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Age 762, During the Resurrection of Goku after training with King Kai a mysterious voice echoed through the ears of Goku, unable to decipher what the voice said Son Goku merely ignored and eventually forgot about it till a month later to which the prince of all saiyans arrived on the earths surface, Vegeta. In this alternate universe 7 Vegeta left the armies of Frieza in the age 737 and not till the age of 740 did he create his own army under the cliche name ''The Saiyan Race'' to which he enforced his ''Prince'' role heavily.


The Saiyan Race army plan was to travel to earth and take it over in the hopes that it would eventually turn into the new Planet Vegeta, a world ruled by all saiyans. Although very ironic in Vegeta's plan to take over earth for the saiyans his army mostly consisted of aliens around different planets, weird in appearance but also blindly loyal to the cause. Vegeta was a feared ruler that also started false rumors about his prowess around his own army, that he could destroy a planet by a mere gaze, or, he could defeat Frieza with one hand.. completely false but it made others respect him, to the point that he could order them to do anything and they would obey without question.


Goku, during this time, had already mastered his first class Kaioken transformation, doing so made him extremely more stronger than he was before he died and made him way more confident in battle. In the battle of earth Vegeta's armies flooded the planet in swarms, barely able to fight off the merciless attack Vegeta steps in, finally, with his overgrown pride takes his personally over as he merely stands in front of the heavy breathing, barely alive z fighters he crosses his arms and smiles in extreme joy. Vegeta, with his cockiness flew slowly above the z fighters and prepared a final blow, however, before he could begin his final flash a extreme power frequency caught the eye of Vegeta and the z fighters, so much so that everyone paused and looked east, in the sky rained hell with men, clouds turned black as ash and the sky turned red with blood. The overwhelming prowess of the Frieza armies arrived, the hunt for the last saiyans finally came to fruition.

In this roleplay it'll be almost exactly like the show in the beginning, but with a bit of adjustments just like how you see what i did above for the main plot. After the Arc of Frieza that we all know and love i'll be working hard with my Co-GMs and Writers to make a brand new antagonist that i'm sure you fans will love. The before story of Dragon ball Z is exactly the same so don't expect to see any unknown references till the next Arc. The roleplay will mostly based around our Canon characters, therefore, you'll need to act like them (that is whoever you pick to play) yes, i know, most fandom roleplays don't do this and honestly i haven't seen it done in a very long time, i think this is the time to bring it back. Every dragon ball roleplay i see forces the ideology that you MUST create your own character and i think that's where they went wrong, dragon ball is successful because of the characters that are already in the game and its extremely hard to copy the magical characteristics of these characters into a brand new character. So, instead of telling people to make their own character, i said why not bring back the ideology in the fandom rps that you can BE these characters. I'll be picking people specifically, if i think you know that character you want more than the others than i'll pick you to play that character. The more knowledge you have of your character of choice will determine if you get them or not, please keep characters that are only known in this time period, so no Uub, Cells, or Trunks... Yet!

You can be multiple characters in the series and yes, your character will die sooner or later but if its a character we all love as a community (this community) than we can let you continue that story in death, because dragon ball wouldn't be dragon ball without the halo effect. Because i expect this roleplay to be extremely big in my eyes i want a team of friends, people who are willing to help in management and story continuation and knows as much as i do about the show. If you're interested in being Co-GM of this roleplay, just say so below. I want this character choosing to be dedicated, joyful, fair, and passionate, so much so i want you guys to actually FEEL that you're the real actor of this character; i want you to feel comfortable in the shoes of your favorite character so much that you'll know, without thinking or hesitating, exactly what they'll do in situations.

And now the most important part... why did i name this ''sequal'' of sorts ''Stars'' well.. without spoiling much, its about the inner workings of the dragon balls, hence, ''Stars'' because the dragon balls have stars in them and that could be references to space as well.

and yes custom character creation might be a thing as we go along... NPCs, and... perhaps.. children.

Pardon my bbcode design, i'm not well experienced in that field just yet. I surely hope the images make up for that?
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