Earth Protection Legion: Junior Division [OoC & Signups]

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Whatever, Bullfrag is awesome.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Superheroics, Slice-of-Life, Anime, a fair deal of fandom...
A good long time ago, the Monolith, an great, evil arcane being from a different dimension, used its power to control many a human across the planet, making them its mindslaves. This crisis was so great, it forced the heroes of Earth from all across the globe to unite. Ultimately, they defeated the Monolith, shattering it to smithereens.

Before this, people doubted the heroes. After this, many gained a newfound appreciation for them.

These heroes decided that a global threat like this might happen again someday. As such, they formed the Earth Protection Legion.

This is not their tale, but rather, the tale of the next generation.

Some of these heroes have gained young sidekicks. In the same vein, young heroes are popping up everywhere, trying to emulate them or trying to do good in their own regard. At the same time, a small number of young heroes are somehow making it into the Legion, despite it being a place for adult heroes.

As such, the Legion got an idea - to put these three types of young individuals into a team.

Their Junior Division.

This roleplay revolves around young superheroes, the legacies they are carrying and the legacies they intend to start in due time.

Or maybe they're just there.​

Application Skeleton:

[center] (Insert Image Here) (This time I'm not going to bother if you use real life faceclaims or artsy ones, so don't worry about it) [B]Name[/B]: Well? [B]Gender[/B]: Well? [B]Age[/B]: 13 - 18 [B]Hero Alias[/B]: What do you go by on the field? [B]Civilian Wear[/B]: Assuming the above isn't the one. [B]Hero Costume[/B]: What do you wear on the field? Image, description, etc. [B]Method of entry[/B]: Describe it a fair bit. If you were the sidekick of a Legion member or reccommended by one, describe said member and tell us more about 'em. Maybe you're a former Legion member who's too young with the new updated policies. [B]Powers & Abilities[/B]: Well? What do you have? [B]Weaknesses[/B]: What are your weaknesses? Optional since methods to counter your abilities can be learned by others overtime. [B]Equipment[/B]: Your gear. [B]Skills[/B]: Skills that aid you in the field. [B]Personality[/B]: Well? [B]History[/B]: Min. a decent paragraph. [B]Other Information[/B]: Stuff that doesn't fit up there [/center]
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J'n Ohb-Roi / Renata Soll(This form's civilian alias)

Female(at the moment)

15(actually been alive for 50 years.)

Hero Alias:
Red Sun

Civilian Wear:
Whatever the form, you can always identify J'n if he's wearing something red with his hair tied in a pony tail.

Hero Costume:
Depending on the mission, J'n will either

A. Cover his body in a swirling layer of red flame with pointed shades covering his eyes like a mask, forming metal wings on his back. Mostly used in more impulsive crime fighting, which often leaves his current body's identity slightly exposed.

B. Manifests the traditional Fenyxian armor, which he uses most of the time. It also comes with a sword.

Method of entry:
J'n has been quite the influence in the original Legion, known as the member who can't seem to stick with a single appearance for years due to his constant deaths in the field and revival months later with varying changes to his own appearance, including the biological age of his form. Even then, his new form is always easily identified by the red halo above his head, which is an identifier of his species, the Fenyxians.

In his 5th and most recent revival, the Junior policy came into effect without J'n's knowledge. Due to his new form being 15 years old along with his poor track record of dying in almost every major Earth threatening battle the Legion ever had, J'n had been demoted to Junior class until his next form.

Despite this record, however, The Legion considers J'n to be one of the Founding Members of the Legion and their most trusted ally.

Powers & Abilities:
Reincarnation - Arguably the trait the Fenyxians' are most notable for. The Fenyxians undergo a process that rebuilds their bodies after using up all of their flame, provided that their Halo is still intact. Each Reincarnation is completely different than the last, which is why most Fenyxians identify each other using their Halos and their body heat.

When a Fenyxian Reincarnation is in progress, a noticeable temperature change can be felt around a 20 mile radius. This process lasts a month.

Pyrokinesis - The Fenyxians are flame itself. They can control and harness their flames through their shells. They also do this by heating and igniting the air around them like bombs. It's heat can be strong enough to melt metal.

Transmutation - J'n is the first and only Fenyxian capable of transmuting matter in his kind. Able to change anything into anything as long as he knows exactly what it is. However, the larger the object, the more focus and time it will take for it to transmute.

Flight - Fenyxians can fly in a manner similar to hot air balloons--heating up the air which causes them to rise as well. His armor's wings help with that.

Storm Surge - A self destructive ability that the Fenyxians are capable of doing. They cast aside their shells in capable of unleashing more heat and firepower. It also causes their shells to with a blast radius large enough to bring down an entire city into a crater if active for prolonged periods of time. During the explosion, a Fenyxian is able to control the heat and flames that their shell produced, which allows J'n to focus this explosive force and heat onto one target, wrapping around in a bubble of burning hot air before the heat dissipates and the Halo sticks to the ground.

When J'n's Storm Surge has a time limit. When it runs out, his body explodes and subsequently dies, leaving nothing but his red halo. If the Halo is broken, then J'n will be unable to 'Reincarnate'.

J'n's flames are weakened underwater. They still light up, but they won't be as hot as they were in the surface, even at maximum heat. The only way to overcome this is through Storm Surge.

This weakness was overcome over his years at the Legion, but formerly, J'n is unable to produce flames in a place without oxygen or air unless he Storm Surges.


J'n doesn't really bring much with him except his phone, his costume(which is an armor made out of Fenyxian Iron, able to withstand extreme temperatures) and his sword.

Swordsmanship - J'n's first incarnation is a swordsman, a skill which he carried over to his current incarnation. It makes up most of his combat.

Marksmanship - J'n can throw fire or molten knives with great accuracy.

Aerial Combat - J'n can fly and fight as if he's an entire plane.

J'n is generally amiable and cheerful. Some may call him egotistic, but he's a good person overall that risks his life for the greater good. Although he sometimes feels lonely that he's the only Fenyxian he had met in his life, but he never shows that to other people and tries to make as much friends as he could just like his first incarnation did at that small town--who still recognizes J'n thanks to the halo on his head no matter the form.

J'n can be talkative and nosey even at combat, cracking jokes and throwing quips that weren't exactly good.

The Fenyxians are a race of heat-based organisms from the planet Fenyxia. Their bodies are made out of flames that is formed based on the surroundings they're in. In their homeword, they appear as silhouettes of fire with red halos above their heads. When the planet exploded after its core was attacked by an enemy alien race, 100 Fenyxian Halos were sent off into space in hopes of finding an inhabitable planet for their species to survive.

Out of 100 Fenyxian Halos, only 2 of them made it to Earth while the rest were spread out in other planets or were shattered along the journey. One of them was J'n, who crashed in a desert after a gruesome murder. J'n's Halo landed on the corpse and began to melt it for its nutrients to form J'n first body, taking the form of a blackhaired man.

J'n lived a relatively quiet life in a nearby town, where he practiced Kendo for years as he found it interesting. For a good 40 years, J'n became that handsome bartender women would lust over, which fueled the alien's ego. It wasn't until The Monolith appeared and took control of the woman he's on a date with that he used his powers to defend himself and the town he grew up in.

