Exile of the Fifth Son

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This is the OOC/Sign-up for the club Exile of the Fifth Son.
Click here for a list of NPC's.
Click here for the IC.
Click here for the Discord server.

"Hey! Have you heard? The fifth prince, prince Albert, he's really going to get exiled!"

The news had spread like a wildfire through-out the kingdom, as it was easily one of the biggest happenings in recent history. The Kingdom of Edfield was at its peak, with a military and economy unrivalled on the entire continent, yet the first cracks were showing from within. The current king, Edwin Ryker the Third, was old enough for the crown-prince, Grady Ryker, to prepare for taking over. It was clear to everyone that the crown-prince wasn't exactly planning to be a benevolent ruler, much rather following in his father's footsteps of ruling through power and might. The latter was also why his progressive youngest brother, prince Albert, had been a thorn in his side for a long time. Whereas Grady was heavily popular among the nobility and high ranked army officials, the much younger prince Albert had gotten himself insanely popular with the common folk. Not only could they relate to him better, thanks to his kind behaviour, he'd gone through serious attempts to reform the very oppressive, racist, speciesist and sexist hierarchical structures that were present in all layers of the Kingdom's society.

Eventually, crown-prince Grady decided to get rid of his younger brother before he'd end up destabilising his coming rule, framing Albert for planning to start an uprising. Although Grady was seeking the death penalty for his brother, the best he could was getting him exiled, as he could not risk starting the very uprising he was hoping to prevent. For the same reason, he decided to agree to his brother's request. A few of the people that were deemed 'enemies of the Kingdom' or that were imprisoned or wanted for relatively minor crimes, as well as those who's sole reason for imprisonment was their support of prince Albert and his ideals, were able to have their since forgiven and debts erased if they were to join prince Albert on his exile into the Hinterlands.

Even so, many knew that the Hinterlands were dangerous territory. Rumours spoke of the place as a land where ancient sentient species and terrifying monsters were still roaming the lands, a place filled with ruins from civilisations older than written history and a place where long forgotten magic was an everyday occurrence. Very few expeditions into the vast Hinterlands had ever returned and none of those had dared to venture far into the area before fleeing it. To make matters worse, there were many that didn't wish to abandon everything they'd built up through-out the years and even more that didn't quite trust the crown-prince's promise. Yet the chance of a free and fortunate future in these mysterious lands held promise to the few that were truly looking for a way out; those that aligned themselves with Albert's ideals and those without a shred of future in the Kingdom.

Whatever your reason may be, be it erasure of sins, the promise of riches or simply the exploration of the unknown, anyone willing to work together towards a better future is welcome to join the prince in his exile. Just remember that it is a one-way ticket.

General plans.
This club is meant to focus on exploration, mystery and interaction between characters (both PC and NPC). Overall plot will revolve around finding out more about those you're travelling with and generally making it to your 'destination' (wherever the group may chose to settle) in one piece, whilst separate parts/chapters will feature shorter missions and events based on what's going on in the specific areas you'll travel through along the way.

I'll be striving to keep the overall plot going by putting up a plot-progressing post once a week, whilst flavour interactions and side-progression can happen at even faster speeds, depending on player interaction.

Joining during later stages of the plot will be possible (if there is a demand for it), but it will be done using different lore-mechanics to tie new characters to the group, which means certain chapters/parts will need to conclude before new characters can be added smoothly.

If you want to know more about the world/lore, check out the backstories of the NPC's you'll be travelling with. There's also some more information in the character sheet below, as well as in the Q&A post below this one. Feel free to suggest things if you've got ideas of your own or ask questions on things you'd like me to add or explain, as lore can be added (and has been added) retroactively if there's a demand.

Please indicate which parts of the information on the sheet unknown to the general public such as by writing them in red, so that it is clear which of this information would require more than just some asking around for someone to find out. This is especially important with regards to (parts of) the backstory and the reasons for joining and can also be used to separate the lies and fake stories that are known to the public from the actual facts.

Please include the following information your sheet:

The Edfield Kingdom exist of about 60% Humans, 20% Elves and 15% Dwarves, who have equal rights. The last remaining 5% is a marginalised and heavily suppressed group existing of a wide variety of species, mostly from the areas bordering the Hinterlands or from different continents altogether.

Species cannot interbreed.

Humans are the most 'average' species, having no considerable weaknesses or strengths, to the degree that they are often used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of other species in comparison. They do have the most varied members of a single species.

Elves are taller (~2.00 meter average), are slightly more likely to possess magic, tend to have better farseeing eye-sight and can reach up to 200 years of age. However, they are physically weaker and less fertile.

Dwarves are shorter ( ~1.40 meter average), are sightly less likely to posses magic, tend to see better in the dark and can reach up to 150 years of age. They are slightly tougher and stronger, yet aren't as fast and nimble.

If you wish to chose an unconventional species (anything other than Humans, Elves, Dwarves) that isn't yet mentioned in the lore in this post, in the sheets of one of (the NPC's) or by an already accepted character, please give a short description of them. Species can have different strengths and weaknesses, but they have to balance each-other out to be eligible. When in doubt as to what is possible, please ask me beforehand.

Appearance: image or thorough description.
Height: preferably in metric.
Weight: preferably in metric.

Magic concept: A brief explanation of what type of magic your character possesses.
Magic limits: The limits of the above concept. More limited magic generally produces stronger results. More versatile magic generally has weaker results.
Magic backfire risk:
Although highly uncommon in the Kingdom of Edfield (you can create a character without magic), starting with magic is possible. The source of magic is unknown and the few people that possess magic either had it since birth or had some sort of shock/experience that awakened their magic talent. (There are no such things as making deals with higher entities to gain magic and/or schools to learn magic.)

