Current Affairs: A New Beginning

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Original poster

Location: Sigvid Isles
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

𝕺𝖚𝖗 grand, daring, and prodigious story begins here on the blessed, beautiful, and blue Sigvid Isles of the Azure East. Here, the fruitful soil of the islands have given birth to many souls who have grown to not need for their entire lives, and more who have wanted a plenty. Those who have grown ill of their placid and tranquil exist have come to look for a purpose, and escape from their sheltered reality in a great effort to make a name for themselves within danger, adventure, and wealth. These people turn away from their simple lives on the blissful isles to welcome the grueling, and dangerous life of a pirate. Many pirates start with simple, and humble lives, but each of them have the potential to become more if they keep their hearts, and remain diligent, and true to their-

"Who's dick I gotta suck t'get me a billion shells?!"
The outburst did little to halt the natural and warm bustling of the pub. A few heads turned to examine the flushed and bruised face of the female sitting in a corner booth, but otherwise no one payed mind to the drunken babe as she slurred and whined towards the man sitting by her. The man in question was Mogby himself, the owner of the pub and only friend to the near unconscious woman. The large man was gently dabbing a wet cloth on her face as he made a poor attempt to aid the large bruises and cuts that decorated her once brown skin that was now different shades of purple and red.
"Saila," he warned, dipping the cloth back into the bowl of water before wringing it out. "You outta stop that screamin' before someone takes up on yer offer. Now hold still so's I don't make it worse." With another dab of the cloth, Saila hissed before snatching the cloth from Mogby's hand. "Give it 'ere! You keep puntin' me like that you'll -hic- "sure as hell make it worse!" This statement had the near giant man examining his massive hands before settling into the booth by her. While she tended to her own wounds, he took hold of the flier that lay in front of her.


"You really think someone's gonna call to this," Mogby questioned as he examined the shoddy sketch of a stick person sailing on a boat. "It doesn't 'xactly look all that professional..."
Spitting blood into her empty cup, Saila glanced over at her personal work before answering with less of a slur. "Someone's gotta.. I got little choice here.."

She could still feel the fists in her side, the barnacles cutting her skin as she was shoved against the side of the boat, and the knife at her throat as the man and his jockeys loomed over her. This would have been just another day for Saila Meg, but the issue was much more dire than some stolen watch or a misplaced diamond ring that happened to be found in her pocket. No, this wasn't nobody navy man, or drunken slob looking to pick a fight with a thief. Her assailant was none other than Achish Ga. "You owe me you little punt," he growled in her ear, the knife etching slight against her skin, causing a stinging slip against her throat. "I want all billion of my shells on my desk by the end of the season or you're Orlma food!"

Now, Saila already had a poor reputation before this encounter. but with Ga's knife in her back, people were less inclined to interact with the thief. Once word got around that she had a bounty with the pirate people avoided her like- what they called it- the plague? Doors closed, hoods drawn, backs turned. No one was willing to help her no matter how hard she begged, and she did not see herself above getting onto her knees and pleading for help, but this only reinforced how serious the matter was, and scared even more people off.

Down on her luck, she did what she did best and crafted a plan, With a stack a blank papyrus. she drew a plentiful amount of fliers calling for people looking for adventure and gold, and shells. Leaving out her identity, she hoped that she could rope in a few likeminded folks to join her on an adventure to find some money to save her head.
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"Help wanted."

Fyrus said the words aloud like he needed to make sure he had read them right. He had his eyes on the flier, deep in consideration over it. Someone was putting up a wanted ad for a pirate crew. Either they were crazy or desperate, but there was a promise of pay and, hey, it was a job. Fyrus didn't like to consider himself a pirate exactly as he had taken plenty of honest jobs and hard work over the years, but he was also no stranger to things that were a little more... unsavory... and a little less legal than many others things he'd done. All in all, it was worth looking into.

After all: Work was work.

