Fate/Vagabond Ardor

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Fantasy, Mystery
Fate/Vagabond Ardor
IC Thread

The Grail was thought lost. The Third War over the wish granting chalice lasted less than a week. The fledgling town of Fuyuki saw the arrival of troops from both the Imperial Japanese Army and the German Wehrmacht to do battle in place of the fragile magi who laid down their lives in the first hours of the conflict. As both nations prepared for the largest war in human history neither dared to abandon a true, omnipotent wish. Two angry children pulled at the tablecloth to hold the vessel which witnessed the last supper, only to watch it rip and cast their treasure into the abyss. Fuyuki was utterly destroyed, most of the region following suit as the fighting followed the defeated German expedition back into their landing at Kyoto. With the war closed in stalemate, the Empire was left to lick its wounds. They were not alone, as the world of Magecraft reeled in abject, cataclysmic loss. The Three Families, the pillars of the Magic Association, had been left shattered, the best among them dead in Japanese fields. Their precious relic, the one grail in hundreds of imitations that promised Magic and more in its gilded depths, was destroyed. Ages of scholarly pursuit turned to ash under iron bombs and tank treads, and those that could have continued to chase the legacy left behind were dead.

The silence that followed lasted almost a hundred years. Talk of the Grail gradually left the lips of those seeking the Root, its mentions once again restricted to long dead legends and obscure references to lost, occult relics. It was the Church that finally broke it, declaring proudly that the genuine Holy Grail had been found and identified. The 727th Holy Grail, the 'Final Grail', had appeared on South America, in the city of São Paulo. Such was their claim. As if by miracle, the branded began to come forward. For the first time since the 1930s, Magi of the world were being selected. The tense relations between the Mage's Association and the Holy Church boiled into the opening movements of war overnight. The Fuyuki system had been destroyed. The irreplaceable core of its process, so much more than a simple ritual cup, was a secret of magic forever lost with the Einzbern that crystallized it. It was impossible for a duplicate to exist, and yet, from the dark recesses of the cathedral housing its sacred body, it called.

No one who knew the absurd truth of the Third War survived to tell its tale. No one could know the twisted story of the Reborn Grail. Whatever you know of Magecraft know this: You are marked. The red seal upon your body oozes blood as it materializes, as if cut through the flesh by an invisible, painless blade. Dark, far reaching hands have selected seven souls to bear their mark to war. The signs come in your sleep. Infinite voices; singing, roaring, screaming. All at once they plead for you to come. Glimpses of city lights and a towering, desolate metropolis flood in between. Even without the formal announcement of the Grail War those touched by its fell influence would know by instinct to where they were called. You know that you can not go alone. The seals burn for want of authority. Your hands are guided towards history, to pluck its pieces and offer them to the Throne, to call down your Servant for the last Grail War. Dozens have stepped forward to show how they have been touched by the chalice, any number more could lurk in the dark. Only seven lights ring the city in your dreams. All but one must fall before a wish will be heard.

Hello and welcome to Fate/Vagabond Ardor. If you didn't catch it by now this is a thread based on Fate/Stay Night, its surrounding stories, and the Nasuverse. The players are those who have been called upon by the Reborn Grail to fight in a resurrection of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War in 2021, and the Servants who are accompanying their Masters on the way to São Paulo. Currently the Thread is set up around the normal seven Masters/seven Servants arrangement. This thread will be fairly freeform, with my intention as GM being to facilitate player driven storylines and furnish the world for them as best I can in the character driven atmosphere common to a lot of Nasuverse setting works. There is an underlying plot important to the scenario, but the scenario is also a deathmatch in which the notable competitors are all players. It is my hope as GM to create a thread that everyone feels free to enjoy. If you have any questions, comments, or anything else please contact either myself or my co-GM, @DrowsyPangolin either through this thread or through PMs. Thank you for reading.


Yukari Kamei Yggdmillennia by @MechanicalHorse
Seth Finch by @DrowsyPangolin
Christopher Luft-Hampton by @Jitt
Martin Urias Holcomb by @ArmoredScout
Mary McAlister by @Telute
'Angel' by @Supremacy
Akise Motoyo by @Akashi


Saber: Tachibana Dōsetsu by @DrowsyPangolin
Archer: Sun Tzu by @Sightles
Lancer: Longinus by @MYTH*
Rider: Unknown by @CasketCase
Caster: Abe no Seimei by @Vania
Assassin: Yarankash by @ERode
Berserker: Mary I by @Epsir


Team Saber:
Tachibana Dōsetsu and Mary McAlister

Team Archer:
Sun Tzu and Seth Finch

Team Lancer:
Longinus and Martin Urias Holcomb

Team Rider:
Unknown and Akise Motoyo

Team Caster:
Abe no Seimei and Christopher Luft-Hampton

Team Assassin:
Yarankash and Yukari Kamei Yggdmillennia

Team Berserker:
Mary I and 'Angel'

Name: ??
Age: ??
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Origin: Eternity


Magic Circuits:
A sense of the number and quality of the Overseer's Magic Circuits is not immediately perceptible even to those adept at peering into the capabilities of others. The reasons for this obscurity however, are easily visible. Her constant proximity to the Grail and the almost assured presence of an Overseer's bounty of Command Seals distort any value to be had in natural measures of magical ability, trickling mud over the truth with the sheer amount by which they outshine the human underneath.

An Archbishop of the Holy Church, the Overseer should be capable of performing the modern sacraments common to all practicing members, those typically used in the rituals of the Church and without great benefit to the Magi and their search for truth. As a representative of the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament overseeing a Holy Grail War there are also certain freedoms granted to her regarding methods that would otherwise be deemed heretical in the event that her duty requires her to personally retrieve the Grail. Given the dangerous nature of the assignment it is not without reason to believe that the Holy Church would have invested an agent with knowledge of the greater secrets used by the bloodthirsty heretic hunters and exorcists of the other Church Agencies.

Mystic Codes:
An ornamental staff dictating her rank within the Holy Church is usually found around or upon her person. It is capped in gold and covered in gilded ornamentation, depictions of creatures from the Testaments and the iconography of angels. The main body is made up of ash wood toned a stark, blinding white. Naturally, it serves as a device for the sacraments of the Church though the exact nature of the Thaumaturgy housed within is lost to time, somewhat akin to its true name. The sacraments it is suitable for performing are soft, subtle miracles unlike the great works of healers or exorcists. While the works of the Church's most notorious agencies focus on the purification and protection of bodies, the quaint staff of the Archbishop of São Paulo is a tool for the mind, an equally valuable piece of the spirit.

Weapons/Other Belongings:
The telltale jingle of metal accompanies every footfall of the Overseer, the clatter of hidden weapons is unmistakable to the warlike ear even when it is sweetened with the chime of holy jewelry.

Name: ??
Age: ???
Alignment: True Neutral
Origin: Forgiveness


Magic Circuits:
Number: E
Quality: E

A sense of the number and quality of the Observer's Magic Circuits is easily perceptible to those adept at peering into the capabilities of others. It is just a human.


A creature with such minuscule prana, regardless of identity, could never be capable of Magecraft. While powerless in a conflict of Mages it can be reasoned that the man possesses at least some martial capability based on muscle tone, though not much is evident with his choice of unflattering, baggy clothing. He has a demonstrable competency with English and a gait that suggests the seemingly middle aged male is in acceptable health.

