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Character Sheet

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@redcatalyst you should join the discord :>
finna make a discord account real quick

EDIT: done :) same username #4526

joined the server :) are there any text channels?

I dont see ya in there :VVV
wack. i don't know much about discord but:
the general text chat is restricted to me, so maybe it's just a fault with the privacy settings?
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  • [bg=black]

    Name: Artyom Dain Romero
    Age: 26
    Height: 6'2

  • [bg=black]
    Artyom was born to a rather well off corporate family with deep pockets and a seemingly set course for his life laid out pat by his family however the youth had always had a different line of objectives compared to his parents. From a young age Artyom quickly took to the world around him and started to see ways that he could mess with things to his favor and even poke and prod at what he shouldn't. His parents saw most of his acting out as something that could be quelled given enough time though even when sent to the best schools Artyom did excel though he was almost a hotbed for problems often hacking or changing documents to allow him to have free time.

    As time passed his outbursts grew more and more until one day Artyom managed to 'escape' his family and took up a line of mercenary work offered by a megacorp. Once dumped into training Artyom discovered he had quite the knack for weapons and tactics choosing to do a line on corporate law enforcement until he could figure out what he could do from there. As all good things must come to an end though it wasn't Artyom's family that put a stop to things but rather a corporate assassination attempt that caught him in the crossfire. As a result he suffered near fatal injuries that resulted in the lost of his arms,legs and one of his eyes.

    However where most people would have been broken by such an experience Artyom was more humbled by the entire event and eventually his family did track him down though rather than deal with the rebellion any longer they simply paid for his treatment and prosthetic augments then left him a lump sum of money telling him he was on his own. With a newly liberated sense of freedom, arms, legs, a new eye, and some extra hardware to boot Artyom took to the world and opened up a small private security business mostly aimed at helping probe security and revealing back doors at his own leisure of course.

    With his new life Art slowly took to his augments as well eventually coming to find tinkering with them and anything else that triggered his interest bringing back his habit of getting into places he shouldn't except now it was as simple as crossing a wire. A new world is opening up on the Horizon and Art wants to make sure he leave a mark on it for himself or others to see.
  • [bg=black]
    Artyom is a rather carefree and laid back individual considering his former background though he isn't one to let others think that he'd be so easily taken advantage of. All things considered Art is also a rather kind and friendly individual to most people willing to give people a chance until the give him a good enough reason for him to hurl them through a wall. He does tend to delve deep if there a conversation about a topic he enjoys though he will refocus himself if he catches his own rambling.

    Art tends to like talking with people a good deal whether over the net or just in person plus it doesn't hurt to meet people with like minded interests who wouldn't mind working for him.
  • [bg=black]
    Hardware Tampering
    Combat training

    HammerTech Heavy Pistol- 45. Caliber burst fire capable pistol carries 20 rounds.
    Arrowpoint Automatic Rifle- 308. Caliber Combat rifle Based on former G3 concept.
    Hard modded Smartphone
    Old Ipod
    Ceramic Alloy Body Armor

    Pair of Simtech bionic Prosthesis Arms- Combat rated prosthetic arm's
    Pair of Bangalore industries Leg prosthetics- Milspec combat leg prosthetics
    1 Oculus corp Milspec eye- Night vision, Infrared, & Heat detection capable.
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"We can't stop you from destroying the world. But we'll build a better one after you're gone."

  • Name: Minari
    Age: 10
    Height: 4' 10"
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her

  • Minari was born to parents she doesn't remember. Whether she was abandoned, orphaned, or sold, she also doesn't remember. What she does know is that she ended up as the property of an underground cybernetics lab that used her and others like her as body modification test beds, and training subjects for their technicians. Most of the others died horribly or ended up maimed and stripped of cognitive function, but Minari was one of the "lucky" ones. She was fitted with artificial arms and legs and a set of cognitive enhancements that were inserted into her brain after the extraction of her eyes and removal of the temples of her skull, which also necessitated the replacement of her eyes with cybernetic oculars.

