Demon Eradication Alliance Department

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Feral Wanderer
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror, PG-13 Romance, Modern Fantasy, High Fantasy
Who's the victim in this image?

Source: Cookiehana on DeviantArt

Welcome to DEAD!

The Demon Eradication Alliance Department (DEAD) is in charge of the elimination of demonkind by using demons. You are a Demon or a Handler.

Either way, you are now a hunter of the Dark Corners of Hollow City. Your job is kill without regret, even if they look human, because if a single demon were to roam free... we would all be doomed. So go forth, for mankind and for the sake of those lost.

And don't think too hard about where demons come from.

This is DEAD, an RP where you kill demons. Think hard about who you are and what you believe, because maybe things aren't so straightforward.

Yes, that means that I am keeping track of your choices. Yes, that means I will hold you accountable. However, I'm not a mean GM by any means. I just want to make an experience that may be more than meets the eye, and things happen in the background.

What I'm Looking For: 4-8 players. I may take more, depending on interest.
How Long will this be? About a month, or one Job. If things are progressing well... maybe there will be a sequel?
Are we using dice? Maybe! Before we start I will discuss if we want dice as a group. I have a system in mind, but only if players agree.
Where's the OOC? I have a discord server set up, and we'll have one here on iwaku, but discord tends to be more lively.

So! That means I need to give you some overviews on lore, worldbuilding and what you know!

  • Are you paying attention? They can see you.

    Hollow City: Humanity's Last City

    Hollow City exists within the Barrier, isolated from the world at large. And for good reason; there's nothing outside. About 500 years ago, the whole world was involved in a catastrophe known as the Demon Incident. The Hollow City was raised from the scraps of technology found by the survivors, and flourished to the point that there almost seems to be no recollection of the near apocalypse in the minds of the citizens. The only reminder left is the moon, filtered through the Barrier, turns red at night.

    The city is run by The Council, a group known only by their masks. They form different departments, and each are in charge of a different aspect of keeping the citizens safe. The Council is magnanimous, and always are fair to their citizens. No citizen criticizes The Council.

    Hollow City is full of all walks of life, and most don't ever struggle to find happiness within the city, frequently filled with any store full of just about anything one could need. Money isn't an issue in Hollow City, and The Council ensures everyone can maintain their livelihood through trade or bartering.

    The only places an unknowing citizen should not go are the Dark Corners. Places the Barrier cannot touch at night. Due to the Barrier running on solar energy, it diminishes at night. Citizens are appraised of where the Dark Corners are via the daily news broadcasts. They tend to fluctuate, but can be pretty much in similar spots every night. Those whose homes are caught in it at night tend to move out and get a new home closer to the city center before the home becomes a Dark Corner. News reports give alerts to citizens to allow them ample time to prepare for their homes to become parts of the Dark Corners. Citizens who stay in Dark Corners overnight are never seen again.

    The Council; The Most Just

    There are five total Council Members. Economy, Governance, Law, Justice, and Demon Eradication. Each wears a specific mask for each. The one pictured above is Justice (She/her). This is Economy (He/Him), this is Governance (They/Them), this is Law (They/Them), and this is Demon Eradication (She/her). No human alive has ever seen The Council's faces. None ever will. The Council hides their face to protect us all.

    Each title is self explanatory, and frankly since the only one the RP pertains to will be Demon Eradication, we will focus on that department and their Council Member.

    Demon Eradication is in charge of Demon Management and Disposal. When the city was first created, it was the primary department which took charge in order to create stability within the city. Over time, Governance took over and started to sort people into their Future Prospects. However, because the city gives out Prospect Tests, the Demon Eradication department will recruit people with the potential to stand up against Demon threats. What exactly qualifies people to this department is a secret known only to the Council Member.

    The Council Member will frequently visit lower ranked Demons and Handlers, personally assigning tasks to each section. She also likes to bake and also has treats in the break rooms. She requests to be called Cecil, though those that disobey the Order to properly address Council Members will be punished. Severely.
  • Can you hear me? This isn't what you think.

    D.E.A.D.; Those That Fight The Dark
    Congratulations! You've passed the requirements to become the cream of the crop. No, the cream of the cream of the crop!

    Only those qualified to become a Handler can join the Demon Eradication Alliance Department. That means that you've been hand-picked by a Council Member! Unbelievable! Your job as Handler is to maintain your squad which will be 1:1 with actual Demons! However, there's no need to worry. These Demons have been Leashed. A secret ritual performed by your Council Member for no charge. Isn't that magnanimous of her?

    A Leashed Demon cannot disobey their Handlers. A Leashed Demon will be tied to all Handlers in a Squad, so while some Demons may become partners with squad members, this is because being Leashed allows a Demon access to human emotions. Relationships with Demons outside of work are forbidden. Those that disobey this directive will be punished and purged from all records.

    Handlers can be blessed with what is known as Magitech that manifests powers similar to a Demon's, such as fireballs, or gravity manipulation. Magitech is made specifically for an Agent and cannot be used by anyone else. Those that use Magitech outside of official capacities will be punished and purged from all records.

    Your job as an Agent is take on jobs from the Council Member of your Department herself. These jobs typically are to kill or clear out a Dark Corner, but can also be guarding a Dark Corner from infiltration from the Demon Menace.
  • A demon will do anything to survive.

    Demons: The Demon Menace
    Demons. Humanoid pathetic creatures who play on Agent's pity right before killing them. Make no mistake, demons will kill you without hesitation. Their powers are strong, and are masters of manipulation. When you see a demon, do not hesitate. Kill it. Demons may look like family members, but that's part of their illusionary magics.

