Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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I chuckle slightly. Too quick to anger, but his backing down was good; he is less likely to die in a battle. "Have you ever heard that Draconians are honorable? Fighting one of us isn't going to start a war, if challenged one to one. Unless, of course, you just attack. Challenge me, you certainly want to fight me. But do remember that Draconians have been alive for millions of years, and we have genetically engineered, physically trained, and mentally enhanced ourselves to be the best warriors. So would you like to challenge me?" I ask, more or less taunting the foreigner. "I can swear that none of my kind would take revenge should you beat me. If anything, you'd be an honored one, and given full respect." I wait for his response, hoping for a fight.

What can I say? I'm a warrior, with very little to fight at the moment. I'm different, sure, but I'm not that different.
As they spoke, Jae closed her eyes, placing her hand on the dashboard. There was a small flash and a very loud bang. The car shifted, armor rolling out of hidden compartments and everything changing about the car. Now, it looked much more...technical, for the lack of a better word. Jae opened her eyes and slowly looked around. The inside had no wheel, no controls, no nothing. She blinked. "How do you go?" she muttered, and the engine started. "Oh yeah.." she shook her head. The engine turned off and she looked at Zairis. "You going to come?" she asked. "I can get this thing up pretty fast."

I smirk at Jae. "Who needs cars, when you have hovertanks, gunships, fighters, dropships, teleporters, and giant mechanically-enhanced genetically engineered creatures?" As I speak a hovertank, an oval flying disk with a short, stubby barrel that glows blue from a special energy, glides towards me, while the gunship [in my profile picture] approaches from the Drac camp, having taken off.
Jae frowned slightly. "Who needs a smart-ass who thinks he's better than everyone?" Her voice lowered slightly. "At least we have a reason to protect things important to us...other than our own pride.." she looked at Zairis. "Your choice." she rolled the window up and the passenger door opened a she sat back. Two turrents came up at the roof, firing into the trees. Three PCs went up in a shower of sparks as the guns disappeared.
I raise a scaly eye-ridge [the equivalent of an eyebrow] in a very human gesture. "I am the best one here. And I am a smart-ass, I know more information than you ever could. I do have a large degree of pride, and that is not the reason I fight. So you are partially right, and partially wrong. And, by the way, you haven't even seen me really fight, yet. I still don't know whether or not to take over Earth, or to help it, after all. Oh, and those colonies you were talking about?"

"They're all gone," I say, a small, cold smile on my scaly face. "They tried to resist."
Jae grit her teeth behind the tinted window. She sighed before speaking. Automatically, her voice was projected by a small speaker on the car. "Stryker." She says in a calm, but suddenly cold, almost professional voice. "If you think you're the best, explain this." She looked at Angel through the tinted window. "Why is Angel afraid of me?" She knew why, but she kept her mind away from it, she let it fade from her memory slightly.

Angel whimpered as Jae said her name. She hid behind Stryker.
My expression slowly fades. "I do not know, nor is it my place to know unless either of you make it so. Strong I may be, Smart I may be, but my Honor limits me. That is not my place, with such dealings. Everything we do has a reason."
Angel still did not move.

"Then don't say you're better than anyone." her window rolls down about half-way. "Another question. Why is Angel so attached to you, and how do you think she'll feel when you leave?"

Angel shifted closer to him, biting her lip. A tear welled in her left eye.
"I'd have to ask Angel why she is so attached, and I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon. I'm not sure myself why she's so attached to me."
Jae nodded slightly. "That's what I thought." She rolled the window all the way up and sat back, silent now, waiting.

Angel sniffled. "'re not leaving...are you?" she asked in a small voice, looking up at him.
I look back at Angel, and reply, "I've got no where else to go, Angel."

Why does a human child like a big lizard-man so much? I can't figure it out.
Angel hugged Stryker, tightly. In fact, for such a young girl, her grip was pretty tight. "G-good.." she sniffled.
I look at the girl, expression softening, showing the slightest hint of pain, sadness, loneliness, and an even slighter bit of longing. After a moment, I blink, and my expression reverts back to its stern expression, and look at Jae. "And what is your next move?"
Jae simply looked at Zairis as an answer.