There are only three things about magic that are certain;

[1] A single person's magic always centres around a single concept (examples: teleportation, boosting strength, healing, forming fireballs, increase the growth of plants, invisibility) and the broader a concept is applicable, the weaker the magic itself ends up being (merely being able to shoot fireballs means stronger/hotter/faster fire than doing so as the result of being able to summon any possible type of fire).

[2] Using magic tires one out at a rapid pace; it is like running a marathon. While training and practice may help increase your limits, there are still strict lines and boundaries of how much is possible. It is not uncommon for a mage to overexert themselves and faint from exhaustion.

[3] There is a chance that (over-)using magic will backfire severely, temporarily causing negative effects to its user (and potentially to their surroundings). The backfire risk is often related to the magic itself, but there are known cases where no clear link can be made. This risk becomes greater depending on how big of an effect someone wants to achieve.

From the highest level of expertise to the lowest, list anything non-magic that your character is particularly good at. From mastery of a particular weapon type to painting landscapes, from reading someone's expressions to arm-wrestling and from crafting brooms to high society etiquette. Please ground them in your previous occupation(s) or background and remember that a jack of all trades is a master of none of them.

Previous occupation(s):
This will further help decide skills and might be used for other in-character purposes.

A quick overview of any important names from the background and/or pre-existing relations to other PC's.

It can be short or detailed as you want it to be, but do include when you had previous occupations and how you obtained your skills. Keep in mind that you're asked to separate public knowledge about your character from hidden knowledge/true facts about them.

Reason(s) for joining:
Keep in mind to separate public reason(s) (if any) from hidden ones.

If you like to add more sections, such as likes/dislikes, equipment, personality, theme, fears, motivations, or anything else you like adding, feel free to do so here.
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Questions and Answers

No. Halfbreeds aren't a thing. While I'm generally lenient on allowing new species, I am persistent on having them be fully biologically different from each-other, which means they can't interbreed. If you want to create a species with a considerable population, they'd have to originate from another continent. Only species with a small population can exists from the continent in which the story takes place, stemming from areas bordering the Hinterlands.

Elves and Dwarves are common enough in the Kingdom of Edfield to end up with the prince in similar manners as as Humans would.

Species with a small total population (currently only Harvin, stolen from Grandblue Fantasy) likely originate from the areas bordering the Hinterlands, most of which used to be independent nations and city-states that got taken over by the Kingdom of Edfield. You're fairly free in choosing how this take-over would've taken place, but hostile (military) take-overs and enslavement or at the very least suppression of the native species would be most common occurrence. (If you want to describe a different scenario, I'd be an exception.)

Species with a large population, (other than Humans, Elves and Dwarves), only exists in such numbers on other continents. (Which is basically me giving you free reign on how you want such societies to be structured and put into lore that isn't directly plot-relevant.)

How any of them would end up in the city itself and furthermore, in exile with the prince, is also up to you. A common manner might simply be that they are traders, explorers, mercenaries, adventures or diplomats that got caught up an incident (they killed someone in self-defence, got involved in a scam and were accused of being the main perpetrator, simply got set-up by someone...) Another option might be that they simply wish to support the prince due to supporting his political views and/or want to start a better life elsewhere, as speciecism (racism between species) is also a very valid reason to end up being set-up/betrayed/forced into exile or to want to leave the Kingdom and its horrible speciecism behind altogether.

The Kingdom of Edfield is currently the first Kingdom that might be considered a 'superpower' due to how it spans most of a continent and contributed a lot to the exploration of the rest of the world.

If you want to, I can even let you tie your character's presence in with that of one of the NPC's, but that would require a bit more work to make sure it is a lore-proof backstory.

This club's technological advances don't match up exactly to our world's, but to give a rough idea, here are some of this era's breakthrough inventions (and some areas where it's lacking).

With regards to weapons, the first matchlock arqbuesiers are starting to get used. They aren't yet common, they are prone to misfiring, they aren't very accurate and they might even explode, but they have greater armour piercing potential and are far easier to fire than a bow.

With regards to science, the telescope is the new big thing among scholars. It's an extremely expensive tool, but all the famous universities are fighting over who's got the best one.

Unlike in our world, the printing press hasn't become a thing yet, which means books and scrolls are still handwritten and expensive.

With regards to globalism, large areas of the world still being unexplored, but the first few people have successfully circumnavigated the world and loosely drawn (inaccurate) maps of all continents exists.

It's a bit of a difficult question, as magic is extremely versatile and varied, yet also extremely rare, so there is far too little evidence to create a good theory on common denominators. Going by rumours, there are a few popular ones of strong mages. The first is that of a mage that could draw water out of thin air and managed to turn an entire desert into a lush and green forest, but when people went to find him, his body had turned into a stone fountain. Another story is that of a mage that could create flames around himself and kept trying to push his boundaries until he exploded, taking out an entire city and leaving a crater in its wake. A third is that of a mage that could heal people by merely looking at them, but was forced to take on their pain. She went insane short after she started using her magic and ripped her own eyes out. A fourth is that of a person who obtained immortality, but only in body. His spirit was said to rot inside of his own body, causing him to go insane and throw himself into an active volcano in the hope of dying. It's said that his body is still burning and regenerating constantly inside of the lava.

More common examples would be people that can summon a bolt of a specific element (fireball, water orb, rock, etc.) and fire it, or create a layer of said element around their body, people that can heal minor wounds, people that can enhance a specific bodily feature (up to triple the standard) such as strength, sight, agility, people can that summon specific creatures, people that can talk with animals, or people that can use magic to come across as more charismatic or terrifying to others. For as long as people don't push these types of magic to their limits, this is the level at which magic can be somewhat safely practised, which means this is the level at which people would live (and stay sane) for long enough to become experienced. Stronger mages would likely end up suffering permanently from the worst of the draw-back effect of their magic before even learning the full extend of it.

