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Meaghan was sticking close to Slade for now. She kept her senses open ish. trying to keep minds from sneaking up on her.

" So how do you want to proceed ?" She looks at Slade. At this point, she starts keeping a bit better track of where her team mates are, in case they need help.

" It's a good thing all of us on this team are known for being... Loyal and … Trustworthy!" Sarcasm was a gift.
And with that she had her marching orders... sorta. She snuck back around to the nearest decernable weakpoint hoping she didn't mess up horribly and die... sorta. If she was dead she wouldn't be in pain and whoring herself out to Waller for treatments anymore. Unless, whatever happened was worse than death and she was stuck forever in an unending limbo of pain, that would be worse... sorta.

She thought to herself "Ah, ballocks it all! CHARGE! ... sorta." as she slowly eased herself into the weak spot.

@Michale CS @Gands @Drixe
"The word of Doom is the only race I need." Grid said simply before adding. "I'd be a poor citizen if I didn't work myself as hard for the Masters sake." Taking the lunches, he affected a nod of his head that somehow gave the impression of a full bow as he spoke.

"The Masters pride upon you for your work." And with that, he turned and left. Mentally, he cursed himself for his posture and thought darkly on how the cook seemed aware of it. An LMD perhaps? Or a mortal agent of Doom? It didn't matter now-he had what he needed and he headed for administration.

Once there, he'd look for a lone victim who'd have access to the record he needed to discover his target. From there? Well....

He got this far. Hopefully the others were experiencing similar success.
At DCP, Guard Control Station...

Things went... better than expected. The 'boss' he was supposed to deliver lunch to, according to the camera tracker on the computer left logged in, was in Isolation Ward One, and he saw James dressed in the guard captain's clothes and using his keycard...

>> James would be surprised when a teenaged girl pressed herself against the glass wall, though, he wasn't sure what she was saying originally at first as she spoke French and he didn't know the language. Thankfully he had Jenny in his ear to translate what she was saying so perfectly. Once he told her in English, JENI would hopefully help him translate it to French. " It's nice to meet you, Penny. My name is James. I think I see some coins at the end of the hall and can find a way here. This is a Detention Center in Lavertia. Do you remember if you met anyone before you got here? I'm looking for a man named Samuel Sterns who was said to reside here. That being said, if I do give you the coin, I also want your word that I won't be hurt. I imagine that there is a reason for seperating you from the coins." He would approach the case slowly, looking for any way to open the glass case. <<

He also saw that there was no Samuel Sterns on the official list of detainees at DCP. Does he leave or does he move to bail out the gaijin?
James Hunter

At Detention Center Prime, Isolation Ward 1

James was happy that the AI could translate where he was going, as he himself had never bothered to pick up on many other languages and he wasn't as adapt as speed learning as other people like him. The guards seemed to ignore him when his keycard worked and he was thankful for smartphones for once.

It felt weird that there was a white room with no cameras, but a mirror on the ceiling. Why was the mirror above him? He felt the streams of gas and internally he felt a wave of terror before he calmed down, realizing that it was some sort of disinfectant. This wasn't here to hurt him. It seemed to work on the clothes and he would put the keycard in and had to wonder if he would ever be over what had awoken his powers.

There seemed to be a lot of transparent walls and he had to wonder if anyone was watching him. He did notice that there was a glass case that appeared to have a small display of small coins. He would wonder how much they were worth.

James would be surprised when a teenaged girl pressed herself against the glass wall, though, he wasn't sure what she was saying originally at first as she spoke French and he didn't know the language. Thankfully he had Jenny in his ear to translate what she was saying so perfectly. Once he told her in English, JENI would hopefully help him translate it to French. " It's nice to meet you, Penny. My name is James. I think I see some coins at the end of the hall and can find a way here. This is a Detention Center in Latveria. Do you remember if you met anyone before you got here? I'm looking for a man named Samuel Sterns who was said to reside here. That being said, if I do give you the coin, I also want your word that I won't be hurt. I imagine that there is a reason for seperating you from the coins." He would approach the case slowly, looking for any way to open the glass case. Once he found a safe method ( that wouldn't activate alarms or bring guards), he would attempt to get them out and bring them to the girl.
At DCP, Isolation Ward 1

"Ah! So you speak English! I speak it as well. My word that you won't be hurt. By me. I cannot speak for the others."

