• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Friendly Neighborhood Fanthing
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
When I feel like popping online.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Magical, Romance, Slice of Life, Horror and certain fandoms.

  • A groan pours from your lips as your eyes slid open. The first thing you see is the blurry image of a blonde man standing in front of you. He appears to be wearing a red flowing coat and looking at you with a wide grin. You attempt to get up only to take note that you're chained to the wall. Glancing up once more, you realize the man is laughing. "Welcome to my world, pet." He says as he takes a step closer to you.

    "Your...world..?" You manage to moan pitifully causing the red-clad man to laugh harder.

    "Yes, you silly goose. My world." He says as he motions to the cell that you're currently in. Absently, you take not that there are other people chained to the walls... deformed people... "I have brought you here and... fixed you." He chuckles. "...and you will perform in my circus." You open your mouth to object, but he notices this and cuts you off. "If you refuse... Well then, you will simply end up like the others.." He says with a sense of grim satisfaction before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

    What others..? You wonder to yourself. You can't help but try to imagine how many others there are... or were. You try to take a moment to process things. You were taken from your home and brought to this.. this circus only to be changed into... you don't know what. "It's best just to listen to Master..." A small voice says from across the room.

    You glance up to see the voice came from a rather small girl that is also chained to the wall. You instantly note that she has black wings and blood soaked bandages covering her eyes. You think she's looking at you, but you can't be quite sure. "If you don't... well.." She paused, raising a pale hand to pitifully motion to her eyes. "Our only hope is to escape..." She said softly, a look of what could only be described as determination crossing her face.

    Escape... You glance around at the others as they nod in agreement. You suppose it sounds like a good idea. First, however, you have more important things to worry about. Such as things like what that monster of a ringmaster did to you. Steeling yourself for the worst, you glance down to see what you've become...


    Ring Master ~ Killian ~ Azazel
    "The Dark Angel Aerial Show" ~ Aveline Kimberly Angelo ~ Azazel
    "The Human Snake Charmer" ~ Sable Drake ~ Azazel
    "The Feral She-Wolf" ~ Lovetta Seath ~ Azazel
    "Lady Lamia" ~ Cassia Locklear ~ Azazel
    ?????????? ~ ????????? ~ Azazel
    Magician ~ Meric Erin Donovan ~ Phi Chisym
    Acro Dancer/Contortionist ~ Marietta Kipersol Rosewood ~ Phi Chisym
    "The Man Who Eats Everything" ~ Michael Kaylock ~Cartoonicat
    "The Little Siren" ~ Harmony Jones ~ AmerillaRose
    "The Human Light Show" ~ Gydion Harvey ~ Lockheart
    Tightrope Walker/Doctor ~ Morticia Crevan ~ DANAsaur​

  • 1. Obvious. No god-modding.

    2. Respect the other people. If your character wants to bitch slap another character and cuss them out, go right ahead. If you want to bitch slap another person and cuss them out, take it out of the thread and preferably to a moderator. I'm not going to handle your petty arguments. At least not nicely.

    3. Damn, shit, ass, etc... If you don't like it, don't continue because there is going to be much more of it in the future.

    4. Literacy. Learn the word. Love it. Because I do. I'm not going to go all grammar Nazi on you, just please... please... respect the English language... After all. Good grammar is the difference between helping you Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. I will behave. Until i 2ee 2hiit liike thii2. OR SHIT LIKE THIS. I do not want to feel like I am being screamed at through text. I, however, will not murder you for one or two misspellings. Everyone makes mistakes. I understand this. Just, like I said. Please don't abuse the English language. It is a beautiful thing.

    5. One liners are the enemy. Can we have at least a paragraph? Is that too much to ask? If I see a single sentence post, I will go beyond flipping my shit. I understand writer's block is a common issue, just please don't drop below three sentences.

    6. If you have read these rules in their complete glory, please put "Master is the Enemy" in your character sheet. If I do not see this, you do not get accepted. Plain and simple. I will tell you that you can have a place once you've read the rules.

    7. All characters must be approved by me before joining the role play. This is to prevent stupidity and, once more, to prevent shit flipping.

