Dungeons and Dragons: Age of The End (5E Homebrew Campaign)(Sign-Up & OOC)

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Undisputed king of the Dinosaurs
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This is the Sign up page for my D&D Campaign "Age of The end" For More information and lore, please check out this page (It's still a WIP, but the basics are all there for the time being)
Anyway, here's the abridged version of what you need to know... Heaven and Hell are fighting and mortality is stuck in the middle of it. You the Players start out as wandering adventurers arriving at the Town of Saballi for reasons no one needs to know (or probably cares about). Depending on your actions there you will set in motion events that will set you and the part on the trail to the rest of the story where you'll battle your way though hostile forces (depending on which route you take as this story has multiple endings). along the way you will obtain special powers and abilities unlike any you have ever seen to aid you in your quest (what ever it may be depending on what you do). If this interests you then allow me to present to you the Rules for Character building and the Skeleton for which you will use to forge your hero.


1. READ THE LORE... as it contains tidbits and changes to things that will most likely be important to what it is you are trying to create!

2. Homebrew is allowed for both race and class. Just run them by me first and I'll see what I can do with working them into the lore... Assuming what you are asking is within reason obviously

3. This story is COLOSSAL, don't sign up if you are going to drop in two weeks or not play after two chapters. I'm looking for dedication and devoted players, so SOME competence and experience is appreciated

4. Evil alignments are STRONGLY discouraged, but are not forbidden. If you want to play an Evil character, don't expect a happy ending for you specifically. You have been warned

5. You get one free 18 for any stat. the rest you MUST roll for (4D6, drop the lowest).

6. We will be using 5E rules, so if you are not familiar with 5E... Please do some reading before signing up.

7. Ability scores and Levels WILL go above 20, this is NOT to be cool... it's to help ensure your SURVIVAL in the later chapters.

8. Unlike most campaigns you've likely been in, you actually have a SVENTH stat, Sanity (SAN). This starts at 10 and cannot have points poured into it... to raise it you must face your darkest fears (which is the main gimmic of this campaign). You will have a worst fear in this story, which will be determined by rolling 1D100 from this list.