J'n continued fighting for the good of the people until he found himself fighting in a group of other Heroes to save humanity from the Monolith, a group that he would recognize as a family of like-bodied individuals. Together, they defeated the Monolith and founded the Legion. After which, he died the first time.

Fast forward 15 years later, with years of experience under his belt, J'n has been revived for the 5th time just as the Junior Policy the group's been discussing took into effect--and due to his current body taking the form of a little girl, J'n had no choice but to be relegated into the Junior Division, which he expects to be as fun as the Adults Division.

Other Information:
I deduce that @Crow will UOH at this sheet.


Kisaragi Mika 如月美香



Hero Alias:
Violet Lightning / Shiden / 紫電

Civilian Wear:
Mika has a lot of looks, but as a gyaru she's almost always flamboyant and flashy, with loads of accessories and a shock of bright pink hair.

Hero Costume:

Call it hiding in plain sight. Mika uses a special hair dye that changes colour when a current is applied to it, so she's raven-haired "on the job".

Method of entry:
Violet Lightning was a vigilante who came to the Legion's attention when she very publicly annihilated a power armour wearing villain who was trying to rob a bank. The hero and Legion member Backslash was on the case, but decided to let things play out when Violet appeared. It wasn't a bad decision at all - Violet swiftly immobilised the powersuit with a focused EMP blast, took out its weapons and optics with several Left-Hand Shots, and then closed in to taser the villain into submission. She basically aced the interview, demonstrating not just power but the skill and smarrts to wield it well and safely. Backslash decided on the spot to recruit her for the Junior Division.

Powers & Abilities:
Mika is able to sense, generate and manipulate electromagnetic fields. The most dramatic application of this ability is her "Left-hand Shot", named for how she literally uses Fleming's Left-hand Rule and induced Lorenz forces to accelerate a small ferrous projectile to velocities in the vicinity of 2,500 m/s (approximately Mach 8, or hypersonic). She carries a little bag of ball bearings for this purpose, which she can also use for other applications, including as a simple sap. For close-in work, she has a pair of kunai throwing daggers connected to wristbands with thin steel cable, with which she can deliver taser-type shocks. When she wants to go more subtle , she is capable of reading and controlling electrical signals, for example those of RFID or credit card mag strips. She also gets great mobile reception and never wants for wi-fi.

While Mika's meta-ability is potentially very powerful, it is limited by a couple of factors. Firstly, she isn't intrinsically immune to the forces that she generates; while she can balance them with her power, it requires precise and careful control to make sure that she doesn't, for example, accidentally blow her own fingers off while performing her "Left-hand Shot". This tends to put a cap on how much force she can generate, and how quickly she can perform different tasks with her ability. It also means that she can go really, really big if she's willing to risk injury or collateral damage....
Secondly, while she can tap into and manipulate EM spectrum signals such as wi-fi, she has the neural bandwidth of a normal human being, if a gifted one. She's very intelligent, but she can only handle so much information at a time. She's thus normally dependent on a device such as a smartphone or laptop to process the data. So she can boost signals, or jam or warp them, or other such relatively brute-force applications, but (for example) editing herself out of a video feed would be beyond her capabilities.

Throwing daggers/kunai
Bag of ball bearings
Smartwatch and tablet

Genius-level intellect - For all she acts ditzy and brash, Mika has a mind like a steel trap. She is extremely intelligent, with particular ability in higher mathematics and physics. She is also quite good at problem-solving, especially when it involves her powers.
Streetrunning - Unlike many other supers who rely on their powers exclusively, Mika's quite aware that her more mundane abilities can make all the difference in a dangerous situation. She has actively practiced the art of moving efficiently in an urban environment, and does so quite well. Of course, she also gets an edge from using induced EM forces on the metal inserts in her costume to give her a boost here and there....
Knife wielding - Similarly, you never know when being able to use a knife might be useful. Mika can throw her kunai quite accurately, and also use them in close combat. Again, she's not beyond using her powers to cheat a little, but even without them she is far from helpless.

Mika appears to be a stereotypical gyaru - loud, brash, crass, flashy, ditzy. It's not all an act. She really is quite absent-minded; but she's also intelligent, kind and generous. She was very insecure at school, so she learned to put up a front that allowed her to choose who she would interact with, and to preempt people judging her.

Mika's powers manifested quite subtly. It was only in middle school that her teachers realised that the dreamy, absent-minded girl could generate EM radiation. This came as quite a surprise to her parents, who were normies to the point of caricature. All of a sudden Mika was different.
She'd never felt quite right about being part of the normal flow of life, and discovering her powers set her free in ways beyond the power itself. It seemed to turn a switch on in her head - she understood now that she didn't really much care what people thought of her, so she could just be herself and do whatever she wanted.
Which was, apparently, to be a gyaru.
Of course, she's actually a little bit more introspective than that. She feels like she ought to be a role model for kids, to show them that what's important isn't what society thinks of you but what you can do for yourself and the people around you. That's what heroes should be - the best version of themselves. And that's what people should aspire to, rather than being beaten into a mould. That's what inspired her to become Violet Lightning.

Other Information:
Mika is all about the extremes. She likes her boba tooth-achingly sweet, her mabo tofu face-meltingly spicy, her guys ultra buff or super cool. She'll give you the shirt off her back if you let her (and she doesn't care who sees her leopard-print boulder holders) but she'll cut you like a bitch if you act like one.
For someone so petite, she has an incredible appetite, particularly for spicy food. She'll wolf down anything if it's doused with hot sauce.
She also has really weird and eclectic musical tastes, ranging from 80s city pop to minimono enka to thrash metal.​
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Abigail Armitage-West



Hero Alias:
The Wallflower (also known as 'The Doctor's Daughter' by some within the Legion)

Civilian Wear:
Abigail has a nostalgic approach to her dress sense, still styling herself in the long flowing dresses that her parents tended to choose for her when she was younger. Given her age, and unnerving appearance, this invariably gives her a gothic vibe that's entirely out of sorts with her actual demeanour. Regardless of her outfit, however, she is rarely (if ever) seen without a pair of gloves that she wears constantly in the presence of others. 'A gesture of good faith', as she puts it.

Hero Costume:
Abigail's 'field armour', if it can be called that, is a nine foot tall juggernaut nicknamed Mr Cuddles that can go toe-to-toe with the toughest of them and make every child in the immediate vicinity start screaming in terror just by very presence. Not ideal for photo opportunities.

Method of Entry:
Abigail's entry into the Junior Division of the Legion has been a contentious topic amongst the higher ups, and it's largely down to the influence of her patron and mentor that she's been granted membership on a probationary basis. The Shrike has been her guardian and mentor for the last several years, ever since she was "rescued" during a Legion raid that he led. A vigilante and detective turned superhero with a flair for the dramatic and a penchant for leaving the villains he takes down bound to the strands of wood he can produce (hence the name), he's been a mysterious but influential figure within the Legion ever since he helped found it. Quite why the Shrike chose to take such an active interest in Abigail, to the point that he advocated for her admission to the ranks of the Junior Division, remains a subject of much discussion.

