[ D A N G E R O U S ] - A Cyberpunk Roleplay | IN CHARACTER

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Snow Goth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Agender
  3. Primarily Nonbinary

Now Playing ??. Secret Track - Sunrise City

Dawn breaks over the tops of buildings, casting long, diffuse shadows through the toxic fog of the central city. A melancholic din begins to fill the air as well, as labor camps are let out into their working grounds to produce for the day.
As the day begins for some, it ends for others, the light brings solemn quiet to the red light district just west of here, bars closing down and their many patrons scurrying out into the morning, whether they have a destination or not.

An announcement begins to flare up on loudspeakers across the city, endless echoes dancing between buildings and cluttering the morning air with dense noise.

"Insubordination has resulted in the only expected outcome: Last night, on behalf of Yutani-Kandel, Kaiga Security detail detained well known subversive individual and illegal technology peddler, Vasili "Typhoon" Sevchenko. We trust this will galvanize the people to do better and strengthen the hearts of our responsible citizens."

The net will be a little less vast and infinite without Typhoon, but what can anyone do against Kaiga?

EVENTS: Black market tech node, Typhoon, has been abducted by private police. Illegal tech will be significantly more difficult to obtain.



note: letters inside straight brackets, |nesw|, indicate weather direction.

note: letters inside straight brackets, |neswc|, indicate the sector in which the hazard(s) will be found in.


Ghost Tiger
"Dammit, Vasili," Ghost murmured past the keretek clove cigarette dangling on her lips. The heavy, sweet scent of Indonesian spice and tobacco hung heavily in the air around her as she watched the sun struggle to pierce purple-tinged clouds.

Ghost flicked her cigarette over the edge of the railing and watched it fall. It was like she was watching Typhoon tumble through the air. Wouldn't be beyond some of Kaiga's goons to do something like that to an undesirable like Shevchenko. Had to fulfill their quota of sick jollies, after all.

But no. If they were making an announcement like that, they were saving him for something bigger. Show trial, kangaroo court, big show of sending him for rehabilitation. Hell, he might even make it all the way to Urumqi. Y-K were outsourcing their re-education these days, and there were few enough Uighur these days that the camps had excess capacity.

It was business, that's all. Y-K, the Party, everybody. It worked, because it had to.

Ghost had her own little part to play in the vast web of international commerce. She was, after all, officially an entrepreneur. One whose small import-export business had run into a snag. A problem that required a solution.

That's where she came in. She didn't think of herself as a trader. She provided a service. You had a problem, it meant you needed something, or you needed something done. That's when you came to Ghost. She figured out what you needed and how to get it. She provided solutions.

Ghost didn't particularly like Vasili as a person. A little too friendly, a little too enthusiastic. But he knew how to toe the line when he had it drawn for him, and he was reliable. He was professional. That counted for a lot with Ghost. If he got disappeared, somebody else would fill the vacuum. And that someone might be less reliable, less professional. An amateur. The kind of idiot that got people killed.

It was business, that's all. You kept people in business so that they could keep you in business.

And that meant springing Shevchenko, if it could be done discreetly. If it couldn't... well, sometimes you just had to accept the costs of doing business.

Ghost tapped her Rolex, and it cued up a list of call codes, then composed a message. Ghost's eyes flicked back and forth, and her fingers were a blur for a couple of seconds. It took longer than doing it via neural link, but she conducted her business communications through burners.


And with that she set wheels in motion. Wheels that would result in some people getting hurt, maybe some people dying, careers going down in flames, and, if all went well, business as usual in the golden city.
Dimitri was up and at it far earlier than the vast majority of the city, he had already gotten the news about Typhoon late last night as the mercenary network was ablaze with chatter, though most of the details were unknown there was one thing that was certain: he had been taken by the Kaiga Security. Those who were decked out in Typhoon's cyber gear were buzzing like bees when there nest was poked and the queen stolen. Dimitri himself had a few tech contacts he could rely on for maintenance, but anything new from them would be a risk he wasn't willing to take.