    8. This role play is NOT for children. 13+ please. There will be some screwed up shit in this RP and I don't want to mentally scar children.

    9. Only two characters per person. That's it. No more. We're not having the RP revolve all around one person and their gazillion characters.

    10. If you are gone for more than a week without giving me a valid reason before you disappear, you will be removed from the RP. We're not all waiting on one person, we want to keep moving. If you are going on vacation or something tell me before you leave.

  • killian_by_xhelena_skyx-dc6btee.jpg

    "Ring Master" Killian
    Gender- Male
    Age- Unknown
    Deformity- None
    Act- The Ring Master
    Personality- Unknown​


    Name- Aveline Kimberly Angelo
    Gender- Female
    Age- 18
    Deformity- Black wings. (Also blinded for punishment)
    Act- The Dark Angel Aerial Show
    Veteran or New- Veteran
    Personality- Aveline is very quiet. She doesn't speak out much except for when she or someone she cares about is horribly wronged. She is neither an optimist or a pessimist, often simply stating what she believes to be the truth whether it's positive or negative. She's not really the type to rise up and be a leader, but can handle herself fine when forced into the position.


    Name- Sable Drake
    Gender- Male
    Age- 21
    Deformity- Gray skin, snake eyes, fangs, reptilian.
    Act- Human Snake / Snake Charmer
    Veteran or New- New
    Personality- Very cocky and defiant. He has never liked taking orders from anyone, and that hasn't changed one bit. Even though he's still healing from the pain of his new form, that doesn't stop him from mouthing off and trying to get one up on the mega douche that did this to him. If the others want to follow him out, that's their business, but he's not going to go out of his way to help them.


    Name- Lovetta Seath
    Gender- Female
    Age- 19
    Deformity- Advanced Black wolf hybrid. Has wolf ears, fur along her arms and legs, a wolf tail, clawed hands and feet, and fangs.
    Act- "The Feral She-Wolf"
    Veteran or New- Veteran
    Personality- When she first arrived, she was frightened and tended to lash out with her knew claws and fangs in an attempt to keep others away from her. She would try to hide, thinking her new form was hideous. Eventually though, as she was forced to go through training and performances behaving as a feral wolf that the RingMaster could control, she began to settle into a more feral state of mind. She became angry and resentful towards the man that did this to her and the man who dared to try and control her. She'd stir up trouble in anyway she could think of, consequences be damned. And then she met Gydion and he convinced her to do the unthinkable; speak up to the audience about what was truly happening in the circus instead of performing as she was expected to. The two of them tried this plan only to find themselves swept away to the RingMaster's little chambers of magic. For the past year she had been alone in the small, dark room made for her except for occasional visits from the RingMaster and undergoing psychological abuse in an attempt to get her to behave. Although the RingMaster is confident he's broken her enough to behave now, he is unsure how she is going to truly act now that he's letting her out.


    Name- Cassia Locklear
    Gender- Female
    Age- 23
    Deformity- Snake tail, speaks like a snake.
    Act- "Lady Lamia" and alongside Sable in his snake charming act.
    Veteran or New- New
    Personality- She can be a bit vain, taking too much pride in her appearance. Tends to be calm and collected unless dealing with Sable. Charming and amicable. Cassia deal with her problems by distancing herself from them. If she doesn't care about something or someone it can't hurt her. Underneath her practiced facade, she's just a girl who was hurt too many times.


    Gender- Female
    Age- 14
    Deformity- Black demon wings, horns, and tail.
    Act- ????????
    Veteran or New- New
    Personality- She's violent, angry, and bossy; usually only growing violent and angry because things didn't go her way. Handles change very poorly and also seems to have severe abandonment issues. Temperamental and quickly agitated. While she talks big, in reality she is easily frightened and rather timid in nature due to hiding behind her older sister most of the time growing up. She developed her attitude and anger issues after her older sister went missing four and a half years ago.

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Oh, I remember this one! Will bring back my marionette doll as an acro dancer/contortionist. And might return my demon, but this time as the lion tamer.

