Den of Wolves (IC) | Minamoto Lightning & Denali

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Blood Lightning

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
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Monday: N/A | Tuesday: All Day | Wednesday: N/A | Thursday: N/A | Friday: 9:30PM-12:30AM | Saturday: N/A | Sunday: 12:00PM-3:00PM *Times are set at Pacific Standard Time/Pacific Daylight Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Realistic, Romance, Horror, Modern, Scifi, Zombies, Action, Adventure, Fandom, Drama
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Aleksi's Estate
It was a beautiful day in Palermo, Sicily. The sun was shining, flowers were blooming and the skies were clear. Expecting Mother Alexis Ishimoto, was just getting ready for her day. It had been quite some time since her lover, Aleksi, saved her from the horrid relationship she was once in. Probably at least a year now. Alongside another lover and Aleksi's wife, Alexis was pregnant with his child. Things were a little odd as his wife, Vivian, was okay with her husband's womanizing. The other woman in the home, Shinoa, was expecting twins and was two weeks behind her. And the parents weren't bothered by this in the slightest. Sure, it was a weird adjustment period. With what her lover did for a living, his children were going to live rather comfortable lives. Not to mention a lot of cousins, as Aleksi's two brothers were also married and had two lovers, all of whom were pregnant...very pregnant at that. And today, they were all going to be in one place as Giorgo, their Father, was inviting everyone over for a celebration. She didn't really figure out what, but it certainly wasn't a baby shower. Looking at the Calendar pinned on her wall, she saw that it was also her due date, but there were no tell-tale signs of her going into labor. Alexis did know that it was rare for babies to be born on their due date, most were born before, some after. After looking through her closet, she sighed before picking out a dress and then going to one of the restrooms to take care of her hygiene.

In another part of the large house, Shinoa was resting in the living room on the couch. The young woman was expecting twins, so pregnancy was taking its toll on her as she was at thirty-eight weeks. From what she read, most twins were born around thirty-five or thirty-six weeks. Because of how big she had gotten, Shinoa was surprised that she made it to thirty-eight weeks. Straightening out her dress, she sighed as she felt a dull pain in her belly. As her back was also starting to hurt, she was hoping for a chance to cuddle with Aleksi before they went to his Father's house as there was a planned celebration. At least his Mom was currently in Rome. Shinoa didn't really like her all that much, as the much older woman made demeaning comments about her being only half-Italian. Another thing that she couldn't wrap her head around was that she was the one expecting twins, yet she was the youngest at seventeen. Alexis was nineteen and then there was Aleksi's wife, Vivian, who was just starting her third trimester. As she felt a contraction, she made a pained face before frowning and then sitting up. Were the babies coming? Shinoa was hoping not since there was a dinner party coming up. Hopefully Aleksi would be a darling and allow her to take it easy at the party. That poor man was gonna very busy; with four kids on the way and then having to spend time with them, and then schedule out when to spend time with each woman. Shinoa wasn't sure how that was gonna go, but hopefully it'd go well. Taking another deep breath, she relaxed on the couch before gently massaging the humongous belly.

Meanwhile, Vivian was just getting out of her shower and getting dressed. Compared to the other two women in the house, she had it easy, having not yet made the thirty week mark yet, while both Alexis and Shinoa were probably going to go into labor any minute. Thankfully they got along, or things would get very, very awkward. Not to mention her in-laws were the same way; one wife, two lovers, all pregnant and in the same house. Still, her hubby was good at time management, especially with the whole 'family business' that he didn't really talk about. As long as he was present for the birth of their child, she didn't really care. Slipping into her dress, Vivian started doing her hair and makeup.

Karver's Estate
At another estate, Victoria was just relaxing in the backyard. Thankfully for her, Karver's estate was closer towards the beach. So whenever it was a beautiful day out, she would go and spend her mornings out on the beach. So far, her own pregnancy was a smooth ride. She was a week into the third trimester, so Victoria just hoped to enjoy it while she could, because right now she had it easy compared to Karver's other lovers, one of them being her cousin Jessica, who tied the knot with Karver. So far, Jessica and Victoria had overcome the awkwardness of their babies sharing the same Father. Explaining that to their children was going to be something in the future, but for now, Victoria was going to focus more on the present. Enjoying the sun against her skin, she smiled as she released an umbrella to shield her from it, wanting to cool down while listening to the waves hitting the beach.

Jessica & Tracy ~ Taking a nap currently as neither of them got very much sleep due to insomnia the previous night. Jessica is sleeping on the living room couch and Tracy is in her room.