He was already thinking that there would be a few requests from the collective of techies for his rescue, when just as he predicted a collective reward was sent out through various lines of communication that they would pay in various ways if someone, or a group of people rescued their main source of cybernetics. Dimitri smirked with a grin as he was going to be double dipping on jobs today it looked. Still he knew it was better to just blindly rush in guns a blazing, especially from one of the biggest security forces in the city. He needed info, and he needed gear, and there was one person to see for that: Ghost. Aside the way she operated she would probably send out a missive asking for help rescuing Typhoon. With their good business relations he wasn't going to refuse that either.

Dimitri had just cleaned his gun last night as he had used it with normal bullets last night after an EMP was set off that disabled most of his gear, bar his cybernetics which thankfully Typhoon made as EMP-proof as possible. A few grunts from an upstart gang had been harassing a tech firm, and their parent corporation was playing babysitter, so he had been paid to take out the goons, he also managed to get paid by the big gang in the area which had been wrapped up in a drug deal and had yet to have time to clear them out. Dimitri grinned as he quickly slid the pieces of the gun back together and gathered his batteries and ammunition. His armor was also flawless as he just replaced the fabrics after it had served him ten years on the streets, and he had just broken it in. He put it into a backpack and started making his way to Ghost's hangout. He was in a long coat covering his civilian clothes to avoid trouble.

He arrived behind her just as his secure phone went off with her message. "Hope you don't mind that I'm early." He declared aloud as to avoid finding a gun pointed at his face for sneaking around and being a possible threat. He pulled out an imitation cigarette and lit it up, he wasn't a fan of dumping cancer juice in his lungs so he used something they called flavor sticks. "Got the news last night, sure you got it before I did too." Dimitri commented before he took a long drag. "I don't want an amateur fucking up my next upgrade, so I'm in." He declared with an exhale as he leaned on the railing.

"I should be able to get Saint in on this if she isn't already interested in the mission. Though I'm sure I'll need some extra gear before this mission, but I know you'll have that covered." He stated with a grim smile, Ghost was always in the know and if he needed something for a mission and he paid her for the info it often came with the added bonus of her getting what he needed, a professional courtesy he never took for granted, as such he often gave her a tip for it. "So what's the plan?" He asked as he blew smoke up into the air above him and watched it drift away before turning back to look at Ghost.
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Now Playing ??. Time, Still

-T S S S S S -

The familiar hiss of a jet injector, a taped-on label with the words 'blue glass' hastily scribbled onto it.

"Enjoy that."

A voice with the profile of a late 20s Russian female, an almost unnoticable accent, and the grit and attitude of a battle hardened war criminal. December pockets the injector and releases a large, bearded man, now twitching in hallucinogenic ecstasy, to the floor. Kicking the man's arm out of the way, Dess marches deeper into a dimly lit, eighteenth floor apartment, the floor littered with garbage and bullet casings.
Kneeling down at a small cabinet, blinking with various small LED lights, they prop open the door with their knee and start flipping latches and pulling out a handful of old disk drives. Dess looks back at the now catatonic body in the doorway,

"These things don't see a lot of use nowadays, do they, chief?"

They stash the collection of metal boxes in a satchel and make for the door, haste in their step. The sound of a leather holster is the only forewarning to the gunshots placed mechanically into the head and chest of the drugged out body on the floor. Not a movement wasted, December wraps a piece of rope around the man - under the right leg, around the back of the neck, under the left arm, cross looped around the right shoulder. - Grabbing onto the loose ends, Dess hoists the limp body onto their back and reverses out of the door, shutting it on the way out.
Business was as usual these days, and December was but another tool at the disposal of Decade, pulling dirty deeds for a decent reward. Recently, however, Dess was filled more with confusion than conviction. Lost in the monotony of daily life, one job after another, going through the motions. Where, then, was the goal they yearned so deeply for? Where was the resolution?
An announcement opens up on the loudspeaker on the corner of a passing building, blasting corpopolitical messages about terrorists and E$s and who knows what else. There's been more and more of this same kind of powerplaying from YK as of late, patrols, kidnappings, doors getting blown down and occupants firebombed.

"They could use a little fighting back, Darren."

The same small, angry voice as before, this time echoing in from the loading bay door of the old Aquarius nightclub out in the west sector.

