Fandoms? [My Hero Academia craving]

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S h i s h a

Original poster
Hello all, I'm new to Iwaku but I've heard good things!​

My name is S h i s h a, and I'm looking for some new partners.

  • I can move off-site or stay on-site, whichever you would prefer. I have Discord and Reddit but I wouldn't be comfortable with email or google docs I'm afraid.
  • Generally I write as females but I enjoy doubling because it's fair and adds a depth of development and interactions. I also prefer MxF pairs but if there's a MxF tacked onto a MxM or FxF, I'd be willing to give it a go. All characters will be 18+ years old, even canons. Speaking of, I really do prefer canons. I've run across far too many questionable OCs that I'm really sick of them. Your OC would have to pretty dang balanced (no sad background, minimal cliches, have weaknesses and a personality that doesn't change on a dime etc) for me to give it a shot.
  • My posts can range from 3 to 8 paragraphs per role so if we do double, you can expect each role to get the same amount of paragraphs. Every time. I don't like to see partners giving one character 3 paragraphs and their favorite one 3x the amount. It's rude and it makes me feel like I'm being used.
  • Adult content is fine with me but I don't like it occurring unless there's been ample development. Characters don't fall in love at first sight, and mine often don't sleep with someone until a solid relationship has been formed. Let's take our time.
  • Lastly, I have a life. You have a life. Posts don't need to rushed. I don't mind waiting days or even weeks for a post. That said, I like to stay in touch and discuss. I can try to post 2-3 times a week but I hate making promising I may not be able to keep. I have a job and a family. Whatever responsibilities my partner may have, I want to respect them as they respect mine.

Below are fandoms I would be most interested in. They are listed in order of interest. Again I am seeking canons for canons. If we talk and you present your OC and are open to feedback if necessary, then I may be open to doubling up but I want the same respect for my OC as I want to give yours.

  • My Hero Academia
  • Naruto
  • Death Note
  • Legend of Korra
  • Fruits Basket
  • Final Space
  • Yu Yu Hakusho
  • MCU / X-Men / Defenders / X-Force / Etc
  • Fire Emblem Fates
  • Harry Potter
  • The Hunger Games
  • Star Trek
  • The Good Place
  • DuckTales (make them human though)
  • Little Witch Academia
  • Mary and The Witch's Flower
  • Doctor Who
  • Broadchurch
  • Yokai Watch
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I'm up for MHA we can talk what canons we are willing to play and maybe talk OCs that can be made fair.
I'm up for MHA we can talk what canons we are willing to play and maybe talk OCs that can be made fair.

I could play Ochako, Momo, maybe Mina or Tsuyu or Kyoka. I have been tasked with playing Midnight though I don't play her as aggressive because I think there's more than one side to her. I'd really love an All Might, Aizawa, maybe a Tenya or an Izuku. I'm not too big on say Shoto or Bakugo myself.

I would be open to hearing your OC idea but my interest would lie mainly in canon x canon. I do have an OC I could use against an All Might or Aizawa but I'd prefer to see if we can make canon x canon work first. I've got a few canon x OC stuff going on and it's really dragging me down mentally to have partners just push their agenda without listening to me as a partner. I want things to be fun for both of us. :)
I think I may be able to play Aizawa or Kenya would you like to discuss this more in PMs?