1. Pyrophobia - Fear of Fire
2. Astraphobia - Fear of Storms
3. Cryophobia - Fear of Cold
4. Hydrophobia - Fear of Water
5. Hemophobia - Fear of Bood
6. Autophobia - Fear of being Alone
7. Aerophobia - Fear of Flight
8. Achluophobia - Fear of Dearkness
9. Photophobia - Fear of Light
10. Anthrophobia - Fear of People
11. Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders
12. Thantophobia - Fear of Dying
13. Atychiphobia - Fear of Failure
14. Zoophobia - Fear of Animals
15. Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection
16. Cynophobia - Fear of Dogs
17. Draconophobia - Fear of Dragons
18. Dendrophobia - Fear of Trees
19. Chronomentrophobia - Fear of Clocks
20. Herpetophobia - Fear of Reptiles
21. Elurophobia - Fear of Cats
22. Entomophobia - Fear of Bugs
23. Hypochondria - Fear of Illness
24. Necrophobia - Fear of The Dead
25. Ophidiophobia - Fear of Snakes
26. Ornithophobia - Fear of Birds
27. Phobophobia - Fear of Being Afraid
28. Selenophobia Fear of The Moon
29. Acrophobia - Fear of Heights
30. Apiphobia - Fear of Bees
31. Bathophobia - Fear of Depth, Fear of Deep Places
32. Blennophobia - Fear of Slime
33. Dementophobia - Fear of Insanity
34. Demophobia - Fear of Crowds
35. Coulrophobia - Fear of Clowns
36. Chiroptophobia - Fear of Bats
37. Claustrophobia - Fear of Confinement
38. Hippophobia - Fear of Horses
39. Hoplophobia - Fear of Guns
40. Homichlophobia - Fear of Fog
41. Ichthyophobia Fear of Fish
42. Galeophobia - Fear of Sharks
43. Thalassophobia - Fear of The Ocean
44. Iophobia - Fear of Poison
45. Kleptophobia - Fear of Stealing
46. Mechanophobia - Fear of Machines
47. Noctiphobia - Fear of The Night
48. Pediophobia - Fear of Dolls
49. Ombrophobia - Fear of Rain
50. Daemonophobia - Fear of Demons
51. Phasmophobia - Fear of Ghosts
52. Ochophobia - Fear of Vehicles
53. Ekrixiphobia - Fear of Combustion (Explosions)
54. Xenophobia - Fear of the unknown
55. Neophobia - Fear of New Things
56. Peniaphobia - Fear of Poverty (or being Poor)
57. Pupaphobia - Fear of Puppets
58. Rupophobia - Fear of Dirt
59. Ranidaphobia - Fear of Frogs
60. Musophobia - Fear of Mice and Rats
61. Athazagoraphobia - Fear of Abandonment
62. Siderodromophobia Fear of Trains
63. Technophobia - Fear of Technology
64. Taurophobia - Fear of Bulls
65. Agliophobia - Fear of Pain
66. Alektorophobia - Fear of Chickens
67. Swinophobia - Fear of Pigs
68. Aurophobia - Fear of Gold
69. Bibliophobia - Fear of Books
70. Agoraphobia - Fear of Open Spaces
71. Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents
72. Gerascophobia - Fear of Growing Old
73. Hamartophobia - Fear of sins or sinning (doing bad things)
74. Harpaxophobia - Fear of Robbery or Being Stolen From
75. Heliophobia - Fear of The Sun
76. Hyelophobia - Fear of Glass
77. Hypnophobia - Fear of Hypnosis
78. Rhabdophobia - Fear of Magic
79. Katsaridaphobia - Fear of Cockroaches
80. Lupophobia - Fear of Werewolves
81. Mastigophobia - Fear of Punishment
82. Metallophobia - Feat of metal
83. Merinthophobia - Fear of Being Bound or Tied Up
84. Microphobia - Fear of Small Things
85. Megalophobia - Fear of Big Things
86. Nosocomephobia - Hear of Hospitals
87. Parasitophobia - Fear of Parasites
88. Pedophobia - Fear of Children
89. Symmetrophobia - Fear of Symmetry
90. Scoleciphobia - Fear of Worms
91. Tachophobia - Fear of Speed
92. Tyrannophobia - Fear of Tyrants
93. Astrophobia- Fear of Stars (Space stars, not Famous people)
94. Pharmacophobia - Fear of Drugs
95. Sciophobia - Fear of Shadows (Not to be confused with the Fear of Darkness)
96. Siderophobia - Fear of Stairs
97. Testophobia - Fear of Tests or Being Tested
98. Verminophobia - Gear of Germs
99. Taphephobia - Fear of Cemetaries
100. Panphobia - Fear of EVERYTHING

9. You are to pick an element for your character... this at the moment has no affect on them what so ever, and will instead determine something else later down the line. DO NOT PICK AN ELEMENT SOMEONE ELSE PICKED! This also means there is limited availability, it's first come first serve so if you want in at fast.

Fire - @PrideAscending as Nelkis Kusaga the Allos Fighter
Water -
Earth - @Andy as Malmak Shaprax The Dragonborn (Blue) Ranger
Wind -
Ice - @Tufty Bunny as Vin the Changeling Warlock
Nature - @LuluBunny as Madeline The High Elf Rouge
Poison -
Steel - @EldridSmith as Torg The Orc Fighter
Psychic - @Vii as Vanilla the Human Wizard
Lightening - @Goliath as ??? the ???
Light -
Darkness -

10. Have Fun, D&D is a game! and the point of games is to enjoy them :)

11. Death plays a big role in this story, do not go anywhere if you croak

Character Skeleton (roll for stats first)

(Image/art of character here)







Stats: (be sure to update them every level)



AC: (Armor Class)


Money: (PP, GP, SP, and CP goes here to keep track of your currency)

Inventory: (Items on hand go here)

Backgound/bio: (your character history goes here... please make it at minimum 2 paragraphs long so I can build a proper character arc for you later in the story, each player will get a minimum of 2 arcs.)

