• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Ever forward.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
8 AM - 6 PM and 10 PM - 2 AM
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. No Preferences
Fantasy (High and Low), Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Modern Realistic, Apocalypse, Drama, Romance... I have lots of interests!

Created using base code from darkflames, Elle Joyner, and winnie. You guys are the real heroes!





{tab=2}how it works{/tab}
{tab=3}world map{/tab}
{tab=5}rules and regulations{/tab}


The year is 2087. Fantasy World is an ultra-luxury fantasy theme park, catering to the desires of society's elite. It is an immaculately constructed, detailed and curated world spanning its own continent over 600,000 square miles in area (nearly two and a half times the size of Texas).

Fantasy World is populated by sentient AI (called "hosts"). Every living thing inside the park - every inhabitant, every beast, every insect, every critter, every plant, is built and printed using bioorganic material. They are indistinguishable from their real-world counterparts. Fantasy World's inhabitants consist of humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs. They look like you. They think, they feel, they eat, they bleed, just like you. Perhaps most importantly, they believe they are just like you. The hosts believe they are real, and so they believe their stories are real.

The stories are what drive Fantasy World and its guests. Each host has a story, a background, to explore. These lead to quests, to adventures, and perhaps a reward. The reward might be a trinket, a weapon, or a new spell. It might be passion, or it might be peril. It might simply be nothing - simply the host's thanks for a job well done.

Every guest begins in the port town of Haven, which has all the comforts and amenities you will need, and many you won't. Inns, taverns, eateries, sightseeing. Games of skill, games of chance, games of lust. Families visiting Fantasy World often stay within Haven and the neighboring area, watching as the living story unfolds around them and simply taking part in the spectacle. More daring adventurers will find that rich experiences and stories occur even outside the bounds of the city, and that encounters become gradually more treacherous and more intense the further out from Haven you venture.

Fear not; while the dangers and perils of Fantasy World may seem very real, guests are perfectly safe. Every encounter is overseen by a combination of AI and park staff, and Fantasy World has numerous safeguards in place to prevent guests from sustaining serious harm. That does not mean you are invincible, however; hosts have plenty of creative in-world consequences for you other than injury that they are able to employ if you defy the law, fail a quest, or are captured.

Too often the technology of our outside world coddles us with solutions right at our fingertips. Fantasy World does away with those crutches and challenges its guests to pay attention to detail, to work with each other, and to be thorough.

An entire world awaits you. Welcome to Fantasy World.



{tab=3}world map{/tab}
{tab=5}rules and regulations{/tab}


Guests arrive at the Island Hub for processing. The intake procedure is brief; all documentation is required to be filled out and signed prior to guest arrival. Guests are relieved of their personal belongings which are kept in lockboxes for retrieval upon departure. They are then offered their choice of attire, armor, and weaponry - all bespoke to the guest. After being provided a coin pouch with enough coin for lodging, food, and diversions for their designated length of stay, they then board the next ship bound for Haven.

Guests are expected to report back to Haven or to find their way to the Island Hub on or before their designated departure date. Based on the length of time spent within the park, guests will then spend up to a week to decompress and readjust in the Island Stay, a more traditional hotel environment, before being discharged.

Every host has a predetermined set of actions (a "loop") that they carry on throughout their day if uninterrupted by a guest. The damsel in need of aid, the beggar child seeking help being reunited with his family, the bandits in the tavern in the brawl. All of these things are scheduled events. If hosts are not interacted with, hosts simply go about the rest of their day, only to repeat their loop the next day. An apt comparison is to liken a host to a non-player character (NPC) in a game; they simply mind their own business until interacted with.

Once a host is taken up on a quest, host AI is advanced enough and sophisticated enough to be able to adapt and improvise. For example, if you offer to help the beggar child, the town guardsmen won't end up shooing him away. If you occupy the bandits with something, then the bar brawl never occurs. This continues until you complete a quest, or until your quest companion dies or is influenced to leave. The host is then cleaned off, repaired if necessary, then put back into rotation to resume their loop the next day.

Hosts, again, are anatomically correct. They think, they feel. Each has his or her own personality, likes, and dislikes. it is up to you, the guest, to decipher them to determine how best to approach a host for whatever it is you are looking for from them.

Weapons, Magic, and Equipment
All weaponry in the park is embedded with proprietary technology that renders it nearly meaningless for use in harming other guests. Attempts to attack other guests will trigger the Samaritan Response in nearby hosts for them to diffuse the situation. In the event of a drastic occurrence, Park Security may be asked to step in to extract an unruly or uncooperative guest, although this is extremely rare. Conversely, weaponry causes the harm you would expect when used upon a host. Blades cut, arrows pierce, fire burns.

"Magic" in Fantasy World is constructed with the aid of trillions of microscopic nanomachines. The nano operate in sync with the park's central AI system to maintain order as well as to provide the fantastical elements. Guests must be holding a magic-enabled weapon in order to cast spells - primarily staves, wands, and scepters. This is for the sake of park balance, although certain specific items and weapons may be able to bypass this restriction.

Each guest is allowed two weapon "loadouts" upon entry into the park. A loadout consists of either a main-hand weapon and an off-hand, or a two-hand weapon. The most common of these are:

Either Hand

Main Hand Only

Off-hand Only

















Guests who elect to start their journey with a magic-enabled weapon will be allowed to choose either three or six of the twelve starter spells. One-handed magic weapons (wands, scepters, and offhands like a focus or book) are allowed three per weapon, for a possible total of six if the guest selects two one-hand magic weapons. An exception is made for guests who select the staff weapon, in which case they are allowed eight of the twelve starter spells for the sake of park balance. The starter spells are: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Water, Poison, Cure, Holy, Slow, Protect, Shell. Additional spells as well as upgrades for spells can be obtained in the park, either as spells purchased or as rewards.

Casting is dependent on the guest. The nano, park AI and the control room staff are able to decipher what spell guests are attempting to cast, and allow those effects to occur seamlessly as part of your park experience.