Jesper's Estate
If there was anything her man was unlucky on, it was the fact that Valerie and Jesper's other two lovers, Harmony and Justina were all within a week of one another; while Val was at thirty-seven weeks, Harmony was at thirty-six weeks and Justina was at thirty-five. With the fact that babies were rarely born on their due date, there was a real possibility of all three of them giving birth at the same time. Since Harmony was the wife, she would probably get priority over Justina and Valerie. The idea of all three of them being in the same room for delivery made Valerie cringe, so she did hope that they would all at least be within a few days or at least week of each other rather then hours or simultaneously. Brushing this thought aside, Valerie proceeded to go into the private gym that her husband had in the estate to exercise.

Jesper's other lover, Justina, was finishing up on doing her hair. Like Val, she was thinking about how close together their pregnancies were, well...theirs and Harmony's, the Queen Bee since Jesper selected her to be his wife. Choosing a dress to go with her newly done hair, Justina smiled at the reflection in the mirror before exiting her room to go into the living room to relax. Thanks to Jesper, this pregnancy was going smoothly with very little complications. Justina smiled as she relaxed on the couch while turning on music using Bluetooth to keep herself calm as she massaged her ever-growing belly.

The last few nights, Harmony hadn't slept all that well. Some nights she had insomia and trouble sleeping, other nights she would wake up crying because of a bad dream or a nightmare. With the amount of stress it brought, Harmony was often resting in the living room and was rather needy when it came to her husband. However, with two other pregnant women in the home, Harmony did have to share even though she was the Queen Bee out of all of them. On this day, while Valerie and Justina seemed relaxed, Harmony had a nightmare and proceeded to wake up crying because she was terrified of losing her unborn baby.

Tiffany - Currently on a Plane to Sicily with her Boss and fellow Gang Members - Flying in from Los Angeles, California, so they will be arriving some time between the Afternoon and Evening for Sicily


Being the youngest of the brothers, he had quite a lot on his hands to deal with. Expected father of 4, two of which are twins. Twins in his family were a rarity but also highly looked upon. Being the caregiver of two females in their late teens was not what he had intended for this path in his life, but now he wouldn't have it any other way. Aleksi doesn't regret his choice one bit, if he did both girls would be in a state that was horrific and haunting if he hadn't stepped in.

He was fast asleep when his father called him. ZZZZ ZZZZZ. Several texts were unanswered which was not a good thing in his father's book. Giorgo Callan-Rossi, was the top dog of the family and today he was in a grumpy mood because his own wife decided to go to Rome. One would think that having grandchildren on the way would be exciting for parents. But not Lady Rossi. Lady Rossi didn't get along well with her son's wives and lovers. She was a full Italian and felt betrayed by her sons engaging in relations with those who were not blue blood Italian or of other high profile families.

Aleksi, rolled over grumbling. "Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"Where have you been? Your mother is in Rome at the estate and I'm not happy that she'll miss the soirée today." He said in a stern voice.

"Da, I was asleep. Calm down. You woke me up. I haven't forgotten. I'll be there." Which of course was a lie because he did and was totally wrapped up in making sure his wife and lovers were okay. "Don't worry about reminding Karver and Jesper. I will remind them. You just focus on getting the estate together for our arrival. I'll see you when I get there." It took him a moment to process that his mom wasn't going to be there. He had a few words to say about it, but he wasn't going to. He hung up after he managed to calm down his dad. He looked at the time and sighed, "Can't lay in bed for another 10 minutes. Today is going to be fun." Aleksi loved his mother and decided to call her to try to convince her to come home for the event, which of course didn't work. The sound of a hair dryer could be heard in the background. Hanging up the phone, he sat on the edge of the bed with his back turned towards her as he held his head in his hands and rubbed his temples. At this point, Vivian walked out ready for the day. He had no idea if Alexis or Shinoa were up yet. And spending time with them this morning seemed like it was out of his plan.



Dead asleep to the world, he stirred and rolled over to pull his wife close to him for a morning cuddle session. When he reached over, he felt the bed empty. At such a feeling, he got up in a bad mood. He was worried about her. As their relationship grew he became awfully protective of her. He knew full well that his wife had a hard time sleeping and he was surprised that she didn't stay in bed. Karver brough doctor's in to help but nothing seemed to help. Putting on a silk robe and tieing around his body, he went to find her. As he made his way downstairs, he went to go check on Tracy, he found her sleeping peacefully in her room. A smile crossed his face, hoping she didn't have a terrible night either. He rather let her sleep than disturb her. Their house staff was tending to the daily chores. He heard the tv on in the living room and found his wife asleep on the couch. He gently, touched her cheek and kissed her forehead. "Jessica, mi amore. Come upstairs and get comfortable. No need for you to sleep here on the couch. I'm going to check on Victoria. I'll cuddle you in bed when I return. I need you all to rest before we go to my father's today." He told her and helped her upstairs to their room.



