DUR | World War III RP

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Planar Magican from Johto
Original poster
Invitation Status
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  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Weekdays 3:00 pm - 9:00 Pm Weekends EVERYTHING !~!~!
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
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  1. Female
  2. Transgender
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Modarn Fantasy, Magical, Scifi

Welcome people of DUR and anyone else who has wondered here. This is the thread where the main posts of the DUR (Democratic Union of Republics) World War III RP will be. Due to me being lazy and the Nationstates forum being terrible I have decided to host it here on this wonderful website.

This is the nation sign up sheet. If you are in the DUR are you automatically accepted. If you are from another place please contact me in the thread or via PM or TG (Reserka).

Username (Nationstates):
Official Nation name:
Type of Government:
Policial beliefs:
Brief history:
Territories (reference DUR maps):

To Keep in Mind
Now here are a few canon things to be careful of. The USA has been disbanded and it just a few states. Mexico and California have annexed many midwestern states for farmland. Most other nations exist as NPC nation which you may play as or use for a nation to play as in this RP. Also all DUR nations already on the office map are welcome to join please keep in mind their claims while making your signup sheet.

@Jarwelian Nations Northern Jarwel, Southern Jarwel, New Jarwel
@Neko_Green Bejing Republic, California
@Japanada Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Mexico, Japan


West American Pact - Arizona, Nevada, Mexico, Florida, Japan
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I don't know If I have to do the application since Im In the DUR but here are my three nations apps
Username (Nationstates): New Jarwel
Official Nation name: New Jarwel
Leader: President Tammy Duckworth
Type of Government: Democracy
Policial beliefs: Democracy
Brief history: Just read my Factbook on nationstates NationStates | The United States of New Jarwel | Factbook
Territories (reference DUR maps): Manitoba
Username (Nationstates): Southern Jarwel
Official Nation name: Southern Jarwel
Leader: Queen Maria IV
Type of Government: Monarchy
Policial beliefs: Monarchism
Brief history: Again Read Nationstates Factbook NationStates | The Empire of Southern Jarwel | Factbook
Territories (reference DUR maps): Quebec
Username (Nationstates): Northern Jarwel
Official Nation name: Northern Jarwel (Just call Him the PRNJ)
Leader: Chairman Akram Muhammed
Type of Government: Communist Dictatorship
Policial beliefs: Communism
Brief history: Again just read the Nationstates Factbookhttps://www.nationstates.net/nation=northern_jarwel/detail=factbook/id=main
Territories (reference DUR maps): Nunavut
Username (Nationstates): Jadwell/Monarchy of Japanada
Official Nation name: Japanada
Leader: Emperor Hideyoshi Naomi
Type of Government: Absolute monarchy
Policial beliefs: Liberalism, imperialism, capitalism and monarchism.
Brief history: IK this is lazy but its the Japanese Empire, if it never collapsed , but still lost most of its territory during WW2.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Japan, Korea, Hawaii, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hong Kong and Guangdong.


Username (Nationstates): ^
Official Nation name: Republic of Nevada
Leader: President Brian Sandoval
Type of Government: Republic.
Policial beliefs: Democracy and centrism.
Brief history: After the collapse of the U.S Nevada kept the same government system of America, allying itself with Arizona and Mexico, while becoming enemies with the expansionist California.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Nevada.

Username (Nationstates): ^
Official Nation name: Republic of Arizona
Leader: President Doug Ducey
Type of Government: Republic.
Policial beliefs: Conservatism.
Brief history: Arizona took after its northern neighbor and become a republic when the U.S collapsed. It faced economic collapse and had it worse than the Great Depression. It allied with Mexico, which was flooded with unemployed Arizonians. Mexico and Nevada have helped their ally, but it stills remains an economic disaster, even lonely, snow and ice Alaska had it better, until it was occupied.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Arizona


Username (Nationstates: ^
Official Nation name: United States of Mexico.
Leader: President Enrique Pena Nieto
Type of Government: Republic.
Policial beliefs: Conservatism.
Brief history: Mexico, except it reconquered Texas and New Mexico after the U.S collapsed.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Mexico, Texas and New Mexico


Username (Nationstates): ^
Official Nation name: Republic of Florida.
Leader: President Rick Scott.
Type of Government: Republic.
Policial beliefs: Conservatism.
Brief history: After the U.S's collapse the Flordian government seeked an alliance with Mexico, which approved. When Mexico declared war on California, it assisted them immediately. It remained a republic.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Florida


Username (Nationstates): ^
Official Nation name: Mongolian People's Republic
Leader: President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
Type of Government: Semi-democratic republic
Policial beliefs: Democracy and centrism.
Brief history: Same as in real life.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Mongolia.


