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Doctor Jax

Disease Empress
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Urban Fantasy, Horror

Venture into the wilds of Siam and encounter wonders never before seen by Man. Seeking workers for expedition into the unknown! Prior experience overseas preferable. Must be of sound mental and physical constitution, and good temperament. Upon completion of 10 week tour, workers liable for reward of 3,000 English pounds. If interested, send correspondence to Charles Green at 450 Harman Place in Charing Cross, London.

These sorts of pleas are a dime a dozen. There seems no end of countries to plunder and explore. The blank parts of the map are filling in. There are heroisms to be found everywhere one looks.

And you need the money -- don't you?

The World
There isn't much different about the world. The year is 1898, England is still a juggernaut superpower and trade giant, and steam is the name of the game. Telegraph is the main means of communication across the sea, and letters are still delivered by hand. However, a dark undercurrent flows beneath the goings on of the world. There is war on the wind between Austria-Hungary and Russia as the Russians grow wary of the reaches of the Austro-Hungarian empire. And everyone knows, where there's war, there's crows….

That said, machinery has come a long way. There are now diggers and all-terrain vehicles, tanks and boats made for near every eventuality. War breeds necessity, and it's necessity to have good vehicles and equipment. Steamships and trains are the fastest modes of transport possible, with the fastest steamship able to go from London to New York in little under two days. However, everything runs on steam power, as the gas fields have long been abandoned after the great Egypto-Briton war, with Egypt coming out as the victor. Telegraph is still the main means of correspondence with any kind of speed, though radio waves have just been considered as a form of communication. Much of the world remains undeveloped, though China has recently become an incredibly powerful trader. To the west, America remains a rugged, untested country full of backwater populists and Indian natives, a land of opportunity -- and savagery.

The only country in Asia besides China which has not become some form of colony is Siam, the Jewel of Southeast Asia. Boasting a king styled in Western fashions, Siam remains three parts wild to each part civilized. A small country with many ocean ports, it is heavy with jungles -- and perhaps untold riches. Particularly, the medical trade has become ever more interested in the rainforest and its wealth of plants,
which are used more now than ever in different medicines. It is even rumored that there is a plant in that jungle that can even stave off the ravages of death...

At present, only 9 positions are open on this expedition. The expedition organizer, Mr. Green, is looking for the following:

(1) Doctor: You are responsible for making the medical most of your pitiful least. As typical of these expeditions, men will be breaking fingers, slicing open thumbs, catching malaria, and complaining of certain diseases procured from the local women. It is your job to keep the crew healthy, even if all you have are toothpicks, gauze, and some whiskey. NPC (POSSIBLE ROLE)

(1) Navigator: Knowing where you are going is quite important on most expeditions. Those few which do not need a navigator hire one anyways. Your ability to navigate by compass or constellation makes you invaluable, and thus you can be assured that if there is a mutiny -- typically a healthy assumption -- you will most definitely be spared. TAKEN BY @Pahn

(1) Chronicler: Many an adventurer has found they lose the vast majority of their evidence in boat crashes, thievery, and encounters with natives. As the chronicler, you ensure that evidence is captured in photographic or written form on every day of the journey. It is possible you may already be employed by a news agency, or that you are a freelancer salivating at that three thousand English pounds. TAKEN BY @Red Thunder

(1) Cook: Napoleon once said that an army marches on its stomach, and this cannot be more true in an expedition. Often, you will have to make do with what is in the chuck truck, as well as finding food that will please the vast majority of the crew on this trip. You may find culinary creativity will serve you well once the stores begin to run out and lemur becomes the prime dish on the menu. OPEN

(2) Rifleman: You are the main line of defense against many of the dangers in the jungle, be those tigers, angry natives, or even one of your own. Without you, the crew is exposed to the elements and vagaries of the jungle. You will probably make very, very many friends. Unfortunately, you may also be the path of least resistance where danger is involved. 1 OF TAKEN BY @Kuno

(1) Botanist: You are the moneymaker of this trip. With your vast knowledge of plants, you will not only help the cook procure plants and fruits that will help shore up the stores you have to carry with you, you will also be expected to look for any medicinally important plants to collect and take back -- or anything unusual flora-wise. OPEN