Time was close on the due date and he had been around the estate more often in case of anything. His phone had been going off due to work and his brothers. What actually woke him up was his wife, crying. Slowly stirring he sat up and wrapped his arms around her. "Cuore mio, what is it this time?" He asked soothingly as he wrapped his arms around her letting her curl up into him like a baby. "Deep breaths, Cara. Can't have you worked up like this. Doctor's orders." Comfortingly, he rubbed her arms as he held her. Now was not the time to remind her of the agenda for today. Jesper's goal was to ease her thoughts before allowing her to get on her day.
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Vivian | Aleksi's Estate - Master Bedroom
While in the bathroom, Vivian overheard her husband's conversation that he was most likely having on the phone as she didn't hear either Shinoa or Alexis on the other side of the door. Although she was the selected Queen Bee, Vivian often ensured that both the younger women, who were further along then her, to spend time with Aleksi. Once she was finished with her hair and her make-up, Vivian heard her husband sigh. Frowning and feeling her baby kicking, Vivian straightened out her dress before opening the bathroom door, seeing Aleksi rubbing his temples. Not to mention he had his back to her. Sighing, she slowly approached him. "Was Dad worked up again, sweetheart?" She asked, grabbing his arm with a concerned look. "Be sure to keep an eye on Shinoa and Alexis today while we're at your Dad's. Alexis' baby is due today and Shinoa is ready to pop any day now." Vivian proceeded to remind him, knowing how far along the other two were compared to her.

Alexis | Aleksi's Estate - Courtyard
The shower wasn't all that lengthy and the heavily pregnant woman was able to get through her hygiene reasonably quickly. Feeling a tight sensation around her belly, she sighed before putting on some stretch-mark lotion on her belly before slipping her dress on. Her hair took some time to dry, but she was soon done with that as well. Finally ready for her day, she opened the door before turning the light in the bathroom off before putting on some slippers to go for a walk, wanting to stretch her legs. However, so that Aleksi wouldn't freak out or anything, Alexis made sure to stay within the confines of their estate, only walking around in the courtyard, enjoying the nice weather and looking at the fountain in the center, while birds flew around and away from the area.

Jessica | Karver's Estate - Living Room --> Master Bedroom
Although Jessica had fallen asleep while watching TV after Breakfast, she woke to the feeling of her loving husband kissing her on the forehead and cupping her cheek. With a tired look, she smiled a little when he told her to go back upstairs and get comfortable, even stating that there was no need for her to be sleeping on the couch. He would then help her to her feet and up the stairs before saying that he was going to go check on Victoria. As he got back to the bottom of the steps, one of the servants proceeded to notify him that Victoria was in the backyard enjoying the waterfront view and warm weather. Taking a deep breath, she walked back into their bedroom, straightened out her robe and proceeded to relax in bed, laying on her left side while waiting for Karver to return and cuddle with her.

Harmony | Jesper's Estate - Master Bedroom
Her morning was off to a bad start, as she had woken up crying due to a nightmare. Unfortunately for her, they had been slightly more frequent then usual and there had been some nights where she woke up crying in the middle of the night. She took a deep breath as he started rubbing her arms as she snuggled into him before guiding his hands to her swollen belly. At his touch, the baby kicked. Sadly, it did hurt Harmony a little since her baby was a little more active compared to Justina and Valerie's. "I had another bad dream. I'm just scared for our baby..." she said, wiping her eyes with her hand.

Slowly, she stopped crying and took a few deep breaths as she calmed down. Jesper was often worried about Harmony getting worked up and sometimes she'd forget that a stressed mom meant a stressed baby. "Right, I shouldn't put too much stress on the little one. Its bad for him." She frowned before adjusting her pillows and relaxing to ease the strain on her back. "Be sure to give him a kiss so he doesn't get too rowdy. Whenever he kicks too much, its harder for me to rest." She sighed, thinking about the insomnia and trouble sleeping due to the nightmares that have been plaguing her during the waning days of her pregnancy.

Aleski startled and then relaxed at her touch. "Yea, he is. Upset that I didn't answer his messages. On top of mom being in Rome while we all are at the estate. I totally forgot about the soiree today. Trying to keep you girls and work stable is not easy. I don't know how being a father will work with all of this. But I'm trying." He told her and leaned his head against her arm. "Don't worry I will." Laying a gentle kiss on her hand. "I probably should go check on them now." He was even more worried about the other two now that they were going to travel. "Have one of the maid's help them pack. We need bags ready for whatever happen." He told her. "I'll shower and get ready for the day. I'll meet you downstairs." He kissed her on the forehead.