Powers & Abilities:
  • Bio-Organic Manipulation: Abigail is capable of manipulating, altering and shifting the biological makeup of organic matter, healing it or warping it into new forms as she envisions it. She is also capable of working with dead organic matter, providing necrosis has not yet set in. With this ability, Abigail can construct organic forms from other matter. These forms are mindless, possessing no will of their own: Abigail lacks the ability to control or direct them once she has severed contact with them. This power does come with several key caveats. Firstly, she must have direct skin-to-skin contact with whatever matter she wishes to alter. Secondly, for all she can manipulate and alter matter into new forms, these forms must be medically viable for them to sustain themselves: if they are not they will deteriorate and expire shortly after she severs contact with them. Furthermore, the process of complex manipulation is a protracted, difficult process that requires considerable concentration and attention to detail.
  • "Mr Cuddles": As per her probationary membership agreement, Abigail is only permitted to work on a single one of the forms she is capable of creating. She uses this as her 'armour', for lack of a better term, a bio-organic entity that she directly interfaces with in order to take the field and support her team-mates. "Mr Cuddles", as she's regrettably nicknamed this form, is a nine foot tall mass of muscle and alloy-reinforced bone, one that she can directly control through a 'cockpit' at it's centre. Mr Cuddles is a powerhouse, representing the peak of Abigail's medical know-how and skill with powers. He is also disturbing as all shit to look at.

  • On Probation: The Shrike might be in Abigail's corner, but there are plenty who don't buy her 'reformed villain's daughter' act. Part of her acceptance into the Junior Division was a series of restrictions on what she is permitted to do with her powers. She cannot create any forms except her field suit, and she is not permitted to use her powers for medical purposes without direct supervision. Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in her potentially being removed from the team, and potentially even more severe consequences.
  • Fish Out Of Water: Whilst controlling Mr Cuddles, Abigail is an organic wrecking ball. Should he somehow be disabled or destroyed, however, she's a waif of a girl with little to no combat skills and whose power is entirely touch-based.
  • No Seriously Dude, What The Fuck Is Wrong With Her: Look she means well, okay? She really does. But everything about Abigail screams 'creepier than a porcelain doll with spiders crawling out it's eye sockets'. This makes it a little hard for her to convince people of her good intentions.

  • "The Lunch Box": A specialised container strapped to the front of Mr Cuddles, packed full of refrigerated meat (it's not human, she promises). Abigail can use this to perform field repairs/changes to Mr Cuddles, though any serious damage or major alterations will require her laboratory.
  • A paramedic's bag, containing a range of emergency medical supplies that she really hopes she doesn't have to use (it would be a lot easier for her to use her powers but then everyone would be mad with her).
  • Mobile phone
  • Commlink
  • Portable charger
  • Flashlight
  • Spare Flashlight
  • Spare spare flashlight
  • Batteries for aforementioned flashlights
  • A collapsible baton that the Shrike gave her for self-defence (and that she has absolutely no idea how to use)

  • Medical Prodigy: Abigail was born for the field of medicine, possessing an innate ability to comprehend the human body and how it functions (not to mention how it can be enhanced). Couple this with the fact that she spent years being directly trained by one of the greatest medical pioneers of the modern age (pioneers don't have to be nice, okay), and she's capable of giving the top medical teams in the country a run for their money. And that's before you add in the powers.
  • Studious Soul: Years of living in isolation have left Abigail with a presitigious appetite for knowledge of all kinds. She's devoured everything from philosophy to languages to political theory and international relations: this wealth of information can be called upon at quick notice. She's also a sucker for poetry and Romantic-era writings. What else are you going to do when you're stuck on a creepy estate in the New England countryside?
  • Talented Pianist: Abigail can play the piano real good. That's it. That's the skill. Seriously. She's pretty great at it.

If you were trying to be polite, you'd refer to Abigail as overly earnest. If you were trying to be blunt, you'd call her alarmingly clingy. A people pleaser by nature, she tries entirely too hard to make as good an impression as possible on others and invariably comes on too strong. Growing up around walking corpses and an increasingly deranged supervillain father hasn't done much for her ability to read social cues and pick up on hints, and though her time with the Shrike has improved things somewhat she still has a long, long way to go.

She is, in short, a total fucking weirdo.

Should people be able and willing to look past such eccentricities, however, they will find a passionate and articulate young lady who wants very desperately to belong. She doesn't want to be written off as the creepy little Doctor's Daughter, but she's still struggling to figure out how to achieve this.

Once upon a time, Doctor Edward Armitage-West was the toast of the New England medical community. A brilliant surgeon and pioneering researcher in the field of tissue viability and regeneration, he was the kind of man for whom the Nobel Prize would be looming before long. Wildly in love with his wife Susanne, a gifted concert pianist, the true pride and joy of his life was not his work but his young daughter Abigail, said to have been a chip of the old block in terms of scientific acumen.

So Abigail was set for life, right?

Not quite.

Tragedy did that thing that it has a habit of doing, resulting in the apparent deaths of both Susanne and Abigail in the aftermath of a villain attack on Boston. To put it bluntly, Doctor Armitage-West did not take it well. Rapidly spiralling into depression and what his colleagues feared was a mental breakdown, his research started brushing entirely too close to areas considered highly unethical. Then it stopped brushing, and broke right on through. He had become obsessed with death and its defeat, of finding a means to reverse its effects.

When people began disappearing from the hospital the doctor consulted at, the vigilante detective known as the Shrike became involved. He quickly found his way into the hidden laboratory that Doctor Armitage had set up there... shortly before he ran afoul of the 'experiments' the Doctor was working on. Disturbing creatures forged together from dead flesh, re-animated and under the Doctor's command. In the ensuing battle, both Doctor Armitage and his experiments were seemingly killed when the hospital caught fire.

Everyone chalked the whole thing up as a tragic waste of a brilliant mind. The world moved on.

Then six months later, Doctor Armitage-West was back with yet more undead minions after having seemingly regenerated from his injuries.

Thus began a multi-year crime spree that would spread across the whole of New England and beyond, as Doctor Armitage-West resorted to a range of criminal activities to fund his increasingly brutal research. The press dubbed him Doctor Revenant, after his alarming habit to return from the dead no matter what the heroes opposing him threw his way. His minions grew more powerful and disturbing, his methods grew more obscene.

The Shrike had by this time established himself as Doctor Revenant's main rival. He was the one to track down the location of the Doctor's secret headquarters, hidden deep in the countryside of New England, and he was the one who led the Earth Protection Legion strike team to bring him down.

In the aftermath of a brutal assault, Doctor Revenant was finally defeated and the Lazarus Chamber, his means of recovering from whatever damage his enemies inflicted upon him, was destroyed. But the Legion made one final discovery, as they swept through the wreckage of the facility. Doctor Revenant's teenage daughter Abigail, who had survived the attack that left her mother dead, and now in possession of strange powers that her father had been using to expand and augment his forces.

