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Snow Goth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Agender
  3. Primarily Nonbinary
dangerous title card 2.0.png

The Yutani-Kandel Corporate Monocity, Southwest of Vladivostok, Russia. The clock has just ticked over to the year 2050, and what's left of the world is trying build itself back up after years of consumption following the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus led to vast socio-economic collapse and a period of martial law.
The United Nations has had to rely on several megacorporations to survive. This has given them a veritable carte blanche to operate as they will, tearing apart once stable societies and small local governments. The Yutani-Kandel Biotechnology Firm has taken hold of most of the Asian continent, plastering their name on anything and everything, entire countries are now borderless and chaotic without so much as a hope outside of the daily meal for employees. More than 20 Million people clutter the streets of the YK Monocity in southern Russia most of them working for the golden giant, cornered into compliance, or to choose death. Recent shortages of food and water, even among the employed, have forced sections of the population to face the Sea-Wastes in search of a better place to live, or risk the famine of the home they once knew.

The game is simple, survive, with much attention being paid to cybernetic modification, black market trade, and street warfare. Under the boot of the monolithic YK industrial complex, the city is your home, enemy, and ally. You, the players, can adopt a diverse collection of character archetypes, ranging from hardwired mercenaries with psycholinked weapons and boosted reflexes, to Armani-wearing street moguls who make and break lives with the stroke of a pen. Any persona existing in this strange and broken environment can be yours to command. Your job is to survive, either barely, by the straps of your boots, or large, and by means only dreamt of by lesser people.


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Character Sheet

|Photo or Realistic image here, scale within reason|



[tab=General Information][bg=black][color=#ffff00]Name:
Gender/Pronouns: [/color][/bg]


[tab=Background][bg=black][color=#ffff00]|Character Bio|[/color][/bg][/tab]



[tab=Skills & Equipment][bg=black][color=#ffff00]Skills:
Standard Equipment:[/color][/bg]


[tab=Theme(s)][bg=black][color=#ffff00]|Song 1|
|Song 2|
|Song 3|[/color][/bg][/tab]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 0)][B][CENTER]

Post Completed Sheets in here to be indexed.

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"Everyone has a price. Right now we are negotiating yours."

  • [bg=black]
    Name: Tang Rongfei 唐蓉妃 AKA 白虎 "The White Tiger"
    Age: That would be telling.
    Height: 5'2"
    Gender/Pronouns: Female/ She/Her

  • [bg=black]|Character Bio|

    Little is known about the personal history of the White Tiger. She consistently portrays herself as being of Han Chinese ethnicity, but given that she is a full conversion cyborg, there is no easy way to confirm this. Speech pattern analysis indicates that her fluent, mildly archaic Mandarin does not come from a chip, and indeed suggests a provenance from the south of China, or possibly the Min-speaking Chinese diaspora (Taiwan/Southeast Asia). Then again, she also speaks Russian at a native proficiency, with a noticeable Northern Russian accent.
    What is clear is that sometime in the past ten years or so she appeared in the YK Monocity, where she quickly established herself as a trader in the information and skills markets, mostly acting as an intermediary or agent, but occasionally providing analysis and intelligence services herself. She has built up a deep network of clients on both sides of the table, and is highly valued for her fair dealing and ruthlessness.

  • [bg=black]|Personality|
    As the White Tiger, Tang Rongfei is calm, cool and professional. She's always elaborately courteous, never raising her voice or showing much emotion beyond a quirk of her finely engineered eyebrows. That should not be taken to mean that she suffers fools gladly, or at all. She simply considers it beneath her dignity to get angry with them.

    The White Tiger is scrupulously fair in her dealings. She'll never ask for a nu-kopek more than her due, nor will she accept less. At the end of a transaction, all debts will be paid, in full.

    She does have a couple of weaknesses. She delights in good tea and dim sum, which are both rare and valuable in the Monocity. She's got a favourite restaurant - more of a couple of private rooms in an old building - where she never conducts business. She's helped out the old couple who run the place several times, financially and physically. She also occasionally displays the awkward enthusiasm of a quant wonk when dealing with statistical analysis, and is particularly keen to provide processing cycles for worthy projects.