Standing up he moved towards the shower and got in the shower. Allowing the hot water to run over his muscular body for a bit easing the tension and stress. His thoughts went to Jesper and wondered how he was doing with his girls. After all it was Jesper's idea and Karver agreed to living this kind of lifestyle. Aleksi, of course, was indifferent about it. Being rich was a big appeal to many females, just that the way it happened was unexpected.

After his shower he got out, dried off, got dressed wearing a pair of jeans and a button linen shirt. Brushing his hair back, he went to check on Shinoa and Alexis. Not seeing Alexis in her room, made him a little worried. He smiled seeing Shinoa relaxing. He went over to her and sat beside her. "Hey sweetie. Feeling okay? Think you'll be okay to go to my parent's estate?" He asked her with alot of concern in his voice as he rubbed her belly. He hadn't seen Alexis yet for the morning, and wanted to check on her. "Shinoa, I need to go check on Alexis. I'll come back here and give you attention." He told her before he slipped from the living room. he asked a servant where Alexis was.

Aleksi knew that one of the reasons why he chose this estate was for them to enjoy being outside at their own leisure. Leaving the interior of his home, he went to find Alexis. He found her in the courtyard by the fountain. "Alexis, good morning darling. How are you feeling today and will be okay to go to father's estate. I already checked on Shinoa. You two are of my major concern today at the party, but now it might turn business. He still hasn't said what its for. Come inside, when you're ready I want to discuss a plan just in case." Aleksi, placed a kiss on her cheek before he went back inside.


Karver noticed how tired she was and let out a soft worried sigh. "I wish we could give you something for these restless nights, but the doctor doesn't want you on anything." He helped her to her feet and escorted her upstair to theirs room. He made her side of the bed comfortable and tucked her in. As he left the room, he put on some music to help her fall asleep to. "I'll be back soon." Once he got Jessica to relax, he left the room and went to look for Victoria. Having the help around the house was essential for each of the girls whereabouts. He thought about having cameras but didn't want to impose on their privacy around the estate. "So that's where she is. Thanks." Acknowledging the servant with a grateful smile and nod as the wave of overprotection washed away. Karver made his way outside and saw her enjoying being outdoors."That would make a beautiful photograph one day." Coming up behind her and touched her belly. "We're going to my father's today. I have to spend time with Jessica for a few. "We'll leave here in a couple of hours or so." After an exchange of a few words he allowed her to relax. He didn't want to be an overbearing person. But with the condition of his girls he couldn't help it.


Jesper, cuddled and listened to her, feeling the kick of the baby. "So active, that one. Always knows when I'm around. Same dream or different one. I spoke to the doctor about taking something, but he doesn't want to harm the baby. Of course, I agree with that. I know you are. I'm doing all that I can to make sure each of you aren't freaking or stressing out. Especially since all of are so close. We do have to go my father's."

He held her as she calmed down. "No you shouldn't. Any risks will be too much and cause complications, which something none of us want. And now is not the time for such." He said and laid a gently kiss on her belly to help ease the kicking. "Want me to stay with you till he settles?" Jesper was highly concerned now in regards to her lack of a good night's sleep. He laid next to her and rubbed her belly as they talked. "Once you're feeling better about life, we should get ready to go to."
Vivian | Aleksi's Estate - Master Bedroom ---> Kitchen
The young woman frowned when her Husband said that her Father-In-Law had gotten worked up over Aleksi not responding to his messages. Surely the much older man understood that all his sons had their hands full; aside from managing the Family Business, they were also caring for three pregnant women...each...and preparing to become Fathers. Vivian did find it frustrating how Giorgo wasn't entirely all that understanding. Even Vivian understood that Aleksi had a lot on his mind and the same could be said for his Brothers.

As she comforted her husband, he mentioned that he had forgotten about the Soiree that Giorgo was hosting tonight. She frowned before sitting next to him to hold him close. "I know, babe. You're a hard worker." She responded as he kissed her hand before asking her to have one of the maids help Alexis and Shinoa pack hospital bags just in case.

After he kissed her on the forehead, Vivian stretched her arms before walking out of their bedroom so that Aleksi could go shower. Quietly, she spoke with one of the Housemaids in the kitchen to honor Aleksi's request. When informed that both women had already packed their bags, Vivian thought for a moment, before asking the Housemaid to put the bags in the trunk of the limousine just in case either woman were to go into labor and needed to be taken to the hospital. Or worst case scenario, both of them go into labor.

Shinoa | Aleksi's Estate - Living Room
As she continued to relax, Aleksi came by to check up on her. Seeing his face alone was enough to make her smile, even more so when he showed her some love, feeling at ease as he rubbed her belly. Briefly, both her babies kicked against their Father's touch. "I'm okay, hun, the babies were kicking up a storm last night and wouldn't let me sleep, so I am a little tired. I should be fine to go to your Dad's house. As long as I don't have to be on my feet for more then thirty minutes, I'll be okay. You know its hard for me to stand for too long and my back's killing me." She sighed.