Population wise, Elves and Dwarves are somewhat common on the continent. Other species might be dominant outside of it (such as Orcs or Goblins). Smaller groups of all sorts of other species might live closer to the Hinterlands or hidden away/captured/enslaved.

In terms of animals, most creatures in the Kingdom would be considered normal by our standards. Some exotic species might've been captured and brought in from the Hinterlands, but so far, none of them breed well in captivity. The deeper into the Hinterlands you'd dare to go, the more exotic (and powerful) the fantasy creatures you'd encounter.

A typical example of a low-tier exotic fantasy creature, which might exists in captivity in the Kingdom, would be the Unicorn. They're physically not too different from standard species and their intelligence is only mildly higher than that of your normal horse.

A typical example of a mid-tier exotic fantasy creature would be the Pegasus. Their wings allow for an entirely new function, making them clearly distinct from horses and their intelligence seems to be only slightly below that of a species like the Humans. They're extremely rare in the Kingdom and they'd cost a small fortune to buy and you'd have to risk your life travelling into the Hinterlands if you wished to capture one.

A typical example of a high-tier exotic fantasy creature would be the Dragon. They are a fair bit different than normal species, but what sets them apart the most is their high level of power and surprising degree of intellect. They don't exists in the Kingdom and their existence is often doubted. If they do exists, they likely live deep into the Hinterlands and would only have been spotted by the bravest of adventures.

Compared to Humans, Elves are taller (~2.00 meter average), are slightly more likely to possess magic, tend to have better farseeing eye-sight and can reach up to 200 years of age. However, they are physically weaker and less fertile.

It's rumoured that in ancient times, the Humans, Elves and Dwarves had equal amounts of population on the continent. Elves mostly stuck to the Forest, even daring to live in the outskirts of the Hinterlands. Dwarves lived in the hills and mountains. The Humans had settled the vast plains, which later became the heart of the Edfield Kingdom. They had their occasional skirmishes and battles, but there were few all-out wars between them.

Rather than through battle, Humans simple managed to outbreed the other two species. They were making up for their shorter lifespan with their higher fertility, which was particularly visible whenever they managed to quickly repopulate areas after a disaster, whether that came in the form of magic, natural disaster or war. One thing is certain; the Elves (and also Dwarves) are currently a minority species. Unlike the other minorities, they enjoy equal rights compared to Humans and might even be better off than most of them.

The Elves obtained their rights mostly due to the vast amounts of wealth and knowledge they collected through-out the years. This also allowed them to buy-up much land and property in the cities and villages. The lifespan of a single outstanding Human can only change his family's future to a limited degree, but a long-lived Elf can amass their fortune in a single generation and create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon. This led to a high degree of nobility and wealth among the Elves. Some estimate that, despite making up only 20% of the population, the Elves might own up to 50% of the privately-owned land in the Edfield Kingdom.

The fact that Elves have a slightly higher chance of possessing magic might not be much on its own, but through-out the ages, it added up. The majority of well-known mages (both good and bad) are known to have been Elves, which is often why they are deemed to be the foremost experts on magic knowledge. The latter is only partially true, as while they have the biggest documentation on magic, they are no closer to finding out its exact workings than any other species. A few examples of Elves having been worshipped for their magic (especially those with healing powers) exist through-out history, but the topic is highly controversial.

A minority of Elves reject the noble/rich lifestyle and claim to stay true to their Elven roots by populating forested areas and living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. They are considered barbarians by most other Elves, whilst they consider most other Elves to be heretics to their nature. The stereotype that Elves are all great at archery mostly stems from them, as their way of life consistently managed to produce record-breaking archers, although the average noble Elf wouldn't even consider taking up such a barbaric pastime.

Alchemy, as a practice, predominantly exists the way it did in real life history, as a predecessor to chemistry and physics and to a lesser degree biology. The vast majority of known alchemical research and work can therefore be practised by non-mages, but it is expensive (due to its material costs) and difficult to practice (due to the required knowledge and tools), so very few people actually manage to do so. The cheaper and more common practice would be herbalism, which leans more towards the biological aspects and simple medicinal usages.

A very rare '1%' of alchemists exist (and existed) with a specific type of magic they could use to either practice alchemy or that was useful in combination with alchemy. Due to this boost, they tend to be predominant in the alchemy/history books. Examples are magic that allowed someone to discover more elements, to mildly change the properties of certain elements, to stabilise solutions with magic, to accurately control the temperature of something or to enhance certain aspects of what they were creating.

Rumour has it that the founder of alchemy (as an independent research area) was a mage that could use his magic to see the properties of anything he touched. Another famous example in history was alchemist in servitude of the church, who was capable of vastly increased the effects of traditional herbalism and alchemical brews. A few of his creations still exists, but they are extremely expensive due to the fact that the supply of them is limited.

The capital of the Kingdom of Edfield lies on the western side of the continent, but its main territory spreads through-out all of the central plains. It's presence is the largest along the south-western coast and through-out these central plains. This is mainly due to the creation of a good network of roads through-out these areas and the establishment of many guard-posts, forts and trading posts. The latter is also something heavily capitalized on by both Human and Elven nobility.

After many conquests, the Kingdom of Edfield successfully conquered all the areas to the south, although some of the more barren southern areas, like the rocky deserts, are not yet fully incorporated and might still house some relatively 'free' living nomadic tribes. A small ridge of mountains to south-east is mostly inhabited by Dwarves that govern an autonomous region within the Kingdom of Edfield, a compromise made due to the fact that a war between the two would not beneficial for either party.

The further north you go, the more forested the area tends to get. To the north-east, a collective of smaller-sized kingdoms still manage to hold out against both the Kingdom of Edfield to their south-west and the dangers of the Hinterlands to their north, but it seems to be a manner of time before they'll fall to either of these threats. Many of the traditionally living Elves have moved to these areas in an attempt to preserve their way of life. The smaller kingdoms are there for those that wish to have some extra freedom in creating lore for their character's backstory, but still be connected to the story and the existing lore (and thereby be a bit more limited by it).