(1) Guide : The hope is that where English sensibilities fail, your own savvy will prevail. Whereas the Navigator guides the expedition through maps, you guide the expedition through the real obstacles on the ground, like fording large rivers or recognizing the signs of dangerous tribesmen. After all, you can't expect a bunch of poffs to know the difference between a harmless ganda snake and a cobra. OPEN

The Skeleton

For those interested in any of these positions, please fill out the following:

[size=7]CHARACTER NAME || ROLE[/size][imga=right]YOUR IMAGE (Victorian photographs/paintings preferred -- absolutely no cartoon or anime images)[/imga]
[size=4]Medical Report[/size]
[*]Country of Origin
[*]Distinguishing Features (In case of postmortem identification)

[size=4]Curriculum Vitae[/size]
[b]Work History:[/b]
[b]Personal Statement:[/b]
[b]Notable Skills:[/b]
[b]Notable Accomplishments:[/b]

[size=4]Character Assessment[/size]
[b]Psychological Evaluation:[/b]
[b]Possible Agitators:[/b]

I reserve the right to reject profiles for any reason. I may expand upon the number of people I will accept should good character concepts pass muster.

The Rules

The rules are quite simple:
  1. Iwaku TOS is to be upheld at all times. This includes all bluestar/redstar activity even within discord servers or ooc. This is not a starred RP, thus romantic encounters must fade to black.
  2. Courtesy is paramount. We're all here to have fun. Please respect fellow RPers.
  3. Autohitting, godmodding, player killing, etc. is not acceptable.
  4. Posting speed is a minimum of one post a week. I reserve the right to move other RPers should a character stall an interaction for over a week.
  5. Post length minimum is eight sentences.
  6. RL comes first! If there are issues, please PM me if you cannot post once a week.

This role play is still OPEN and accepting profiles. If you wish to join but do not want a role that is available, PM me a pitch of a character and we will see what we can do!

I am open to questions if you have any!
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Tatyana Volkov || Chronicler
Medical Report
  • 24 yoa
  • Female
  • 5'4" / 120 lbs
  • St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Distinguishing Features (In case of postmortem identification) - Tatyana Volkov does not draw the eye by her size nor by her frame, what small curves she does have routinely obscured by a habitually worn overcoat, its dulled blue dye testament to both its age and the Volkov family finances. No, if she attracts the eye at all, it's because she wears an exuberant smile, the upturn of which gives her inquisitive dark blue eyes an edge of mischievousness. She keeps her sandy colored hair secured under a warm brown cap, the same color as her well worn boots that peek out from beneath her overcoat. A small pad of paper is regularly in either her coat breast pocket or her hand, with its accompanying pencil either in its opposing hand or shoved under her cap. A cloth satchel hangs across her chest, carrying under its flap a large sketch pad as well as several extra writing pencils and a set of sketching charcoals.

Curriculum Vitae
Born poor in a nation of poor economy, Tatyana was nevertheless raised on high ideals. Widowed, Mikael Volkov brought his daughter up alone within the intimate confines of the office of his newspaper, the Narodnaya Pravda. The "People's Truth" was Mikael's passion project, and keeping the Russian people informed of world politics was of utmost importance to him. Mikael would walk any distance, speak with any vagabond, or pay any price to learn the truth of a matter so as to then print it in the Pravda. Though his reach was small and his means of discovering the core of a story meager, he made every effort.

Ana inherited his passion tenfold. When she was old enough to sell the papers herself, the young girl would pace the white streets through the brown slush of melting snow, determined to both pull her weight for her father and to educate the masses. For some years, whispers had traveled from cellar to inn, discontent spreading with an abandon that Alexander II's leniency on the freedom of the press only encouraged. By the time Tatyana entered the field of journalism under her father, talk had moved to the streets themselves, though still in whispers, and discontent had begun to spread more openly. Yet it still needed information as fire needed fuel, and the Pravda met that need.