The Legion found themselves in a tricky spot, trying to ascertain how involved young Abigail was in the crimes of her father and how aware she was of what he had been doing. Many who had lost friends or seen the aftermath of the creatures she had unleashed saw her as just as guilty as the Doctor. Plenty held suspicions that her claims to ignorance were a cynical effort at avoiding responsibility. In the end it was the Shrike, Doctor Revenant's old nemesis, who decreed that Abigail wasn't a willing participant in the events of the last four years. He elected to take a direct role in her rehabilitation, bringing her on as one of his wards.

Several years later, Abigail is working to embrace the life of a superhero and right the wrongs that her father inflicted upon the world. It's just unfortunate that the disturbing nature of her powers, her demeanour and just her sheer vibe screams villainess to the high heavens.

She's trying her best, dammit.

Other Information:
Stuff that doesn't fit up there

Hello this is a Mostly Done Now™.

Also please consider this an open casting call for anyone who might be interested in running a character who's also served as a sidekick/ward of the Shrike. Haven't decided too much about him as a character just yet, so I am down to clown on the collab front.
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I'll post my character once he's done, but @Hecatoncheires , part of his backstory is that he gets "rescued" by a hero as well, so the Shrike definitely seems to be a cool candidate, if you're willing!

Name: X-23



Hero Alias:

Hero Costume:

Method of entry:
Grid was reprogrammed by the Earth Protection Legion's more tech savvy members. Converted from a machine of war, to a mechanical protector. Although originally, he was a normal member of the legion. His lack of social skills, naivety of human emotions, and general disuse by the Legion led to him being metaphorically ostracized to the Junior division. His mission is to be a support unit for the Legion's younger members.

Powers & Abilities:
Grid's body is composed of a lightweight titanium alloy, allowing for a great deal of durability and strength. His humanoid form allows for a wide degree of human-like movements and gestures. Mechanical body can be upgraded over time as he analyzes and learns from his enemies. Has built in weapons that ranges from blasters to thrusters, and can be summoned on command. His AI consciousness is able to hack and control other machines and networks.

  • Lack of social skills can lead to him incorrectly reading the room.​
  • His body is vulnerable to electro magnetic pulses and can be shutdown through overexposure to electricity.​
  • His heavy body prevents him from swimming in bodies of water, meaning he will sink like a rock.​
  • His AI can be hacked and reprogrammed if one's skilled enough.​
Technical knowledge: As a robot, Grid can learn and comprehend knowledge at a fast rate. As a machine he has an innate knowledge of technology and mechanical devices, able to reprogram or reverse engineer many forms of technology.

Skilled Engineer: Grid is able to upgrade and improve his body as time goes on, using his knowledge of engineering to advance his own technology and become stronger.

Personality: Grid can be cold and calculating, but possesses a fake personality designed to appear normal and friendly. Because his AI is so young, he doesn't have a firm grasp of human interaction and has a hard time relating to his fleshy compatriots. He values logic over emotion, giving a sense of apathy to his character. His existence disallows for a personal life, and instead focuses all of his time on hero work and monitoring the globe.

Created as a war machine by a highly intelligent supervillain, Grid's original purpose was to defeat the Earth Protection Legion at all costs. After multiple battles and skirmishes, he was eventually defeated and shut down. After an undisclosed amount of time later, someone in the Legion saw potential in the robot. After gathering a group of science based heroes, they worked on reprogramming and repurposing his AI to the benefit of the Legion. Eventually, they were able to convert Grid from the weapon of a villain, to a tool to be used by the heroes. For three years he was used as a support or backup unit for Legion members that are too injured to fight or are generally unavailable. Over time, the legion found less and less use for the machine, and thus he was sent to the Junior division as a way to fill the numbers.
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Clark Montgomery Parker



Hero Alias:

Civilian Wear:
Just some plain casual clothing for a perfectly average guy like him.

Hero Costume:

Method of entry:
Clark was once the sidekick of Legion's number one superhero, who had saved him from the brink of death. He was also personally trained by him and after a while, he recommended him to the Junior Division, calling it as the "next step" into becoming a fully fledged superhero.

Powers & Abilities:
Light Absorption - Clark can absorb all forms of light to empower his body and allow him to perform amazing feats.

Light Construction - Clark can create objects out of the light he absorbed, limited by only his imagination.

Light Beams - Clark can shoot beams of light and they can be deflected by anything that has a reflective surface.

Flight - By firing beams of light from his feet.

Clark can't do very much in the dark or inside structures where no light can be shone. Otherwise, he is still human without it.

Nothing much aside from his costume, phone and other mundane everyday belongings.

Hand-to-hand Combat - Clark was only trained to be a more traditional superhero. He doesn't need any form of weaponry since he can create some out of light. Even without it, he can still use it, but he fights more of a brawler than a technical one.

Aerodynamics - He can fly gracefully without fail, even in combat. This is actually something that his superior had trained him in.

Creativity - On the other hand, Clark has a wide sense of imagination not just limited to arts and crafts. He knows how to think outside the box in very sticky situations with his light constructions and can whip out something that no one else would saw coming.

Clark is basically just your average nice guy. Friendly and approachable, he knows how to understand people's feelings and know to treat them well, this includes villains. He knows how they've been through to become evil and he believes that they deserve another chance to redeem themselves, even though some can be beyond redemption. If there is something that Clark is struggling is trying to put up a good image of what a superhero is to the public and his balance between his normal and superhero life. He is very well aware of this the moment he became a sidekick, but he knows that deep down he has what it takes. He aims to become number one like his idol and trainer.

Clark was just a simple guy, born and raised by an upper middle class family and had a very decent education. His peers were so-so at best, which he doesn't mind at all so long as he had a good time and prayed that the bullies won't target him so long as he is within his circle of friends. Not popular but not unpopular, just middle of the road. But then his life began to change.

While he was in middle school, during a field trip at an art museum, a group of villains had appeared with the intent of stealing some famous artworks. One of them shot Clark when he attempted to fight back. Fortunately, a superhero came to the scene; the one who is said to be the greatest hero the Legion has, the number one that is Sentinel. After he had fought off the villains, the hero volunteered to save young Clark's life. As he had lost a lot of blood from the shot, the hero decided to transfer his blood once he found out that his blood type is compatible with Clark. It saved him from the brink of death, but what he didn't know was that the transplant gave him powers.

Sentinel has since decided to take Clark under his wing as his sidekick and personally trained him to become a superhero in his own right. After quite a while, Clark is then put into the Junior Division as a next step into becoming a legitimate hero.​
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Aria Lee



Hero Alias:

Civilian Wear:
She quite enjoys shopping in her free time, so she has a fair amount of clothing, many of which she no longer wears because its no longer the style she prefers. Currently, she is a fan of soft pastels, particularly pinks and blues. She tends to run colder than most people so she often wears large sweaters and leggings. Overall, she prefers to dress for comfort.

Hero Costume:
Her costume focuses more on function over form. Black, lightly armoured but flexible enough that she can easily run and jump. The fit is very androgenous.