  • [bg=black]Skills:
    Standard Equipment:

  • [bg=black]|Song 1|
    |Song 2|
    |Song 3|

  • Love
Reactions: WinterO

  • [bg=black]cd33e7a16dfcc95497b1065772fd4dcd.jpg
    Name: Roland R. Flask

    Age: 35

    Race: Native American/Latino/Caucasian

    Height: 6'3

    Gender/Pronouns: He/Him | They/Them

    Weight: [Due to his prosthetic body Roland weighs unsuspectingly heavy, despite it being designed for everyday use]

    Physical Description: Roland is a mixed-raced male who bears a striking and stately air about him. While having a naturally resting face that turns into a grimace, he is often found attempting a kind and empathetic expression, border on a sense of anguish.
    Adorned on his face are healed scars that have long rested upon his face, it alludes to a flesh that rides deep to the bone despite his actual body being one of the foremost advanced fully cyberized bodies. Still with bound carbon fiber, steel and high density polymers Roland still looks that of a well built male in his 30s. However due to him hold the secret
    Broad shouldered and relaxed, Roland emits an aura amicability and class, however the well built frame and often involved motions of speech patterns reflect a passionate and ambitious individual that threatens the weak hearted and rivals the greedy.


    [ Characters ]

    Dr. Ageha Kusanagi || Adoptive Caretaker || Dead || This is the secret Ageha took with her to her grave. She nutured the young Roland, but at what cost for his humanity? No one knows anymore about this connection.....

    Unknown Father and Mother || Dead (?) || Roland has no memories of such individuals

    Rubedo || AI || ???

    [ Organizations ]

    Yutani-Kandel || Head Researcher and Public Figure || Roland is a local celebrity within his research field, along with the near cult of personality through his populist actions. The higher class tends to use him a prop to invoke a sense of empathy to lull more favor. Roland however genuinely seems to care about the progression of humanity

    Yutani-Kandel's Miltary Task Forces || ??? || It wouldnt be hard to see how close he may be to certain aspects for the groups Y&K uses for a police force, mostly through AI. However no one can ever pin point actual cohortship.

    Swallowtail Charity || Personal Charity || Via Swallowtail Roland is able to personally fund and direct certain research developments. Medical, Cybernetics, AI, The Net. Y&K believes he is using this as oversight to weed out competition and corporate espionage, however something seems amiss....

    Occupation: Currently a high profile researcher of Medical Prosthetic/Cybernetics Applications and Artificial Intelligences R&Ds for Y&K. This is currently his 15th year at the company. Considered a innovator, if not paradigm shifter, for the field.


  • [bg=black]|Character Bio|[/bg]
    Much of what was originally his life is seemingly distant and forgotten. The abnormality of such lack of pasr is not lost upon him, with this void history surrounding his true identity Roland takes the persona of Roland R. Flask. A name perhaps not even his original one.
    From this nom de plume an identity was created--one so connected within the inner workings of YK that his it barely seems worth the adversarial take. Roland's story is that he was an overseas military scientist. Low level that was black listed and scrubbed nearly clean from databases due to a disciplinary action concerning after market dealings with YK. And was sent to an underhanded death. Barely escaping with his life he had no choice but to cyberize with the components and augments he help very well create. However these did not come cheap and forced him into work. The vast majority, if not all, believe this story and thinking that this scientist ruined a career overseas and was lapped up by YK's vast network of employing and forcing debt upon those who sought a better life.

    From there his installation into YK's corporate life was a skyrocketing success enough to at least set the field of AI and certain cybernetic fields in YKs favor. Alcoves of technology and progress thought to be tucked away was snatch and exceeded by Roland. Whether or not it was malicious it proved extremely profitable. Roland within a few short years had been made an asset. Despite attempts upon his life from rivals Roland always seemed to strive and envelope himself in communities with relative ease.

    Roland R. Flask: A Scientist with a Shady Past and Integral Innovator. It fits with the airs of YK that such a personality could exist. It was all to him design it. Even if the empathy can get the better of him. And for most this is all those who know about him

    Raul Merlo. Little is known about what happened to the Merlo family, they were a seen as one of the many causalities in an event called "Black Sunday" by the residents of what is now owned by YK. A plane explosion with few survivors. A small side effect of the corporate backstabbers of YK attempting to destroy another on of their rival cohorts lives.
    They killed the corpo, as was fair there. But the assassins, like most of what is demonstrated in this vile and stagnate world, were careless to downright malicious.

    Black Sunday was turned into a horrid memory of corporation collateral damages, the likes of which continue to this very day. However YK has grown more voracious in the past years leaving corpses of innocent and corrupted in piles alike. Lives are indebted by generation dues and people choke on the air the were promised was clean.

    Raul Merlo would be very upset at this reality.

    Innocent lives robbed. A Family destroyed. A small boy's life robbed of a future.
  • [bg=black]|Personality|[/bg]

    How detached can one be from the flesh before the simulacrum of neurons firing, of pain receptors, and coldness of loneliness of a prosthetic body only becomes a prison. Roland has nearly lived his entire life within the confines of servos, simulated muscle fibers, designed dental implants, neuro-implants, and the supplemented foods for full cyborgs (that of which he hasn't tasted in his early days thankfully).

    It doesn't help that Roland isn't a lone. The very sanctity of his mind is now communal--a group. The caretaker-maternal figure Dr. Ageha Kusanagi and, ironically her brainchild, the fledgling Al: Rubedo. These individuals reflect upon Roland, meld and transformed him....And through the net and the lost souls that are ripped from the braincases they called selves are slowly joining him.

    Roland Personality || Roland is oft seen as a kind man and unscrupulous in his actions. Despite his weakness of empathy, he is not enamored by the illusion of idealism. It isn't a façade. It isn't a play. It just doesn't go beyond the surface as much as everyone thinks. Roland is filled with rage. Anger. Vengeance. Fury. Lament. His life has been ruined. His body not his own, and his mind violated and provides no sanctuary. Always plotting and thinking beyond the surface and constantly looking for motive and ideals in those he's interacting with or viewing at the time. He often checks the net and pries into databases to assess even during simple business meetings. All this is done with the assistance of the complex AI Rubedo who allows him to peer at vast amounts of data with near perfect information assessment.

    Roland to the outside world appears as he needs it to be, the Genius Innovator with a Compassionate Streak. A rarity, but draws in his enemies just fine. Although Roland is coming to terms with the death of even his own identity, this personality feels too bittersweet for him to acknowledge. It was as if he was speaking through a dead man's ghost. A false identity it is not, the one he was robbed of is more apt...The one Yutani Kandel stole from him.

    [Unknown Variants]

    Rubedo || ???

    Dr. Ageha || ???

    Abe Tamiko || Executives / Associate || Roland maintains and ensures Tamiko's cybernetic are up to date along with any sort of software. The work relationship is healthy.

  • [bg=black]Skills:

    Cybernetics Expertise || Yutani doesn't keep him around for image, but the do keep him around for his vast understanding of the concept and practice of using Cybernetics. While not familiar with all after model markets, he is extremely familiar with anything coming out of Y&K's wheel house. Most likely because he has worked on it or had known the very individuals who had been working on it.

    It goes skin deep however, Roland knows very well about the plights and ailments of the cyberization of the human body. And can use it going against those who think they are invincible because of a few metal bits.

    Net Navigator & Class A Hacker || Roland has a strong connection to the Net, he views it as a liberation for the moments he gets to leave his body to Rubedo or Ageha to dive into such vast stores of information. He knows too much and those who know this is too little.

    Remote Piloting || Roland is a complex multitasker, able to remote pilot androids, machine interfaces, and even some highly cyberized peoples connected to him with a near success rate of being near-indistinct. It acts almost as if the very soul of Roland has been connected to these remote sources.

    Paranoid Protector || Roland covers his tracks harshly, and even more so protects the vital connections to the net and cybernetics with such efficiency that its an extreme measure in regards to even men in high YK positions like him. This also applies to those he takes special interests in. He doesn't always ask permission for such on this either...

    Expert Actor || Roland has been playing this game for years, and despite him being tired of the game he's not letting up in the slightest--Not when he's so close. Not when he can see the end in sight. He even carries himself like a mostly flesh and blood human

    Standard Equipment:

  • [bg=black]|Song 1|
    |Song 2|
    |Song 3|

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Just got around to reading through the lore and story. I'm still pretty curious about the plot however. Will our characters be working toward anything in specific or is this more of a sandbox RP?
Just got around to reading through the lore and story. I'm still pretty curious about the plot however. Will our characters be working toward anything in specific or is this more of a sandbox RP?