As Mikael grew older, his bones less able to handle the chill of Russian winters, Tatyana took up the mantle of field reporter, attacking her duties with a ferocity that surprised even her zealous father. The smallest rumor of a story attracted her attention, and she followed its scent long past the point most might have found reason to stop. Other journalists, as well as her more regular interviewees, came to call her Gonchaya, the Hound, first in jest then out of respect, though her detractors called her Negodyay, saying that she was only a trouble making rogue. Nor did she mince words once she wrote her articles, and on more than once occasion the Pravda was issued fines for defamation. These became harder for Mikael to pay, and soon they were in deep debt. Tatyana tried to curtail her writing, knowing full well that she was rocking the boat far too much, yet her spirit was too hot, eager as she was to expose the wrongdoings of those in power, and Mikael was too gentle with his daughter to repress her fire. Journalist for the upstart sensationalist newspaper Narodnaya Pravda, "the People's Truth", Tatyana has investigated with a certain stubbornness many a story of corruption, both of political and commercial nature, and while she never uncovered any story so outlandish as to earn her the sharp ire of those in power, the Pravda has nevertheless been instrumental in stirring the coals of discontent within Russia. Most recently, Tatyana reported on a new technological development from an eccentric Serbian who was summering in St. Petersburg. Perhaps a bit too sensational for even her newspaper, her reputation took a hit, and newspaper sales have been down of late.
Personal Statement: "Passion is as it does. If feelings breed no action, what good is the feeling?"
Notable Skills: Tatyana is articulate and elaborate in her writing, and has been known to sway others with her passionate words. She is similarly skilled in her sketching, being able to draw a scene of note and reasonable detail within a quarter hour. Though knowledgeable in working a camera, she is unpracticed, as the cost of owning and maintaining one is prohibitively expensive for her.
Notable Accomplishments: Journalist for the upstart sensationalist newspaper Narodnaya Pravda, "the People's Truth", Tatyana has investigated with a certain stubbornness many a story of corruption, both of political and commercial nature, and while she never uncovered any story so outlandish as to earn her the sharp ire of those in power, the Pravda has nevertheless been instrumental in stirring the coals of discontent within Russia. Most recently, Tatyana reported on a new technological development from an eccentric Serbian who was summering in St. Petersburg. Perhaps a bit too sensational for even her newspaper, her reputation took a hit, and newspaper sales have been down of late.

Character Assessment
Temperament/Personality: Tatyana wears her heart on her sleeve, preferring straightforward honesty over any level of subterfuge. Unafraid to speak her mind, she can be unfeelingly and sometimes brutally tactless, concerned more with what is said rather than how it's said. This overbearing trait has had two opposing consequences: on the one hand, it has served her career as a journalist well, garnering her a begrudging respect from her male counterparts; on the other hand, when not acting in her capacity as a journalist, her mouth has often gotten her into trouble on a societal level, and the financial trouble her father's newspaper is in can in large part be attributed to the fines he has regularly had to pay on her behalf for speaking ill of the Tsar and his family. Yet she is also persistent to a fault, and the idea of letting someone get away with something in secret is completely foreign to her. Though she finds it difficult to control her tongue, Tatyana means well, and the knowledge of the trouble she's caused her father has planted a regret that she can't quite shake.
Psychological Evaluation: Ms. Volkov is for the most part of steady mind and level temperament. She seems able to handle stress with ease, being able to skillfully maneuver a conversation in a direction she prefers with individuals who might otherwise be hostile.
Yet she displays three issues of concern: first, she can be exceedingly passionate, and while this is itself no bad thing, it has led to lapses in judgement; second, she craves some form of control over her own life, and while she is dexterous of mind and emotion enough to manage small instances of capitulation, she begins to grow anxious whenever such events are prolonged; last, she is rather defensive toward any mention of ill toward her father, and even the mere suggestion that he may go to debtors prison for their accrued fines leads her to spot off in anger and frustration, followed soon after by depression and guilt.
Possible Agitators: See psychological evaluation
Roland Green: Rifleman

Medical Report

  • 42 years old
  • Male
  • Six foot, three inches. Two hundred pounds.
  • Cardiff, Wales.
  • Missing a bit of an ear, a long scar down his cheek. Black skin, long dreadlocked hair. Wears a dirty, red British army coat and a beaten weathered hat from his days in America. Wears a cross necklace around his neck.