To the north-west, the City of Bells, another autonomous region within the Kingdom of Edfield, lies on the border with the Hinterlands. A few mountain-chains separate it from most other places, but its seaport makes it a good way for expeditions to travel into the Hinterlands. The far north is part of the Hinterlands, which is mostly pine forest by nature, although rumour has it that magic has severely altered large parts of the area.

Smaller islands exists around the continent, but only those to the south are discovered (and inhabited) as the waters along the Hinterlands are far too dangerous to traverse.

Other continents exists in the world, with the Orcen continent being the best known among citizen of the Kingdom of Edfield due to an increase in trade and mutual immigration and emigration. Whilst most continents have at least been spotted by those that managed to circumnavigate the world, many of them remain mostly unexplored. Other continents are an OOC way to provide a relatively high amount of freedom for players to create lore without being too limited by anything that already exists, but is therefore also less related to the main story.
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Posting this for evaluation by Elvario.

Name: Retili Loxnofcan
Nicknames/aliases: Ret
Age: 23
Gender: Male


Zentail are an oppressed underground race who are well known for their magical blood and exceptionally long lives but are physically weaker then other races. They are small slender humanoids marked out by their pale white skin, eyes that are nearly entirely black save for yellow-orange triangles that serve as pupils, and teeth devoid of canines. They also possess elongated fingernails that if left to grow will eventually terminate in sharp points, though they are often filed down in the more "domesticated" of the Zentail to allow them to more easily manipulate tools. Time spent underground has made the species sensitive to sunlight without exception. Even ten minutes in the sun can be enough to leave them with a light sunburn. Additionally they are unable to eat meat. They are gradually driven insane by eating meat. They will exhibit symptoms such as: visual and auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and nausea over the course of fourteen consecutive days of consumption. If they continue to consume meat past those fourteen days the symptoms become permanent. These symptoms can be abated with significant time spent not eating meat. The Zentail derive needed nutrients from plants grown in their subterranean caverns but also have a slow metabolism leading them to only need to eat once every three days. Zentail are exceptionally long lived due to the specialized plants they consume regularly, however being deprived of these plants can cause dangerous health issues for them. The plants they farm are found wild, but typically are found underground and are as rare as the species that cultivates them. Meat from animals will satisfy the need for these nutrients, but it must be fresh and raw. It is said that a Zentail completely deprived of the nutrients needed will fall into a coma die within three days, this is called the "Zentail Death Trance".

Zentail are commonly sought after by the noble market as slaves. They are extremely rare and exotic, while also costing a fair penny to feed due to a necessary diet of certain food that their people grows in underground caverns. They also require specially tailored clothing made to cover all parts of their skin. These domestic Zentails have lost some of their more "savage" traits from time spent above ground in servitude. This includes the thick callouses previously found on their four fingered hands and feet as well as their dagger like fingernails. Even their eyes have begun to lose some of their luster. A noble house with even one Zentail slave is considered to be highly prestigious due to their rarity.

Looking at Retili you might be struck by several things. The sharp dull yellow pupils framed by black might be one. Another might be the angry black scar that runs down the right side of his face. Or the hair that shines silver in the light. Short in stature like most Zentail. Retili is one of the more "domesticated" of his kind. He stands straight more often then not, the black veil and cloak that covers his face and body shrouding him. You might be forgiven for thinking he was a human boy of thirteen, but the lack of canines in his mouth, well groomed silver beard and the skin so pale you might think he was albino would tell you otherwise.

Height: 121 cm
Weight: 28 kg

Magic concept: Blood Summoning
Magic limits: Retili uses his own blood as fuel for the spell, with a pint of blood required regardless of the summon. He will only be able to maintain the summon for a day at most. As it takes time and practice to learn how to summon different creatures there are a limited number of creatures Retili can summon. The summoned creatures can willed to do things if they are under his control but are not capable of independent action. Things Retili can summon:

Giant Ant
Giant Spider
Giant Scorpion

Magic backfire risk: When summoning Retili has a chance to summon a grotesque mockery of what he had intended that may or may not be able to be controlled by him. The larger or smarter the creature the more difficult to control and summon it is, proportionally increasing the risk associated with the summoning. If the creature is summoned and is not subject to Retili's will it will behave as though it were a wild version of said creature. While this may not backfire, when it does it can be dangerous enough for him and those around him to warrant major caution when using the magic.


Noble Etiquette

Previous occupation(s):
Slave to House Atrixi

A large noble house within the realm of Edfield, House Atrixi traces their ancestry back to very noble elven roots that existed before the humans overtook them. They adapted well however, and through a series of shrewd purchases managed to propel themselves into the forefront of the kingdom's political landscape. They are the owners of large plantations all across the Kingdom of Edfield and are primary producers of many different agricultural products. They operate their plantations at a very low cost due to the extensive use of slave labor and indentured servitude. Those few who are not slaves or indentured servants are part of the oppressive system of control they practice with ruthless efficiency. House Atrixi is also famous for it's slave's near fanatical devotion to their masters.

Retili was born to the second generation of enslaved Zentail kept by House Atrixi. Separated from his parents at birth and raised as a loyal member of the house staff by the head butler of the Atrixi Household. His training focused on the necessary components of training for a servant including cooking, cleaning, etiquette to be used when referring to members of the household or visiting nobility, as well as how to read and write. Along the way he found a passion for drawing. As one of the coveted members of the Zentail race, Retili was often paraded around in front of guests of the household and made to do errands that forced him into the public eye more often. He was also trained in the tactics of spycraft and used to infiltrate other noble houses. Though he did well in his work Retili's household was still not yet satisfied. He had shown an aptitude for the rare magic of summoning. He was trained in the art as soon as this was discovered. Though he fails to possess the necessary control over the magic. This often culminated in him summoning random creatures instead of the ones intended. Additionally those he summoned were often grotesque mockeries of what he intended. Right around the same time as the anouncement that the prince would be exiled Retili was caught stealing money from another house's treasury. He was actually publicly framed for the act so that his house would have a reason to exile him. The punishment would have usually been death, but given the circumstances and his abilities as a servant he was to be sent along with the party to join them in their quest.