Mystic Codes:

Despite the lack of magical ability there seems to be a prana not quite the creature's own lingering about his person, a transient spirit not unlike a familiar or a Servant forgoing their physical form. Whatever the Mystic Code may be, it registers upon supernatural senses in a way reminiscent of a Command Seal: Magical potential stored on the body without the circuitry to activate itself.

Weapons/Other Belongings:

He does not appear to carry much on his person. Tourist-grade cargo shorts appear to be carrying a wallet and a phone at most, with no obvious weaponry. A gaudily crafted aloha shirt poses even less questions, its baggy form devoid of pockets and taste alike.

Name: Elfriede Fellgiebel
Age: 29
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Origin: Surpassing


Magic Circuits:

Number: D
Quality: B


Basic Magecraft: Elfriede is astutely learned in the Kabbalistic traditions of Association Magecraft, a former darling of the Clocktower who was on course to graduate with distinction, and duly qualified to execute all of the fundamental crafts which identify one as a Magus. The creation of bounded fields and workshops, the binding and control of familiars, as well as various technique for clairvoyance sit comfortably within her repertoire. Simply being a master of the basics is not enough to earn one distinction, however. With her disappearance from the Association most details of Elfriede's work were also lost, but what remains of the deviant Magus' legacy makes it abundantly clear that she was an individual who could not have had allies among normal mages.

Mystic Code Creation (Runecraft):

Elfriede's true power lies in her ability as an imbuer. With an unremarkable magic crest from a family unknown to the world of Magecraft she is conspicuously well-informed on rune magics spanning from Celtic to Norse traditions, with a latent gift for inscribing the plethora of runes she possesses upon various objects. Owing to her elemental affinity's association with the transference of energy the most immediate utility of her Runecraft is in creating support-type mystic codes for other Magi. While she was a student she was known to study industrial design at mundane schools, holding qualifications in engineering and theoretical physics from the University of Cambridge by the time she left Clock Tower. She was deeply interested in applying rune magic to mundane objects, taking inspiration from the widespread use of self-targeted Enhancement spells among Magi. Ordinary substances could be transformed into wonder materials with the use of prana, with especially magically conductive elements like glass taking to the process exceptionally well. The short life of her runes was the great undoing of her endeavors, however. Concrete infused with runes could be made to make steel look like tissue paper... But only for so long, and the substitutions to the mixture which enabled easy enchantment made the material too brittle to survive in any real world application unless constantly maintained. Her techniques only proved to have any real use in situations where equipment, and thus the enchantments, only needed to be single-use.


Despite spending the majority of her career coming up with novel and usually pointless ways to use her runes to supplement technology, Elfriede didn't get to the level she holds by being a slouch. She is able to use the vast majority of the runes she is aware of, inscribing ancient symbols to call upon dormant Mysteries with the ease of any true blooded rune user. Runecraft, owing to its ancient nature, is typically used to achieve simplistic effects such as setting a target on fire or helping the user to navigate. Enhancement and healing runes exist, though they unpopular with modern Magi due to the prestige associated with Crest-based Magecraft and the (typical) supremacy of refined techniques over the boorish and primitive capabilities of modern runes.

Other Abilities:

Language Lover: Bouncing around Europe through her youth and studying in the multicultural academic nexus that is the United Kingdom has blessed Elfriede with a tongue for language. Though German is her mother tongue one would never be able to perceive it, as her London accented English flows effortlessly besides the many languages of the continent. While some of the niceties of Brazilian Portuguese elude her, perhaps giving the correct impression that she learned in Europe, she has been adapting swiftly to her new environs.

Industrial Revolutionary:
Industrial Economics, Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Psychology, every field she has dipped into seems to have one important identifier in common. Industry. In addition to her considerable knowledge of the magical world Elfriede has something that the vast majority of Mages do not: A degree in a field that is not teetering on the verge of irrelevance due to a metaphysical dilution of the human race's magical potential over time. The fact that most industrialists are not hunted down by their host agencies and put into magical preservation simply for doing something a little bit better is also something she is quick to bring up. She did not originally revile the world of Magi, having to live in its center may have played into that, but as she distanced herself from the Clock Tower she has found it easier and more satisfying to mirror the contempt her peers had for her instead of pretending it didn't exist.

Mystic Codes:

She is a walking arsenal and factory for Mystic Codes, able to turn ordinary household objects into magical items with little effort. That said, there are entire classes of Mystic Code outside of her capability to produce, chiefly those which result from Alchemy. Her ability lends itself to magical modification of the mundane, not creating magical substances from mundane origins. Potions, salves, compounds and such are things she has no familiarity with, but mana batteries and impromptu weapons are commonplace productions. Most effects possible through rune magic can be imparted on materials simply by engraving them. Since mana batteries are almost pointless for her she only produces such things for allies. In terms of weaponry, Elfriede has toyed with many effects. Cursed weapons can be made of anything, overcoming rune magic's limited range by engraving effects onto objects which would be passed to the target on impact. Sledgehammers which engulfed foes in explosions, bullets engraved with the guiding and destructive Tiwaz runes, land mines made of ordinary floor tiles... She grew very frustrated while exploring legitimate, profitable uses of her craft and found catharsis in demolishing failed prototypes.


The mind of a prodigy is always an enigma and there are few success stories with lesser warrant than Elfriede's, a survivor who rose from nothingness, proving nothing to no one and excelling only for her own sake. She is driven by a personality that makes itself too strong for the people around her, turning away most relationships with a compulsive need to assert herself. In short, she is madly in love with herself. She is best described as self serving but does not possess a capacity for greed, having only ever sought profit in order to fund her endeavors or as a measure by which she can prove the practicality of her dreams. A dreamer she most certainly is, an aberrant Magus who spurns the root and longs for a second industrial revolution, one driven by a new generation of magitech. Science without limit, Magecraft without decay. Elfriede is someone who has always had her beliefs questions and criticized, and so freely tears at the traditions of Magecraft without a care. She is not a terribly serious person outside of her work, though she was never personally wealthy the company she kept at university usually was, and the errant industrialist is not shy about her love of luxury. It is self indulgence that drives both her work and her play, and although she is fortunate enough to be successful Elfriede is not a person of great discipline or tremendous virtue: Simple, naked ambition has always done the trick in place of either. Her greatest doubt is whether she strives to prove her ability to herself, or to spite the people who turn their nose up at her.

Short History:

The official history of Elfriede Fellgiebel begins and ends in the records of the Clock Tower. A family that had never sent a student to the Association before suddenly enrolled their obstinate daughter, whose sharp-tongued conviction made her immediately (and uncomfortably for all involved) of a kind with the jaded, bitter elite of European Magi. Her tuition was paid in raw materials, artifacts and gemstones flowing from unnamed connections which continue to be the greatest mystery that surrounds a talented but insignificant Mage. She excelled, and while her passion was deemed distasteful it was not yet known to be heretical. Elfriede was tolerated, and that was enough for her. Her notoriety never rose above anything more than a sideshow, one of the many freaks deemed acceptably harmless and 'okay' to allow to pursue their craft at the Clock Tower. Her legacy ends there, as a woman scholar singlemindedly chasing a novel application of an obscure and degraded school of Magecraft. Five years ago she simply disappeared, not as an act of expulsion and without an official notice of withdrawal her and some of her belongings simply vanished from her quarters. Her family never asked questions, and with several years in advance still paid the administration was simply happy for the reduction in obnoxious clanging noises. Her disappearance did not affect anyone, but the sudden loss of one of Clock Tower's C-list personalities did not go unnoticed. The vanishing of Mrs. Rockefeller was the subject of rumor and speculation, but not serious inquiry. Much as she lived, she 'died' as a curiosity, an "Oh, what's her name?" on the tongues of those that may have once heard of her.