Curriculum Vitae
Work History: Served in British army for eight years before being discharged. Then worked as a guard on trading ships in East Asia for two years. Put down native uprisings in America as a mercenary for three years. Escorted an excavation crew through Egyptian wasteland for one year. Has been unemployed since.
Personal Statement: "Lad, I've seen it all. With a bit o' whiskey and a bullet, I'll get through anything."
Notable Skills: Adept with a rifle and pistol. Decent at hand to hand combat. Good endurance, and decent tracker.
Notable Accomplishments: Sergeant in British military. Head of security for Doctor Ambrose's Egyptian Expedition. Took over fifty native scalps while in America. Overall combat experience of fourteen years.

Character Assessment
Temperament/Personality: Roland is bitter and cynical. Some view him as a cranky old timer, although he can be kind if addressed politely and in good humor. He has a rather depressing view of the world due to his experience in combat, viewing human life as worth nothing and believing nothing happens for a reason. A staunch nihilist, if you will. He is always seeking something to do, as he believes boredom leads to ruin. He is not content to sit on past accomplishments and rot away in some nice house in Wales. No, Roland Green seeks glory, something many of his race have never experienced.
Psychological Evaluation: Roland's past military accomplishments have left him with many medals and many scars, physical and mental. He drinks an exorbitant amount, and possibly struggles with depression and feelings of meaninglessness. He is always looking for something to keep him busy, which perhaps is why he has chosen to volunteer for an expedition into Siam.
Possible Agitators: Having not been in combat for five years, it is unknown if Mr. Green will react poorly to being thrust into combat situations again. A solid soldier as seen in his military records, it is assumed he will perform his duties. However, he does not permit stupidity or foolishness, and will require much alcohol in order to tolerate the expedition. Any comments on his race, in addition, will be viewed with staunch suspicion and stalwart resistance if they are negative comments.


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Flannery Thorburn || Botanist
Medical Report
  • 28
  • Female
  • 5'06" / 146 lbs.
  • West Virginia, United States of America
  • Flannery has wavy, mahogany colored brown hair that comes to her chin and is always pulled out of her face by a handful of various pins. Her eyes are equally dark brown, and she very rarely wears makeup. Flannery has a pale complexion that is only slightly tanned by her time in the sun. Her fingers are typically covered in scratches and burns, including a near-constant nicotine stain between her right index and middle finger. Dirt is usually found under her nails, which are usually cut short. Her ears are pierced, but she no longer wears earrings. She has a handful of small scars on her legs, including a puncture scar between her tibia and fibula on her left leg.

Curriculum Vitae
Work History: Flannery spent the early years of her life wandering the wilderness that surrounded her family home. She learned early the value of certain plants and animals that could be found in the Appalachian Mountains, and began to make money by selling ginseng and other sought-after plants. She saved up money this way to go to college and study life sciences, but dropped out half way through when she realized it wasn't what she was hoping for. She continued to sell plants found in the mountains, before heading to New York in hopes of new work. She has since traveled to Brazil and India on expeditions in hopes of striking it rich.
Personal Statement: "There ain't a damn thing on God's green earth man won't pay a dime for, and I intend to take advantage of that."
Notable Skills: Flannery is a very keen botanist, with plenty of experience identifying plants across the globe. Even if she may not know exactly what it is, she's smart and versed enough to at least be able to ballpark what order or family it's in, and what traits it might have based off of previous knowledge of similar plants. She knows an exceptional number of medical plants and other plants that are well sought after, with a keen interest in collecting the best specimens for buyers. Additionally, she is a decent birder with a focus on collecting birds for plumage and exotic pet sales to help buffer her income. She has the knowledge of how to use a pistol, though her aim isn't particularly great.
Notable Accomplishments: Flannery has discovered two previously unidentified plants on her journey to Brazil. She owns a shop in both West Virginia and Britain that sell various plants, usually exotic ones she's collected that weren't on commission or immediately bought upon he return.