She wears a dark, featureless helmet which filters and dulls outer sound for her. It also blocks anything she says, although there is a speaker she can turn on if she'd like to do so. The visor contains a helpful electronic display which warns her when people are behind her. It is modular so that she can lift up the visor, which is enough to speak and hear normally. She likes the head protection so she tries to keep it on.

Method of entry:
A child of a small-time criminal whose powers had terrible consequences, Aria had been checked on over the years by the hero who had been a part of that case so many years ago: Recoil, a hero with the ability to redirect energy attacks away from herself. Admittedly, Recoil might have gotten a bit attached to her and offered to help her refine her powers. This eventually lead to Aria becoming Recoil's sidekick. When the Junior Division was created, Recoil was quite eager for Aria to be a part of it so that she might have a chance to prove herself.

Powers & Abilities:
Sound manipulation – the ability to manipulate sound; that is, waves caused by vibrating objects. There are several aspects of this which she prefers to use.

Sound nullification – nullification of sound waves. Useful for stealth purposes.

Echolocation – tracking her surroundings via soundwaves. As a result, she can usually see through illusions since they don't deflect soundwaves.

Soundwave detection — She can track soundwaves, which can subsequently be traced back to the origin of the sound. Can be used to track objects.

Frequency manipulation – manipulation of the frequency of soundwaves. She often uses very high frequencies for sonar purposes. Other frequencies could be used for offensive purposes such as disorienting enemies. Different frequencies can also cause internal injuries! But she tries to avoid that.

Sound amplification – amplification of sound waves. Often used for offensive purposes. It can have very destructive properties, although she tries to avoid that. Typically she uses it to disorient people.

Directed sound waves – She can direct sound waves. Useful for minimizing property damage and injury. Also useful if she wants to direct a message to one specific person or a small group.

  • For better or worse, she has rather good hearing. It means that she can do things such as echolocation, but it also means she often dedicates some of her attention to blocking out external sounds. She does so with very little effort when it comes to sounds she generates or otherwise expects, but you could catch her unaware.
  • You can potentially disrupt the medium that the sound is going through.
  • She usually hesitates when on the offence.

Her costume contains useful items, such as some simple, low effort noisemakers like bells and a tuning fork. Helpful to an extent if she's tired. She also carries a small amount of medical supplies.

To make up for her hesitance when using her powers for offence, Aria also carries a combat knife. In short range fights it is particularly important that she have something to use when she's nervous about her powers. In long range she usually gets over it before it causes any issues, mostly because she feels she would have time to change whatever she does to be less damaging. She's been debating the inclusion of a long range weapon, perhaps a projectile that can benefit from her abilities, but her abilities are already decent for a fairly long range, so it's something she's still debating.

Knowledge — Aria does a lot of research on soundwaves in her spare time! In particular, she's read up a lot on resonant frequencies in order to avoid causing unnecessary injury and destruction. She is also trying to develop new applications for her powers through studying. Besides wave physics, she also knows a great deal about biology and anatomy, since, as Recoil says, if the wave is too strong then at least she can aim for somewhere nonlethal!
Quick reflexes — Likely due to her sensitive hearing and ability to detect soundwaves, Aria has better reflexes than the average person.
Quick — Combined with her small frame, it makes her an irritating target.

Aria is a very soft-spoken person, with a mild temper and seemingly boundless patience. Getting her to be angry seems like an impossible endeavour at times. When she does feel more negative emotions, she tends to separate herself from people. She's working on expressing herself in a healthy manner though.

In some ways, she is incredibly optimistic. Aria tries her best to see the good in those around her. She is always willing to reach out to people that others might avoid or look down on. At the same time however, Aria does not have a very high opinion of herself, which is quite evident if you manage to get her to talk about herself at all.

Despite her views on her own abilities, Aria is a very determined individual. When she puts her mind on something, she will continue to work on it until she manages to accomplish it, although every failure is just another black mark in her mind which her eventual success cannot make up for. But she knows that Recoil will be very proud when she tells her!

On the flip side, she feels that her determination may also have resulted in a bit of an addictive personality. She tends to get very absorbed in the things she is interested in, which often results in a great deal of money spent on things she will no longer touch when she's bored of it. She's very mindful of others though, so she can generally control herself by thinking of what a nuisance she might be to those around her.

Lina Lee was a petty thief. Her masterful use of her sound manipulation abilities allowed her to slip in and out of her targeted locations with ease, hiding her presence by nullifying the sounds she made and disorienting anyone she came upon with low frequency sounds. One day, however, something went wrong.

Perhaps she was in over her head. Perhaps she was just having an off day. Whatever it was, what should have been a routine theft for her ended up in the death of several shop employees and customers whose innards were, as described by the Legion hero Recoil, essentially soup in human-shaped cans.

Recoil was sent to track Lina down, her ability to redirect waves of energy being considered a strong defense against the criminal. However, it didn't seem as though this was necessary at all. When Recoil went to Lina's home, all that was there was a dead body, a crying 7 year old, and a note asking that someone please make sure Aria did not lose control as Lina did.

At least, that's what Aria was told, years down the line. She can't remember the events of that day very well, and in her memories, her mother was not a criminal, but rather a sweet woman with a brilliant smile and the warmest hugs. To everyone else, however, her mother was a murderer.

Recoil had apparently wanted to take her in. Circumstances, however, did not allow it. Aria was instead placed in a group home for troubled youth.

Though Aria's name was not released to the public, it didn't take a genius to draw their conclusions about her relation to Lina. Even those who did not realize it had reservations about those with sound-based powers after what had happened. As a result, Aria was ostracized by those around her. She herself struggles with her powers and its potential destructive power, and she spent much of her childhood trying to make as little noise as possible.

She was 9 when she saw Recoil again. It had recently rained, and the sidewalk was littered with worms. She'd taken it upon herself to transfer the worms back to the dirt so that they wouldn't dry out. She was lagging behind the rest of the kids as a result, which would likely have consequences, as they were always told to return home promptly after school, but she thought that being sent to her room would be preferable to having to spend time with everyone, anyway.

As she dropped a worm onto someone's freshly manicured lawn, someone crouched next to her. "Make sure to wash your hands when you get home, kiddo."

She had looked up at the words and startled, nearly falling into a puddle. Before her crouched Recoil, in her classic, flashy red costume. A hero of the Legion and the one who had found the body of Aria's mother. She looked so out of place, crouching on the cracked sidewalk of Aria's suburban street.

She was faced with a dilemma at that moment however, between greeting the hero like a normal human being or staying silent so that to avoid destroying anything. Like a house. Or Recoil's eardrums.

Recoil seemed to realize her dilemma after a few moments of her opening and closing her mouth like a sad fish. "You worried about your powers?"

She cracked a smile at Aria's fervent nod. "You know, I happen to know a great way to train your powers. If you wanted to, I could help ya out with that."

And with a bit more nodding, the two of them were off to the group home. Aria didn't even get in trouble for being late, as apparently bringing home a hero excused her from being late. With that, plans were made to train Aria.

And so it went. Aria's abilities developed rapidly under the guidance of the hero. When she was 14, Recoil asked if she would like to be her sidekick, which she accepted, although she did not seem incredibly enthusiastic. A few years later, she approached the prospect of being in the junior division with the same level of apprehension. But she'll do her best!