Park Staff
Fantasy World Staff are subdivided into five divisions:

The Narrative Division comprises two departments: Narrative Technicians and Design Technicians. These technicians are in charge of the creation of in-park story lines and characters.

The Behavior Department is the caretaker of host control units, or "brains." The department is divided into two teams: Host Behavior and Animal Host Behavior.

Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is in charge of park standards and safety, ensuring that guests maximize their stay in the park, while addressing the myriad concerns that arise as part of daily operation.

Livestock Management
Livestock Management is responsible for the physical maintenance of active hosts and for proper storage and or decomposition of decommissioned, retired, or scrapped ones.

The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the construction of the world topside, from our hosts to the structures they inhabit.



{tab=2}how it works{/tab}
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(Click for separate link)

  • Haven - The starter town. Guests arrive by ship. As mentioned before, this has all the comforts you will ever need and even some you won't.
  • Wayfarer's Rest - Minimal fighting needed to get here. This is a scenic spot often used for large events, like weddings or banquets.
  • Allplains - Basic starter plains area. Encounters include some wildlife (think boars and stuff) and some basic dudes who want your stuff but aren't capable of taking it (goblins and petty bandits).
  • Foothills - High beginner / low intermediate area. Expect trolls, orcs, ogres.
  • Gafkagar - Orc capital city.
  • Windswept Isles - Pirates and basic sea encounters!
  • The Freehold - Pirate "city" if you can call it that. It's more like an encampment where pirates have agreed not to kill each other.
  • Verdant Wilds - Dense forest. Bears, magical/enchanted creatures and other larger encounters are common here, as well as more experienced bandits and thieves.
  • Elloren - Elven capital city. Don't ask me why they can't guard their forest better, I don't have an answer for that.
  • The Hammer - Named after the peninsula's shape (duh). Home to dwarves!
  • Heladvolg - Dwarven capital city. Has a vast network of mines in the mountains that need cleaning up and stuff, because, monsters.
  • Eversands - Desert! Adventurers will need proper gear and equipment, maybe even some camels to survive out here unless you have enough tents and water.
  • Sherekh - Home to the Sherekha, a desert people. Borrows from Egyptian and some Middle Eastern cultural themes.
  • Hinterfrost Peaks - Snowy and icy mountainscape!
  • Zysent Rise - Fortress that is home to the Lungaard, a tribal people native to the Hinterfrost region. Borrows from Nordic / Viking cultural themes.
  • Vacant Shore - Long abandoned city in ruins. Home to stone men.
Prestige (or, you gotta be an idiot to try this shit)
  • The Shallows - Lake guarded by undead, and by a serpent monster whom I haven't named yet.
  • The Citadel - Home to a necromancer who controls the undead in the area. Tentative name, Vakar Nightshade, the Entangler. Unless you want to swim (don't try to swim), the ONLY way to get to the Citadel is to sail there through the narrow strait north of the Shallows that connects back into the ocean.
  • Obsidian's Roost - Home of a big black dragon, aptly named Obsidian. Surrounded by craggy mountains and cliffs, and danger. Big boss battle time!



{tab=2}how it works{/tab}
{tab=3}world map{/tab}
{tab=5}rules and regulations{/tab}


Can I join if I have never watched Westworld?
Absolutely! While this Fantasy World RP draws upon a lot of core concepts that were established in HBO's Westworld, that is where the similarities end. None of the characters are the same, none of the locations are the same. This is not a fandom, it is an entirely separate roleplay inspired by the concepts in Westworld. You will absolutely not be left behind.

I HAVE watched Westworld, but I didn't like it or found it confusing. Can I still join?
Still, yes! While I hold Westworld very near and dear to my heart, I understand that it's not for everyone. While some of the terminology will be the same and the basic concepts are similar, Fantasy World will not approach nearly the level of complexity that HBO's Westworld does. That's not to say there won't be a story in the RP, but it will be fairly straightforward.

So what IS the plot?
...you didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you?

As with HBO's Westworld, the park seems innocent enough. But all is not well in paradise…

Why are your character sheet skeletons so bare?
I do this intentionally. While I want to know that you have put thought into your character, I think it spoils a lot of the fun of roleplay when you know every character's history before you interact with them. In any good story - a book, a video game, a movie - spoiling a big reveal about one of the characters before you get to the point where it is intended to be revealed… is a huge taboo. Why do we accept it in roleplaying? This doesn't make sense to me. The character sheets are intended to be bare so that we can see at a glance more or less what to expect from your character, just like in real life. But we have to read, we have to interact with them, in order to understand truly what their story is and who they are. Sometimes these surprises are some of the most satisfying.

How do guests and hosts interact with each other?
Put simply, guests can do whatever they want to the hosts (within reason). Hosts are not able to harm the guests in any lasting, impactful way. Scratches, bruises, minor cuts and burns are about as serious as the injuries get for guests in Fantasy World. This is managed by a careful balance of host AI and the nanomachines present in the park.

What is the risk if guests can't be seriously hurt? Why is this fun?
The illusion of danger is often just as compelling as the reality of danger. The nanomachines present in the park also allow for "magical" effects that are convincing, but safe. Still, while they cannot cause you lasting harm, their effects can be extremely unpleasant. That said, hosts have numerous other creative ways to punish guests who are unlawful, who bite off more than they can chew, or who fail a task. Dungeons, imprisonment, beatings, enslavement, ridicule… Fantasy World can be quite cruel if you allow it the opportunity.

What is the cost?
Pricing varies by package. Standard ($40,000/day), Silver ($55,000/day), and Gold ($75,000/day). Additional costs include resort fees, consultation fees, biometric monitoring, and service fees. Standard is our basic package with entry to the park and enough coin to cover your costs of lodging, food, and diversions. Silver guests are provided complimentary stay without need for payment, providing a bit of extra insurance in case you are down on your luck, or simply freeing up the coin for other adventures.

