Dragons' World

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"I can't wait to push you all in!" Taxxy said jokingly. He soon flapped his wings in the air and added, "By the way, I won. Time for round two!" As in routine, Taxxy once again raced towards the clearing.
"No way, I definitely won!" Sien shouted after him, not making a move to chase him. She turned to the other hatchlings with mischief in her dark eyes. "Let's go!" She said again.
((Jae is younger than the rest, her wings aren't grown yet...I think..))

Jae nodded to Sien. "Okay, but be careful." She picked up her pace, breathing in the cool, crisp air and enjoying the chill.
"Naturally," Sien boasted, running ahead of Jae, "But I feel like running today!"
Jae smiled. More in my skill area.. She tried hard to catch up, Sien having such a good head start, but eventually she came up beside Sien. "F-fast." Was all she was able to say between breaths.
With a toothy grin, Sien slowed down her pace just a bit, jumping over fallen branches and bouncing off of the tree trunks. "Just wait until you're older," She panted, "I bet you'll be really fast by then!"
"Took ya guys long enough." Taxxy commented. "Who wants to go beyond the snow mountains?" He smirked.
Jae smiled. "I-I guess s-so." She picked up her pace a little, breathing hard and finally stopping in the clearing ahead to rest. She rolled around in the snow to cool off. "Th-that was awesome." She turned to Taxxy. "I-Isn't that dangerous?"
"We can't leave," Sien said quietly, "We're not even supposed to go past the fallen oak, let alone as far as here. What would the Elder say?" Normally, she'd be all for it, but since Taxxy actually voiced the idea, she couldn't help denying it. Something in her was shoving past her bright dreams, and trying to show her reason. Maybe it was instinct, but whatever it was told her to stay at home today.
Jae nodded, standing behind Sien. "I agree. It's not safe. We-we're not supposed to." She had quit rolling around and was now laying in the snow, her voice muffled because her snout was buried.
"Yeah," Sien said, uncomfortably. She felt out of character to say such things, but she didn't know why.
Jae burrowed under the snow a little, melting it with her warm breath. "Im ot ooving." Was all that was audible through the snow. I don't want to get in trouble..or worse..hurt.
"Aw, come on, you guys are all wussies!" Taxxy said. "I am going! I mean, think of all the adventures! Almost all famous dragons rebelled a lot. Besides, do you wanna stay here, not do anything and die sad? Or go on amazing adventures, life-threatening quests!"
Jae pulled her snout out of the snow. "But I-I can't fly yet." she said hesitantly. "Wh-what if something happens, and-and someone..d-dies?" Her blue eyes sparkled with worry and apprehension.
"It's only until we're older!" Sien defended herself angrily, "Besides, isn't it worse if we leave and die because we can't fly much or hunt anything bigger than a rabbit!?" She felt the fire in her burn indignantly. Of course she wanted to go on amazing adventure and life-threatening quests! More than almost anything else in the world! "There's nothing very heroic about rebelling against your own family," She said softly, a tone she almost never used, "We don't have to leave right now."

(Let's wait until the other hatchlings get here)
((yes, that is a great idea.))

"Yeah, S-Sien has a point." Jae said, moving to her feet a little. "If we abandon our f-family, th-then if s-something happens, they m-might not let us back in." She trailed off a little at the end, losing a little bit of her confidence in the fact her point did little to no good.
((Fine >:C))

"Ugh," Taxxy said, rolling his eyes. "Might as well lay down and take a short nap. And besides, I'm- Oh, I mean we're- too awesome to die." He said before closing his eyes.
Meanwhile Iceheart had stopped to watch a silly bird. She had watched as it danced a funny jig on the tree branch and squawked angrily. With a laugh Iceheart ran to catch up with the others. "You guys missed the silly bird!" She said, still laughing. "It was all bawk bawk bawk." Iceheart exclaimed trying to imitate the noise the bird made and jumping around like it. "Oof!" With a plop Iceheart found a deep spot in the snow and fell down in it.
Jae giggled a little as Iceheart started explaining about the bird. She padded over to the deep patch and jumped in beside her, rolling around some more, the conversation about leaving blown from her mind. "What color was it?" She asked, curious.
Taxxy's eyes shot up, noticing Iceheart's voice. He soon found her in the snow. He laughed. "Nice one, clumsy."
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