There were always plenty of able bodied sailors around these parts that were eager for a ship to belong to, so Fyrus had to jump on tis one quick if he was going to get his chance to get his hands on those shells. Maybe a little overeager, maybe a little too curious and too excited, he tried not to let any of that show when he strolled through the pub to what could be his new captain. The flier itself hadn't been all that eye catching, but he pushed past that concern. Not everyone could be a world renowned artist or have their words all laced with honey. He knew very little about the former, but... perhaps the latter might be a good skill he could offer. His pretty face came with a lot of lovely words he could spin to guarantee he got what he wanted. And what he wanted was to be on a ship out at see.

It didn't take too much asking around to be pointed in the right direction, though whatever expectations or hopes he had were dulled significantly at the sight of who he presumed to be the would be captain hiring a crew. Faltering a little in his step, he continued nonetheless and approached. Flier in hand, he held it up as he took in the sight on one hell of a beat up drunk. Had she gotten into a bar brawl this day already? Grimacing slightly, he spoke and tried to leave all those questions out of his words. "You're the one hiring a crew, eh? You don't look so good." Damn it! He'd been trying not to comment on that.

Renard Greenblight

"A pirate crew..."

The words were soft as Renard sat on his little crate deep in the alley where he could look over the flier in peace without the hustle and bustle of the busy streets. His tail curled comfortably on the crate beisde him and his nose wiggled at the parchment scent with a hint of ink. He could see the words perfectly in the shadows as though it were daylight, although in truth, the darkness was a comfort to his eyes. He still wasn't quite used to the brightness of this upper world. He had nearly been blinded by his first few moments of sunlight when he left his dark home and had to bound his eyes with a blindfold.

Said blindfold rested over his furry knee. It was gray in color and made of light cloth so that he could still see through the fabric, just not as well, and it was only until his eyes managed to adjust to the light. It was a hinderance... But one that was worth it.

The paper crinkled in his paws as he folded it and slipped it into one of his many pockets. He thought it strange that it specifically requested a 'pirate' crew, not just a crew. Was that even allowed? It was like bandits asking for, well, more bandits. Would it even be safe to go? What if the meeting place was surrounded by officers? Was it a trap?

"Oh dear," he mumbled nervously, moving a paw to scratch his ear, a nervous habit of his, "but who would they be weeding out...?"

Did they want to capture all possible criminals? It didn't seem likely. It was too obvious. He wanted to keep a low profile but it had been difficult to make a living out in the upper world. Everyone refused to give him a job or even sell anything to him. Renard had to trade and pay far more than what was fair in order to get the things he needed. A pirate crew sounded like a place where he might belong... Surely a group of possible criminals and misfits would accept someone like him? Or, at the very least, pay him no mind?

Maybe he will go check it out. Check and see if this was a legitimate business. His decision resolved, Renard hopped off of his crate and lifted the blindfold to his eyes, slipping the piece of fabric over his fur before tying it in place. Next to come up was the hood that covered his round ears and hid part of his face. People were less likely to pay attention to him this way if he kept his head low.

He moved from the cover of darkness and into the light of the busy streets where he soundlessly fell into step with the foot traffic. It wasn't hard to find the pub. All he had to do was follow the smell of alcohol and puke and shame.

One small paw pushed the pub door open and he took a look around to who his possible captain may be. There was a tall strong man that towered over a group of people off to the corner of the room. He could possibly be the captain. There was a young woman who was playing with some others in a game of knife throwing and her blade pierced the dead center of the target and was instantly being lifted into the air as the room erupted in cheers. Perhaps she could be the captain. There were many interesting characters that could be it. How was he possibly to know-

"Who's dick I gotta suck t'get me a billion shells?!"

