Fantasy, Romance, and Pirates!

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A Stupid Hopeless Romantic ♡
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Fantasy, SciFi, Modern, Horror.
Hello everyone, my name is Jinx! I'm just going to jump right in and post these plots! Requirements are at the bottom and feel free to message me with any questions about me or anything.
  • Destiny Lost - Lost!Heir x Pirate
The fall of Crysostis was a day that shook the entire region. Being both a large military force and trade country, it was a tragedy when the royal family was murdered by a coup staged by a group of young wealthy landowners. While the royals had been publicly executed, the rumor that the youngest daughter, Muse A, had managed to escape began to circulate due to her absence from the execution. Little do they know that these rumors are true. The night of the coup, she was snuck from the castle by an injured guard who managed to get her to the harbor before he passed. From there, her estranged uncle took her in aboard the Fallen Maiden, one of the most notorious pirate ships that sailed the Painted Seas.

Muse A grows up with the secret of her lineage, a secret that only her uncle has been entrusted with. Muse B, a boy that her uncle had taken in, grows close with Muse A despite the fact that she refuses to speak of her past. Almost a decade passes and the rumors slowly begin to die down. Muse A continues to live a peaceful life, or as peaceful as you can get on a pirate ship, and Muse B begins the process of stepping up as the next captain of the Fallen Maiden, suddenly the rumors of her survival begin to flood the streets once more as the new royal family begins to hunt for her. As Muse A tries to keep her identity hidden and her friends alive while Muse B struggles with his down past, the future of Crysostis now depends on them.

[Looking for Muse B]

  • The Contract – Vampire x Witch
In the windy city of Chicago, castes of supernatural creatures hold their domain. The family of High Witches has become tense as their oldest heir had been murdered. No evidence, no leads, and no idea who spilled his blood, Muse A is determined to discover what happened to her older brother. This becomes a problem for all of the castes of the city, as the princess of the Fae turns up dead in the exact same manner. Muse A decides to form a contract with Muse B, the current leader of the vampire caste. The two continue to clash as they try to solve these growing murders together, but both acting unfailingly to protect the other. As they grow closer to the truth, they find that things are certainly not what they seem.
[Looking for Muse B]

    • Unrequited - Soul Mates
A world filled with the six major races, magic-wielders, vampires, werewolves, fae and elves, modern technology has mixed seamlessly with magic. Witches keep potions in tupperware containers, werewolf care facilities popping up for full moons, fae with beauty on and so forth. In addition to magic, the phenomena of soulmates also exists. Soulmates, two people who are linked together to be bonded for life. Born with matching birthmarks, it usually isn't too difficult to find one's soulmate since anything written on the skin of one appears on the skin of the soulmate.

In modern day Chicago, the Grand Coven reigns. This coven is the largest and oldest group of witches and warlocks to exist in the world, currently ruled by Queen Vienna Weladonna. This queen took the beginning steps toward ending prejudice between species.Before Queen Vienna, her brother King Leone ruled by creating barriers and divides between the six species. With war brewing, Vienna made the decision to revolt against her brother and took the throne from him. Twenty years later, she is settled as queen and has a daughter who will eventually take her place. Despite the peaceful times, there are still those who believe that there were prejudices for a good reason. And now forces are working against the queen and the young princess.

Oblivious to these dangers, the princess is more focused on the fact that she finally found the one, her soul mate. The only issue is that he's from the Broken Daggers, a gang formed during King Leone's rule to fight against the divide that he was creating between species. Anyone could join, whether they be a fae, warlock, or any sort of subspecies. Despite this divide, they try to make their relationship work.

On the other hand, Muse A, the guardian of the princess, doesn't have much on her mind outside of protecting her lady. Her past, full of loss and regret, doesn't allow her much room to fall in love. However, her plans are changed when she meets Muse B, the second in command of the Broken Daggers. From the get-go, they don't care for one another despite the fact that they are soulmates. Muse A attempts to become close, but Muse B refuses to let it happen. As they try to stop a plot against the queen, it becomes harder to resist the bond between them.

Their four entwining fates will affect the future of the entire world.

[Looking for Muse B]


I usually do at least four paragraphs per reply. As long as your replies are descriptive and advance the story, I am not extremely picky about the length! I'm honestly just looking for someone who will progress the story with me.

Of course, proper grammar and spelling would be very much appreciated.

I usually use character sheets, or skellies as I called them on another website, because they're honestly just great references. I'm alright with doing PM or thread, I'm honestly not picky about that.

I really want to talk to you guys outside of the roleplay! I love talking about plot, characters, or even just chat! Especially before we even begin the roleplay. But during the roleplay, I really would love to maintain contact, but if you don't want to, that's totally fine.

Not all my plots are complete, but if the title interests you, and there is no description, feel free to ask about it! I was swamped with homework whilst writing these, so please be gentle about my description writing! I promise my actual writing is better.

I prefer to play females for most of the time, but there are times that I can be persuaded to play males. I just am very out of practice of playing males.

I enjoy playing side-characters along with our main characters, so let me know if you guys are comfortable with that.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Navuso
Still open ^.^
Hi darling!

I'm interested in hearing more about the second one "The Contract". I'm a little out of practice as well, but I'm looking to get back into the swing of things!

Would you mind sharing some details with me?
Of course! Shoot me a message!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lillian Gray
  • Love
Reactions: Jinx