Elementally Speaking

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Quincy nodded. "Quite well. I was just about to grab a cup of coffee, if you'd care to join me? I'll buy." he asked her. Then he noticed something was wrong with her eyes. Was she blind? He figured it too rude to ask, so he kept quiet about it.
"Sure..I'll follow you." Her smile evaporated as she adjusted her glasses to allow his shadow to appear. "Yep, I'm ready." She gave an innocent smile.
Quincy nodded. "Alright, this way then." He walked toward the Café, looking back every now and again to make sure she was following. He held the door open for her. "After you."
Name: Björn
Age: 16
Element: Air

Bjorn flies down on tree branch be hind Quincy and summoned up a ball of air and rode it to get to the ground where it dispersed throwing up some dust .
Quincy looks behind him noticing an odd gust of air. He sees the figure. "Hello."
She followed behind, careful to stay directly behind him. As he opened the door, she went in, bracing herself at the sounds of so many voices. After a minute or two she was able to sort everything out in her head, turning to face Quincy. Upon hearing the new person, she stepped out of the doorway and over to the side, not wanting to block the door from anyone else who might want to enter.
Quincy turns back towards Kate, and enters the Café. It's rather busy for this time of day, all kinds of elementals openly using their powers to entertain one another, chatting, et cetera. He leads her to a table next to the window. "What would you like?" he asks her.
Björn repiles with a obvious Swedish accent "hi my name is Björn im an air element "
She shrugged. "I don't know..this place is new to me..but a water would be nice." She said. Hearing the new person speak, she shifted to face both him and Quincy. "Air? Hmm. I'm a Water elemental, Kate."
Quincy nodded at Kate and turned to the newcomer, Bjorn. "Hello, there. I am Quincy, also an air elemental. Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment." He walks over to the bar and talks to the man behind it. He then gives Quincy a glass of water and a cup of coffee, with milk and sugar. He walks back over to the table and sets Kate's water on the table, in front of her. "Here you are, Kate."
"Thanks." She reaches out hesitantly, grazing the glass with the back of her hand before picking it up and taking a small sip. Cool and refreshing.. "Thank you Quincy."
Quincy nods at her. "Not a problem. So, what brings you here, Björn?" he asks the other air elemental. He seemed to be Swedish, if he wasn't mistaken.
Kate turned her gaze to Björn, listening carefully to his voice as to recognize him if she ever met him again.
Björn replies "I just wanted to get away from the cold of Sweden really and the adults and kids chased me out of my home town as soon as they found out I was and elemental"
Quincy took another sip of coffee. "Ah. Been there, done that. I used to live in a small town in Arizona. I ran from the heat, from the people ridiculing me constantly, from my parents who constantly tried to hide my mark so I would be accepted. I found refuge here, have stayed ever since."
Kate winced, she hated the despise human's had for the elementals. "So much injustice..It's unfair."
"true I was traumatised after being chased away from my home town" says Björn
Quincy took another sip of coffee, and looked up at Bjorn. "I just realized, I am being terribly rude. My apologies, friend, but may I buy you a cup of coffee?" he asked the Swedish air elemental.
"thank you I would " replied Bjorn as he summoned a ball of air to sit on as he saw no chairs. Björn then said " ill probably only stay for one cup of coffee as it'll keep me up all night and its a long journey from Sweden to... where is this ?"
Quincy nodded. "Alright, what would you like?" he asked. He had brought a large amount of money with him, some of which wasn't exactly procured... legally, per se. He was like a young Apollo Robins, but he didn't give the stuff back. He often used his powers to help him. Of course, he would never tell anyone that.