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Snow Goth
If you view this and decide against joining, i would very much appreciate a short response on why! for a roleplay I've been trying to get running for an extremely long time, the amount of interest this garners is next to none, and I'm looking to collect any information i might be able to use to improve it.

dangerous title card 2.0.png

The Yutani-Kandel Corporate Monocity, Southwest of Vladivostok, Russia. The clock has just ticked over to the year 2050, and what's left of the world is trying build itself back up after years of consumption following the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus led to vast socio-economic collapse and a period of martial law.
The United Nations has had to rely on several megacorporations to survive. This has given them a veritable carte blanche to operate as they will, tearing apart once stable societies and small local governments. The Yutani-Kandel Biotechnology Firm has taken hold of most of the Asian continent, plastering their name on anything and everything, entire countries are now borderless and chaotic without so much as a hope outside of the daily meal for employees. More than 20 Million people clutter the streets of the YK Monocity in southern Russia most of them working for the golden giant, cornered into compliance, or to choose death. Recent shortages of food and water, even among the employed, have forced sections of the population to face the Sea-Wastes in search of a better place to live, or risk the famine of the home they once knew.

The game is simple, survive, with much attention being paid to cybernetic modification, black market trade, and street warfare. Under the boot of the monolithic YK industrial complex, the city is your home, enemy, and ally. You, the players, can adopt a diverse collection of character archetypes, ranging from hardwired mercenaries with psycholinked weapons and boosted reflexes, to Armani-wearing street moguls who make and break lives with the stroke of a pen. Any persona existing in this strange and broken environment can be yours to command. Your job is to survive, either barely, by the straps of your boots, or large, and by means only dreamt of by lesser people.

The roleplay is going to be focused around a centralized story arc, with collections of sandbox play interspersed between. This system will hopefully allow not just for mitigating the handholding of more story-centric roleplays, but also offer more structure than typical sandbox ones.

The initial skeleton is going to revolve around the characters' conflict with Yutani-Kandel, the city's largest corporations, as their paramilitary entities begin to exert more and more control on the city, eventually snuffing out major tech linchpins and supply lines, not just for black market individuals but competition as well.

For the sake of plotting, regarding the above, characters will really only be limited by their ability to associate canonically with the socially moderate main group, so somewhere between full corporate and fully illegal, as well as making sure that the character has no positive relations with YK as a corporate entity, so as to avoid conflicts of interest resulting in full on backstabbing among player characters.

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I'm interested, but since you asked - one of the things that might make your pitch more attractive is to have it be more focused and directed at the players. As it is, the pitch says a lot about the city, but not so much about the stories you're looking to tell. Is it a complete sandbox, with everyone just doing their own thing, or do you have certain plots in mind, or at least directions that the world will take if the players don't mess about with anything?

There's also the concern that if we pick characters that are too diverse it'll basically break down into a bunch of one-on-one RPs with no overall coherence. That might be okay for some, but some players might prefer a tighter, more group-oriented experience.

Basically, what would we be getting into? And why should we invest ourselves in it?
I'm interested, but since you asked - one of the things that might make your pitch more attractive is to have it be more focused and directed at the players. As it is, the pitch says a lot about the city, but not so much about the stories you're looking to tell. Is it a complete sandbox, with everyone just doing their own thing, or do you have certain plots in mind, or at least directions that the world will take if the players don't mess about with anything?

There's also the concern that if we pick characters that are too diverse it'll basically break down into a bunch of one-on-one RPs with no overall coherence. That might be okay for some, but some players might prefer a tighter, more group-oriented experience.

Basically, what would we be getting into? And why should we invest ourselves in it?

this response is hype. also i forgot to watch this thread so i came over thinking nobody had seen it and now theres like 6 replies i just totally ignored and im gonna cry.

anyway. to answer your questions, valid ones, in a way I'll hopefully be able to make more concise in the main post:

I'm not really concerned about a range of characters that TOO diverse, because:

I do have a sort of Plot-Point skeleton in mind to follow.

I've done a lot of planning and thinking about these very problems and really wanted to formulate a way to work around it so that players *could* essentially slap themselves down into any archetype they wanted, with some important caveats.

I'd like to, in the interest of keeping the twists and turns exciting, keep the major story beats on lockdown, but I'd hope that players are willing to run with the idea.

All in all, I've developed a storyline that allows for a pretty diverse range of characters, almost everything I could personally think of, that will focus on group play from very early on. :)
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?

Either the main page, or the OOC.

that way i can make sure everything's good, character page can be all spicy and organized.
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?

Either the main page, or the OOC.

that way i can make sure everything's good, character page can be all spicy and organized.
Alrighty. I'll throw it up there asap, but in the meantime I'll show you what I have in mind for looks.


  • 53638932f53a1ad032818e99b97ceec3.jpg
    65.2 KB · Views: 3
  • paul-nong-adam-jensen-521-700x1106.jpg
    118 KB · Views: 3
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?

Either the main page, or the OOC.

that way i can make sure everything's good, character page can be all spicy and organized.
Alrighty. I'll throw it up there asap, but in the meantime I'll show you what I have in mind for looks.

we stan adam jensen
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?

Either the main page, or the OOC.

that way i can make sure everything's good, character page can be all spicy and organized.
Alrighty. I'll throw it up there asap, but in the meantime I'll show you what I have in mind for looks.

we stan adam jensen
Oh you like Adam Jensen's music too?! I'm probably not going to use that name (since I listen to a lot of Adam Jensen stuff). Anyways thanks for putting this together! I've been super hyped for cyberpunk stuff but no one has posted any recently so I'm extremely grateful.
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Okay, well that sounds better to my ears at least. I'm working on a CS now.
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?

Either the main page, or the OOC.

that way i can make sure everything's good, character page can be all spicy and organized.
Alrighty. I'll throw it up there asap, but in the meantime I'll show you what I have in mind for looks.

we stan adam jensen
Oh you like Adam Jensen's music too?! I'm probably not going to use that name (since I listen to a lot of Adam Jensen stuff). Anyways thanks for putting this together! I've been super hyped for cyberpunk stuff but no one has posted any recently so I'm extremely grateful.

I mean't Adam Jensen from DX:HR. :V whats all this about music
Do corporations hire mercenaries to do their dirty work? I've got a sort of shadowrunnercin mind but I want to make sure the concept fits.


(of course. its not as if any self respecting capitalist would risk their own investments doing illegal things, why not just pay someone off?)
Sweet! I'll throw up my cyborg merc on the CS page sometime this weekend.

On the main page.

Not the CS page.

even the OOC.

anything but the CS page. I would cry.

Huh? So I don't put the character sheet in the CS page...? Where do I put it then?

Either the main page, or the OOC.

that way i can make sure everything's good, character page can be all spicy and organized.
Alrighty. I'll throw it up there asap, but in the meantime I'll show you what I have in mind for looks.

we stan adam jensen
Oh you like Adam Jensen's music too?! I'm probably not going to use that name (since I listen to a lot of Adam Jensen stuff). Anyways thanks for putting this together! I've been super hyped for cyberpunk stuff but no one has posted any recently so I'm extremely grateful.

I mean't Adam Jensen from DX:HR. :V whats all this about music
I have no clue what DX:HR is but here's the Musicians YouTube. He's really good.