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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Interest Check is Here

IC Prologue

This campaign will offically "hard launch" after the new groups show up, but I'm going to run a casual thread or two for it beforehand.

Info on the merged world:

STAR Labs and Advanced Idea Mechanics were once a single legitimate above board business until a schism among the top officers caused the split off and subsequent alleged criminal activities of AIM.

Approximately 85% of the world's defense contracts are held between Wayne Enterprises, Stark Enterprises, and LexCorp. Justin Hammer was bought out in a hostile takeover and now serves as a Senior Vice President at LexCorp.

Metropolis is in Delaware and Gotham City is the capital of New Jersey. Dakota City is laid across the borders of North and South Dakota similarly to how Kansas City is in two states.

In 1998, and again in 2004, Congress proposed the "Metahuman Registration Act." It failed miserably both times, but there are still strong supporters for it on both sides of the aisle.

Lex Luthor ran for President in 2012 on the Republican ticket but backed out during the primaries and endorsed Barack Obama, and stated he was changing his party affiliation to Democrat. He was offered the Secretary of Labor post by President Obama but refused the position. Rumors of his running on the Democratic ticket in 2020 are already surfacing.

HYDRA(Marvel) and Kobra(DC) are a single merged organization.

Cobra (GI Joe/Marvel canon) and Venom (MASK/Marvel canon) splintered off of the HYDRA/Kobra group to form their own High-tech mercenary/terrorist for hire organization

GI Joe (Marvel) and MASK (Marvel) are both special divisions of SHIELD.

Character Limits:
To give everyone a chance to pick their favorite canon characters, a limitation on the number of characters picked for the first arc will be in place. I've set up some basic power levels, and each player can (but does not need to) have one character per power level. I'll include some examples below to give you an idea of who fits where.

We're going to go with a sort of character sheet based on the Marvel Universe Power Grid shown here.

Then you'd just either find (in the Marvel Wiki for Marvel Canon) or estimate, the six levels, total it up and see which category the character falls in. The sucky part is they haven't done ratings for all of the characters, and when they haven't, they are given all 1's which is wrong. But this is only to give people average power levels, so that if we set up missions/adventures, we can have the right power level people going at it.

I'm thinking there will be some overlap in the levels to allow flexibility for people who want to play multiple characters, but this a general rule of thumb:
Talented Normal: Up to 16 Points* April O'Neil (TNMT 80s/Mirage); Dakota North (Marvel, Daredevil)
Street Level: Up to 18 points# Stephanie Brown (Batgirl); Dr Harleen Quinzelle (Harley Quinn)
Enhanced: Up to 22 points^ Virgil Hawkins (Static Shock Animated); Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Superhuman: 23 - 29 points Tyrone Johnson (Cloak); Raven (Teen Titans)
Global: 30 - 35 points Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) ; Dr. Nathaniel Essex (Mr. Sinister)
Cosmic: 36+ Points James Corrigan (The Spectre); Mister Mxyzptlk (DC); Thanos (Marvel)
* Max in one stat = 4
# Max in one stat = 5
^ Max in one stat = 6

I will link the first mini-arc in the comments.
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Origin: "DCverse OC"
Name: Matthias Orlok. AKA "Nosferatu"
Age: 26 years
Race: Modified Human
Level: Street
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'9​

Powers: Metahuman Durability and Strength(1800 lb), Retractable Fangs that allow him to drain blood like a vampire bat, narcotic saliva with anti-coagulant properties. Regenerative tissue upon blood consumption.



Overt Aggression and pain induces a transformation into a Man-Bat form. The mind regresses to more feral behavior until the trauma has run its course or until the Man-Bat consumes blood, though this is ill-advised as it would kill the victim. Echolocation and flight are added in this form, along with heightened senses. Sonic scream impulse is also included, both as an attack as well as a method for hunting prey.

Man-Bat stats


Skills:Researcher at Wayne Enterprises, graduated with degrees in Chemistry, Computer Science and Medicine. Muay Thai practitioner. Can name every Grey Ghost episode in a heartbeat.

Equipment:Clawed gloves and spiked/armored boots(For climbing and fighting), First Aid kit, Impact Smoke Grenades(homemade), Internet-ordered Taser, Pepper Spray bottle.