Renard's ears twitched and he recoiled. Oh my. His beady black eyes landed on a poor beat up woman who was slouched over on a table. Well, he knew one thing for sure. The captain couldn't possibly be-

Someone had just entered the pub and Renard quickly slipped out of the way from the door to let the gentleman pass. He watched in curiosity as the young man approached the table where the woman sat and produced the very flier that Renard currently held in his pocket. Or at least, Renard was pretty sure it was the flier. It was difficult to tell through his blind fold but he heard the man mention a pirate crew.

Renard's jaw dropped slightly. No. Surely...? No. It couldn't be. Could it? No.

"Um... Pardon me?" He spoke up, stepping up to the table beside the man who had first approached, looking between him and the woman with the bruised face. "Did I hear correctly? Is this the meeting place for the pirate crew?"

Please say no, Renard thought to himself.

Tyson Dirge

Not far from the table where the so called 'pirate captain' sat a pair of cool eyes watched her.

Tyson Dirge was not one to take chances. He liked to keep his visits in towns brief and move on to the next. The less time people got to know him the better. There was no reason to mingle with others unless they could easily forget you afterwards. Otherwise there was too much of a chance of people remembering his face. Too much of a chance for them to grow curious and start asking personal questions.

This was different, however. He just had to see. He was too curious to pass this up and he had to get a look at this self-acclaimed pirate captain.

He sat at his own table on the other side of the room, facing toward the subject of his curiosities without making it obvious he was spying on her, a couple of empty mugs already on his table and his hand currently holding the third. He had been sitting here for quite a while. Almost for as long as the acclaimed captain. This wasn't the first "Help wanted" poster he had seen in his travels but there was something about this one that had caught his attention.

It was the drawing.

The crude drawing of a stick figure on a boat had him laughing so hard that the people around him must have believed he was having some sort of seizure. He was convinced that this whole flier ordeal had to be some sort of joke and he had to get a glimpse of the one who came up with it. So here he sat in the pub. Watching the bruised face young woman as she drank and slurred, nearly spitting out his own drink from her earlier outburst. She couldn't possibly be serious about searching for a pirate crew. What about her spoke anything about being a captain? It had to be a joke.

But then two figures approached the table where she sat. One of them was holding a piece of paper he couldn't quite see but he didn't need to see it to know that it was the flier he had seen himself. No way. He had to lift the mug to his lips to hide the smile, a glint of amusement flashing across his blue eyes.

He would remain where he sat for now. He decided to keep his distance and see how this would play out before he would make himself known. He didn't really have a reason to join this so-called 'crew.' Not yet. The captain did not impress him much, either. If he didn't know better...he'd say that she hadn't the foggiest idea of what she was doing.

Aconite Bane

Interaction: "Icy"
Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub
Mentions: N/A

The isles. Aconite has somewhat of a mixed feeling stepping into this part of the world. It was a hubbub of creatures large and small alike, intermingling and actually thriving. The most... chaotic area he has ever been but it still managed to draw him in. No work. He was just meeting a companion. Walking through the streets, he was supposed to meet her in a place called 'Mogby's Dock N Hub'.

And like an oak tree standing tall among the fields of wheat, Aconite found his target. She was sitting in the balcony on the second floor, overlooking most of the main floor. Much like him, the woman loved watching the creatures mingled and go about their daily lives. The curious look, the awed expression, he was actually surprised she was not yet dead.

The woman, Icy, smiled when Aconite finally joined her on the table. "I take it that your journey here was smooth and uneventful," she greeted with a smile, sipping on her... wooden mug. Aconite half expected something fancier like a tea set or whatever the rich called that. He did not expect her to be drinking.

"I..." he clicked his tongue, not knowing any fancy words. "It was fine. No trouble from anyone and there has been no heads to cut off." He stiffened, eyes going into slits in alarm when her eyes landed on him. He did not know why that was his reaction but it felt like his life was in danger at that time. It might have been coincidence that when she looked at him, some bandit or assassin was also looking at him. "Anyways, why did you want to talk here?" he asked, gesturing at the loud pub.

That had Icy turn from cool and reserved to giddy and excited. She slammed a paper on the table. "This. Some captain has published a commission and is in search for a crew member."