    Leashed Demons may feel sympathy with their non-Leashed brethren. Only Veteran Leashed Demons are allowed to dispatch a demon on their own. Newly Leashed Demons may let demons escape. All demons are serial killers. Do not let a serial killer loose in the city. Do not let the Demon Incident repeat. Kill them all. Leashed Demons will not remember a time when they were not Leashed, Agents are not allowed to try and cause them to remember. This is because Demons who remember their past may go on a rampage.

    Leashed Demons are collected by the Council Member. No Agent is allowed to collect Demons for them to become Leashed. None.

Character Roster:
Gohlam: Hell's Clean Up Crew, Status: Alive
Aya Dimous: Agent of Shadows, Status: Alive
Sebastian M. Lima: The Average Agent, Status: Relocated
Arzos: The Friendly Demon, Status: Alive
Corben Hass: The Tattoo Agent, Status: Alive
Desdemona: The Fox Demon, Status: Alive
Maalkan: The Cleaver Demon, Status: Alive
Arkenos: The Bottomless Hunger Demon, Status: Alive
Sidney Cross: The Smiling Agent, Status: Alive

  1. Be cool. Drama is for the RP, not for the OOC.
  2. Are they the GM (me) or Mod Staff? If yes, listen to them!
  3. I'm not a mean GM, if you're reasonable, I'm reasonable.
  4. Under 'Allegiance' in the CS write, 'The Council'. I need to know you're reading the rules.
  5. Yes, I will be reading sheets. I reserve the right to reject a sheet if it needs work.
  6. Iwaku rules are in full effect.
  7. Have fun![
Age: (Above 18 for Agents please.)
Appearance: (yes I prefer anime, but written and real FCs are accepted.)
Race: (Human? Or Demon?)
History: (If you are a Demon, your history starts after being Leashed.)
Magitech/Demon Magics:
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Aya Dimous




The Council


Aya is soft spoken most of the time. She doesn't really enjoy speaking against others and most of the time compromises as to avoid any conflict. She is sweet and caring and often times shows more love for others than herself. With friends and family she seems to be naive and careless. She is stubborn and clumsy and often time forgetful. It's a surprise that she was able to join the DEAD. She suppose it is because of her cold attitude towards demons. She seems to be fearless of them and death itself. She finds pleasure and sadistic glee from ending the lives of demons. Sometimes she is almost mistaken to be a demon herself as she clearly enjoy killing them as much as demons enjoy killing and causing chaos themselves.

Aya doesn't really remember much of her past. What she does remember is waking up around age ten in a hospital. She was told her family was murdered by a demon and she was the only member to survive. She spent a month in the hospital recovering and in that whole month not once did she cry about her family or ask who they were. She couldn't remember them and suppose that not remembering them would be better than remembering and grieving them. Once she was allowed to leave she was sent to an orphanage where she spent most of her life in. Despite the kindness and care she showed for everyone in that orphanage she was never adopted permanently as any time she was taken to a home she was returned in less than a week. The family would never say why and Aya would never complain. She would simply smile and say that there was always a next time.

When she turned eighteen she was allowed to leave the orphanage and begin her own life. She was called on by the Council who decided that she would be a great addition to the DEAD. It was there when she found her true calling.

Magitech/Demon Magics:
Shadow Manipulation: One of the only magitech Aya enjoys to use is the shadow manipulation. She can cover herself like the night as well as create physical manifestations of shadows that can consume humans and demons. They are as strong as her dark desires and therefore cannot be broken so easily.
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Hell's Clean-up Crew



The Council


Gohlam always seems a second away from exploding outwards. Her face looks to be permanently twisted into a smile. Whether her face can move or not remains unknown to most. Once granted human emotions, she took to the worldly aspects of humanity. She appreciates games, clothes, TV, and most of all, food. She enjoys food, but refuses to eat any vegetables at all, sticking to a strict carnivorous diet. She is lazy, and takes either forcing from her Handler, or coaxing with the promise of a reward to leave the comfort of her containment cell. Gohlam strangely doesn't outwardly show much remorse for slain demons, instead opting to eat the corpses of the fallen.

She was leashed. Her smile was still twisted into that toothy grin of hers, and yet there were tears streaming down her face. Why wasn't clear. Was it because of the sudden rush of humanity? Who can rightly say. But that moment was when Gohlam was no longer allowed to eat people. A strange realization, but an important one for a demon who's strength relied on consuming others. Forced into the control of the Council and Handlers, Gohlam eventually gave up trying to fight things, opting just to try and enjoy what she could. It wasn't easy, but she managed to obtain a few quality of life objects. She had a few toys and simple games, as well as a small TV so she could see what was on. This didn't exactly prevent boredom, after all there is only so much you can do with a ball and cup before you've done everything.

One her first mission out, her Handler at the time didn't understand how she operated. Any time she tried to eat, she was commanded to get back in the fight. As much as she tried to persuade her handler, they wouldn't listen. Eventually she fell to the ground, unable to move. Her handler, tied to her, was anchored in one spot. Things didn't go so well after that, and he was sent to the ER in critical condition. They didn't make it.