Bio: Dr. Matthias Orlok is a graduate of Gotham University, known for his research into Lymphoma Cancer. Seeking a cure for his own symptoms, Matthias believed it could be found in the anti-coagulant properties of the saliva of a vampire bat to break down the tumor, but his serums always broke down before they could finish the job. Upon working for Wayne Enterprises, Matthias came to the conclusion that perhaps in his colleagues work, he might find the answer and so requested permission to investigate Dr. Kirk Langstroms work, though he would be denied.

Frustrated after repeated requests, Matthias finally broke into the records. Using a combination of his skills and his knowledge, he bypassed security and hacked the mainframe to uncover a ghost file that contained it all. Setting aside the ghost file for another time, Matthias eagerly began the experiment to determine if it worked, using himself as the test subject. Unfortunately, though the serum DID cure his cancer, it also mutated him, splicing his DNA with that of the bat saliva in his serum, transforming Matthias into a superhuman mutant with a need for blood. Among other, more twisted side effects though thankfully, he would be stopped by Batman before any innocents were killed.

Unfortunately, the research and his work would be destroyed in the fight between the two and upon learning the military wished to weaponize his condition, Matthias fled. Wandering from safehouse to safehouse, he uses his medical skills to work as a doctor by day and to earn enough for equipment to cure his condition by nights.

Or at least, that was the plan.

Somehow along the way, he began to use his condition to help people. Embracing his memories of the Batman, he took upon a costume meant to inspire fear and a name he found ironic, as well as echoing a memory of a happier time. When night falls, Matthias vanishes.

And Nosferatu rises.


He was a volunteer at the Thompkins Clinic.

All his equipment for crime-fighting and sometime robbery is homemade.

@Michale CS
NPC Character Sheet

The Question









Energy Projection


Fighting Ability

All right campers, which one wants to be the first to march right down to Mister Policeman and say 'Mister Policeman, I've been tooting crack! Maybe you just better lock me up and throw away the key!'
Placeholder for Lincoln Campbell.( And Dc Comica Scooby Doo)
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Kid Arachnid
Miles Morales
Marvel Comics
Energy Projection:
Fighting Ability:
"Spider Physiology:
Miles Morales gained the proportionate abilities of a spider after being bitten by a spider which had been genetically-modified with the Oz formula.

Superhuman Strength:
Miles possesses Superhuman strength, capable of lifting at least 10 tons. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several stories in a single bound.

Superhuman Speed:
Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina:
Spider-Man's advanced musculature produces
Miles' advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him. At his peak, Spider-Man can physically exert himself for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

Superhuman Durability:
Miles' body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is also more resistant to impact forces than most humans. He can withstand great impacts, such as being thrown through a plate-glass window, that would severely injure or kill a normal human.

Superhuman Agility: Miles' agility, balance, flexibility and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.

Superhuman Equilibrium:
Miles possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Superhuman Reflexes:
kid Arachnid's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are currently about 20 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.

Wall-Crawling: Miles can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet. The extent to how much pressure he can stick to walls is thus far unknown, except that he can handle lifting his own weight.
Miles can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet. The extent to how much pressure he can stick to walls is thus far unknown, except that he can handle lifting his own weight.

Spider-Sense: When danger is present, Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His Spider-Sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of Peter Parker. One example occurs the night that Peter is killed; Miles dreamed that he, himself, was being attacked by Electro, when, at the same time, the real Electro was preparing to hunt and murder Peter Parker many miles away. This suggests that Miles' ability may be borderline precognitive, as opposed to only warning of immediate danger.
When danger is present, Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His Spider-Sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of Peter Parker. One example occurs the night that Peter is killed; Miles dreamed that he, himself, was being attacked by Electro, when, at the same time, the real Electro was preparing to hunt and murder Peter Parker many miles away. This suggests that Miles' ability may be borderline precognitive, as opposed to only warning of immediate danger.

Bio-Electrokinesis: Miles possesses control over the natural electricity his body produces. He is capable of utilizing it for offensive purposes.
Miles possesses control over the natural electricity his body produces. He is capable of utilizing it for offensive purposes.