When he said that he was going to go check on Alexis, she only nodded, but smiled when he said that he'd come back to spend time with her. As he got up to walk away, Shinoa continued to relax, though she sat up since her back was starting to hurt more and she just wanted to be comfortable.

Alexis | Aleksi's Estate - Courtyard
As she continued to look at the sprinkling fountain at the center of the courtyard, Alexis looked down at her belly, thinking about labor and delivery since it was her due date. Was she even going to pop today? Any day now really, like Shinoa. During the last Doctor's Appointment, she did say that she wanted to let it happen naturally, so there was going to be no induction or anything. She then lost her train of thought when she heard her lover's voice. "I'm alright. Just feeling...well, huge." She put her hands on her back, where her hips were supposed to be. "I should be fine to go to your Dad's and I have a Hospital Bag all ready to go in case our little princess decides to show up."

Shortly after, he proceeded to give her a kiss on the cheek after telling that she should come back into the house so that they could discuss a plan just in case either her or Shinoa...or both...were to go into labor during the Soiree at his Father's house. After he began to walk away, she went back to looking at the fountain, where she saw the reflection of her baby bump. "Wow, you've gotten so big to where Mommy can't even see her feet." She mused, placing her hand on the belly as the wind blew against her hair and her dress.

Jessica | Karver's Estate - Master Bedroom
When her Husband put on some music using their bluetooth speaker, Jessica was able to relax after he tucked her in. Because it was a little hot to her, as her body heated up rather easily due to pregnancy, she had her blanket only covering her legs. When Karver left the room, she only continued to lay on her left side, staring out the window since it had the ocean view. As her baby kicked, she silently started caressing the belly, hoping that her 'Little Prince' would calm down and allow her to rest. As she thought about having Karver calm the baby down, she sighed, feeling tired and worn out.

Victoria | Karver's Estate - Backyard Beachfront
While she continued to enjoy the sun and the gentle sea breeze against her skin, Victoria was elated when Karver came out to check up on her. Once he was close enough, she leaned into his loving embrace, even more so when his hands were on her belly. "I'm looking forward to it. I know Jessica hasn't been sleeping all that well, and neither has Tracy, so I hope your Dad doesn't mind if we have to use his Guest Rooms for a nap during the party. Do you have a time on when we will be leaving?" She asked.

Once she received her answer, she watched as Karver went back into the home. Afterwards, she just sat back down on her recliner, having gotten up briefly to stretch her legs. Straightening out her dress, she smiled before adjusting her hair and relax in the shade.

Harmony | Jesper's Estate - Master Bedroom
Her morning was still spent in her husband's loving embrace. Harmony smiled when he spoke about their active son. At the mention of them going to his Dad's, Harmony did frown a little, mostly because she was afraid of her Mother-in-Law. When asked about her dream though, she looked out the window. "Different dream. As long as I don't have to get a Cesarean Section, I'll be fine." She sighed. "I know me and the girls are very close together in how far along we are, but the one you want to keep your eye on is Valerie. She's full-term right now, so she can probably go into labor any day now."

Since a lot of medications were harmful to unborn babies, Harmony had to refrain from taking certain medications so that she wouldn't harm her son. But the doctors have been helpful nonetheless. "Yeah, I'd prefer it if you stuck around until our little prince settles down and allow me to rest." Harmony then smiled faintly as her husband kissed the belly and even more relaxed when he started caressing it, which prompted the baby to calm down and only fidget briefly before settling down. "Is your Mom gonna be there?" Harmony asked, starting to feel a little uneasy as she remembered that her Father-In-Law was having a Soiree this upcoming evening.
Aleksi looked at Vivian comfortingly noticing her facial expression. "Don't worry about me and my dad. That's something you shouldn't worry about. It will affect me, yes. But we can't have you stressing the baby. That is the last thing I need you to be doing." Giorgo had a lot on his plate and having three sons with three females who are pregnant was alot for him. Having this many grandkids at once wasn't something he wasn't prepared for even though it was a big dream of his to have a huge family.

Feeling her comfort helped ease his mind which made him stop rubbing his temples and leaned into her enjoying her touch. "Yea, I have to be for us to live like this. Just was hoping to sleep in more today. Alot of early mornings and late nights are starting to affect me." Aleksi commented knowing his body needed some exercise and relaxation. Everything he had discussed with Viv had various outcomes for tonight and he was one to prepare for whatever happens.