Other Information:
  • She plays several instruments. She's quite good at learning instruments, possibly attributed to her powers. She was in the string orchestra, band, symphony orchestra, and the jazz band at her school. However, she's a bit concerned that she might be subconsciously adjusting the pitches with her powers.
  • Her hobby is online shopping. She was somewhat of a recluse in her preteen to early teen years so she developed a habit of scrolling through shopping sites in her free time. She likes buying gifts for people.
  • She is a horrible cook. This is fine for her because she also will eat anything. Waste not want not and all that.
  • She unexpectedly really enjoys heavy metal.
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Jason "J" Smith



Hero Alias:

Hero Costume:

Method of entry:
Jason was asked by a hero from the Earth Protection Legion named Shadow had asked Jason to be his
sidekick when he had stopped a family from being mugged. Since Jason had already been a vigilante
at the age of 17, he decided to join him but later when Jason was 18 the Junior Division Jason had been
put into the division to help out the recruits by Shadow even though Jason had preferred not to have been
apart of it.

Powers & Abilities:
Jason had hired a team of researchers to find a certain way to mutate his genes in order to give him an ability
to help him out with his endeavors. The finished result of this research had mutated him into having given him
the ability he named chains, which allows Jason to create chains from his body or from any surface within a
20ft radius of himself. These chains can take the forms of different materials, but for the change to happen
the certain material has to be bitten down on.

Every human weakness.

Bow and arrows with several different mechanical functions, combat knife, clothes that serve as
an extremely protective armor despite being so thin, and a keyring filled with different keys made
of different metals(Silver, Iron, Steel, Gold, Obsidian, Platinum,
and Mercury).

Jason has the skills of an advance assassin that he obtained from 10 years of training since
the age of 5.

Jason is your typical rich kid playboy when he's in public, but when he's alone he is
more cold and distant.

Jason was born in a small league of assassins and at then he begun to train at age of 5. The league of
assassins who had trained Jason despite their name were closer to being an extreme group of vigilantes
who helped with giving to those who couldn't help themselves all across the globe like modern day
robin hoods.

When Jason reached the age of 15 he finished his training then set out to get money and power to
create the cover identity of a playboy millionaire. Throughout the effort of this he had set out to recently
found island that was hidden by an immense fog that had several different rare and unfounded materials
but there were very few of these materials were as plentiful as others. One of these materials was a type of
steel that can have an extreme strength of steel and yet be as thin and malleable as normal clothing.

Jason had made a suit with the steel which he named "Tustil" which is similar to the, and used
it for vigilante endeavors. Such as taking down corrupt politicians and people making others
suffer, but if they ended up in jail or the ground it didn't matter to him. And once all was done
he gave their money to the people in need or who had lost it.

When he was 17 and halfway into his vigilante lifestyle he had came across a hero named Shadow.
Jason had come across Shadow when he was passing by a street with a family being robbed by a
man with a knife. Jason stopped and went to confront this mugger, but when the mugger had tried
to stab Jason. But with a quick and fierce punch Jason had knocked the mugger down, which had
caught the eye of Shadow when the hero was patrolling the city from the shadows. (Shadow was kind
joyous and made terrible jokes but when it came to helping people he was dedicated to helping them.)
Shadow had asked Jason to join him as his sidekick Jason had agreed because the two had similar

Months later, Jason was now 18 and the Junior Division had been
instated Shadow had signed Jason up
to help the younger hero's despite Jason showing extreme amounts of dislike to the idea. But he went
through with it or else because Jason knew Shadow would bug him about not joining.

Other Information:
Jason has an extreme apatite, he will eat almost anything, and can be seen eating
something or many somethings from time to time.​
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Just finished my sheet.

Open to collabs with people to link up backstories and such.
Well, I'm gonna go review the stuff tonight i.e. approx. 12 hours. I got some 🅱️omments to make so I think it'd be a great idea to review em asap.

J'n's all accepted.


Adding ol Zaps to the character list.

A gyaru, huh? I could never depict one properly.



I'll add her to the character list for the time being, if that is alright.

@Ur Degaton

I will not badger you about the name.

Wasn't expecting this type of character, but it works. I'll put 'em in the cast list.


You are missing a specific hero name for the one who reccommended him. You want some suggestions? I do have someone in mind for whom transplanted the blood. Pretty convenient that I have a light-manipulating hero planned for the roster of the main Legion.




This here is the one where I have a lot to say. Let's analyze.

Method of entry:
He was scouted to join the Earth Protection Legion since he started his vigilante lifestyle
at the age of 17, but when he was 18 he finally decided to join them. Because it's better
to have someone with power beside you rather than against you.

Who scouted/found him and through what methods? Perhaps where they found him or how they found him could work.

Jason was born in a small league of assassins and at then he begun to train at age of 5.
When Jason reached the age of 15 he finished his training then set out to get money
and power to create the cover identity of a playboy millionaire. He made a suit that had
the strength of steel but the properties cloth that he used to be a vigilante taking down
the corrupt whether they ended up in jail or the ground it didn't matter to him. And once
all was done he gave their money to the people in need or who lost it.

With a backstory like this it might need more explaining and expanding. What is this league of assassins? How did he make the suit? I think this could benefit from dividing these into sections

Jason was born in a small league of assassins and at then he begun to train at age of 5.

When Jason reached the age of 15 he finished his training then set out to get money
and power to create the cover identity of a playboy millionaire.

He made a suit that had the strength of steel but the properties cloth that he used to be a vigilante taking down
the corrupt whether they ended up in jail or the ground it didn't matter to him. And once
all was done he gave their money to the people in need or who lost it.

Then expanding on them until they're full paragraphs, and elaborating with some inbetween.

Other means of fleshing this backstory out could include explaining how he got his powers. Is it a tactic akin to certain highly-fantasized Naruto-tier ninjutsu or a move from some really exaggerated martial arts where people start shooting energy from their hands? Is it a class of magic that he has specialized in? Did he make a contract with a being from a different dimension? Or perhaps is it a gene imprinted into him from his birth or at some point in his life?

Also, I think the Legion might think twice regarding someone born and trained in a league of assassins for their Junior Division, or at the very least, such a character wouldn't be scouted directly and would need some push and pull to be considered.

And yes, I'm not really going to say no to some picture claims unless they're really really obvious.
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Don't mind me; hope I'm not too late. If I am, just boot me out :P Let me know what's wrong or iffy and I'll fix it in a jiffy.

A Picrew of a stoic-looking, androgynous boy with light-medium brown skin, a freckle on his left cheek, half-lidded brown eyes, and a softly hooked nose. He has unevenly-cut, shaggy black hair cut a bit short, with two longer sidelocks in the front colored brown. He's wearing a tight black cropped top, a red jacket, and a black choker; additionally, he has a pair of sunglasses on top of his head and his visible earlobe has a black piercing in it. The background is red with halved peaches patterned over it, and the Picrew is watermarked by poika.