    The fact that these procedures proved successful made her potentially useful, so she was loaded with skills and put into service, forced to help the cyberneticists develop hardware and perform their experiments. Minari hated the things she was forced to do, but she did her best to help make cybernetics that wouldn't harm the kids they were implanted into.

    When they caught her plotting with the others, the cyberneticists decided she was too dangerous to keep around. In order to get rid of her and turn a quick profit, they sold her to Phoenix Security, Inc. to be drafted as a child soldier. For awhile, Yutani-Kandel let Phoenix's use of child soldiers slide, but after Phoenix picked the wrong side in a corporate 'kinetic takeover' struggle, Y-K launched a crackdown. During the fighting, Minari managed to escape.

    Minari neither forgot nor forgave what she had endured at the hands of the back-alley cyberneticists. Armed, (somewhat) trained, and with combat experience under her belt, she returned and put them down mercilessly. Together with the other surviving children, she formed the Twist Collective. The Twist Collective survives by panhandling, busking, pick-pocketing, and offering petty crime services such as smuggling and spying. As part of their hidden rebellion against the Corporate power structure and its values, they share their resources communally and look out for each other with fierce solidarity.

    They have a secret base they call Shangri-La hidden in a partially-collapsed subway tunnel with an entrance too small for adults to squeeze through, defended by low-tech boobytraps that can't be hacked and produce no EM or heat signatures. Aiming to achieve as much self-sufficiency as possible, they have a bootleg vertical farming rig and salvaged growing lights for a few raised-bed gardens, as well as some tech they were able to loot from the cyberneticists' lab. Typhoon took enough pity on them to give them good prices for gear and Instructibles, so he's the closest thing they have to an adult they can trust. Not that they actually trust him...

    As the Twist Collective acquires sufficient resources, they recruit new members from among the street urchin population. Thus far they have been able to stay under the radar of the Corporations and keep their existence as an organization secret from grownups, including Typhoon. They are extremely suspicious of outsiders, especially adults, but that is part of Minari's plan. They can't fight the grownups head-on and overthrow their institutions of power; but if they can gather enough numbers, they can replace them by the simple fact that they are the next generation.

  • Minari is quiet and secretive, with a shy persona that hides a brilliant calculating mind and an iron will. Only when she is with her comrades in Shangri-La does she allow anyone to see her joy or sorrow. She loves to learn and tinker. A new skill is a treasure that can't be taken away. She is deeply loyal to the other members of the Twist Collective, and will do anything to protect them. Minari does not like hurting people, but she is more than willing to ruthlessly serve up cruelty to the cruel when given the chance. For anyone who brings harm to the Twist Collective, her vengeance is ingeniously plotted, and utterly merciless.

  • Skills:

    Computer hardware design and repair
    Microelectomechanical systems (MEMS)
    Streetwise (scrounging, salvaging, knowledge of local hiding places)
    Pick-pocketing and basic sleight of hand
    Conscript-level training in guerrilla warfare and firearms use.

    Augmentations and Equipment

    Robotic arms and legs: Theoretically offer enhanced strength, speed, and dexterity, but she has to keep the strength and speed "governed" at ordinary levels for a child her age in order to conserve power and reduce the risk of failure of sub-par replacement parts. Her hands can be swapped out for Hand Tools (see below), and her arms are designed to provide exceptional stability and motor controls so she can use her Hand Tools with the required degree of precision.

    Hand Tool (repair suite): A cybernetic equivalent of the Leatherman multitool and the Swiss Army Knife, this Hand Tool has an Omnitool thumb (a motorized nanomaterial tool that can shape itself into any sort of screwdriver bit, hex key, socket wrench, pen knife blade, etc. of ordinary size), a Bush Manipulator index finger (a fractally branching nano-robotic manipulator whose finest "fingertips" are small enough to directly work with micro- and nano-engineered devices, such as microchips, microelectromencanical systems [MEMS], and so on. Its third finger is an all-purpose logic probe and diagnostic tool for micro- and nano-circuitry (digital multimeter, etc.). Its pinky finger is an input-output jack, and the middle finger offers a set of soldering iron tips that can solder on an ordinary (small) scale, down to the scale of miniaturized circuitry.

