..." She tried to figure out a good way to tell him since he didn't seem to remember much at the moment. "After that lovely moment yesterday I dragged you back to this lovely place we are staying. Which by the way, we are on a very lovely flying boat! I have to admit it is quite homey." She then digressed a bit about how she liked it, "Oh! As I was of the others happened to be a healer so they patched you up! You have been out cold ever since then. Mind you it was kind of boring having to stay and babysit an unconscious person!"
Atlas stared at her blankly. Flying ship? A flying ship that is "homey"? One of the others? Babysit?
Rin sighed, "From that what I take it that you don't know what I am talking about at all...How much simpler do I have to make things? Goodness!" She had a lot of patience but for some reason his lack of understanding irked her. She finally kicked a door open gently and they were on the deck. "Look around. We are on a boat. A flying one. I quite like it because technically it is the only bloody place I have right now. Therefore, it feels like home to me. It feels that way to some of the other non-humans too so they set me to watch you so you don't walk around and do something stupid. As for the wound you were looking for, one of the other rebellion members healed it for you. 'Cause certain non-humans can do that. Does that make things a bit more clear for you!?" Her voice slowly got more irritated and she blinked in shock when she realized. "Oh! Darn it. Sorry, I can get a bit irritated sometimes..."
Atlas continued to stare at her, nodding.
"Alright then. I think you can put me down now, if you don't mind."
Rin raised an eyebrow, "Alright, but you have to stay with me. Otherwise I run the risk of know I'd rather not say. Just stick with me." With that she released her hold on him so that he could walk by himself.
Atlas stood on his own two feet, albeit shakily. He takes a step, then sighs.
"Well then, lead the way."
Cordel couldn't help but grimace at Evelyn's description of Cyrus. Though more than anything it pained his heart to hear this child speak so lightly of killing, even if it was about a selfish, heartless human who didn't deserve to live on this Earth. "Absolutely horrible," was the only response he could muster with a shake of his head. Before he could think of anything else to say, the others arrived and they received their breifing from Alex. Cordel listened closely to her directions, attempting to engrain it into his memory. He glanced at Rachael when she asked the question of whether the ship would be landing for them to disembark. He didn't say anything, for it didn't matter to him since he could easily fly down.
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