Escape the Caves

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"Yeah its her! And she is trying to poison me!"
Ed called back as he held up his hands shaking his head.
"Thanks but no thanks. Maybe later, when I am sure I wont drop dead from it." He said with a smile.
Aurora looked at Ed with a disappointed look on her face. "Are you sure? It's really nutritious, and once you get used to it it's not that..." She stopped when she noticed that Ed was starting to gag a bit. She sighed, and put the lid back on. "Fine, I won't make you eat it. I'm just saying it's good for you."
"I belive you, just... I'm not a fan of smelly food. So later perhaps."
Ed said with a small smile before giving a small laugh:
"I mean I have eaten dirt once. Your stincky mass of whatever cant be much worse then that."
"Oh, there's some dirt in this too, but it's bound to the sticky algae, so you can barely feel it. Oh, oh wait, I got some sand..." Aurora went away from the hole against the wall, took out her water bottle and rinsed her mouth. She then took a couple of big gulps. "You're remembering to stay hydrated, right? We wouldn't want you going around fainting because you forgot to drink."

Aurora sat down and crossed her legs. She started thoroughly going through her backpack, picking out pots, pans and various such equipment, and examining it. "Amazing... No apparent damages, at least nothing that would affect the food..." She assembled what looked like a burner and a grill, and began fingering a valve. At first there was a sharp hissing noise, but soon it turned into a soft whistling sound. "Even the heater is intact! My, I must be a genius at packing. Well, now that I've got it up and running I might as well make you something, since you won't eat my algae." She lit the gas with a match, and placed a pot on the grill. She then added various things into it from plastic containers like the one with the algae in them. Some of the things she put in looked like she had found them in the cave as well. All Ed could do was hope and pray that it wouldn't be as bad as that slimy stuff.
Lyn knelt down and scooped up some water with her hands and sipped it. It was suprisingly fresh and cold. "Mmm...I'd do anything for food, slimy or not." Lyn looked down at the grill, hoping that there was some meat they could cook. Lyn remembered when she was little, when she swore that she was going to be a vegetarian. After a few weeks without chicken or beef, she changed her mind. Lyn admired Aurora for her open mind, and honestly didn't even think that algae was edible. It was just like her to surprise us like that, popping out of nowhere. "We thought you were dead, you know."
"You are gonna feed us something you found in the cave arent you?"
Ed comented wasching her fix their food before looking around.
Aurora looked at Lyn and smiled. "Did you really think I would just go die and leave you guys alone in a place like this? I would've been so worried, my host would come haunt you and made sure you ate properly!" She stirred the mixture in the pot with a collapsible spatula. "By the smell of it, it's coming along pretty nicely. Now, Lyn, I know how much you love meat, but the only thing I was able to find was a bat, so unless you're prepared to eat that I don't have any to offer you."

She then turned to Ed with that annoyed face of hers again. "Well, you can eat what I'm making, or you can make something on your own. I would love to see your style of cooking."
"Alright alright! I get your point, I'll eat and I'll be happy about it." Ed said with a small smile.
Lyn watched Aurora, and turned off her headlight. "Oh, I'll eat whatever soup you make up. You've always been so creative with your recipes, unlike others." Lyn said, glancing slyly over at Mike, who was standing a few feet back.

"What? The soup wasn't too bad." He said defensively.

"Oh no, the soup was terrific! First place!" Terrin said sarcastically. "If there was a first place for terrible, that is."

Mike scowled and watched the soup spin lazily in the pot. He saw that Lyn had turned off her headlight, and then switched off his. He then took off his backpack and put it on the floor, and he flopped down with a sigh. He pulled a glow stick out of his backpack and cracked it. Light illuminated the place where he was sitting. "C'mon guys, turn off the lights. We don't want to waste any electricity. Sit down, change out batteries, the whole nine yards. Might as well relax as much as we can right now."

Aurora smiled, and turned of her flashlight. Even if she was snappy at times, she was incredibly relieved that she was back with the others again. For a while there she was really worried, but she wasn't going to tell anybody that. She added another small pan to the grill.

"Alright guys, I'll start preparing the bat, so those with a weak stomach should turn away for a moment." She began the process of gutting, flailing, all that stuff you have to do to prepare a bat so that it's edible. She shredded the meat and added it into the pan with some packaged herbs. She really could fit alll sorts of stuff into one small backpack. She then added the stir fried bat meat to the mixture in the pot, and let it cook for just a while. It was actually beginning to smell really nice. "Hand me your bowls guys, it's food time. On the menu we have bat ragù with grains, and a dash of my secret ingredient. Bon appetit!"
Ed made a small face offering his bowl.
He poked around picking out what he eat from what he did not.
(Sorry for the short replays creazy multitasking on my end.)
(Ah. I gotta log out, so don't get in too much trouble without me!)
Lyn gratefully accepted a bowl and began eating, trying not to eat too fast. She was never the picky type, and looked over at Ed, who was picking at his food. Mike was scowling at Terrin while eating, while Terrin blissfully ignored him.
Aurora looked at Ed, but this time with an apologetic face. "I'm sorry Ed, I was just kidding. There's nothing weird in it, I promise. So please, eat up. You need the energy."
Ed poked around puching meat to the side but eating everything else.
After he had eaten what he wanted he offered away his scraps for any non meat scraps he could get his hands on, smiling all along.
"I dont eat meat..."
Aurora smiled in relief. "Of course, Ed, I don't know how I as a cook could've forgotten. I should've made a portion without the bat meat for you. To make it up for you, I'll give you this..." As Aurora looked through her backpack once again, Ed was terrified that she was going to give him one of those plastic containers. Instead, she handed him a bar of chocolate. "You may not eat meat, but I can't remember you ever turning down some sweets."
Ed happily took the bar of candy and tore in to it.
"Oh how my dentist would hate me now."
He then smiled at Aurora and said:
"I forgive you for trying to feed me a dead animal. Its alright you know, I dont expect being treated diferent just becouse of my diate. I am used to tread what I dont eat away. People are usually after the meat anyhow."
They didn't notice Natalie roaming around as they sat and ate as she had turned off her flashlight. She didn't exactly need it to see what she was looking at anyway. "Guys! Guys!" She called out aloud. "Look!"

She pointed to the cave ceiling where patches of what looked like blue beaded strings glowed softly.

"They're a type of glowworms." Mike said. "Meaning, we're not far from life yet."
"They are beutiful." Ed comented as he stood up looking around.
He smiled over at Natalie
Aurora looked up at them, seeming to be lost in her own thoughts for a while.

"You know, I think I can make a pretty good stew on those." She suddenly said.
"That's not safe." Natalie pointed out. "Their enzymes haven't exactly been proven non toxic and I can't make an antidote for a toxin I don't know."

Mike shrugged. "But they look tasty."