She was left without a handler for a while. Admittedly this was her Handler's fault, but there was a lot of time spent before the Council Member had found an appropriate partner who fully understood how to best utilize her capabilities. She has only now been given a new Handler

~ Demon Magic ~
Bloody Gluttony: Gohlam's love for meat is not purely based around personal preference. She actually looks to be a living doll, which is accurate to a certain degree. However, due to this, she has no heart to pump blood throughout her body. Instead she consumes the blood of others to gain the strength to move an function. If she eats enough blood, it actually begins to seep out of her eyes, joints and mouth, during which she is at her most powerful, capable of slicing iron girders in twain with her large clawed hands.

Bloody Bile: Even if she is mostly constructed, she has biological components. This is evident by her other Demon Magic. She can launch a caustic blood-red liquid from her mouth that dissolves material somewhat slowly. However, it is surprisingly sticky, making it difficult to remove.

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On the matter of Dice, I kinda like the idea. It makes it far easier for characters to die. Which players should be ready and aware of course.
Aya Dimous




The Council


Aya is soft spoken most of the time. She doesn't really enjoy speaking against others and most of the time compromises as to avoid any conflict. She is sweet and caring and often times shows more love for others than herself. With friends and family she seems to be naive and careless. She is stubborn and clumsy and often time forgetful. It's a surprise that she was able to join the DEAD. She suppose it is because of her cold attitude towards demons. She seems to be fearless of them and death itself. She finds pleasure and sadistic glee from ending the lives of demons. Sometimes she is almost mistaken to be a demon herself as she clearly enjoy killing them as much as demons enjoy killing and causing chaos themselves.

Aya doesn't really remember much of her past. What she does remember is waking up around age ten in a hospital. She was told her family was murdered by a demon and she was the only member to survive. She spent a month in the hospital recovering and in that whole month not once did she cry about her family or ask who they were. She couldn't remember them and suppose that not remembering them would be better than remembering and grieving them. Once she was allowed to leave she was sent to an orphanage where she spent most of her life in. Despite the kindness and care she showed for everyone in that orphanage she was never adopted permanently as any time she was taken to a home she was returned in less than a week. The family would never say why and Aya would never complain. She would simply smile and say that there was always a next time.

When she turned eighteen she was allowed to leave the orphanage and begin her own life. She had gone to school and managed to get a small job at a flower shop where she enjoyed to work in. She lived a fairly normal life for a while and seem to be satisfied with it. That didn't last long as she was called on by the Council who decided that she would be a great addition to the DEAD. It was there when she found her true calling.

Magitech/Demon Magics:
Shadow Manipulation: One of the only magitech Aya enjoys to use is the shadow manipulation. She can cover herself like the night as well as create physical manifestations of shadows that can consume humans and demons. They are as strong as her dark desires and therefore cannot be broken so easily.
Thank you for the application!

A small note:
At 18, all students and otherwise take a test to find their future occupation. Something in the test itself is how Agents are picked from the population. I think if you move the time to when she joins to 18 in her history that will be fine and I will mark this accepted!

Hell's Clean-up Crew



The Council


Gohlam always seems a second away from exploding outwards. Her face seems to be permanently twisted into a smile. Whether her face can move or not remains unknown to most. Once granted human emotions, she took to the worldly aspects of humanity. She appreciates games, clothes, TV, and most of all, food. She enjoys food, but refuses to eat any vegetables at all, sticking to a strict carnivorous diet. She is lazy, and takes either forcing from her Handler, or coaxing with the promise of a reward to leave the comfort of her containment cell. Gohlam strangely doesn't outwardly show much remorse for slain demons, instead opting to eat the corpses of the fallen.

She was leased. Her smile was still twisted into that toothy grin of hers, and yet there were tears streaming down her face. Why wasn't clear. Was it because of the sudden rush of humanity? Who can rightly say. But that moment was when Gohlam was no longer allowed to eat people. A strange realization, but an important one for a demon who's strength relied on consuming others. Forced into the control of the Council and Handlers, Gohlam eventually gave up trying to fight things, opting just to try and enjoy what she could. It wasn't easy, but she managed to obtain a few quality of life objects. She had a few toys and simple games, as well as a small tv so she could se what was on. This didn't exactly prevent boredom, after all there is only so much you can do with a ball and cup before you've done everything.

One her first mission out, her Handler at the time didn't understand how she operated. Any time she tried to eat, she was commanded to get back in the fight. As much as she tried to persuade her handler, they wouldn't listen. Eventually she fell to the ground, unable to move. Her handler, tied to her, was anchored in one spot. Things didn't go so well after that, and he was sent to the ER in critical condition. They didn't make it.

She was left without a handler for a while. Admittedly this was her Handler's fault, but there was a lot of time spent before the Council Member had found an appropriate partner who fully understood how to best utilize her capabilities. She has only now been given a new Handler

~ Demon Magic ~
Bloody Gluttony: Gohlam's love for meat is not purely based around personal preference. She actually looks to be a living doll, which is accurate to a certain degree. However, due to this, she has no heart to pump blood throughout her body. Instead she consumes the blood of others to gain the strength to move an function. If she eats enough blood, it actually begins to seep out of her eyes, joints and mouth, during which she is at her most powerful, capable of slicing iron girders in twain with her large clawed hands.

Bloody Bile: Even if she is mostly constructed, she has biological components. This is evident by her other Demon Magic. She can launch a caustic blood-red liquid from her mouth that dissolves material somewhat slowly. However, it is surprisingly sticky, making it difficult to remove.

