Fate/Grand Order - Worlds Made of Glass - OOC

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Gundam Meister
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Mecha, Superhero, Anime, Adventure, Magical
Note: Any role currently not taken can be applied for and in the case of a reserved one already you can apply for it in case of a drop out.

Link for Collaboration post site that may be helpful to some: TitanPad

In Character Link:
OPEN SIGNUPS - Fate/Grand Order - Worlds Made of Glass - IC
The world is a fragile place....for hundreds of thousands of years humanity as struggled through the ages to keep peace, and prosperity always falling back on war. Mages, heroes, and normal humans have struggled to reach out to grasp at fame, fortune, and prosperity. Fear of failure, of defeat, of destruction is always a constant thing. Something to be reminded of every time some single individual reaches out to grasp is the fact that things could go horribly wrong at any given moment. A single alteration, a single failure, a single deviation from the norm...it sends the world into a chaotic spiral, and a distortion is made upon an unsuspecting world. Mages are one of the more common reasons things go wrong.

Be it the Dead Apostles, or an overtly ambitious fellow with too much to gain, and not enough to lose the world tends to fall apart at the touch of fate's hand. Hatred, jealousy, justice, despair, honor, friendship, and other self destructive tendencies have been the cause of mages, and humans alike to fall, and break what should be set in stone. Guidelines, and history itself changing to suit the needs of the many, and the hopeless. Be it for good intentions, or for ill the time line of the world is easily disrupted...perhaps a young man wished for peace...perhaps they rescued a friend...or maybe they just wanted a bit more power...and everything went wrong.

This is Chaldea, The Organization for the Preservation of Human Order, Finis Chaldea is it's full name and we have been active for many years now in the Alps. For a time Chaldea held together the world as it stood for centuries. Perhaps correcting a small lapse in time here, or perhaps making sure the evil mages of the world were kept in check in present time. Regardless it seems that the world itself is rebelling against them at times. More frequently enemy magi have been showing up to check, and destroy Chaldea agents and bring doom upon the world. Many have been defeated. The enemy's true name is known. However distortions, and changes in time are becoming more frequent forcing the top team of Chaldea to summon servants in an attempt to stop it. This worked for a time...however the recent anomaly has caused an issue...a rift...the first team is lost...dead more than likely. An attempt to stop the destruction of the world is now in the hands of the second team now allowed to summon their servants they prepare for the worst yet to come.

1. All Standard Roleplay Rules Apply. Power Playing, God Modding, and other assorted non-sense is not allowed.
2. No over powered servants. Demi-Gods, and servants such as Gilgamesh, Beserker Hercules, and folks of that nature are not allowed. I can't have unkillable servants that make everyone else pale in comparison. Ask before you pick a servant, and I'll help you with them if need be.
3. I must approve of your characters personally before allowing them into the roleplay. Characters not approved do not get noticed in the IC. Post characters in the OOC before approval.
4. PVP is allowed and will be taken up in the arena, or through collab however BOTH parties must agree to the battle. Battles will be done more than likely in a controlled Chaldera environment.
5. Everyone starts with three command seals. Command Seals are renewed once per distortion travel.
6. 2-3 Noble Phantasm limit on Servants whom are not canon. This is to prevent power playing, and shenanigans. I may be considerate of three if the servant warrants it. Remember in the show at least the noble phantasm is suppose to be a defining aspect of the legend of the servant.
7. I reserve the right to gm to reject characters for any basis. Be it for personal conduct, or roleplay reasons.

