Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Seyn sighed, running her paw over the top of her head. "Carter, admit it, you have no idea where we are, let alone where your ship is," She said sternly, "It'll probably take longer to find it if we just wander around with no idea where we're going than if we just went back to base and brought a helicopter or something back."
"Hell... I.. Copter? No, Hell, Bad."
He slapped his elbows, continuing in the direction he had chosen.
Seyn growled in frustration. "Carter, a helicopter is like a plane!" She said, trying to force her emotions back down, "A mini spaceship that flies in the sky." She was quickly losing her patience with her alien friend and once again longed for the ease of battle. Her tail whipped back and forth like a red flag proclaiming her mood. "Do you want to go home or not?" She sighed, "Look, I'm just trying to help you. Do you really think I would bring you somewhere dangerous on purpose? If you can trust me to fix your ship, than you can trust me to at least get us there."
She looked at her. "Uh, well..I'm not sure how to say this." She muttered under her breath. "Well, they are sleeping, for a..umm for a very long time." Kate listened to her comm closely as it came back to life. "Okay. I'm coming. If they break through, make quick turns to dodge them." She then proceeded to the powerbox and did as she was told, using a thick branch for the extra leverage. The door opened and she paused. "18460-DK, you need to stay directly with me." She turned, lowering herself to 18460-DK's eye level. "Or you'll get hurt. Come on." She stood back up and turned to face the door. Taking a deep breath, she started in, staying close to the walls and watching for any signs of movement in the dimly lit rooms. Nothing so far. She went threw a few more doors and a faint *BANG* resounded through the room. She pulled up her rifle and turned half way towards 18460-DK. "Here, take this." She handed her a small pistol. "Stay safe. If you see one of your kind, shoot them." Then, she started towards the sounds, scanning each room with her finger on the trigger. A door was ajar, sounds coming from it. She walked slowly into the door, only sticking the front of her rifle in. 1...2...3... There's only..wait... As she searched across the room, she saw another door that had been pulled ajar. She cursed silently to herself before focusing on the biggest one closely. She aimed her rifle, popping the two smallest twice in the back of their head, the circuit box. Then, she scanned the last one. Reinforced head?!?! I have to aim for the eyes to get close enough to do any damage... She winced, trying to think of something.
He was sitting there not comforted by the fact that Kate was there. The constant banging on the door kept him standing in the farthest corner away from the door. He figured she wouldn't get there in time, and even if she did would she be able to kill Jumbo? And even if she did just how many of the blasted deathbots got out? Just as he thought the worst was about to happen, the door was going to be punched down, gunshot sounded. He knew Kate had gotten to him but Jumbo continued his banging... did the other two get her? They had a knack for playing tricks... "Kate, the small ones are tricky, put a couple bullets in their bac-" The door was knocked down with a final and over all powerful punch. The door blew out and slammed into the wall creating a dent... How strong was Jumbo? As Jumbo started to swing his arms trying to hit him he dove between its legs and made a run for it. "Kate, follow me." He said panicky, she needed bigger guns if she planned on taking this one down. Everything seemed to be plated over. The chance of her finding and hitting a weak spot was slim to none.

"We need to make it to my lab, grab that girl and lets go!" He turned the corner just as the last strand of power went out. Quickly he whipped out a flashlight and got to a went with a screw driver. He struggled with the screw only to realize they were rusted on, "Kate, help." Jumbo had just rounded the corner...
The door busted out and Kate jumped to her feet as Ken came out. Kate followed him, surprised that Jumbo was so fast. She grabbed 18460-DK and followed. Kate took the screwdriver carefully trying to open it. "Come on..." she mumbled and it gave way. "Got it! Hurry!" She turned around and dived to the side, banging the wall to distract Jumbo. Let's see just how fast you are.. she narrowed her eyes, going back and forth across the hall to distract him without getting caught.