Master CS

Elemental Affinity:
Origin:(The basis of your character's existence)
Appearance:(image or description)

Magic Circuits
Number:(A-E) (We'll assume C is average)

Magecraft/Abilities:(Spells and/or powers your Master has)

Other Abilities:(Skills not related to magecraft)

Mystic Codes:(Any magical items your character has, from potions and mana batteries to priceless, one of a kind family heirlooms)

Weapons/ Other Belongings:


Short History:

Servant CS:

True Name:
Class:(No 'extra' classes ((Ruler, Avenger, etc.))

Magical Energy:

Class Skills:(Skills your Servant possesses that are tied to their class)

Personal Skills:(Skills your Servant has because of their identity)


Noble Phantasm(s):
Type:(anti-unit, anti-army, etc.)



Summoning Catalyst:(If any)
1: Be courteous and follow all general RP rules (no autohitting, godmodding, metagaming etc). Your characters might not respect each other, be the asshole of your dreams IC, but the joy of trying to murder each other in game is made better when we, as a community, respect each other and collaborate towards a fun game.

2: There will be combat in this RP. Please try to be reasonable with one another and remember we're all here to have fun. If disputes arise, I will settle them.

3: Characters will die in this RP. That being said, I take serious issue with 'falling rocks' style unreasonable deaths, so I'll try to be as fair as possible in that regard. Also, your character's death doesn't necessarily mean you have to leave the thread. You're obviously welcome to hang around in the OOC, but if you have a Master that dies and you wish to continue playing, PM me and we can work something out, remember, there are numerous third parties interested in the Grail War.(Also take note that Servantless Masters can still participate) If your character is a Servant that dies and you wish to continue... be sure to PM me, there may be some shady stuff you can take part in.

4: Nasuverse rules are almost always made to be broken. I'm not going to be overly pedantic about canon restrictions when the canon goes out of its way to modify them with every new addition. Generally speaking, if it can be backed by even the slimmest modicum of good old logic and mythology, we'll be good.

5: Please try to post regularly. Stick with us, engage in the OOC, and lets get a rotation going. If you've got to go, either on a break or for good, please inform someone. You have my solemn promise that there will be no hard feelings either way: No game is better than a bad game and sometimes one just isn't for you, I just need to know if we're down a poster for the good of everyone else. If you're gone for a while and I can't get in touch with you after trying, your character will be controlled or replaced for your partner's sake, but you will be welcomed back if you return.

6: There's no problem with apping canon Servants as long as they're actually eligible to be here, but I would strongly encourage people to remake their favorite Servant or draft up a legendary spirit new to the Fate treatment to keep things interesting.

7: As far as reserving character spots, I'm fine with you guys reserving a particular spot if you wish to do so. I understand it takes a while to make a character. If you reserve a spot and disappear though, I'll have to give up your spot to another interested member.

8: You are welcome to run both a Master and a Servant if you'd like, the only restriction being that they cannot be paired together. Actually, I strongly encourage running Masters(they always seem to be in short supply). You're certainly not required to run more than one character though.

9: Master/Servant pairings are at your discretion. Find a partner, try to keep them alive. If we're down a person and you're all tired of waiting either myself or my Co-GM will fill the slot if the player wants to get on with it. Trust me we've got Servants and Masters stockpiled for this so it's no hassle! Ideally, we've got enough people to go around though. Tell your friends!

10: Tact is always the word of the day. I prefer to keep things relaxed and communal when it comes to the thread. Please do your best to do the same and treat your fellow roleplayers with respect and dignity. That doesn't mean you've got to be up front and greeting everyone in the OOC if that's not your style, it just means these things work better with the understanding that we are all working together. I am always willing to help you and hear you out.
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Alrighty, here's my submission then. The personality feels a bit barren to me, but maybe because I spent like half an hour writing the long ass history like some sort of word diarrhea machine and I whipped up the personality part in a few minutes. That said, it might be pretty ramble-y and whatnot, hopefully it doesn't meander too much. Lemme know if it all works nice and kosher like, fearless leaders.


Name: True Name: Kamei Yukari; Assumed Name: Yukari Kamei Yggdmillennia; Nickname: Chou no Kamei (Butterfly of Kamei)
Age: 28
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Neutral
Origin: Legacy
Appearance: --

Magic Circuits
Number: D
Quality: B


"To Walk Free"; Mana Rejuvenation / A key ability of the Kamei Clan. Yukari keeps herself mobile through a constant expenditure of mana. With a frail, weak body that is unable to move easily on its own, the usage of mana connects fibers and finishes electrical impulses that her body cannot sustain, allowing her the movement of a normal, healthy young woman of her age.

"To Pave the Road"; Reinforcement / A fanciful term by the Kamei Clan for their affinity for Reinforcement magic.

"To Run"; Mana Burst / A variation of "To Walk Free". The usage of mana is applied to the entire body to remove almost all limiters a body normally places on itself for its own safety. Originally used by Kamei Clan males who took part in military operations in the Sengoku Era. Yukari has no interest in ever using it barring the most extreme of circumstances as her broken body would surely perish upon use. Yukari, as such, calls this technique "To Erase the Path".

Other Abilities:
Onmyudo / Yukari is a versed practitioner of Onmyodo. In Sengoku era Japan the Kamei family served as Onmyoji to leaders of the time, but as the centuries went on and science began to matter more than mysticism in the public eye, the Kamei turned to other less legal, more lucrative means. Her aspect as an Onmyoji gives her acute spatial awareness and a certain amount of foresight.

Mystic Codes/Magical Items:
Ofuda / Yukari makes use of paper talismans to compensate for her body's poor Magic Circuit quantity. Infusing these talismans with her own mana, her ofuda are used for various means - for reconnaissance, to create secure bounded fields, to sap trace amounts of mana from an area, or to apply a talisman to the body to inject a quick burst of mana, strengthening herself or a part of her body for a time. When not using her family's spells, she often makes use of ofuda to have the same, if weaker effect. While good for setting traps or gathering information, the usage of ofuda has little advantage in open battle given Yukari's weakness in close in combat.

Weapons/Other Belongings: A ceremonial katana passed down within the Kamen Clan for centuries. As the last heir of the clan, it rests near Yukari at all times. Given her constitution and lacking proper training with a sword, it is not so much a weapon in her hands as it is a statement, 'the Kamei Clan still lives'.

""""""""""""""""""Short""""""""""""""" History:

To Yukari, her life has been spent in two halves. One half was her childhood and early teen years. Though born mildly disabled, effected by a form of cerebral palsy that left her unable to walk without assistance and with weak eyesight, she was treasured by her family and lived the life of a princess. Doted on by her mother and raised by her loving grandfather in her busy father's stead, Yukari was left wanting nothing and did not let her impairments get in the way of finding happiness in her life. This contentment ended when she was fourteen years old, as Yukari was faced with what her family was beyond the loving smile of her grandfather, and the monthly visit from he wealthy father that came with a mountain of gifts and affection. Yukari had figured her family's wealth came from her father being a travelling businessman, real estate or stock brokering, that her grandfather's scars had come from a war fought decades before her parents were born. The truth was that the Kamei were yakuza. Not only that, but yakuza linked to magecraft.