Currently Active Servants:
Saber: The Once and Future King - VanceXentan
Archer: The Conquered King - Blighted Agent
Lancer: None
Rider: None
Caster: None
Assassin: Rival of a Master - Cush Almighty
Berserker: None


Character List:
Leon Winchester - VanceXentan
Sabrina May - Cush Almighty
Haadran Ereesias Arkaeon Trariias -Blighted Agent


NPC List:
Director Orson Archibald ll
Head of Medical Wing Layla Lawson
Head of Distortion Analysis: Caster Archimedes
1st Squadron Head: Keiji Togami

Character Sheets:

Magi Sheet:

Master of:
Command Seal Location:
Origin: Magecraft



Magecraft Section:

School of Magecraft: (what type of abilities do you study specifically see above magecraft link)

Skills/Spells List: (Please include how many times you can cast specific spells)

Amount of Magecraft Mana: (A-E) (A being top tier mages like Rin, and Kayneth. E tier being Shirou, and Shinji. D-C is average)

Other: (for anything that I may have missed)
Servant Character sheet:

Class Name:



Servant of:





Skills (Custom ones are allowed Rate A-E):

Class Abilities:

Base Parameters:
(Rate them A-E. Normal Human (or humans that actually existed) Servants will rarely have certain attributes above C unless their history, or tales depict them of being able to use one of them very handily)
Strength: (筋力, Kinryoku?): Bodily might in terms of power.
Endurance: (耐久, Taikyū?): How much damage one can withstand.
Agility: (敏捷, Binshō?): Quickness and speed of reaction.
Magical Power: (魔力, Maryoku?): How much magical energy can be handled.
Good luck: (幸運, Kōun?): The quality of one's luck.
Noble Phantasm: (宝具, Hōgu?): The strength of the Noble Phantasm one owns. While the ranking will often match their strongest Noble Phantasm, it will sometimes only reflect a secondary Noble Phantasm, or display a ranking higher or lower than their available wares.

Noble Phantasms: (Noble Phantasm)

True Name: (can be put in hider for those who don't wish to show it to others, and you should link a bio if available)

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Servant Character sheet

Class Name: Assassin


Alignment: Neutral-Evil

Servant of: Sabrina May

Monohoshi Zao (Landry Drying Pool)

(Hilt longer than in picture)

Rank: C-
Monohoshi Zao is 150 centimeter, Bitchu Aoe blade. The length defies common sense and its name is a derogatory nickname for its impractical length. Sasaki is the only one who has mastery of this sword. Even the King Of Knights sword skills pale when compared to Assassins.​

"My wish is a simple one, to have a rematch with Miyamoto Musashi. She defeated me by using the glare of the sun which is unacceptable. I can accept defeat, but only in a fair duel. That my Master, Is my one and only wish."


(False)Eye Of The Mind A+
Being able to see through the weapon and style of his opponent after crossing blades only a few times, the perception of his eyes is the best among Servants. This ability itself is a natrual instinct that he had in life which allowed him to sense danger. Through no amount of training can one obtain such a skill.

Vertification B+
Assasin can conceal his presence by limiting his fighting spirit. Along with this, he is unable to be overwhelmed emotionally. This was obtained by years of arduous training in the way of the sword.

Knowledge Of Respect and Harmony B+
This ability render Assassin movements and attacks unreadable to his opponent. No matter how many times one foe faces Assassin, It will be as if they fought him for the first time. Every strike to the neck would be like the first time he uses it.

Class Abilities:

Presense Concealment D (Due to Vertification)

Base Parameters:
Strength: C
Endurance: E
Agility: A+
Magical Power: E
Good luck: A
Noble Phantasm: B

Noble Phantasms
Name: Hidden Sword Technique - Swallow Reversal
Quote: "Those who kill are evil, No matter who they be."
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Personal
Range: 1
A special move that simultaneously cuts apart an enemy with three simultaneous sword slashes in different directions. It is virtually undodgeable.

True Name: Sasaki Kojiro


Name: Sabrina May
Age: 23
Gender: F
Master of: Sasaki Kojirou
Command Seal Location: Right Hand
Origin: Resilience


Height - 5'8

Weight - "Never telling. Don't even try guessing either!"

Sabrina is an extremely confident, and persistence women with strong spirit. She isn't afraid to disagree with her superiors and refuses to do anything she doesn't agree with. She usually wears her emotions on her sleeves and doesn't hold things back. She's playfully and likes to tease the members of Chaldea, including the Servants. A few of the things she can't stand are traitors, liars, and thieves. She can trust people who can't act honestly. She also dislikes cowardly behavior but understands some people aren't fighters.