His head started to throb. Was she using the correct words? This was not a commission in his book. "Uh... why?" he asked, confused as to why she wanted to join the third most dangerous job in the world. Looking down at the paper, he was sure this was created by a kid. Did she snatched this from a kid when they were still drawing it?

"I want to travel around the world. The stories of adventure and thrill!" she insisted. "Does that not sound so fun," she sighed, smiling and having a dreamy expression.

"I do not~!"

"Who's dick I gotta suck t'get me a billion shells?!"

His large rabbit ears twitched at the statement. Looking for the source, What he found was not a wench but a badly beaten woman who looked like she has seen some better days. Without even thinking, he got up and was trying to undo his pants before Icy reach for his hands to stop him.

"What are you doing?" Icy demanded.

"She looks like she is in trouble," Aconite muttered.

"Do you have a billion shells with you to actually take her offer?" Pulling him once more to sit, she narrowed her eyes. "She is drunk, Acon. She is muttering nonsense."


"Sit," she commanded.

Aconite actually did so immediately as his gaze went back to the beat up woman. His ears kept twitching and he almost jumped off the balcony towards her when he witnessed someone walking towards her. Focusing on the pretty boy, he frowned. He turned to his companion to see Icy just watching. He kept his mouth shut then, also witnessing the interaction. He was ready to cause chaos in this already rowdy place if this was the man who has hurt the poor human girl.

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Location: Sigvid Isles
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

Mentions: @Lyrikai @DekuNightFury
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

As the ambience of the pub drove on, Saila's tin mug was quickly becoming empty. Her dept was becoming deeper as her tab continued on. Even though the owner was technically her friend, the most he could do was give her a freebie for the night and let her drink her sorrows away. There's nothing like a good drink when your death is only a few months away, but she could see his patience waning as he continued to fill her mug. Sensing her evening was coming to an end, she decided to call it a day and give him the usual IOU before running out and dodging the flying plates and knives.

Just as she was beginning to leave the booth to "look for her pearls", she was approached by a person, but not just any person- a damn beautiful woman with glossy golden locks and thin eyes. She was a treat to admire, and her mere presence had Saila lowering herself back into the booth as her eye (the other being swollen shut) drank the visage before her. There wasn't any possible reason Saila could imagine that would have the woman approaching her, but she would take anything if it meant-

"You're the one hiring a crew, eh? You don't look so good."
The fuck was this? Almost forgetting that her face looked the equivalent of a pile of beached jellies, Saila sat stunned for a moment as a little bit of her heart was broken as the voice of a man escaped the soft pink lips of the woman she was just gazing at, but then that was further forgotten as he mentioned her search for a crew.
Clearing her throat, she straightened herself in her chair, touching a finger to her black eye.
"Uh yeah. I was just taking care of a few errands before you came- pretty standard stuff when you're a pirate such as myself." She made to look large and intimidating, but her bruised ribs kept her frame small.

"Um... Pardon me?"
taking one last glance at the man, Saila turned her attention towards the cloaked figure that stood a close distance away. It took her a drunken moment to figure out just wat she was seeing before her. It was no man that was speaking to her, but a bipedal rodent robed and blind folded. Her jaw hung low, and she looked to Mogby, who sat equally surprised beside her. Neither of them had seen ratkin before. I wasn't like there was just rats walking about on the stone streets, so this was a shock, a big enough one to sober her up enough to close her mouth and respond to him.

"Did I hear correctly? Is this the meeting place for the pirate crew?"

"Y-yeah..," she studdered, sliding her half empty mug away from her. "This is it. S'not much I know, but it looks like we got a good beginning here." She shifted her eyes between the pair of unique individuals. As much wrong she had done in her life, there was no way the Gods have blessed her with strangers this wild.