Character Assessment
Temperament/Personality: Flannery is absolutely full of herself and rather standoff-ish. She knows the work she does is good, and likes to think herself one of the best at field identification and marketing of exotic plant life. She cares for others as much as she needs to in order to get along, and nothing more. She's very self centered, and sees everything as another opportunity to make money. She will happily step on others if it means furthering herself, though she prefers to be subtle about it in order to avoid direct confrontation. She will feign friendliness if she believes it will benefit her. As Flannery would like to think it, she's there to make money and not friends. She's generally very informal to others.
Psychological Evaluation: Flannery is, perhaps, a tad paranoid. She generally assumes others are as quick to back stab her as she is to back stab them, and keeps others at arms length at all times. She's generally anxious under her steely demeanor, and smoking has become a nervous tick as a result. She struggles to truly trust people beyond surface value, though she has gotten fairly good at hiding her distrust.
Possible Agitators: Any questions regarding her ability to her job, especially when in regard to her gender, are quick to set her off. She becomes restless when people are having conversations outside earshot, and tends to be nosy in what conversations people are holding with each other.
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@Doctor Jax .... Probably a dumb question, but I remember this being brought up in the interest thread.

Are we allowed to choose our role -- first come, first served obviously -- because I want to think the original idea was they'd be auto-assigned? It looks like we just choose of what's available but... I don't wanna make a mistake this early.
@Doctor Jax .... Probably a dumb question, but I remember this being brought up in the interest thread.

Are we allowed to choose our role -- first come, first served obviously -- because I want to think the original idea was they'd be auto-assigned? It looks like we just choose of what's available but... I don't wanna make a mistake this early.

You do indeed pick a role! They are not auto-assigned. It would be difficult to try and build a history otherwise.
  • Thank You
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@Doctor Jax
Would something like a Korean woman who came to England with her family be allowed?

I would say you would need to explain in her history how, exactly, she came to England in a way that is period appropriate. While this is an "alternate" history, I suggest that you consider the fact that Korea and Japan were historically very closed off countries to Western influence, and the likelihood of a Korean in England would be highly unlikely. If you can come up with a reason for why a Korean would be in England -- for instance, that Korea was taken as an English colony a la Hong Kong/Shang Hai/India and thus a Korean in England would be less far-fetched -- then I would be more open to the idea.

Additionally, to those who want to "add" history to the world -- I kept it intentionally vague for this reason -- feel free to ask me. Like I said, this is an "alternate" history, so changes are welcome.
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@Doctor Jax
Yea I was thinking doing something around a colony established in HK.
Perhaps something where the mother of this girl was taken back to England together with her daughter, my character then, to become a maid or as a nurse while her husband was left where he was to help fight in a war. I was thinking of making my character the doctor because she wanted a better life for herself than what she experienced along with her mother during the time they were raised in England.
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@Doctor Jax
Yea I was thinking doing something around a colony established in HK.
Perhaps something where the mother of this girl was taken back to England together with her daughter, my character then, to become a maid or as a nurse while her husband was left where he was to help fight in a war. I was thinking of making my character the doctor because she wanted a better life for herself than what she experienced along with her mother during the time they were raised in England.

That would be an acceptable position, then, yes. Bear in mind that during the time period a female doctor would largely have been looked down upon or otherwise unemployable, though it was not entirely unfeasible for a woman to become a doctor without the right connections. Be my guest and go ahead!
Medical Report
  • 31
  • Female
  • 1.64 meters (5'4)/45 kg (99 pounds)
  • South Korea/Hong Kong
  • Kyung-ja has a very pale skin as this is very natural for her. She never wears make-up and is not often seen wearing the most fancy attire but rather a simple set of clothes or her doctor's coat. She has chestnut brown hair often waving down her right shoulder. Her eyes are rather big for her country of origin and they have a deep brown color. On her body, she has a big burn scar on her right hip and thigh. Furthermore, she has a bunch of scars from being hit or cut.