On missions, she at times will drop her playful demeanor and becomes very serious. She is always on her toes and surveying her surroundings. She doesn't like being caught off guard by anyone. At times she can make cold-hearted decisions on behave of the team and can take a life at the drop of a hat. Years of jungle warfare has given her the mental resilience of steel. She also has the tendency to react on instinct and prefers too anyway.


Sabrina's father was a talented mercenary who took jobs mostly war-torn countries of Africa. He did anything his client as of him, no matter how gruesome or evil. Her mother, how was an actual mage was a member of the Church. The two meet when he was hired to assist in killing a group of Dead Apostles. After that, the two had a short fling and conceived Sabrina.

Sabrina mostly lived in England her entire early life. Her mother took Sabrina as her apprentice and trained her the best she could in Magecraft. Her mother was kind to her and always encouraged her to improve. Being the daughter of someone that was a member of The Church, she received the best education in England. Her mother one day showed Sabrina her family crest and explain upon her untimely death that she would inherit this and all its knowledge. This was weeks before her mother went on a mission to exterminate a large nest of Dead Apostles and met her end. Her mother died when she was 12 years old and Sabrina was taken to live with her father. She had never met the man before then and he put her to hell the first week she arrived in Africa.

He began by making Sabrina run miles every day and night, no matter the conditions. She would have to sleep on the dirt, hunt, and skin her own meals and learn to shoot weapons. After a year of that, he starts teaching her the art of jungle warfare and how to kill effectively. She learned to wait and move with making as little noise a possible. She proved to be a precocious girl and learned how to move and fight like mercenary by the age of 14.

Sabrina and her father moved around a lot while working for different people and groups such as warlords, villages, politicians, and Magus, even a Dead Apostle of all things. Her father was a callous man, Sabrina question why he even took her in sometimes, she guess it had to do with her magecraft. She could produce electricity and do a few interesting thing with it, always helped to have Magus around anyway. She has seen a lot of terrible things working with her father and did them too. She's tortured and killed her fair share of people, anyone she considered bad or her father said was bad. Over time it became easy to do what needed to be down to complete a mission.

When she turned 17, her father sent her first solo contract as a mercenary. She would be traveling to the Congo kill a magus who hiding out there from the Mages Association. She managed to track him down and found he too was experimenting with vampirism and had hoards of ghouls chained up. Once managing to kill the magus after a long fight she made sure to set his facility ablaze, destroy the ghouls before they can enter the Vampire stage and his research. She told her of Dead Apostle and anyone looking into the subject should be exterminated like they were the creature itself.

When she returned home she found her father gone, he had moved again and hadn't told her where. From then on she was on her own, making her own decisions and what jobs to take. Unlike her father, she only took jobs that she felt comfortable doing, escort mission, surveillance and taking down rouge Magus and Dead Apostles. She expanded out of Africa and into middle east and Europe taking on tougher jobs that involved not being caught by the authorities. Places like Europe weren't in constant strife to shroud one's actions.

At age 20 Sabrina eventually meet her father again, unfortunately, he was knowing helping human traffickers. She was surprised to find him doing these things even when she knew he'd do anything for enough money. She put an end to her father in when she got close enough to stab him directly in his chest. In his final moments, Sabrina cradled his head and talked to him till he died. He wasn't upset about his fate, rather surprised he live so long and train his child to be even better than him. She later freed the people be trafficked and buried her father in a shallow grave. Killing him didn't hurt like it should of, not like when her mother died. She felt very little after killing him, content with the fact she did it and not someone who would relish in his death.

She would later be recruited by Chaldea at the recommendation of a contact of hers. As one of Chaldea's Masters, She is partnered with the Assassin Class Servant Sasaki Kojirou. The two work well together when they choose to.