    Hand Tool (all-purpose fabrication): This Hand Tool combines the functions of a CNC router (think of it as a miniaturized, computer-controlled Dremel tool) and 3D printer. Provided with the required filament materials, the 3D printer can produce circuitry and small precision machine parts. Highly specialized filaments (e.g. doped silicon, rare earths and other rare metals like gold or platinum in extremely fine purity) etc. are required in order to produce high-tech circuitry, though generally the quantities are small. Minari can salvage materials from devices containing them, but this is time-consuming, and devices containing the desired materials are often as hard to come by as new-made filament sets.

    Limitations of Hand Tool Use: The use of Hand Tools requires full concentration. If a user is interrupted, especially if they're startled or physically interfered with, it is likely that their project will be damaged or destroyed, depending on how delicate the work is. 3D printing is not instantaneous. Minari's fabricator can produce a "bulk object" (solid material of any shape) the size of an average pill bottle in about a minute. Nanostructures, embedded circuitry, MEMS systems, and the like require increasing time with increasing complexity. Hand Tools also face the same limitations of energy faced by devices of their size. Devices made from salvaged materials are more likely to malfunction than devices made from store-bought filament sets, because they can contain impurities due to the difficulty of separating pure filament-quality material from complex metamaterials and alloys.

    Learning Module (experimental): A brain implant intended to enable a person to learn skills almost instantly. Downloaded skills require practice in order to achieve mastery and the ability to employ creatively. Minari's three skill "slots" are currently filled with her technical skills. She does not know what would happen if she tried to delete a skill and replace it with something else, assuming she could find a compatible skill file.

    Physics Coprocessor (experimental): This brain implant gives Minari the ability to calculate at computer speed and run mathematical models in her mind. In short, she never needs a calculator, and her imagination has a physics and graphics engine.

    Microvision: Her eyes can zoom in on an object at close range to see it on a microscopic level. This requires that she be able to stand or sit very still and cannot be used to magnify distant objects.

    Phoenix Firearms Semi-Automatic Gyrojet Rifle (silenced): This is a somewhat outmoded low to medium range sniper rifle usually employed by low-end mercenary units. It fires rocket-propelled bullets that offer a degree of terminal guidance to target. Minari has four rounds of ammunition.

  • Me and Mine

    Eye of the Storm

    Somewhere Over the Rainbow by J2
ALRIGHT lets tackle this.

sorry ive been away for a while, moving is tough.

so youve written what amount to an underage character with apparently no education, retrograde amnesia, and an abusive past. and yet she is mentally unscathed. She is arguable more skilled at 10 than many other characters in their 20s and 30s. shes UNDERAGE. and really all of this wouldnt be that tough to deal with if you hadnt made vast, sweeping assumptions about the world, without so much as DMing me to ask.

this feels like when someone mods guns into skyrim, it really does.

im genuinely sorry i cant be more sensitive, as i can tell you probably worked hard on this, but im in a stressful place rn and just dont have the capacity.

ill take a look again if you'd like to make some big changes.
Hi i was just wondering if you were all still accepting people?
Tbh you're still more than welcome to get a character made up, like kat said things are kinda standing still as im currently too indisposed to moderate effectively. i've told the others as much, but you'd be more than welcome to do some more fluffy character development kind of posting. its just that itll be difficult to proceed with the plot for right now. But as usual i intend to pick it back ASAP. i just need to find a place to live lmao
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(I could not decide what his job would be so I said f*ck it and went with both if that's okay. If not I'll flip a coin, also I know this is on Hiatus but I had this CS saved for a while so... yeah)

  • [bg=black]

    Papi cinco 🔥.jpeg

    Name: Alex Young
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'5
    Gender/Pronouns: Non-Binary Transmasc, He/They

  • [bg=black]

    Alex's backstory is the standard orphan from the streets who made a life for himself story.