Other Info: (any other quirks go here

You can re format it if you'd like but these core things are REQUIRED for all submissions​
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  • Like
Reactions: Tufty Bunny
Can we reserve spots cause this looks super cool and I really wanna go with Nature as an element :)
  • Like
Reactions: TyranntX
Can we reserve spots cause this looks super cool and I really wanna go with Nature as an element :)

I'll allow it, just be sure to get your character made quick or else I may have to give it away. Don't forget to read up on the lore and thank your showing your interest :)
  • Useful
Reactions: Lulunopia
Interesting deity selection. Put me down for water I guess?

I'll get started looking at homebrew stuff on saturday just to see what's available. Probably thinking tiefling or tabaxi.

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Reactions: TyranntX
Interesting deity selection. Put me down for water I guess?

I'll get started looking at homebrew stuff on saturday just to see what's available. Probably thinking tiefling or tabaxi.

View attachment 214336

I Look forward to reading what you come up with. Thank you for showing your interest

Okay, so I'm reading this a little bit, and homebrew just seems so much more powerful than what must have been intended for Fifth Edition. What the heck is this, I do not even. @,@
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Okay, so I'm reading this a little bit, and homebrew just seems so much more powerful than what must have been intended for Fifth Edition. What the heck is this, I do not even. @,@

Looks to be a Ranger sub-class trying to take notes from the barbarian , if this is what you want then I'll allow it. oddly enough it's not the most op thing I've ever seen
Looks to be a Ranger sub-class trying to take notes from the barbarian , if this is what you want then I'll allow it. oddly enough it's not the most op thing I've ever seen
It's like a ranger, but it's also a monk and a berserker, but it can't cast spells. Weird thing is, I can't really find anything else that fits the tabaxi blurb you wrote on the lore page. This is a hardened warrior that can survive in harsh environments. That only longswords are allowed to be used with a DEX modifier is a disappointment though. You'd think they'd get axes as a specialization or something, but I get it kinda.

I'm only considering it because you seem pretty keen on this being a player-killer campaign.

By the bi, is the whole 'magic is weakening' thing meant to render it completely unusable at some point, or is it just in certain places?
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Looks to be a Ranger sub-class trying to take notes from the barbarian , if this is what you want then I'll allow it. oddly enough it's not the most op thing I've ever seen
It's like a ranger, but it's also a monk and a berserker, but it can't cast spells. Weird thing is, I can't really find anything else that fits the tabaxi blurb you wrote on the lore page. This is a hardened warrior that can survive in harsh environments. That only longswords are allowed to be used with a DEX modifier is a disappointment though. You'd think they'd get axes as a specialization or something, but I get it kinda.

I'm only considering it because you seem pretty keen on this being a player-killer campaign.

By the bi, is the whole 'magic is weakening' thing meant to render it completely unusable at some point, or is it just in certain places?

It varies on situation and location, certain areas will disable magic but unless you find yourself under a rather nasty curse you'll never be barred from using it completely (that's the third campaign in the story line, and that's if this one goes well)

Death will play a big role in the story, can't say why that is but let's just say it's an event your character will recover from

...There is a scripted TPK at the end of the first chapter (not to be confused with the prologue), everyone dies in the same encounter and will be revived under which ever faction they favored most before dying. Which will mark the beginning of the second chapter.
Ominous. Not clicking that glowing thing is gonna be hard. I like surprises, though.
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Name: Madeline Forensia

Age: 432

Race: High Elf

Gender: Female

Class: Rouge

Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Strength: 9 (-1)
  • Dexterity: 17 (+3)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 15 (+2)
  • Wisdom: 11 (+0)
  • Charisma: 12 (+1)

Fear: Chronomentrophobia - Fear of Clocks

Element: Nature

AC: 14

  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Draconic
  • Thieves' Cant

Money: 130gp

  • Leather Armor
  • Rapier
  • Short Bow with 20 arrows
  • Black Hooded Cloak
  • Backpack -
    • Extra set of clothes - common
    • Bed roll
    • Previsions - 5 days
    • Rope - 50 feet
    • Water skin
    • Small knife
    • Tinder box
    • Torch

Backgound/bio: Madeline Forensia was born to a noble couple in Mythrenkai, capital of Elfwood. She was born under the light of a full moon, a sign of good faith but was soon seen as a curse. The light turned her hair white and eyes pale which caused fear through her family. So they outcast her, threw her from their sight and into the hands of the hired help. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her. Now, Madeline's mother was the leader of a rogue guild that worked in the shadows. Her father however was a rather prominent figure in the elf society and was seen as a symbol of how you should work. Madeline's father was a hard working man that kept her mothers 'job' a secret.

As the years pass on Madeline rarely sees her parents. Always too busy or were too disgusted to be near her. It wasn't until she turned 4 that her parents finally started looking at her and talking to her. However, it wasn't in the way she dreamed. Their words were harsh and actions harsher. They ordered her around, made her into a person who would listen and do as told. That was one thing they beat into her.

But again the years move on and by 16 Madeline was a drone to her parents, something they could manipulate. She was broken from the inside, out. No emotion was ever shown on her, as emotions are a sign of weakness and her family doesn't do well with weakness. It was also at 16 that Madeline's little sister Ophelia was born. A beautiful baby girl, born with black hair and blue eyes, traits of their parents. She was instantly loved by their parents because of this. Unfortunately, that love also turned to fear later when Ophelia's eyes started bleeding, the iris' turning red.

When the bleeding stopped Ophelia was left with the help who nursed her back to help. Soon Ophelia was meeting the same fate as Madeline, neglect and abuse. However, Madeline saw this and did her best to shield her little sister, using her own body as the shield. Madeline got close to her sister and as the years piled on they became inseparable. That was until their mother stepped in.

It was on Ophelia's 100th birthday, Madeline being 116 at the time. Madeline had planned a secret party for the two but when she went to get her sister, the sight she saw still haunts her to this day. Their mother was standing over Ophelia's body with a knife and whip in her hands. Ophelia's body was motionless, laying there bloody and bruised. Rage fueled Madeline as she attacked her mother, taking the knife from her and driving it into the woman's head.

Once her mother was dead Madeline picked up her sister's dead body and walked out of the city, ignoring the shouts and cries of people as they watched in shock. Madeline just kept going until she reached a small tree in a plains. There she buried her sister and mourned her passing

Madeline never went back home, never went back to the city she knew. Instead she became a hired help, a shell of her former self, someone people feared. Then came the word she was wanted for murdering her mother. Though Madeline felt no worry or fear, in fact it made her happy and for the first time in 200 years she smiled. Instead of turning herself in she kept her identity a secret, going under a false surname to throw people off, she even took to wearing a hood most of the time, only taking it off when alone or with someone she could trust.

Other Info


DEX - Acrobatics (+5)
WIS - Animals Handling (+0)
INT - Arcana (+2)
STR - Athletics (-1)
CHA - Deception (+1)
INT - History (+2)
WIS - Insight (+0)
CHA - Intimidation (+1)
INT - Investigation (+6)
WIS - Medicine (+0)
INT - Nature (+2)
WIS - Perception (+2)
CHA - Performance (+1)
CHA - Persuasion (+3)
INT - Religion (+2)
DEX - Sleight of Hand (+3)
DEX - Stealth (+7)
WIS - Survival (+0)

Theme Song: Lies of the Beautiful by Sixx: A.M.
Hiiii! Hope she's okay! It's a little funny her fear is clocks tho
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Reactions: EldridSmith

