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What works for you? The picture--or what I said? xDD
The pictures and what you said. XD

Do you want me to start rolling her up then?

And this character was intended to give you someone else to interact with, so as far as I am concerned, you can use what reference picture you would rather have.
Well, it is your character; I don't want to give a visual reference to something when it may not be as you see her as in your head, make sense?

I like the second photo well enough; maybe once I see her personality and who she associates with, I can make a better judge of character. And now that I know her appearance doesn't necessarily have to coincide with her skills, that will make it easier as well.
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Also, where would I be meeting her? New Vegas? Up North? Somewhere in-between?

Frank will be meeting Arianna when they head back through Arroyo.
Really all I was going for is for her to look different than the other three in the group. But yeah, the girl with the data pad works just fine. =D

I'll start working on her CS.

And likely someplace in between, as I was planning on her having a small shack somewhere in North CA as a rest stop for travelers.

Full Name: Liang Guaryu
Age: 28
Birthday: July 10th, 2261
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Asian (Chinese)
Gender: Female
Heigh: 5'4"
Weight: 149lbs
Personality Type: Shy, Warm, Supportive, Intelligent
Place of Origin: Northern California

Affiliation: China (Formally)
Game of Origin: New Vegas
Karma-Level: Good

STR: 4
PER: 8 (+2 At night)
END: 4
CHA: 5
INT: 8 (+2 At night)
AGI: 6
LCK: 5

Primary Skills:
1.) Medicine
2.) Science
3.) Energy Weapons
4.) Survival

1.) Laser Commander
2.) Vigilant Recycler
3.) Night Person
4.) Chemist

Preferred Weapon Type: Energy Weapons
Primary Weapon: Laser RCW
Subsidiary Weapon: Recharger Pistol

Modifications: RCW Recycler for both weapons

Preferred Armor Type: Cloth
Primary Armor: Wasteland Doctor Fatigues
Power Armor: (N)

Weakness/ Disadvantages:
1.) Addicted to Mentats
2.) Is somewhat fast, but is otherwise lacking in the physical department.
3.) Scared of Deathclaws
4.) Tends to be very over cautious when it comes to medical issues and/or her patients

Most Liked Companions: Arcade, Veronica, Lilly, Boone

Least Liked Companions: Cass

Friends: Followers of The Apocalypse, Novac, Primm, Jacobstown

Rivals: Cass

Lovers: None

Enemies: Caesar's Legion, Most Gangs, Feral Ghouls, Deathclaws, BoS, Chinese remnants, Super Mutants, and dangerous wildlife
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I like her personally; found her this morning but I was SO tired. Had a long night. Anyways. She looks incredible. She's different. She ould be a descendant of the Chinese orJapanese heritage, I'd think making her Chinese, or part Chinese would go along way with what you're wanting to go with the character. And, since we'll be entering the Washington state area, especially on the coast with Washington, having her in that Washington state area (doesn't have to be coastal, or Seattle specifically) would make a lot of sense considering the Chinese had invaded Alaska.
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She definitely looks like a survivalist, she looks like someone who knows how to use tech. And survivability in Washington, Northern Oregon, and Idaho areas, is slim. It's because it's been isolated by a permanent nuclear winter. This meand ice and snow, everywhere and aside from thing like BoS, Mutants, Ghouls and other lovely stuff would be the only other things she'd encounter because on fools wander around senseless in a permanent winterized area.
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I'll use this photo then. =)
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It'd be funny as hell, if, like she had taken something from Frank and Akron--and they chased after her, then she stops and turns around. And Akron goes " Okay, so who goes and introduces ourself to our lady friend here?" And just when he says that her pet Yaoi Gui, who is massive by the way, stands up on its rear end. Frank pats Akron on the shoulder and goes. "I'm tagging the fuck out."

Akron's blinking and watching Frank slowly back up, then goes "Thaaaaaaaanks...so reliable."
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We will have to see what happens. ;D
Well, of course--I'm just saying it'd be a hilarious moment. xD
It could be a "Frank" moment when he's all "This girl is trouble--okay, you can have her." XD
I love how she's FROM China--but she's Caucasian. xD
caucASIAN duh XD sorry i jsut haven't switched everything yet
I know, I'm just messing with yah. xD was like "Wow! Apparently we bred them out and bombed ourselves---does that even count as friendly fire anymore?"
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Ok, I think she is finished. How is your character coming along?
- So, she addicted to Mentats--which I find funny. Not because addiction is funny, just what she's addicted to. Mentats are like Icebreaker mints. xD

-She's relatively fast, I'm assuming because of her small frame.

-She's scared of Deathclaws. This will be funny as hell if they bring her back to his farm, because he and his sister have a Deathclaw named 'Patches' because, well, he's got a multi-toned color to his scales. I imagine Frank will be thoroughly scared shitless when he first meet him too on their way up North.

- The cautious thing about her patients gives me a couple ideas already.

Overall, I really like her. :D

She's coming along well, should have her up here in a bit!


Looking at her enemies, I don't think she would know about the Omertas, Van Graffs, Caser's Legion, or White Gloves--unless she traveled through the Arizona-Nevada territories. Which would make sense if you placed her in Northern California rather than the Washington State area. But since you made her Chinese, I had assumed you put her in Washington?

What enemies she would face/fight commonly, would be the Brotherhood for her tech, Chinese remnants ( non-feral Ghouls) for her decent, Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants, Night Kin Deathclaws, and Yao Gui, and various vermin.

Also, her place of origin wouldn't be China. xD It'd be Northern Cali or Washington state--she's just of Chinese descent and may know bits of the language passed down from her parents. But she's not from China because China is in the same state the US is in.

Remember; we aren't playing New Vegas, a lot of the main storyline will take place in Washington/ Northern Oregon area. So it'll be very cold with heavy winds, blizzards all that. The beginning and sides are in Cali and Nevada. So the gangs will be said in passing, but won't actually have an effect on the story. Also, the Legion is gone from the area. I'm going with the ending that the 'Courier' helped the NCR win the second Battle of Hoover Dam with Mr. House being dead. So those that are left, are stragglers.

This isn't me griping at ya'. I'm setting the direction I envisioned for this to go. I don't intend to rush them from New Vegas, I do fully intend on using the time that Akron's there, for them to form a bit of a dynamic, get their personalities to mesh well so it feels 'organic' and not forced. :3
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