Curriculum Vitae
Work History: Starting off as a simple maid and nurse help at the estate her mother was employed, she worked herself up in society very well. During her time as maid it was common for her to be abused by her employer. As a nurse help, she was enjoying herself more often as she got a lot more freedom to do what she wanted to. She would quit as a maid and nurse at the age of sixteen to educate herself in medical studies to become a doctor and build up a better life for herself. At the young age of twentysix she was ready to work in a hospital but as expected she was not hired for full-time work anywhere because female doctors were seen as a joke. However she found out about the expeditions being done throughout Brittain where they went to the most exotic of places, including her area of herritage, Asia. Since then Kyung-ja has travelled with many groups all over South America, Asia and Africa to serve as a doctor for the sick.
Personal Statement: "One has never lived life until they experienced life outside of their comfort. Maybe if they did, they would appreciate the skills of others."
Notable Skills: She has delicate hands and is stress resistant and therefore a very presice worker. This makes for her surgeries to be a lot easier and less painfull. She is also very creative and an improviser which means she knows how to make use of the things she has.
Notable Accomplishments: She was one of the people together with officer Ronald Ross to find out the real way of transmission for malaria, through the mosquitoes and helped improve the treatment further.
She also was one of the first surgeons to succesfully complete a surgery using one of the first prototypes of x-ray.

Character Assessment
Temperament/Personality: Kyung-ja is a person with no sympathy and pity for others. She has learned that over the course of her life and the way she had to live. Even when she performs surgery on someone with a large wound, she would rather tell them to stop talking and not whine rather than try and calm them down. However she can be a kind and nice person, if she wants to. But as rude as she comes off, her inner child comes out during the actual expiditions, always excited to see what they will discover next in this world still full of many mysteries.
Psychological Evaluation: Kyung-ja has been diagnosed before as a minor sociopath. This is mainly because she has no sympathy to others and does not care much about what happens to anyone that is not her friend. However this makes for her being the great doctor she is. Nerves of steel and a steady hand.
Possible Agitators: One of the things that set her off is people crying out for sympathy and acting like they are more important than anyone else. This annoys her and can make her angry enough to hurt herself or even someone else.
The second thing is her being judged on her skill because of her gender. Especially if they have never met her or have seen her do her thing pefore.
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internally debating if i have time for this but someone should make a charrie from upper/lower canada pls i wanna stalk this IC
Joseph Aldrich | | COOK


Medical Report

  • Age: 34
  • Sex: Male
  • Height/Weight: 6'1" / 159lb
  • Country of Origin: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
  • Distinguishing Features (In case of postmortem identification): Notably lithe frame, though most particular are his amber irises. Crescent shaped scar over mid back and another scar tracing his right jaw; multiple scratches on both arms, hands, and neck. Tends to wear a dark scarf around lower face and leather gloves. Seen frequently with shaded spectacles while outside.

Curriculum Vitae

Work History: Personal chef to British nobility, formerly. Variously employed as a chef in New York. Experienced in expeditions and savage lands; multiple travels through South Africa and Egypt as respective crew's culinary specialist.
Personal Statement: "Put these hands to task and, just say the word -- you'll have it... carved up right and ready for dining."
Notable Skills: Expertly precise, measured hands. Knowledgeable in poisonous versus edible plants, as well as medical herbs. Particularly keen on sanitation practices. Is quite creative when it comes to food making.
Notable Accomplishments: Assistant chef for Viscount Raleigh's celebratory 12th birthday. Chef Lead in the Egyption Expedition of Dr. Ambrose. Ten years spent in wilds of South Africa.

Character Assessment

Temperament/Personality: Very soft-spoken with with a subtle edge to his words. Appears to be asocial from his generally observatory behavior and disregard for polite conversation. When disgruntled, he will break from his quiet persona and snap out curses -- is rather unnerving to others. Though unfriendly in appearance, he responds to questions and comments easily in an almost child-like earnesty. Tends to drift in thought and become air-headed while acting on auto-pilot when engaged in activities. Is a staunch believer in the pursuit of knowledge and whatever path necessary to further scientific endeavors -- that said, he disapproves of waste.