"Who? You I can't hear your fuckin' thoughts, D."

This time the voice was masculine, grizzled, old, and american. Darren peeked around the hallways corner at the front end of the loading bay, nodding upward in the general direction of the merc and their prey.

" 'The hell is that? "

"Nelson Astier. Some slummer from the Voodoo Boys."

December made no time for conversation, ascending a small set of stairs and hefting the body into a dingy industrial elevator on the side wall of the building. The doors shuttered and the carriage rose, taking December with it, up into the upper levels the contained Decade headquarters. With that, the bay fell silent, and Darren limped back into the kitchen to finish cleaning.

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'Insubordination has resulted in the only expected outcome: Last night, on behalf of Yutani-Kandel, Kaiga Security detail detained well known subversive individual and illegal technology peddler, Vasili "Typhoon" Sevchenko. We trust this will galvanize the people to do better and strengthen the hearts of our responsible citizens.'

The first message of the morning. Aqua sat up on the edge of her bed and stood up. She walked over to the curtains and opened them up to feel the sun radiating warmth just beyond the horizon. She'd have to look into Kaiga and Typhoon. She turned her head and her vision shades spoke, as if it could detect what she was thinking about.

Seisha "Saint" business card on the right dresser ten feet away from you to your left side.

She remembered how thin the rectangular card was- very smooth on the surface too. She'd had the woman read everything to her, so that she would be able to contact her when she felt it was necessary. Saint had been quite adept at speaking her business and familiarity with each of the sectors, Aqua wanted to test her skills and see if she was really worth the trouble. While most people might've wanted Typhoon to be released, Aqua sought to keep him locked up, if not killed directly by Saint. As much as Aqua disliked Saint's involvement with high ticket black market items, if Typhoon was rid of, there'd be less out there to go by and Saint could get more traction.

The situation was a win-win for both in Aqua's mind. Kaiga though, Kaiga she'd have to think about. She wasn't certain if Kaiga had intended on killing Typhoon or simply keeping him locked away forever, and that was one thing Aqua wanted to find out. What were their intentions for Typhoon? The other problem though, was that Aqua did not know Saint's relations with Kaiga, so she had to tread carefully. If Kaiga found out she was involved with Saint, that could mean death on the spot- another rat tossed to the streets.

Aqua made her morning coffee and hit up Saint as soon as she was finished with her morning routine. They'd get a head start immediately- whether Saint liked it or not- and Aqua was willing to pay more than enough to cover both of their tracks. Aqua took a deep breath and smiled, her hand reaching out for her phone nearby.

Phone one foot away from the left hand on your left side.

Aqua grasped her fingers around the digital device and ran her fingers over the braille on her phone. She dialed the public number for Saint and listened to the phone ring for a few seconds before the woman picked up. "Saint. Remember me? It's Aqua. I have a job for you, though the details require we meet face to face and talk anywhere else but out in the open. Do you have any particular places we can meet up to exchange words?"

The show was about to begin.

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Ghost Tiger

"Dimitri," said Ghost, her voice betraying no hint of surprise. Not that there was any reason for it. She had camdrones covering every approach to the rooftop as a matter of course, and Dimitri had made no attempt to evade them. They were a tripwire defence: useful for uncovering low-grade punks, deterring the slightly smarter, and buying time against actual threats like Dimitri would have been if he'd been hostile.

Security was a matter of layers. Knowing the other guy's risk-reward appetite and making sure you were on the wrong side of the line for him. You couldn't protect yourself against every threat all the time, so you made sure you weren't worth the effort.

That was one thing Vasili had fucked up. He'd made himself worth the while for someone at Y-K. Now it remained to be seen if that someone had set up enough layers for themselves.

It's not like Ghost was willing to risk all that much for Shevchenko. Some money, some gear, the lives of a few associates. Maybe. Not more than he was worth.

Risk. Reward.

She watched as Dimitri pulled out his flavour sticks, and let him talk. He liked to talk.

"Sure, pull Saint in if you can," Ghost said softly. "We'll see what assets we can get together before we decide our approach. I have someone working on a target profile. I figure Kaiga will hold on to him for a while yet, so we don't have to rush. For now."

