Fandom 1x1s - Sexy Edition (mostly mxm)

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Hello! I already have a 1x1 search thread up looking for some fandom roleplays (here, if you're interested), but I have a craving for some plots that are kinda sex-heavy, where the sex scenes are too important to fade to black, so I thought I'd throw up a second thread to attract some partners who are comfortable with a sexier plot.

  • Adult partners (obviously)
  • Descriptive sex scenes
  • Romance (duh)
  • Good communication. I can be a little self-conscious with my writing and might want to check with you before I throw something in plot-wise.
  • Canon characters
  • Light BDSM and kinks, depending on plot
  • Hate sex, first time sex, awkward sex, otherwise imperfect sex
  • Openness for a little bit of angst and feelings along with the sexy times, again depending on plot
  • Fairly active partners
  • Post sizes typically between 1-3 paragraphs
  • Decent spelling and grammar
Do Not Wants
  • Yaoi-esque MxM relationships/sex (very important to me; I hate the yaoi genre. I can explain this more if you need me to.)
  • OCs, unless stated
  • Hardcore/not entirely consensual BDSM
  • Anything not entirely consensual, for that matter (unless as part of a backstory, or with a side character)
  • The typical squicky kinks -- blood, scat, watersports, etc
  • Anatomically incorrect mpreg (I'm hesitantly open to trans or intersex male pregnancy)
Some things to consider:
  • I am by far more experienced in writing MxM smut. I have a little experience with MxF, but I have almost no experience with FxF. This is by no means to say I am less willing or less comfortable to try it, just that I would prefer a partner who is understanding that I may not be as great at writing it.
  • Canon LGBT characters retain their canon sexualities and genders in my plots. No exceptions. I don't care about straight characters, though. (Obviously, considering my pairings.)
  • I like to do threads, but I am open to PMs if you prefer. Just ask. I probably won't do anything off-site though, sorry.
* = my preferred character. I can be flexible, though. Just ask.
♥ = craving

All listed plots are simply suggestions. If it's not your cup of tea, I would love to discuss something else.

♥ Dorian* x Iron Bull: Filling in the blanks of their canon relationship during Inquisition. Would probably include some BDSM (I mean, c'mon. It's Iron Bull.)
♥ Dorian* x Cullen: Friends with benefits type deal, set during the events of Inquisition. Dorian, doing what he does best, convinces a very lonely Cullen to engage in a casual sexual relationship with him. Cullen is hesitant, due to never having been with a man before, but Dorian insists it's just a little stress relief.
Dorian* x Inquisitor
Sera x Inquisitor*
♥ ♥ ♥ Fenris* x Hawke: AU where the Hawkes are a noble mage family from Tevinter. Fenris is still a slave, and (preferably male, possibly female) Hawke meets him while working with Danarius. He takes a liking to the interesting elf, but the feeling is far from mutual at first.
Fenris* x Anders: Hate sex galore. Enough said.
Fenris x Anders x Hawke: open for ideas (either one of us would play Fenris and Anders both, or we'd bring on a third partner)
Warden x Zevran*

Please suggest other pairings and plots! I can't promise I'll love it, but I might.

Zuko* x Katara: Post-canon. Zuko is married to Mai, and Katara is married to Aang. The two start up an affair.
Zuko* x Sokka
Mai x Ty Lee
Azula x Ty Lee

♥ Erwin x Levi*
Jean* x Eren
Levi* x Hanji

Grell* x Will
Grell* x Madame Red
Grell* x Sebastian

Please note, I will play Grell as a transgender woman, and I will expect her to be referred to that way. The only exception would be if we were to do a pre-transition plot, but I would still play her as transgender.

Yuki x Zero*
Zero* x Kaname

Rei* x Nagisa
Rei* x Rin
Rin* x Nagisa

More to be added later on! Other fandoms I like:
  • Fruits Basket
  • Adventure Time
  • Mass Effect (minimal knowledge; I'm still working on the games)
  • The Witcher (minimal knowledge as well)
  • Hunger Games
  • No. 6
  • Elder Scrolls
Please feel free to make suggestions!
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Updated with pairings for a few of my listed fandoms.
Heya - are you just looking for partners to do the plots listed? I'm not really familiar with any of the fandoms you posted - Hunger Games being the exception - but I'd be down to work something else out if you are.

Let me know! :)
Heya - are you just looking for partners to do the plots listed? I'm not really familiar with any of the fandoms you posted - Hunger Games being the exception - but I'd be down to work something else out if you are.

Let me know! :)
I'm definitely open to other ideas, though I can't guarantee I'll be into it. PM me if you've got something in mind. :)
Hi there! I'm interested in the Kuroshitsuji fandom, but I'm a bit confused. Grell as a transgender woman is alright. He already refers to himself as a lady in the manga. Does this mean a complete transition, body-wise?
Hi there! I'm interested in the Kuroshitsuji fandom, but I'm a bit confused. Grell as a transgender woman is alright. He already refers to himself as a lady in the manga. Does this mean a complete transition, body-wise?

Nope, unless we were doing a modern AU or something. By transition, I just mean going through the decision to live as a woman. :)
Still looking for partners for most plots!
Updated a little. I don't know why I didn't have A:TLA on there -_- It's also worth clarifying that any fandoms involving underage characters will be aged up.
Looking for a few more partners! I've been feeling a lot healthier lately and I'll probably be able to get online more during my free time ^^ Also might start looking for some original plots... Let me know if you've got something in mind!
Still looking ~ A few taken plots are re-opened.
You like the Witcher? I would be up for something along those lines ^_^
You like the Witcher? I would be up for something along those lines ^_^
I only know the third game (and I haven't 100% completed that yet). Is that okay? If so, PM me :)
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