Magecraft Section:

School of Magecraft: Wind

Can generate electricity from her body and control its electrical impulses. Sabrina's family crest was extracted and forged into a ring 2 generation ago. It was left to her after her mother's death. Being a magic crest it contains her families spells.

Skills/Spells List:
Electrify Hands - 4
Electrifies her hands for hand to hand combat. It electrocutes on contact and can subdue the average person. Each hand only get one charge.

Bolt - 3
Can fire a weak bolt of electricity from a medium range. Enough to harm someone but not kill.

Impulse Control - 7
Her most used skill is her Impulse Control. She can affect her reaction time and reflexes by speeding up the electrical impulse from her brain to her muscles. Combine with instincts she becomes quite a dangerous fighter.

Combat Knife
A simple hunting knife she keeps strapped to her right left thigh. Had it since her first night in the jungle. She has an incredible aptitude in the ways of how to use a knife. They are able to wield a knife with great proficiency and cunning as well as stealth.

Pistol - 24 rounds
Standard 10mm 12 shot pistol. Good for supplementing her lack of magical ability. A pistol can still harm a magus, their only human after all. Keeps he bullets in a pouch strapped to her waist along with her gun.

Amount of Magecraft Mana: C

Her family crest is in the form of a ring. She uses this to access her main spells. 4 generations of magecraft had been put into this crest.​
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I was under the impression we would be going of all mostly grand order. I would rather title his abilites be those anyway. I was thinking his Sense of Subtle Elegance was one of those abilites. Thanks for clearifying this for me.
Leon Winchester
Name: Leon Winchester
Nicknames: None
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Master of: Saber
Command Seal Location: Right Hand
Origin: Calm

Respectful and honest Leon was raised to be a gentlemen by his parents. He always keeps it in mind to treat people fairly regardless of gender, or age. He doesn't tend to look down on people but he does occasionally feel the need to look down on certain people who he feels do not deserve respect. Contrary to this however he is very much an elitist mage and feels that people who look down on him as a magus, or to those can't properly control their magic are beneath him in this regard. He views talent, and hard work is better than prestige or glory. Though he seeks to be the best magus he could possibly be he doesn't intend to get there through ill gotten means however he believe the holy grail is his chance to increase the chances of him making breakthroughs in his skill even if it means using it as a crutch.

Leon as a leader is straightforward, level headed, and deadly efficient. He struggles with making choices though at times leaving it up to group choice which landed him in his current position. He considers loss of life on the team to be abhorrent, and disgusting not willing to live with it. Leon sometimes takes his job too seriously and puts himself in harms way to save his team. As a symbol of authority he is lacking but as a strike team coordinator he excels at fighting.


Born in a rural town in the Midwest of America he was the son of a well known magus duo whose families hail from Ireland, and Scotland. His parents were teachers, and instructors of magical arts and worked for the Mage Association's American branch. His parents had great hopes for him, and knew he would be a strong mage someday if they instructed him properly. Though his grand father (mother's side) disliked the idea of forcing on him his parents' highly disturbing fondness for exploring Magecraft he was none the less forced to agree that his parents had the right to raise their child as they saw fit.

Growing up around magi scholars would be both a boon, and a disadvantage for young Leon whom would grow up with some social issues. He would be so used to magic that his parents would have to put spells on him when he was around normal humans to temporarily prevent him from using magic even accidentally. He also knew better than to talk about magic to others and lacking very few other hobbies Leon would make very few friends with normal people. He would also need to work on both normal school curriculum alongside his Magi training that his parents put him through since he was able to comprehend basic level spells. Despite this his parents did indeed very much care for their child, and wanted him to reach his full potential so that one day he could become a strong magus.