((Part II starts when the following has been accomplished: The spaceship is found, Jumbo and the others are dead, the team is together. Just a heads up. It'll be like a mini series.))
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Ken dived into the vent and crawled to the other end, it was a room to room vent not connected to the main venting systems, "Hay, Kate." He shouted with little hope that she could hear him over the banging, "Hurry up and get threw, Jumbo will have a hard time smashing threw the doors and is too big for the vent. Hurry." He turned and looked at the girl who had gone in after him but didn't say anything. Instead he climbed a ladder that led to a small emergency escape plot which he also connected to the main venting systems just in case any of this happened. He was shaking and shivering with fear right now, his heart felt like it was going to expload. All Ken could think about was getting to his weapons chamber...
Carter pauses, taking one last look around the majorly confusing and twisting landscape. Then, he lets out a long, high pitched sigh.
"Copter. We go."
"Thank you, Carter, "Seyn said, walking up to him and placing a paw on his blue shoulder. "You can trust me," She said with a grin, "Kronsets are known for their annoying over-protective instincts towards their friends."
Kate dodged another blow as Ken disappeared through the now open vent. She quickly dived in, narrowly missing another swing of Jumbo's arm. She took a deep breath, following the two ahead of her. "Where to now?" She said, slightly out of breath.
can keep up so going to write this)

18460-DK was crawling ahead of Kate mumming happily. "hey guess what" she said "I have to go use the bathroom" she pouts stop crawling "realy badly" she knew this was the wrost timing but what the chess she need go. when you need to go you need to go. and there is no stopping that.

what 18460-DK looks like but with short white hair
her power is she can have wings of blades.
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Shaking her head at 18460-DK, Kate glanced behind her, pausing as she noticed Jumbo peering through at her.
"We are going to the weapons chamber, where I keep my prototypes." He said turning in the vent shaft as he kept going, "It just over thAAHH-" He fell threw the shaft and landed in the wrong room, it was a cell that had held a death bot aka perfect companion and it just happened to be locked. "Don't come this way." He shouted up as he heard the thumping of Jumbo getting closer. He realized Jumbo must have been tracking them somehow. "Ok, the weapons section is just past the hole, find a way to get to it and hurry, Jumbos getting close."
18460- DK crawled faster "Move it doc i need to go" she hacked into the computers in this place. but she fell with the doc and laed ontop of him "sorry doc" she then noticed the jobo robot "your not scary" "must distory 18460-DK" it said why am i the one that must di"
Kate froze as they fell. "Are you okay?" She paused, hearing Jumbo's voice. Reaching into her pack she pulled out a rope, tying one end to a small bolt on the side of the vent and throwing the other down. She climbed on the rope, then reached to the other side, grabbing the ledge and pulling herself up to the other side. "Hurry." she called down. "I'll help you when you get up here."
18460-DK was mad she didnt know this feeling but she didnt care right now. she walked up to jombo. Eyes red. the jombo attacked her she dogged it by doing lep-frog the on the other side she slice him in two with her blade wing. but they didnt get to see her wing becuse she pt it away once the thing sliced part moved. "i need to go" she said eyes back to normal and pertand like nothing happend
Kate paused, reaching over and messing with the rope a little. "Climb up! I'll help you get over here!" She called down again. Lights flashed through different vents. They're looking for us.. she thought to herself, calling down. "Hurry! I'm not leaving either of you!" She called down, trying to get her comm to work.
Ken nodded and grabbed the rope, he wasn't very good with this kind of thing however and he couldn't get more than half a food up the rope before sliding back down, "I can't." He said nervously. Again Ken tried but didn't get any higher up, "I can't."
"Okay..I'll try to find something.." She tried to think, but nothing came to mind. "I.." She shook her head. "How safe is that room?" She asked, an idea coming to mind.
no big jombo hes dead and slice in two" she said starting to climb she got top the top and grabbed hold of the rope "just hold onto the rope and we ill pull you ok" she looked at Katie and smiled
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