It is imo a bit of a mixture.

I 100% Have a plot in mind.

But its moreso a set of goalposts that i intend to herd the RP through as it progresses.

I'd like to keep those goalposts more or less secret so that *that* story can progress without too much metagaming, and more importantly, so that y'all can enjoy the twists and turns along the way.

In between these goalposts, however, i would like to see more of a sandbox style situation happen, where you have those sort of situational microstories take place, and where players set up more complex macrostories on the interpersonal and intrapersonal levels.

I'll glady expand upon this if you'd like, im up 24/7 to answer questions :^)
I am super interested! I'll read up on everything when I get up tomorrow!
  • Love
Reactions: WinterO
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mundane Monster
  • [bg=black]
    Name: Jidrael Grayce
    Nicknames: Rael, Doc
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 119 lb (sans plating) / 180 lbs (with plating)
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
    Occupation: Medic

  • [bg=black]Jidrael was born to parents who only wanted the best for her. Her mother was in labor for hours trying to push the wayward newborn out of her body. She was born twisted and mangled, hiccupping and wheezing. Her parents thought killing her would be the best thing to do. They figured her tiny body would be crushed under the harshness of the city, and they thought her tiny lungs choke on the toxic air. Killing her would be a merciful act. But when it came down to it, neither her father nor her mother could bring themselves to kill her. So they left her barely bundled, still wet with birthing fluid in an alleyway. The rats would carry her off. Or a degenerate would kick her aside and snuff her out. But neither of those things happened. Instead, a woman of indeterminate old age with several mismatched cybernetic arms took the baby.

    Old Grayce, as she was often called, took the baby whose life was flickering before her very eyes. She gave the girl a name, a home, and a cybernetic body plating to support her. Under Old Grayce's care, Jidrael thrived and grew into the benevolent (if not slightly gruff) image of her adoptive grandmother, sans the extra arms. By the time she was a teenager, she was patching thugs up in alleys and playing midwife in the public bathrooms.

    While Jidrael isn't officially a doctor, she does what she can to help those who can't afford to help themselves. When Old Grayce died, Jidrael packed up her stuff in one duffle bag and hit the road. She didn't have a single location to call home, instead, she roamed the city. She sustained this nomadic lifestyle by trading her medical services for what she needed.
  • [bg=black]Jidrael probably has some sort of heroine syndrome and she definitely got it from Old Grayce. When she sees kids being taken advantage of or hurt, she can't help but step in. Old Grayce always warned her that even though the body plating protected her armor can always be broken. Jidrael has yet to experience that and she's let it get to her head. She doesn't think she just charges headfirst into the conflict.

    Her impulsiveness contradicts the careful and meticulous nature she exudes when she works. Whether she's bandaging a child or stitching the wound of a gangster, she's always the same level of indifferent yet calming. She doesn't coddle or cower. She focuses on the problem and does her damndest to fix them. In most situations (that don't involve kids), Jidrael is neutral and non-judgemental. She knows very well the kind of world she lives in and she knows people have to do whatever they can to survive. She's the favored medic for certain derelicts because she doesn't ask any questions and she doesn't have any affiliations.

    There are few people Jidrael interacts with enough to consider friends. When she's with these people, a rare Jidrael smile may appear and an even rarer huff of laughter could make an appearance. She can be quite affectionate with her friends and freely offers hugs if they're requested.

  • [bg=black]Skills: Cybernetic surgery/installation
    Emergency medical care
    First Aid

    Standard Equipment: Heavy body armor plating with compartments
    - Chest compartment: Whatever non-perishable food she can get
    - Right thigh compartment: Medical equipment[
    - Left thigh compartment: Bandages

  • [bg=black]|Spiral|
    |[La Ciudad|
    |Only Getting Younger|
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  • [bg=black]Name: Jidrael Grayce
    Nicknames: Rael, Doc
    Age: 27
    Birthday: 27 years ago
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 119 lb (sans plating) / 180 lbs (with plating)
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
    Occupation: Medic