He stood by the fountain with her, giving her a back massage. "Good, he expects all to be there. I'm sure you feel that way but you also look beautiful." Hearing that she was packed made him let out a sigh of relief. "Good, we'll keep it in the limo so we don't have to worry too much about rushing. I like to be one step ahead." He said. As he walked back into the house, he turned his head to look at her one more time and smiled. Once he was inside he went upstairs to Shinoa.

He sat beside her and rubbed her shoulder gently before laying beside her. "I'm sorry you lost sleep sweetie. I would have slept with you if I had known, but I can only be with one of you each night. Well my father will understand, if you need rest. I'm sure he would be happy to accommodate." He said helping her get comfortable. Moving from the bed, he grabbed her a specialized body pillow. "Here, this may help." Placing it against her back once she laid down and got comfortable. As he laid next to her he gave her a massage and talked knowing his voice and touch would ease the twins. "You two have been making it hard, rest little ones." His voice was calm and soothing.

Karver smiled feeling her lean into him. "My father will be fine with it. He knows the situation. After all he's about to have a lot of grandchildren roaming about. He's excited and stressed out about it. Party is 6. So you have time. Enjoy this moment now and rest. I'll see you when you come in." Giving her a kiss, he left her to her own devices.

On his way he had to pass by Tracy's room. He peeked in to check on her, not wanting to wake her. Closing the door gently to her room, he went back in to check on Jessica . He laid beside her and began to rub her belly. "Only me. Just rest." He said and held her close.

Jesper knew how much his mother despised their lifestyle. He let out a sigh and rubbed her shoulders. "My mother needs to get over herself. She shouldn't be the one to ruin your life, then you'll be playing her game. You're letting her cause unnecessary stress. If she does make a scene more than likely we will leave and come back here. Once the baby is here then you give her a piece of your mind." He said knowing that'll make her smile. "I know, she is and I have been. Don't worry I'll check on her once I know that you're okay." Hearing her speak of a C section made him frown. "I doubt that that would happen. That would be a last resort. I can't have you covered in scars because of this. Your father would have my head. I promised that you would remain flawless." Remembering the debt settlement he made.

"Of course, mi cara. I'm at your disposal." He said as he began to focus on her. "I'm not entirely sure to be honest. She's on her own schedule. I'm sure she'll suck it up and tolerate it if she is. Plus you girls can be at my side and not say a word to her. If she is rude to her, father will put her in her place." He said reassuringly.
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Shinoa | Aleksi's Estate - Living Room --> Bedroom
While Aleksi went to go check on Alexis, Shinoa took the chance to return to her room upstairs since the couch was starting to get uncomfortable, and her bed sounded more appealing since she'd do anything to be comfortable given that she is in the final stages of pregnancy. Her and Alexis... Since they could both go into labor at any minute. Although she had a headache, she just focused on getting back to her bed where she could lay down more comfortably. The teen smiled when Aleksi returned and helped her get comfortable, even getting her a body pillow. This was especially helpful as her legs were starting to hurt. As he got into bed with her and gave her a massage, Shinoa began to feel more at ease and relaxed. "They're both very active. Never really let me sleep." She sighed as she kept her husband's hand on her belly, smiling as he attempted to sooth the twins. "Be sure to give them a kiss. They really miss their Daddy." She said before running her fingers through his hair.

Jessica | Karver's Estate - Master Bedroom
As she continued to lay in bed, Jessica continued to try and fall back asleep, but she was having a headache, not to mention she was aching almost all over her body. Her swollen belly, her back...and her legs were all hurting and she couldn't find a comfortable position, so she was tossing and turning for a few minutes, but that stopped shortly before her husband returned after checking on the other two pregnant women in the home. Because of how moody she was starting to get, Jessica immediately calmed down when Karver started rubbing her belly. This prompted her to snuggle into him, wanting to be as close as possible. "My stomach hurts...and so do my legs... and I think I'm having some heartburn." She frowned, rubbing her chest where her heart was. "Please make it stop..." She said as she started crying, the discomfort really getting to her even though she was early into the third trimester.

Harmony | Jesper's Estate - Master Bedroom
As her Husband spoke against his Mother and her opinions on Harmony and the other women that were in Jesper's life, the stressed Mother felt a lot more at ease. Straightening out her rainbow hair, Harmony proceeded to continue leaning into her husband's warm, loving embrace as he continued to comfort her. But she received the reassurance that her Father-in-Law was on her side and that a C-Section won't happen unless they were under extreme circumstances, at which point Harmony wouldn't argue if it meant delivering the baby safely. At the mention of her own Father, she didn't say too much as she hadn't really saw eye to eye with anyone in her family, especially given the circumstances that led to her marriage with Jesper in the first place. "So far you've kept your promise. Not a single scar and I still have my colorful hair." She said ruffling through his hair. As her baby kicked, she smiled a little at her husband. "I think you need to have a talk with your little prince if he doesn't stop kicking." She said before straightening out her rainbow hair. "He's also very strong, just like his Father."
"Loosing sleep is never healthy. Especially since you're carrying twins at your age." Aleski commented as he snuggled her. At her request, he gave her gentle kisses on her belly. "Rest, little ones. Mom's tired." He said and began to hum a lullaby that his mother used to sing to him. "I can tell, maybe they'll quiet down now that I'm here." He gave her a massage and laid beside her till the twins settled down. Seeing her resting at peace was a sight that he admired.