Oooo I like it! Accepted!
I will make a note of her lost Handler. Don't forget that while squads are one to one for demons to handlers, the whole squad can control the demons assigned to the group. Squads can be any size, so I'll say it was a one person Squad. (This is more an RP mechanic so that people aren't hyper dependent on partners)

I like the give and take of dice systems, where yes you can do awesome things, but I can make moves back. And you're not limited to 'I will win' mentality.

For those who want it, here's the discord link!
I'm interested! Have a few questions though. Also the Discord Link is expired.

1. I assume that the technology level is futuristic given the shield around the city, but I'm not sure how advanced we're looking at here beyond that shield. If you could give an example of technology level it'd be greatly appreciated.

2. For DEAD Agents, is Magitech and/or a Leashed Demon the only way to best a Demon, or can our agents stand against them alone to some extent?

3. I imagine that Agents use weapons beyond Magitech, such as guns, swords, holy fricking water, is that a good assumption or are they really only limited to their magitech?
I'm interested! Have a few questions though. Also the Discord Link is expired.

1. I assume that the technology level is futuristic given the shield around the city, but I'm not sure how advanced we're looking at here beyond that shield. If you could give an example of technology level it'd be greatly appreciated.

2. For DEAD Agents, is Magitech and/or a Leashed Demon the only way to best a Demon, or can our agents stand against them alone to some extent?

3. I imagine that Agents use weapons beyond Magitech, such as guns, swords, holy fricking water, is that a good assumption or are they really only limited to their magitech?
1. Good question! The Council frequently uses stuff out of a space opera, such as scanners and other strange objects while citizens usually use stuff from what I would call 'near future'. So baisically we get (real) hoverboards, mag-lev trains, and other not too far off advances. Basically, the Council kept all the 'Old Tech' from pre-apocalpyse.

2. Yes. All agents are chosen because they can stand against demons on their own. Leashed Demons are employed with the Squad because [redacted] and demons can be a little bit more powerful than Agents.

3. Yes to all except holy water. Holy water and other religious items aren't effective against demons. But stabbing them does kill them. Magitech is baisically to level the playing field between a demon and a fully equipped Agent.

Feel free to ask more questions here! Shouldn't expire this time :|
Sebastian M. Lima

Age: 22


The Council


Easygoing and exceedingly laid back, Sebastian seems to most to be the kind of person that just doesn't seem easily bother by most things that happen around him. That's not to say he doesn't react to happenings as he certainly does, instead he just simply takes everything in stride being known to comment on things like probability and inevitability as terrible events take place throughout the city. Doesn't actually seem to have anything personal against Demons, instead it appears he simply understands there is a need for balance within the Hollow, and that Demons just so happen to be a cause for a tipping of scales of sorts that he finds himself in a position to set back to equilibrium.

Sebastian's early years were by all means average and uneventful. Growing up closer to the heart of the city his family never had to worry about Dark Corners and spent their lives in relative stability. In school Sebastian could have been described as the most remarkably average student to grace a classroom, never quite anything to be watched and never bad enough to draw unwanted attention.

As Sebastian made his way through schooling he found that the closer he got to the placement exams, the more he realized he had no idea what was in his future. He placed his confidence in the system that assigned jobs to new adults and left with a smile that spoke of ease from the test some hour or so later. Upon arrival home Sebastian settled down for the typically week long wait to find out just what lot in life he had drawn while at the same time fending off a seemingly endless assault from his parents about what sort of questions were on his assignment exam, how many, anything strange. These questions quickly evolved into his parents reminiscing about their assignment exams and the lives they now lived thanks to it. A while after his parents had their moments to remember their youth Sebastian retired to his room and fell asleep dreaming about a rather mediocre desk job to fill the rest of his days.

He woke at around 8am the next day to his mother calling him from the first floor and took his time throwing on a pair of slippers and some comfortable clothes before making his way to the stairs that led down to the entrance to their home. He stopped in place at the top of the stairs as he saw his mother looking up anxiously at him, the door open to show a man in a fine suit and the very recognizable emblem of the Demon Eradication Alliance Department fastened to his suit pocket.

It has been just under 4 years since that faithful morning, and Sebastian has managed to exceed his own expectations of not dying horribly in his first encounter with a demon and even surpassed what few goals he had set for himself. Having been shuffled through dozens of Leashed Demons Sebastian has found it hard to truly trust in their abilities without the option to work with one Leashed Demon for a prolonged period, as such he relies far more on Tobias and his own weapons to keep himself safe when on mission.

Tobias - At first glance Tobias is a black cat almost always adorned in an adorable demon costume though that part is optional to its use. Tobias is in fact a Magitech of considerable intellect, able to talk and problem solve as if it were truly alive. But Tobias is far from alive, whatever magics were used to create him have merely instilled a shadow of something like a soul on Tobias. Tobias's strength as a piece of Magitech lies in it's ability to contain Demons. When utilized by a DEAD Agent, Tobias can be used as a conduit to cast spells of binding on a target, summoning chains with runes of sealing on them to hold a Demon in place. These chains are not indestructible and only last for a short period of time before most average Demons can overcome the seals placed on the chains and make their rebuke to the user.
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Sebastian M. Lima

Age: 22

The Council


Easygoing and exceedingly laid back, Sebastian seems to most to be the kind of person that just doesn't seem easily bother by most things that happen around him. That's not to say he doesn't react to happenings as he certainly does, instead he just simply takes everything in stride being known to comment on things like probability and inevitability as terrible events take place throughout the city. Doesn't actually seem to have anything personal against Demons, instead it appears he simply understands there is a need for balance within the Hollow, and that Demons just so happen to be a cause for a tipping of scales of sorts that he finds himself in a position to set back to equilibrium.