She tapped her Rolex again.

"Quiet or noisy depends on who comes on board, and where they're holding Typhoon. I'll supply gear accordingly. It'll be worth your while."

The smile that crossed her lips never quite made it to her eyes.
  • Spicy
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The phone again. News alerts, e-mails, messages... The last manages to pull Saint from her deep slumber. Her burner aggressively jittering and dancing along the desk, encouraging her awakening with an annoying buzz. It's been a while since she's slept so soundly. It was dangerous relaxing at such a time, but damn if it wasn't nice...

After groggily lifting her head from the desk, she reaches for her phone to check the notifications. Through sleepy eyes, she briefly skims over hundreds of them that swarmed her phone, taking note of one that struck out immediately. One, with just the contact reading "Cleaner".

"Saint this is cleaner, Typhoon has been caught, just got the news. I know the techies will be putting out bounties to get him out by morning, and ghost tiger is going to have a mission out in the morning knowing her. We can probably quadruple dip or higher on the rewards on this one. If you're interested meet me at Ghost's."

Guess I owe him one,
Saint thought. 'Cleaner' helped 'sort' a small dispute outside Dedai Ltd. just the day previous, and she'd made an assumption that this was his way of cashing in on the favour she owed. Needless to say, it was also an opportunity. Her business opportunity.

"8:00", she responds to the text, indicating when she'd arrive at Ghost's.

Not wasting any more time, she rises from her seat at the desk and proceeds into the bathroom to fix her appearance. She stares into the mirror, but is soon interrupted by a phone call, the nuisance of a phone buzzing again.

"Speaker, accept", she says aloud, and the device in the other room complies, accepting the coming call.

Following Aqua's inquiry, Saint pauses to decide on a location. In this sector, eyes were everywhere, making it hard to pin down even one place without shadows listening in on private conversations.

"Border Metro," she speaks, a faint grin marking her lips, "Make sure you have the deposit ready. I'll see you there..."

@EldridSmith @Kat
Aqua smiled a little when Saint picked up almost right away. That was quick. They were off to the right foot… for now. Only time would tell if Saint was truly trustworthy and anyone else Aqua met, for that matter.

"Border Metro, perfect," the dancer acknowledged. It wasn't too close but it also wasn't too far from where Aqua lived.

After she confirmed the details with Saint, she hung up and readied the deposit. Typhoon would do much better being locked up, if not outright killed by Saint. Aqua was honestly wondering if Saint was even the kind of person to commit such a grave offense to Kaiga and others who may want him alive for other reasons. Many revered the man for his illegal ploys and marketing schemes, but she found them out of date.

Out of date and lacking quality.

"You said you were a great hit, Saint. Let's see how you deal with this," Aqua told herself as she left the apartment.

Front door ahead, three feet in front of you.

Aqua's hands felt for the doorknob and turned it before grabbing her house keys in the basket and locking the door behind her. She went downstairs and out to the taxi driver she'd ask to pick her up. While she didn't give the man the exact location, she gave one nearby that didn't so much as turn his head. Aqua wanted to be discreet as possible and that meant lying to get to where she needed, with as little invasion as possible.

The Border Metro.

After the taxi driver had left her where she stood now, she turned around once to get a sense of the environment and where everything generally was. It wasn't too cluttered, thankfully. That would make things a little more easier getting from point a to point b. The locators on her feet turned on and she began walking towards the direction of Border Metro, all while keeping her sensors on for any sign of strange movements or devices nearby.

It would've been easier had she had some sort of bodyguard, but this mission was hers to deal with and Saint, if she truly wanted to reap the benefits of what this meant for her as an individual, as well as a business woman.

You have reached destination, "Border Metro". Searching for Seisha "Saint"...

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Dimitri nodded as Ghost gave him the rundown, seeing as whether it was a run and gun mission or a stealth mission depended upon who was called upon, Dimitri started making calls so to speak, though they were mostly text messages sent through his neurochip, it was certainly a convenient thing to have. With that he sent out a few messages quickly. He sent out a few which came back as being not interested for various reasons. A few lines had no response as they either weren't up yet, or their missions went sour. Not uncommon in their line of work. Still he remembered that one guard with a small company he bribed, perhaps they could be of use.
Artyom: "Do you have any details on or hand in the Typhoon detainment?"
Saint: "Confirmed."

