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Warning: There are dark themes and triggers ahead. If death, gore, and the like disturb you, you might want to leave.

An odd new club has been formed at Roosevelt High School in upstate New York: the Paganry Club. To most students, it's a bunch of weirdos who like to dress in all black and draw strange things. To the teachers, it's some oddballs with an interest in ancient religions.

They're both wrong.

Magic is real, and it is dark. The club is actually a recruiting effort for a new coven founded by Hazel Harris. Now, on Halloween night, you stand in a circle with her, ready to join yourself to the demon Nagariel in an initiation ritual. You're a little nervous, but really, damnation seems a fair price to pay for cosmic power...

So, in this roleplay, you will be highschoolers joining Hazel's new coven. In this universe, sin and corruption are a major source of magical power, and as such "good" magic is basically nonexistent. For instance, straight-up healing is impossible; to use healing magic, you must drain the life force from a healthy organism and put it in who or what you wish to heal. We'll have fun and good times, but beware, there are people who know about dark magic, and wish to eradicate it...

In theory, any person can use magic, but only a special few can use high-grade magic without ritual tools or magic circles. That said, every witch and warlock has one or two small powers they can use at will, related to their magical specialty.

Most magic requires the use of drawn or carved circles and symbols. Larger drawings can hold more power, while more detailed drawings can direct the power more precisely. Circles also need to be properly charged by the witch or warlock, a process that can take anywhere from seconds to months, depending on the spell. Charging a spell can be sped up by having multiple people charge it at once, or by casting a spell linked with your specialty. Other requirements might be reagents, sacrifices (up to and including human), or even sexual rites (If this comes up, please go to pms and only with appropriate aged users. We don't need anyone getting the banhammer.).

Wind and weather- the air and weather are yours to wield. Simple, really. Inherent Power- Weather Manipulation. Need a little more sunshine to brighten your mood, some rain for your flowers, or a small lightning bolt to smite somebody? It's just seconds away! Thunderstorms might take a while, though, and you'll need a circle for full-blown hurricanes and the like.

Earth and metal- Stone and steel are your preferred medium of magic. Useful for making large circles... or leveling large buildings. Inherent Power- Metal manipulation. You can psychically manipulate metal objects up to a chair in size. Gonna need to be quick on the draw to stop that bullet, though.

Fire and energy- Heat, light, flame; all are your domain. Inherent Power- Super Vision. Infrared? X-ray? Invisible stuff? No problem! You can see it all!

Water and blood- Not the flashiest of powers, but very versatile. Oh, and notice how it's crossed out? That's because it's been claimed by yours truly. Inherent power- Blood drinker. Can drink blood to restore health and youth.

Shadows and darkness- The night is your friend and ally. Solidifying shadows, melding with them, even teleporting through them. Inherent power- Invisibility. Just like it sounds, though if someone gets within about ten feet or so, they can start making out a blurry outline of your form. Still very useful.

Mind- Telepathy, illusions, even full-blown mind control. It's all fair game. Inherent Power- Mood Swings. Those around you will experience large emotional changes. Going to be tough to control at first, but with practice, you can make them feel any way you want.

Wild- You are more in tune with nature than other witches. As such, you can speak to and command plants and animals. With a little practice, you might even be able to shapeshift! Inherent Power- Beast Traits. You can take on the attributes of nearby animals. For instance, you can borrow the sense of smell of a nearby bloodhound. You can even mix and match, though this takes intense concentration.

Life and Death- The world is a cycle between the living and the dead, and you are the one who turns the wheel. Blasphemous healing and necromancy are your stock in trade. Inherent Power-Animation. No, not cartoons, but transferring life force into inanimate objects to bring them to life. Larger objects, like houses, may be subject to the same requirements as other spells.

Time- Most people, even witches, are swept along helplessly by the river of time, but you can sail its waters like an expert. Speed it up, slow it down, rewind or freeze it-even traveling through it could be within your grasp. Inherent Power- Future sight. You can see the future of any person, place or object, with a few caveats. You must be looking at what you want to see the future of, and you can't see further than a week ahead. Still, how cool is it to know what problems are on your next math test ahead of time... or know of that devastating accident before it happens.

Inferno- A dangerous power, you are one with the forces of Hell itself. As such, summoning demons comes as second nature to you. Inherent Power- Efficient Sacrifices. You instinctively know how to get the most out of the black arts. Your sacrifices carry more power than those of other witches and warlocks.

