Escape the Caves

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"I could take a look up river. A rope around me so you could just pull me in if needed." Ed said calmly
"That's suicide! The current is strong, you'll be sucked in!" Natalie gasped, unable to stop her mental image of what could happen.

"Dude, that's insane and like I said, I've only got so much rope." Mike shook his head. "We'll all fall in."
"Well it was a suguestion." Ed said with a shrug looking around:
"What about up there?" He said and pointed to a small opening in the cealing.
Lyn looked at Ed, then up at the ceiling. There was a cliff in the wall that would make it just possible to reach. "That would work, but what if you fall?" Lyn then stopped. Why all of this worrying? What happened to the regular Lyn that would never fear like this, who would never postpone anything? "You know what? I'm tired of worrying, of panicking. We are going to get out of these caves, and we are going to get out no matter what. "
"Thats the spirit." Ed said
"So I'll climb up there and see if I can get my big butt through the hole and see what is on the other side."
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"Alright." Mike said uncertainly. He enlisted the other two guys to help him prepare the harness.

Natalie clutched Lyn's hand. "I'm not so sure about that hole. The rocks don't look too safe."
Ed made sure he were strapped in before studeing the wall a short while before starting a slow climb.
"Hey Nat! Whats black and white and red all over?"
He called down to them as he climbed smile on his face
"Um," Nat looked around as if the answer hid in a corner. "You?"
"Nha, a sunburned penguin." Ed called back smiling down at her.
Lyn shook her head. "Only you would crack a joke like that at a time like this." She said, smiling slightly. " But really, be careful." She looked up at the hole anxiously.

"Now don't bring the ceiling down on us, Ed." Terrin said sarcastically. Lyn elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow!"
"Hey I know I have a big butt but I dont waight that much!" He chuckled softly before going on:
"Besided that joke is a classic. Sort of like... What do you call it when a dinosaur craches his car?"
He waited a short time as he moved slowly towards the opening and just before he poked his head through the hole he said:
"Tyrannosaurus Wrecks."
Natalie burst out laughing, unable to contain herself. Aside from her being very easy to please, she has the strangest humor.

"Seriously?" Mike said, slapping a palm on his forehead.

"Jokes aside, what's up, Ed?" Terrin called.

"I thought you said jokes aside?"

"I did."

"'what's up?' Seriously?"

"That wasn't a joke-"

A rumbling noise quieted them all. Natalie gripped Lyn's hand. "Oh my gosh." she whispered.

"Ed!" Terrin called again.
Ed who had dissaprered up the hole stayed perfectly still during the rumbling, ready to let go and let the rope save him if needed.
He breather out when the rumble stoped and continued his climb:
"I'm fine." He called out not to loud but just enough for the others to hear.
He soon reathced the end and made sure to secure the rope on his end as he looked around.
The new 'room' were not quite as big as the last one but had two openings. Both semed to be able to lead them quite far.
With a setifide smile and a small nod to himself he turned back to the hole:
"It's alright, looks like two tunnles from here. Just take the climb slow and steady and you all will be fine."
Suddenly, Ed's voice silenced, and another familiar face stuck down the hole. It was Aurora, them team cook and mapper.

"Oh, hi guys. I thought I heard voices, so I came back, and who do I find? You see, I woke up all alone, and since no one else was around I thought I would make myself out by myself and then call for help. But that won't be necessary anymore."

She looked at the unsteady rocks they were all about to climb up on.

"You know, that doesn't look entirely safe... If you feel like taking a more secure route, there's hole over there." Aurora pointed towards a wall half disguised in the dark. "It's quite small, but if you just fit through it gets much wider up ahead. It leads to one of the intersecting paths up here, so there's no need to worry."
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Ed watched as she talked with the others before turning to her:
"How did you end up all the way in here?"
He gave her a once over checking for injury or any kind of damage.
Aurora looked at Ed as he examined her.

"I could smell the water, and I could feel the wind. Those are good signs, so I followed them."
"I see..." Ed comented softly before taking a few seconds to look around the cave again:
"You look alright. No injuries."
"I thought so." Aurora looked around inside her backpack, and picked out a plastic containing with something shockingly green inside. She took a bit of it and put it in her mouth. It seemed like it was very hard to chew. "You want some? It's algae that I found near the river. It's high in minerals and other good stuff. I haven't had time to properly cook it yet, but I added some salt and pepper. It makes the flavour less unbearable." She held her arm out to give Ed a closer look. It was green, slimy, stringy, and smelled putrid.
"Aurora is that you?" Natalie called out, running about to see. She nearly tripped about twice before Mike got hold of her to keep her stationary. "Oh my god Ed is that Aurora?"
Aurora, with an annoyed look on her face, swallowed the algae in her mouth with a slow gulp.

"Yes, and I'm fine! Now if you'd just come up here the way I instructed you we can talk without having to shout at each other.