Our Gold guests experience the highest level of service Fantasy World has to offer. In addition to enjoying all the benefits of the previous tiers, Gold guests have complimentary food and drink for themselves and one (1) additional person. Gold guests also are allotted one (1) complimentary brothel experience for every (2) days spent in the park (e.g. 10 days spent in the park = 5 brothel visits). For Gold guests seeking to bypass the legwork and dive straight into the deeper adventures of Fantasy World, exclusive host escort can be arranged to jump straight into the outer fringes of the park.

What are guests allowed to bring into the park?
Only the clothes, armor, and weaponry that we provide. All of your personal belongings - your devices, your wallet, your keys, your civilian clothes, etc. - will be kept in a private locker awaiting your return. No personal items are to be brought into the park for any reason. Guests who require certain medical accommodations will be provided in-world equivalents.

Is gear important?
Yes and no. This is not a traditional "game" type setting with levels or a gear grind. Fantasy World challenges its guests to rely on their physicality, their practical skills, their problem solving and their creative processes to complete tasks. For example, actual swordplay ability is important for a guest who elects to use a sword. While improved weaponry is available for purchase or acquisition, most encounters in the park can be completed simply with what is provided upon intake.

That said, Fantasy World is dynamic and allows guests to use as much equipment as they can carry around. Just be prepared for hosts to look at you funny if you're schlepping around a sword, shield, crossbow, staff, mace, and longbow all at once. But if that's the character you desire to be, be it!

Do I get to keep equipment between visits?
Fantasy World keeps a detailed record of each guest's visit. Upon discharge, guests are allowed to select one inventory item from that stay that will be made available for future visits as a Legacy Item. Only one item can be converted to Legacy per stay. If you redeem a Legacy item in a future stay, it must be brought back in order to remain redeemable. If you lose it or it is destroyed during your adventures, you will no longer have access to it.

Are there guns in Fantasy World?
Gunpowder doesn't exist in Fantasy World, so guests and hosts alike do not have firearms available to them. Instead, Fantasy World encourages use of other projectiles like arrows, spells, and heavy artillery like catapults and ballistae.




{tab=2}how it works{/tab}
{tab=3}world map{/tab}


All Iwaku rules apply.

Players may play as guests, hosts, or park staff. Multiple characters are allowed if you feel you have the ability to write them all (subject to GM discretion).

Hosts can be humans, dwarves, elves, or orcs (of the green, Warcrafty variety). Guests are only ever human. I guess you could wear prosthetic elf ears if you wanted to, but the in-park elves would be able to tell and would probably find you incredibly strange.

This RP is open signups. I do not plan for that to change. I will allow characters to join at any time (though I will have to review and approve first). I may end up recruiting co-GMs if I feel the player base is getting larger than I can handle myself.

At this time, I WILL need help populating the world with hosts and finding ways to intertwine their stories. Be creative, but be reasonable to requests for tweaks/adjustments.

While this RP is based loosely on HBO's Westworld, having watched the series is not a prerequisite for joining. That said, let's do our best to keep this spoiler-free.

Please consider joining the Discord. This is not a requirement, but it will make communication much easier for all involved.

Be mature. I don't expect everyone to be best friends, but we will respect each other and resolve disputes in a civil manner if they do arise.

Posting Expectations
I do not intend to police players on posting speed. Once every 2 weeks or so is plenty. If you are unreachable, I will either move your character for you or suggest that another player do so.

Unlike with many other RPs, I actively encourage players to act for other characters - for example, streamlining long action sequences into a few posts, or consolidating conversations. This not only reduces the "waiting game" effect, but also helps to move the story along and can even make you a better writer. Make sure you communicate with your roleplay partners first and get their approval before you act for their character!

Please be proactive and work with your fellow writers! This is a collaborative work. Don't be afraid to get in touch with people to plot and plan! Just be sure to keep your GM in the loop if/when you and any fellow writers come up with a new plot point or piece of lore so that we can find ways to work it in.

For now, this is a non-star roleplay. If all the participants are adults and there is enough demand, I may ask for it to be moved to Redstar but I want to keep my options open for now. As such, the story at this point will be roughly PG-13 or R. No smut (use a fade to black), and no excessive gore.

Keep in mind this RP takes place on Earth, in the future. It's not a "true" fantasy story, which allows for all kinds of hijinks and anachronisms. Guest characters are allowed, and in some cases expected, to make uncharacteristic remarks or reactions to the things going on in the world.

Conversely, hosts should never, ever break character unless being interacted with by park staff. The hosts truly believe they exist within this world and genuinely find things terrifying or horrible or inspiring or touching.

I utilize in GMing what is sometimes called the "karma system." It is my way of keeping characters in line if/when they overstep their character's abilities or abuse power levels. The easiest way to think of the karma system is to remember that your decisions in this game matter, and the game will adjust to compensate for them.

Character Skeletons
NOTE: BE BRIEF! I am not looking for an in-depth understanding of your characters; just the basics. Let the players discover all the facets of your character in the game, not at the character select screen before the game even starts. However, do not confuse being brief with being lazy. You should still be coming up with your character's history and backstory, you are just not sharing them with us yet.

Please stick to these skeletons. You can pretty them up however you wish, but don't add fields.





Appearance: (If you use a character image, you can disregard this field unless you have additional info to add. Please refrain from using anime or overly cartoony images as faceclaims. I prefer real people or realistic artwork for guests/park staff, but fantasy art is fine for hosts.)

Category: Guest / Host / Staff

Occupation: (What your character does for a living, regardless if they're guests or hosts. If you are making a Park Staff sheet, this is where you would include their department and/or job title. Keep in mind, visitors to the park are typically ultra-wealthy.)

Weapons: (Guests and Hosts only. Park Staff are unarmed, with the exception of QA Personnel, who are authorized to carry firearms.)

Personality: (Five separate, individual words that describe your character in a nutshell. You don't have to balance them with positive/negative, though you are welcome to if you prefer. Any five words that best summarize this character.)

Mobile-friendly / Minimal Formatting Version​

  • WA61She.png

    The year is 2087. Fantasy World is an ultra-luxury fantasy theme park, catering to the desires of society's elite. It is an immaculately constructed, detailed and curated world spanning its own continent over 600,000 square miles in area (nearly two and a half times the size of Texas).