These are just what I could come up with off the top of my head. If you've got other ideas, feel free to share them!





Physical description or picture



Magical Specialty[/spoilerbb]
Name:Jacqueline(prefers Jack)Thorns
personality:She loves rock music and drawing .She is more of a geek than you think,when you first meet her she seems normal but gets crazier the more you get to know her.She is smart and sarcastic and even though she doesn't look like it she is really sensitive but she knows how to hide her feelings only the people closer to her might catch a glimpse of her soft side.

Bio:Her parents are normal.She inherited her powers from her grandmother who was a fire witch and died when Jack was a kid and therefore she never taught her how to control her powers or told her she has them all she has from her grandmother is her dragon's breath ring.Some things happen from time to time like sparks flying or the room warms up when she thinks it's too cold sometimes she sees inside a building or someone's clothes or skin but only for a brief moment so she thinks she imagined it.

magical abilities:fire and energy,inherent power"super vision

(I was listening to halestorm and I thought:this song sounds perfect for Jack's theme song since she has fire powers so tada)
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Name: Azerael Lincoln

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight, but has been known to give guys compliments

Age: As far as you know, he could be 16, he could be 18. He's 18.


Azerael is the typical cool guy, gets decent grades, plays some sports. He has airs about him at times, and at others, he looks and acts just like a child, who is interested in learning about everything and anything. He loves to read (primarily about things that would make people look twice) and he's been known to dance a little of everything. When he got introduced to the newest club, he fell in love with the idea of power, about being able to show that he is good at everything he touches. This made him get serious about studies other than the female kind (wink wink nudge nudge). He can be there when you need him and will be whatever you want. 4.0 student? helps with homework. Linebacker? he's got your back.

Bio: Azerael knew he was a little special before he entered high school. Studies came easily to him, which was part of his father's doing (typical father, wanting 'the perfect' son.) On the first night of his Sophomore year, however, everything changed. He was walking with his group of friends after a game, and he felt the shadows talk to him, not like the vocal kind, but like mentally drawing his attention. He shrugged it off, but when he looked back to his friends, he noticed that he no longer was next to them, because they had all vanished. He could hear their voices but couldn't tell where they were. Come to find out, this club was the one hope he had for explaining what just happened.

Side note: I noticed Jack had how she inherited the power, I just wanted to mention that he was completely unaware that his father was raised as a wiccan/pagan. After Azerael was born, his father quit.

Magical Specialty: Shadow and Darkness. Inherent power - Invisibility
Name: Thaïs Giraud

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 18


Personality: Thaïs is quite withdrawn, prefering to be alone rather than risk embarrassing herself in a social situation.
Despite her shyness though she does attempt to be polite to anyone attempting to communicate.

Bio: Thaïs was born into a wealthy family with loving parents, who privately schooled her for much of her life, after a severe bullying incident she became withdrawn, and even occasionally talked to her dolls, severely worrying her parents.
Though they eventually allowed her to return to school.

She became interested in magic upon reading about animated dolls and spent much of her free time studying, when her patents asked what she was doing, Thaïs said she was 'making friends' and they incorrectly assumed she meant human ones...

Magical Specialty: Life and Death
May I join? Or do you have enough interest? Was thinking Mind.
If there's room id like to draw up a CS using the 'Wild' power.
Okie dokie. I'll have something up by tonight.
I'll also have something up

Gaia Bishop​





Gaia dances on the edge of social spot lights, preferring to dabble behind the scenes and perhaps that's what drew her the drama crowd in school. She didn't have the desire to be on the stage as much as she lived for the details that made up each play. Though that didn't stop her from taking on her own unique attitude that tended to be expected from the theatre kids. She was dramatic at best and sarcasm was a basic flavor on her tongue. Though at times it came off as almost genuine sincerity.

She moved with the fluidity of a snake and there was always a bit of mischief found behind her eyes.

Gaia will be the first to admit that she has a flair to stir up a bit of drama between friends. Nudge rivals closer to their breaking points and put friendships to the test. All it took was just a slip of a word here and there. It was almost too easy most of the time though she saved up her charms for only the best moments for a little chaos.

Other than her more mischievous habits. Gaia was a fairly spritely girl. She did well in class and lived for the outdoors. In fact, in her down time she'd go out to the local wooded areas and spend most of her day laying about the forest floor. Lavishing in the scent of dirt and moss beneath her flesh. She'd even bring seeds and berries to leave behind for the local wildlife in her wake. Being outdoors brought a calmness to her normal enthusiastic energy and a gentleness she didn't reserve for fellow classmates.