Will have CSs up soon.
@Phi Chisym OMG!!! I am sooooo glad to see you again!!! And You can take back magician as well, if you want. Tristan was actually mildly based around Meric since I thought it was such a good idea and I'd never see you again. But you did such an AMAZING job, that I'll kindly back out if you'd like to reprise the position! ((Especially considering it's hardly helpful playing the Ring Master and the one under his main control at the same time >_>)) Not going to force you too, but it would be freaking sweet!!! Eek!! I'm still so happy to see you again!!! *deep breath* Okay, done gushing. Going to act like a normal person now. Having Marietta back would be wonderful as she was such a well deigned character! =33 And just say the word and I'll switch up Tristan since I don't wanna do it without your permission.
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:bouncy: ROTFLMAO! I can't stop laughing!

Well, since I'm really having a hard time making Meric work as a Lion Tamer... and since it will help you (even though you had my blessing, ya know), I'll definitely do The Magician again! *beams* I loved working him out and making him into the twisted frienemy needed in the RP. I'll have my CSs up today. I still have my originals.
Master is the Enemy


Face Claim: Mathias Lauridsen
  • NAME_Meric Erin Donovan





    Hair/Eyes: rusty brown /hazel.
    HEIGHT_ 5'11"
    WEIGHT_156 lbs
    Neither too tall, nor average of height; Meric stands at being around five feet eleven inches, with an elegant body structure. Narrow waist, long torso, lengthy legs and lean, yet proportioned, muscles. He could be described as sleek or even dainty in appearance. His head is full of light rusty brown waves, and these days he's allowed it to grow out for him to sport a gentleman's ponytail.

    "The Enemy is my Master"

    DEFORMITY_Bounded to The Ringmaster by slightly invisible, mystical chains that are embedded in his chest and shackled around his upper arms and ankles, giving him his mind-blowing magical abilities - controlled by The Ringmaster. The magic he receives is just a tiny portion of what The Ringmaster has and he cannot use it alone.

    Plus, due to this ghastly connection, he's developed strange spiky scales down his spine, smaller ones up the backs of his arms, and when he's within the magic his eyes glow a silvery red. He's been under the direction of The Ringmaster for so long, he's turning into a demon with no sense of who his former self was. Meric is still there, just not as solid as he use to be - therefore, he can easily become a frienemy.

  • DESCRIPTION_Intelligent, endearing, sly, sweet, confident (with subjects he's comfortable with) and a compulsive liar (he hasn't always been, just an acquired taste over the years). Sometimes too sugary sweet to be true, which is in fact true. He cares about people, but doesn't care much about hurting others, and fears the idea of instantly loving anyone. Charming, yet, detached and clever; he had to be to avoid being hurt, or to avoid others being hurt, by The Ringmaster's influence over him. He can be extremely hardheaded, especially when he knows how right he is about a particular subject or situation. And nine times out of ten, he is right.

  • DESCRIPTION_Meric has become The Ringmaster's henchman, since he has no choice but to do what he's told. But secretly, he's been trying to figure out how to break the power he has over him in order to use his true skills to help everyone escape. He's been under The Ringmaster's control for about four years.

    Notes: He's not too keen on the whole idea of being teetered to the psyco, but the longer he's glued to him, he's able to learn more and more about how to overcome his power. Unfortunately, the more Meric is used by him, the more of himself he loses.

    Meric is slowly forgetting who he is and turning into the servant The Ringmaster wants him to be. So, any sort of human connection he happens to receive - from the other older members of the carnival staff who knew the man he was before this mental transformation, or from new members who gives him a daily dose of feels to remind him that he still has a bit of soul left - will slowly help alter The Ringmaster's handy work and possibly break the chains attached to him.
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@Phi Chisym OBVIOUSLY accepted with welcomed arms. Posted on the list as I now await Marietta =33
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Master is the Enemy


Face Claim: Emily Rudd
  • NAME_Marietta Kipersol Rosewood



    ACT_Acro Dancer/Contortionist - incorporates ballet, contortion, and balancing on unusual objects from heights without a net or mat. In her particular act, the illusion of her puppet strings holding her up is the trick. Instead of looking like someone balancing or bending themselves, she looks like she's being placed in these precarious positions by a Puppet Master controlling her strings... which is exactly what is happening.