After that he silently watched the sunrise with Ghost Tiger until he estimated people would be arriving soon, as such he began to put on his gear to avoid being seen face to face with those he didn't fully trust. While he was getting his gear on the though occurred to him that he hadn't hooked up with anyone in a decade since his partner died on a botched mission where they were given bad info. It was a strange thought to occur now, and he was aware of the fact. He put it off to the back of his mind as he focused on the mission ahead. "Saint will be here at eight." Dimitri commented as he finished putting his gear on.
@Ariel @Derp @redcatalyst
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The word rings in her head.

No, this was far from perfect. Anyone could see that.

She shouldn't have to meet her contacts in person.

An ambush? No, unlikely.

Pushing the thoughts aside, she rinses her face under a tap of ice-cold water. The freezing sensation struck her human eye first. It stung, and it stung hard, evoking a hiss. Inspecting her eye closer in the mirror, she finds that it's bloodshot red and sleep-deprived, made weary after one too many nights spent awake. Perhaps it was time to replace this one too...

Coming back into her workspace, she checks her personal computer for updates. A few requests, a couple emails. She hastily accepts whatever commissions came through, fully aware that she'd have to make the time later in the week.

She attaches her cybernetic arm to her shoulder and proceeds around her abode, checking the VPN and other anti-tracking hardware. After the regular check-up was complete, the woman picks up her pre-packed duffel bag, slings it over her back, and leaves to carry out her first chores for the day.

Chores. Unchanging. Who'd have thought that the life of a hacker would be so monotonous?

Calling for a cab, then travelling on foot, she heads to the aforementioned meet location. A desolate metro station, not yet disturbed by the rush hour. She sneakily eyes the display screen on her cybernetic forearm, checking for any nearby security electronics, before continuing down to a spot more secret.

After the meet, she could easily hop onto a metro and proceed to Ghost's. But the only thing that stood before that was Aqua. She could only wonder what job she'd offer up as to warrant a face-to-face meet. The question aroused many mischievous thoughts, as did the money.

Spotting the approaching woman, her eyes instinctively move down to inspect Aqua's hands, expecting to find a big packet of cash. All hers.

"You look nervous. Is it me?"

She begins the conversation, inspecting the contact's face as well as wear, though not so much as to appear suspicious.

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Now Playing ??. Secret Track - Winds of Change

The poisonous breeze from the north has died down, but brought with it the usual overcast, bone chilling air, typical of the morning in the YKM. With the news of Typhoon's capture, efforts begin around the city to either aid in his removal, or rescue him from the grips of Kaiga. In the meantime, the very same security firm that captured the man in question, now thins out its forces, sending patrols to all areas of the city. It's a bold move for a group in possession of the most high value target on the streets, but then again, maybe that's the point...

EVENTS: Black market tech node, Typhoon, has been abducted by private police. Illegal tech will be significantly more difficult to obtain.


note: letters inside straight brackets, |nesw|, indicate weather direction.

note: letters inside straight brackets, |neswc|, indicate the sector in which the hazard(s) will be found in.


Now Playing: Rain & Dust

For Artyom it was just another work filled night riddled with a mixture of napping and decrypting as he worked over a penetration job before his phone disrupted him from silently scanning the multiple lines of code for any sign of weakness. His glazed eyes looked to the message before he promptly replied 'Depends. You available for a face to face?' before pushing send and idly rubbing his eye.

One of the few vestiges of his former self before his complete metamorphosis, not to ignore the fact he technically owed Typhon for the augments that gave him a shot at life regardless of what he wanted to do with it. Sure, he had used a less than legal means to obtain them but that didn't matter when you had money and a powerful corporate family behind you. Still Art didn't linger to long behind his desk quickly spotting what he was looking for and completing his breach before wrapping up and sending his invoice to the Corporation he was hired by. He promptly shut down his desktop and stood up stretching out his aug's before walking out of his office and into his apartment looking down at the streets below.