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"Help wanted", "Pirate Crew" The words sat in her head as the hungry girl would sit there staring at it, contemplating what it meant. A pirate crew meant there was a ship, and if there was a ship, she could finally leave this forsaken place. There was barely a street she could show her face after living there as a thief since she was young, the name of the red thief hung around her like an curse, and no amount of sleight of hand helped her steal when everyone was wary of her. She'd even been having to turn to the more direct approach of hit and runs, but she didn't want to get beaten up over just a few shells or some bread anymore.

"Screw it.." The girl would hum, taking the slip of paper and setting off in search of Mogby's Dock 'n' Pub. She didn't have anything to her name anyway aside from her little spellbook which she kept with her all the time, and worst case she could just settle in the next town they stopped at.

Shuffling at the entrance, Risk would peer inside, watching the going-ons of the pub as she'd scout the people inside. A trained habit from a unsavory lifestyle, since most people didn't like what they usually assumed was a beggar coming inside. Regrettably, she was fairly certain she'd stolen a mug from this place not even two weeks ago, but this was her chance.

Slipping inside and making her way next to the rat-folk talking with the supposed captain of theirs , her footsteps not making so much as a creak on the wooden floor as she'd approach, feeling strangely validated standing next to someone smaller than her. Briefly looking to the beautiful man chatting with them made her heart thump, but she quickly focused on the swollen face of their contractor, the bruises were a familiar sight, since she'd been on the receiving end more than once, but she wasn't one to talk, more than aware of her own sorry state, hoping she'd have some time before being chased out,.

Her thoughts were focused on the job rather than the woman's wellbeing. Being indoors just felt.. uncomfortable after being told to leave so often, and she never liked being out-numbered, so the small dirt-stricken girl would just stand there, timidly shuffling from side-to-side as she'd wait her turn, shy, as much as she hated to admit it, in no small part to the blonde man's presence.
@ArgonianScum @DekuNightFury @Lyrikai
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Ria had been performing most of the day and earned a lot of money from it". The crowd roars with applause as she finishes her last dance here. His silky brown hair and olive skin glow in the light of the streets.
The noise is so loud that you can hear a bit of it from nearby areas.
She says"Thank you so much, people, I wish I could dance more for you, but I have places to be. I should come here again. I hope you watch me again".

The wind picks up and a poster is blown her way; she grabs it out of the air and uses a little magic to pick up her bag. She reads it, after a minute or so, she's done. "So Mogby's Dock 'n' Pub ay". She gracefully starts to walk towards the pub, her hips sway from side to side and she didn't give a crap if they look at her body.

It's not long before she gets to this place and then looks around at the people She playfully grins and then says, "Well,this should be a interesting trip if they are planning to travel across the sea with me, i'm Ria, the dancer and magical blacksmith.". " It would be nice to get along, but if not, that's fine; everyone has their story after all". She takes a seat near the soon-to-be contractor and then says"I'm hungry. Anyone care to share a bite and something to drink"?
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  • Love
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It was excellent to know that Fyrus wasn't alone in this recruitment. Only moments behind his seeking of this pirate captain had another come along as well. Definitely not human by any means, this was a sight to see. Fyrus had half a mind to want to reach out and maybe touch one of the rat man's ears, see if they were real, see if they were soft and fuzzy. It was like those urges you got to pet a dog every time you saw a dog. You couldn't just walk past one on the street without pausing to look and wanting to pet. Though, the man difference in the two instances were that dogs were pets that (usually) liked being petted, and this here was a clearly intelligent person that might not like that. At all. His fist curled slowly to keep those fingers from reaching over and doing exactly that. He could control this urge at least and let the fellow get his question asked just the same.

It seemed they were both in the right place, at least. That was good to know. With the confirmation that this was the woman hiring the crew, Fyrus didn't even need to ask. Flashing his teeth in a pleasant smile, he took that as it was. "Excellent," he answered first, "Absolutely excellent. If that's the case, then I'm here to answer your call." His gaze briefly flickered again to the ratkin, not needing to say out loud that he seemed to also be here for that exact same reason.