    Alex was born Alina Young, his parents were laborers who died on the job when they were 3. As a result, he was adopted by horrible people that would abuse them. At the age of 13, he started working odd jobs so that they could afford his own place. Unfortunately, there was an incident involving one of their siblings, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    At the age of sixteen, they ran away from home and lived on the streets making a living off robbing stores and picking pockets.

    When he was seventeen he found the west center and found work as a tattoo artist and the next year started working as a dancer at Aqvarivs club on the side. The work has paid well enough for them to never spend a night on the street or go hungry, as well as exploring his gender expression through clothing and even start T at seventeen.

    Alex is a very outspoken and expressive person. He is never afraid to say what they're thinking without sugar-coating it or holding back in any way. Usually doesn't think about the possible consequences of his actions until right after he'd committed said action or until it's too late to go back. In which case they have a "whatever happens happens" outlook on life, this, however, doesn't mean that he wouldn't take action to get out of trouble.

    having spent a lot of time as a petty criminal Alex knows how to smell a crook from a mile away. He's also able to tell when someone is lying or trying to manipulate him. However, due to his trauma, he tends to get so attached to people that even if he knows that person is manipulative, they would still ignore their intuition and trust the person.

  • [bg=black]


    Sketch Book
    Design Book

  • [bg=black]
    Cigarette Ahegao

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Reactions: WinterO
(I could not decide what his job would be so I said f*ck it and went with both if that's okay. If not I'll flip a coin, also I know this is on Hiatus but I had this CS saved for a while so... yeah)

  • [bg=black]

    View attachment 218644

    Name: Alex Young
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'5
    Gender/Pronouns: Non-Binary Transmasc, He/They

  • [bg=black]

    Alex's backstory is the standard orphan from the streets who made a life for himself story.

    Alex was born Alina Young, his parents were laborers who died on the job when they were 3. As a result, he was adopted by horrible people that would abuse them. At the age of 13, he started working odd jobs so that they could afford his own place. Unfortunately, there was an incident involving one of their siblings, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    At the age of sixteen, they ran away from home and lived on the streets making a living off robbing stores and picking pockets.

    When he was seventeen he found the west center and found work as a tattoo artist and the next year started working as a dancer at Aqvarivs club on the side. The work has paid well enough for them to never spend a night on the street or go hungry, as well as exploring his gender expression through clothing and even start T at seventeen.

    Alex is a very outspoken and expressive person. He is never afraid to say what they're thinking without sugar-coating it or holding back in any way. Usually doesn't think about the possible consequences of his actions until right after he'd committed said action or until it's too late to go back. In which case they have a "whatever happens happens" outlook on life, this, however, doesn't mean that he wouldn't take action to get out of trouble.

    having spent a lot of time as a petty criminal Alex knows how to smell a crook from a mile away. He's also able to tell when someone is lying or trying to manipulate him. However, due to his trauma, he tends to get so attached to people that even if he knows that person is manipulative, they would still ignore their intuition and trust the person.

  • [bg=black]


    Sketch Book
    Design Book

  • [bg=black]
    Cigarette Ahegao


"Men don't dance here.

its bad for business..." - Darren.

that said, I do like this. its a great *start* to a character.

but alas, it lacks a significant amount of necessary detail.

I'm really not looking for a standard usual story, or barebones stuff. i understand in this case it may actually be harmful or graphic to expand on his bio, but thats the kinda risk you take writing a backstory with those kinds of details.

for more content related nitpicks: T is a poor mans drug, if someones taking T it means theyre too poor for body mods.

Darren has an extremely sexist women dancers only policy at the club, i mean it, it sucks, but that's how he is. take it up with the man in charge if you've got qualms.

addtionally, if alex is going to have connections or jobs at Aquarius, i'd like to get some connections going with December and Aqua, and of course, Darren.

if alex cannill have effectively willen-convinced Darren to will have let him dance, I'd be on board with it. but i would genuinely need actual in-character exposition and interaction for that.