After a moment he grabbed his phone and took a quick shower before throwing on a set of new clothes and pulling putting his armor under his shirt. He eyed his pistol in its holster for a moment before he looked at his phone once more. He shrugged as he grabbed his weapon tucking it into the hem of his pants where it usually sat along with a 2 magazines. Finally he threw on a skull face mask, grabbed his backpack, and made his way out the door figuring that he was going to have a busy day today but first he needed something else to eat other than another carryout bento or burger for once. Taking the elevator down he seamlessly blended into the bustling crowd having a few destinations in mind while he awaited a response from Dimitri.

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Transaction #1

Saint stuck out like a sore thumb. The waft of jasmine entered Aqua's nostrils and the voice, a little rough around the edges, spoke. Aqua smiled as she faced Saint directly, "You came. I'm glad. Do I look nervous to you? I'm only excited to share the details of your job. Let's get down to business, shall we? The sooner we finish, the sooner you can accept, and the sooner you'll get your deposit. I'd hate to assume, but are aware of what's going on with Kaiga and Typhoon?"

"Yeah," she answers plainly, eyes shifting down to inspect her own cybernetic limb as though out of boredom, "you got work for me? So spill. I have a date with a killer. I don't like coming late," Saint added.

Aqua crossed her arms over her chest, "I want you to infiltrate Kaiga security and find out what they're planning to do with Typhoon. Kill or apprehend anyone that gets in your way if you have to, even Typhoon, if it comes down to that. Saint, I'm aware you deal with the black market side of things and you're in need of more clients.We'd both benefit greatly if we can keep Typhoon off the grid and behind bars. If you do this for me, I'll make sure you have access to his slice of pie. You'll get more clients in and he'll be off the city's back. Any questions or concerns?"

A low and muffled snicker emits from her throat. The hacker couldn't help but smile after hearing those words.

Murder? Good law, such liberties didn't come cheap, nevermind for free.

"I don't know, blue," she replies, drawing in a deep breath. Her eyes move back up to look at the client, "I know people who'd pay a bigger sum to get the man back. Don't think what you're offering could compete with that."

Saint pauses, thinking through her next words. Agreeing on a settlement now meant choosing sides - which is never good in her line of business. But maybe there was a way around it all...

"How much are you paying?"

Aqua tilted her head a bit, a small smirk pulling at the edges of her lips, "How much do you want?"

Saint was hoping to hear those words. The client was flexible. Always a good sign.

Considering the costs of clean-up, as well as the risk of detainment, Saint quickly counted up her price.

"Hundred thousand rubles. Non-negotiable. That's just for intel."

"That with the one hundred thousand rubles deposit equals two hundred thousand. You better not mess this up, Saint. Any last words before I hand over your deposit?"

"I never have," she reassures her, "None. I'll drop updates if I feel I have to. Now show me the money."

Aqua turned over the deposit check as requested.

"All further correspondence, call me Katori. Go get 'em tiger."

She takes the check as soon as it's presented and wastes no time checking its legitimacy using her cybernetic eye.

She hums in response, feeling the weight of a grin tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I like your type," she says after slipping the check into her duffel bag, "don't forget to tell your buddies about me, Kat.'"

Saint makes the final request as she turns away, leisurely making her way over to the metro stop.

collab with @redcatalyst
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The first transaction of the day was complete and it was time for the other.

Whatever people's deal with Typhoon, the work it offered was plentiful and money suddenly abundant. In the sea of illegal activity, Typhoon was the bait, and Saint found herself to be one of many fish trying for a bite. The business smelt all kinds of fishy, but what was she going to do? Refuse the money?

Making her way down the platform to the metro stop, she steps into an empty carriage and decides on a change of clothes. She equips a protective vest under her top and pulls a coat over her shoulders, wearing it like some sort of royal cape. She fixes on all her trinkets, and finally straps the duffel bag onto her back.

-"Next stop: Outer Sector. Thank you for travelling with United Transit. United Transit: Here for You."-

Arriving at her stop, Saint leaves the metro and its station, making the rest of the way on foot.

She uses the small crowds on the street to blend in with the civilians, sometimes slinking away into shadowy alleys to avoid the hordes of local police and security.