Prominent in the Sengoku era, with slowly dwindling influence as Japan reached the industrial age and took the world stage, the Kamei had to do something to survive, to retain some of its prestige. Over years, decades, links were established, trades made. At some point in the past the Kamei had crossed the wrong people, and in Yukari's fourteenth year, this debt was paid with blood. Yukari never found out what caused the massacre of her family, and didn't care what bad deal her father may have made to bring violence to their doorstep. Even as her grandfather broke down and offered any explanation the young Yukari could want in the face of her parents' death and the destruction of her family, the motivation of who ruined her life and her family held little meaning to her. The disability she suffered that had been up to then nothing more than an annoyance in the days spent drawing or playing with her mother was now a great shame, a hindrance on Yukari's road to some form of vengeance for what had been done to her and her family. She wanted to be strong, she wanted to carry on the name of her family as she had no brother to carry on her father and the Kamei's legacy, and she doubted her broken body could produce anyone worthy of a name she did not even feel worthy of. She wanted to be stronger, she wanted to do something instead of live the rest of her life walking with a crutch and barely able to see.

She begged, pleaded to her grandfather Shun to help her, to give her any assistance he could to make her stronger. To make her something her father and he could be proud of. Not a cripple girl stuck in her home for the rest of her life. Shun never could find the word 'no' in his vocabulary when he was faced with his beloved granddaughter. Memories of his own cries for power as Japan faced the most likely imminent invasion from the United States during World War II came to him, and he wondered if his face showed the same sad acceptance his uncle Daisuke wore when he began to teach the young Shun the basics of magecraft.

The years went on, and Shun became Yukari's everything. Hee was old - older than most, with a life span already extended beyond its natural means by the use of mana, and he had a lot to teach the young girl. He had taught the young Yukari everything he knew and by the age of twenty-five, she could stand on her own and see with almost perfect 20/20 vision thanks to the constant use of her mana. He taught her to fight, as much as her weak body could. He taught her the state of the world, the world beyond the normal. A world full of magic, of mystical creatures. Of the organizations that pulled the strings in this mysterious underbelly of reality. Could he have, he would have sent her to the Association to be taught properly, to have a safer place to learn and to grow into her new role as a mage. But that was not the life she wanted.

What she wanted was revenge, and rebirth.

She and her grandfather killed the men that had killed her family ten years previous. More accurately, her grandfather had shown why he was known in the family as the Bull of Kamei that night. She could recall it vividly, the flames outlining him perfectly, his shirtless illuminated before her tired eyes, the tattoo of a flaming oxen on his back, marked with scars and muscle despite his advanced age. A man of over one hundred years tearing apart men a quarter of his age with his bare hands. This was what magic was, she thought. This was what the Kamei family truly was.

He died shortly after that night, as if a purpose had been fulfilled. Her true father, her friend, her sensei gone, it had left Yukari with nothing but that continued purpose. Her own purpose now, that she had taken from her grandfather the night he died. To make that strength shine again. On her twenty sixth birthday, she got her own full back tattoo as a form of remembrance for her grandfather and her family. She was not a proper yakuza, she had no family or group to call her own anymore, but she wore it as a symbol, like how she held the ceremonial katana of her family despite having no skill with a blade. The tattoo depicted a cerulean colored butterfly emerging from a cocoon, a remembrance of the years after her parents death her grandfather referred to her as his butterfly, a weak child who had truly grown into a strong woman.

With no strings tying her down, she left Japan shortly after her grandfather's death, to see where her purpose would take her.


Despite everything Yukari has experienced in her life, she has not let happiness leave her being entirely. Had her grandfather not been the rock to brace herself against he had been, she would have surely gone down a path much darker than the one she currently walked. Her only bonds in life having been her family, then her grandfather, to call Yukari awkward socially would be a gross understatement. While she can maintain her composure quite well, in personal, close social situations she grows uncomfortable quite easily. In her travels following her leaving of Japan she took up the offer of joining the Yggdmillenia organization who had been aware of the Kamei family and her own growth as a mage through their own underground channels. They took her in, provided her what she needed to take whatever path she wished, and for that she was grateful. The people there, though eccentric bordering on maniacal in some cases, housed many outcasts that she could relate to and speak with at length, furthering her understanding and knowledge of the magecraft world beyond what her grandfather taught her.

In effect, Yukari has the driven mind of a woman twice her age, but reacts to social situations with the grace of someone half of it.
Sure does, nothing wrong with having a fleshed out backstory even if it involves heretical Apocrypha pulls. Accepted, welcome aboard!
What can I say Papa Darnic makes some really tasty German dishes at holiday meetups.
Name: Christopher Luft-Hampton
Age: 21
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Origin: Revolution

Magic Circuits
Number: D
Quality: B+
(Circuits are heavily specialized toward his affinities, hence the plus. Explained in Magecraft under Revolution.)

Low Level Wind Manipulation: Can gain limited control of the air in the immediate space around him. This cannot be so powerful as to create a gust or a vacuum, but is capable of creating a noticeable breeze or floating a paper across the room. With great effort, he may be able to topple someone over or hover. Inherited from his family's limited Magic Crest.

Prana Bolt: The most basic of tools at a Magus' disposal. This is a simple blast of prana, suitable as a ranged weapon in a pinch. Chris can further augment this by using the air as a conduit for his prana, allowing it to make slight alterations a long its course. Inherited from his family's limited Magic Crest.

Revolution: Chris' signature magecraft, studied since youth. Chris feels a strong affinity with the freedom of air and the concept of revolution, and as such was inspired to become fluent in its form. Deliberately forcing more prana into the structure of the surrounding air than it can handle, Chris breaks down its natural order, a failure of Reinforcement. From this chaos, more prana is used to restructure the air into the shape or form needed. Though maintaining many qualities of air, lightweight, invisible to the eye, cool as a breeze, this new object fills a new order specified by the user, a thin blade mounted to his forearm, or a barrier to deflect blows. The magic is young and unrefined; he cannot create complicated mechanisms such as guns or precise tools such as screwdrivers, and the form must be comprehensible to his inexperienced mind. This magic derives from his strong affinity toward Wind and Revolution, and can be considered the peak of his current magical ability.

Reinforcement: By nature of the inner workings of Revolution, Chris is also studied at the art of Reinforcement, though lacks much of the technical know-how to properly utilize it for vastly complicated objects.

Other Abilities:
Gifted Public Speaker
Plays Piano
Runs a 5K in thirty minutes
Struggles with foreign language

Mystic Codes:
Nothing strong. A watch that contains emergency prana. Glasses that let him see mana on the wind. A shirt that traps and either warms or cools the air within for comfort and mobility.

Weapons/ Other Belongings:
Clothes, a phone, a laptop, and money. With effort, he has also smuggled a modest handgun into the country, along with ammunition, though is not fluent in its workings. His riches are not unrealistic, but enough to call in favors if needed, especially from the corrupt Brazillian police force in a worst case scenario.


Despite his strong beliefs, Chris isn't a person with a particularly abrasive personality. He's more often than not one to play the fool for a laugh, or to pretend not to know a factoid for the benefit of others in the conversation. Despite his education, he has guilty pleasures in trashier entertainment, and is just as happy to talk about Albert Wesker as Albert Camus.

He is competitive, and prideful. He will take a loss in stride, but it will leave a mark on his mind, especially a loss in something he feels he is more practiced and more experienced in than his opponent. Despite this, it's usually rationalized as a merit to his opponent rather than a deficiency to himself.