Sebastian's early years were by all means average and uneventful. Growing up closer to the heart of the city his family never had to worry about Dark Corners and spent their lives in relative stability. In school Sebastian could have been described as the most remarkably average student to grace a classroom, never quite anything to be watched and never bad enough to draw unwanted attention.

As Sebastian made his way through schooling he found that the closer he got to the placement exams, the more he realized he had no idea what was in his future. He placed his confidence in the system that assigned jobs to new adults and left with a smile that spoke of ease from the test some hour or so later. Upon arrival home Sebastian settled down for the typically week long wait to find out just what lot in life he had drawn while at the same time fending off a seemingly endless assault from his parents about what sort of questions were on his assignment exam, how many, anything strange. These questions quickly evolved into his parents reminiscing about their assignment exams and the lives they now lived thanks to it. A while after his parents had their moments to remember their youth Sebastian retired to his room and fell asleep dreaming about a rather mediocre desk job to fill the rest of his days.

He woke at around 8am the next day to his mother calling him from the first floor and took his time throwing on a pair of slippers and some comfortable clothes before making his way to the stairs that led down to the entrance to their home. He stopped in place at the top of the stairs as he saw his mother looking up anxiously at him, the door open to show a man in a fine suit and the very recognizable emblem of the Demon Eradication Alliance Department fastened to his suit pocket.

It has been just under 4 years since that faithful morning, and Sebastian has managed to exceed his own expectations of not dying horribly in his first encounter with a demon and even surpassed what few goals he had set for himself. Having been shuffled through dozens of Leashed Demons Sebastian has found it hard to truly trust in their abilities without the option to work with one Leashed Demon for a prolonged period, as such he relies far more on Tobias and his own weapons to keep himself safe when on mission.

Tobias - At first glance Tobias is a black cat almost always adorned in an adorable demon costume though that part is optional to its use. Tobias is in fact a Magitech of considerable intellect, able to talk and problem solve as if it were truly alive. But Tobias is far from alive, whatever magics were used to create him have merely instilled a shadow of something like a soul on Tobias. Tobias's strength as a piece of Magitech lies in it's ability to contain Demons. When utilized by a DEAD Agent, Tobias can be used as a conduit to cast spells of binding on a target, summoning chains with runes of sealing on them to hold a Demon in place. These chains are not indestructible and only last for a short period of time before most average Demons can overcome the seals placed on the chains and make their rebuke to the user.




The Council

Cooking human food
Eating human food
Learning new things about humans

Being shunned for being a demon
Over cockiness
Anyone that hurts his handler
The sun

Arzos is friendly though quiet, he enjoys listening to conversations yet is socially awkward when asked to be apart of the conversation itself. Unable to know exactly how to talk properly, although he is a grown adult in appearance he tends to state his mind by using hand motions such as pointing or shrugging all while keeping a smile across his face the entire time. When engaged in battle however, his smile will fade into that of a frown showing displeasure in his enemies, although as conflict is dragged out for an extended amount of time, his frown will slowly creep into a sadistic grin; when the battle ends, he will tend to forget nearly everything that had happened if he reaches that state of mind.

After being leashed and the feelings of humanity coming back at such a random moment had brought both confusion and shock to Arzos when it first occurred. The feeling of something so foreign was soon followed by the fact that he had received someone that he was to follow and listen to known as a 'handler', questioning the idea that he was going to be practically a tool for killing his own kind, he followed orders from his handler as they underwent one mission after another with success.
At first, Arzos would never so much as show a smile let alone speak to his handler though as time went on and he learned more about human nature and how every single one of them differed in their own way, he eventually began to show a smile and interest in how humans functioned in their everyday life, this also including his handler.

During one of their missions into one of the Dark Corners, his handler and himself were severely injured to the point that they were barely able to return behind the barrier in time. Rather than allowing both of them to be killed by the rampaging demons, his handler had commanded Arzos to leave the area alone and return to the city to inform the council about what had happened.

Believing for a certain amount of time that Arzos was not to be trusted fully yet due to his inability to protect his handler as well as assuming that he purposely let his handler be killed, Arzos went through multiple years without a handler or to be sent on any mission. It wasn't until a little while back that he had just received a new handler.

Demon Magics
> Underworld Chill/Flames of the Damned <
Being capable of rising and lowering the temperature of his body temperature both internal and external, Arzos is able to also change the temperature in his surrounding area simply by placing the palm of hand onto the surface of the ground. The more strain he puts onto his body the colder or hotter the temperature will become, whether it is to freeze water in an instant or to set something ablaze to the point of melting metal like butter.
> Kinetic Energy Control <
Simply through touch, Arzos can amplify the energy in any object with kinetic energy causing nearly any object to become a serious threat. Whether it is a pebble that will explode on contact with any solid object it hits or convert the energy in any technology into kinetic energy to make it explode in mere moments.

He tends to carry around two handles that he hides underneath the large coat that covers most of his body majority of the time, though when revealing the handles, two large sickles. He is also able to combine the two to create a much larger single scythe.
Underneath the large cloak that he wears most times, his body from his waist up towards his chest as well as his upper arms are wrapped in chains, although it will cause severely amounts of pain, Arzos can undo these chains to whip them around as a ranged weapon.
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Name: Avic (Ahb-vik) child of Ki-Sikil-Lil-La-Ke
Age: Unknown


Allegiance: The Council
Race: Dream Demon
Avic is a giver, oversensitive and a jealous type of demon. She tends to be obsessive with her possession(s); human/mortal that she desires or favors, to the point of wanting to devour them. Due to Avic's devotion to her possession(s) they experience a side-effect called neuroticism and insomnia.

