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Character Sheet

|Photo or Realistic image here, scale within reason|



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Snow Goth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Agender
  3. Primarily Nonbinary
dangerous title card 2.0.png

The Yutani-Kandel Corporate Monocity, Southwest of Vladivostok, Russia. The clock has just ticked over to the year 2050, and what's left of the world is trying build itself back up after years of consumption following the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus led to vast socio-economic collapse and a period of martial law.
The United Nations has had to rely on several megacorporations to survive. This has given them a veritable carte blanche to operate as they will, tearing apart once stable societies and small local governments. The Yutani-Kandel Biotechnology Firm has taken hold of most of the Asian continent, plastering their name on anything and everything, entire countries are now borderless and chaotic without so much as a hope outside of the daily meal for employees. More than 20 Million people clutter the streets of the YK Monocity in southern Russia most of them working for the golden giant, cornered into compliance, or to choose death. Recent shortages of food and water, even among the employed, have forced sections of the population to face the Sea-Wastes in search of a better place to live, or risk the famine of the home they once knew.

The game is simple, survive, with much attention being paid to cybernetic modification, black market trade, and street warfare. Under the boot of the monolithic YK industrial complex, the city is your home, enemy, and ally. You, the players, can adopt a diverse collection of character archetypes, ranging from hardwired mercenaries with psycholinked weapons and boosted reflexes, to Armani-wearing street moguls who make and break lives with the stroke of a pen. Any persona existing in this strange and broken environment can be yours to command. Your job is to survive, either barely, by the straps of your boots, or large, and by means only dreamt of by lesser people.


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[tab=General Information][bg=black]
Name: Jaye "Rook" Valentine
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her


[tab=Background][bg=black]|Character Bio|[/bg][/tab]
Jaye started her hacking career stealing college courses, breaking into better and better school systems as her education progressed. She moved on to corporate espionage and blackmail to pay her increasing hardware bills, growing increasingly arrogant as well. Eventually, she pushed too far, too fast, and jacked into a network with illegal malware installed on that fried her entire system, including her neural cybernetics.

Barely pulled back from the verge of death by a yakuza connected back alley cyber-surgeon; Jaye had to receive significant amounts of reconstruction to her face and skull, a complete rebuild of her cybernetics, and a series of chips to compensate for the damage to her brain.

Still alive and even upgraded, Jaye is desperately taking jobs from anyone and everyone, trying to work her way out from under the debts she now owes.

Jaye prefers to have the barrier of an avatar or screen name between herself and others, having spent the majority of her life behind closed doors basking in the glow of a screen to avoid quarantine, lockdowns, and police crack-downs. In-person, she is withdrawn and quiet, only speaking up when she feels like she has something to contribute others can't, causing some to regard her as aloof or arrogant.

Online, Jaye can be sociable, more willing to engage in things like small talk, debate, or just chatting about areas of interest; but she also gets easily hyper focused on whatever her most recent project is, forgetting to check in on active chats or notifications.

[tab=Skills & Equipment][bg=black]Skills:
Computer Programming
Drone Piloting
Security Systems

Standard Equipment:
- Automatic pistol
- Customized laptop
- Customized smartphone
- Wireless Transceiver
- x2 modular quadcopter drones
- Pistol, flashbang, network tap drone modules

- Dataports (Neck and skull)
- Network Connection Port
- Drone Networking System
- Neural Network Unit
- Encryption/Decryption Processing Units

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The Mercenary

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  • Name: Dimitri Ivankof
    Street Name: Cleaner
    Age: 37
    Height: 6'
    Gender: Male

  • Dimitri is extremely professional and businesslike with his interactions, only losing the serious demeanor after his missions once he's safely in one of his safe houses or hang outs with those he can trust. When he is working he is cold, calm, and composed, he would rather make another ally than enemy, but he has no qualms about killing anyone who gets in his way, such is life in his line of work. Off of work he will crack jokes, talk pleasantly, and enjoy a few drinks. However even off work he is still cautious as he has made several enemies in his line of work, and during his work he is borderline paranoid. Still he always manages to get the job done whether through hook or crook.

  • Born seven years before the pandemic, Dimitri knew what life was like before things went haywire under the growing power of the corporations. However he also saw their power growing rapidly in his younger years and having read books and played video games about a situation occurring, he knew corporate espionage, disposing of loose ends, and a lot of dirty work would have to be done for coperations to keep their power. As such he trained with weaponry and martial arts to be prepared for the dystopian future he learned of. His family becoming wageslaves he saw firsthand how the world was turned upside down. His father unfortunately worked himself to death before his mother tried marrying up, but at that time he himself had distanced himself from his family and had gotten his first bionic implants in his arms. He started taking on small contracts from the connections in the companies he had made, as he worked his way up he also upgraded his implants and got more. Having now worked his way as a regular mercenary for the corps, he has secured a small fortune he dumped into his bionics.