Chris believes in the strength and worth of every human being; every person he likens to having potential energy, as in physics, and that those who are outwardly successful are merely those who have found a way to release that pent up energy. He believes strongly in the potential of individual people, and even moreso of people working in tandem.

He has a younger sister, someone he dotes on. With the Luft family's magic crest in his possession and the Hampton family's magic crest lost to time, he uses this leverage to ensure her freedom from a life of magecraft should she so desire.

Short History:

It's a strange thing to know that God is real.

Chris is the product and only heir of two very strange dynasties, both ignoble bloodlines in the world of magi. The first was fathered by a German immigrant, Wilhelm Luft, one of the few to become inordinately wealthy off of the New York Stock Exchange during the early 20th century, and one of even fewer to make it through the Great Depression with that wealth intact. A young man with nothing but money and time on his hands in the era of a great war, Wilhelm found himself wanting for an intellectual outlet in his life, the world of money conquered in his mind, and the fancies of the nouveau riche beneath his notice. He found this outlet in magecraft, studied from a beginner's tome purchased from immoral markets. With no expertise himself and only one circuit to his name, the man was less than nothing in the world of magi, the unspoken punchline to a humorless joke.

At the same time, on the other half of the country, a long-standing southern dynasty finally wilted and died. The last remnants of the Civil War thankfully ended, the heirs to the Hampton family, a longstanding bastion of magecraft in the American South, found their riches suddenly and unmercifully ripped away. Pride filled their bellies until the turn of the century, but their hunger was only disguised, not sated. By 1905, the family had sold their property and their land, disbanding with a gasp and a whimper. One of several surviving branches broke away, forgot their history, and founded a church, using magecraft to perform minor miracles. By the forties, the Hampton Baptist Church was a household name in the American bible belt. Genuine miracles, just small and infrequent enough to escape the Clock Tower's notice, propelled them to veritable sainthood. Books and studies abandoned, however, time slowly wore away at their magic as wind does to rock.

As a result, in the modern era, two lesser families of magi each have a vested interest in their magical future. Wilhelm Luft, eager to see his family's magic fulfilled, and Clyde Hampton, eager to see his survive, became known to each other through mutual contacts in the magical world. A short courtship and nine months later, Christopher, the first joining of their lineage, was born.

His childhood was privileged, the son of a family deeply involved in the phenomenon of megachurches rarely spoken to harshly. On his father's side, he studied under brilliant tutors and studied from materials salvaged and saved from long neglected family vaults. Philosophy and literature interested him most, and it was during these times that his outlook in life came to form. Knowing the truth of supernatural beings is a strange thing to a child, and as stories of Sisyphus and Job, Gilgamesh and Tamamo no Mae all clashed and merged in his head, the truth of the supernatural world was clear. "We're being held back," he surmised. Theories of the Counter Force, of Primate Murder and Types and Akasha all confirmed his fears.

On his mother's side, he spent his summers and winters studying with Wilhelm, learning his diligence and his brilliance, despite the magical chains binding his grandfather's ability. It was here that he pored over ink of mages long past, and it was here where dreams of a Grail War, of an answer, sparked fire to those pages. With a Grail War, man fought man for the privilege of becoming divine. With a Grail War, man found the answer to the problem of mortality. With a Grail War, man could surpass all the limits of a world where they were unwanted.

The Grail was lost, however, and had been lost for an era. Despite this, an unspoken wish was heard the night his seal appeared, bloodied sheets like the sullied hopes of his family. The conviction in his heart shifted from theory to practice. Whatever force has chosen him, Christopher has dutifully heard and adamantly rejected its call. He answers with spite, resists control, and like a defective puppet moves on his own. It was providence that lead Chris to Brazil, but it is grit that will lead him out.
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Hi, guy who is making the Berserker servant here. Almost done with the CS, only the legend part is missing. Been busy a couple this couple of days so sorry for the wait, a master CS isn't finished, but I hope to have it for the weekend.

True Name: Abraham Lincoln

Class: Berserker

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Appearance: Not too different from his representation in statues and photos, Lincoln has grown to the height of 2.15cm tall as he was summoned in the berserker class. A perpetual frown and a calm but judging stare have been permanently entrenched in his face, a symptom of his mad enhancement. He still wears a classic suit of his time, which he keeps perfectly clean, his famous hat and he uses his ax as a cane.

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Magical Energy: D
Luck: B

Class Skills:

Mad Enhancement EX

Personal Skills:

Charisma B: Known to be excellent at speeches, Lincoln is considered one of the most charismatic presidents in history and his skill was critical in an unprecedented crisis like the civil war

Battle Continuation A: Tenacity was one of the prominent parts of Lincoln's character, even more so when he was summoned as a Berserker. With this rank, Lincoln will keep fighting even with mortal wounds.

Eye of the Mind (True) (B): Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning. Lincoln was able to escape from and hold his own in disadvantageous situations.

Weapon: The Ax he was associated with his entire political career, and the one he used to hunt the creatures that lurked in the night. Trained with it as a child, Lincoln's ax is an extension of his body, capable of cutting trees and splitting railways in one hit and is always sharpened.

Name: President of America

Subtitle: Clothed with Immense Power

Rank: A+++
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." A Noble phantasm Lincoln only has when summoned as a berserker class, his power he had as a president of the most powerful country in the world is given to him in a more literal way. His strength is raised up to EX while his other stats bar luck are raised in two ranks. His amazing growth is not without drawbacks, as that much power put into one simple man twists their mindset and emotions. This Noble Phantasm is passive and the only way it can be deactivated is using a command spell to deactivate it.

Name: Emancipation Proclamation
Subtitle: And Henceforth Shall Be Free
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Fortress
Description: The Emancipation Proclamation was Lincoln's greatest achievements. With it, Lincoln declared every slave in the South a free man and made the destruction of slavery an explicit war goal of the North, striking a critical blow to the South on the international front by turning the war into a moral one as well as freeing over 3 million people, as well as paving the way for the Thirteenth Amendment.

The Emancipation Proclamation resembles Saber's broadsword, however, it is much larger. The hilt has a bald eagle decorating it, while the blade itself is colored red and blue, with white stars running along the dull edge. The blade shall be powerful enough to break through most high level defensive Noble Phantasms, Bounded Fields, etc with a single blow, much like Lincoln struck a critical blow to the Confederacy with this. The defenses will gradually weaken over time after being struck, wearing away. It can also release a massive burst of prana. Servants who are not outright killed by it will find themselves severely depleted of mana being supplied from outside sources, such as their Masters. When pitted against a Servant who owned slaves or supported slavery in some manner during their lifetime, the Noble Phantasm will have a bonus for all effects.

This Noble Phantasm is sealed when President of America is active.

Personality: Unlike his jovial and humorous personality that he was known for as he was in life. Lincoln is a stern, serious and melancholic man. His summoning as a berserker and his noble phantasm has given him more power than his human mentality can handle, so he is at a constant risk of falling to the primal instincts of man. Lincoln can contain himself most of the time with three exceptions; with those who he considers an enemy to America or freedom and whom he considers a monster like the ones he used to hunt. When one of those conditions are met on Lincoln his mental resistance crumbles apart and he lets out his bottled fury. In this state, Lincoln cannot be reasoned with, or at least in the way, one cannot reason with an angry predator. As reason escapes from his mind Lincoln fights with instinct rather than thinking, no fancy techniques or strategies rather a string of wild and unpredictable attacks brought with extreme fury.