    Fantasy World is populated by sentient AI (called "hosts"). Every living thing inside the park - every inhabitant, every beast, every insect, every critter, every plant, is built and printed using bioorganic material. They are indistinguishable from their real-world counterparts. Fantasy World's inhabitants consist of humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs. They look like you. They think, they feel, they eat, they bleed, just like you. Perhaps most importantly, they believe they are just like you. The hosts believe they are real, and so they believe their stories are real.

    The stories are what drive Fantasy World and its guests. Each host has a story, a background, to explore. These lead to quests, to adventures, and perhaps a reward. The reward might be a trinket, a weapon, or a new spell. It might be passion, or it might be peril. It might simply be nothing - simply the host's thanks for a job well done.

    Every guest begins in the port town of Haven, which has all the comforts and amenities you will need, and many you won't. Inns, taverns, eateries, sightseeing. Games of skill, games of chance, games of lust. Families visiting Fantasy World often stay within Haven and the neighboring area, watching as the living story unfolds around them and simply taking part in the spectacle. More daring adventurers will find that rich experiences and stories occur even outside the bounds of the city, and that encounters become gradually more treacherous and more intense the further out from Haven you venture.

    Fear not; while the dangers and perils of Fantasy World may seem very real, guests are perfectly safe. Every encounter is overseen by a combination of AI and park staff, and Fantasy World has numerous safeguards in place to prevent guests from sustaining serious harm. That does not mean you are invincible, however; hosts have plenty of creative in-world consequences for you other than injury that they are able to employ if you defy the law, fail a quest, or are captured.

    Too often the technology of our outside world coddles us with solutions right at our fingertips. Fantasy World does away with those crutches and challenges its guests to pay attention to detail, to work with each other, and to be thorough.

    An entire world awaits you. Welcome to Fantasy World.

  • l8tlzn0.png

    Guests arrive at the Island Hub for processing. The intake procedure is brief; all documentation is required to be filled out and signed prior to guest arrival. Guests are relieved of their personal belongings which are kept in lockboxes for retrieval upon departure. They are then offered their choice of attire, armor, and weaponry - all bespoke to the guest. After being provided a coin pouch with enough coin for lodging, food, and diversions for their designated length of stay, they then board the next ship bound for Haven.

    Guests are expected to report back to Haven or to find their way to the Island Hub on or before their designated departure date. Based on the length of time spent within the park, guests will then spend up to a week to decompress and readjust in the Island Stay, a more traditional hotel environment, before being discharged.

    Every host has a predetermined set of actions (a "loop") that they carry on throughout their day if uninterrupted by a guest. The damsel in need of aid, the beggar child seeking help being reunited with his family, the bandits in the tavern in the brawl. All of these things are scheduled events. If hosts are not interacted with, hosts simply go about the rest of their day, only to repeat their loop the next day. An apt comparison is to liken a host to a non-player character (NPC) in a game; they simply mind their own business until interacted with.

    Once a host is taken up on a quest, host AI is advanced enough and sophisticated enough to be able to adapt and improvise. For example, if you offer to help the beggar child, the town guardsmen won't end up shooing him away. If you occupy the bandits with something, then the bar brawl never occurs. This continues until you complete a quest, or until your quest companion dies or is influenced to leave. The host is then cleaned off, repaired if necessary, then put back into rotation to resume their loop the next day.

    Hosts, again, are anatomically correct. They think, they feel. Each has his or her own personality, likes, and dislikes. it is up to you, the guest, to decipher them to determine how best to approach a host for whatever it is you are looking for from them.

    Weapons, Magic, and Equipment
    All weaponry in the park is embedded with proprietary technology that renders it nearly meaningless for use in harming other guests. Attempts to attack other guests will trigger the Samaritan Response in nearby hosts for them to diffuse the situation. In the event of a drastic occurrence, Park Security may be asked to step in to extract an unruly or uncooperative guest, although this is extremely rare. Conversely, weaponry causes the harm you would expect when used upon a host. Blades cut, arrows pierce, fire burns.

    "Magic" in Fantasy World is constructed with the aid of trillions of microscopic nanomachines. The nano operate in sync with the park's central AI system to maintain order as well as to provide the fantastical elements. Guests must be holding a magic-enabled weapon in order to cast spells - primarily staves, wands, and scepters. This is for the sake of park balance, although certain specific items and weapons may be able to bypass this restriction.

    Each guest is allowed two weapon "loadouts" upon entry into the park. A loadout consists of either a main-hand weapon and an off-hand, or a two-hand weapon. The most common of these are:

    Either Hand

    Main Hand Only

    Off-hand Only

















    Guests who elect to start their journey with a magic-enabled weapon will be allowed to choose either three or six of the twelve starter spells. One-handed magic weapons (wands, scepters, and offhands like a focus or book) are allowed three per weapon, for a possible total of six if the guest selects two one-hand magic weapons. An exception is made for guests who select the staff weapon, in which case they are allowed eight of the twelve starter spells for the sake of park balance. The starter spells are: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Water, Poison, Cure, Holy, Slow, Protect, Shell. Additional spells as well as upgrades for spells can be obtained in the park, either as spells purchased or as rewards.

    Casting is dependent on the guest. The nano, park AI and the control room staff are able to decipher what spell guests are attempting to cast, and allow those effects to occur seamlessly as part of your park experience.

    Park Staff
    Fantasy World Staff are subdivided into five divisions:

    The Narrative Division comprises two departments: Narrative Technicians and Design Technicians. These technicians are in charge of the creation of in-park story lines and characters.

    The Behavior Department is the caretaker of host control units, or "brains." The department is divided into two teams: Host Behavior and Animal Host Behavior.

    Quality Assurance
    Quality Assurance is in charge of park standards and safety, ensuring that guests maximize their stay in the park, while addressing the myriad concerns that arise as part of daily operation.

    Livestock Management
    Livestock Management is responsible for the physical maintenance of active hosts and for proper storage and or decomposition of decommissioned, retired, or scrapped ones.