Venom Blast: Miles can electrocute his enemies or destroy technology by releasing a small spark of electricity from his hands. After the initial spark, moments later the enemy will be electrocuted. It seems that there are varying degrees
Miles can electrocute his enemies or destroy technology by releasing a small spark of electricity from his hands. After the initial spark, moments later the enemy will be electrocuted. It seems that there are varying degrees to this ability, as some opponents have been simply dazed where others have been completely incapacitated. It also seems more effective on people with genetic alterations, such as the Green Goblin and Venom. This power provides a great advantage as Miles can end a confrontation quickly with little collateral damage.

Energy Burst: His most recently discovered power. Miles displayed the
His most recently discovered power. Miles displayed the ability to powerful bursts of energy. After first using it, Miles is left exhausted. It's powerful enough to destroy much of the Hydra laboratory Miles was being held in.[52] This ability can be triggered by extreme stress, or focus on Miles' part, as he consciously activated it in his escape from Black Cat.

Spider-Camouflage: Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.
Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.

Regeneration: Miles is able to regenerate his injuries at a much faster rate than normal humans can. This was first displayed when the original spider-bite that gave him powers turned from "huge and gross looking" to a dot within ten minutes.
Miles is able to regenerate his injuries at a much faster rate than normal humans can. This was first displayed when the original spider-bite that gave him powers turned from "huge and gross looking" to a dot within ten minutes.

Immortality (allegedly): Norman Osborn mentioned that immortality is a side effect of the Oz formula because Miles' body was altered by the Oz formula, he would also have such power in theory."-Marvel WIKIA
Norman Osborn mentioned that immortality is a side effect of the Oz formula because Miles' body was altered by the Oz formula, he would also have such power in theory."-Marvel WIKIA

Like Peter, Miles uses Web-shooters and a Web Formula to create webs to get around quicker. When the fluid is compressed, it becomes solid. These webs are so strong, it's said that even the hulk can't break them. There are different types of webs depending on what cartridge you put in, but for this, he will only use standered ones.

"After Norman Osborn was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D, and publicly revealed as the Green Goblin, Osborn Industries was left abandoned. Nearly two months before Peter Parker's death, a thief broke into Osborn Industries. Unbeknownst to the thief, a spider genetically enhanced with the Oz Formula crawled into his bag.

Miles Morales, a young kid from Brooklyn visited his uncle Aaron Davis (which was against his parents' wishes, due to his uncle's criminal past) after being awarded the final spot in a charter school lottery. At his uncle's apartment, Miles was bitten by the Oz-enhanced spider, which emerged from Aaron's bag, and Miles discovered he received super-human abilities like camouflage, increased agility, and some sort of stun blast. After revealing his newly found powers to his best friend, Ganke Lee, both concluded he had power similar to Spider-Man's, including wall-crawling. But Miles reacted negatively, as he just wanted to be normal, and decided to leave heroism to the actual Spider-Man.

Months later, Spider-Man died saving his family from Osborn. Miles arrived late to the scene. Struck with grief at not helping Peter Parker before his demise, Miles decided to follow Parker's philosophy -- with great power comes great responsibility -- and so continue Peter's legacy."-Marvel WIKI

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Kid Arachnid
Miles Morales
Marvel Comics
Energy Projection:
Fighting Ability:
"Spider Physiology:
Miles Morales gained the proportionate abilities of a spider after being bitten by a spider which had been genetically-modified with the Oz formula.

Superhuman Strength:
Miles possesses Superhuman strength, capable of lifting at least 10 tons. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several stories in a single bound.

Superhuman Speed:
Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina:
Spider-Man's advanced musculature produces
Miles' advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him. At his peak, Spider-Man can physically exert himself for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

Superhuman Durability:
Miles' body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is also more resistant to impact forces than most humans. He can withstand great impacts, such as being thrown through a plate-glass window, that would severely injure or kill a normal human.

Superhuman Agility: Miles' agility, balance, flexibility and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.

Superhuman Equilibrium:
Miles possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Superhuman Reflexes:
kid Arachnid's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are currently about 20 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.

Wall-Crawling: Miles can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet. The extent to how much pressure he can stick to walls is thus far unknown, except that he can handle lifting his own weight.
Miles can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet. The extent to how much pressure he can stick to walls is thus far unknown, except that he can handle lifting his own weight.