When James approached the case, there was indeed a spot for the key card to be slid, and since the card he had was from a guard captain, that would probably open the case without triggering the alarm. He was about to try it when suddenly JENI cut into his earpiece.
"Sir! There is activity on the computer registered to the man you took the key card from. It was enough for me to access the system. I've upgraded that key card to top level clearance, you should have access now. Accessing the cameras, the operator of the computer does not match the biometrics of any of the guards I had previously tracked. I suggest you move swiftly, if you are going to do so."

Bane hands quickly dismantled the front of the vent. He glides out of the vent. He lands near scientists. Bane hands shot out and grabs specific parts of the scientists' necks. The moment he does so, they both go limp(knock out) and took them out of sight. He was able to do this quick and silent. Bane reports what to his group.

The room he was in looked like a biochemical lab. Some of the chemicals here looked... promising. He knew what went into the venom serum he used, and it looked like components of that, the Centipede serum, and even isolated elements of the Terrigen Mist were being experimented on here.

There was no doubt in Bane's mind. These scientists were trying to create super-soldiers.


He turned to the trickster and listen to his deal. It was shite as expected. What could this god want with Sterns?" Loki, may I call you, Loki? Thanks, I can't just go against my orders. I was hired for a job and I have an incentive embedded in my fucking skull. If you can give me anything better, I can't alter my mission. Plus, I don't trust you to hold up on your deals god of lies." Loki vanished and he then turned to Ghost who heard approaching him.

She wanted to know the next move. She noticed a possible way to pass the field and only she can do it. "You have my approval. Shut it down so we can pass by and grab Sterns, and commit deicide when horned nut trys to steal him.

Deathstroke then touched his communicator and radioed to waller. "Waller. We've just been in contact with Loki, that Loki if your wondering. He wants Stern, and I''m not sure we can stop him. He lack a Hulk, a Thor, I'll even consider a Deadpool."

Meaghan was sticking close to Slade for now. She kept her senses open ish. trying to keep minds from sneaking up on her.

" So how do you want to proceed ?" She looks at Slade. At this point, she starts keeping a bit better track of where her team mates are, in case they need help.

" It's a good thing all of us on this team are known for being... Loyal and … Trustworthy!" Sarcasm was a gift.
At the VIP Mansion...

"Is Loki there? Put him on speaker. Now." Presuming Slade did this, he, Crane, and Meaghan would overhear the conversation.
"Ah. Amanda Waller. We've never had the pleasure."
"Cut with the pleasantries. I've dealt with your brother before, and on one occasion, your father."
Loki looked surprised. This, was extremely rare for the Asgardian God of Trickery.
"So, you're aware of what you're dealing with then."
"Yes I am. Why is it that you want Sterns?"
Loki proceeded to explain his predicament.
"You don't need Sterns. I can put Dr. Leonard Skivorski on your case, pronto. ESCI owes me one."
"Doc Samson. I'm impressed at your networking. It almost rivals my own."
"It beats your own because you're persona non grata in three of the nine realms."
Loki just stood slackjawed for a moment. "In any event, how can I trust you won't just turn my rehabilitation into an attempt at capturing me?"
"You can't."
"Then my original plan stands."
"Then you leave me no choice. Ops, get me Heimdall. Let's see if you'll play ball once I revoke your hall pass."
"You don't have that kind of access."
"Try me."
"...maybe we can reach a compomise?"
"Sure. You stay out of my team's way. When, and only when, we get him back on US soil, you can have a peek into his brain for your cure."
"I have a feeling there's a catch here."
"You'll have a chaperone. You'll be meeting Sterns at the Xavier School for Exceptional Youngsters."
"...and there it is. Agreed. I'll continue to keep my presence in Latveria unknown unless your team blows its cover, and if they are successful, I will indeed meet you and... Miss Frost and that accursed machine I suppose? In Massachusetts."
"Slade? You have fourty eight hours before I pull the plug on this. You're in the facility or Loki wouldn't be there. Recover Sterns in twenty-four and I'll double the time I'm taking off your sentence and let you tinker around with a tech cache we recently discovered." < beep >

