Dazzled and Bewildered: Magical Boys!

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Aelis hummed cheerily to herself as she flew over the town of Ecrin, not seeming to care about the imminent threat of a Demon invasion upon this Earth. Rather, Aelis was excited that she had been given the honour of bestowing the Divine Jewel upon the human the angels had decided would be the Guardian of Humanity; after all, it's not every day you get to personally give someone near omnipotent powers. Tossing the Divine Jewel to and fro between her hands, Aelis wondered what the human's reaction would be like, only to end up dropping the jewel in her distracted state. Aelis watched the jewel plummet for a few moments, admiring the way it glittered in the early morning sun. It was only once the jewel was out of sight that Aelis bothered flying down to retrieve it, seeing no need to hurry in her task. However, once she reached the ground where the Jewel has fallen to, Aelis was in for a bit of a shock.

The Divine Jewel had split in two.

"Well fuck, that's not supposed to happen," Aelis muttered to herself, blankly staring at the broken jewel. Aelis knelt down next to Divine Jewel fragments with an irate grunt, inspecting it to see exactly what the extent of the damage was. Her examination revealed that the jewel was in an unstable state, and could wreck havoc at any moment- definitely not something Aelis wanted to see. To stabilise the jewel she would need to bind it to a human... or humans? "I'll be damned if I know how this bloody thing works now it's split in two," Aelis cursed, "All I know is that this bad boy is definitely gonna pull some shit like blowing up a building before I can get to the chosen human." Since the chosen human was out of the picture, Aelis figured she may as well reduce the risk of the Jewel fragments causing any problems by just binding them to the first humans she saw. "Less work for me," Aelis said with a shrug, setting off with the fragments to see who she could find. Hopefully they wouldn't be a serial killer or something.




As Jett jogged into the park he was disappointed to see it was practically deserted, only spotting two other people. One of them he recognised from his school, although he didn't remember their name, and the other... wait, did that girl have wings? Struck by the fact the girl seemed to have dove wings sprouting from her back, Jett didn't register the girl approach him until she had stuck out her leg and tripped him over. Dazed on the floor, Jett watched as the girl crouched by him and began chant something completely incomprehensible. There was a sudden flash, then the girl stood up with a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

"Look after this," the girl ordered, dropping something sparkly next to Jett's face. "I'll be back to explain in a minute." Before Jett could protest the girl had jogged off, seemingly in the direction of Jett's classmate. Jett considered chasing after her for a minute, but decided he'd rather gather himself before trying to figure out what was going on with her. Jett sat up, brushing dirt off himself as he looked at what the girl had dropped. Jett's eyes widened upon realising that the sparkly object was in fact a jewel, or at last a fragment of one. Why would some random stranger give him something so precious? Curious, Jett reached out to touch the jewel, finding that it was pleasantly warm to touch. For some inexplicable reason Jett felt like the jewel was an extension of himself, like it was a new body part, so he instinctively tucked it away in his pocket for safety. This jewel... it felt special. Life-changing special. Jett couldn't explain it, but he knew receiving it had changed the course of his life forever.

That, or Jett was just really high.


@Lost-and-Bewildered The IC is up! Feel free to control any NPCs I mention like Aelis as you please. I've put this in a non-star zone, but we can always create a thread in the redstar area or go to the PMs if you want anything sexual to happen between our characters. Also, I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but there are no posting expectations, so don't worry your butt about crafting the perfect post.​
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