    Hair/Eyes: black /bright blue
    HEIGHT_ 5'7"
    WEIGHT_127 lbs

    A dainty little creature, Marietta is not one to be ignored. Unfortunately, for her, it's very hard for others to forget her. Her dark hair and never-ending bright blue eyes tend to hold others in place, shorten their breath, and keep them in a state of awe whenever they lay eyes upon her. Due to her life of yoga, dance and gymnastics, she has a tiny frame that can twist and bend in the oddest of shapes.

    DEFORMITY_Marionette Doll - the very thing she's afraid of, the name kids use to call her whenever they saw her dance (a tease to hurt her feelings), is what she's become.

    She has joints like a marionette, as well as strings that mysteriously stand off of her towards an unseen puppetmaster. Without the strings, she's unable to move freely. With them, she's able to contort to the utmost extreme, more than she's ever been able to normally. They also assist in her balancing and other insane interesting feats she's able to perform. The strings are the magical links The Ringmaster gave her in order to make her into the doll he's wanted. Without them, she will not be able to do anything - just lay like a pile of bones with no muscles. Meric can the ability to magically move her when needed.

  • DESCRIPTION_Marrose's personality is one that is of extremes: When she is feeling like herself, and everything is going her way, she has an extremely sweet and silly disposition, very kind, and friendly. However, when her asthma drains her into a poor state of mind, Marietta is best described as insensitive, distant, dejected, and suicidal. Her strong asthmatic and panic attacks frustrates her, making a very athletic and determined young lady slow and flustered at herself. Nevertheless, she is a work-o-holic and a fiercely loyal friend.


    Asthmatic; she always carries an inhaler, but she has learned to control her breathing to a point. Still, if she becomes too nerved and falls into a panic, her attacks will become harder to control and cause her to go so far as to pass out due to lack of oxygen. Afterwards, these forms of serious attacks can leave her lethargic or unconscious for hours. Usually, for seriously long travels, she carries a small oxygen pack, extra inhalers, smelling salts, and emergency injectors filled with high dosages of her medication to rapidly opens her passageways. She knows of meditation methods to calm minor attacks, but severe ones need medication.

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@Phi Chisym Also accepted with very welcome arms!!! It is absolutely wonderful to have you back!! ((Lol, I'm like flipping out IRL and my husband keeps telling me to chill and I'm just like "You don't understand! I didn't know you yet the first time I ran this RP and Phi Chisym practically made the RP what it was and helped me keep it going!!! I'm just so ASDFGH!!!!" And he just keeps smiling and sighing at me.))
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OMG, you flatter me! I'm so flipping too, cause your RP died far too soon. There's so much potential in the concept, and so many ideas that can be explored! EEEEEE! I seriously hope others sign up for this, cause I'm ready to recreate a whole new world with this one.

Wondering, do you happen to have an idea of how the circus grounds is set up? I know that was one thing that boggled me the last time, especially when we had to move the charries through the setting. I had no clue where you wanted things to be set up, so I just winged it and came up with something. Toss me some of your ideas, so everyone can get a clearer visual of that. I'm going to see if there's any info, maps, or images of how a normal circus layout is suppose to be. Of course, you've got to add more to it - like The Ringmaster's Tent of Terror, where he does his experimenting and augmentations. HEHEHE!
Circus Drawings I just found that look rather nice - simple, and not revealing. Somewhat making others assume this circus is - safe...
@Phi Chisym Yes, those drawing ares rather close to what I imaged. Like I knew there was the main big top, colored red and white in the traditional style where performances and practices are held each day. It's behind the big top where everything else is set up. The thing is, it's not just trailers, tents, or cages. Since the Ring Master is magic, he has actual buildings behind the scenes where no one can see them and he just magically moves them and the main tent from location to location. He does have an illusion going around the back buildings just in case any prying eyes do make it back there. It does just look like normal circus tents and trailers that are portable and easy to move around. All cheery looking and inviting. Those that do try and be 'invited' in though, usually end up joining the circus.