Spider-Sense: When danger is present, Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His Spider-Sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of Peter Parker. One example occurs the night that Peter is killed; Miles dreamed that he, himself, was being attacked by Electro, when, at the same time, the real Electro was preparing to hunt and murder Peter Parker many miles away. This suggests that Miles' ability may be borderline precognitive, as opposed to only warning of immediate danger.
When danger is present, Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His Spider-Sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of Peter Parker. One example occurs the night that Peter is killed; Miles dreamed that he, himself, was being attacked by Electro, when, at the same time, the real Electro was preparing to hunt and murder Peter Parker many miles away. This suggests that Miles' ability may be borderline precognitive, as opposed to only warning of immediate danger.

Bio-Electrokinesis: Miles possesses control over the natural electricity his body produces. He is capable of utilizing it for offensive purposes.
Miles possesses control over the natural electricity his body produces. He is capable of utilizing it for offensive purposes.

Venom Blast: Miles can electrocute his enemies or destroy technology by releasing a small spark of electricity from his hands. After the initial spark, moments later the enemy will be electrocuted. It seems that there are varying degrees
Miles can electrocute his enemies or destroy technology by releasing a small spark of electricity from his hands. After the initial spark, moments later the enemy will be electrocuted. It seems that there are varying degrees to this ability, as some opponents have been simply dazed where others have been completely incapacitated. It also seems more effective on people with genetic alterations, such as the Green Goblin and Venom. This power provides a great advantage as Miles can end a confrontation quickly with little collateral damage.

Energy Burst: His most recently discovered power. Miles displayed the
His most recently discovered power. Miles displayed the ability to powerful bursts of energy. After first using it, Miles is left exhausted. It's powerful enough to destroy much of the Hydra laboratory Miles was being held in.[52] This ability can be triggered by extreme stress, or focus on Miles' part, as he consciously activated it in his escape from Black Cat.

Spider-Camouflage: Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.
Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.

Regeneration: Miles is able to regenerate his injuries at a much faster rate than normal humans can. This was first displayed when the original spider-bite that gave him powers turned from "huge and gross looking" to a dot within ten minutes.
Miles is able to regenerate his injuries at a much faster rate than normal humans can. This was first displayed when the original spider-bite that gave him powers turned from "huge and gross looking" to a dot within ten minutes.

Immortality (allegedly): Norman Osborn mentioned that immortality is a side effect of the Oz formula because Miles' body was altered by the Oz formula, he would also have such power in theory."-Marvel WIKIA
Norman Osborn mentioned that immortality is a side effect of the Oz formula because Miles' body was altered by the Oz formula, he would also have such power in theory."-Marvel WIKIA

Like Peter, Miles uses Web-shooters and a Web Formula to create webs to get around quicker. When the fluid is compressed, it becomes solid. These webs are so strong, it's said that even the hulk can't break them. There are different types of webs depending on what cartridge you put in, but for this, he will only use standered ones.

"After Norman Osborn was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D, and publicly revealed as the Green Goblin, Osborn Industries was left abandoned. Nearly two months before Peter Parker's death, a thief broke into Osborn Industries. Unbeknownst to the thief, a spider genetically enhanced with the Oz Formula crawled into his bag.

Miles Morales, a young kid from Brooklyn visited his uncle Aaron Davis (which was against his parents' wishes, due to his uncle's criminal past) after being awarded the final spot in a charter school lottery. At his uncle's apartment, Miles was bitten by the Oz-enhanced spider, which emerged from Aaron's bag, and Miles discovered he received super-human abilities like camouflage, increased agility, and some sort of stun blast. After revealing his newly found powers to his best friend, Ganke Lee, both concluded he had power similar to Spider-Man's, including wall-crawling. But Miles reacted negatively, as he just wanted to be normal, and decided to leave heroism to the actual Spider-Man.

Months later, Spider-Man died saving his family from Osborn. Miles arrived late to the scene. Struck with grief at not helping Peter Parker before his demise, Miles decided to follow Parker's philosophy -- with great power comes great responsibility -- and so continue Peter's legacy."-Marvel WIKI

I'm totally fine with there being more than one Spider type in Epic. So if you could join the Clan and repost this in the character submissions thread there, that'd be awesome! (also you can see my signature)
Thank you. I just saw someone was the original Spider-Man. In Miles story, Spider-Man is dead, so this will be interesting.
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