Summoning Catalyst: A cane said to be carved by him
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Cush Almighty
Hmm so are we decided to reveal all the CS? Just wanna ask since Fate RPs often keep servants' anonymity by submitting the CS via PM and not the OOC thread.

I really like how it turned out. Making an American Magi always opens up a lot of room for backstory and I can see you ran with it. Looks to me like you're done except for the appearance, and everything else completely checks out so consider yourself accepted and just let me know whenever you slap on an image or description.


Hi! Don't sweat the wait, you're still one of the first people to check in. Still looking good by the way, best of luck on finishing Berserker up and hammering out that Master.


Honestly, I've never seen a roleplay that doesn't post some form of public character sheet even after private acceptance (assuming it's a roleplay with character sheets to begin with), although I've seen Fate threads which list Servants under their title or class instead of true name. It's something I'm actually a fan of considering it's an element of the VN's storytelling basically done away with by the rest of the franchise, but not something that's ever seemed widespread or mandatory. We've had players who wanted to obscure or falsify stuff regarding personality and history before, and PMed the GM staff because they felt the severity of changes warranted approval. Personally I always prefer making information available, people generally know how to separate IC and OOC, but it's totally okay to cordon off some personal information. Stuff like parameters, on the other hand, should probably remain public.

Lancer | "Longinus" | Lawful Good​

  • Strength: B
    Endurance: B
    Agility: A
    Magical Energy: D
    Luck: E

    Battle Continuation: B
    Lancer's persistence in combat due to his zeal allows him to shrug off even normally debilitating blows in order to continue combat.

    Magic Resistance: C
    Lancer can ignore most modern magecraft involving two verses or less.

  • Soul of a Martyr: B
    As one of the few to witness a miracle of Jesus Christ first hand, Lancer cannot be swayed in his belief or his resolve, so convinced is he of Christ's divinity. Magic that would mentally manipulate Lancer into going against his beliefs or his resolve is ignored.

    Eyes of The Saint: A+
    Once a blind soldier, Lancer's eyes were touched by the blood of Christ when he pierced his body. The blood not only cured Lancer of his blindness but enhanced his vision. Not only is his vision on par with the Archer class, but illusion magic cannot affect his sight.

    Military Tactics: C
    As a soldier, Lancer is knowledgeable with ancient military tactics. However, with his unit being a group of rag-tag soldiers, they never saw heavy combat. Thus, his knowledge of first-hand combat is limited.

    Divinity D:
    While born a mortal man, the blood which touched Lancer blessed more than his body. The blood of Christ touched his spirit, giving him the same level of Divinity as if he were a descendant of Christ. Granted several generations diluted.
  • Lancer is a somber and tired entity. His experience in the Roman military, and being a Saint put a toll on him mentally. Though he thanks all good things to his Lord and Savior, the negatives are simply obstacles placed in our way to make us stronger. Truthful and humble, Lancer does not like to play underhandedly. He enjoys to take up hobbies while not praying or fullfilling his duties.

  • Weapon: Longinus -The thing with the name "Longinus", is that it is the name of the weapon. The name of the Saint is long forgotten, but his legend is tied so deeply to the weapon, that both share the name. The Weapon Longinus is a six-foot long spear with a one-foot long head in addition. The Lance's head is gold as lapiz decorates a streak down the center. A cross engraved in red on either side of the blade. The shaft of the weapon is extremely hard metal. The blessing of the blood transmuting the iron shaft into orichalcum. Blue ribbons hug the silver shaft as verses of the gospel engrave the shaft red lettering. They are printed in the primary language of the Servant's Master.

    Noble Phantasm(s):

    Name: Longinus - Spear of Destiny
    Title: Final Rights of the Divine
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Personnel
    Description: Lancer has the unique privilege of being the human being who delivered the final death blow to Jesus Christ. As such, his weapon, not only coated in the blood of Christ but also responsible for taking his life, is a powerful artifact indeed. Passively, "Spear of Destiny" gives Lancer an immense boost to attack power that scales proportionally to an entity's Divinity. With a C Ranking being the power minimum. Additionally, when activated, Lancer may immediately perform a "coup de grace" on opponents who may be considered helpless, resulting in a guaranteed kill. Helpless equalling crippling injuries, no mana left or bound in unbreakable chains.

    Title: Blood Baptism: God's Flick
    Rank: EX
    Type: Anti-Fortress
    Description: As a final resort Lancer chants each verse on his spear. The speed at which he does so depends on his mana reserves. Low/fleeting mana equals a slow cast. Full equals hyper-fast chanting. After which, Lancer uses all of his might and drains his Master's mana supply, and launches his spear into the sky. Upon passing the clouds, seven bells will ring. Each lasting three seconds. (21 secs pass) After the final bell rings, the sky will open with a bright light equal to that of the afternoon sun. This golden aura will rocket to the planet and pierce the earth where Lancer stands. Upon impact with the earth, all structures or constructs within a mile-wide sphere are vaporized. Servants and Magus without protection equal to the explosion are also vaporized. Human's without active magic circuits are unharmed.

    Lancer is harmed by his own Phantasm, and is killed should the ritual succeed and his spear return to him.

  • Legend: Born in the city of Rome, the man who would become known as Longinus was born with a crippling affliction to his sight. Most thought the child would be a begger or worse. Strangely though Longinus was far more capable than people realized. His perception was not wholly debilitated and he managed to live a decent life. During his youth, Longinus questioned the world; his reason for being, the nature of people, the nature of the gods. In a different life, he might have been a philosopher. However, in this life, Longinus was drafted into the military even with his blindness.

    The blind soldier became an unusual favorite among his leaders. Thinking Longinus was decent, the man was sent to Judea under the command of Pontius Pilate. While stationed in Judea, Longinus would continue to hear the tales and reports of a Miracle Man, a heretical healer...The names continued. Jesus Christ was the man's proper name. Over his tour in the region, Longinus slowly believed the stories and grew curious about the supposed Son of God. He would meet Christ however at the crucifixion. Only hearing the pain Christ received, Longinus waited until the cross was erected. Standing before Christ, Longinus held up his spear to his body hesitantly to end his life. Lowly Longinus heard, "Do what you must." Upon piercing his side, blood rushed out followed by water. This blood spurted on the Centurion's eyes. Curing his blindness. "This truly was...The Son of God." With renewed vision, the saddened man knelt down and looked upon the glorious vision of Christ.

    Taking his dosed spear, Longinus would leave the military and watch over the tomb of Christ. In those three days, a series of bandits, robbers, and ill-intended people visited the grave. Each one would be repelled by Longinus; either by his word or his spear. On the final day before the resurrection, a deamon approached, seeking the consume the flesh of Christ. For a whole day, the spearmen fought off the monster. Upon Christs' resurrection, the deamon was slain. Witnessing his Lord's return, Longinus kneeled on the ground and was tasked with exterminating unnatural entities for two decades before being allowed to return home.

    For twenty years Longinus roamed the middle-east and Mediterranean, hunting magus, necromancers, magic beasts, and other evils. Most of his time was spent spreading the word of Christ and doing charity. It was during this time that Longinus received visions of his death. For a while, these visions scared the Saint, but eventually, he realized their meaning. After returning to Rome, Longinus was branded a traitor and sentenced to death by Pilate himself. The man turned himself in, but not before throwing his spear through his spear through a statue of the god Jupiter. Allowing his spear to soar into the sky, and disappearing. They say eventually falling back down and destroying several temples of the gods. After this, he was captured and beheaded.

