Fate/Shattered Gospel

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Original poster
Fate/Shattered Gospel

Hey everybody, so I'm interested in running a Fate/Nasuverse RP. I'm planning on running the standard 7 pairs set up, nothing too drastic, though there will be a few changes. I'm planning on setting the the Grail War in Paris, France in the year 2027, for one. The general mechanics will be the same though, so if you're familiar with the franchise at all you shouldn't run into any major issues. I have some plot ideas (because Grail Wars can never go as planned), but for the most part I'm hoping for a very player-driven plotline so people can get some real character development and have fun with things. I'm still developing some ideas and working on things, but I've got most of the framework for the thread finished, and should be able to get things to a workable level fairly soon. If you're interested or have any questions feel free to chime in and I'll help in any way I can!​

Master CS




Magic Circuits:




Mystic Codes/ Magical Items:

Weapons/ Other Belongings:


Short History:

Servant CS:

True Name:

Preferred Relic:(If you have one)







Magical Energy:(A-E)


Class Skills:

Personal Skills:


Noble Phantasm(s):



GM: It me.
Co-GM: @Epsir

Rules List:

1: Be courteous and follow all general RP rules (no autohitting, godmodding, metagaming etc)

2:There will be combat in this RP. Please try to be reasonable with one another and remember we're all here to have fun. If any questions arise during fights, I will serve as 'referee'.

3: Characters will die in this RP. That being said, I take serious issue with 'falling rocks' style unreasonable deaths, so I'll try to be as fair as possible in that regard. Also, your character's death doesn't necessarily mean you have to leave the thread. You're obviously welcome to hang around in the OOC, but if you have a Master that dies and you wish to continue playing, PM me and we can work something out, remember, there are numerous third parties interested in the Grail War. If your character is a Servant that dies and you wish to continue... be sure to PM me, there may be some shady stuff you can take part in.

4: Nasuverse rules are almost always made to be broken. I'm not going to be overly pedantic about canon restrictions, though if something is WAY over the line I might try to rein things in a bit.

5: For the early stages of the war, at least, I plan on being very hands-off and letting you guys drive the plot. To accomplish that, we're going to need regular posting. If, for some reason, you have to leave for an extended period of time, just PM me! I understand IRL issues come first and can be hard to predict, and I'm more than willing to work with you.

6: Tied to Rule 5, if you're inactive for a while I'll try to get in touch with you, if you don't reply within a few days your character may be removed and/or replaced for your partners sake.

7:We're all here to have fun, so be respectful to each other.

8: While I have no problem with apping canon Servants, I'd prefer if we could get more original takes on characters to keep things fresh and interesting.

Ban List:

Gilgamesh(Mongrel pls)


Canon Masters (PCs can be tangentially tied to notable characters in canon, just not the characters themselves)

(Tied to the above Rule: I'm a little leery about Masters from the Three Main Families. There may be exceptions, but it's a case-by-case basis)[/hr][/hr]​

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Interested in running a Lancer, if that's okay.

Probably Sun Wukong from Chinese Myth
Lancer Wukong is good civilization.

Also, added in some rules and CS formats and things to the OP.
I may be interested, we'll see. Have ideas for Assassin or Berserker.

As for the people who die, maybe in order to keep players in the game, there's a subplot involving mysterious third parties "resurrecting" them in secret by constructing doll bodies for them, a la Touko Aozaki in Kara no Kyoukai maybe, and that plot will eventually tie in to the main plot as more players die? Just an idle thought
I may be interested, we'll see. Have ideas for Assassin or Berserker.

As for the people who die, maybe in order to keep players in the game, there's a subplot involving mysterious third parties "resurrecting" them in secret by constructing doll bodies for them, a la Touko Aozaki in Kara no Kyoukai maybe, and that plot will eventually tie in to the main plot as more players die? Just an idle thought

Awesome, and I hadn't considered that angle, though it's definitely something to take into consideration. I do have a bit of a plan for Servants that die, though I don't want to spoil too much on that front other than to say, y'know, maybe dying isn't the end.

By the way, if everything goes as planned I should have the OOC up soon, like within the next few days if not tomorrow.
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Also interested!

(and have no current ideas! But I'm sure they'll come!)
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Alright, the OOC is officially up!

OPEN SIGNUPS - Fate/Shattered Gospel (OOC)

For anybody who named a class they wanted, I went ahead and marked you down on the character list to reserve your role. You're still welcome to change your mind on the role if you want though.

(Also forgive my questionable formatting pls.)
I think I'll settle on Assassin, so my reserve for Berserker can be dropped. Was gonna go with Wolf Man if I did go with it, but nah
Alrighty, gotcha! Though some kind of werewolf Servant has always been an interesting idea to me.
To Sigurd or not to Sigurd.

Jk. Even Playing as Watermelon Spirit Bomb Hans Christian Andersen, sounds fun.

So, only The Standard Classes, right? (No Avengers/Moon Cancer/Alter Ego/Ruler/Beast)
Is there still room for joining or is it closed?
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