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I actually did plan on her having a little bit of history with the Mojave, but I trimmed off some of the more rare factions in place of some of your suggestions.

And no that's fine, I understand what you are trying to do.
I was just saying; I don't mind her knowing about those groups if she had moved through the area. That would make more sense than if she were plopped in Washington. :P

-I'll have Arianna up shortly, had to lie down yesterday, medical condition was making my head hurt.

-I'll have to make Akron 25 so I can make Arianna 20. Otherwise, she'd be 17, and you'd have a very angry brother and quite possibly a Deathclaw to deal with if you cradle robbed that. XD

- I'm putting this entire storyline in the year 2291. So it's after the entire events of F3, NV, and F4.
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Full Name: Arianna Rose Deschain
Age: 20
Birthday: October 21, 2271
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian/ White
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 135lbs (without gear)
Personality Type: Tomboyish; doesn't mind muck and blood. Considerate but blunt. Despite having no sexual experience, she can be promiscuous towards men she finds attractive. This often makes her over-protective brother irate. But at the same time, she will not hesitate to stop something she does not want or does not like as she is quite level-headed. She's kind, diligent and protective of her family. Unlike her brother, she doesn't mind being in the spotlight as she is very charismatic. She can even charm something as savage as a Deathclaw.She's an outdoorsman, she loves the outdoors and it is arguably her element.

Affiliation: Arroyo, Klamath
Place of Origin: Oregon
Game of Origin: Fallout 2/ New Vegas/ Fallout 4
Karma-Level: Good---generally.

STR: 2
PER: 5
END: 3
CHA: 8
INT: 7
AGI: 5
LCK: 5

Preferred Weapon Type: Bolt-Action (30-06)/ Lever-Action (38 Win), Unarmed
Primary Weapon: Hunting Rifle
Subsidiary Weapon: Winchester 1885 Rifle
Preferred Armor Type: Leath/Cloth
Primary Armor: Sleeveless brown tank-top, leather bustier, brown denim pants and brown boots. Has leather vambraces that cover the backs of her hands and her forearms.
Power Armor: [N]

Primary Skills:
1.) Speech
2.) Repair
3.) Unarmed
4.) Survival

1.) Wasteland Whisperer (Charms Wasteland creatures; Deathclaw, Mirelurk, etc. Does not work on animals; Yao Gui, Mole Rat, etc, or Humans.)
2.) Slayer (Faster unarmed attacks.)
3.) Hunter (In combat, you do more damage against animals and mutated animals.)
4.) Black Widow (More damage is inflicted towards the opposite sex.)

Weakness/ Disadvantages:
1.) Not often well protected due to lighter armor-type.
2.) Has low Strength and Endurance values, so she has to rely on her Agility.
3.) Her Wasteland Whisperer perk does not always work, though 'Patches' has been domesticated.
4.) Her charisma can be a double-edged sword at times.

Most Liked Companions: Patches, Akron, Lucas, Cameron

Least Liked Companions: Lucas. He can be a bit of an asshole.

Friends: Lucas, Cameron, John L. Sullivan

Rivals: Cameron (trying to beat his record for fastest punch.)

Lovers: None at the moment.

Enemies: Super Mutants, Night Kin, Rad Scorpions, Cazadores, Yao Gui, Mole Rats, Rad Roaches, Blood Bugs, Ants, Mongrels and Geckos.


Full Name: "Patches" Deschain--Named by Arianna
Age: He has to be at least 15 years old. I think.
Race: Deathclaw
Kind: Chameleon
Favorite food: Mole-rat, Radstag--Super Mutant when it wanders too close to the farm.​
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- I am thinking about changing Akron's name from Akron, to Marsalis. I like the way Marsalis rolls off the tongue. I don't know yet! >.<

- I had to switch around Akron's Perception and Agility attribute stats. Their the same numbers, but in reversed places. I forgot Agility controlled Guns and Perception controlled Energy weapon development.

- I'm thinking about giving both my characters 'Traits'; if you'd like, I could post the list of traits, each has an advantage and disadvantage. They come from New Vegas and Old World Blues expansion.

- I'm also thinking of implementing the Implants you can get inNew Vegas, at their usual price of course, what do you think?

I was just saying; I don't mind her knowing about those groups if she had moved through the area. That would make more sense than if she were plopped in Washington. :P

-I'll have Arianna up shortly, had to lie down yesterday, medical condition was making my head hurt.

-I'll have to make Akron 25 so I can make Arianna 20. Otherwise, she'd be 17, and you'd have a very angry brother and quite possibly a Deathclaw to deal with if you cradle robbed that. XD

- I'm putting this entire storyline in the year 2291. So it's after the entire events of F3, NV, and F4.
Oh no, your suggestions made perfect sense. Which is why I went ahead and changed things around. =)

And oh don't worry, I get that way sometimes too. Might not be for the same reason but I don't have any less sympathy for ya. Do what you need to dude/dudette/hoomin/Deathclaw?