He would continue to have very few friends into his teenage years where his father, and grand father would both personally start to teach him their own specialized magical forms. His father was a masterful wind mage, and his grand father knew water magics as well as anyone. He had shown an affinity for both early on in his life and he appreciated his father pushing and leaning on him more than his grand father otherwise he may have never discovered his limits and how to stay within them. He had high ambitions of one day perhaps running his own guild within the magical community, and one of his friends, Gabriel Mackindley, would prove to be a worthy rival as he pushed on Leon to keep himself on his toes. He cherished what few close friends he had, and was grateful for them. Within time he started to develop a certain reputation within his circle of magicians, and even some others as 'The Black Hand Magus' after beating many opponents in a dueling arena while wearing his signature black glove on his left hand. It was not anything he had expected and he only wore the glove because it was a gift from his grand mother whom was also a duelist in her time.

Before he really knew it he was growing into a young adult, and his skills with magic were becoming stronger with each fight as he figured out new ways to use them. Though he was worried he was going to hit his limit soon enough. However destiny was set to change Leon. He was chosen by Chaldea for their attempt to recruit new mages into their organization. The group was led by an old friend of Leon's mother and when pressed Leon was hard pressed to join but after explaining the circumstances of the organization Leon agreed. Leon was tested in Chaldea by their head mages and was found as a talented mage in his own right. Though not top tier Leon was considered strong enough to compete with other mages of quality on his level by Director Orson. Deciding Leon would be best held up as a member of the second group of mages fielded by the organization, in other words the back up team, Leon performed well in the field, and in tests enough to eventually qualify as the head of the second team.

Magecraft Section:

School of Magecraft: Water, and Air Elements

Skills/Spells List:

Wind Current Change - 4 Times
Powerful Gust - 4 Times
Concussive Bullet - 5 Times
Water Shield - 5 Times
Freeze Water - 5 Times
Hands of Water (ability to conjure hands from water sources) - 2
Liquid Manipulation - 6 Times

Amount of Magecraft Mana: B-

The Once and Future King: Saber

Class Name: Saber

Nicknames: Head of the Round Table, King Pendragon

Alignment: Neutral Good

Height: 181 CM

Weight: 68 KG

Servant of: Leon Winchester

Weapon(s): Excalibur


Mana Burst A
Instinct A
Giant Beast Hunting A
Charisma B

Class Abilities:
Magic Resistance: A
Riding B

Base Parameters:
Strength: A
Mana: B
Endurance: A+
Luck: B
Agility: B
N. Phantasm: A+

Noble Phantasms:

Name: Excalibur Proto
"Yes. Let's put an end to this."
"Seal Thirteen──Decision start!"

"───Approved. Bedivere, Gareth, Lancelot, Mordred, Galahad."

"This is a battle to save the world."



Rank: C (EX)
Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: Short
Excalibur (エクスカリバー, Ekusukaribā?), differentiated from the Excalibur of Fate/stay night as Excalibur Proto: Sword of Promised Victory ( 約束された勝利の剣エクスカリバー・プロト , Yakusokusareta Shōri no KenEkusukaribā Puroto ?) in Hanafuda, is a Divine Construct and the golden holy sword of King Arthur. Differing from that of Saber's Excalibur, it is a double-sealed weapon locked by two seals, Invisible Air and Restraints of the Round Table. It is the shining holy sword that saves the planet. A golden blade that repels pretty much any evil, built to defeat an outside enemy that destroys the planet.

If seven or more seals are released, the sword's true power as a Divine Construct to save the world is released, but otherwise, it still acts as a powerful Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm. The seals remain locked until he activates it, causing a series of clanking sounds as the Restraints are lifted one by one. Activated to counter Enki, it releases as an expanding pillar of light that cleaves both the "Star of Destruction" and Archer with a single strike. Expanding larger than the city, it can even be witnessed from space.

Even without releasing its true name, Excalibur is still able to release its slash of light that varies in strength but are all weaker than its Anti-Fortress attack; however, it can be further enhanced in its destructive power by his Mana Burst Skill. One was powerful enough to counter the Sword of Paracelsus Noble Phantasm attack, while another overrided its power snatching ability.[3] With six Restraints released, Excalibur's Anti-Fortress attack was powerful enough to defeat the rampaging Beast after the death of Manaka Sajyou.[4]

In Fate/Grand Order, the sword takes on the shape of when six of the holy sword's "Thirteen Restraints" are released. Although it still cannot display its true power since over half of its restraints (in other words, seven or more) have not been released, even so, this is unmistakably an intense light that defeats a great evil. The release of the "Bedivere Restraint" is automatically being acknowledged, making one consider the hypothesis of a decisive battle against a greater being.

