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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Subterranean Rose
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
6 - 10 PM, Eastern Standard Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Magical girl, action, science fiction
Dream Maidens
a dark magical girl story


"Before the mascot came to you, you thought you were just a teenage girl who lived in the city. But now that he's told you who you are, you know you're the reincarnation of someone powerful and magical. In a burst of light and flower petals, you can transform into a beautiful, strong version of yourself with special powers, a magical costume, and a made-for-merchandise weapon. You're not just a teenage girl; you're a magical girl, a dream maiden.

It's cool, but not as rosy as it sounds. See, the reason the mascot awakened your powers is that there's evil in this city. Not just bad people, but monsters. The city is full of geists, monsters from another reality - maybe the veil is weak here, or maybe people's minds are really tasty here. It's your duty to fight the geists, and it'll be easier if you have the support of the other dream maidens.

That's not easy, though. Not all of you like each other, or even trust each other. The more you learn about each other's past lives, the more complicated things get. Everyone wants the dream seeds the geists drop. And you're not sure your mascot is telling the whole truth.

Finally, the void looms in the unknown. What secrets does it keep?"

Things to know:
  • This is a game about magical girls having conflicts with each other, having conflicts with their fluffy mascot, and having conflicts with the world of magic at large. It will get dark. Your character may die.
  • This is a dice game - it's a hack I made of Apocalypse World. That said, it's a story game, where everything is about the fiction, not the numbers. The dice system is pretty easy to learn. The person running it is supposed to make the players' lives not boring, and keep the world feeling close and real.
  • This is a playtest. It's playable. It's not finalized. We're going to have fun, but we also will adjust things that don't work.
  • I'm probably going to run it, since I know how to - unless someone else wants to read a document about how to make the setting, teach the game, and run the world. Which is fine by me! If someone else runs this game, I can see whether I explained how to run it clearly enough.

[bg=plum]Medium: Chat (preferred) or Forum[/bg]​
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I don't usually go in for dark stuff, but hey, this seems fun. Count me in!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mollisol
Now how could I not be interested? I am Mahou Shoujo! Also as someone who has created a massive magical girl world I have plenty of characters to draw from...
Now how could I not be interested? I am Mahou Shoujo! Also as someone who has created a massive magical girl world I have plenty of characters to draw from...
Just so you know, the characters in this game are in "character seeds" or "playbooks" you choose from that determine some basic things about her. It's not really pre-made characters, but designed so character creation takes 5-10 minutes in a 2-4 hour chat session.
I'm in.

I'm more of a writer, and not a "player" but I'll give this a try...

I'm more into dark characters anyways, but if the GM has a character they'd like me to play, PM me the character sheet and I'll be happy to RP them as the GM wishes. I can RP two chars at once, but I'd prefer to only play one character so I won't be making my own if someone sends me a CS.

Otherwise, be prepared for some really dark stuff. I'm pretty sure you guys won't be disappointed as far as character development goes.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mollisol
I'm in.

I'm more of a writer, and not a "player" but I'll give this a try...

I'm more into dark characters anyways, but if the GM has a character they'd like me to play, PM me the character sheet and I'll be happy to RP them as the GM wishes. I can RP two chars at once, but I'd prefer to only play one character so I won't be making my own if someone sends me a CS.

Otherwise, be prepared for some really dark stuff. I'm pretty sure you guys won't be disappointed as far as character development goes.
That's okay! I look forward to seeing how this plays out. And there are no multiples - creating and playing one girl should be plenty of time and energy - so you will only need to create one character. Also, I tried to make the game system fairly easy to learn; I can explain it in chat.

So, Lylith, @Wolfsbane706 , and @Mahou-Shoujo :

I'm gonna start a group PM detailing what we do next and any questions or concerns you have, and discussing when we're available to chat as well. If one other person comes from the thread or ad, I will let them in, but we have enough players to start getting ready ^u^
Perfect! I look forward to getting your message.

I'm heading to lunch and then taking my mid-term tests. I'll be on all evening / afternoon afterwards though.
  • Like
Reactions: Mollisol
If this will happen in a forum, I'm interested n.n
  • Like
Reactions: Mollisol
If this will happen in a forum, I'm interested n.n
This is being carried out over Discord, sorry. I wish you luck finding other RPs.