  • [bg=black]Jidrael was born to parents who only wanted the best for her. Her mother was in labor for hours trying to push the wayward newborn out of her body. She was born twisted and mangled, hiccupping and wheezing. Her parents thought killing her would be the best thing for her. They figured her tiny body would break under the harshness of the city, and they thought her tiny lungs wouldn't be able to withstand the toxic atmosphere. Killing her would be a good deed; a merciful act. But when it came down to it, neither her father nor her mother could bring themselves to actually kill her. So they left her barely bundled, still wet with birthing fluid in an alleyway. The rats would carry her off. Or a degenerate would kick her aside, breaking her ribs. But neither of those things happened. Instead, a woman of indeterminate old age with several mismatched cybernetic arms took the baby.

    Old Grayce, as she was often called, took the baby who's life was flickering before her very eyes. She gave the girl a name, a home, and a cybernetic body plating to support her. Under Old Grayce's care, Jidrael thrived and grew into the benevolent (if not slightly gruff) image of her adoptive grandmother, sans the extra arms.

    While Jidrael isn't officially a doctor, she does what she can to help those who can't afford to help themselves.
  • [bg=black]Jidrael probably has some sort of heroine syndrome and she definitely got it from Old Grayce. When she sees kids being taken advantage of or hurt, she can't help but step in. Old Grayce always warned her that even though the body plating protected her armor can always be broken. Jidrael has yet to experience that and she's let it get to her head. She doesn't think she just charges headfirst into the conflict.

    Her impulsiveness contradicts the careful and meticulous nature she exudes when she works. Whether she's bandaging a child or stitching the wound of a gangster, she's always the same level of indifferent yet calming. She doesn't coddle or cower. She focuses on the problem and does her damndest to fix them. But there are always times when she can't help someone or save them. She gets dark and stormy in these times and holes up by herself. She always blames herself. But she also always emerges from her depression with new determination and dedication.

  • [bg=black]Skills: Cybernetic surgery/installation
    Emergency medical care
    First Aid

    Standard Equipment: Heavy body armor plating with compartments
    - Chest compartment: Whatever non-perishable food she can get
    - Right thigh compartment: Medical equipment[
    - Left thigh compartment: Bandages

  • [bg=black]Spiral
    No Glory


I fixed up the code for your sheet in the quote, in case you wanted a cleaner WIP.

LOVE This so far though. i've been literally hoping that we'd get a medic character, even if they are unlicensed.

last thing, i would love to know how to say her name, because i cannot figure it out.
Huzzah, I've finished my sheet!


  • [bg=black]Name: Jidrael Grayce
    Nicknames: Rael, Doc
    Age: 27
    Birthday: 27 years ago
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 119 lb (sans plating) / 180 lbs (with plating)
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
    Occupation: Medic

  • [bg=black]Jidrael was born to parents who only wanted the best for her. Her mother was in labor for hours trying to push the wayward newborn out of her body. She was born twisted and mangled, hiccupping and wheezing. Her parents thought killing her would be the best thing for her. They figured her tiny body would break under the harshness of the city, and they thought her tiny lungs wouldn't be able to withstand the toxic atmosphere. Killing her would be a good deed; a merciful act. But when it came down to it, neither her father nor her mother could bring themselves to actually kill her. So they left her barely bundled, still wet with birthing fluid in an alleyway. The rats would carry her off. Or a degenerate would kick her aside, breaking her ribs. But neither of those things happened. Instead, a woman of indeterminate old age with several mismatched cybernetic arms took the baby.

    Old Grayce, as she was often called, took the baby who's life was flickering before her very eyes. She gave the girl a name, a home, and a cybernetic body plating to support her. Under Old Grayce's care, Jidrael thrived and grew into the benevolent (if not slightly gruff) image of her adoptive grandmother, sans the extra arms.

    While Jidrael isn't officially a doctor, she does what she can to help those who can't afford to help themselves.
  • [bg=black]Jidrael probably has some sort of heroine syndrome and she definitely got it from Old Grayce. When she sees kids being taken advantage of or hurt, she can't help but step in. Old Grayce always warned her that even though the body plating protected her armor can always be broken. Jidrael has yet to experience that and she's let it get to her head. She doesn't think she just charges headfirst into the conflict.