"Do you mind if I take a seat?" Wasting no time in finding himself a hair to pull up, he supposed the best way to go about this was to just lay it all out what he could offer to a crew on the high seas and let others have their turns trying to impress the captain. Behind him and the furry eared rat-folk he still wanted to pet, there was a the beginnings of a line started there. A young lady had crept in like silence itself. Had she always been lurking there? He hadn't even noticed at first, though didn't say a word. Her business was her own, right?

"Listen, sorry about the earlier remark," he said, "It just sort of... slipped out. Whatever happened, not my business. I'm just here for a job. If you're offering, I'll take it. I'm great with a gun and I'm no stranger to odd jobs and hard work. You won't be disappointed if you hire me."
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Reactions: ArgonianScum

Renard Greenblight

Renard did his best to not look disappointed when, in fact, the poor woman with a black eye confirmed their suspicions. This was, indeed, the meeting place for said crew. The gentleman beside him didn't seem to think anything was wrong with this. He was making himself comfortable by pulling a chair out and taking a seat before a seat was ever offered and before waiting the captain's(for that was who she was since she was hiring a pirate crew) answer.

Strangely, yet another stranger had forced herself into the discussion. Seating herself at the table as well and asking them all if they would like a drink. Renard was a little confused. Everything was happening too fast and too sudden. Did the upper world always move this quickly?

Renard had scooted himself away from the female who had just invited herself to their table to give her some room when he accidentally bumped into someone.

"O-oh!" He turned to face the person and bowed slightly. "Pardon me."

He had to take another look at the stranger. He had been unaware she had been so near him. There was too much going on in the pub for him to pick up her sounds and she had entered so silently. She was a girl and a young one, too, though he still had to peer up at her thanks to his small stature. Was she also here for the pirate crew? She looked a little...rugged. Her face looked sunken as well. There was something in the eyes that made him want to buy her a sweet roll and tuck her somewhere warm and safe.

He bowed again a little awkwardly before he faced the table once more. He gave a polite nod to the female who had offered them some drinks and something to eat. "I am quite alright, thank you, although..." He glanced briefly at the younger girl with the sunken face who had managed to sneak up on him. "I believe she could do with some food?" He dared to venture, not wanting to intrude or speak for this girl if that was not her wish.

With that aside, Renard faced the would-be captain. He reached into his coat, pulling out the slip of paper that was the flier, then set it on the table as though this would explain everything. "Well, in that case... I would also like to join this, um, crew of yours."

His ears flicked slightly as he reached up and pulled back his hood. Revealing a fuzzy black and white face. "My name is Renard Greenblight, a ratfolk from the Under Dark. I am an...alchemist of sorts. I can create concoctions with interesting affects that could either harm or help people. There are some ailments and wounds I can cure to a degree or I can create weapons. Such as explosions, gas or smoke bombs, poison... The list could go on. If you believe these skills will be of use to you... I would very much like the job. If you don't mind my sort being around often. What say you?"

Tyson Dirge

Tyson was becoming more and more intrigued with the increased numbers of members showing up in the pub to join this...'pirate crew.' He couldn't believe how many people were actually answering the flier. These had to be desperate people, indeed, to accept a job such as this without many details. He couldn't help but stare to the point it was becoming obvious. Even the so-to-be-called captain looked taken aback at having even just one person join her crew. Or perhaps she had been hoping for another outcome, what with the look she had given to the first person who had approached her table, whom he had also mistaken to be a female.

Tyson couldn't sit back any longer. He had to know more. He took one last swig of his drink before setting it down on the table as he stood. He approached the table with purpose, moving himself between the pretty man and the female wearing gypsy-looking clothing, and slapped his hand down on the surface of the table.

"Hang on," he spoke as though he had been part of the conversation the entire time. "So this is real? Seriously?"