    Catalyst: Blood Stained Cloak - A red cape, worn and tattered. It was once a Centurion's cloak but is now a rag with blood stains. Found with the body of a martyr outside of Cappadocia
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Taking the Ass man before another new person does. Chiron beating the shit out of Achilles made me a bit too hype for another Fate RP.

I appreciate the hustle, chip away at it however you like I think we're on a good pace here.


It's nice to see you again, welcome aboard. What a poetic change, from crossdressing an Archer as an Assassin to actually being the Assassin.

Should probably note, that's our last Servant slot, so we're all done up on those. Still need two Masters though, if there's anyone interested in running one.
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We out of WIP baby, we're golden. Master Bio complete.

Name: Martin Urias Holcomb
Age: 23
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Alignment: Neutral Good
Origin: Perpetuation
Appearance: Maritn dresses relatively conservatively, aside from his standout sunglasses. Plain, single-color shirts, typically with pockets, and light, baggy jackets, typically with multiple pockets, along with long boot-cut jeans and square-toed harness boots. He typically carries a bag with him, with most of his tools of trade inside, both for magecraft and actual work as a Machinist.

Magic Circuits
Number: D+
Quality: B

Magecraft/Abilities: Light manipulation: The art of controlling light, natural or artificially created, and shape it to the whim of the manipulator. The basis of all of Martin's spellcasting is inherited from the Holcomb Crest, and is something of a 'trademark' of the family.

Hardening: Changing the form of light from nonsolid to solid state. Martin's primary means of both offense and defense, and another Holcomb standard. Through his crest, he has the ability to harden light into various objects, tools, weapons, and barriers / fields, both opaque and transluscent.

Optic Camoflauge: Martin's father, an avid lover of science fiction, pioneered this branch of the Holcomb's trademark magecraft. By bending light around himself, he is able to completely obscure his body, creating magical invisibility. With some difficulty, he is also capable of applying this invisibility to other objects, though this needs to be occasionally refreshed, lasting only a day or two on inanimate objects, or mere minutes on other persons.

Image Projection: Tapping into his origin, Martin has begun to build off of the basis of his father's contribution to the Holcomb Crest. His desire of preservation of the family above all else has assisted him in refining the ability to project his image, or, with extreme difficulty, temporarily displace the image of other objects. These "holograms" are nonsolid, purely illusions made from light. Prior to being unwittingly signed up for the grail war, he was experimenting with Hardening these illusions, though he has had little success thus far.

Laser: Martin's most powerful offensive technique, derrived as recently as his grandfather and father's contributions to the family crest, involves manipulating and hyper-focusing light into a tangible laser beam, capable of potentially devestating damage depending on the source of light. The process of this is extremely draining if performed without a focus, and typically things used as a focus break after their first use.

Other Abilities:
Trained in the basics of knife-fighting
Apprentice Machinist
Experienced with firearms

Mystic Codes: An old switchblade, adorned with a celtic knot emblem and garnet-plated grip, is a memento of Martin's grandfather, treasured by both his father and himself. While not normally used for self defence, the knife is capable of being used as a focus, and the garnet grips can store mana for Martin to use.

Martin also carries with him a gift from Clock Tower, for all of his considerable blood donations and detication to learning the craft. He has a large rod of synthetic garnet, of the Yttrium aluminium family. It has a rounded head at one end, tappered off at the other to a fine point. He uses this as a focus for his laser beams, and is so far the only focus that has not broken immediately upon use.

Weapons/ Other Belongings: Besides his knife, and the rod, Martin has a few changes of clothes, his phone, a laptop, and access to his limited savings.

Personality: Martin is, in a word, steadfast. The needs and concerns of the family come first, before all else. While he is polite and respectful, his loyalty to his familys creed is to a fault. He will not go out of his way to help others unless he stands to benefit, a single-minded determination bred of heir conditioning and Clock Tower living. He maintains a passive, but upbeat, attitude, and takes great pride in his duties as both a Holcomb and a Magus, both the good and the bad.

Short History: Martin was born a victim of tradition. Conceived after his father, Jakob Holcomb, had been informed by a medical professional that he was sterile, his birth was into a family split by prospects of adultery and corruption of the good Holcomb blood. Despite the backroom arguments and constant need for validation that Martin was indeed his son, Martin enjoyed a wholesome upbringing in a well-lit, and well-stocked home, in Richmond, Virginia.

Many days were spent digging through the history of the family, learning the traditions and the creeds of Holcombs long past, and over years of diligent study, Martin was conditioned into what could be seen as the prime heir. He was taught of the Golden Path, the process by which the Holcombs were attempting to accelerate the development of their Crest, to propel them from fledgling American magus to the level of the old Great Houses. Among the most recent Holcombs, Martin took to magecraft the fastest, and the transfer of the crest from Jakob to Martin only strengthened his resolve. Conditioned as he was, and with the natural talent he showed, the humble Virginian family gathered together the funds to send Martin to the Clock Tower, to hopefully truly begin the process of the Golden Path.

Despite spending years and years studying, practicing, and struggling, he was fledgling at best compared to many of his classmates, and due to his relatively poor standing in both name and finances, Martin was forced to consistently donate blood to ensure ends were met with his tuition, as well as taking on part time work as a machinist. Despite the negative connotations of this practice, he saw it not as cruelty, but as simply another obstacle he had to surmount on the Golden Path that he walked.

It is, perhaps, this extreme detication that caused him to be awoken to the reality of the Grail, and the war now brewing. Awakening one day to the mysterious presence of command seals on his painfully clenched fist, and a dream that had the connotations of a nightmare. Approaching one of his professors regarding the matter, his world suddenly changed from a student struggling as hard as he could to hang on, to being hastily preppared to fight in a war almost no one knew anything about. From a passive and easily understood path of life to the unknown turmoil of the surfacing of an ancient legend, Martin is certain that this is what the Golden Path has been leading him toward all this time, his chance at securing the power that his family would need to propel them to glory.
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5'2 | 97 lbs

Chaotic Neutral

  • Strength: D
    Endurance: D+
    Agility: C
    Magical Energy: E
    Luck: A+

  • Presence Assimilation [A+ Rank]
    A slave is not to be heard, seen, or smelled. They are only to be ordered. As opposed to normal forms of 'concealment', Yarankash assimilates himself into the background instead, becoming an 'ordinary addition' to the scene. Whether it be a mosh pit, a bar, the slums, or a high society ballroom party, he perfectly becomes part of the background, one of those who are seen and forgotten. Unlike 'Concealment', he can maintain his Assimilation even after attacking once. It is only on the second strike that Yarankash is no longer 'ordinary'.

    Independent Action [C Rank]
    One that had always sought freedom, but had only obtained it for a short while before his death, Yarankash is one that yearns for independence and yet is fated to never have it for long. With hardly any Magical Energy, the only reason he could last a maximum of three days without external mana is due to his low maintenance values.

  • Allure of Servitude [B+ Rank]
    It is no easy task to remain in the good graces of an unpredictable tyrant from the position of a noble knight, even less so from the position of a lowly slave. Yarankash though, can instinctively grasp the needs and desires of others, enabling himself to become a perfectly charming servant. Regardless of womanly wiles or kingly delusions, he can fulfill all the mundane tasks that would please someone. Though incapable of leading, this Frankish slave is incredible at befriending.

