DWMA - Death Weapon Meister Academy

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With a smile on there face which quickly faded away as they came back to mumbling and staring and pushing and fighting and rolling around. They were practically brothers and this is how they act.
Kasumi looked around wide eyed. The school was huge. With so many stairs, hallways, and doors she was sure that she would get lost if it wasn't for Tsubasa. She listened intently as he pointed out the important spots around the school, and she tried to memorize where they were they best she could. While she was focused on this she wasn't really paying attention to where she was walking as she followed him through the building.
They felt a bit hurt as tsubasa stole the pretty girl from them akuma punching raphael in the side noting they had to catch up raphael nodded and began running along side Akuma, as they sped down the hallways. They came skidding around a corner and finally saw tsubasa and Kasumi picking up the speed they caught up in no time...with no breath. Akuma spoke between gasp for air " So....you....like....it...so...far " He coughed at the end and stood up straight stretching.
Kasumi was startled when Akuma spoke. She had been too focused on remembering where everything was to notice them run up to her. She lost her footing for a second, stumbling into Tsubasa. She quickly regained her balance and looked slightly embarrassed. "Sorry," she apologized to Tsubasa and the turned to Akuma and Raphael who were both out of breath. "Yes, it's even more amazing on the inside," she took another look around the grand building. "It's so big, though. I'm sure I'm going to end up getting lost," she admitted.
Raphael jumped on the chance and moved Akuma out the way and said " Well come find us! well help you around the school " Akuma palmed Raphael out of his walking space and had his usual calm face on saying " I get lost to....but i miraculously find my way...eventually " He rubbed his eyes and continued to walk on following. " Hey tsubasa what is the next class " Akuma asked while holding Raphael in a choke hold which was keeping him quiet at the moment.
Hey new girl you got crushes" Light said with a smile she didnt get what everyone talking about right ight now so she just lft for class even thought she was prety late. "bye you guys bye new "
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Tsubasa looks at Akuma. "Dunno. Probably Stein's class." He turns the corner. "Here's Lord Death's office." He opens the large double doors.
Kasumi smiled at Akuma's and Raphael's advice. It made her happy that they were so eager to help her even though they had only just met. When Light made her comment Kasumi was confused by what she meant, but before she could ask her about it she was already gone. The sound of Tsubasa voice interrupted her thoughts. She watched the large doors open in astonishment. Looking into the room, she saw a long pathway that was marked by strange red arches which had what looked like blades at the top of them. She hesitated for a moment in front of the now opened door. "Thank you for showing me the way," she said to Tsubasa. She looked at Akuma and Raphael. "I guess I'll see you around, then," she said with a smile. She turned back to the open door and, after taking a deep breath, started her trek down the path.
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Lillith passes by Kasumi. "Gook luck and if your new, try not to laugh."
Kasumi didn't understand what Lilith meant by don't laugh. She paused for a moment and turned around to look at her but decided not to say anything. She turned back around and continued walking until she reached a large room. She looked around at the breathtaking room. It looked like a graveyard with lopsided crosses scatter around. The ceiling looked like the sky with clouds moving around except their were windows. Stepping around a cloud that was floating on the ground, she walked onto the platform at the end of the walkway. She looked in front of her and saw someone in wearing a black robe facing a large mirror. 'Is that Lord Death?,' she thought and felt herself become nervous. "Um, hello, Lord Death, sir. My name is Kasumi Shimizu and I would like to become a student here at the DWMA," she said trying to keep her voice steady.
Lord Death looks at her. "Okay! But I'll have to test you!" He laughs.
Raphael punched akuma and said " You like her dont you! " Akuma looked at him with the most evil face he could make and began hovering over him " My fist likes your face! " They began to wrestle rolling around and fighting with each other rolling into steins classroom and into the front of the room with everyone watching. They stopped as Akuma was on top of Raphael with his hand cocked back and Raphael trying to protect his face, stein shot them a look and they both ran to there seats looking at him with a big smile.
When he turned around and she saw him from the front all her nervousness vanished. She now understood what that girl had meant when she said 'try not to laugh.' Not only his appearance, but even his voice was rather comical. She smiled in relief. 'A test? Well I guess I should have expected that,' she thought to herself before saying, "What's the test?"
"To get a kishin soul. I'll send someone with you to help." Tsubasa walks in. "You wanted to see me Lord Death?" "Ah, perfect timing. I'd like you and Saki to go help this girl get a kishin soul." Tsubasa nods. "Okay."
(Ooc: Kishin egg right?)

Kasumi nodded and smiled at Tsubasa and Saki. She was nervous but also excited to finally retrieve her first Kishin egg. She suddenly remembered something important. "But, um, Lord Death, I don't have a weapon partner yet," she told him wondering how she would be able to fight without a weapon.
Lord Death smiled. "Oh, that won't be a problem. Saki can match anyone's wavelength."

Ooc: ya
She looked toward Saki impressed. "Okay, then I'm ready to go when you are," she said to the two of them. Then turning back The Lord Death she added, "So, where exactly are we going?"
"The target was last seen just outside the city." Tsubasa nods. "Got it."
"Okay," she said with a determined look on her face. She turned to Tsubasa and waited for him to lead the way.
Tsubasa walks out. "Ready to fight your first kishin egg?" He asks as he walks out of the school.
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