Noble Phantasm
Name: Invisible Air
Quote: None
Rank: ?
Type: Short
Range: Short
Description: Invisible Air: Bounded Field of the Wind King ( 風王結界インビジブル・エア , Fū-ō KekkaiInbijiburu Ea ?) is a sheath of wind that covers Excalibur and conceals it so that it cannot be easily recognized as the famous holy sword of King Arthur and expose her identity. It is a Bounded Field closer to magecraft than a Noble Phantasm that is made up of multiple layers of wind compressed into super-high pressure air with a massive amount of magical energy, which distorts the refraction of light and renders what is inside completely invisible. For the male King Arthur, Invisible Air acts as one of the seals along with the Restraints of the Round Table to Excalibur Proto's true power. While it has no basis in history, Kinoko Nasu figures it would be something Merlin could have managed because Heroic Spirits with overly famous Noble Phantasms generally have ways to hide their identities.

True Name:



Casual Attire:

- S E R V A N T -
  • True Name: Cuauhtémoc
    Possible Classes: Archer, Lancer, Saber, Berserker
    Current Class: Archer
    Servant of: Haadran

    Lawful Good
    Gender: Male

    Wish: To restore his people's descendants to their rightful glory.
    Catalyst: A piece of his bone.

    Height: 165 cm
    Weight: 80 kg
  • Appearance: Ripped, chiseled jaw, short hair, tan skin, black feet and hands, lower legs and forearms

    Attire: Aztec clothes, headdress [spoili]
  • STR - B+

    AGI - B

    END - A

    MAN - D

    LUK - E

    NP - C
  • Opochtli's Arm
    Archer's personal Ahtlatl, a throwing implement originally used to launch spears, darts, etc. It's legend manifests in allowing Archer to launch any given object that he recognizes as a 'projectile'. Looks like a simple wooden stick with a hook-like end and an ornate handle. Slightly flexible, once the chosen object his hooked, Archer can perform a slashing motion to send it in the direction of his choosing. The launched projectile will have tracking properties and, if desired, be envenomed to have a host of negative effects upon contact. Unleashing its true power requires being in the Archer or Berserker class.

    Tezcatlipoca's Fist
    Archer's personal Macahuitl. A multi-purpose weapon shaped like a flat wooden sword with obsidian shards all around and an ornate grip. Sharp and powerful enough to decapitate even beasts like the conquistador's horses in a single blow originally, its legend manifests in dealing devastating damage to anything that Archer recognizes as a 'transport'. The prismatic shards can move around the blade and are exceptional at dissipating magical energy. Unleashing its true power requires being in the Saber or Berserker class.

    Huitzilopochtli's Finger
    Archer's personal Tepoztopilli. A polearm that gravitates between a spear and a halberd, man-sized and with a serrated obsidian tip. Being blessed by the God of War, its legend manifests in it being able to discharge fire or electricity on contact. The weapon will always return to the hand of its wielder and its tip can gyrate for a drill effect. Unleashing its true power requires being in the Lancer or Berserker class.
  • Class Skills

    Independent Action - B

    Magic Resistance - C

    Personal Skills

    Protection from ailments - A+
    The crystallization of Archer's surviving the great smallpox plague that ravaged the empire he came to rule, along with his constant exposure to poisons used for warfare. Grants absolute immunity to all physical ailments (poisons, diseases, etc) that would cause a deviation from the state of "being in good health"

    Ammo creation - A
    Allows Archer to consume mana in orer to produce poisoned obsidian darts. Aside from being sharper than steel, the toxin induces penalties on whatever is struck. Can be caused to shatter midway to create a frag effect.