  • Skills:
    Gun training

    Having handled many guns and used them for many missions he is a crack shot with a gun, though he still is prone to missing every now and then.
    Martial training
    Having brawled with gangsters, other mercenaries, and drunks he has learned how to use his fists masterfully, in addition to the pair of blades in his bionic arms.
    Corporation & Gang Knowledge
    Knowing your enemies and friends are one of the most important parts of the job, as such he has kept up with local information to use for negotiation or to get jobs when he's not actively sought out.


    Powerful bionic arms of the latest model fitted with a pair of blades inside, he is able to deal out lethal force at a moments notice. However he also has the ability to shock others to nonlethally deal with things.
    Eyes allowing him to magnify far beyond what humans can see along with infrared vision to see through his smoke grenades.
    Brain Implant
    As a contract with several corporations, and a way to keep his identity secret he has a chip in his forehead which allows him to receive job requests without having to meet the contractors, keeping the identities of both secret in case one of them is captured. Dimitri calls it a "professional courtesy" that few other mercenaries are willing to go through.


    A weapon almost exclusively used for assassination missions, he has a rifle he can link to his optics allowing him to perform long range shots to dispose of those requested to be disposed. He typically forgoes it for infiltration missions in favor of his pistol.
    A high caliber railgun pistol, he is able to deliver powerful shots with relative silence, however he also is able to use it with traditional bullets in case he either runs out of energy, or an EMP is used.
    Armor made of a mix of titanium and graphene fibers it is thin and flexible armor that offers him a great deal of protection while on missions. The head section is able to link to his optics allowing him to protect his eyes while in the suit.

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  • OMG
Reactions: WinterO

"Don't worry, the file will be in your inbox by midnight. Just have my money ready or you won't have an inbox by midnight."​

  • [bg=black]

    Name: Ghost Tiger
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 1.74 m / 5'9"
    Gender/Pronouns: Female / She / Her

  • [bg=black]
    Little is known about Ghost Tiger, except that she is one of the top information and material brokers in the city, able to get hold of anything for the right price. She is an associate of record of the weapons dealer Typhoon, and it is rumoured that she has some sort of dispute with Decade for reasons undisclosed. It's certainly the case that she has consistently refused to take any commissions involving the group, although whether this is out of hatred, fear or simply enlightened self-interest is unclear.
  • [bg=black]
    Ghost Tiger is soft-spoken, thoroughly professional, and has absolutely no time for fools. If you're lucky, or she happens to like you, you might catch a dose of withering, deadpan sarcasm, as dry as triple-distilled shochu.
    On that note, she has never been observed drunk despite consuming amounts of alcohol and other substances that would constitute a lethal dosage for someone twice her mass.

  • [bg=black]
    Ghost Tiger seems to always know just the right person to call for whatever she needs, whether it's an exotic pet or simply a broken leg.
    She has been seen entering a shabby, run-down dojo on the edge of town, run by a hard-bitten old biddy who also sells some of the best curry noodles in the city.

  • [bg=black]



okay, fun.

I really want you to know now that your character is going to fit right in.

I'd love to have you on board if we could get organized! no rush if you're busy, just checkin' in. :)
Totally on board! Love your concept!

Cool! I was just wondering if you could move your character sheet over to this thread? :>


[tab=General Information][bg=black]Name: Candi Crush
Age: 21
Height: 5'2
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her


[tab=Background][bg=black]|Character Bio|
Candi has since she was legal and even before that been a child of the corporation. Unlisted, unnamed and as far as anyone official knows, was never born thanks to those that optimized her to handle errands discreetly.

She could be many faces in a crowd from the fresh faced security to the casual customer that was window shopping for a new product for her 'business'. She was raised for it, bred for it, and one day all that came tumbling down. She was a CEO's personal shopper, a man who had bitten off more than he could chew. The cutting edge of security was a fierce place to sell things and she stole a product suite that was two years in development.

Naturally he released the product and without proof of ownership the competition retaliated, taking every advantage they had. Using backdoors not listed in the notes they broke into her boss's office and a day later he turned up in literal pieces.

Without anyone else knowing of her existence she was left with nowhere to turn but the streets. She carved out a living with a webshow where she discussed how to optimize and tune and your own cyberware while also dumping the schematics and fixes for current market products into the darker corners of the internet.