Reason(s) for joining:
He was given the chance to be exiled with the prince in lue of execution
He was sent along with the prince as a spy for his House.

Likes: Chocolate, Birds, Cooking
Dislikes: Monsters, Rats, Meat
Equipment: Custom Cloak and Veil, Dried Zentail Plants, Dagger, Cooking pot, Chef's knife, Frying Pan, a small satchel of herbs (both for tea and food), A hunting sling and stones
Fears: Losing control of his power and the creatures he summons with it.
Motivations: ???
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Name: Galt
Age: 37
Gender: Male

Species: Orc

Orcs are a warbred race, usually suited for combat due to their strength and mass. They are usually of lower intelligence than other races, but they make up for it with aformentioned strength. Orcs usually live in small groups containing 15-30 members spread around the world, as too big a group can cause trouble for the pack, as usually Orcs will try to compete for dominance in a fight to the death. This "fight to the death" is actually a lie. The orcs just have a high-stakes game of wrestling, involving slathering the body with oil, and maybe a few broken bones at the most. Even they aren't dumb enough to start killing off each other to gain control. There wouldn't be any orcs left that way. This match is also a ceremony used as a rite of passage for the younger orcs. The real reason smaller packs are chosen is unknown, even to the Orcs. They simply lost that knowledge to time and don't bother trying to remember or correct it.

The gender bias in Orc culture is as such, there is none. If you can fight, you can hunt. Orcs only look at someone by their strength, if you can beat one in a fight, you earn their respect. A male or female Orc can be found leading a pack, and if you find that Orc, chances are they are the toughest, meanest, and ugliest one of the bunch. Orcs can be found in four different colors: Red, green, yellow and, on rare cases, blue.

Orcs, due to their strength, are often hired as mercenaries or bodyguards. While too dumb to do anything beyond basic math, Orcs do their job of bodyguarding well. You do need to supply their diet as well, though, which is hefty, but vast. Orcs will eat anything, but prefer meat, whether raw or cooked, their digestive system will still handle it the same. For this reason, Orcs usually have pretty hefty birthdays, and like to celebrate them when they can, as it is a good excuse to bring out the beer and special meat.

Orcs main language is Orcish, but most can also speak common. When Orcs speak common, their speech is sloppy, disjointed, and that of a young child, but when they speak Orcish, their speaking skills improve significantly, and are able to hold a conversation just like a normal person would.

Orcs have a strong sense of comraderie, so if you make friends with them, they'll have your back til the end of time. Conversely, if you make an Orc mad, they'll stay mad for quite a while, even if they have forgotten the original reason for anger.


Galt is a light shade of Green.

Height: 218 cm

Weight: 193 kg

Magic concept: None Muscle Magic

Unbeknownst to even Galt, he possesses a magic that increases his strength to that even beyond of that of a normal Orcs. He uses this power subconsiously, but with it, his muscle mass grows, and he can take more hits, and become stronger.

Magic Backfire Risk: Galt's intelligence is subversely impacted by his magic, due to the muscles in his head pushing onto his brain, making him dumber than a regular Orc. If he also uses his power too long, his muscles will strain, and tear, causing serious damage. This can also happen if he tries to push past even greater limits.


Breaking into homes without the need of lockpicks
Painting (Although he does not do it well, Galt likes the "funny colors")

Previous Occupations: Member of the Xurek tribe. Fight club member. Dock worker. Bodyguard.

Relations: Leader of the Xurek tribe: Nash.

Galt was born into the Xurek tribe 37 years ago, an unusually buff baby even by Orc standards. Nothing of importance happened while in the tribe, except for his father wrestling for control of the tribe when Galt turned 13. Galt took his rite of passage at the age of 20, and decided to leave the tribe.

Galt worked for various occupations, first becoming a bodyguard, but was involuntarily fired after he bent over, accidentally knocking his client off a cliff. He fortunately survived, but Galt wasn't going to be working as a bodyguard ever again. After that, Galt discovered Fight Clubs, where people fought for money, glory, and fun. Galt had a lot of fun with that job, and was even a local favourite for many years. However, he grew bored after a while when noone would dare challenge him due to his strength, so he left, leaving his home continent for another. His last occupation was as a dock worker. Galt had heard of a foe named "scurvy", who had fought many sailors. Galt wanted the challenge, so he signed up, waiting for the boat to leave.

But alas, Galt, in his unending stupidity, forgot what time the boat was leaving, and only managed to see it drifting away at sea. It was then he heard of a nearby rebellion, and went there to see a prince in exile. This might be fun.

Reason for joining: It might be fun.


  • Likes: Lilies, the flowers. Painting. Fighting. Crude jokes.
  • Dislikes: Polka music. Roses, the other flowers. Ethan, the employer who had fired him. People who do not speak their mind.
  • Equipment: Just a hammer on his back, and some armor
  • Personality: Likes to state his opinions out loud. Talks in third person.
  • Fears: Dying without making a name for himself. His tribe being destroyed.
  • Motivations: The glory of a good fight. Having a good time.
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Name: Mila Rosencrantz
Nicknames/aliases: Mila Ripley (née), Magekiller
Age: 28
Gender: Female



Height: 6'3" 190.5 cm
Weight: 181 lbs. 82.1 kg

Alchemy- Expert
High Society Etiquette
Swordplay- Intermediate

Previous occupation(s):
Assistant to the Royal Alchemist, Noble of House Rosencrantz, Noble of House Ripley (prev.)