    Cornered Beast - B
    The sublimation of Archer's people's last stand against an overwhelming foe bolstered by former allies that betrayed them. All of Archer's parameters increase the more enemies of equal or greater caliber have to be fought at the same time (fighting 2 servants at the same time duplicates attributes, 3 triples, etc).
  • Background: The last pre-Spanish tlatoani (emperor) of the Aztecs and the one to witness the consummation of the conquest. A great warrior who fought tooth and nail amidst a plague that ravaged his forces and the betrayal of all his people's native allies. Initially was in Cortez's good graces but eventually was betrayed by him and executed after torture by fire in an attempt to find the sunken Aztec treasure.

    Personality: Despises money and advocates a modest, minimalist lifestyle. Caring but has a strange perspective on things. Has a strange conception of and relationship with death.

- M A S T E R -
  • Name: Haadran Ereesias Arkaeon Trariias
    Nickname: Heat
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Master of: Archer (Cuauhtémoc)

    Age: 44
    Height: 180 cm
    Weight: 60 kg

    Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Tan, dry skin. Skinny. Graying curly black hair. Green eyes. Wrinkled hands, hairy arms, leg, chest. Back is full of scars. Sharp nose. Monobrow.
    Casual Outfit: Sandals. Unbuttoned white shirt. Washed out jeans. Simple leather belt with a cross-shaped buckle. Black sunglasses. Green scarf covering up to the nose.
    Expedition Outfit: Standard Chaldea male uniform + scarf + sunglasses

    Command Seal Location: Nape
  • Affinity: Earth
    School: Middle East - Curses + Bounded Fields
    Mana: B


    Bounded Field Construction
    Can construct with relative ease bounded fields of varying shapes. Up to 5 in amount, up to 250 m in radius (more fields = smaller possible radius); duration up to a week (more/bigger fields = less duration); construction speed up to 5 seconds (larger fields = longer to make)
    Fields do not move but can be dispelled at any time. Any given field can be cursed once for an effect. Only 2 nested fields are normally possible

    Learned at a Middle Eastern magic enclave. An application of an effect or concept upon a target. multi-target variants exist, but are not necessary due to the ability to imbue a curse upon a bounded field.
    Requires concentration, prana, and a visual of the target in order to activate the curse. More focus, prana and time spent preparing the curse increases its effectiveness.
    Curse of Physiology - Scrambles internal workings of the target. excessive sweat, hormones out of control, loose bowels, etc. Can be applied on non-living beings with intricate inner components, but is less effective
    Curse of Senses - Scrambles perception of target. Distorted visuals, hearing, taste, balance, smell, touch, thermal. Can be applied to non-living beings that also receive external information.
    Curse of Emptiness - Disallows the entering or exiting of a given substance or element within a target.
    Curse of Gravity - Increases, decreases or inverts the effect of gravity on the target, reducing/increasing its speed as a result of the increased/reduce weight.

    Sorcery Trait: None.
    Origin: Trapping, dormant.
    Mystic Code: A set of 4 slider rings (two per hand). The sliders allow for memory shortcuts to drastically increase field construction speed (up to 1 second), efficiency (additional 2 fields, 300 m radius, nesting up to 3). The rings themselves are full of prana which can be used either as an elemental discharge (one element per ring) or as additional fuel for spells.
  • Personality: A sullen man who was traveled far and wide to see both the best and worst the world can offer, Haadran speaks only in whispers except for when something he's obsessed with becomes the topic of discussion. His obsessiveness seems to randomly come and go and things that he for a long time ignored can at the drop of a hat become subjects of focus, while others that have for a long time been obsessed over can lose all value. Araya Souren is the only one that seems to be a constant. Having known mediocrity in the flesh for the better part of his early life, he's exceedingly patient, which could make him a good teacher if he didn't find it to be the most lifesucking occupation on the planet.