Nima Reza Karimi (legally, though he's very used to using the surname Beck)



Hero Alias:

Civilian Wear:
Nima tends to wear clothes of the athletic variety, but mixed with grunge or utilitarian pieces, paying little attention to what's "meant for boys/girls"—think baggy jackets with lots of pockets paired with stretchy, cropped lycra tops, or close-fitting tank tops paired with cargo pants and worn, old flannels. These are what's most comfortable to him, really, and will oftentimes wear a pair of red sunglasses when the weather is right. He tends to wear dark, muted colors, oftentimes black, gray, some white, red, and green. Additionally, he tends to wear a black glove over his prosthetic hand, as well as a sleeve when he's wearing something that exposes his arms. From time to time, he'll wear a little makeup—mostly eyeliner with some dark eyeshadow because he can only go more emo from here—but he usually forgets, and any dark shadows around his eyes are likely from a lack of sleep.

Hero Costume:
Nima wears a long-sleeved black shirt paired with a sturdy leather jacket, though the right side is left sleeveless on both articles of clothing for his metal arm to be fully exposed, save for a black band around the bicep left as a reminder to keep the arm to a regular shape. His left hand dons a brown-black glove with a set of menacing-looking gauntlet-cage-looking thing, with metal looping around his fingers, wrist, and over the back of his knuckles, with parts studded with smooth metal to ensure that any hits with his left hand can pack a tough, metallic punch, too. His pants are usually dark-colored and kept relatively close to his frame, with his discuses and rope attached to a firm belt. Across his chest is his small bandolier of explosives, and on his face he dons a tough-looking "mask" that seems almost muzzle-like, of a similar make and material to his gauntlet: a menacing-seeming array of metal that frames his lower face and latches around the back of his skill, crossing over his nose bridge and hooking under his chin with a dark grate over the bottom half of his face, masking his identity but leaving his intense gaze to bore into whoever he's trying to throw against a wall. His mask distorts his voice just enough to render it different from his natural sound (paired with his conscious changing of his voice) but not enough to make what he's saying indistinguishable.

Method of entry:
He's one of the Shrike's wards, along with the Wallflower—just like her, he was picked up from a ne'er-do-well and given a fresh start, and is similarly a controversial pick to be part of the team, especially since he has very little qualms towards the usage of lethal force, though agreeing to keep things as non-fatal as possible under the care of the Shrike.

Powers & Abilities:
Telekinesis, but only if the subject of manipulation gives him "permission" to do so. Once permission is obtained, it cannot be revoked, but it must also be renewed each time a separate instance of telekinesis is used upon the subject.

For objects, "permission" is defined as simply existing without being locked or tied down by an outside force, in which the lock must first be undone before the object inside can be manipulated; locks, themselves, are also under the same guidelines: they can be freely manipulated unless, for some reason, the lock has a lock. Or the lock's lock has a lock. Or the lock's lock's lock has a lock… and so forth.

For non-thinking (or, at least, non-higher-level-thinking), sentient living beings, such as animals, must not be hostile or wary towards him, though neutrality is acceptable. Otherwise, "permission" is automatic.

For beings of higher-level-thinking, such as humans, consent must be given via language—body language, sign language, verbal language, and written language all count, though he must understand what the individual is communicating.

Furthermore, he has a safe weight limit of three tons at a time, his tungsten arm (which, honestly, is ridiculous) already taking up a lot of that weight. Of course, though, just like a regular muscle, his power can be improved via frequent use and pushing of boundaries. The heavier he goes, the more strain it puts on him, mostly if the object is significantly heavier than what he can lift with his physical body.

In terms of communicating "permission," however, the definition of that actual term is… tough. It depends on what is presented or said, and Nima can be pedantic with what is or isn't "permission," especially when considering people, hence the quotation marks. After all, just because an animal isn't clawing his eyes out doesn't mean that it wants to be moved, and just because someone says "you're welcome" doesn't mean that they're saying that "Nima is welcome to move them." What appears to be permission matters more than actual permission.

Additionally, he can spread out telekinetic "feelers" in a half-mile-long radius across all directions to see if something or someone is in a certain place.

  • Flat-out saying "no, you cannot move me" will make him unable to move someone.
  • His power requires conscious control, which means that he can't move stuff around while dreaming and risks dropping stuff if he gets too distracted
  • While he can theoretically catch and lift any object, some things might just be too fast for him to catch, meaning he's vulnerable to very fast projectiles like bullets and superspeedsters​

  • A small array of tiny, weak explosives on a bandolier, meant more to shock than to hurt
  • His metal arm
  • Two carbon fiber discuses with padding on the rim
  • A thin but sturdy nylon rope
  • One set of studded brass knuckles, which he keeps on him in his civilian gear and ditches when wearing his hero costume
  • A flip-phone
  • A belt with a bunch of hooks, loops, and pouches that holds his stuff.​

  • Brawling knowledge and the build to back it up: he can give and take a good beating both, even disregarding his telekinesis—he's scrappy, underhanded, and heavy-hitting, but it pays to be lethal (or close to that). He's stronger and faster than he looks, for sure, but where he really shines is in stamina and pain tolerance, using his athleticism and intuition more so than actual trained techniques. Pocket sand and biting works, people!
  • The more academic things in his head that are pretty useful: it takes brains to know the best way to force-choke someone without accidentally flinging them across the horizon, and even though Nima has never really had a mind for science or math, he's pounded it into his head to know at least some useful physics to be helpful.
  • Stuff with words that's actually pretty practical for him: his best (and favorite) fields of study—language and literature—help him alternatively interpret things so that he can telekinetically control people and their body parts in twelve different languages, as well as some phrases in languages that are very similar to those listed. He soaks up words like a sponge, what can he say? In addition to knowing these ways to communicate, he's rather street-smart in general, and knows a lot of slang and can change up his body language to unnerve others even easier than usual, with his dead-eyed stare and closed-off expression. Also, he's a really great writer.​

Seldom call Nima sweet, and fewer call him open—at first glance, he presents himself as someone that feels little and cares less, with a stoic face and dark eyes that betray nothing of his true self. His body language is boxy, his words curt, and most strangers would call him a decidedly unfriendly looking young man.

Hold a real conversation with him, however, and you'll see that he's more than meets the eye. He's blunt, but rarely lies as a result, only leaving questioners in awkward silence or with a blatant, outlandish response if their questions jeopardize his status as a hero. He doesn't laugh or smile all that much, but he has a sense of humor, however dry and without fanfare it may seem. Despite how rough he can be with those that are rough with him, he truly does care for others, always looking to protect innocents first and hurt villains second, though he won't hesitate to really hurt bad people if need be.

All in all, he doesn't really try to come off as unwelcoming or cold—he's just not a super open book at first, like most people are. A careful, honest, ultimately loving individual, Nima's a good ally and a great friend… just be patient with him.

Nima Karimi's birth family might've not been the most affluent, but… well, truthfully, they weren't very pure-hearted, either. Bad times put people in bad mindsets, and his parents certainly weren't in a great situation: a pair of teen parents stuck in a cheap, crappy apartment without any permanent jobs in sight, they two got involved with organized crime in order to pay the bills and feed themselves.