Wife / suspected murderer of Percy Rosencrantz, Royal Alchemist / Mage Advisor

Mila Rosencrantz (née Ripley) is a former noble and alchemist. Mila is best known for being the primary suspect in the murder of Percy Rosencrantz, former Royal Alchemist and Mage Advisor, to whom Mila was married. Currently, Mila Rosencrantz serves as an exile in the Hinterlands under the 5th prince, Albert.

Mila was born to Anna and Orson Ripley. As a minor noble house, the Ripleys provided Mila a fairly well-off upbringing, giving her access to alchemical books and materials, which she took an interest to at a young age. At the age of 16, Mila was enrolled in one of the premier alchemical schools within the Kingdom of Edfield. By all accounts, Mila was a stellar student and excelled at all fields in alchemy, but was aloof and did not tend to socialize with her classmates. In the academy, Mila would meet her future husband, Percy Rosencrantz, on an academy-sponsored work experience to the royal laboratory.

At 20 years of age, Mila graduated with honors and was invited by Percy to work as his assistant at the royal laboratory in the capital. She would work there for a good part of the next decade, marrying Percy when she was 24. Percy's research into alchemy was groundbreaking for its time, and many of his discoveries were later used in advancing technologies in the Kingdom of Edfield.

Four years later, Percy was found dead at his desk. The official cause of death was poisoning by a substance that only Percy knew how to synthesize, of which trace amounts were found in his teacup. The storage records of the laboratory had no mention of the substance, implying that the poison Percy had ingested had been synthesized by someone off the record. Naturally, suspicion fell on Percy's assistant and wife, Mila Rosencrantz.

Mila was subsequently arrested and her noble title stripped, with a trial date set for a point close in the future. Further evidence, such as the establishment of a motive, the whereabouts of Mila Rosencrantz at the time of the murder, or the identity and availability of the ingredients necessary to synthesize the poison, are not known to the public: before the trial could begin, Prince Albert's exile was announced, and the Ripleys requested that Albert take their daughter with him on his exile. Prince Albert acquiesced, ending Mila's imprisonment and the trial before it could begin.

Public sentiment within the Kingdom of Edfield is almost unanimous: most believe Mila to be the murderer of her own husband. This infamous act coupled with Percy's status in society as a talented mage and alchemist has earned Mila Rosencrantz the title "Magekiller" among the common masses.

Reason(s) for joining:
Avoiding imprisonment / trial for the murder of a high ranking official, the harshest possible sentence of which is the death penalty

  • Likes: Silence, Long walks, Quince Custard, Percy Rosencrantz
  • Dislikes: Noise, Crowds, Eel Pie, Confined Spaces
  • Equipment: Alchemical Equipment (Vials and Flasks, Syringes, Mortar & Pestle, Distillation Apparatus, Identification / Gathering Kits, etc.), Rapier
  • Personality: Keeps to herself. Doesn't seem to talk much outside of alchemical subjects. Rarely makes eye contact, and pauses awkwardly in conversation.
  • Fears: [????]
  • Motivations: Figuring out what her motivations are
  • Faceclaim: Lady Maria - Bloodborne, Mirco Cabbia
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Name: Vromdeir aep Cremmidrann
Nicknames/aliases: Vrom, Steel Scorpion, Blade Brute
Age: 73
Gender: Male

Species: Elf

Height: 207.3 centimeters
Weight: 104.9 kilograms

Magic concept: Kinetic Blasts
Magic limits: Vromdeir can project supernatural amounts of kinetic energy from his body, resulting in shockwaves that can resemble physical strength if timed properly. The smaller the area of effect, the greater the precision and power of the shockwaves. Vromdeir is particularly dexterous at channeling shockwaves into thrown objects. Projecting powerful shockwaves becomes increasingly difficult the larger the area of effect, increasing the risk of using magic for Vromdeir. Making magically enhanced close combat riskier than throwing objects as a fighting method.
Magic backfire risk: Excessive use of his magic will render Vromdeir's moves dull and slow. Further abuse will result in dulling of the senses. Until Vromdeir can barely move or feel at all. Only rest can mend the abuse results.

Throwing (mostly) weapons
Martial arts
Survival tactics

Previous occupation(s):
Pit fighter

Cremmidrann aep Doha - Father, Master hunter
Richard Barrett - Friend, Fight pit owner

Son of traditionalist elves, Vromdeir lived his first steps in life amidst trees. His parents being outstanding hunters, with his father being revered as one of the best, Vromdeir quickly grew accustomed to taking out prey with precise shots. He took a particular liking to thrown weapons over the more traditional bow, after discovering his magic abilities at age 15. Although he lived happily in the forest hunting and gathering to survive, he craved for more excitement in his life. So he left behind the trees and headed towards the nearest big town when he was 28.

In Aringrad, Vromdeir lived off hunting for a few months. But the excitement he was craving for didn't come to him until he befriended Richard Barrett. A well renowned martial artist who now made money off of his franchise of fight pits. Places where you fought for money and fame. From there, Vromdeir spent the next 31 years traveling with Richard from pit to pit, honing his fighting skills, and his magic control along with it, becoming a formidable fighter well known in the fighting scene. It was then that a woman offered him a job guarding a caravan which headed to another town. Feeling accomplished with what he had done in the fight pits, he took the job.

Having successfully finished his first escorting job. Vromdeir was soon enough being hired as the muscle in some job or another. It was taking on these jobs that he discovered how the world really worked. Cruelty, ruthlessness, disparity. He was witness to it all, but he knew he had no power to change this, so he simply carried on to whatever was next.