She is many faces to many people, a living doll bent on crushing all who threaten her newfound freedom she so deeply enjoys. Otherwise she is just as sweet as candy.

Candi is friendly, perhaps overly so. Not even a dystopian future could steal that from this former 'personal shopper' web personality. She is who she needs to be to get the job done and bring the attention to or away from her.

[tab=Skills & Equipment][bg=black]
Polyglot (From years of being a high end escort/spy)
Psychology (Spy Training)
Security Expert (Spy Training)
Cyberware Mechanic (From fine tuning her own forearms)
Mixed Martial Arts (Spy Training)
Acquirement Expert (Spy Training)
Street Connections (The Illegal stuff has to come from somewhere)
Computer Programming (Student of Rook)

Standard Equipment:
Realistic Skinned Cyber Forearms
Poison Injecting Nails
Taser Palm
Computer Interface Palm
Color/Length Changing Hair
Pheromone Manipulation Glands
Voice Modulator
Color Changing Skin
Body Shaping Nanobots


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I would like to see if you can trim down your character's skills, or at least offer up some kind of "jack of all trades, master of none" caveat in there.
its just an extremely wide array of qualifications that even for average level skills would take a good few years of schooling that aren't mentioned anywhere. but otherwise i love it, the whole social espionage chameleon thing is a dope design!

okay now Im gonna go recruit like 1 or two more DUDE characters. and see where we cant go from there.

also i dont know if english is your first language or what but i just wanna check and make sure you chose the name "Candy Crush" on purpose.

Its amazing and i love it but i wouldn't want the obvious connection to be made without you doing it on purpose lol.

Also, once everything checks out, i wanna make sure you're set on the picture you chose. its a little anachronistic, but im not gonna judge.
as long as you're happy with it!
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I would like to see if you can trim down your character's skills, or at least offer up some kind of "jack of all trades, master of none" caveat in there.
its just an extremely wide array of qualifications that even for average level skills would take a good few years of schooling that aren't mentioned anywhere. but otherwise i love it, the whole social espionage chameleon thing is a dope design!

okay now Im gonna go recruit like 1 or two more DUDE characters. and see where we cant go from there.

English is my second, but Candi Crush was on purpose. She was raised as a corporate asset who got specialized "schooling" to become a spy for a corporate CEO. The bulk of that was dedicated to negate or scope out defenses in a variety of ways, but not deal with direct combat. So she could break in or talk her way with or without a lot of support. Sometimes that included off the books purchases to avoid paper trails and most definitely included being able to maintain her "weapon" forearms since the fact she even existed was need to know.

She doesn't exist as far as legal records go because she was classified as an asset and they managed to erase public record of her ever being born. There may be a paper record of it somewhere but as far as her birth name goes she was never told it. She has been called Candi since as long as she has known and rolled with it.

The martial arts was taught for non lethal take downs or if dire to actually kill.
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@Esper aight valid valid, im into it.

the ONLY thing id want to address outside of that, is nature of a couple of skills.

Language and cybermechanics.

Language is easy, if its not Russian or English, i gotta know by what environment she learned it, and to what extent, i'll settle for something vague like "beginner, conversational, and advanced", no biggie.

And as far as fiddling with the mechanics in your own arm goes, that's a bit like saying "oh well i learned how to fix phones from fine tuning my own phone." its certainly not a crazy notion, its definitely possible, but again these are a lot of complex skillsets that often require months or even years of dedicated training to become proficient in.

I'm not saying its not allowed, i just want a better explanation of it.

My target is realism and believably. Immersion.
The corp she worked for dealt in cybernetics and security systems that is largely what she stole. So she needed to what she was looking for specifically. As with any confidence scheme she had to sell the role she was playing. That typically meant knowledge to back up her words in both of those fields.

Languages is in the same vein. If she wanted to pose she would need to switch it up sometimes. It would be hard to say she is from somewhere if she couldn't pass for a native speaker, which is the second part of her cons. She made it really hard for others to profile her since she didn't wear the same face twice. And to make a fresh identity each time would be difficult but her employer would then back it up on their end to make who she was look legitimate as far paper trails went.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: WinterO
Hot I'll call it valid.
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Reactions: Esper

  • Name; Kaiko "Aqua" Watanabe
    Alias; Aqua
    Age; 26
    Height; 5'4"
    Gender/Pronouns; Female + She/Her

  • Brief Background;

    Kaiko was born into the yakuza under a great line of prestigious men. When she was younger, she was caught in the middle a crossfire between her father's yakuza and their rival, Daichi Matsuda. As a result, she suffered eye injuries from shrapnel that rid her of her eyesight to the point where she was considered legally blind. Following this disastrous event and the potential abduction of Kaiko for ransom by Daichi and his cronies, Kaiko's father sent her and her mother to a close contact he knew in Russia- Darren Korb.