Karver smiled when she moved closer to him. "Try sitting up. I'll get you more pillows." He said as he helped get her comfortable before positioneing himself beside her and started to give her a massage. "Shhhh, now now. Don't get yourself worked up. I know you're comfortable and in pain. Breathe my sweet. Slow deep breaths." He stayed by her side till she calmed down and gave her water to drink.

Jesper chuckled and smiled as she ruffled his hair. He lowered himself towards her belly. "Of course, he is. My little prince, be kind to your mother. She's uncomfortable and you're the cause of it. Now ease the kicking and rest." He said with a stern but calm and soft voice. "That he is and stubborn too." He said and snuggled her properly. "You should rest or at least try too before the evening." He knew that her father wasn't fond of him and their arrangement, but he promised that no harm would come to her and he kept it. He saw her as his "trophy."
Shinoa | Aleksi's Estate - Bedroom
The younger woman smiled as Aleksi snuggled her, even more so when he leaned over to give her belly a few kisses. Briefly, the babies started fidgeting before slowly settling down as their Father told them to rest as their Mother was tired. Nonetheless, Shinoa began to settle in for a nap in the comfort of Aleksi's arms. As he hummed his lullaby to her, her eyes fluttered as she grabbed his wrist so that she could place his hand on the belly, mainly to keep the twins from making too much of a commotion. As she was rather sleep deprived, the young woman wanted at least a three hour nap before going to the Soiree that was planned for tonight.

Jessica | Karver's Estate - Master Bedroom
The discomfort came to a stop when Karver started giving her that massage. As she sat up, Jessica used her feet to one of the additional pillows that he had grabbed for her so that she could prop them up, stretching out her legs. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her eyes with her sleeve before taking the glass of water that her husband handed to her. After taking a sip, Jessica set it on her nightstand, frowning as her baby started kicking. "Such a rowdy little boy..." She sighed as she snuggled into her husband, even kissing him on the lips as she turned around briefly. "I've been meaning to ask, babe. Is it awkward that you're also dating my cousin, even though we're married? I've been wondering how you feel about that." She said as she moved his hand to her belly, to which their son responded by kicking.

Harmony | Jesper's Estate - Master Bedroom
As her Husband promise to defend her and the girls from his Mother, Harmony felt more at ease and less stressed. The expectant mother smiled as he spoke with their son, telling him to calm down and ease the kicking. This was enough to get her to smile, despite the distress that she had been dealing with because her Mother-in-law was a bitch. Once Jesper started snuggling her, Harmony smiled when he said that she should rest. "I'll probably be settling in for a nap so we don't go to your Dad's with me all sleep deprived." She yawned. "Just be sure to give your little prince a kiss before you go." Harmony smiled as she rubbed her belly, settling in for a nap, closing her eyes.
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Each of the sons respectfully set an alarm for their wives before they left the room each catering to their desires. Jesper kissed her bump and rubbed it gently knowing the baby would settle down at such a tender gesture.

Karver looked at his wife with caring eyes. "At first yes, I was concerned but I think she's adjusting to our lifestyle. I know there was tension and jealousy. What are your thoughts on it? Do you not want me to do date her. If I let her go my head will be on a platter. I don't think we want that. I think she's happy here."

Aleksi stayed with his wife till she fell asleep and the twins finally settled down. while each one napping they went to spend time with other two in their respective household.

Giving them
to nap before the party. As the girls slept the sons had businesss calls to make, had their servants pack up everything and load the bags into the respective limos. As soon as the alarms went off, it was time to get ready and each family would arrive at the party 2 hours early.

The first to arrive was Aleksi, then Jesper and Karver. Each arriving within in minutes of each other.

Each one greeted the other while their wives and dates got out of the limo. Aleksi and Karver were astonished at how close Jesper's girls were. "Are you sure they can be able to handle tonight in their state?" Karver asked.