He picked up the flier that the rat guy had set down, holding it up to the captain's face. "This is real? You're really looking for a pirate crew?" He set the flier down, a suspicious frown on his face as he eyed her. "Why? What's the catch? The flier says there will be an award but do we have to steal it first? I need more details before I agree to anything, no matter how great of an artist you are."

He set the flier down before he crossed his arms and stood back. "Tyson Dirge. Convince me, then I will be at your service." The corner of his lip quirked just the tiniest bit in a smirk as a challenge gleamed in his eye. "'Captain.'"


Chilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

Mentions: @ArgonianScum ; @DekuNightFury ; @Lyrikai ; @Noble Scion ; @Rads

Unlike the long-eared creature across the table, Chilek could not hear the conversation between the lady who was beaten up and those around her. There were also those noises from other patrons. She leaned closer to the edge, wanting to hear more. "What might they be discussing?" she mused.

From the look of it, even the bunny man had a hard time trying to eavesdrop. "They are talking about... a crew? I think someone is trying to take up a crew."

"What kind of crew?"

Aconite shrugged, ears still twitching

There was a movement on the table and Chilek concentrated on that. There was a tail! "Is that a mouse in clothes?" she asked, a bit unsure what she was looking at. "Quite a big one."

"Ratkin," Aconite corrected. "They are a race that can walk and talk like everyone here with a brain."

Chuckling at the comment, she wanted to retort but bit her tongue at that moment. Instead, she clapped her hands in delight. "Quite an exotic snack," she smiled. "A talking mouse. I have yet to indulge in such scrumptious meal. What do they taste like?"

"Ratkin," Actonite again muttered before narrowing his eyes. "Tasted like the animals they look like."

"Have you~!"

His ears twitched and his expression soured a bit. "They are talking about. I think they are looking for a pirate crew."

Chilek was out of her seat once those words came out of his mouth. Dragging her companion with her, they headed to towards the group. It was easy to navigate around the crowded floor because Aconite was infamous for inducing pain. It was best not to be within his sights.

Standing behind a skinny child, she smiled at the creatures gathered. She nodded her head in greeting as well as a short curtsey and listened for the time being before interjecting. "I do apologize for suddenly intervening but we could not help but be interested in the topic at hand." She did not even bother to contain her excitement, practically bouncing on her heels at that point. She turned to Aconite only to see him looking at the talking mouse on the table. "What's the matter?" she asked curiously. "Feeling hungry?"

"No," he replied. "I thought the ratkin was one of my targets." His eyes then landed on the people around, already trying to remember if he came across these faces on the wanted posters.
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Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @Lyrikai @DekuNightFury
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

Distracted by the small crowd she had accumulated, the silent approach of yet another seeker was almost looked over, had she not been a thief herself, and remained mostly aware of her surroundings. But the small exchange between the rat man and the young woman also brough her attention to her presence. Lifting her chin to get a better look, she raised a hand to beckon the woman closer. "Hey you," she called. "Don't go hiding 'mongst the crowd. Come on and-"
She would have finished her invite, but her attention was ripped away towards a glorious sight. Another woman- at least she hoped so- with golden waves, and fine silks donning her smooth curves. She was quite the sight as she a neared the booth. Saila wasn't sure how react or speak, so she was lucky that the woman had a tongue to hold a conversation between them, starting with a light introduction of herself and her abilities. Saila was surprised that person such as herself would even consider a line of work she was advertising for. A poised, graceful, gentle woman had no place amongst-

"I'm hungry. Anyone care to share a bite and something to drink"?
Well fuck a gull then. Scrunching her nose at yet another disappointment, Saila turned to Mogby. "For once I'm not drinking alone," she chuckled lightly before reaching onto her breast pocket and finishing out a single pearl and handing it to the owner. "I'll get you the rest once we're finished, alright?" The large man took a moment to examine the coin in his palm before nodding and dismissing himself to the kitchen. Saila winked at the impertinent woman before the first blonde spoke up.

