Elementally Speaking

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Kate took the glasses. "Thanks. It's okay." She returned them to her face as June landed beside them. "Oh, hi June." See heard a few more people approaching and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before realizing she'd never met the girl before. "June's right, it's nice to meet you. I'm Kate, water elemental."
Vriska felt a sudden adrenaline rush as a girl passed by. She looked at her eyes and they were purple! A rare eye color for humans.... or is she even human? Vriska asks herself this question mentally and just walks off without knowing why. She just kept walking and she grinned. She had reason or purpose to. She just did!
Nice to meet you all I am Ran water Element as well." she smiles and looks at everyone. "would you mind hiding me there are people after me" she said with a smile. she could hear them come. "shot to late well see you guys later." she said and when she said that the guys came running after her yelling "HEY YOU B**CH" "OH shot" she laughs and starts to run. she didn't like using her powers on humans.
Cass didn't realize she was using her powers. She was making the girl follow her, but she didn't even know. Cassidy twirled around after hearing someone walk behind her. "May I help you?" she said, her eyes glowing brightly, her face stern and serious. She eyed the girl closely.
June watched Ran run off. She looked down at Kate, and touched her shoulder gently to let her know she was there, after which extending her hand to help her get up. "How are you, Kate?"
"I'm good, I wonder what those guys want with Ran." She said as she took June's hand.
"Same.." mumbled June under her breath, thoughtfully staring into space as she helps Kate up. "If you'll excuse me, Kate, I have to go somewhere! Bye!" said June and ran off in a completely unknown direction. June didn't know where she was going, but her heart was tugging for her to follow the path she has buried deep in her mind.
Vriska blinks a couple times and her grin fades. "Your eyes. They're purple. Who are you? I've never seen you around here before...." She was still dazed and her vision was blurry.
Cassidy's eyes widened. She noticed that she was tense, and her body was getting hotter, and her face was getting redder. The young elemental calmed down, and her eyes faded back to the normal, dark purple. Cass quickly thought of an excuse. "..My name is Cassidy, but I go by Cass. And I'm just wearing lenses, it's nothing, really." she blinked. "And who are you?"
Vriska looks up close. "I wear lenses too but I don't see yours. There's no outline of them..... It only comes to one conclusion! Your human! No elemental can have that eye color." She laughs but then stops. "Wait a second! You can't be human! That adrenaline rush was inhuman. What kind of elemental are you?"
jake in tempo with the drum sang "why do you hate me?!" he was screaming "I cant belive I had to stay alive for this! YOUR LOVE WAS SUCH A LIE" he stoped and started to cry he took off his mask "damn....I hate when this happens...." he looked at the door to make sure no one was comeing
Quincy was about to say farewell to Vriska and go about his business when another girl walked by. Were... were he eyes purple? No, couldn't be. No elemental had purple eyes, and it was rare for humans. It must have been the light. But, something about her interested him. He then realized that as she walked by, his heart had sped up, and a little adrenaline leaked into his bloodstream. "Hm. Interesting..." he thought aloud as Vriska left and followed the odd girl. He felt compelled to do the same, but resisted the impulse. He walked off in a different direction, toward a Café, run by one of the only humans he knew who still cared for elementals like him.
jake started to go again on the drums with slowed down tempo "I loved you..you hate me hate see!? never loved me! HATE ME!" slamed drums and threw drumsticks into door and walked out off room and out side putting hood up
"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken, now if you'll excuse me." said Cass and walked off, leaving Vriska on the spot, without an answer. I've got to be more careful.
After quite a lot of walking, Cass saw a mysterious guy with a hood. Under that hood, she could see a part of a mask. She bumped her shoulder against his when passing him. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she said, looking at the guy. "Hi, I'm Cassidy. I'm new around here. And you are?" asked Cass, smiling sweetly at him. Might as well make friends.
Soon, June lost track of where she was going, and she had no idea why she started walking off in the first place. The earth elemental slowed down her pace, gradually bringing herself to a full stop. She looked at the time on her phone. It was thirty to eight in the evening, and she had to be home by eight thirty. June sighed. I could definitely die of boredom if I go back home now..but I'm positively sick of talking to other people. A big building at the end of the road caught June's eye. She looked up, blinking. It said 'Addison Library' on the sign above the glass doors. June smiled, and started walking towards the library. She loved reading, and she couldn't find a reason why she shouldn't, so she did.
Kate waved as June left, then she started walking randomly down the streets again. I have no idea what to do right now..hmm.. She kept her hand on the wall, but this time she stayed close to it as to stay out of people's way. She heard a telltale *click* from a light and knew there was a road crossing here. She listened closely, waiting for the light to change. This is going to be difficult.. She thought. It had been forever since she'd used a crossing walk alone, but she knew how to.
jake sighed "call me J3T....my real name is jake....." sighed and pulled hood tighter "I am a fire elemental .... there generals son to be exact..." his eyes widen and thought 'I don't say all of that.... what the hell is she doing to me what s she?!' coughs and could feel adrenaline rushing but he kept himself under control
Waiting until the sounds of cars paused, she started across the road, her eyes fixed on the shadow ahead. She kept both of her hands in her pockets as she made it across, letting out a pent up breath she didn't know she was holding. "It seems so quiet.." She muttered to herself, pausing and deciding to go left up the sidewalk.
Quincy was just about to enter the Café when he looked over and saw Kate walking towards him. "Kate?" he called out, "Is that you? Hello again!" he said, walking up to her. He adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. "So, how are you faring?"
Kate turned to the sound of Quincy's voice. "Pretty good. You?" She smiled a little, relieved to break the boredom.