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Subterranean Rose
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
6 - 10 PM, Eastern Standard Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Magical girl, action, science fiction
[btn=https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/dust-to-dust-a-next-gen-rwby-rp-information-under-construction.158994/]Setting Information[/btn] [btn=https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/dust-to-dust-a-next-gen-rwby-rp-ic.159712/]IC[/btn]

Looking for Huntsmen and Huntresses to enroll at the newly-reopened Beacon Academy, keep the spark of hope alive, and join this future-set RWBY RP. I (Mollisol) am the GM.

RWBY: Dust to Dust

  • Before you were born, Beacon Academy fell to the forces of darkness. Team RWBY and other heroes from Beacon worked with Haven to protect it from the same fate, and they won. Some time after that, they had you, and they brought you into a world at peace.

    That world would grow vibrant but chaotic. The citizens of Vale were determined to find a way forward - they made the city beautiful again, they brought the CCT back online, and they drove the Grimm out of the center of the city. Faunus grew even less accepted due to the actions of the White Fang. Technology advanced, and with that came new forms of dust, and materials and biotech based off of newly-discovered Grimm physiology. Beacon Academy was reopened by Glynda Goodwitch's sister Locasta. Your reasons for joining were your own, whether you saw it as taking up your parents' mantle, having adventures of your own, or just bringing light to the world.

    Advancement did not come without those who wished to tear it down. Charismatic leader Io Sugilite spoke against the use of aura, in favor of using biotechnology to augment humans and merge them with the Grimm living in outer Vale. Treating the Grimm like gods, her movement grew into a cult with members in all four kingdoms. This cult, the Yamiko Movement, developed a tense relationship with Remnant's combat schools.

    Then the unthinkable happened - dust started making people sick. Huntsmen and Huntresses developed terrible illnesses from using it. Grimm began to encroach upon humanity's footholds once again. As dust sales plummeted, the Yamiko Movement gained momentum, and Nature's Wrath became a much less viable combat aid. People had to use it in very limited quantities, or find technological replacements. The quest became to uncover the cause of this strange new disease, and procure the materials needed for a cure.

    You're attending Beacon in a world where dust, humanity's candle in the dark, is dangerous. Your world holds advancements and challenges your parents could never have foreseen. What future will you and your team carve out?

  • You play as a descendant of one of the show's heroes, attending Beacon Academy. There will be action and adventure, missions in a variety of settings, and the challenge of fighting dangerous enemies without Dust. Your characters will learn to work together, and if you're looking for it, perhaps romance will blossom as well. Your missions are handed down by scientists, who need Huntsmen and Huntresses to navigate perilous territory, fight Grimm, and clash with the Yamiko Movement in order to find a cure.

    The game will start before initiation, and jump to the second semester (which includes missions and a dance) after initiation ends.

    Have roleplay common sense - no godmodding, OP characters, etc. Your writing should be at least at the Intermediate level. Posting speed is 2-3 IC posts a week.

  • As for who your character's parent is, you can claim any character from RWBY, JN(P)R, or CFVY, plus Sun and Neptune, as long as they're not already claimed. You are also allowed to have two canon characters as your character's parents if you choose (for example, instead of Coco and an OC father, you could play the child of Coco and Fox, or someone Coco and Velvet adopted). Open characters include:

    Fox Alistair
    Yatsuhashi Daichi

    Taken characters include:

    Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc (Accelerator - Rowan Arc)
    Weiss Schnee and Neptune Vasilias (Casket Case - Hailey Schnee)
    Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong (jessica2477)
    Yang Xiao Long (Mollisol - Daiyu Xiao Long)
    Nora Valkyrie (Beowulf - Hans Valkyrie)
    Lie Ren (S@lt - Jadori "Jade" Ren)
    Coco Adel (★Under The Stars★ - Honey Adel)
    Velvet Scarlatina (Queen of Null - Kara Scarlatina)
    Cardin Winchster (CasketCase - Nightingale Winchester)

Character Sheet

  1. Your character needs to feel like they're descended from their parent from canon, and connect to them somehow, without being a carbon copy.
  2. The posting expectation is Intermediate - good caps/grammar/punctuation, fleshed-out paragraphs, varied sentence structure. This applies to both IC posts and your character sheet.
  3. Feel free to add any stats you see necessary, and to use different bbcodes to make your character sheet prettier.

