Dark Fairy Tales. Interest check.

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"Lips red as the rose. Hair black as night. Skin, white as snow. So it is true. The Princess has become Un-dead. Gods save us all."

-Her majesty's royal huntsman.

The tale of Snow White is one known to many. From her dwarven protectors, to the beauty she was known for and the way her stepmother died has spread throughout the lands. But in the end, it seems the Witch has gotten her revenge in death what she could not obtain in life. With her dying breath, she laid a curse upon the kingdom and upon her stepdaughter, cursing her with corruption and offering everything she had to ensure its success.

The Dark powers heard her plea, and did so. A few months into their rule, the princess died and all mourned her passing. But strange things began to happen around the castle afterwards. Servants reported a haunting, white apparition of the princess seen before vanishing around the corner. Bodies of hounds, horses and more drained of blood were discovered the following morning, as the cock crowed to announce the sun. The prince himself, grew more and more anemic and pale and the dwarves? They grew secretive and began acting as the castle stewards. Their requests strange and alarming, from the mundane materials they called for to the rebuffments of their own kin. Publicly shown, as they refused all to do their own thing.

And then one night, at the stroke of twelve it happened.

A scullery maid was killed, the princess sighted with blood soaking the dress she was buried in as she laughed and chilled the bones of all who heard it. As they finally tried to stop her, it was too late. The dwarves, protectors of her even in death had been busy, artisans of death one and all as their traps and numerous surprises laid in wait killed all before they could even see her. And when night came again, the kingdom changed.

Dark clouds flew against the winds, revealing themselves to be crows that brought night early. Great trees, black and twisted grew among the houses and cobblestone paths, as a forest took over. And as her tomb door opened, followed by her guardians the Princess reborn took her first step out into her ruined kingdom. Those who did not flee, died that day. And the forest itself grew mighty, under the hand of Snow White.

Dark things crept into the ruined kingdom that day. The fate of the prince, ultimately unknown.

That will change. Snow White has plagued the lands long enough, her monsters raiding and dragging victims back to her woods. Her trees watered with blood and every beast within, sharing in her hunger for the living.

You are a member of a crusade, intended to stop her and end her threat. By the Great Lion on his throne...By the Lady of the Lake and John the Presbyter in his lost kingdom, Snow White will fall.

The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.

OOC Talk

Hello and welcome. I'm Ringmaster, dabbler of some small note in writing. It has been some time since I had run anything, but I've decided to try once more. I'm aiming for at least seven people, in a Gothic Horror setting inspired by such works as Berserk, Castlevania and of course, Fables and Folklore in general.

The stipulation here is no canons. At least no fandom types most here are used to. I'm looking for OC's based on Fables, as this is by and large, a dark fairy tale. Characters based on old epics and classics are good, with many examples and spin offs available in works such as Looking Glass Wars, Vertigo's Fables, etc.

I'll also be limiting to seven players as well, with pertinent, major posting time updates every Saturday.

For more of an idea on the world? All stories are true, for a given value of true.

I will answer such as I can here.​
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Interested! I'm gonna be driving for 3 hours, but I got some questions I wanna run by you that I'll message you!
Hmmm, I could totally recycle an older character concept xD I have at least a couple ideas in place. Nonetheless, you have my interest...
I'm kind of interested...I think I might just need to see how big my workload is this semester because it gets difficult to post.
Thanks guys feel free to PM me for details or ask here. I'll do what I can to give em out.
You know I'm in!
Got my ideas in my head. Let's see if I can execute them.
Alright, so some of the details in my head at the moment.

The Crusade is being led by Prince Vortigen Pendragon, brother of the king. Uther Pendragon of the kingdom of Londinium, the largest and most expansive realm to date. Another great power who have pledged their support are the Sunless Mountain Realm, a Dwarven Conclave led by Weyland Smith. Still more smaller kingdoms and fiefdoms send support via their serfs, food, arms and more with a few notable names accompanying.

The quest to free the realm of the Darkling Woods is the greatest gathering of heroes in a long time. The monster's have plagued everyone long enough. It's time to fight back.

More details as I hammer em out.​
One last slot then. And then I'll put up the rest of the details.
If you have one spot left open, I'd certainly love to jump on in! Dark Fairytales are a guilty pleasure of mine, and one I would certainly love to indulge.
4 days, good for me.
Sounds good by me
Oh! I guess I can work with that >.< I'll try and get a sheet up soon(ish)
Is there by chance a way I can see which fables/fairytales are already taken? I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes.