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the eye of the beholder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
  2. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Most days, most hours
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. No Preferences
Adventure. Angels and demons. Apocalyptic. Arthurian. Comedy. Dystopian. Fantasy. Historical. Horror. Post-apocalyptic. Romance. Science fiction. Supernatural.
I have about five archetypes and you can witness them all ad nauseum here​

Basic Details: (Name) | (Age/Range) | (Gender)
Story Flexibility:
Put the Format Here
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Position on Magic:
Undecided; Anti-Magic Lean

Time with the Wardens:
~3 years (969-971); 976-


      • Older child of two.
      • Wild Lands.
      • Curious.
      • Bad event.
      • Second event.
      • Joined Wardens.
      • Met Aslaug.
      • Character growth.
      • Friends, fell in love.
      • Aslaug died.
      • Vienne and Bjorn left.

    • Background
      Vienne was born to a particularly small Inguz tribe in the eastern areas of the Wild Lands. Her childhood was spent in a place of dense forest and rigid cliffs. At the time her world had seemed endless. She and the other young Inguz, including her younger sister, spent much of their days exploring the various details of their birthplace. However, she grew and the world did not. And her life became one lived mostly in quiet leisure, which was for the most part how she preferred it. As should be expected, her routine comfort was disrupted.

      The spiral started when a company of Humans chose to trespass a route through the lands which were in proximity to her tribe's habitat. Vienne had heard plenty of tales in regard to Humankind and knew caution would serve her best, nevertheless, she was curious which resulted in her regularly spying on the group. What she saw surprised her. Humans appeared much more like her own kind than she had ever imagined. Young, bold, and reckless as she was at the time, Vienne and several of her youthful brethren chose to approach. Unfortunately for them, that particular group of Humans happened to of the especially scummy variety.

      Things quickly turned hostile and the inexperienced Inguz were briskly overwhelmed and captured. And that was how they remained for a little under a day – at the mercy of their merciless captures – until experienced members of the tribe came to their rescue. It turned into a gruesome event that resulted in the destruction of the Humans. The overall event left a solid impact on the girl's mind, especially a loathing in regard to Humankind.

      Sometime later, after much of the dust had settled, Vienne returned to the scene. She took the chance to examine Human weapons closely; at least the ones which the bandits had had. She desired strength. Along with her brethren who felt the same way she formed a "Guard" whose main intention was to keep Humans out of their lands, mostly through violence. However, every now-and-again she would come across someone who proved to her not every Human was as terrible as she wanted to believe they were.

      A good chunk of her life was spent in the Guard. However, a particular event led her to seek a new path. One time when she was patrolling on her own she came across a single Human traversing her homelands. She approached him and as usual demanded he leave. He was a fiery youth and did not take well to being bossed around. He retorted with words of venom, causing her to react in kind. His refusal to leave and vicious attitude led her to initiate combat. His skills in battle were hardly a match and Vienne claimed an easy victory. The wounds she gave him were fatal. And for reasons she could not pinpoint at the time, it bothered her.

      A few days later she was patrolling again on her own, as she felt less like being around others after the event. It was on this trip that she once again spotted a solitary Human travelling through her tribe's territory. This time Vienne did not approach immediately. Instead, she stalked the woman for a short while. It did not take her long to observe the woman was looking for someone. Much like always Vienne flew down to the woman to demand she leave the forest, yet, when she saw the woman's face her words caught in her throat. Her eyes were red and filled with a look Vienne had not seen in years. While the Avian stumbled with her words the woman pleaded for help.

      The Human woman described how a few days ago her son had left home and travelled in the direction of these woodlands. An argument between the boy and his father had largely been the cause for his choice. When he did not return after a day, she feared the worst. Tired and heartbroken, the youth's mother wanted to find his body at least. At that point, Vienne realized she had killed the woman's child. Her own sorrows felt much closer than they had in a long time as she was filled with immense guilt. Vienne agreed to help the woman look, yet she could not bring herself to take the woman to the boy's body.

      Finally, after what seemed the longest day in Vienne's entire life, the woman sat down, and cried. She was too tired to walk any more. The Avian carried her home. Feelings of remorse and regret eating her. She examined herself a great deal after that. And finally chose to leave the Guard and her life-long home. For some time, Vienne travelled with little aim or purpose.

      Time With The Wardens
      Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

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  • Strengths
    Tag Team


    • She's was with the Wardens for around three years. Not long after Aslaug's death she and Bjorn vanished with hardly a trace.
    • Speaks both the Elder Tongue and the Common Tongue fluently.
    • Poor reading skills in the Common Tongue. Illiterate in the Elder Tongue.

Gray Wolf Were
Micah Oakley
August 22nd 2001
Sayby Falls, Manitoba, Cervia
Cis Male


Middle Class
Employee at the Blacke City Bar
AB- Blood-Type | Excellent Metabolism

Extra Endurance and Energy
Oakley Pack

Broad and Athletic
Dark Blue
Strong Presence | Comfortable Posture

Friendly | Helpful | Playful | Boisterous | Casual | Lively | Honest | Outgoing | Active | Daring | Sincere | Easy-Going | Dependable
Outdoors | Socializing | Hard Liquor | Steak | Summer | Apples | Puns | Snow | Hiking | Camping | Horses | Carving | Working with his Hands | Blue | Most Animals | Flannel Shirts | Unscented Soap | Handwashing Dishes | Children | Christmas | Open Spaces | Carb Foods
Wine | Being Unable to Help | Reading | City Driving | Liars | Formal Settings | Roller-Skating | Ice Skating | Hospitals | Snow Globes | Scented Soap | Tequila | Fish (As Food)
Helpful | Will Back Up His Friends Without Hesitation | Endlessly Energetic
Terrible Liar | No Foresight | Enthusiastically Distractable

Born in Sayby Falls, Manitoba to the agricultural Oakley family, Micah was born the oldest of four. But his family was hardly small and included numerous extended relatives which rarely left him as the oldest in any given situation. However, it did fall on him often to help look after rambunctious younger cousins and siblings. That didn't stop him from getting in his own fair bit of trouble, however. Micah's bright personality earned him a variety of friends and made it easy for him to find part-time work along with helping on the ranch. Micah loved the landscape of Sayby and he was happy to have spent much of his life there, however, he also desired to see more of the world. In his late 20s, he left Sayby to visit other locations in Cervia, eventually leading him to Black City, where he found himself smitten with the high-energy atmosphere. He was impressed when he met Cassius Blacke — and when he got a job working in his bar. It was the sort of thing that felt fake but Micah has been enjoying the ride.

• He always laughs at his own jokes. Most of which are uncreative puns.
• That may have gone over his head.
• "Bet I can make that jump."
• Rural at heart, but currently thrilled by the city and in no hurry to leave.
• The enemy of his friend is his enemy.
• He plays plays the banjo quite well. He also tends to sing along, which he is less great at (he knows no techniques). That doesn't stop him.
• He would never sleep if he could. It takes up so much time he could use doing something else. Which makes it good that his body is happy with minimal sleep.
• He won't forgive or forget that betrayal.
code by wren.

Lance Nocton
Lance Nocton

Party of Fire — Defense Lawyer

Gender + Pronouns
Cis Male — He/Him

34 | Born August 4

Appearance Basics
6'2 | Athletic, Fit | Near Black Hair | Blue Eyes

Health Conditions/Notes

Ambitious | Sociable | Bold | Outspoken | Risk-Taking | Humourous | Decisive | Flirty | Playful

Cool-Headed | Coordinated | Perceptive

Vengeful & Holds a Grudge | Trivial | Deep Connections

Lance was born in Oklahoma. His father was a strict but successful agriculturist who had both an expansive property and a thriving cattle herd. His mother was once a city girl, who had moved to the rural area chasing an idealised dream. Unfortunately, she found her reality far from the life she had imagined. The more years she spent in Oklahoma, the harder her disposition became. Her dissatisfaction bled down into her children, especially Lance.

Even as a child, Lance was spirited and outgoing. He made friends easily and had a habit of leading those friends into questionable adventures, but he was as good at getting out of trouble as he was at getting into it. Despite his antics, he found his small world constraining and dreamt of far bigger things for himself.

His interest in the greater world was intensified just before his teen years when his aunt made an extended visit from California. She was dazzle and glitz like he had never seen before. And she described a world that sounded vibrant compared to his. After she left, he suffered out his mundanity for a couple more years, during which he excelled in school and took up work to start his savings. At sixteen, he convinced his aunt to come let him live with her.

The city proved to be everything he hoped. He thrived in the crowds and stimulation. He found friends as easily as he had back home and attended many social events. Having graduated early, he also picked up his university education the semester after his arrival. He was a hardworking and skilled student who progressed swiftly into law school before graduating with flying colours. He has since spent his time making something of a good reputation for himself.

• Enjoys ballroom dancing in his free time.
• Work hard, play hard.

Important Character Relationships
Code by Jenamos

Roswell Rockford
Roswell Rockford | Ross

Stop-By – Professor of History and Philosophy

Gender + Pronouns
Cis Male – He/Him

32 | Born January 28

Appearance Basics
6'0 | Trim, Elongated | Black Hair | Hazel Eyes

Health Conditions/Notes
Smoker | Insomnia

Melancholic | Introspective | Well-Mannered | Reserved | Prudent | Private | Neat | Sincere | Distant

Listens Before He Speaks | Excellent Memory

Self-Critical | Physically Weak

Roswell was born in Tennessee to a middle class family. Originally a standard nuclear family, things changed first when Roswell's maternal grandfather died and his grandmother moved in with the young family. Things took another turn when his dad died of an infection when he was still quite young. Roswell was already a studious child but his father's death had him retreat even further into academics and studies. During this time, to pick up a bit of extra money while his mother worked, he took up tutoring and found he enjoyed it a great deal. Roswell eventually went on to pursue academics and becoming a professor.

• Plays the piano. He isn't very good at it.
• Owns a white cat named Delilah

Important Character Relationships
David Taron –
Code by Jenamos

Billy Darling
Billy Darling | Bill

Dishwasher — Dishwasher

Gender + Pronouns
Cis Male — He/Him

21 | Born July 28

Appearance Basics
5'10 | Trim, a bit Calloused and Bruised | Blonde Hair | Bright Blue Eyes

Health Conditions/Notes

Dauntless | Protective | Intuitive | Independent | Affectionate | Impetuous | Compulsive | Cynical | Reactive

Crafty | Adaptable

Planning Ahead | Impulsive

Billy was born as the third of four children to a working class family in Kentucky. His family was far from well off, and things only became worse when his father was conscripted into the war. When his father came back things were even worse. The man had grown bitter and taken to alcoholism to cope with the war. This left a lot of the burden on Billy and his siblings. The strained relationship with his family had him eventual leave Kentucky in search of work elsewhere. He doesn't stay anywhere too long but he has been enjoying his time in Waffleville.

• Plays the harmonica.
• Will eat spoiled food and not get sick off of it.

Important Character Relationships
Code by Jenamos

River Conway
River Conway

Sex Worker

Cisgender Male + He/Him


Panromantic Pansexual

5'11, 167 lbs. Redhead with bright green eyes. Pale skinned on a trim fit build. Several ear piercings and a nose piercing.

Intuitive | Hardworking | Dauntless | Honest | Brave | Active | Adaptable | Assertive | Determined | Supportive | Opinionated | Passionate

Comfortable with anything not involving bathroom play, ageplay, or anything that will cause long-lasting harm. Professionally, he has restrictions against intensive bondage if he is the bound one.