Name: Madeline Forensia

Age: 432

Race: High Elf

Gender: Female

Class: Rouge

Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Strength: 9 (-1)
  • Dexterity: 17 (+3)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 15 (+2)
  • Wisdom: 11 (+0)
  • Charisma: 12 (+1)

Fear: Chronomentrophobia - Fear of Clocks

Element: Nature

AC: 14

  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Draconic
  • Thieves' Cant

Money: 130gp

  • Leather Armor
  • Rapier
  • Short Bow with 20 arrows
  • Black Hooded Cloak
  • Backpack -
    • Extra set of clothes - common
    • Bed roll
    • Previsions - 5 days
    • Rope - 50 feet
    • Water skin
    • Small knife
    • Tinder box
    • Torch

Backgound/bio: Madeline Forensia was born to a noble couple in Mythrenkai, capital of Elfwood. She was born under the light of a full moon, a sign of good faith but was soon seen as a curse. The light turned her hair white and eyes pale which caused fear through her family. So they outcast her, threw her from their sight and into the hands of the hired help. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her. Now, Madeline's mother was the leader of a rogue guild that worked in the shadows. Her father however was a rather prominent figure in the elf society and was seen as a symbol of how you should work. Madeline's father was a hard working man that kept her mothers 'job' a secret.

As the years pass on Madeline rarely sees her parents. Always too busy or were too disgusted to be near her. It wasn't until she turned 4 that her parents finally started looking at her and talking to her. However, it wasn't in the way she dreamed. Their words were harsh and actions harsher. They ordered her around, made her into a person who would listen and do as told. That was one thing they beat into her.

But again the years move on and by 16 Madeline was a drone to her parents, something they could manipulate. She was broken from the inside, out. No emotion was ever shown on her, as emotions are a sign of weakness and her family doesn't do well with weakness. It was also at 16 that Madeline's little sister Ophelia was born. A beautiful baby girl, born with black hair and blue eyes, traits of their parents. She was instantly loved by their parents because of this. Unfortunately, that love also turned to fear later when Ophelia's eyes started bleeding, the iris' turning red.

When the bleeding stopped Ophelia was left with the help who nursed her back to help. Soon Ophelia was meeting the same fate as Madeline, neglect and abuse. However, Madeline saw this and did her best to shield her little sister, using her own body as the shield. Madeline got close to her sister and as the years piled on they became inseparable. That was until their mother stepped in.

It was on Ophelia's 100th birthday, Madeline being 116 at the time. Madeline had planned a secret party for the two but when she went to get her sister, the sight she saw still haunts her to this day. Their mother was standing over Ophelia's body with a knife and whip in her hands. Ophelia's body was motionless, laying there bloody and bruised. Rage fueled Madeline as she attacked her mother, taking the knife from her and driving it into the woman's head.

Once her mother was dead Madeline picked up her sister's dead body and walked out of the city, ignoring the shouts and cries of people as they watched in shock. Madeline just kept going until she reached a small tree in a plains. There she buried her sister and mourned her passing

Madeline never went back home, never went back to the city she knew. Instead she became a hired help, a shell of her former self, someone people feared. Then came the word she was wanted for murdering her mother. Though Madeline felt no worry or fear, in fact it made her happy and for the first time in 200 years she smiled. Instead of turning herself in she kept her identity a secret, going under a false surname to throw people off, she even took to wearing a hood most of the time, only taking it off when alone or with someone she could trust.

Other Info


DEX - Acrobatics (+5)
WIS - Animals Handling (+0)
INT - Arcana (+2)
STR - Athletics (-1)
CHA - Deception (+1)
INT - History (+2)
WIS - Insight (+0)
CHA - Intimidation (+1)
INT - Investigation (+6)
WIS - Medicine (+0)
INT - Nature (+2)
WIS - Perception (+2)
CHA - Performance (+1)
CHA - Persuasion (+3)
INT - Religion (+2)
DEX - Sleight of Hand (+3)
DEX - Stealth (+7)
WIS - Survival (+0)

Theme Song: Lies of the Beautiful by Sixx: A.M.