    Grudge [C++ Rank]
    A lifetime of hatred, masked under a veneer of obedience. Selecting one individual as the target of his Grudge, Yarankash fuels himself further with his disgust of the target, demanding more perfection, more deception, more mental strength out of himself when dealing with that individual. Both Allure of Servitude and Presence Assimilation increases in potency against them, and his physical parameters rise against them as well, the potency the increase rising the longer Grudge is applied to a single individual.

    Unknown Hero [EX Rank]
    If he were a Crusader, he would have been a legend within Christianity. If he were a Jihadist, he would have been a traitor to his own kind. But as a Frankish slave, neither fame nor infamy could be ascribed to the name of one that had fell an atabeg. The name 'Yarankash' does not evoke knowledge of his deeds nor his strengths, being as meaningless as 'Assassin', while all the actions he performs cannot be ascribed to himself, a form of passive memory manipulation.

  • Nighttime Retaliation
    As History Ascribes
    Rank: ???
    Type: Anti Unit
    The replication of his sole noteworthy deed, Nighttime Retaliation requires five conditions to be activated: the night, the trust and friendship of his target, the application of Grudge upon his target, the acceptance of a gift, and solitude. With these five conditions fulfilled, Yarankash's Noble Phantasm can generate a moment of vulnerability. Stripping away Resistances, Skills, Noble Phantasms, Parameters, and every other factor that differentiates a Heroic Spirit from a mere human, Nighttime Retaliation enables even the most powerful Servants to be felled by Yarankash's dagger. This is betrayal crystallized into a Noble Phantasm, the culmination of a lifetime spent plotting the demise of his nemesis.

  • After a lifetime spent as someone else's slave, hatred bubbling beneath the surface while he drowned in unfathomable loathing for the oath-breaking atabeg, Yarankash just wants to have fun. As a man, he was a slave, but as a Heroic Spirit? Well, his master can only order him around three times, and after that, he's free to do whatever he wants. A hard partying hedonist that wants to fully experience every fun, wild, amazing, exciting thing that the modern world had to offer, this Assassin doesn't care about the ultimate power that the Holy Grail would provide, nor does he have any particularly lofty goals to pursue.

    He's free, after all, having died with the sole regret of not being able to enjoy his freedom more. Now that some poor Master had accidentally called this sham of a Heroic Spirit out from the Throne of Heroes, Yarankash has made it his plan of action to lose his virginity, feast all night every night, never do someone else's laundry, and enjoy all the earthly pleasures of the world before some tryhard Saber class cuts his boytoy ass in half.

  • Yarankash was not born under a fated star, nor was he the son of any particularly notable person. He was just another Frankish slave, serving under the great atabeg Zengi since he was strong enough to carry water. A life under someone else's foot was all he ever knew.

    A life under an open sky was all that he ever wanted.

    Or, at least, that's what he thought he did.

    On the eve of an opportune Sunday, Yarankash slew the man who was his master, a deed that no other man could manage no matter how many times the atabeg showed himself in the frontlines of the sieges upon Damascus. Then, he escaped to the city that saw his master as his enemy, and was betrayed when he had expected praise.

    In the end, this act of assassination was only a footnote in a history few cared to consider.

    But as an Assassin, a song as unsung as his was perfect.

    Summoning Catalyst: A old Turkish wine cask.
That's an amazing Assassin and I'm worried that metagaming is going to negate literally everything about it.
Sorry for any delays on my part. I'll have a rough draft for Rider up tomorrow night.

Everything looks good so far, just let me know whenever he's out of WIP


Love the concept, I'll get him on the list. Good to know at least one of the Servants will appreciate the locale.


No worries, welcome to the OOC. I'm looking forward to seeing it!

True Name: [UNKNOWN]
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • AYCoV9.jpg
    Rider lacks the armour and protection most warriors need for combat, for it is rare for her to face an opponent in a fair, one-on-one fight. Instead, she prefers red dresses, contrasting with black leather of boots and gloves, topped off with a militaristic cap and cloak. Although average in height, her beauty is all but average, having caught the eyes of the many and powerful in life.

  • Strength: [Rank E]
    Endurance: [Rank C]
    Agility: [Rank D]
    Magical Energy: [Rank C]
    Luck: [Rank A(++)]

  • Magic Resistance: [Rank D(+)]
    Riding: [Rank C(+)]

  • Golden Rule: [Rank A]
    Charisma: [Rank B]
    Honor of Pirates: [Rank B(+)]
    Instinct: [Rank B]

  • Prey and Pay
    A curved blade and flintlock pistol, produced from either her own personal arms in life, or perhaps simply from the ideal of what pirates brandished in battle. Like any self-respecting pirate, however, they won't be the last of her collection.

  • The Pirate α╫e▌n∩s┬&^ *( Law

    Rank: B
    Type: Anti-Army
    Description: A pirate is no good without a suitable crew. In life, she recruited through promise of coin or death, but now she can bind those willing to her cause by use of a magical contract, turning them into minor spirits. Although the threat they pose to other heroic spirits in minial, they still pose one in numbers, and they and their possessions can be used by Rider as if they were proper Noble Phantasms. Of course, as with many contracts, there are catches. Rider runs her ship with an iron fist, and any infraction to her Pirate's Law results in death to those who break it. As one can imagine, the mana needed to keep these crew members adds up, which could strain the limits of a master who is ill-equipped to shoulder the burden.

    ■▄00 Strong
    Rank: A(++)
    Type: Anti-Army/Fortress
    Description: To any pirate, the open waters are home, thus is should be no surprise that Rider's full potential is unleashed when away from land. Upon activation, this Noble Phantasm manifests the entirety of her fleet, manned by those recruited by her Pirate's Law or the ghostly shades of those long since passed. In addition to her armada, Rider's skills and abilities are increased while any who oppose her find their own Luck drops by an entire Rank. The potency of this Noble Phantasm can be increased by amount of those recruited by Pirate's Law and should she end up sailing the waters of her homeland.

  • Ruthless, opportunistic, power hungry, and willfully ignorant of concepts such as "honour" or "fair", Rider can be a lot of things, but one cannot fault her for not hiding such flaws; like the flags of her ship, she instead bares them proudly for all to see. The only rules she follows are the ones she makes and any who dare contests risks invoking her wrath. One could be mistaken to believe that being a master such an unruly being such as her would be a losing war of attrition, one filled with grief and frustration, but they would be mistaken for Rider has no qualms about letting another give the commands. After all, it's sometimes better to lead from the shadows, even if you're the only one who knows who's truly in charge.

  • It was her beauty that saved her from a life of poverty and desperation. She wasn't ignorant of this fact and often used it to her advantage, even if the man who saved her was only royalty to the ships who flew his colours. Others might have despaired at such a predicament, but the one who would become Rider was like no other. She adapted to her new life, soon becoming an equal worthy of her king and when he fell in battle, she surpassed him as the pirate queen. It was her beauty that saved her from the fate of the unfortunate, but it was her intellect and ruthlessness that defied the fate of the criminal. Despite this, she sought more, not because she wanted to ensure she would never descend to her origins, but because she sought to find the limits of her fortune and defy them just as she had to fate.

  • A Scrap of Scarlet
    This bit of red cloth, faded by age, still holds of scent of the sea and gunpowder. Once part of a banner of defiance that struck fear and dread to those who sailed against it, this scrap of scarlet now serves to beckon its mistress.
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Rider is complete. Hopefully, she is to everyone's liking.
In "honour" of this occasion and after all of this talk of pirates, here is some Alestorm.

Oho, hidden name, eh? It'll be fun to see others puzzle it out.