Psychological Evaluation: His childhood upbringing in and outside of the Cape Colony have stunted his psychological growth with relation to societal etiquette and sociability. Background checks indicate a predisposition for lying, possibly to the point of pathological, but its unknown to what extent. Behaviors and night activity both suggest a fashion of PTSD. Is very committed to his duties, however; despite his questionable credibility as an experienced cook.

Possible Agitators: Prolonged conversation may produce a negative reaction, especially so when questioned about his integrity. Others touching his hands also produces similar negativity and discomfort. In terms of physical agitators, his eyes possess a unique weakness to sunlight and necessitate sunglasses in day lit atmospheres.
For some reason, it refused to let me image align right.... augh.

I think I've got most of my character nailed down -- though it physically hurts to not use an animé picture... -- but, of course, lemme know if you want something changed.
Erwin Carlton Turner || Navigator

Medical Report
  • 35 years old
  • Male
  • 5'11 || 180 lbs
  • Liverpool, England
  • Distinguishing Features | | Erwin is missing the little toe on his right foot, giving him a very light limp when in difficult terrain. His hands are soft, a dead giveaway about his privileged upbringing.

Curriculum Vitae

Work History: Erwin was a very gifted child, and was born quite lucky: his family is an old rich name of Liverpool, owning a good amount of land. While most of the old money were dying out due to the advancing technology, the Turners invested in a manufactures for those very modern innovations. Thanks to those filled coffers, Erwin was sent to the most prestigious schools and eventually got on the Oxford payroll. He studied navigation, as travelling quickly became a dream of his. Seeing the world and everything it had to offer pushed him through success after success, but his lack of experience was often the reason he wasn't hired. He hasn't abandoned his dream, but to avoid depending too much on his family he assists his father and uncles in managing the factories in Liverpool.
Personal Statement: I dream of a grand voyage aboard those ships my family builds, and I will not rest until I can feel the salt breezes upon my face.
Notable Skills: Has studied navigation at the prestigious university of Oxford and received sponsorship to further his education through independent studies. Erwin is skilled at reading all compasses known to man, which includes star charts. His logical reasoning is also quite impressive, along with his knowledge of different oceans and their currents.
Notable Accomplishments: He is a published author in university-level science textbooks, has many published drawings of the constellations, and has actively participated in his family's business therefore owns a small fortune.

Character Assessment

Temperament/Personality: Erwin is rather eccentric and intellectual, but he rarely lets reason go out of reach. He tries to use logic to solve issues at any time, so he does not particularly deal well with unreasonable people or those without common sense. He is haughty and will lift his nose on those he believes to be beneath him. Making friends is quite hard for Erwin, but there is something strangely charismatic about his passion for science. Once he's comfortable with someone, smiles come easily and his loyalty is unquestionable.
Psychological Evaluation: Erwin is an overachiever. Most of his life, he's felt that he's never done enough, and he often tries to compensate for it. There is no convincing him to "just do his job", because he wants everything to be perfect and he will take on additional tasks to achieve that. It was observed that Erwin has never courted women, despite being a relatively eligible bachelor.
Possible Agitators: Any lack of logic in a situation that would defy the realms of possibilities will set him off. He firmly believes there are laws within nature and should those laws be broken or ignored, there is no telling how deeply it will affect him. Anyone who messes with his maps, compasses, or books will anger him and possibly cause him to become violent, but it has not happened yet.
I don't know why, but I had forgotten completely that I should proooobably confirm people who have thus far been accepted.

@Red Thunder @Jack Robinson @Pahn @Necrowmancer

Your characters are accepted and are added to the roster! These characters are now TAKEN.
@A.O. Taku

Your character has been accepted and the Cook role is now TAKEN.
  • Thank You
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Ohhhhhh fuuuuuu- don't close the sign-ups yet! I want to apply for the second rifleman if that's alright (or maybe the guide). I didn't even see that you tagged me until today ;-; sorry
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@Kuno hey! As you expressed interest, I will give you an extension on a profile! If you could please, send in a profile by the 16th. The IC will go up tonight but you can still be accepted.