    In Russia, Kaiko gradually adjusted to a new way of living as a dishwasher in Aquarius Nightclub. A new life as Aqua, and her mother, a simple woman looking for full time work to help pay the bills. It was not a life Kaiko was initially happy about, but as time wore on, she understood the reasoning that her parents were trying to protect her. When Kaiko was fifteen years old, her father sent money over to her mother via a private channel to finish a project for Kaiko that would allow her the most freedom of her body and senses- bionics that would help her "see" beyond her disability and what she felt was a weakness.

    This would also be around the year when she'd start training with pistols and knives. Her father was hesitant about this at first, believing she needed to stay behind the scenes to maintain the safety of her true identity and not resort to anything that men do. Her mother disagreed and that led to her father and mother being divorced. Kaiko's mother taught her everything she knew from there on out, from martial training to street parkour. They'd even execute simulated scenarios of different crimes and enemies.

    As of twenty years old, Kaiko did not maintain steady contact with her father up until the time when he passed away at fifty one due to a gunshot wound. Kaiko regrets not keeping in touch with him more, but her mother reassured her it's for the best, as her father would've hindered her training, instead of encouraging her to continue. While Kaiko does not know much about her father, she does not let it get in the way of her everyday life. Instead, she uses her grief to fuel the passion she feels dancing.

    She's built up personal and professional relationships along the way during her time working at the Aquarius Nightclub, going from dishwasher to an apprentice dancer at eighteen after constantly nagging Darren to allow her the chance to get on stage. Kaiko developed a sound friendship with Dess, though when 2045 came around, Dess changed. Kaiko didn't know what was going on so she wasn't sure how to express her concerns. To this day, Kaiko has become one of the more esteemed dancers in the pack. She's not quite sure where she wants to go in life, but she is content being a dancer for the time being.

  • Brief Personality;

    A well-meaning, reserved young woman with her head bobbing just above water. She's great at pushing her problems behind her and pretending she doesn't need anyone, but that usually comes back to bite her. She's very much an entertainer at heart, great at serving others, but struggling to serve herself. She escapes reality through her dance and midnight poker games with Darren's patrons in Aquarius Club. Very few understand the woman as a whole, leaving much to the imagination. Those that do? They know she's not a doll.

  • Skills;

    Excellent Poker Card Player
    Street Parkour
    Martial Training
    Dual Weapon Training


    Pistols x2
    Pocket Knives x2


    Eye Shades;
    Kaiko always wears these as they allow her to be more aware of her environment around her and "see things" by senses other than her failed eyesight. It is a compact piece of technology, created with the idea that Kaiko would be able to determine general locations of objects, devices, and people, primarily their distance from her and whether they are facing south, north, west, or east. She uses hearing and touch primarily, though the eye shades, sense of taste, and sense of smell are just as important to her.

    Partial Plates in Body;
    She has technology plates implanted in both of her arms, 2" x 7", to help enhance her awareness of the environment around her by sending electrical impulses to her brain and functioning similar to the front of the brain (cerebrum) and parietal lobe. She has implanted plates on the sides of her thighs and calves, 4" x 8" for the thighs and 3" x 7" for both of her calves.

    An example of how the plates on her thighs work would be that if she was running and wanted to turn left, but there was a wall there, she would be able to sense that and run further until there was no more wall. Another example of how her plates work, for the calves, is detecting temperature. Someone splashes hot water onto her that burns the calves, she recognizes the water is 115 fahrenheit.

    The last place she has plates are on the bottom of her feet, 2" x 3", to work as a map locator of sorts and detect seismic activity, as well as determine what is near her feet. For example, the foot plate detects a piece of gum and sends the signal to her brain as follows: "A piece of gum is on the ground three feet in front of you."

    The plates were melded to fit the form of her body, so that she can perform agile acrobatics and dexterous maneuvers without the worry of whether her bionics will affect her performance or not. One part does not work without the other, therefore, serious damage can be caused to her internal organs and/or tissues, if something terrible were to happen to one of her plates.