Some of the buildings out back include the dorm room. It's a large stone construct with no windows and very little light. It's kind of a hexagonal shape? With chains on all of the walls where the main performers are kept when not eating, preparing, practicing, or performing so they can't run away. It's dark and cold and extremely uncomfortable. Even if there's just one limb chained to the wall on a short/medium length chain at any given time. It's long enough to allow comfortable movement, but short enough to stop physical interaction between the performers. Any performers with special needs have those in their own confines ((Like a tank for a water performer, etc...)) The chains can only be removed through the Ring Master's magic. Meaning he has to personally do it, or have Meric do it each morning ((which he probably does to minimize interaction between him and them))

Branching off of the hexagonal room are two separate dressing rooms. One for girls and the other for boys. However, this isn't relaaly enforced that strictly since some performers traverse back and forth to help another performer prepare for the day if they have deformities that prevent them from doing it on their own. ((Like Aveline's blindness preventing her from doing her hair/make-up or picking out her proper clothing, for example)) The only time it's ever enforced if if the Ring Master is in a particularly bad mood and feels like being cruel to a few of his 'pets' that have agitated him for some unknown and probably crazy reason. These dressing rooms have a few shower stalls, vanity mirrors, wardrobes, and all materials they need to get ready for the day. Again, the main door out of that whole complex can only be opened through magic and it comes out of the hexagonal room. It's a large metal double door with no handles.

Outside, the dorms and a little walk through the grass of whatever forest they've situated themselves in at the time is a wooden pavilion that has almost like a little buffet set up with that moment's meal ((Breakfast, lunch, and dinner separately that is brought in by magic. Ordered by the Ring Master, probably enacted through Meric.... Come to think of it, he'll probably have a list of duties expected of him as well...)) And a few lines of picnic tables in the shade of the pavilion where they eat their three meals. These meals are scheduled ((I'll get into the schedule near the end of this long ass, finger breaking post TT_TT))

There are four other buildings. One is used for equipment storage and is basically a large shed. Then there's the Ring Master's quarters which looks like a small cottage or cabin. It's complete with bedroom, private bathroom, living room, kitchen, etc. Luxury little house here, and Meric has only been allowed in to give reports to him. There's another almost shed like building. This is Meric's room. Since the Ring Master needs him for things outside the time he has the others chained up and know for a fact he can't wander off, he has the privilege of having a small little room complete with a bed and a few other necessities. It's located on the other side of the dorms from the pavilion.

Finally, there's a stone building that no one knows what the fuck is in there. Only the Ring Master has been in there. He keeps his magic books and tools in there and that's where he does his work. Well, I guess I lied. Everyone has been in there once before *evil laughter*

Also, as if the illusions, stone walls, and shit ween't enough. The Ring Master has a magical barrier around the whole place to help hinder any escape attempts. In fact, it was a weakness in this barrier that caused Aveline's attempted flight to freedom that got her blinded. This barrier has to be especially strong around the big top and outdoor areas as they are the easiest to get in and out of.

Okay, schedule time! In the mornings, around 6AM I'd guess, the Ring Master has Meric get up and make the daily preparations, such as setting up breakfast through his magic and making sure the right equipment was teleported into the big top for the day's practice. He'd have about 30 minutes in which to complete this before he'd be expected to open the doors to the dorms, unlock the chains, and get everyone moving in one way or another into the dressing rooms to prepare for practice. They'd have until about 7:30 to finish their showering and such and make it to the pavilion where they'd have half an hour for breakfast. At 8AM, they would report for practice which the Ring Master occasionally sits in on. They're out until about noon when they break for another 30 minute meal. From there, he'd give them a few more hours practice, until about 4PM, then he would expect them to be ushered back to the dorms to prepare for that night's performance. The performance would begin at 6PM and last until 8PM on a good night. Afterwards, there would be 30 minutes for dinner before being escorted back to the dorms where they would be expected to clean up and put away their performance clothes. During this time, Meric would be expected to get everything teleported back into the storage shed. They would, again, have 30 minutes for this before Meric was to return, chain them up, and lock the doors for the night. Some nights he'd be expected to return immediately to his room after this was done until the next morning and other nights the Ring Master might like to see him for reports or have him run errands.