@Cush Almighty @Gands @Drixe

And with that she had her marching orders... sorta. She snuck back around to the nearest determinable weak point hoping she didn't mess up horribly and die... sorta. If she was dead she wouldn't be in pain and whoring herself out to Waller for treatments anymore. Unless, whatever happened was worse than death and she was stuck forever in an unending limbo of pain, that would be worse... sorta.

She thought to herself "Ah, bollocks it all! CHARGE! ... sorta." as she slowly eased herself into the weak spot.

There was a swirl of lights and colors and for a moment it looked like she was going to be scattered across the cosmos or back down into the Quantum Realm but...

Suddenly a strange woman, who looked a lot like her, but older by at least ten years, moved up to her. "We always hated this part. Thankfully you won't have to wait years like I did to get out of here." She was shoved through the field the rest of the way, and when she landed, she was in what looked like a very well appointed penthouse apartment.

leader-marvel-the-leader-transparent.jpgA man matching the odd description she was given of Sterns in her mission briefing was sitting in an overstuffed recliner, with a tablet computer in his lap. "An unexpected visitor. How fun." He stared at her for a moment, then smiled. "Fascinating, I cannot read your mind. It is like you are not actually here. A product of the strange field that surrounds my gilded cage, most likely. Delightful. Please, take a seat. Have some baklava, it's quite excellent. And since I could not rudely pry the information from your mind, would you mind telling me of the nature of your visit, dear?"
And indeed there was hot Turkish Coffee and baklava on the table in front of Sterns, which faced a sofa that he had gestured for her to sit on.

All communication she had with anything outside this level was entirely cut off.
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He also saw that there was no Samuel Sterns on the official list of detainees at DCP. Does he leave or does he move to bail out the gaijin

Perhaps not. But he could access other things.

Such as a schematic of the facility as well as readouts for where the majority of the power was being channeled. The greater the power, the more he suspected that was where their target was.

And then he could begin his work. Quietly he spoke in his comm.

"I do hope you're actually doing something. I'm currently seeking out a more updated map of the compound. With luck, we should be able to find something."
James Hunter

At DCP, Isolation Ward 1

That almost makes you seem to be trustworthy. Wish I would have know that before I translated, but as long as I have your word, I will try to get you out."

He was relieved that there was a spot for the keycard that he had to slide into as. He had to wonder if trying it would be a good or bad thing, but he didn't get a chance before he was cut off by JENI who wanted to inform him about some developments that she had discovered.

" Well, I imagine that must be one of my teammates who came with me. Hopefully-nope, never mind, it's going to be him knowing my luck. It is a good thing I waited for you to have the alarm to give topic clearance," he replied, quickly sliding the key card into the slot, taking out the coins and moving as fast as he could, slide the coin over to the girl who had wanted it. Was this a bad idea? Probably.... but he had loads of them.

@Michale CS
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Ghost looked at Sterns "Well, I could say 'I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you.' but that would be a bit cheeky, yeah? The truth is the one who holds my continued existence in their hands ordered me to extract you to the states.... willing or not, so as soon as I can figure out how to get you across the field in more or less one piece, we're outta here."
@Michale CS
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With no idea how to accomplish things eventually she keeps pacing the room for minutes? hours? seconds? finally she grows frustrated and grabs the Head Guy phasing him and herself back through the bubble, hoping her other self can get them out if there's a problem.

@Michale CS @Gands
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