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Original poster
So I'm a bit new to roleplaying here, on Iwanku, but I've been rping in general for years on other sites. Right now, I'm looking for some 1x1's or groups to hold me over since my current group rp isn't interacting much with my character at the moment, I can't really post. I love most types of genres, from fantasy to slice o' life. However, I do find it difficult to try sci fi and futuristic types, mainly because I have little experience.
I'm looking to do... (Red text are hints to my mega cravings c; )
  • Yandere things -- Anything from high school things to mental patients and all. I just really like gore and stuff mixed with complex romance~
  • Spies -- Spy x Spy, Spy x Target, Spy x Person-in-their-ear -- I like gadgets and gizmos and sneaky things
  • Corpse Party -- Doesn't need to be the exact anime/game we play, like I said before, love the gorey stuff
  • Steamy things -- I wanna roleplay dirty things :P From soft play to rough, I'm all about it!
  • Gorey things -- I know, soundin' like a broken record here, I'll assume you get the message :3
That's about all I can think of at the moment... I guess all I have left to say is to message me if you're interested in anything!
Don't know how much your into sword & sorcery type stuff...things like Conan the Barbarian or The Beastmaster, but my recently started RP could always use some great supporting characters. I'll leave the links to the Interest check and OOC/Sign Ups below. All the backstory and setting is included in those two threads.

Interest Check

OOC & Sign-Ups
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