And ooo I see Frank and Arianna are either going to butt heads or get along famously. Probably both!

And no cradle robbing for Frank. He is an 18+ ride only. haha

Ah nice! Should have plenty of 'Wealth stories from Frank then. XD

- I am thinking about changing Akron's name from Akron, to Marsalis. I like the way Marsalis rolls off the tongue. I don't know yet! >.<

- I had to switch around Akron's Perception and Agility attribute stats. Their the same numbers, but in reversed places. I forgot Agility controlled Guns and Perception controlled Energy weapon development.

- I'm thinking about giving both my characters 'Traits'; if you'd like, I could post the list of traits, each has an advantage and disadvantage. They come from New Vegas and Old World Blues expansion.

- I'm also thinking of implementing the Implants you can get inNew Vegas, at their usual price of course, what do you think?

I like both, honestly. It depends on what you are going for. Marsalis sounds more rugged/manly while Akron sounds more sophisticated.

Mhm, I remember traits. What would be cool (*gives both PCs the wild wasteland trait*)

Frank would be all over those, assuming he could pay for them. But yeah implants are a great idea!
So you like Arianna then? Good. I kinda made her the reverse of her brother who's a gruff, experienced and weathered man.

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I changed his name to Marsalis and gave him a new out of armor pic. I like it, especially with how his face is detailed.

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Okay, here are the implant options. I did not add the 'Old World Blues' implants because I did not find them useful enough to be included. Now, these will have the added stipulation that you can only have as many as your Endurance number. So, if it's 4 then you can only have 4.

Additionally, only one of each type of implant can be taken, so they can't be stacked. You can't have two Agility, or two Strength, etc. I am not allowing the increasing of Endurance from drugs, apparel, or the Endurance implant itself, to have any effect on increasing the maximum number of implants that can be installed. However, raising Endurance via the Intense Training perk does allow for a single additional implant to be installed.

Since the effects of implants that increase SPECIAL statics will be counted as a permanent increase to the respective static, they will also affect the perks available to you. Make sense?

- Agility Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Agility

- Charisma Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Charisma

- Endurance Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Endurance

- Intelligence Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Intelligence

- Luck Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Luck

- Monocyte Breeder Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 12000 caps 1 Regenerate 1 health per 10 seconds

- Perception Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Perception

- Strength Implant Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 4000 caps 1 +1 Strength

- Sub-Dermal Armor Buy from Doctor Usanagi for 8000 caps 1 +4 Damage Threshold

Now! As far as Traits go, I can post those as well in this post, just give me a word or two about it. I don't think they'll be really needed though unless you just want to give your character more quirks.
As far as Wild Wasteland-- I am not even sure how that would work. xD We'd come across an Alien dressed in drag and my character would probably, slowly turn his head to Frank and go "You did this, didn't you?" XD

There's also a couple more things that I would like to discuss with you before I set up the IC intro, but I'm gonna let you view all this before I do.
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Wild wasteland would just give me free reign to add in goofy shit every now and then. lol

And I like how you have Implants set up. How much time are we spending in the Mojave before they leave? Also, does this mean you want to have the implants in place before the journey as well?

I like the idea of Traits. Could be fun. =D
Oh, I know what it does; its how you get the Alien Blaster--that's why I mentioned an Alien. XD

What I meant was, it would probably sidetrack us a LOT with all the crazy shit we could make happen. Lmao.

Well, like I've said before, I'd like to work on their companionship and how they work effectively as a team; how their traits, skills, perks, and stats will be almost as a counter balance to each other.

I also told you I wouldn't necessarily 'rush' them out of the Mojave region. I figure, if the NCR is requesting his help then they must be hurting for some help. The NCR has already been established as spreading itself too thin.

So they will be paying him for his work, but his work will be quite near-lethal. They have flanks to cover, covert ops, and even just clearing out heavily infested areas with Mutants, Deathclaws, Cazadores and whatever else there might be.

As far as the implants go, since thy begin their relationship in a bar fight, I think it'd make sense that, once they part ways, neither knowing who the other truly is--Marsalis gets told what would be expected of him. Well, as good a Ranger as he is, he isn't cocky and stupid--he'll know he'll need help. The NCR will pay him fees, like bounties since he technically isn't in the NCR he's just someone they can really rely upon. However, they won't be able to give him a man to take with him.

Marsalis will think about it, then decide to give Frank a try. He'll wander through Freeside looking for him, then give him a pitch; he'll hire him as mercenary, and split the bounty. Which can come and go between 2,000 and 5,000 caps.
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Alien? Pffftt trust me, I can get some goofier shit than that. XD

Well, my follow up on the time limit was going to pretain to Frank possibly already having a an implant or two, given his work and time spent in NV.