    The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the construction of the world topside, from our hosts to the structures they inhabit.

  • 5IFBfgI.png

    (Click for separate link)

    • Haven - The starter town. Guests arrive by ship. As mentioned before, this has all the comforts you will ever need and even some you won't.
    • Wayfarer's Rest - Minimal fighting needed to get here. This is a scenic spot often used for large events, like weddings or banquets.
    • Allplains - Basic starter plains area. Encounters include some wildlife (think boars and stuff) and some basic dudes who want your stuff but aren't capable of taking it (goblins and petty bandits).
    • Foothills - High beginner / low intermediate area. Expect trolls, orcs, ogres.
    • Gafkagar - Orc capital city.
    • Windswept Isles - Pirates and basic sea encounters!
    • The Freehold - Pirate "city" if you can call it that. It's more like an encampment where pirates have agreed not to kill each other.
    • Verdant Wilds - Dense forest. Bears, magical/enchanted creatures and other larger encounters are common here, as well as more experienced bandits and thieves.
    • Elloren - Elven capital city. Don't ask me why they can't guard their forest better, I don't have an answer for that.
    • The Hammer - Named after the peninsula's shape (duh). Home to dwarves!
    • Heladvolg - Dwarven capital city. Has a vast network of mines in the mountains that need cleaning up and stuff, because, monsters.
    • Eversands - Desert! Adventurers will need proper gear and equipment, maybe even some camels to survive out here unless you have enough tents and water.
    • Sherekh - Home to the Sherekha, a desert people. Borrows from Egyptian and some Middle Eastern cultural themes.
    • Hinterfrost Peaks - Snowy and icy mountainscape!
    • Zysent Rise - Fortress that is home to the Lungaard, a tribal people native to the Hinterfrost region. Borrows from Nordic / Viking cultural themes.
    • Vacant Shore - Long abandoned city in ruins. Home to stone men.
    Prestige (or, you gotta be an idiot to try this shit)
    • The Shallows - Lake guarded by undead, and by a serpent monster whom I haven't named yet.
    • The Citadel - Home to a necromancer who controls the undead in the area. Tentative name, Vakar Nightshade, the Entangler. Unless you want to swim (don't try to swim), the ONLY way to get to the Citadel is to sail there through the narrow strait north of the Shallows that connects back into the ocean.
    • Obsidian's Roost - Home of a big black dragon, aptly named Obsidian. Surrounded by craggy mountains and cliffs, and danger. Big boss battle time!

  • bVbfKUQ.png

    Can I join if I have never watched Westworld?
    Absolutely! While this Fantasy World RP draws upon a lot of core concepts that were established in HBO's Westworld, that is where the similarities end. None of the characters are the same, none of the locations are the same. This is not a fandom, it is an entirely separate roleplay inspired by the concepts in Westworld. You will absolutely not be left behind.

    I HAVE watched Westworld, but I didn't like it or found it confusing. Can I still join?
    Still, yes! While I hold Westworld very near and dear to my heart, I understand that it's not for everyone. While some of the terminology will be the same and the basic concepts are similar, Fantasy World will not approach nearly the level of complexity that HBO's Westworld does. That's not to say there won't be a story in the RP, but it will be fairly straightforward.

    So what IS the plot?
    ...you didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you?

    As with HBO's Westworld, the park seems innocent enough. But all is not well in paradise…

    Why are your character sheet skeletons so bare?
    I do this intentionally. While I want to know that you have put thought into your character, I think it spoils a lot of the fun of roleplay when you know every character's history before you interact with them. In any good story - a book, a video game, a movie - spoiling a big reveal about one of the characters before you get to the point where it is intended to be revealed… is a huge taboo. Why do we accept it in roleplaying? This doesn't make sense to me. The character sheets are intended to be bare so that we can see at a glance more or less what to expect from your character, just like in real life. But we have to read, we have to interact with them, in order to understand truly what their story is and who they are. Sometimes these surprises are some of the most satisfying.

    How do guests and hosts interact with each other?
    Put simply, guests can do whatever they want to the hosts (within reason). Hosts are not able to harm the guests in any lasting, impactful way. Scratches, bruises, minor cuts and burns are about as serious as the injuries get for guests in Fantasy World. This is managed by a careful balance of host AI and the nanomachines present in the park.

    What is the risk if guests can't be seriously hurt? Why is this fun?
    The illusion of danger is often just as compelling as the reality of danger. The nanomachines present in the park also allow for "magical" effects that are convincing, but safe. Still, while they cannot cause you lasting harm, their effects can be extremely unpleasant. That said, hosts have numerous other creative ways to punish guests who are unlawful, who bite off more than they can chew, or who fail a task. Dungeons, imprisonment, beatings, enslavement, ridicule… Fantasy World can be quite cruel if you allow it the opportunity.

    What is the cost?
    Pricing varies by package. Standard ($40,000/day), Silver ($55,000/day), and Gold ($75,000/day). Additional costs include resort fees, consultation fees, biometric monitoring, and service fees. Standard is our basic package with entry to the park and enough coin to cover your costs of lodging, food, and diversions. Silver guests are provided complimentary stay without need for payment, providing a bit of extra insurance in case you are down on your luck, or simply freeing up the coin for other adventures.

    Our Gold guests experience the highest level of service Fantasy World has to offer. In addition to enjoying all the benefits of the previous tiers, Gold guests have complimentary food and drink for themselves and one (1) additional person. Gold guests also are allotted one (1) complimentary brothel experience for every (2) days spent in the park (e.g. 10 days spent in the park = 5 brothel visits). For Gold guests seeking to bypass the legwork and dive straight into the deeper adventures of Fantasy World, exclusive host escort can be arranged to jump straight into the outer fringes of the park.

    What are guests allowed to bring into the park?
    Only the clothes, armor, and weaponry that we provide. All of your personal belongings - your devices, your wallet, your keys, your civilian clothes, etc. - will be kept in a private locker awaiting your return. No personal items are to be brought into the park for any reason. Guests who require certain medical accommodations will be provided in-world equivalents.