You are approved, Welcome to the game. Now if only we could drum up some more interest (I'd make an ad, but for what ever reason it isn't working)
Awesome! You can always ask someone in the art thread to make one :D They don't ask for money either!
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Awesome! You can always ask someone in the art thread to make one :D They don't ask for money either!

Yeah, I just hope they can post an ad in my place. I don't know what it is about the ad tool that makes it not work for me, but I hope it gets fixed soon. In the mean time I left a request in hopes someone could make one for me (shame too, I had a banner made but I can't use it because the manager tool won't work)
I could post it for you if you send me the banner :)

Age: 19

Race: Tabaxi

Gender: Male

Class: Northern Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, at least until something shifts him toward Good or Evil.

Stats: 13 STR, 20 DEX, 15 CON, 12 INT, 18 WIS, 13 CHA, 10 SAN - HP 12/12

Fear: 1617497367715.png Atychiphobia - Fear of Failure (Haha that was almost 'fear of animals.' That would've been awkward)

Element: Water

AC: 19 (unarmored 10 + DEX + WIS)

Languages: Common, (+1 racial)

Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, DEX and WIS (saving throws), Perception, Stealth, Animal Handling, Survival, Vehicles (land), Weaving Tools, Medicine, Acrobatics, Athletics

Money: 10 gold coins

Arms: Longsword, Longbow, Quiver (20 arrows), Dagger

Inventory: Chainmail ("This armor's heavy, it must have some use"), Hooded Cape ("Not sure what purpose it serves, but it's good cloth"), Dungeoneering Pack (10 torches, hammer, 10 pitons, crowbar, 10 days' worth of rations, tinderbox, and 50 ft of hempen rope), Shears & Weaving Tools, Commoner Clothes, Shovel, Iron Pot

History: Nicknamed for a strange sight in the night sky at the time of his birth, Aurora was one curious kitten among many in the Tabaxi clans, getting into mischief with the local wildlife just as frequently as he was doing odd tasks for any of the elder Tabaxi who needed something done. Warriors needed spears cleaned, animals needed shearing, water needed delivering, wounds needed mending, various things needed foraging in the wilds, and had nothing come along to upset the delicate balance of his tasks and troublemaking, Aurora would have grown up to be a mere nuisance to the other Tabaxi and otherwise a slightly respectable cloth-weaver.

It was during the invasion that circumstance placed Aurora among three Tabaxi warrior-women and a spellweaver as the last line of defense between a "scouting" of hungry hellspawn, and the elderly and the kittens being evacuated into the wilds under the guide of a young, prodigal priestess. By all accounts, the five left behind shouldn't have survived guarding the rear flank, but through a combination of grit, keen senses, teamwork, a few well-placed stinking clouds, and just a pinch of divine intervention, three of the five escaped with their tails intact and reunited with the clan.

Kyza, one of the warriors present, took notice of Aurora's evasive movements in the fight, and after their return to the main body of the clan, taught him how to wield a proper sword and hunt with a bow as the hunters do. In time, Aurora was accepted as one of the warriors, but the Tabaxi on the whole were still without a proper home, migrating with the seasons and the daemon attacks in a desperate bid for survival outside of their homeland.

Thinking he could find something to aid the Tabaxi clans on the whole, Aurora set out into a world of strange practices and customs, unaware that something far beyond his expectations awaited him.

Other Info: The sword Aurora carries originally belonged to the warrior Aunra, the betrothed of Aurora's mentor Kyza, and Aurora's elder sister. Aurora is searching for any trace of her, both to return the sword, and to return her to the clan if she is alive.
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Reactions: TyranntX

Age: 19

Race: Tabaxi

Gender: Male

Class: Northern Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, at least until something shifts him toward Good or Evil.