  • Small Playlist;

    Alexandros - Run Away

    Coldrain - Gone

    Kung Fu Generation - Black Out

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Reactions: EldridSmith

  • Capture1.JPG

    Name/Alias: Seisha "Saint"
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'3(161/162cm)
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

  • Seisha was born into a clannish, corporate family as the daughter of an arms manufacturing executive. She was the youngest of several siblings who ran the family-based business, and was thus bound to be last in line to inherit the company's seat in the capitalist arena. As such, she observed first-hand what corporate greed does to people. Finding herself in the middle of a disjointed family, she developed a nihilistic attitude to combat the depressing reality of the world.

    She taught herself all that she could to prepare for if and when she would take over the business. She played with scraps, tinkered with trash, making her own tools and innovating. The young tinkerer became adept at exploiting technology for her use. She studied the subject excessively, learning the ins and outs of everything from a bed-side lamp to a prototype remote-control cybernetic limb. With this ever-developing skill set, she become increasingly more self-sufficient and self-reliant.

    Then her life took a drastic turn. With growing tensions between neighbouring competitors, the family moved to using aggressive tactics to float above the shipwrecks that were former businesses. Seisha was caught in the crossfire of an all-out gang war at one point, resulting in her severely injuring a large portion of her body. She sought out cybernetic replacement parts to make up for losses which consequently began her addiction with body modifications. Since the incident, she had fully replaced her arm as well as integrated other pieces of tech into her body. Her personality took a jarring turn for the worst, as her mental state seemed to deteriorate with each passing procedure.

    When the inevitable end did finally come to her father's legacy, Seisha was left in a pool of debt. Previous checks, unpaid, ignored, they all came back and were now the sole responsibility of those that remained in the family - including Seisha. Now a slave to the corporation that absorbed her family business, she works as a server administrator and takes off-the-board commissions part-time.

    Now exclusively known only as 'Saint', she works in the shadows, indiscriminately dealing with law-breakers and charging crypto-currency for her side job. At work, she is a well-established server engineer and malware prodigy, earning herself a decent reputation among her peers. She generally keeps to herself, playing the role of a subservient employee, but hopes to one day revive her family's lost business.

  • The young woman has developed a rather distinct personality. Given her roles, Saint has become a charming cutthroat with a blunt yet playful tone with words. She's cunning - every word is selected carefully - thus making her capable of being a dangerous wordsmith. While she may be joking around on occasion, it may very well be to distract from the knife behind her back.

    In addition, her growing fame on the web has certainly boosted her confidence. Having found a community of outcasts - quite like her - she hopes to use her influence to further grow her brand. Getting a cocky at times, this cyborg has a dream of returning her family's business, as is her birth right, and holds no shame in flaunting her skill and status while she does so. But in turn, she often comes off as arrogant, narcissistic and sporadic.

    However, with each addition to her already vast array of cybernetics, she strays further from her own self-identity. As each bit of her former self is replaced, it seems she slowly takes on a personality that is not her own. It is entirely possible that soon she will be co-piloting an alloy husk, perhaps one with its own form of sentience, as an internal virus assumes control.

  • Skills:

    Adept at repairs/tech
    Intermediate malware/virus expert
    Corporate knowledge (+access)


    Multi-tool, 24-inch wrench
    - Perfect for on-the-job repairs, as well as bashing heads. Hangs on her belt, by the hip, for easy access.
    Data Injector - Small USB-like device which acts as a fail-safe to delete any trace of her tinkering when invading public technology as well as a 'way in' to popular security systems.
    HUD - Placed over her cybernetic arm. Connects directly to Data Injector in addition to any other connected devices.
    Protective Vest - Functions to protect against most blunt/bladed attacks.

    Cybernetic Add-Ons/Enhancements:
    (Note that the character image does not show these, so imagination will have to fill in the blanks).

    Lower Jaw and Voice-Box - After the gang incident, Saint has had most of her body replaced to mask the physical deformities caused by the gang attack. This includes a lower-jaw and voice-box replacement. With this 'upgrade', she also has the ability to change her voice, though it isn't always consistent and is prone to glitches.

    Cybernetic Arm - Not an exact replica of her former arm - nay, it isn't even proportional to her body - and the weight of it causes Saint's form to shift to one side, but, to her credit, she assembled and upgraded the arm herself over the years, and it acts as a good weapon (as well as shield) in a CQC fight. The arm is detachable, and holds several trinkets and additional tools to use in work.

    Cyber-plated torso - Primarily serves a superficial purpose. Made to be light-weight for minimal mobility loss.

    Battery-Powered Orbital Implant - The eye is a cybernetic enhancement which provides vision to her right eye. It is capable of zooming in on smaller details, though this feature is rarely used due to heat emission (which often leads to a headache). The eye is kept off when not needed/requires recharging.

  • Playlist:




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