    Is gear important?
    Yes and no. This is not a traditional "game" type setting with levels or a gear grind. Fantasy World challenges its guests to rely on their physicality, their practical skills, their problem solving and their creative processes to complete tasks. For example, actual swordplay ability is important for a guest who elects to use a sword. While improved weaponry is available for purchase or acquisition, most encounters in the park can be completed simply with what is provided upon intake.

    That said, Fantasy World is dynamic and allows guests to use as much equipment as they can carry around. Just be prepared for hosts to look at you funny if you're schlepping around a sword, shield, crossbow, staff, mace, and longbow all at once. But if that's the character you desire to be, be it!

    Do I get to keep equipment between visits?
    Fantasy World keeps a detailed record of each guest's visit. Upon discharge, guests are allowed to select one inventory item from that stay that will be made available for future visits as a Legacy Item. Only one item can be converted to Legacy per stay. If you redeem a Legacy item in a future stay, it must be brought back in order to remain redeemable. If you lose it or it is destroyed during your adventures, you will no longer have access to it.

    Are there guns in Fantasy World?
    Gunpowder doesn't exist in Fantasy World, so guests and hosts alike do not have firearms available to them. Instead, Fantasy World encourages use of other projectiles like arrows, spells, and heavy artillery like catapults and ballistae.

  • 0M8hVuf.png

    All Iwaku rules apply.

    Players may play as guests, hosts, or park staff. Multiple characters are allowed if you feel you have the ability to write them all (subject to GM discretion).

    Hosts can be humans, dwarves, elves, or orcs (of the green, Warcrafty variety). Guests are only ever human. I guess you could wear prosthetic elf ears if you wanted to, but the in-park elves would be able to tell and would probably find you incredibly strange.

    This RP is open signups. I do not plan for that to change. I will allow characters to join at any time (though I will have to review and approve first). I may end up recruiting co-GMs if I feel the player base is getting larger than I can handle myself.

    At this time, I WILL need help populating the world with hosts and finding ways to intertwine their stories. Be creative, but be reasonable to requests for tweaks/adjustments.

    While this RP is based loosely on HBO's Westworld, having watched the series is not a prerequisite for joining. That said, let's do our best to keep this spoiler-free.

    Please consider joining the Discord. This is not a requirement, but it will make communication much easier for all involved.

    Be mature. I don't expect everyone to be best friends, but we will respect each other and resolve disputes in a civil manner if they do arise.

    Posting Expectations
    I do not intend to police players on posting speed. Once every 2 weeks or so is plenty. If you are unreachable, I will either move your character for you or suggest that another player do so.

    Unlike with many other RPs, I actively encourage players to act for other characters - for example, streamlining long action sequences into a few posts, or consolidating conversations. This not only reduces the "waiting game" effect, but also helps to move the story along and can even make you a better writer. Make sure you communicate with your roleplay partners first and get their approval before you act for their character!

    Please be proactive and work with your fellow writers! This is a collaborative work. Don't be afraid to get in touch with people to plot and plan! Just be sure to keep your GM in the loop if/when you and any fellow writers come up with a new plot point or piece of lore so that we can find ways to work it in.

    For now, this is a non-star roleplay. If all the participants are adults and there is enough demand, I may ask for it to be moved to Redstar but I want to keep my options open for now. As such, the story at this point will be roughly PG-13 or R. No smut (use a fade to black), and no excessive gore.

    Keep in mind this RP takes place on Earth, in the future. It's not a "true" fantasy story, which allows for all kinds of hijinks and anachronisms. Guest characters are allowed, and in some cases expected, to make uncharacteristic remarks or reactions to the things going on in the world.

    Conversely, hosts should never, ever break character unless being interacted with by park staff. The hosts truly believe they exist within this world and genuinely find things terrifying or horrible or inspiring or touching.

    I utilize in GMing what is sometimes called the "karma system." It is my way of keeping characters in line if/when they overstep their character's abilities or abuse power levels. The easiest way to think of the karma system is to remember that your decisions in this game matter, and the game will adjust to compensate for them.

    Character Skeletons
    NOTE: BE BRIEF! I am not looking for an in-depth understanding of your characters; just the basics. Let the players discover all the facets of your character in the game, not at the character select screen before the game even starts. However, do not confuse being brief with being lazy. You should still be coming up with your character's history and backstory, you are just not sharing them with us yet.

    Please stick to these skeletons. You can pretty them up however you wish, but don't add fields.





    Appearance: (If you use a character image, you can disregard this field unless you have additional info to add. Please refrain from using anime or overly cartoony images as faceclaims. I prefer real people or realistic artwork for guests/park staff, but fantasy art is fine for hosts.)

    Category: Guest / Host / Staff

    Occupation: (What your character does for a living, regardless if they're guests or hosts. If you are making a Park Staff sheet, this is where you would include their department and/or job title. Keep in mind, visitors to the park are typically ultra-wealthy.)

    Weapons: (Guests and Hosts only. Park Staff are unarmed, with the exception of QA Personnel, who are authorized to carry firearms.)

    Personality: (Five separate, individual words that describe your character in a nutshell. You don't have to balance them with positive/negative, though you are welcome to if you prefer. Any five words that best summarize this character.)
This post reserved for character roster!

Here is the character skeleton if you couldn't find it:




Appearance: (If you use a character image, you can disregard this field unless you have additional info to add. Please refrain from using anime or overly cartoony images as faceclaims. I prefer real people or realistic artwork for guests/park staff, but fantasy art is fine for hosts.)

Category: Guest / Host / Staff

Occupation: (What your character does for a living, regardless if they're guests or hosts. If you are making a Park Staff sheet, this is where you would include their department and/or job title. Keep in mind, visitors to the park are typically ultra-wealthy.)

Weapons: (Guests and Hosts only. Park Staff are unarmed, with the exception of QA Personnel, who are authorized to carry firearms.)

