Enter The Queen's Chambers - Partner Request thread

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


The Queen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
In the mornings usually but only during the week. Weekends are devoted to the family.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Modern, Magical, Romance, Medieval, Fantasy, Slice of Life
Welcome to my chambers. I am the queen of--- eh, just call me Reina.
I have some extra free time lately so I'm putting out feelers for some new blood partners.


  • Communication - I love to chat in OOC. PM or Discord. Let's keep the conversation going, let's plot, let's world build, let's just chat just because. Not interested in the RP anymore, just let me know. Please don't ghost. Writer's block? Let's discuss how we can keep the story going and get passed the block.
  • Posting speed - I can post anywhere between daily and once a month. It depends on my IRL commitments. I can issue multiple posts a day if I'm very excited about a story but most of the time I'm slow as molasses so a good expectation is once a week but it could be more. I ask for patience. I work full time, am a wife and a mother to two little ones. Please don't pester me for a reply unless its getting close to the archive date which is 90 days. If this isn't ok, I am not the partner for you. However, I don't wait THAT long to issue replies.
  • Post length - I can be pretty flexible here. Just no one liners. I can write about three to four paragraphs and can also write novels for posts. It depends on my inspiration level. So as long as you can give me something to work with, I'm good. Four and five paragraphs of just inner thoughts and reflection don't work for me. Sorry. Sometimes the replies call for a more passive style but please give me something to help drive the story forward.
  • Posting quality - I'm not a grammar nazi. As long as I can read it and make sense of what you're trying to say I'm pretty much ok. I do prefer more adept writing, however. I like to feel challenged.
  • Romance is a must! I am a sucker for romance. Give me all the romance!
  • Redstar Content - This request is located in the Redstar forum for a reason. I enjoy writing sex scenes in detail. I can describe my smut writing as descriptive yet tasteful. There will always be more plot than sex but sex will happen. I don't like anything toooo kinky, however. We can talk kinks when the time comes and I will let you know my comfort level.
  • All RPs go in the Forum. I don't RP in PMs. I will notoriously forget to reply to them and I also don't like the style.

All ideas can be worked with and adjusted. Nothing is concrete. Let's chat about them. I will also be updating this post with new ideas as they come.

It has been years since Wendy Darling returned from Neverland with Peter Pan. Years since she last saw him. Today she checks out of a mental institution, having come to terms that Peter Pan was nothing other than the delusion of a young girl. Years of being medicated, given shock therapy and group therapy had finally given way to a more level headed young woman. Her brothers, John and Michael, didn't suffer her fate, their delusions blamed on the imagination of small boys. But Wendy, well Wendy was older than her brothers and her childish obsession with the boy who could fly was not becoming of a blossoming young girl.

Now Wendy returns to her childhood home for one last night in her old bedroom. The following day the City intends on foreclosing on the home. Wendy's years in the mental institution had, unfortunately, proven to be too costly for the Darlings to handle. She leaves the windows open for the night, to allow the fresh London air to cool the room as she lays her head down for her last night at home.

But what is to happen to Wendy when a certain boy she once knew and had spent years attempting to forget, finds his way back into her bedroom?

Aladdin comes across the lamp in the caves of wonders but what's inside would alter the very destiny of the young man deemed 'the diamond in the rough'. For the genie inside is no ordinary genie but a djinn, an evil spirit trapped inside biding his time, plotting his freedom and the torment of his master. Aladdin knows nothing of the djinn, this "genie" promises to be his friend though his ominous tone and darkened voice tell Aladdin, "You ain't never had a friend like me."

"The Beast" is a high powered billionaire. He has every luxury known to man: houses, cars, a private plane, staff etc. He is of course extremely handsome but he's also an arrogant prick. Money has made him believe he is above every one else. His staff hates him but he pays them well and they need the income. His family is distant and he doesn't keep in much contact with them because -who needs them anyway-. He's a playboy so he doesn't enter into long term relationships or anything too serious. He's all about his business and making more money. It doesn't matter how he does it. He will lie, cheat and steal to get what he wants. Except he makes a big mistake with the wrong investor one day. He tries to cheat someone who is far more powerful than the Beast realizes.

In a business deal gone awry, the Beast is cursed by a powerful warlock. If the Beast wishes to lie, cheat and steal like the devil then he would also have to look like one. The warlock casts his spell over the Beast turning him into a horrible demon looking creature and cursing everything he owned and possessed. The warlock transports the Beast to the Beast's gated country side home, surrounded by acres of land and not another house for miles. The warlock places a magical barrier over the Beast's property trapping him and all the inhabitants of his home (his staff) inside. The barrier effectively curses the land and all life within it, also cutting off all access to the outside world. The staff, now trapped inside with the man they hate, have also been cursed. They have lost their physical forms and have turned into spirits cursed to continue to serve the Beast.

The warlock informs the Beast that he will only turn back into himself when he has genuinely changed; when he has learned to love others more than his money, when he learns to appreciate his staff, when he ceases to feel the need to fuel his greed, and when he finds someone to love and love him for who he really is. The magical barrier keeps everyone inside alive so the Beast would not be able to kill himself. He would have to live with himself day after day until he was able to break the curse. The barrier also keeps the house virtually invisible but once its gate is crossed, the house is revealed. Only the Beast and his staff are trapped, unable to break through the barrier but the Beast has control over the magical gate should anyone come across the house. He could choose to have anyone else remain trapped with him or let them go.

Years pass and the Beast does not change. He remains trapped in his home. The world has forgotten about this extravagant billionaire and his business has failed without him. Assuming his disappearance could be explained by nothing else, his family has left him for dead. It is truly hopeless now. They would be doomed to live this life forever.

We can begin the story before the Beast is cursed or years later when one stormy night, a girl is driving down a long road. It's hard to see and the conditions are horrible. She makes a wrong turn and finds the house. It looks abandoned but being in need of shelter to help wait out the storm, she enters inside.

Death x Persephone (Plot taken)
I have no plot for this one but I would like it to be of our own original creation. We make up our own story. Does not have to be related to the myth.

Time travel
I would like to toy around with a more modern time traveler who travels to Medieval times. Perhaps a scientist and an experiment that went haywire? Didn't mean to travel in time? Or maybe they did? Let's plot.

Misc Pairings (No plot in mind. Let chat and make one up!)
-Forbidden love
-High fantasy
-Arranged marriage
-Prince and princesses, kings and queens, whatever
-Masterxslave (MUST have a plot. I will not focus solely on smut on any of my RPs)

Or send me your plot and we can see how we can make it work!

Find something you like?

Anything sound interesting? Send me a PM and let's chat. I do prefer discord however. Reina#2970
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