Vromdeir spent the last two years on the capital, still working as a muscle for hire. By now, he was infamous among the elven community for his barbaric ways, which coined him the nickname "Blade Brute". But despite their sense of superiority towards him, he'd be occasionally be hired by an elf. By now, he was pretty fed with the Kingdom's ways, but he couldn't change a thing. It was then that he learned of the young Prince's antics, and while not publicly supporting him, he rooted for him. Upon learning of his exile, Vromdeir took it upon himself to aid however he could. Given his skills, that was as a muscle in the band of exiles that joined the Prince. Bored with his life in the capital, Vromdeir decided to join the Prince, hoping to find thrills and amusement along the way.

Reason(s) for joining:
Sounded like a nice change of pace
A liking to the young Prince's way of things


Likes: Nature. Fights. Roasted boar. Honest people.
Dislikes: Snobby elves. Staleness. Silence.
Equipment: Multiple throwing knives. A couple of decks of unusually sturdy playing cards. A metal yo-yo. Gloves with steel scales. Steel tipped boots.
Personality: Relaxed, whimsical, determined.
Fears: Loneliness.
Motivations: Adrenaline. A future more fair for everyone
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Name: Moira Rettig
Gender: Female

Species: Human

Height: 155cm
Weight: 49 kg

Magic concept: Air manipulation
Magic limits: Moira can manipulate air and can use it to change the trajectory of things in motion, and for defense. She can't use it to fly/make a person float but she can slow down/break falls or give them a small boost.
Magic backfire risk: Overusing her magic will cause her magic to pull air directly out of her lungs, putting her at risk of suffocating herself

Acrobatics, specializing in trapeze
Horse riding
Knife throwing

Previous occupation(s):
Circus Acrobat, specializing in trapeze and knife throwing
Slave smuggler

Pel/Ana/Inti - dad/mom/twin brother
Elora - leader of her circus troupe

Moira was born and raised as part of the famous circus troupe, Monter. The troupe has traveled around the entire continent and has even performed for royalty. She and her brother were both trained from a young age. Moira originally started as a knife thrower, but later switched to aerial acrobatics, specializing in trapeze. She still hangs out and trains with the knife throwers for fun, but doesn't perform the act anymore. Recently her parents and brother, as well as a few other troupe members went missing in the Hinterlands, while researching for a new show. The troupe secretly smuggles slaves out of the continent and into one of the small independent countries in the northeast during their travels. Due to Edfield's expanding influence on the continent, one of their old safe routes has become harder and harder to use. Her famly and other troupe members attempted to avoid detection by the empire on their latest attempt of transporting slaves by going around through the Hinterlands and disappeared.

Reason(s) for joining:
To find her family

Likes: Birds, food (especially sweets), traveling, trapeze, heights, the circus
Dislikes: fish, annyoing customers
Equipment: Set of throwing knives, chalk powder (for grip),
Personality: Quiet, shy, observant, stubborn
Fears: claustrophobia
Motivations: family, adventure
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Name: Lorraine Vertolia

Nicknames/aliases: The Last Queen of Vertia, Queen of Execution

Age: 39

Gender: Female

Species: Human


Despite the picture she does not smoke. and is a lot more friggin happy about life, could not find more fitting images

Height: 169cm

Weight: 54kg

Magic concept: Charisma: The ability to lead, command and inspire. She could be considered the very embodiment of that concept. In regard to mainly animals, unfortunately. Her charisma and ability to convince beasts and monsters to serve her is high enough to be considered magic, yet no traces of magic would be found.

Magic limits: At the end of the day, charisma is charisma. It is not mind control. She cannot instantly make someone, or something kill itself or lick her shoes, only make them inclined to obey her. Over time, however, her presence can make them more and more devoted to her, to the point of even obeying commands that would mean offering up their lives for her.

Magic backfire risk: Her overwhelming nature may just end up with the opposite effect from intended, making them hate her instead of liking her.

Tamed Beasts:


Name: Basilisk

Average Age: 1000-1500 years

Species Description: In the modern day, they have been considered an extinct species, after they were feverously hunted down and killed one by one by the Elves, after being deemed far too dangerous creatures. Although, there have been reported sightings of them, none have any evidence to back them up.


Height: Around 3m in height while on all four's like in the image.

Weight: 160kg


For starters, the Basilisk's scales used to be well known for their durability, most normal humans would certainly not be able to damage them in the slightest. Coupled with its surprising speed and massive physical capabilities, it is a force to be reckoned with. It's tail can also be used to great extent as a whip to attack someone with or wrap around a limb. However, the most dangerous thing about the Basilisk is the venom it secretes as saliva. It has a paralyzing effect on those that touch it. Usually, the effect of the paralysis is rather local to the area affected by the venom. Long terms exposure to it can even turn the area solid make it become a mineral at a relatively fast pace. That's where the myth of them being able to turn people to stone also started. The Basilisks used to collect corpses and secrete their venom on them, until they turned to stone, to frighten other species away from them. While these creatures have wings, most of the Basilisks cannot fly. Usually only those that live for well over 1000 years can manage such a feat, after completely maturing.

Giant Centipede:

Name: Giant Centipede

Average Age: 20 years

Species Description: They're a large species of Centipede, capable of fast, steady movement through most terrains. While they are passive creatures most of the time, their appearance alone is usually enough to scare both people and other predators away. They're often considered more dangerous than they actually are.


Height: Full size from head to end of its exoskeleton is about 3-5 meters, usually depends on maturity and diet over the growing phase.

Weight: 50-150kg Depends a lot on maturity and diet over growing phase.

Skills/Traits: One of the greatest traits is being able to scale almost any terrain and even dig themselves underground within minutes, this coupled with their surprising speed is enough to leave most people or creatures paralyzed with fear, while the Centipede calmly walks past the person or creature to resume it's endless travel.

Two-Tailed Fox

Name: Two-Tailed Fox

Average Age: ???