Personality: (Five separate, individual words that describe your character in a nutshell. You don't have to balance them with positive/negative, though you are welcome to if you prefer. Any five words that best summarize this character.)
Also, a quick note on weapons - this is from the OOC, in the How it Works section. I added it late, so if you read the OOC when it was first posted you might have missed it.
Each guest is allowed two weapon "loadouts" upon entry into the park. A loadout consists of either a main-hand weapon and an off-hand, or a two-hand weapon. The most common of these are:
Either HandMain Hand OnlyOff-hand OnlyTwo-handed

These are not the only weapons available to you; the list is just meant as an example.

A "focus" is any sort of magical item or trinket. There are a variety to choose from of different "flavors" so to speak - an ankh, a skull, beads, etc. These are different in appearance only and have no functional difference.


Head of Narrative
and Design

Asst. Head Programmer,
Host Behavior

Quality Assurance


Bandit Leader

Aralia's Badass
Bandit Bestie

Wandering Vagrant

Lady of Haven

Pirate Captain

Elven Resistance Leader

Hinterfrost Hersir

Hinterfrost Valkyrie

Sherekh Ruler



Serial Killer

Sherekh Noble

Thief Guild Leader


The Wraith


The Nightshade


Big Fucking Dragon


Model / Pornstar

J-Pop Singer

Martial Arts Film Actor

Billionaire / Philanthropist

General Contractor

College Student

Senior Executive,

Physical Therapist

This roster format and all the code is shamelessly stolen from @Elle Joyner. I have made some tweaks and adjustments, but 99% of this is hers! THANK YOU ELLE!
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  • Name: Sabine Anharis

    Age: 27

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Appearance: angelina-petrova-hd-wallpaper-55210-56950-hd-wallpapers.jpg

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: Model and Pornstar

    Weapons: Bow and Arrow, and dagger

    Personality: Precective, witty, daring, bold, and adventurous

  • Name: Damien Blood Vanguard Captain Blood

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Appearance: unknown.png

    Category: Host

    Occupation: Pirate Captain, takes Guests on a lost treasure hunt, or can be a bounty.

    Weapons: Sword and dagger

    Personality:Callous , Charming, calculating, cold, and adventurous.

  • Name: Aralia Houndor

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual


    Category: Host

    Occupation: Bandit, Leader A bounty for the guests, also has her own adventure for the more devious guests.

    Weapons: Sword and dagger

    Personality: Cold, charming, manipulative, preceptive, and seductive

  • Name:Oliver Howl

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Appearance: Happy-Birthday-Liam-Hemsworth-.jpg

    Category: Staff

    Occupation: QA

    Weapons: Firearm

    Personality: Funny,sarcastic, calculating, kind, and protective.
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  • Like
Reactions: fatalrendezvous
There are a few host roles I will need fulfilled by players. You are all welcome to make hosts in roles OTHER than this but I already have plans on how to fold these roles into the story.

Please remember that this is a man-made, constructed fantasy world. Common fantasy tropes are intentional.

  • Damsel in need of aid (could be a commoner, a princess, an elf, doesn't matter, as long as it fits the role). Female. Aurora (Zen)
  • A ruthless bandit or rogue type, the leader of a small but very skilled group of thieves or bandits. Has unexpectedly strong morals. Any gender. Aralia (Disney)
  • The bandit leader's ride-or-die badass sidekick. Any gender. Kestra (Luster)
  • An eccentric, odd elderly man who speaks in unnecessarily cryptic ways, not because he means to but because his memory is terrible as a result of his age. Actually an incredibly powerful wizard... whenever he remembers how to be one. Dorin (Kino)

This one is a wishlist of host character archetypes I'd LIKE to see but have not yet determined roles for:
  • A dwarven blacksmith or leader of some kind. Preferably male.
  • A cleric/healer of some kind. Preferably from the desert lands but doesn't have to be. Any gender. Shantae (Under the Stars)
  • Corrupt ruler (of humans, of elves, dwarves, of Sherekh, you pick). Any gender. Nitocris (Wizzy)
  • A pirate / poacher / smuggler dealing in underworld or black market trade. Damien (Disney)
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Oo can I take the ruthless bandit leader
  • Like
Reactions: fatalrendezvous
Trying to decide between the blacksmith or cleric/healer...

Also, do they have to be mainstream fantasy races? I have an anthro character, but I can adapt her to fit a particular race if need be.

Either way, RESERVED.
Trying to decide between the blacksmith or cleric/healer...

Also, do they have to be mainstream fantasy races? I have an anthro character, but I can adapt her to fit a particular race if need be.

Either way, RESERVED.
I considered adding anthro characters, but at this moment I am deciding against it. Fantasy World is a bit like an MMORPG, and like other MMOs, who knows if new races might be added in a future content update.
Hello, since this is listed as Always Open and being a fan of the Westworld themes myself means I am very interested in joining.
But before I can start working on a character though I have a few questions. If an admin could help me it would greatly appreciated
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Blackangel

  • [fieldbox="Dorin, blue, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Name: Dorin "The Forgetful" (Nickname given by the Guests)

    Age: 72

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Hardly Any

    Appearance: Wears a big pointy wizard hat and long blue robes. Also has a long white beard down to his waist.

    Catagory: Host

    Occupation: Wandering Vagrant.

    Weapons: Long Wooden Staff with a clear crystal ball on the top.

    Personality: Eccentric, Helpful, Forgetful, Oblivious, Kind

  • [fieldbox="Victor, red, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]

    Name: Victor Cain

    Age: 44

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: Senior Executive for Google

    Weapons: Sword/Focus (a small golden "King" chess piece), Hand-Crossbow/Focus (a playing card cut from bone, the Ace of Spades)

    Personality: Loner, Arrogant, Patient, Cunning, Couragous

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Name: Lady Aurora Romano

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight in public...


Category: HOST

Occupation: Lady of Haven, in charge of keeping house, looking pretty, and acting like a lady. Aurora is part of the wealthy Romano family who owns most of the land of Haven.

Weapons: As a lady Aurora is discouraged from wielding any sort of weapon. However, she has dove into alchemy, and loves to brew potions and tonics. Some of these potions are helpful... And others are deadly.