History: (If you are a Demon, your history starts after being Leashed.)
One of the most unforgettable moment that Avic had experience after she was leashed was being a contracted demon to a long time handler who was known to have clear visions of mortal desires; 1 or 2 years? She does not remember, before that handler died. Ever since that time, Avic has been searching for that type of human/mortal since she wants to savor the taste of their mortality before succumbing to endless sleep.

Magitech/Demon Magics:

Devourer (Passive) – on her handler's beck-and-call Avic can consume her handler's dreams, desire or will in exchange of conjuring her abilities. The vaster these emotions are the stronger her abilities.

– Avic can manifest anything that her handler desires as long as the conditions are met: physicality, image and function.

Possession – When Avic devours her handler's will she possess their bodies and induced forced parasomnia in exchange of enhanced physical abilities to be categorized as inhuman. Although she have taken possession of the body does not mean her handler are unconscious rather her handler experience living a dream – whatever the handler is doing while in dream-like state will happen in reality.
Name: Avic (Ahb-vik) child of Ki-Sikil-Lil-La-Ke
Age: Unknown

View attachment 187718

Allegiance: The Council
Race: Dream Demon
Avic is a giver, oversensitive and a jealous type of demon. She tends to be obsessive with her possession(s); human/mortal that she desires or favors, to the point of wanting to devour them. Due to Avic's devotion to her possession(s) they experience a side-effect called neuroticism and insomnia.

History: (If you are a Demon, your history starts after being Leashed.)
One of the most unforgettable moment that Avic had experience after she was leashed was being a contracted demon to a long time handler who was known to have clear visions of mortal desires; 1 or 2 years? She does not remember, before that handler died. Ever since that time, Avic has been searching for that type of human/mortal since she wants to savor the taste of their mortality before succumbing to endless sleep.

Magitech/Demon Magics:

Devourer (Passive) – on her handler's beck-and-call Avic can consume her handler's dreams, desire or will in exchange of conjuring her abilities. The vaster these emotions are the stronger her abilities.

– Avic can manifest anything that her handler desires as long as the conditions are met: physicality, image and function.

Possession – When Avic devours her handler's will she possess their bodies and induced forced parasomnia in exchange of enhanced physical abilities to be categorized as inhuman. Although she have taken possession of the body does not mean her handler are unconscious rather her handler experience living a dream – whatever the handler is doing while in dream-like state will happen in reality.
Accepted! Go ahead and post in the ic, please.
  • Name:
    Corben Hass



    The Council

  • Corben stands at around six feet and three inches, with a lithe athletic build, wearing a black and red combat suit specifically designed for his proportions when out on missions. He has a shock of white hair despite his young age, and has attempted and given up on trying to constantly dye it black. Dark blue eyes peer out from underneath a somewhat prominent brow ridge, and if one looks closely they can see the near dull-ness in his eyes, and the stark hatred he has for unLeashed demons.

    Across his body are several tattoos, beginning from below the clavicle and going down his entire torso and ending just above his hips. A series of tattoos depicting anything he found fascinating and artistic in honor of his two deceased older sisters. And on his back he has a set of angel wings in their memory, their names stretching down the length of his back underneath the wings.
  • Despite his fierce outward appearance, Corben is quite an amicable individual and would be described by many as charming. He's easy to talk to, and can fall into a nice conversation with just about anyone. He likes to make people feel comfortable around him, as if he were an older brother of sorts, and especially enjoys in making others laugh. Not to say he's overly-facetious, but he likes to crack the occasional joke to ease a moment of tension or turn a rather intense moment into a light-hearted one.

    One would think that someone as well practiced with a bow and arrow, and all the hours spent in honing that craft would know a little patience. But, Corben isn't like that. Patience was never his strong suit. He's rash and prone to jumping to conclusions, constantly falling into the pit of taking things at face value. Thus, he can be easily manipulated by the right people. His rashness has put him in difficult situations more than once, and he's never learned from it.

    Perhaps one of his greatest assets is his ability to think on the spot. Corben can be dubiously clever, fast on his feet. Perhaps why he's managed to live through so many of his rash decisions in the past. And one of the reasons why many find him funny, but many find him intolerable for the same exact reason.

    Despite his charm, Corben can be rather pretentious. And nobody seems to understand why considering he didn't come from any sort of notable family nor is his skill anything worth being astounded at considering there are many others in DEAD who are more powerful than him. But the simple answer is he can be arrogant. He thinks himself too clever sometimes, and that no one can match his wit, which is far from the truth. It's something he's been working on, and has made significant efforts in being less jarring with his arrogance.
  • Number Manipulation - There's a running joke in DEAD that Corben will one day inadvertently collapse Hollow City's entire economy by accident. With a swipe of his hand, he can make a single object into many. A single coin, into a hundred coins. One arrow, into hundreds and so on. There's a definite limit on how many times he can multiply an object, with its size being a definite factor, but usually he never has to worry about running out of arrows for his bow, or running out of bullets for his weapons.
  • Corben's early childhood was average. He'd spend his days outside playing with friends, pretending to be DEAD agents fighting off the demon threat as they ran through the streets. Each time he'd choose one of the famous DEAD agents, ones he'd thought had the coolest powers in his make-believe game with his friends. As he grew older, those games slowly became a dream.