Stats: 13 STR, 20 DEX, 15 CON, 12 INT, 18 WIS, 13 CHA, 10 SAN - HP 12/12

Fear: View attachment 214490 Atychiphobia - Fear of Failure (Haha that was almost 'fear of animals.' That would've been awkward)

Element: Water

AC: 19 (unarmored 10 + DEX + WIS)

Languages: Common, (+1 racial)

Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, DEX and WIS (saving throws), Perception, Stealth, Animal Handling, Survival, Vehicles (land), Weaving Tools, Medicine, Acrobatics, Athletics

Money: 10 gold coins

Arms: Longsword, Longbow, Quiver (20 arrows), Dagger

Inventory: Chainmail ("This armor's heavy, it must have some use"), Hooded Cape ("Not sure what purpose it serves, but it's good cloth"), Dungeoneering Pack (10 torches, hammer, 10 pitons, crowbar, 10 days' worth of rations, tinderbox, and 50 ft of hempen rope), Shears & Weaving Tools, Commoner Clothes, Shovel, Iron Pot

History: Nicknamed for a strange sight in the night sky at the time of his birth, Aurora was one curious kitten among many in the Tabaxi clans, getting into mischief with the local wildlife just as frequently as he was doing odd tasks for any of the elder Tabaxi who needed something done. Warriors needed spears cleaned, animals needed shearing, water needed delivering, wounds needed mending, various things needed foraging in the wilds, and had nothing come along to upset the delicate balance of his tasks and troublemaking, Aurora would have grown up to be a mere nuisance to the other Tabaxi and otherwise a slightly respectable cloth-weaver.

It was during the invasion that circumstance placed Aurora among three Tabaxi warrior-women and a spellweaver as the last line of defense between a "scouting" of hungry hellspawn, and the elderly and the kittens being evacuated into the wilds under the guide of a young, prodigal priestess. By all accounts, the five left behind shouldn't have survived guarding the rear flank, but through a combination of grit, keen senses, teamwork, a few well-placed stinking clouds, and just a pinch of divine intervention, three of the five escaped with their tails intact and reunited with the clan.

Kyza, one of the warriors present, took notice of Aurora's evasive movements in the fight, and after their return to the main body of the clan, taught him how to wield a proper sword and hunt with a bow as the hunters do. In time, Aurora was accepted as one of the warriors, but the Tabaxi on the whole were still without a proper home, migrating with the seasons and the daemon attacks in a desperate bid for survival outside of their homeland.

Thinking he could find something to aid the Tabaxi clans on the whole, Aurora set out into a world of strange practices and customs, unaware that something far beyond his expectations awaited him.

Other Info: The sword Aurora carries originally belonged to the warrior Aunra, the betrothed of Aurora's mentor Kyza, and Aurora's elder sister. Aurora is searching for any trace of her, both to return the sword, and to return her to the clan if she is alive.

Approved, Welcome to the game!

Now we wait for a few more to join in, may take a while.
Heyo! I'm super interested and I'd like to play an orc samurai for the steel element!
I was wondering if you would let me re-flavor his weapons, nothing changes mechanically other than the names 😁

Would it be alright to replace the soldiers proficiency with either land vehicles with tea set/brewing supplies proficiency and the gaming set item I would start with with a tea set/Brewing supplies?

Hope I'm not being overeager but I rolled stats and his fear up on a roller, but I don't mind rerolling them if needed (I'm assuming I'll drop either the 9 since we start with an 18 already, but please correct me if I'm wrong)


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@TyranntX Assuming you're fine with all of the above I've got a character sheet done except for: backstory as I'm hoping to get more info on the three orc clans, his age, and finalizing the details of his background since I need to talk to you about his rank as a soldier (also seeing as this is an everyone vs everyone thing, I was also thinking he could still be an active unit for the military, but up to you). Also what resistances are Orcs given aside from alcohol poisoning?
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