Character Name

  • Name: Remember to include your canon parent's last name!
    Name relation to color: Self-explanatory
    Age: 16-18
    Race: Human or faunus?
    Immediate family members: Self-explanatory

  • Aura color: Self-explanatory
    Height: Self-explanatory
    Body type: Athletic? Skinny? Curvy?
    Faunus trait: if applicable

  • Weapon: Name and describe
    Semblance: Describe
    Fighting style: Self-explanatory
    Dust Options: You used Dust before it started making people sick. Some Huntsmen and Huntresses have discovered they can achieve its desired effects with different technology, while others continue to use it in small enough capacities to avoid significant illness. What do you do?

  • Why did you enroll at Beacon? Self-explanatory
    Personality: Self-explanatory
    Romance? If yes, what's their romantic orientation?

  • Parental history: What did their parent(s) do after defeating Salem? How did they meet?
    Personal history: How was life growing up? Was their family rich? Poor? What was their relationship with their parents?

Character Name

[B]Name:[/B] Remember to include your canon parent's last name!
[B]Name relation to color:[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Age:[/B] 16-18
[B]Race:[/B] Human or faunus?
[B]Immediate family members:[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Aura color:[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Height:[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Body type:[/B] Athletic? Skinny? Curvy?
[B]Faunus trait:[/B] if applicable
[B]Weapon:[/B] Name and describe
[B]Semblance:[/B] Describe
[B]Fighting style:[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Dust Options:[/B] You used Dust before it started making people sick. Some Huntsmen and Huntresses have discovered they can achieve its desired effects with different technology, while others continue to use it in small enough capacities to avoid significant illness. What do you do?
[B]Why did you enroll at Beacon?[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Personality:[/B] Self-explanatory
[B]Romance?[/B] If yes, what's their romantic orientation?
[B]Parental history:[/B] What did their parent(s) do after defeating Salem? How did they meet?
[B]Personal history:[/B] How was life growing up? Was their family rich? Poor? What was their relationship with their parents?

[BCOLOR=#000000]HHHK[/BCOLOR] (Hawk): Hailey Schnee // Hans Valkyrie // Honey Adel // Kara Scarlatina
[BCOLOR=#000000]JRND (Jacaranda):[/BCOLOR] Jadori Ren // Rowan Arc // Nightingale Winchester // Daiyu Xiao Long
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小龍 岱輿 Daiyu Xiao Long

  • Name Daiyu Xiao Long
    Name relation to color This writing of Daiyu means "black jade".
    Age 18
    Race Human
    Family Yang Xiao Long, absent father, Liadain Treasa

  • Height 5'6'' (168 cm)
    Body type Lithe and slender
    Faunus trait N/A
    Aura color Black

  • Weapon Hellebore Glamour are a pair of Dual-Range Chamber Claws (DRCC). Their short-range form punches and slashes foes, and their long-range form fires rounds from the knuckles. The finger-like tips allow for more precision than a gauntlet. They can also be loaded with dust rounds; Daiyu's favorites are gravity and ice dust.
    Semblance Daiyu can cause small explosions to occur (the blast radius is about a foot). She can infuse the blasts with dust, and with proportionately more aura, create larger explosions (up to a ten-foot blast radius, which consumes about a third of her maximum aura).
    Fighting style Daiyu's fighting style is best described as a wildfire - confounding and relentless. She has a huge amount of energy, zipping around the battlefield with ease and disrupting her opponents with explosions. Her greatest strengths are her relentless persistence and her ability to confine foes' movements. Her greatest weakness is a tendency to needlessly "fire the big gun", losing more aura than necessary and making herself vulnerable.
    Dust Options Enjoying the useful effects of dust-infused explosions, Daiyu can't bring herself to give up on dust completely. She considers the headaches and nosebleeds she gets worth the occasional use. She sometimes loads dust rounds into Hellebore Glamour, but her main use of dust is shaped crystals to add to her explosions.

  • Reason for enrollment "I like action. Chasing your dreams should be wild and thrilling, you know?"