"I have arrangements made, as it is. Everything will be fine. Doctor is on call as well as the helicopter. Now I wonder why father wanted us all here." Together they all went inside where their father was waiting for them. Greetings and hugs were exchanged. Each of their suites had been accommodated to sleep all four. Whether I'd was a separate room with guest beds of course with the option of all four sleeping together.
Before Going To Georgio's Estate
Jessica | Karver's Estate - Master Bedroom | 33 Weeks
As her husband voiced his thoughts, Jessica listened as she rested. Personally, she didn't really mind all that much that her cousin was around. Though the thought of her child and Victoria's child would be half-siblings and cousins. That was probably going to be weird to explain to them once they're older, but only time would tell. "No, it doesn't bother me all that much. Just never thought that we'd be sharing a man, and have a child with him at the same time." She giggled a little before shifting a little trying to get comfortable.

Not long after their brief conversation, she fell asleep, wanting to take a nap before the Soiree hosted by her Father-in-Law.

Georgio's Estate
Angelina Rossi | Georgio's Estate
The Family Matriarch finally returned to Sicily from her Trip in Rome. In recent months, she had become rather frustrated with her three sons and completely disagreed with their lifestyle. She was already upset enough that each of them had developed womanizing tendencies. She hated it, absolutely hated it. But they were adults and capable of making their own decisions. Each Son had three women in their lives; one wife each and two girlfriends. To top it all off, Angelina was especially upset now that all nine women were pregnant...very, very pregnant. One of the young women dating Aleksi was expecting twins! And she was younger then twenty. Still, if that's what they wanted, then Angelina wasn't going to say anything about it anymore. Sure, there were ten grandkids on the way, but the older woman did find it to be rather overwhelming. And given how close all the due dates were in general, especially for Harmony, Justina and Valerie (all of whom were a week apart), Angelina couldn't be any less prepared. And with what the boys did for a living, who was going to help all these women care for their children? The one thing she was worried about was all of them possibly ruining the soiree with their hormonal mood swings. And if she remembered right, at least two or three of them could go into labor at any minute. Checking her Calendar again, she saw that today was Alexis' due date. Sighing, she went to make some final preparations with some of the servants. Two hours before the Soiree, all of her Sons...and Daughters-in-Law...arrived.

She saw all of them talking amongst one another as she opened the front door. As she looked over each woman, Angelina's face went blank. "I'm glad you could all come early. Please, come in, have some tea and relax." She said before opening the second door so that they could come into her home.

In particular, she looked Alexis and Shinoa, noting that they were bigger out of Aleksi's girls. And from what she saw with Justina, Valerie and Harmony, she could most certainly bet and would not be surprised if the three of them gave birth simultaneously because of how close together they were. "Boys, your Father would like to see you. He is upstairs in his office." He said before calling for her maids so that they could help with the pregnant women, particularly with keeping their balance until they made it into the parlor, where there were plenty of comfortable couches for them to relax in. Shortly after, she sent them away to go make tea while keeping the girls company.

Tiffany - En Route with Triads

Each son smiled at their mother and hugged her. It was Jesper who spoke up and whispered something in her ear as they hugged. "Play nice, please." He warned as the others walked by him. He let go and nodded to his girls that they were in the right hands. Jesper knew how each of them felt about his mother and doted them with kisses before joining his brothers upstairs in the office.

Karver and Aleksi reassured their wives and went up to their father's office. Aleksi knocked on the door before they entered. "Mother said you wanted to see us?"

At their father's gestures, they sat down. By the look on their father's face, they could see something was wrong. Each of the sons poured themselves a glass of brandy. At the back of their mind, they were concerned about their mother's behavior. Karver could hear servants outside moving about the hallway and putting their bags in their respective rooms.
When her Son Jesper asked that she plays nice with the girls, she only nodded before sending them away, leaving all nine pregnant women at her mercy. She watched as her Eldest Son coddled his three women before he followed his two Brothers upstairs to their Father's Office. Harmony shifted uncomfortably as she followed the others into the living room, where they all sat down on the couches to settle down as standing was starting to hurt, especially for Alexis and Shinoa. Angelina proceeded to go into the kitchen where a Maid assisted her in making and bringing out the tea as there was many to be served. One thing Angelina found funny was how the two youngest women in the room were going to be the first to give birth. No doubt it was going to be very painful for the two young women, especially for Shinoa since she was the youngest and was carrying twins. Sitting in a Recliner by herself, she quietly enjoyed tea with the girls as they all spoke amongst each other.

About fifteen minutes later, Tiffany and the Triads arrived. The servants immediately escorted Tiffany, her Boss and their posse to Don Callen's Office, where he was enjoying Brandy with his Three Sons. "I apologize for the wait, we were...stuck in traffic and the airport was a little busy today." Tiffany spoke up first for her Boss, who spoke to her in Mandarin Chinese. "Please accept this humble gift as an apology." She said as her Boss snapped his fingers, prompting one of his henchmen to step forward with a Bottle of Chinese White Liquor, unopened and wrapped with a big red ribbon.