It seemed Kaiga was getting desperate. Something must've happened to warrant them thinning out their forces.

Eyeing the HUD on her forearm to track Kaiga's patrol patterns, she navigates around their security checkpoints and quickly finds herself at her end destination - Ghost's.

She wanders the premises without so much as a worry for any danger that might present itself; instead she calmly follows the smell of cigarette smoke until she could spot Dimitri and Ghost. Her own jasmine perfume stirs the air, alerting them of her arrival.

"Kaiga's getting impatient. Someone has likely already tried to infiltrate their systems," she begins, idly browsing the news channel on her HUD as she steps towards the two, "that someone wasn't me, or else they wouldn't have failed."

@EldridSmith @Ariel
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Ghost Tiger​

@EldridSmith @redcatalyst @Derp @WinterO

Ghost looked Saint over for just a moment.

"Of course," she said. "The attempt that they know about is cover. The real penetration happens while they're distracted with the obvious one. Now, if we're done waving penises we don't have, let's plan."

She raised her left hand with a tiny projector in it that hadn't been there before, and flicked it on. A building shimmered into view - a full schematic blueprint. A couple of swipes filtered out the irrelevant data, and highlighted what was crucial. A cluster of several scarlet carets on a single floor, apparently in the basement levels.

"Here's what we've got. Kaiga's probably got Typhoon in one of the holding cells marked in red. Can't single out which one, so we'll have to get eyes on. They tried to get clever, so this is a secondary location. They're expecting attacks on their main facility, and they're relying on that, so physical security here hasn't been enhanced. Somebody there is almost smart, but not as smart as they think they are. A small strike team will be able to get in, spring Typhoon, and exfil with him before they can shift their main forces, especially if they're under assault elsewhere."

She looked at Dimitri and Saint. "You two are okay, but we probably need a couple more shooters, a physical tech, and a 'runner to make this work. Got any recommendations?"
"Da, be at Ghost's at eight." Dimitri texted back as he waited along with Ghost for the others to arrive as the sun rose on the day ahead. He could be quite talkative, but he also knew sometimes it was better to say nothing and enjoy things as they were.

The silence was broken a few minutes before eight as Saint arrived. She had the same perfume on as before, and Dimitri frowned as having strong scents was something the guard dogs could use for tracking, still hopefully that wouldn't be an issue today since they would be going to an indoor facility. Still it was likely they would have time for it to wear off before they went on the mission. "Either a distraction or a rookie who saw all the bounties and lost his reasoning." Dimitri commented after Saint's boast. "I wouldn't get cocky, we're both good but one slip up can get even the best veteran killed." He advised seriously.

Ghost soon spoke up, already knowing what was going on, what to do, and giving a swift rebuke to Saint, which caused Dimitri to grin under his mask. "Artyom, will be here at eight, seeing as Saint was early he should be just around the corner." Dimitri replied as he looked over the schematics, an infiltration plan starting to formulate in his head. "Do you know anything about the guard rotation? If so we could hack the security system and slip in without being noticed at all, which would be ideal. Still a firefight is likely, as things that can go wrong often do. Bourbon or Pavel are good muscle and know how to stay silent. As for the runner, Anna is a good choice. I'm not sure if Nikki is available, but they're a good tech." Dimitri listed off.
Friends in Passing
collab between @WinterO & @Kat

Aqua had high hopes for Sei, but she still didn't quite trust the woman. She entered the back way, heading towards the stairs when the cage lift nearby opened. Dess popped out and Aqua stared at the woman for a brief moment. It seemed like they barely passed by each other anymore. Dess was probably in a hurry right now, but a brief chat wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Dess," Aqua approached them from afar. "It's good to see you again. What've you been up to lately? I feel like you're always sneaking around now."

She crossed her arms over her chest. Dess was a tough cookie to crack sometimes but that didn't stop Aqua from trying to make light hearted conversation with them.

"Funny how that happens, you'd think I was busy - trying to avoid something perhaps," December retorted in their usual corporate deadpan, as it may pay to be chummy with some people, but now wasn't the time, and Aqua wasn't the person. A mission had been taking a lot of the mercs time as Decade seemed on high alert since Typhoon's capture.