    His two older sisters, Emily and Cassandra, would constantly tease him about it, even though he knew they wanted to be DEAD agents as well. School life was terribly average for him, save for the friends he'd made, and even though he outgrew the days of make-believe, he had sports and girls to occupy his time. His chosen sport would have been soccer had not the athletics director nudged him towards archery.

    And it was surprisingly fun. Over the years he grew better at it, got better with his aim, and eventually moved on from bows and arrows, into going to the gun ranges with his father, or the occasional hunt for game. By the age of seventeen, thoughts of becoming a DEAD agent were all but lost. Then, his sisters decided to go have a slumber party over at their friend's place, saying it was a social gathering before they were chosen to their designated roles in society.

    They never came back however. A demon attacked the home they were in killing Emily, Cassandra, and everyone else in there. Corben's life shattered around him. His mother wept for months while his father went further and further into his drink. It was then that his hatred for demons grew, whether they were Leashed or not. He hated them all. And used that hatred to get himself into DEAD, burying the trauma he faced deep within him and only letting it out to kill or torture demons.

    The day he joined DEAD, he got the tattoos on his back and on his torso, both in memory of his sisters and in what they enjoyed out of life.
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  • Name:
    Corben Hass



    The Council

  • Corben stands at around six feet and three inches, with a lithe athletic build, wearing a black and red combat suit specifically designed for his proportions when out on missions. He has a shock of white hair despite his young age, and has attempted and given up on trying to constantly dye it black. Dark blue eyes peer out from underneath a somewhat prominent brow ridge, and if one looks closely they can see the near dull-ness in his eyes, and the stark hatred he has for unLeashed demons.

    Across his body are several tattoos, beginning from below the clavicle and going down his entire torso and ending just above his hips. A series of tattoos depicting anything he found fascinating and artistic in honor of his two deceased older sisters. And on his back he has a set of angel wings in their memory, their names stretching down the length of his back underneath the wings.
  • Despite his fierce outward appearance, Corben is quite an amicable individual and would be described by many as charming. He's easy to talk to, and can fall into a nice conversation with just about anyone. He likes to make people feel comfortable around him, as if he were an older brother of sorts, and especially enjoys in making others laugh. Not to say he's overly-facetious, but he likes to crack the occasional joke to ease a moment of tension or turn a rather intense moment into a light-hearted one.

    One would think that someone as well practiced with a bow and arrow, and all the hours spent in honing that craft would know a little patience. But, Corben isn't like that. Patience was never his strong suit. He's rash and prone to jumping to conclusions, constantly falling into the pit of taking things at face value. Thus, he can be easily manipulated by the right people. His rashness has put him in difficult situations more than once, and he's never learned from it.

    Perhaps one of his greatest assets is his ability to think on the spot. Corben can be dubiously clever, fast on his feet. Perhaps why he's managed to live through so many of his rash decisions in the past. And one of the reasons why many find him funny, but many find him intolerable for the same exact reason.

    Despite his charm, Corben can be rather pretentious. And nobody seems to understand why considering he didn't come from any sort of notable family nor is his skill anything worth being astounded at considering there are many others in DEAD who are more powerful than him. But the simple answer is he can be arrogant. He thinks himself too clever sometimes, and that no one can match his wit, which is far from the truth. It's something he's been working on, and has made significant efforts in being less jarring with his arrogance.
  • Number Manipulation - There's a running joke in DEAD that Corben will one day inadvertently collapse Hollow City's entire economy by accident. With a swipe of his hand, he can make a single object into many. A single coin, into a hundred coins. One arrow, into hundreds and so on. There's a definite limit on how many times he can multiply an object, with its size being a definite factor, but usually he never has to worry about running out of arrows for his bow, or running out of bullets for his weapons.
  • Corben's early childhood was average. He'd spend his days outside playing with friends, pretending to be DEAD agents fighting off the demon threat as they ran through the streets. Each time he'd choose one of the famous DEAD agents, ones he'd thought had the coolest powers in his make-believe game with his friends. As he grew older, those games slowly became a dream.

    His two older sisters, Emily and Cassandra, would constantly tease him about it, even though he knew they wanted to be DEAD agents as well. School life was terribly average for him, save for the friends he'd made, and even though he outgrew the days of make-believe, he had sports and girls to occupy his time. His chosen sport would have been soccer had not the athletics director nudged him towards archery.

    And it was surprisingly fun. Over the years he grew better at it, got better with his aim, and eventually moved on from bows and arrows, into going to the gun ranges with his father, or the occasional hunt for game. By the age of seventeen, thoughts of becoming a DEAD agent were all but lost. Then, his sisters decided to go have a slumber party over at their friend's place, saying it was a social gathering before they were chosen to their designated roles in society.

    They never came back however. A demon attacked the home they were in killing Emily, Cassandra, and everyone else in there. Corben's life shattered around him. His mother wept for months while his father went further and further into his drink. It was then that his hatred for demons grew, whether they were Leashed or not. He hated them all. And used that hatred to get himself into DEAD, burying the trauma he faced deep within him and only letting it out to kill or torture demons.