    Personality Daiyu is cheerful and ready to party 24/7. Her resting expression looks playful, and she's always moving around. She is driven by the pursuit of thrills and achieving her dream of becoming a distinguished Huntress. She never seems to be without a friend to talk to, a Grimm to slay, or a puzzle in her quick hands. With a very a positive attitude, she tends to aggressively, uncritically pursue whatever desire she (or a friend) feels like acting on.

    Daiyu has her mom's temper. Revenge and lashing out are two of her impulses, and things that make her angry include people pointing out her small chest size, belittling the Battle of Beacon (or the then-students' actions), and making her repeat herself. She also particularly hates being alone and tends to lash out over it, but is that because she's angry or scared? Only her parents really have an idea.

    Romance Bisexual

  • Parental After the effort to defeat Salem's forces was finally complete, Yang went on to become a full-fledged Huntress and teach hand-to-hand combat at Signal. She developed a close friendship with Liadain "Lia" Treasa, a worker at the neighboring plant nursery.

    Yang did enter a serious relationship with a man in her twenties, but he left when he learned she was pregnant with his child. Lia and Taiyang both helped Yang through the tough time, and sometime after Daiyu was born, Lia confessed that she loved Yang, and wanted to raise Daiyu with her.

    Personal Yang returned Lia's feelings, and the two raised their daughter at Lia's house, on Patch. Although there wasn't a lot of luxury, there was always food on the table, and on rare occasions, doting from Grandpa Taiyang. Daiyu was raised with kindness and honesty. She learned to fight from Yang, and went to Signal Academy before she enrolled in Beacon.
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I'm currently drawing up my character right now since I'm trying to get back into digital drawing so I might take a bit.
Anyways about my character; Jade is very inspired by Japanese Geishas and I was planning to have Ren to be her father but I'm little stuck on the mother. I was going to have the mother to be Nora but Jade looks nothing like her. So I was planning her to be killed during battle before Nora conceived a child. I'm not entirely sure what would of happened in Jade's history as well, I'm kinda stuck on that part. I was thinking of she had associated with the cult or she's been permanently damaged by Dust Syndrome somehow (if the illness can do that).
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I'm currently drawing up my character right now since I'm trying to get back into digital drawing so I might take a bit.
Anyways about my character; Jade is very inspired by Japanese Geishas and I was planning to have Ren to be her father but I'm little stuck on the mother. I was going to have the mother to be Nora but Jade looks nothing like her. So I was planning her to be killed during battle before Nora conceived a child. I'm not entirely sure what would of happened in Jade's history as well, I'm kinda stuck on that part. I was thinking of she had associated with the cult or she's been permanently damaged by Dust Syndrome somehow (if the illness can do that).
I'm not clear on what you mean. So Ren is the father, and the OC was killed in battle, but Nora conceived Jade? Sorry, I'm confused.

The history doesn't have to be particularly long or eventful (Daiyu's is basically "grew up in a good home"). If you want to have her having associated with the cult, that's fine, but that needs to be reconciled somehow with how the Yamiko's goals and values are very much in conflict with combat schools.

As for Dust Syndrome permanently damaging people... I wanted to avoid permanent damages on younger people due to how that drags the story into a bleaker area. However, if Jade was using dust on a frequent enough basis (like how Weiss's fighting style basically necessitates dust use), it could happen. I think what that damage could be could be, while still letting her be a Huntress, would be to give her some chronic form of the "light use" symptoms, or to take away a limb (which opens the door to cool prostheses if you want).
I'm not clear on what you mean. So Ren is the father, and the OC was killed in battle, but Nora conceived Jade? Sorry, I'm confused.

The history doesn't have to be particularly long or eventful (Daiyu's is basically "grew up in a good home"). If you want to have her having associated with the cult, that's fine, but that needs to be reconciled somehow with how the Yamiko's goals and values are very much in conflict with combat schools.

As for Dust Syndrome permanently damaging people... I wanted to avoid permanent damages on younger people due to how that drags the story into a bleaker area. However, if Jade was using dust on a frequent enough basis (like how Weiss's fighting style basically necessitates dust use), it could happen. I think what that damage could be could be, while still letting her be a Huntress, would be to give her some chronic form of the "light use" symptoms, or to take away a limb (which opens the door to cool prostheses if you want).
I was trying to say that Jade's father is Ren but I trying figure who would mother be. I was thinking of Nora being the mother but because she looks nothing like her in the slightest I was planning have Nora killed in battle before Jade even exists.