"Did you need something? I'm kinda busy…"

The voice trailed off as Dess' eye caught a defunct security camera hanging from dusty wires in the rafters of the loading bay. Despite knowing full well that such an archaic and long dead piece of equipment couldn't possibly be watching, they still casually adjusted their pose and shifted their weight until they'd made a full maneuver around Aqua, realigning so the camera was now out of sight. Still, December's eyes still shifted with an almost paranoid unease.

"You sound uneasy, Dess," Aqua mused, her hands shifting to her pockets, thumbs sticking out of the fabric. "What's going on? I haven't seen you in a while and it's... Well, I'm concerned about you. Why all this secrecy?"

December froze for a moment, then chirped up, incredulously, "What would possess you to ask that? The idea of secrecy is that it's secret. I know we're kinda housemates or whatever, but I wouldn't be slinking around like a junkie with a social problem, if I didn't have a good reason for it."

December gave pause to the moment, the air in the bay hanging stiff like a stagnant swimming pool. Their hand pawed unconsciously at the sidearm secured to a thigh holster and their eyes lingered on the walls, shifting, darting, without a target.

"Aqua, I always come back to the club at the end of the day if you happen to need me for anything, but I really gotta go."

Their last word was punctuated by the same handgun from earlier, swung absentmindedly toward the door, as if to point. With that, however, Dess made their leave, making an almost aggressive movement out the door, a sloppy step kicking the decades old, loosened sill out of position, creating a strange, half creak, half scrape that echoed eerily off the barren bay walls.

The dread hung thick in the air the moment Dess left the loading bay. Aqua had thought she'd long learned to accept that Dess would not open up so she could help them, but it seemed Aqua wasn't quite done torturing herself. She wanted to cry, but there was nothing to feel. Aqua headed inside, up the steps, and to Darren's office. She needed to chat with him and it wasn't about Dess. No, it was something much worse.

"Darren," she knocked and opened the door when he allowed her in. She shut the door behind her. "Darren. I have news. Matsuda is here… in Russia."
Now Playing: UuuU What is this?

Artyom wasn't too long and after a brief correspondence with Dimitri along with a small stop at one of the few 'mom & pop' shops left him with a fairly straightforward path. Now, he just had to traverse the city using the various routes and shortcuts he memorized during his time as a corporate Cop to avoid Kaiga and whatever other security company was active at this time of day. He remembered being no better than Kaiga, at least back then and now he was going to have to help out Dimitri with whatever crazy scheme he had planned for Typhon. It didn't take Art long to make it to Ghost's hideout considering that he'd been there quite a number of times before. It was only a matter of time in his eyes before their paths crossed for business as he did often provide quite valuable information from time to time and Ghost was able to provide things that he needed in exchange. Still he kept an eye over his shoulder before he hurried himself along knowing if this was a urgent as he thought it was then time wasn't a luxury to be wasting.

Making his way in he undoubtedly triggered a few of Ghost's alarms though there wouldn't be much other than looping camera feed though he was certainly setting off motion sensors. Soon Art made his way into the room with 2 bags in hand as he set them down on whatever clear surface there was as he looked towards the others "So seems like my hunch was right." He murmured looking at the others, the various scents in the air filling his nostrils with a rather unfavorable mixture. Quickly gesturing to the bags he set his backpack down and began to sort through it "I brought Donuts, Pastries, and some coffee..." In a rather straightfoward tone. He knew it was unusual to bring food for everyone but frankly he just got up and was running on pretty much empty at the moment as he helped himself getting a small cup from the bag and a cruller to munch on.

Art wasted no time getting set up and pulled out his laptop, quickly digging up whatever security exploits he'd logged the last time he did a penetration job for Kaiga. "I'm not sure how many of these will still work but I've got more than a few back doors into Kaiga's systems. Not exactly the most ideal ones but a way in is still a way in..." He stated looking to Ghost and Dimitri though he eyed Saint warily before he asked "Who's the Aug?" He questioned stopping his conversation short. Usually he didn't bat an eye at others though when it came to new people he was understandably cautious as his eyes moved to Dimitri and then Ghost expecting some information from at least one of them.
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