    Her impulsiveness contradicts the careful and meticulous nature she exudes when she works. Whether she's bandaging a child or stitching the wound of a gangster, she's always the same level of indifferent yet calming. She doesn't coddle or cower. She focuses on the problem and does her damndest to fix them. But there are always times when she can't help someone or save them. She gets dark and stormy in these times and holes up by herself. She always blames herself. But she also always emerges from her depression with new determination and dedication.

  • [bg=black]Skills: Cybernetic surgery/installation
    Emergency medical care
    First Aid

    Standard Equipment: Heavy body armor plating with compartments
    - Chest compartment: Whatever non-perishable food she can get
    - Right thigh compartment: Medical equipment[
    - Left thigh compartment: Bandages

  • [bg=black]Spiral
    No Glory


I fixed up the code for your sheet in the quote, in case you wanted a cleaner WIP.

LOVE This so far though. i've been literally hoping that we'd get a medic character, even if they are unlicensed.

last thing, i would love to know how to say her name, because i cannot figure it out.

Oh, awesome thanks! I just finished, too! :D

Glad I could fulfill your medical dreams :D

Her name is pronounced (jih-dray-el) It's like Jibreel, but with a different ending. :)
  • Creative
Reactions: WinterO
Huzzah, I've finished my sheet!


  • [bg=black]Name: Jidrael Grayce
    Nicknames: Rael, Doc
    Age: 27
    Birthday: 27 years ago
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 119 lb (sans plating) / 180 lbs (with plating)
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
    Occupation: Medic

  • [bg=black]Jidrael was born to parents who only wanted the best for her. Her mother was in labor for hours trying to push the wayward newborn out of her body. She was born twisted and mangled, hiccupping and wheezing. Her parents thought killing her would be the best thing for her. They figured her tiny body would break under the harshness of the city, and they thought her tiny lungs wouldn't be able to withstand the toxic atmosphere. Killing her would be a good deed; a merciful act. But when it came down to it, neither her father nor her mother could bring themselves to actually kill her. So they left her barely bundled, still wet with birthing fluid in an alleyway. The rats would carry her off. Or a degenerate would kick her aside, breaking her ribs. But neither of those things happened. Instead, a woman of indeterminate old age with several mismatched cybernetic arms took the baby.

    Old Grayce, as she was often called, took the baby who's life was flickering before her very eyes. She gave the girl a name, a home, and a cybernetic body plating to support her. Under Old Grayce's care, Jidrael thrived and grew into the benevolent (if not slightly gruff) image of her adoptive grandmother, sans the extra arms.

    While Jidrael isn't officially a doctor, she does what she can to help those who can't afford to help themselves.
  • [bg=black]Jidrael probably has some sort of heroine syndrome and she definitely got it from Old Grayce. When she sees kids being taken advantage of or hurt, she can't help but step in. Old Grayce always warned her that even though the body plating protected her armor can always be broken. Jidrael has yet to experience that and she's let it get to her head. She doesn't think she just charges headfirst into the conflict.

    Her impulsiveness contradicts the careful and meticulous nature she exudes when she works. Whether she's bandaging a child or stitching the wound of a gangster, she's always the same level of indifferent yet calming. She doesn't coddle or cower. She focuses on the problem and does her damndest to fix them. But there are always times when she can't help someone or save them. She gets dark and stormy in these times and holes up by herself. She always blames herself. But she also always emerges from her depression with new determination and dedication.

  • [bg=black]Skills: Cybernetic surgery/installation
    Emergency medical care
    First Aid

    Standard Equipment: Heavy body armor plating with compartments
    - Chest compartment: Whatever non-perishable food she can get
    - Right thigh compartment: Medical equipment[
    - Left thigh compartment: Bandages

  • [bg=black]Spiral
    No Glory


I fixed up the code for your sheet in the quote, in case you wanted a cleaner WIP.

LOVE This so far though. i've been literally hoping that we'd get a medic character, even if they are unlicensed.

last thing, i would love to know how to say her name, because i cannot figure it out.

Oh, awesome thanks! I just finished, too! :D

Glad I could fulfill your medical dreams :D

Her name is pronounced (jih-dray-el) It's like Jibreel, but with a different ending. :)


btw, you should join the discord!