And ooooo caps sound good.
I'd like them to get the implants around the same time, that way, there won't be a significant gap between them. That, and I want them to work for it. :P

As for the caps; the NCR will, more than likely, be paying Marsalis in NCR bills. The exchange rate, if you didn't know was $5 for 2 caps. It won't seem like much to Frank at first, but Marsalis then asks him if he'd like to see a magic trick, one that can turn 200 or 5000 NCR bills into caps. Having beaten him at Blackjack, and his personality, of course, I'd assume Frank would humor him.

Now, I was thinking Marsalis knows a man who fraudulently made bottle caps that he had busted during his time as a Ranger. This man will be terrified of Marsalis. But, Marsalis makes a deal; he can make as many caps as he wants. However, when Frank and Marsalis bring their NCR bills, they get that amount in caps.

It would go a long way, I'm assuming, in him impressing Frank with getting around an obstacle in a smart way rather than just brute force. It shows how intelligent and resourceful Marsalis is, which is crucial when someone has your back in a shitstorm. He won't get himself killed and he won't get them both killed. Plussed the added deviancy of the plan would probably impress Frank as well.

I also have an idea for Liang and Marsalis, when they are up on Washington, if you'd like to hear it.
Just remember that Frank does still have a heart in all this. XD

And sure, what's the idea?
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Frank: Wow man, I really did not see this coming! I knew you were rough around the edges but this...You sure we should be doing this?

Mar: Frank.

Frank: Yeah, man?

Mar: Do you like women?

Frank: I enjoy the casual bout or two, yeah.

Mar: Do you like booze?

Frank: Yeah, kinda thirsty now actually.

Mar: Do you want to eat while we are risking our shit lives?

Frank: *Stomach growls* Uh, sure.

Mar: Then, it's no longer a matter of "should" but can. * fixes cap production machines and stands up.* Besides, * tosses burnt up cigarette butt away.* I don't think you'd like to see me without cigarettes.

Okay, so! I was thinking, while they are all up in Washington, Liang has set up a triage center that Marsalis and Frank come across; they get to know her, you could even have her give them a couple quests to build up their reputation with her to the point where she trusts them. Once they've been established, we could have a generator go out, and they need parts for it. But they need to go out in a snowstorm to the nearest city to find the parts. Since Liang is good with tech and Marsalis is good at fixing things as well, but he is also equipped in Advanced Riot Gear by this point which provides low-light vision, night vision and enhanced perception which is ideal. So, she chooses Marsalis, and Marsalis tells Frank and Arianna to stay with the patients.

During their trip out, it gets so cold they have to take cover in a nearby cave to let their body temperatures rise a bit. This can be a great place to build chemistry because they are alone and have to rely on each other. Marsalis could tell Liang to get between his legs and he'd hunch over her holding her to warm her up--or she could do it by herself. Either works. Now, when they get out of the cave system, they can be found by the Chinese Remnants who Liang had been stealing technology from, to keep her patients alive. They could call her a traitor (hanjian). When Marsalis attempts to fight when they start to attack, the leader could be using a particularly powerful laser rifle.

He could shoot Marsalis, hitting him lower abdominal region (critical hit), it would burn right through him, and destroy one of his kidneys, yet cauterize the wound because the focused beam of energy was so hot. He'd go into shock, but not immediately; he'd see them take her away first. Marsalis passes out from the sheer pain, and when he wakes up, his Monocyte Breeder (Which would be his first implant, second would be the dermal armor.) had kicked in and kept him from dying. He's been robbed of his guns but he goes after Liang anyways after administering a Stimpak.

He finds the enemy compound and sneaks in doing stealth kills when he has to. He finds the leader and his most devoted have stripped Liang nude and it's beating her asking her where she put their tech--but if she did the whole triage would be in danger. Giving himself a dose of Med-X, Marsalis makes himself known in a big way when he grabs one of the soldiers, uses his gun to kill several others while being a meat shield for Marsalis. After killing the rest, he and the leader have an epic throw down in hand to hand combat.

Marsalis, heaving from exhaustion and pain, frees Liang and wraps his trademark Ranger coat around her to keep her modest, this, on top of purely saving her, would show just what kind of man he is to her, if not everything else he's done. They could find her things, but, they could have a sexual encounter while waiting out the storm.

We really need to set up talk dates for this shit. XD We ARE ALWAYS MISSING EACH OTHER!
I mean, that could work, assuming that the chemistry is there and all that for the...naughty ending. XD

And what would Frank and Ari be doing? Throwing baseballs at a wall? haha
Yeah, I was kind of laughing at myself for that one; she bandages him up, and even though he's just had one kidney vaporized, has multiple, severe bruises--he's like fuck it--I DESERVE THIS! XD

As for Arianna and Frank, well, they could be building their own chemistry up. Not a lot can exactly happen during a raging snow storm except for going out and look for parts so everyone doesn't freeze to death, and that's being done by Liang and Marsalis.
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Play drunken fist fight? XD
She'd beat his ass hands down. xD But, it's okay, she'd end up making out with him anyways.

She'd judo flip his ass and plop down on his chest with her shins on his arms so he couldn't push her off cause he couldn't get leverage. XD
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