Fate/Vagabond Ardor

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Mystery
Fate/Vagabond Ardor


Hello everyone, I'm interested in running a Fate/Nasuverse RP centered around a Holy Grail War. The setup will be the one anyone familiar with the franchise is used to, with seven pairs of Masters and Servants competing to be the last team standing and claim the Holy Grail. Besides the standard classes and team count, the plan is to set the war in São Paulo, Brazil. It wouldn't really be a Grail War without something going horribly wrong at some point so there will be plot hooks and abnormalities along the way for people to choose to chase, but my number one priority will be supporting player driven plot lines and furnishing the setting for whatever kind of war ours turns out to be. The characters are always the core of a fun roleplay, and the most important ones are the Servants and Masters brought by the players. The underlying scenario is mostly written and I'm in the process of finishing up the thread proper, so that we can get things running in as short as a couple days from now. If you're interested at all or have questions, feel free to post here or drop me a PM and I'll help you the best I can. If you're unfamiliar with the franchise and still reading, by all means ask questions! It would be my pleasure to explain the key concepts of the setting and help you through drafting a character.

GM: @Epsir (Hi)
Co-GM: @DrowsyPangolin

Master CS

Elemental Affinity:
Origin:(The basis of your character's existence)
Appearance:(image or description)

Magic Circuits
Number:(A-E) (We'll assume C is average)

Magecraft/Abilities:(Spells and/or powers your Master has)

Other Abilities:(Skills not related to magecraft)

Mystic Codes:(Any magical items your character has, from potions and mana batteries to priceless, one of a kind family heirlooms)

Weapons/ Other Belongings:


Short History:

Servant CS:

True Name:
Class:(No 'extra' classes ((Ruler, Avenger, etc.))

Magical Energy:

Class Skills:(Skills your Servant possesses that are tied to their class)

Personal Skills:(Skills your Servant has because of their identity)


Noble Phantasm(s):
Type:(anti-unit, anti-army, etc.)



Summoning Catalyst:(If any)
1: Be courteous and follow all general RP rules (no autohitting, godmodding, metagaming etc). Your characters might not respect each other, be the asshole of your dreams IC, but the joy of trying to murder each other in game is made better when we, as a community, respect each other and collaborate towards a fun game.

2: There will be combat in this RP. Please try to be reasonable with one another and remember we're all here to have fun. If disputes arise, I will settle them.

3: Characters will die in this RP. That being said, I take serious issue with 'falling rocks' style unreasonable deaths, so I'll try to be as fair as possible in that regard. Also, your character's death doesn't necessarily mean you have to leave the thread. You're obviously welcome to hang around in the OOC, but if you have a Master that dies and you wish to continue playing, PM me and we can work something out, remember, there are numerous third parties interested in the Grail War.(Also take note that Servantless Masters can still participate) If your character is a Servant that dies and you wish to continue... be sure to PM me, there may be some shady stuff you can take part in.

4: Nasuverse rules are almost always made to be broken. I'm not going to be overly pedantic about canon restrictions when the canon goes out of its way to modify them with every new addition. Generally speaking, if it can be backed by even the slimmest modicum of good old logic and mythology, we'll be good.

5: Please try to post regularly. Stick with us, engage in the OOC, and lets get a rotation going. If you've got to go, either on a break or for good, please inform someone. You have my solemn promise that there will be no hard feelings either way: No game is better than a bad game and sometimes one just isn't for you, I just need to know if we're down a poster for the good of everyone else. If you're gone for a while and I can't get in touch with you after trying, your character will be controlled or replaced for your partner's sake, but you will be welcomed back if you return.

6: There's no problem with apping canon Servants as long as they're actually eligible to be here, but I would strongly encourage people to respec their favorite Servant or draft up a legendary spirit new to the Fate treatment to keep things interesting.

7: As far as reserving character spots, I'm fine with you guys reserving a particular spot if you wish to do so. I understand it takes a while to make a character. If you reserve a spot and disappear though, I'll have to give up your spot to another interested member.

8: You are welcome to run both a Master and a Servant if you'd like, the only restriction being that they cannot be paired together. Actually, I strongly encourage running Masters(they always seem to be in short supply). You're certainly not required to run more than one character though.

9: Master/Servant pairings are at your discretion. Find a partner, try to keep them alive. If we're down a person and you're all tired of waiting either myself or my Co-GM will fill the slot if the player wants to get on with it. Trust me we've got Servants and Masters stockpiled for this so it's no hassle! Ideally, we've got enough people to go around though. Tell your friends!

10: Tact is always the word of the day. I prefer to keep things relaxed and communal when it comes to the thread. Please do your best to do the same and treat your fellow roleplayers with respect and dignity. That doesn't mean you've got to be up front and greeting everyone in the OOC if that's not your style, it just means these things work better with the understanding that we are all working together. I am always willing to help you and hear you out.
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Heya, it's your friendly neighborhood Co-GM dropping in. I'm probably going to be playing Archer (and very probably a Master as well). I'm also here to help if anyone happens to have any questions.
Yeah, I'm in.

Count me down for a Master, and a Servant if you find yourself in need of one/the inspiration hits me by the time go-time rolls around.
@MechanicalHorse Welcome back! We can always use more Masters, so I'll be glad to put you down for one.

@Sightles I said Sampa, not San Fran pal. Sure thing though.
Haven't joined a fate RP for a while so I'm definitely interested. Gonna reserve a Caster spot this time.
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I shall join in. Crafting the almighty Lancer! Stabby stabby stab.
I'm in, thanks for the heads up! Put me down for a Master slot.
Sounds good. I'd like to put in for a Master position.
@Vania Welcome back to everyone's favorite trainwreck that never seems to end. The role is all yours!

@MYTH* Hope you've got the luck for that class.Good luck either way, and welcome aboard.

@Jitt Glad you could make it, I'll get that written down right away.

@ArmoredScout There's plenty to go around, thanks for your interest.

I should also note at this point, since things are starting to fill up, that I've received a PM about a Berserker and we are very likely to see that player, which will leave Rider and Assassin as the open Servants. Surprisingly we're about even on Masters and Servants so good work all.
I'll request Rider if no one objects.
Are you still taking signups? Interested in a master or assassin spot

Sure are! Unfortunately we just filled Assassin but we've got two Master slots open.