*sighs dramatically*

Wow, that was a lot of typing! I hope this makes sense >.< And I also hope I'm not putting too much on you...
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Reactions: Phi Chisym
Nice, and no, this is awesome! I've got tons more ideas now from just that. :D
Name- Rochelle Greene
Gender- Female
Age- 20
Deformity- Rochelle is completely stitched up all over her body, as if a living doll. However, she is very much full of flesh and bone, as Runt makes sure she never forgets during their act. Rochelle also has red and black eyes and claws for fingertips.
Act- Comedy Duo/Human Pincushion
Personality- Rochelle is the ditzier of the duo, and more passive. Docile and acting like a big sister to the rest of the group, Rochelle tries her best to overcome her gullibility and naivete in order to keep the others happy. All she wants is to make people laugh and smile, even if it means hurting herself to do so.

Name- Rita "Runt" Mayhew
Gender- Female
Age- 7
Deformity- A living doll. Runt has her entire body stitched up like Rochelle, but on top of that also has all blood and bone replaced with stuffing. In addition, she has red buttons for eyes.
Act- Comedy Duo/The Living Voodoo Doll
Personality- Runt is, to be frank, a terror. Sadistic and mean, she is a bully through and through, Rochelle being her favorite target. However, as she's just a walking stuffed toy, you can throw her or kick her to make her shut up-she doesn't mind either, as all she really wants is attention. Even if she bullies Rochelle, Rochelle is basically her big sister, and Runt will defend her if someone tries to take advantage of her-even if she's not good at it.
Appearance-Runt is up above in the picture of Rochelle. Her dress is a simple potato sack one that goes to her knees:

Master is the enemy!
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Character Sheet

Name- Michael Kaylock (goes by last name)
Gender- Male
Age- 25
Deformity- An enlarged mouth as well as surgical reinforcement to his esophagus and stomach. This allows for the faux and literal consumption of whole items otherwise meant to be kept out of the human body. (Ie: glass, swords, small living animals like rabbits/cats/birds/etc.)
Act- "The Man Who Eats Everything"
Veteran or New- Veteran
Personality- "Master is the enemy" is his motto. He hates the guy more than anything, and that's saying something - Kaylock hates everything. Resident lone wolf emo-boy, Kaylock is hard to get to know and even harder to like; he's rude, stubborn, and otherwise uncooperative. So much so that he earned himself a painfully tight metal muzzle (making it hard to speak and breathe) after trying to bite the hands off of several people - including Master - who had dared come close to him.

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Character Sheet

Name- Harmony Jones
Gender- Female
Age- 13
Deformity- Her legs and a majority of her body is fish like. Her voice can captive almost any who hear it, the ringmaster is immune of course.
Act- (What they perform) "The Little Siren" She sings feats of music the most humans can't even attempt. Is working on an aquabatics act
Veteran or New- Veteran of two months
Personality- Harmony is a quiet child by nature, much rather being left to her thoughts and toys. However, due to her lack of legs, she depends on others to the point she can't ignore them. So she tries to make small talk, as unnatural it is for her, in hopes people won't just drop her and let the Master have at her for being late for something. With her voice now having siren like power, which the Master is completely immune to, Harmony is scared to speak, in fear that her voice might bring a curious guest over to where they do not belong. On her good days, Harmony will sing for the whole cast, wishing to bring their hopes up in this terrible place. The master had taken any toy she could get her hands on except for a wooden bird she came with. Mostly because threats of taking it away are more than enough to get the siren back in line. The master is the enemy.
Appearance- Small Mermaid Harmony.png
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I'm posting from my phone, so please tell me if anything looks wrong
Can I make a fire dancer?
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Hey, who are veterans in the circus, and who are newbies?

Meric's a veteran, of course, and Marietta is brand new to the crew.
I'm not quite sure, I feel like Harmony could have been there for a couple months, to the point she knows the rules and know some what the punishments that happens when you break them, but is still getting used to her body and being order around by the Ringmaster and Meric. She does tend to give sass to the later about the placement of her restraints. Mostly when they are place on her tail.
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