As is typical, they got in far too deep, but they hatched a plan: borrow as much money as possible before skipping town and making themselves a new life. It was perfect—they had a way to get the cash, a way out of the city, and a way to find jobs that would keep them. There was only one problem, though, and he had one thumb and a pair of lime green Crocs that were two sizes too big for him.

But they eventually had an idea for this, too. Their loan shark wanted collateral, and something important, too, so they worked their way into a deal: money for their seven-year-old son. Perfect, no? That way, they could strike two birds with one stone, obtaining the money and losing their biggest catastrophe.

After figuring out days later, when the Karimis were already far away, that they weren't going to come back for their kid, the lone shark went to his boss with the simple question of what to do with the sudden kid. Powerful crime boss Atticus Beck, frankly, had no idea what to do, so he brought him to his home to keep safe and quiet until he could let him go.

Except, of course, the day where Beck could "let Nima go" never really came. All things considered, he raised him pretty well for someone who was completely unprepared for it, and he actually felt a pang of regret after seeing Nima get caught by the Legion on his day of reckoning—while he doubted they'd just hurt a kid willy-nilly, he'd let Nima get violent in his alter-ego, and crimes by children were still crimes.

Fortunately for both Beck and his somewhat-son, Nima got off easy compared to him. While Beck was now spending lots of time in prison, the Shrike plucked Nima up like a baby bird tumbling out of the nest and gave him a place to learn how to be more peaceful, as well as an opportunity to interact with someone his own age (who was his… sister? Was Abigail his sister? Or just a girl that he happened to share a guardian with? Is that the definition of a sister? Nima was confused as to what his legal relations with these new people were).

Other Information:​
  • Description of Appearance: of Irani descent; Nima is a smaller-looking sixteen-year-old boy, standing at 5'3" (~160 cm) and seeming rather androgynous, with straight hips and sharp, jagged edges to his leanly-muscled body, his slender limbs tacked with what wiry bulk he can muster (despite his more meager appearance, though, he's comparatively very strong, and wildly athletic). He has tanned, tawny skin, with golden undertones beneath the light-medium brown and a single dark freckle next to his left eye. His hair is choppy, straight, and messy, always tousled from both wind and his negligence of combing it when he gets up in the morning, colored black but with streaks and sections of dark brown from frequent sun exposure, mostly short and cut off close to his upper neck, but with two long sidelocks in the front that roughly end at his chin. He has two angular eyes, the irises a contemplative mahogany color, almost red, and usually half-lidded with disinterest or squinting in concentration or distaste. He has what many people may dub a "resting prick face," his expression normally stone-cold stoic or mildly irritated, his softly arched nose or sharp, flared brows scrunched in thought or annoyance.
  • One thing to note is that Nima doesn't have an organic right arm—rather than a flesh-and-blood one, he telekinetically keeps a tungsten one attached or floating at the end of his shoulder, where an arm would be if he was born with it. The arm is surprisingly intricate, with definition for what looks like muscle, tendon, and veins, matching his left arm almost exactly, as well as ball joints at each junction needed. Nima formerly had to concentrate extremely hard to keep all the pieces together (because while they all slotted together in theory, they'd often fall apart in practice) at at his shoulder, but now can put it all together and steadily keep it at its rightful place with little more than a bit of passive thought—if anything, he's got this down completely pat. Still, though, it's ridiculously heavy.
  • Beck gave Nima his right arm on the night of his tenth birthday, and it took him a year and some to actually be able to telekinetically hold it up (much less keep the pieces together), but now he works with it better than any other prosthetic arm alternative.​
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You are missing a specific hero name for the one who reccommended him. You want some suggestions? I do have someone in mind for whom transplanted the blood. Pretty convenient that I have a light-manipulating hero planned for the roster of the main Legion.
Pls do
I have added some things and changed a couple details of others, could you check it out and see if it's good.
There's a bit of overlap here and there with what I've planned with my character's powers and the other powers I see here, better post her WIP soon-ish to minimize that.

Such is the way of the 'defaults' of spellcasting and general magic.


That's quite the drawbacked ability. Nothing a little "shove a pillow under them" can't do in case of free-falling emergencies!



I'll send you a message with some of my plans.


Actually, yeah, that is a lot more acceptable. I'll put 'em on the cast list then.
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You know, while making my app, I am wondering - should I be too worried about making a magic user have too much versatility? I mean I wouldn't mind at all if this were an RP where we're all independent guys. As I write my application I might have given her the core pointers of gravity powers in the form of 'known spells'.

It's because of this that I'm avoiding elemental magic as a whole, and since my character's mostly a bruiser there's no healing magic.
How a
You know, while making my app, I am wondering - should I be too worried about making a magic user have too much versatility? I mean I wouldn't mind at all if this were an RP where we're all independent guys. As I write my application I might have given her the core pointers of gravity powers in the form of 'known spells'.

It's because of this that I'm avoiding elemental magic as a whole, and since my character's mostly a bruiser there's no healing magic.
How about your start her off with a small repertoire of spells, and over time as she becomes more experienced she learns new spells.


Gideon Star



Hero Alias:

Civilian Wear:
He usually sports a hat, some sunglasses, a leather jacket, blue jeans and a pair of sneakers.

Hero Costume:
He has clothing made out of pure light that is a bright blue costume that covers his body and has a giant A on it. He wears a blue mask and some combat boots when he fights.

Method of entry:
Gideon was found by the Legion when one day the boy managed to stumble his way into a covert villain operation and got valuable information. It helped the heroes to learn about the villain operation and be able to stop it before anyone was hurt. The Legion saw his value, even if they didn't think his powers didn't have some drawbacks that training could help him with.

Powers & Abilities:

Astral Projection ( As well as some Astral manipulation)
Low level Light manipulation ( As in a very small amount)

Gideon is always sleeping when using his powers, so he's not often on missions physical and leaves his physical body open to attacks that could kill him. Also, while his body may sleep, he is almost always mentally awake which means that he often is sloppy or even useless in a fight. His powers also don't work in the darkness, so he can only fight in well lit areas as he is pure light. When he is dark areas, he can't interact with the environment at all.

Smartphone ( That it's)

Low level hand to hand combat
Speed reading

He is a very easy to frighten boy and tends to be shy around new people. He is great at intel and can easily sneak into bases since he is pure light. Around people he gets close too, he can be quite friendly and be a little jokey. Though it takes a while to peer back those layers as most new people put him on edge. The boy also is paranoid that he isn't good enough to be a hero.

Gideon was born to Nicholas Star and Julia Star. His father is a police officer and his mother is a nurse . When he was five, he was in a car accident and wound up in a temporary coma and life went on for a year without him. He woke up at six and his life resumed as normal and he went to school. At the age of ten, someone knocked him unconscious and he found out about his power and and hurt the person who knocked him out. It was at this point that he learned that he had no control over when he can switch forms and has been like that since knowing that , his powers work only while he 'sleeps ' now ( which is good and bad because he never actually sleeps, but that is a separate problem).

Other Information:
Gideon didn't ever plan to be a hero.​