Gaia is what happens when a modern age hippy meets a slightly uppity city person; AKA Mom and Dad. Now one would think her powers stem from her 'give peace a chance' mother but in fact if anyone cared to do their research it actually came from her father. Though their magic was buried beneath the corporate drive and humdrum of city life. As years passed and each generation was born more and more of those who inherited these 'gifts' tended to suppress them.

Of course like all gifts these things had a way of coming out when the wielder least expected but like almost all supernatural phenomenon it was filed away as some bizarre act of nature.

In Gaia's case?

It had finally been encouraged through her mother's mistaken enthusiasm. She thought her daughters natural grace when it came to their gardens was just good parenting. That she had instilled some sort of cosmic good in her offspring. Not that Gaia knew more than her either. Nature was just something that clicked with her on a basic level. Something that whispered into her very soul and what led her into looking at the paganism club. As she knew little more than that paganism was supposedly an ancient religion that often revolved around nature worship.

Who would've guessed it'd only help push her to realize her full potential?

Magical specialty

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All right, so I am going to say this outright, I have discussed before in other RPs, but I am Autistic. My communication is sometimes hard to communicate, so I need to ask a question, but I have no way of wording it appropriately without it coming off condescending and rude.

Just note that is not my intention, but I am having a real genuine struggle right now being a visual thinker and trying to gain a grasp of photos;

What genre is this RP set in? Modern? Fantasy? Because two of these photos is not like the others and that's driving my struggle. The struggle is real right now
All right, so I am going to say this outright, I have discussed before in other RPs, but I am Autistic. My communication is sometimes hard to communicate, so I need to ask a question, but I have no way of wording it appropriately without it coming off condescending and rude.

Just note that is not my intention, but I am having a real genuine struggle right now being a visual thinker and trying to gain a grasp of photos;

What genre is this RP set in? Modern? Fantasy? Because two of these photos is not like the others and that's driving my struggle. The struggle is real right now

Thank you.

I really mean no offense, just difficult for me because I am a visual thinker. So all I have is photos to grab onto and two of the photos, especially one of them was a bit disorientating was all.

@HecateProxy I hope you don't mind me asking this, but do you mind finding a less fantasyyy photo? <-----sorry....didn't want to talk behind your back, but the photo is definitely very fantasy and I am going, wait what's going on
Thank you.

I really mean no offense, just difficult for me because I am a visual thinker. So all I have is photos to grab onto and two of the photos, especially one of them was a bit disorientating was all.

@HecateProxy I hope you don't mind me asking this, but do you mind finding a less fantasyyy photo? <-----sorry....didn't want to talk behind your back, but the photo is definitely very fantasy and I am going, wait what's going on

I would prefer not too. I choose my photos usually based off the fact I don't particularly like to use photos of actual people but generally go for life like so it's not overly cartoonish. To me, it's not supremely fantasy-like being that it's a drawn portrait unless it's the fancy jewelry bit which is kinda why I threw her to the drama kids. Her costume choices are well- theatrical not always practical but if I need to change to a face claim I'd appreciate if the GM would make it known.

Edit: I'm not entirely inflexible; I hope I don't come off that way. I just would like the GM to weigh in before I go hunting again for a new picture.
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I would prefer not too. I choose my photos usually based off the fact I don't particularly like to use photos of actual people but generally go for life like so it's not overly cartoonish. To me, it's not supremely fantasy-like being that it's a drawn portrait unless it's the fancy jewelry bit which is kinda why I threw her to the drama kids. Her costume choices are well- theatrical not always practical but if I need to change to a face claim I'd appreciate if the GM would make it known.

Edit: I'm not entirely inflexible; I hope I don't come off that way. I just would like the GM to weigh in before I go hunting again for a new picture.


This is not a real person. It's a realistically drawn image. Can you find something similar to this?
Alright, seems I unwittingly stumbled into something.

Yes, timeframe is modern. And don't worry, Salty, I know firsthand what that sort of thing can be like.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Sir Salty
Alright, seems I unwittingly stumbled into something.

Yes, timeframe is modern. And don't worry, Salty, I know firsthand what that sort of thing can be like.

I struggle at trying to word myself appropriately.
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