I was thinking for Jade to be a former member of the cult, but I'm thinking of the reasons why she left it and so on. I might leave the permanent dust illness for later down the track, just for Jade to have some plot twists during the rp.
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I was trying to say that Jade's father is Ren but I trying figure who would mother be. I was thinking of Nora being the mother but because she looks nothing like her in the slightest I was planning have Nora killed in battle before Jade even exists.
I don't think it's necessary to kill Nora - we can just say she and Ren broke up before the end of RWBY's events, so Ren can be with an OC mother. I also don't think killing her would be fair to anyone who wants to play with Nora as their character's parent, if that comes up.

I was thinking for Jade to be a former member of the cult, but I'm thinking of the reasons why she left it and so on. I might leave the permanent dust illness for later down the track, just for Jade to have some plot twists during the rp.
Alright, sounds good to me!
I don't think it's necessary to kill Nora - we can just say she and Ren broke up before the end of RWBY's events, so Ren can be with an OC mother. I also don't think killing her would be fair to anyone who wants to play with Nora as their character's parent, if that comes up.
Yeah, I think that's more plausible. Well, not much longer for my CS.
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I've got an idea for a faunus with Blake and Sun as the parents. Mind if I use those two?
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You will not kill Nora. For my character shall have Nora as the mother!
Oh poo, Ren won't be the dad. Hmm. Could I persuade you to maybe let Nora and Ren be together? But then that would mean our characters would be siblings and we'd have to work that out. Which I'm willing to do, fyi. Perhaps I'm just being lazy and/or refusing to let the ship sink like Arkos.
I've got an idea for a faunus with Blake and Sun as the parents. Mind if I use those two?
Go right ahead!

Oh poo, Ren won't be the dad. Hmm. Could I persuade you to maybe let Nora and Ren be together? But then that would mean our characters would be siblings and we'd have to work that out. Which I'm willing to do, fyi. Perhaps I'm just being lazy and/or refusing to let the ship sink like Arkos.
You can use Nora. Whether Renora happens is up to @S@lt.
Quick question. So I have already decided on my character being Nora's kid. But what if someone wants to be Neo's or another baddies?
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Quick question. So I have already decided on my character being Nora's kid. But what if someone wants to be Neo's or another baddies?
I would find that really interesting, but there are two concerns that'd have to be addressed in the fiction for me to okay it. These include:
  • We'd need to have a good idea of what happened to the bad guy after Salem was defeated - if they didn't die, were they imprisoned (and unable to raise their child)? Did they escape justice?
  • Would Beacon connect the child to their parent(s) and take some sort of action against their parent(s)? I don't think Beacon would deny enrollment to a child of a bad guy, but they might not accept the parent's money or something.
Whether I accept the character sheet for a bad guy's kid would depend a lot on if their history section made sense in light of those things. I wouldn't deny someone from playing them if they handled it well, but I'd also be a lot more likely to reject it. So, I'd encourage people to stay with RWBY/JN(P)R/Sun and Neptune, although I wouldn't require it.
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@Beowulf I don't mind to have our characters to be siblings! I wanted Nora to be Jade's mum because I ship RenxNora too! It's just that Jade looks nothing like Nora. We could always have our characters to be half-siblings.
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So I was thinking, having our characters to be half siblings while Jade's mum is nowhere to be found.
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I'd like to join but I might make my cs tomorrow. May I reserve Velvet?
Also, if I were to make my character a faunus, would she need to be a rabbit like Velvet?
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I'd like to join but I might make my cs tomorrow. May I reserve Velvet?
Also, if I were to make my character a faunus, would she need to be a rabbit like Velvet?
Yes. However, we already have four reservations, so we will need three more people (or people to double) for everyone to have a team. What I'm saying is... tag some friends, if you think they'd be interested. I'm willing to manage up to 2 teams.

You may, and I'll put her on the claims as soon as I'm off mobile. What kind of faunus she is depends on the father; if he's a rabbit faunus or human, I would say yes. If he's any other type of faunus, it's possible for her to be any kind of faunus.
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