    Childhood (0-12) - [spoili]The scion of the Trariias family, a non-prominent magus clan, Haadran grew up in the Mediterranean, constantly moving from one Greek island to the next. As he never dwelt too long in any single place, he had a difficult time making real friends and felt disconnected to the land he lived in. In spite of having a promising amount of magic circuits, his teachers (family members on the different islands) changed constantly enough that he never had a consistent learning system, leading to a mediocre aptitude with most magecraft.[/spoili]
    Adolescence (13-20) - [spoili]Sometime in his early teenage years, a chance meeting with a traveling magus from the middle east that had stopped by one of the islands changed Haadran's life decisively - from this man he discovered his talent with curses. After presenting his findings to his family, it was agreed that Haadran would go to the Middle East to study them. The lands he journeyed to rang much more closer to his soul than the islands of his youth, and with a singular tutor to work with, Haadran's ability blossomed.[/spoili]
    Early adulthood (21-30) - [spoili]When his education had gone on long enough that he could receive official assignments at the enclave, Haadran found himself at a crossroads: in spite of having the aptitude for academic work, it brought him little fulfillment; meanwhile, although he had spent many years working on curses, the practical and violent side of them were still mostly unknown to him due to the difficulty of finding test subjects. Mixing and matching between the two, Haadran's work at the enclave eventually started drifting more often towards the more mercenary direction.[/spoili]
    Adulthood (30-40) - [spoili]Eventually his work lead him to cooperate with one Araya Souren. Enchanted with the man's mastery over Bounded fields, Haadran asked for an apprenticeship. He was rejected but not without receiving the minimum essential guidance to begin the journey on his own. His admiration grew to something of an obsession as replicating the man's moving Fields proved impossible. At a loss, Haadran left the enclave to travel the world, looking for work and answers. The latter came in an unexpected fashion when he realized that thanks to his theoretical background, developed academically at the enclave, he had found a way to force curses upon bounded fields. It was around this time that he had a mystic code crafted for himself.[/spoili]
    Middle Adulthood (41-present) - [spoili]Upon his eventual islands homecoming, the Trariias family head arranged a meeting directly with the Animusphere family, intent on getting into the Chaldea project by way of having Haadran marry the heiress to the Animusphere family. The plan fell through when Haadran refused to join, feeling somebody like himself - an errant practitioner with a host of dark tools - would be out of place in Chaldea. To top things off, even though he and the heiress got along well, the age disparity was something he could not reconcile with. A few years later, however, with further travels and experiences, Haadran returned and reapplied to work in Chaldea. Even though he was still unsure about the idea of working for something as noble as 'saving humanity/the-world/the-future' with something as inherently ignoble as curses, he now knew that Chaldea's bright ideals cast dark shadows where one such as he could tread.[/spoili]
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@Blighted_Agent I'm fine with the fact that you're not using pictures, or more descriptive details on the appearances as I can generalize things however the master character's backstory is extremely lack luster, and lacks any detail on his past life and needs a lot more. Chaldea is an organization bound to save the world. Likewise could be said about his personality. He has no defining features just a base outline of how he is. In flat terms it needs much more detail in bother regards.

@Cush Almighty do you have any idea on when you'll have your master done?
Soon, most likely tomorrow. I am having a little trouble thing of her magecraft and spells. I'll probably go with Wind and have her be able to create electricity, amplified by a mystic code.
I think Electricity would be it's own school of magic.
I think it falls under wind since static energy is possible.
Well Electricity is tied into wind but we're also talking about magic where things all have their own sub categories but it's all the same I suppose.
I'm finished, tell me if anything needs fixing or refining.
I'm finished, tell me if anything needs fixing or refining.
I'll accept her and Kojiro. The character doesn't as much detail into her as I'd like but there's enough that I can justify having her in Chaldea.
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I can add more to her and go into detail. Is the problem mostly background?
There's not much on any friends, or missions, or specific events that shaped her into who she is currently for example. It's just the basic outline on who she is and how she got here.
Out of city this weekend. Upgrades should happen tomorrow night
Alright thanks for telling me.