Species Description: A sub-species of the Nine-Tailed Fox. It is the 2nd growing cycle of the beast. Whilst a Nine-Tailed Fox is usually considered a great and powerful mythical beast, rivaled only by a few, it matures through eight cycles, before finally becoming one. This process is extremely slow and most of the Tailed Foxes die long before reaching full maturity, whilst some are incapable of growing further. The Two-Tailed Fox in particular is a small, friendly critter that usually sticks to a very vegetarian diet, mainly consisting of nuts, berries and very rarely some fresh leftovers that some other predator has left behind, in case it cannot find other forms of nutrition. Some people are known to keep them as house pets.


Height: 30cm

Weight: 4kg

Skills/Traits: They are rather harmless individuals, however are known for their scavenging, while living in towns as strays.


  • Beast/Monster "Communication"
  • Royal Etiquette
  • Linguistics/Languages
  • Economics
Previous occupation(s):

Queen of Vertia


A quick overview of any important names from the background and/or pre-existing relations to other PC's.


Lorraine was born in the kingdom of Vertia into the royal family of Vertia, the house of Vertolia. She was the 9th in line to the throne, with a total of 7 younger siblings, by the time she was 12 years old. Her life was certainly an eventful one, no doubt.

Being born into the royal bloodline was a big enough reason for her to not have a peaceful life. However, her life truly started becoming more chaotic, once she became old enough to start attending events and let herself be seen and heard by the public. People were getting drawn to her left and right. She had a near inhuman charisma about her that attracted everyone around her. Whether it be her retainers, who were willing to follow her every whim, the commoners, who adored her to no end, her father and mother, and stepmothers, who were showing clear favoritism, or even her older siblings, who, whilst fighting amongst themselves in the shadows for the throne, were willing to let her become Queen if she ever wanted too. Even the Church of Shrolla, the only religion within Vertia, showed a particular interest and even voiced vocal support for her to become Queen, once she was of age.

As years passed and she grew up to the young age of 13 she had finally ascended the throne of Vertia. This day marked the start of the worst and most blood-filled rule that the kingdom had ever laid eyes upon in its 2500-year history and the Church supported her all the way…

Nothing was nothing wrong with her rule originally, of course. It's not like she did any of the work, the previous King still did most of it and what he didn't was given to others to do. She was essentially a figure head, really. As long as she could do what she wanted, she did not particularly care. Nor did anyone else, at least no one who would dare object, despite the great cultural and historical significance of wearing the crown.

All was well until eight months after her rule had started. Her current stepmother had decided to tell Lorraine that the dress she was wearing did not suit her. The following day, during high noon, she had her stepmother publicly executed in the town square. That is how it started, the great and terrible reign of Queen Lorraine Vertolia, with the execution of her stepmother.

The consequences of the out of nowhere execution… were interesting to say the least, in the short term. Most people did not take offense to it all or held it against the Queen, in fact the people started to spread propaganda amongst themselves about the former King's wife being deserving of it, for various reasons such as blasphemy against the Church or her being a spy or an assassin from another nation, none of which were true in the least. The only ones who knew the actual truth were some members of the royal family and a few members of the royal staff, who were there to witness the event that led to the execution.

The ones that did, mainly the former King and well, the father of the one who ordered the execution to happen. The King had thought that perhaps it was due to him and his habit of changing wives like socks, however, he was corrected a short while later in the dungeon. A few secretaries were hired shortly after to take care of paperwork and responsibilities that came with being royalty, seeing as the previous "secretary" had to take an extended leave.

It was quite tragic really, the following month. Most of the royal family was executed day by day, even rather extended family. Of course, the commoners took notice of this, as well as the Church. While the upper echelon of the Church had some debate about this, the people? God no. They were happy that the "corruption" of the royal family was being cleaned out and that their lives would inevitably turn for the better with the royal family being slaughtered like pigs in front of the public. For some people it certainly did even, however, not for most.

About a year after the month that the royal family was effectively eliminated, save for one person, the Over the course of that year, a lot of people were executed. A lot. In fact, through the entire year, there was only one day when someone wasn't executed, although many nowadays speculate that since her dungeon was overfilled with people and there were many mass graves around the place, not all executions were made public, some were not executions at all, some were suicides within the confines of the dungeon, including the former King's.

The people? The people still held their faith in her for some reason. Still making up stories and still living in willful ignorance. The Church still did not say anything against her throughout all this time. Until she decided to enlist Mage's around the country for her royal guard. Because mages were either forced to become Priests, Bishops or corpses in Vertia, meant that something like this was unheard of. Many mages, wishing to use their gifts as they pleased or to not join the Church, were more than happy to become her personal guard.

Vertia, comparatively to other nations, not to any other nation's knowledge really, had a small number of mages, in fact they were far more rare than usual, which meant that doing something like calling them to server under her… Well, the Church did not appreciate that at all. Regardless, for various reasons, they chose not to act rashly for now, especially since the Queen and the Church had some level of cooperation between one another.

As the years passed, the absurdity of it all only finally started sinking into the population. In her short reign of just 6 years, she had managed to bring the execution count higher than Vertia's recorded history of executions... Which was no small feat, mind you, considering the length of its history, recorded and unrecorded.

What ultimately drove her to her demise was a finally challenging the Church. Arguably enough, she was also the cause of the most horrific civil war in the Vertia Empire's history. Ultimately, the Queen was simply not capable of standing up against the Church.

With her retainers dead, she herself was sentenced to execution about 9-10 months after her defeat, with no exact time or date given. The day before her execution, there was another small civil war, after which the Queen disappeared, never to be seen again in Vertia, taking her crown along with her.

Reason(s) for joining:

Keep in mind to separate public reason(s) (if any) from hidden ones.


Likes: Beasts, Life, Being Royalty

Dislikes: Royalty, High Class Food

Equipment: The Royal Crown of Vertia

Personality: Confident, Animal Lover, Egotistical(?).

Motivations: Destroying the Royal Crown of Vertia, Living out her life([co
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