    The day he joined DEAD, he got the tattoos on his back and on his torso, both in memory of his sisters and in what they enjoyed out of life.
Oh this is delicious. Go on and get in there!
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Torack
Name: Desdemona ( Des )
: "It's hard to keep track after the first thousand years."
1574875176604.png Desdemona is just at five feet tall (excluding the length of her ears) with black hair and orange eyes with anywhere from one to eight prehensile tails visible at a time. She often opts to wear a kimono, though she does comply with the awful garments the humans wear.
Allegiance: The Council
Race: Demon ( Kitsune )
: There is one itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny little problem with Des; She has a split personality. Her foremost personality is quite refined and well spoken although strangely sadomasochistic. Her alter characteristics are child-like and erratic, but the two do share a similar mindset of morbidity. Luckily, the only thing that seems to cause this change in behavior is damage to the head.
History: It's rumored that most demons are overcome with emotions the moment they are leashed, however, the only thing that Desdemona could feel was physical pain from whatever forsaken measures were taken to bind her. This was only a few weeks prior, and since then she's been kept locked up while trying to be partnered with a Handler.
Demon Magics:
Shape-shifting-- Can alter her physical appearance to a small black fox that almost looks like a rather large cat. She is much more agile and even quicker in this form.
Fox fire-- The manifestation of bright red fire that can not only be used as a weapon, but can also help lull others into a trance.
Life-force Absorption-- With every fresh liver or heart she is able to consume she absorbs one tenth of their life force.
  • Enhanced Hearing
  • Enhanced Sight
  • Claw Retraction
(This Character is one of my OGs, I tried to alter her to fit this scenario, but please let me know if I need to change or add anything!)
Name: Desdemona ( Des )
: "It's hard to keep track after the first thousand years."
View attachment 187880 Desdemona is just at five feet tall (excluding the length of her ears) with black hair and orange eyes with anywhere from one to eight prehensile tails visible at a time. She often opts to wear a kimono, though she does comply with the awful garments the humans wear.
Allegiance: The Council
Race: Demon ( Kitsune )
: There is one itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny little problem with Des; She has a split personality. Her foremost personality is quite refined and well spoken although strangely sadomasochistic. Her alter characteristics are child-like and erratic, but the two do share a similar mindset of morbidity. Luckily, the only thing that seems to cause this change in behavior is damage to the head.
History: It's rumored that most demons are overcome with emotions the moment they are leashed, however, the only thing that Desdemona could feel was physical pain from whatever forsaken measures were taken to bind her. This was only a few weeks prior, and since then she's been kept locked up while trying to be partnered with a Handler.
Demon Magics:
Shape-shifting-- Can alter her physical appearance to a small black fox that almost looks like a rather large cat. She is much more agile and even quicker in this form.
Fox fire-- The manifestation of bright red fire that can not only be used as a weapon, but can also help lull others into a trance.
Life-force Absorption-- With every fresh liver or heart she is able to consume she absorbs one tenth of their life force.

  • Enhanced Hearing
  • Enhanced Sight
  • Claw Retraction
(This Character is one of my OGs, I tried to alter her to fit this scenario, but please let me know if I need to change or add anything!)
Accepted! I like her, she's going to be another interesting addition.
  • Like
Reactions: Red
Are things still going on for this rp or has it sort of halted for now ? Because I'm quite interested
Name: Dmitri Mormont

Age: 26


Allegiance: High council

Race: Human

Dmitri was cited as something of an enigma due his overly reclusive nature. When ever he is seen, he always seems to have his face concealed and rarely speaks to anyone including most of the D.E.A.D agents. Those who have worked along side him that he is a sophisticated, observant and composed individual who usally prefers to work alone.

Growing up near the heart of the city, Dmitri was your average member of the population, Infact no one really cared who he was until he put on the mask. With seven years of service, Dmitri has proven to be one of the veterans in D.E.A.D who the high council usually calls upon when there is a task or odd job that is proven to be too difficult for the average Agent. When he isn't an agent he works part time a local bar.

Flame manipulation- Dmitri has the ability to manipulate and absorb fire. Although he cannot outright create flames the Magitech he uses allows him to increase the kinetics of atoms and molecules causing them to ignite.

Broad sword
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. : n a m e : .
"Well if you must know... It is Cassandra."
Cassandra (Cassie) Lupien

. : a g e : .
".... that is rude to ask..."

. : a l l e g i a n c e : .
"Who do you believe it to be?"
The Council

. : r a c e : .
"I am not one of those things."

. : p e r s o n a l i t y : .
"You are being a little noisy here aren't you?"
Cassandra tends to prefer to keep to herself and when she does have to speak to others she normally gives them sarcastic replies and focuses more on what they are doing. She likes to look at everything from a distance, maybe that is why she is such a good archer but it effects her everyday life as well.

Those who have worked with Cassandra know that she is not interested in small chit chat and just want to get the job done and finished with. They also are aware that she does not particularly like demons although she seems to treat her leashed demon differently.

Although she is just trying to think of the creature as a pet and to make sure that it wont lash out her. She doesn't need to deal with the paperwork if she had to kill the thing.


. : h i s t o r y : .
"Do you mind buggering off? I do not intend to share this with you."
Before the incident Cassandra's ancestors lived far into the woods living in seclusion hunting and scrapping for food. Unlike others that lived more "sophisticated" lives towards the cities, the Rosearth's lived a simple lifestyle hunting and harvesting their own food.

Even after the incident Cassandra's family has continued the traditions of their ancestors by teaching each generation the skill of either a sword, bow or spear. Each weapon was one of the main weapons utilised by the ancestors.

Due to their upbringing most children from this clan aim to become part of D . E . A . D most succeed although many happily settle themselves within the lower ranks. Not Cassandra however. Who aims to become the best.

. : m a g i t e c h : .
"All I need is a single true arrow"
A cross bow​