Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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((sorry I've been off for so long plus i'm going to try first person to rp in))

I look at Jae "we..." I stopped and then continued "I droped to look for a distress beacon and survivors. it looks like someone else picked it up too." i looked at my on-bord rader and saw mutiple red dots "by the great one!"
((It's okay))

"Well.." she bit her lip in thought. "How good are you in close combat?" she said as the car swerved right and the gun on the side fired.
Several Drengin drop pods slammed into the ground around Jae's strange vehicle, each one of the 7 drop pods sprouting 6 legs, and turrets appearing out of the top. They climb to their feet, and open fire, as giant, 8-foot-tall feathered bird-men jump out of the bottom, the energy cannons from the insect-drop walker firing away.
Jae sat straight up, the car skidding to a stop and turning 'invisible' to avoid hitting one of the pods. No heat escaped from it and there was no blur in the air to show it as it backed up slightly. Jae's eyes where wide. "Damnit.." she mumbled.

PCs gathered around the pods, starting to fire. One bumped into the car and turned, firing into it. Nothing happened other than the rocket exploded in midair.
the car skided to the side and fired a gun "i can handle my self" i was surprised when the car was hit by an exsplosive and took no damage. i checked my guns to make sure that they were good to go "and you?" i looked through my melee wepons on my HUD and chose the combat swords and my body armor started to shift in to place to be ready to bring out the wepons, i look at Jae "this is not just armor its symbiotic and dose much more then protect me" i would gave a toothy grinn but my helmet was on "so what now?"
Jae thought for a moment. Angel still had her armor. She sighed. "At the moment, we need to wait to figure out what those damn drop pods are firing at." she said quietly, as if they could here her. The PCs could be seen through the windows, firing at the drop pods and walking around, looking for the now unseen and undetected car.
" they look like there fireing back at your camp" i paused for a sec then said "the way i see it we have three choices; one you take me to my mission objective, two we stay here and risk the chance of being found and out numbered or three we go back and help the others... your the driver its your choice just make it fast."
Jae thought for less than a second before the car lurched forwards, a grim determination set on her face as it headed towards his mission objective. She had priorities...but at the moment, it was Zairis's mission. She knew Angel was safe with Stryker, and for now, she still trusted him. The car sped until the environment outside was barely a blur, the car still invisible. Jae was tensed, her hands clenched, her jaw set.
"there mite be more of them at the beacon and... wait" I got signal back to the ship... what the beacons gone "Jae stop the car somethings wrong i just got signal back to my ship but now my map says theres no beacon give me a moment" i turn off my translater "[Black moon this is LT. Zairis come in.]"
The car stopped immediately, and Jae glanced at Zairis. She looked slightly confused, partially worried. She leaned back in the seat, closing her eyes.
I cover Angel's ears, and hold her to me to protect her eyes and ears from the deafening and blinding explosions. Missiles streak overhead, impacting on Drengin gunships, the air shimmers from the heat of laser systems, and streaks of smoke mark the passing of supersonic kinetic weaponry, breaking the sound barrier as they leave their barrels. Draconian troops have so far pushed back over 20 attempts by the Drengins to break the Draconian line, and so far, only 4 shuttles have been loaded with top-priority items.

And now Krye and Brigs are coming to make sure I'm on the 5th.
Angel held tightly to Stryker, shaking. She made no noise, but she was terrified. The armor kept her warm and the helmet helped aid Stryker's protection of her ears and head.
{[this is Black Moon we read you Zairis glad to finally hear from you... we only read your life signs is SgtMaj ((Sargeant Major)) Tagmer-]} "[dead yes killed on land fall intell was bad the damn rocks were biger than we thought and now the beacon is gone whats going on?]" {[the beacon is gone? one moment]} a few seconds went by {[LT. Zairis your orders still stand find the item]} "[Item what item i don't understand sir.]"
Jae felt the car rock a little and her attention snapped from Zairis. "Accel!" she found herself saying fairly loudly. The car jumped forwards a mile before stopping again. Jae's eyes flickered across the front window as holograms flashed by.
i turnd back on my translater as i fealt the car rock and then jump forword "What was that about?"
"PCs." she hissed, looking at the monitors. "They're locking in our coordinates.." her hand was moving quickly over the dashboard, her eyes flickering over the screen. She kicked the floorboard and sat back. She looked at Zairis. "The mission?"
"someting is going on, first we were sent after a beacon and to serch for servivers and now there saying theres an item that i need to grab" {[we are down loading an image to you now]}
Jae sighed. "Got it." she ran her hand over her face. "Let me know when you're ready to move." she turned the chair around, pulling a control out from behind the seat. She lifted her hand and a screen came up. She began using a small drone that detached from the back of the car to fire at oncoming PCs.
I clutch Angel tighter, as supersonic Drengin fighters dart over the makeshift defense base, missiles rising up to intercept, and missing every single target. As a result, an experimental Dracon AA turret opens fire, unleashing a torrent of neon-green and neon-orange rounds, that explode all around enemy aircraft, not damaging, but shaking the aircraft, and blinding them with bright colors, sudden flashes, smoke, and noise. This allowed for missile turrets to actually hit their targets, because of the aircraft's lack of visibility.

Running to the 5th shuttle, I stomp up the cargo-bay ramp, beckoning for Krye and Brigs to come, but they shook their heads and sprinted off to help fight. Knew that would happen... And I'm to the cockpit. No pilots here; everyone is needed, and I can fly myself. I get in the cockpit as I watch a fighter slowing down, heading towards me nose-first, and I decide to abandon the shuttle. I turn right back around, and get out of the shuttle as fast as I could, and am rewarded with the shuttle being torn apart by the AWOL enemy fighter as it crashes into it. I 'spect that it's due to a lack of ammo, a very depressed pilot, and an opportunity to help one's side.

Instead, I sprint to a powered-down gunship that sits lonely, [Profile picture], which is focused more on rate-of-fire and multiple barrels than missiles and lasers and such.
Angel stayed as close to Stryker as possible. She was shaking, terrified, but slowly coming out of a state of shock. She remembered she had Jae's armor on.. She nuzzled Stryker's shoulder and curled up more in his arms as the armor started into protection mode. Anytime a laser or bullet got close enough to hit them, the armor would intercept it with a small flash of energy which sent it back the way it came. Angel curled tight against Stryker.
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