Personality: Clever, Willful, Trapped, Rebellious, Tomboy

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An image repository has been created! You can use this to view artwork and other images I've selected to use in Fantasy World. I've also added a quick-link for it in the first post of the OOC so you can get to it easily.

@Zen and @Kino, Aurora and Dorin are approved!
  • Love
Reactions: Dark_Psycho

  • [fieldbox="Yui Tamashiro, Royalblue, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Yui Tamashiro

    Age: 33

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bi

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: J-Pop Singer

    Weapons: Shortbow | Dagger/Dagger

    Personality: Upbeat, Charming, Carefree, Reckless, Vain

    Image Credit: Aya Osanai[/fieldbox]

  • [fieldbox="Quorin Sveinsdottir, #CD853F, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Name: Quorin Sveinsdottir

    Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Category: Host

    Occupation: Hinterfrost Valkyrie

    Weapons: Spear / Small Shield

    Personality: Fierce, Swift, Stubborn, Loyal, Caring[/fieldbox]

  • [fieldbox="Lorenzo Hidalgo, #21A067, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Name: Lorenzo Hidalgo

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Bi

    Category: Staff

    Occupation: Head of Narrative and Design

    Weapons: None

    Personality: Creative, Arrogant, Egotistical, Oblivious, Vulgar

    Image Credit: Alberto Rubio[/fieldbox]
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  • [fieldbox="Ulysses Vovart, purple, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]

    Name: Ulysses Vovart


    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: Rich, Billionaire, Philanthropist Bruce Wayne

    Main: Longsword
    Focus: Magic Ring

    Personality: Calm, Calculating, Driven, Rational, Condescending (if given reason to)


  • [fieldbox="WIP, lime, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]

    Name: WIP


    Gender: WIP

    Sexuality: WIP

    Category: WIP

    Occupation: WIP

    Weapons: WIP

    Personality: WIP


  • [fieldbox="Nitocris, Yellow, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Name: Nitocris

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Category: Host

    Occupation: Ruler of the Sherekh

    Weapons: Flail, Crook

    Personality: Malevolent, Greedy, Prideful, Irritable, Narcissistic[/fieldbox]
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  • Name: Tsukuda, Hiroto (aka Hiro)

    Age: 31

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: Martial Arts Film Actor. Does his own stunts.

    Weapons: Two-handed sword (claymore)

    Personality: dedicated, stunt-master, risk-taker, focused, bushido

  • Name: El Casper (El short for Eliza)

    Age: 33

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Category: Staff

    Occupation: Host Behavior, Assistant Head Programmer

    Weapons: None

    Personality: Brilliant, Sassy, Playful, Calculated, Assertive

  • Name: Mikael Ahlstrom

    Age: 35

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: hetero but aromantic

    Category: Host

    Occupation: Hinterfrost Hersir (a General or head of military tactics)

    Weapons: Halberd, long knives, sword (dependent upon occasion and whether he's on a horse or not)

    Personality: Mastermind, Calculated, Cold, Motivated, Ambitious
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  • [fieldbox="Kelly Murdock, #0DF1A5, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]Name: Kelly Murdock

    Age: 35

    Gender: Male


    Category: Guest

    Occupation: General Contractor

    Weapons: Mace and Spell Focus: Runed leather glove | Staff

    Personality: Outgoing, jovial, quick-tempered, modest, sentimental


  • [fieldbox="Magdalene Murdock, Salmon, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Name: Magdalene Murdock

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: College student

    Weapons: Broadsword and shield | Longbow

    Personality: Mousy, amenable, compassionate, nosy, excitable [/fieldbox]

  • [fieldbox="Gorruk, silver, solid, 5, Palatino Linotype"]
    Name: Gorruk

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Hetero

    Category: Host

    Occupation: Guardsman

    Weapons: Halberd | Crossbow

    Personality: Confrontational, tetchy, unyielding, staunch, dauntless[/fieldbox]
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  • Name: Kestra Fairweather

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual


    Category: Host

    Occupation: Follower of Aralia. Bandit. Badass.

    Weapons: Duel daggers- last half inch of the blade are serrated.

    Personality: Silent. Devoted. Intense. Sincere. Blunt.

  • Name: Callon Galarin

    Age: Appears 35.

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Asexual- bi romantic


    Category: Host

    Occupation: Elven Resistance Leader

    Weapons: Magical Longbow

    Personality: Regal. Stubborn. Fair. Bossy. Charismatic.
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Name: Ari (Only has the trade name.)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Curious


Category: Host

Occupation: Trafficking humans and illegal items, gambling, brothel owner and seducing ring.

Weapons: Her flute is a musical item as well as it is a short sword. A blade is hidden within the short instrument and it is sharp as it is dangerous. She contains poison as well just to assure a definitive hit is one that will end a insubordinate subject.


Personality: Self serving, Protective, Manipulative, Hateful and Withdrawn.
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  • Love
Reactions: Dark_Psycho
Name: Merzar Kil'thith

Age: 40's

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Anything and Everything


Category: Host

Occupation: Serial killer

Weapons: Two long curved daggers, a long bow and quiver, plus a staff that freezes opponents within 15 feet of Merzar in a cone shaped area.

Personality: Murderous, Canniabalistic, Insane, Ruthless, Righteous
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Healing Staff

Doubtful. Careful. Observant. Helpful. Independent.​
  • Name: Kirsten Michealson

    Age: 28

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Category: Guest

    Occupation: Physical Therapist

    Weapons: Wand + Focus (cuff bracelet) / Staff

    Personality: Boisterous, Energetic, Open-Minded, Impatient & Inappropriate

  • Name: Asim of Sherekh

    Age: 35

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Gay

    Category: Host

    Occupation: Thief Guild Leader / (Quest) Kidnapping rich noble's daughter / (Quest) Hiring guests to steal various things for him / (Quest) Finding/Stealing a gift for his husband

    Weapons: Two scimitars

    Personality: Crass, charismatic, intelligent, patient & loyal
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