River was born as one of many children to a mess of parents. They were a duo whose love for one another was almost as much as their hate, caught in a volatile on-and-off again romance for over a decade. Neither of them was an upstanding person on their own, either. Both being convicted criminals and having spent time in jail. This chaos resulted in a lack of stability and safety for the majority of their children. And things did not get better when they split for the last time when River was eight, as he and his siblings were shifted around from places of various degrees of acceptable to awful. River expected to follow in his parents' footsteps — something he didn't want but viewed as inevitable. And in his adolescence, it appeared this was going to be the course of his life. He fell into "trouble-making" patterns and turned to many of the crimes and vices his parents practised.

His fears for his failing life were heightened when as a young adult his girlfriend got pregnant. She wanted to keep it and he swore he would not be like his parents. It was a struggle against his history with work not forthcoming and he stumbled to find less illicit ways of financial stability. Unfortunately, while River managed to kick the worst of his destructive and unsavoury habits his girlfriend was far less successful. She had been doing well until the birth of her daughter left her with postpartum depression. She died of an accidental overdose shortly before her daughter turned two.

Along with the grief, this put an immense financial strain on River. As it was more profitable he focused on his work as a prostitute over the minimum-wage jobs he tended to pull. Regrettably, he ended up in more than one dangerous or unpleasant situation as a result. Selling himself, however, is the profession he is best at and he can't afford to give it up that income. He was eager to jump on the opportunity when Marion opened Eden.

• Anxious nail biter.
• Surprisingly fantastic cook.
• Along with his daughter, he lives with one of his half-sisters..
Code by Jenamos

Evgeny Scholtz
Evgeny Scholtz

Sex Worker

Cisgender Male + He/Him


Biromantic Bisexual

5'7, 126 lbs. Dark brunet with golden undertones. Hazel-green eyed and sandy skinned. Covered in freckles everywhere, narrow build.

Unambitious | Unlucky | Emotionally Detached | Evasive | Fickle | Inconsiderate | Immodest | Disgruntled | Reflexive | Conflict Averse | Inconstant | People Pleasing

Comfortable with anything not involving bathroom play, ageplay, or anything that will cause long-lasting harm. Hardcore masochist.

  • His parents were immigrants.
  • Evgeny was born as the third of three.
  • His father was fired for a scandal at work.
  • This and other things put a lot of strain on the marriage.
  • His mother and father started fighting a lot.
  • Eventually the hostility turned to using their children against one another - showering them in love while trying to poison the children against the other parent.
  • As the youngest Evgeny, much of the attention is focused on him, especially from his mother.
  • Already bitter, when his father dies, Evgeny's mother grows largely cold and distant.
  • Despite only having a minimal support system Evgeny moves out as soon as he's 18.
  • Unfortunately, this proves as shortsighted as it is. So much so that he moves back home a few years after.
  • Took to sex work to be able to get out of his home and support himself

• Caught between not wanting to care and caring too much, but never showing it.
• Terrible swimmer.
• Apologizes to inanimate objects.
Code by Jenamos
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Name: Lukas Primrose
Nicknames: Luke, but he hates it. Rosy, but he hates it even more.
Age: 28
Gender: cis male - he/him
Sexuality: androsexual (?)

Hair: blond, very fine hairs, thick eyebrows
Eyes: blue
Skin: peachy, prone to blushing
Height: 5'10
Other: pierced ears

Personality: aspiring ; moody ; daredevil ; discreet ; disciplined ; dutiful ; unforgiving ; reckless ; guarded ; loyal ; (somewhat) obedient ; conflicted ; opinionated

Likes: full moons and starlit skies ; sunset ; tea ; cats ; praise ; incense
Dislikes: heights ; being barefoot ; birthdays ; bars ; being touched by strangers ; yellow

Abilities/Strengths: physically capable ; functions on little sleep ; skilled with many weapons ; good reflexes
Weaknesses: pushes himself too hard ; single-minded ; bad at emotional connection

• orphaned as a child, raised by vampire parents.
• an incredible lightweight.
• he'd really like a cat, but is allergic.
  • Love
Reactions: Fluffy