The alliance which all of these nations will be in is called the West America Pact, except for Mongolia which stays out of America, but allies with Japanada because it fears of a Chinese invasion.
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Username (Nationstates): Reserka, Beijing Republic
Official Nation name: The Republic of Beijing
Leader: President Zuo
Type of Government: Republic
Policial beliefs: Militarism, Imperialism, Conservatism, Democracy, Capitalism
Brief history: After WW2 Beijing led the remaining provinces that was left from Japans attacks. They unified under a tricolor, green, white, blue, and imperialized and industrialized. Unlike in our timeline, this China never fell under a communist regime, but is still equally militant.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Rest of Modern China not taken by Tibet, and Japan.

Username (Nationstates): Reserka, Beijing Republic
Official Nation name: The Empire of California
Leader: Californian Emperor Daniel Rease
Type of Government: Monarchy with republican subdivisions that must follow the Emperor.
Policial beliefs: Monarchism, Expansionism, Imperialism, and Nationalism
Brief history: After the fall of the USA California fell into great disarray. Out of the chaos was the legions of the Red Party, previously formed as a nationalistic group against the US government. It took control of California with little to no resistance de to the fact they offered food and protection. They formed a government and the people soon were formed into the battalions which then marched across the mountains. The starving country needed food where else to get it other then the midwest's rich fields.
Territories (reference DUR maps): California, parts of Idaho

I don't know If I have to do the application since Im In the DUR but here are my three nations apps
Very nice, yes you are both automatically accepted since you were from the DUR. Don't post any IC here just to be clear.
Surprising a monarchy...no wonder you have enemies. You are more likely to get Arizona to surrender or stop fighting, because they are also republican, and corrupt as heck. Money can get you anywhere..
Surprising a monarchy...no wonder you have enemies. You are more likely to get Arizona to surrender or stop fighting, because they are also republican, and corrupt as heck. Money can get you anywhere..
Nevada is more important to California. Nevada is the start of the midwest once they got that they will have the keys to the farmland. I noticed Novus Montana and Pacifica lock and expansion from the war. But who says California won't attack them. I can see California using money to buy Arizona. Corruption can be helpful.
Nevada is more important to California. Nevada is the start of the midwest once they got that they will have the keys to the farmland. I noticed Novus Montana and Pacifica lock and expansion from the war. But who says California won't attack them. I can see California using money to buy Arizona. Corruption can be helpful.
Japan and Mexico are the only real threats, mostly Japan though. China will, however also be helping you, and the European Alliance. If you attack Pacifica and/or Novus Montana it should balance things out.
Also you left out Japan in the West America Pact and in the accepted nations.
Japan and Mexico are the only real threats, mostly Japan though. China will, however also be helping you, and the European Alliance. If you attack Pacifica and/or Novus Montana it should balance things out.
Yah China would be just like Nazi Germany. They really ruined their plans by attacking Stalin. It would be simpler with Pacfica

Also you left out Japan in the West America Pact and in the accepted nations.
I fixed that. We should encourage the others to join in on this thread.
I can picture China sending a telegram to California being like you we can help you expand into the midwest, we just want your help pressuring the rest of the West America Pact. I will get the man on the thread soon.
Yah China would be just like Nazi Germany. They really ruined their plans by attacking Stalin. It would be simpler with Pacfica

I fixed that. We should encourage the others to join in on this thread.
Well..Japan and China are already enemies, so China may try to help Japan's enemies.
Well..Japan and China are already enemies, so China may try to help Japan's enemies.
Lol I mean California but that was the plan.
Username (Nationstates): Revitallia
Official Nation name: The Empire of Revitallia
Leader: Emperor Connor Bogden
Type of Government: Senatorial Empire
Policial beliefs: Capitalism, Conservatism
Brief history: Founded two thousand years ago when sea voyagers from Rome were wrecked in South Africa, they grew in number and founded their own country. In the Revitallian Revolution, the last King, Jack Bogden, was overthrown by Keven Adlai, Connor Bogden (current leader and his cousin), and Lindsey Stone in 2011. For the next four years, Keven Adlai became the dictator until Connor Bogden started a Civil War to overthrow him, and Adlai began a genocidal destructive march across the country. When the war settled in 2015, anywhere from 90 to 130 million Revitallians laid dead. Connor Bogden turned the nation into an Empire with a Senate, and now the nation is very advanced, but prefers to remain neutral.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Africa south of the equator (except for half of Tanzania), in addition to Gabon and Cameroon, also Crete, multiple island bases in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Username (Nationstates): Songlai
Official Nation name: The Songlai Kingdom
Leader: King Edmund Iwu (figurehead, actual leader is Keven Adlai)
Type of Government: Total monarchy
Policial beliefs: Ultra conservatism, really right-wing
Brief history: Following Keven Adlai being chased out of Revitallia in the Civil War, he fled to Niger and began to create a unification movement in Niger and Nigeria. Following their recent unification after his agents overthrew the leaders of both the countries, he created the Songlai Kingdom as a direct opponent to Revitallia, but keeps one of his right-hand men in power to keep Revitallia off his scent.
Territories (reference DUR maps): Niger and Nigeria, disputed territories with Revitallia in Cameroon, and multiple Atlantic islands.
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