Areiz nuzzled her head into his hip, not letting go.
Zairis watches the car transform with some intrest luckily no one could see through his visor or that over-grown-lizard near him would lecture him more on how stupid the Aptin race but he himself had no room to talk for he himself was an over-grown-lizard under his symbiotic armor but it was beginning to realy git under his scales. He walked to the car and got in, the seat was awkward to sit in for him and he had to wrap his long tail around him wich was a little difficult due to the armor plating "this is not ment for me" he said as a jest and closed the door and typed something on his data pad and out side the pods erased all data and memory from there data banks and Tagmers body dissolved in to nothing "i'm ready lets go" he gave the location of the becon to Jae
I'm about to formulate a response, when a screeching noise catches my attention. I turn, the direction opposite of the human car, Jae, the foreigner, and the base camp. A fast count shows that 20 objects streaking downward, looking more like a small meteor shower, despite the fact that the objects are large, they are slowing down at a constant rate, and the front of them flicker blue, revealing the use of heat shields. They impact the ground at a quick estimate of 6 miles from my current position, and Krye runs up to me. Krye, looking just slightly panicked, says, "Drengin invasion force incoming, sir! They are coming to finish us off, inter-atmospheric fighters are coming down on top of us, and several more invasion groups are coming down all around us at different distances! We're surrounded, and we can't get reinforcements, sir, what do you we do?"

It is a rare thing to see a Draconian fearful, and this one was certainly matched fearful. Surrounded on all sides, outnumbered, outgunned. Drengin were very dangerous. Very, very dangerous. l look at Krye, who, I realized, wasn't a clone. He was a natural-born. Over 80% of Draconians are clones, so a natural-born is very rare among the military, and even then, very few are as inexperienced as Krye to be on a high-priority mission. All Draconians are very loyal, very patriotic, very determined, but natural-borns weren't always like that. They were more human. And Krye is one of those. Him and Brigs; they're both special. They're both panicked. It's going to spread to the others like a disease, and eliminate any chances to win against the Drengin. They've already won, and just taking a glance at the Draconian camp, i can tell they're unsettled. It's already spreading. Draconian Warfighters lift off, orders ungiven. Never before has solders gone to battle without orders.

I sigh, knowing that the crew of the fleet-crushing Battleship-X was brought down by a small Drengin strike group. "Krye, retrieve Brigs, a smaller Tanuu, a gunship, and a shuttle." He nods, and runs off, an urgent run.
Jae nodded. The armor on the outside of the car covered the back windows as it jolted forwards, out of sight in less than a second, yet inside everything seemed to move at a regular speed. She noticed Zairis's uncomfortability. "Here." she shifted her hand, touching the side of the seat. It slid back a little, giving more room for his feet, and the car widened slightly, the armor above the car shifting. This slowed it down only by a fraction of a second.

Angel sniffled, looking up at Stryker. "Are we in trouble?"
I hold her tightly, and say, "In very much trouble." I cover her ears with the hand that isn't used to hold her, and shout, "ALRIGHT YOU BLITHERING LIZARDS! LET'S GET MOVING! BATTLE STATIONS, ARM THE AREA DENIAL SYSTEM, SCATTER THE AIRSHIPS! LET'S GET MOVING, TROOPERS!" As I finish, different drop pods, mainly those of larger sizes, have the top of their shell retract, and missile or railgun systems slide up, and then aiming downward to a 45 degree angle, scanning for any bogies that need some fire.
Angel whimpered, resting her head on Stryker's arm and curl up, hugging his arm tightly.

Jae noticed something was off from the change in the sky. It was darker, though it was only noon. She sighed. A control came up from where the steering wheel should have been. She touched a button and a radar came up on the windshield. Red dots where everywhere. She shut it off and looked at Zairis. "What's your mission?" she asked.
((Waiting for Star Strider...))
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