"Listen, sorry about the earlier remark..."
Saila waved a hand at his initial comment but continued to listen to him. He surely didn't look like he could take a tussle, but she was in no position to start judging people at their appearances. Glancing at his slender fingers, she tried to imagine them curling around the handle of a revolver or some other firearm that she herself had no skill in handling. Finding nothing in her mind, she could only go off of his word and future situations. "With that, I think you'll do just fine." She nodded to him just as Mogby returned with a few servers, each of the holding a platter containing sea food and full mugs for Saila and her guests. "Have at it my companions," Saila offered as she gestured to the plates before them, "Please help yourselves." She reached across the table to grab an oyster before cracking it open, keeping her ears alert for the next person to speak.

"My name is Renard Greenblight, a ratfolk from the Under Dark. I am an...alchemist of sorts-"
With no disrespect to the ratboy, but the rest of his articulate words were lost after the mention of the word "alchemist". It was a particular sort of craft that no one on the island could get a hold of, yet here someone comes to offer their services to her with such a unique ability.
"Hold on rat-nard," she interrupted, oyster smudged on her lip. "You got alchemy tricks? You think you can fix all this?? Or does ugly not count as an injury? Hahaha!" Literally slapping her own knee, she snatched a mug from the table before raising it to her lips, still chuckling at her joke.

It was then another man approached her table, taking a seat that was much too close to her comfort. "Hang on. So this is real? Seriously?" She took a moment to examine the man beside her. She immediately found that he had a different air about him. He looked like he had been through more than some of the folks sitting around the table. And he was quick to prove it as he went into a barrage of questions concerning the application, the risks, the rewards, the trials, and whatever else she had conveniently not thought of before making up her plan. She was hoping for things to go down easy, for people to just take her on her word and leave the isles with her. But this man- challenging her- it made her skin crawl, her muscles tighten, her digits ache. Already she did not like this man because he made her think, and Saila hated thinking..
After his questions were thrown at her, she took a moment before huffing through her nostrils. She wouldn't dare looking around the table for it would make her appear to fear judgement. Instead she kept her brown eyes on the man known as Tyson Dirge.
"You're full of questions," she finally replied, setting down her mug after taking a swallow of the beverage inside. "I understand that. And I will answer them with the say of one item." She leaned forward as if keeping a secret between the both of them. "The Gathrealite. That is what I am after. That is the risk, and the reward."

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The group of three charging their 'pirate captain' was rapidly growing, a woman making their appearance, followed by a man.. Woman.. A man and a woman.. She was starting to feel claustrophobic as questions would be layered upon their contractor. The titles of Dancer and magical blacksmith catching her thoughts, before the ratkin would announce himself an alchemist, her eyes sparkling slightly at what he might know, before she'd settle herself down with a small cough.

"Risk.. Magician... I.. don't mind dirty work." She'd hum quietly amidst the voices, subdued and shifty-eyed as she'd struggle to even introduce herself to the gathering. It wasn't a lie, but she wouldn't really consider herself a magician so much as a thief, but she didn't plan on telling them that if she could get away with it.

The mention of food would make her perk up, though she'd be a little insulted by the ratkin assuming she was hungry, even if it was true. A small frown appearing on her face, at least until the food arrived, large amounts of it soon disappearing into the crimson-haired woman's mouth as all semblance of caution would disappear in the face of hunger, listening to the banter as her eyes would flick between speakers with a stuffed mouth.

They definitely seemed like pirates. They had the energy of them, anyway. It made her wonder how long she would actually stay apart of their crew if that famed, folklore fortune actually was their overall goal. She'd pause to purse her lips for a moment before continuing her feast. The beating must have knocked the captain's head a little too hard, but the facts said she had a ship, and that was what's important.
This captain sure had attracted quite the lively crowd within her grasp. Thank goodness for that, really. Fyrus would have hated to be here alone. If he were the only one to answer the summon, that would have been terribly awkward and embarrassing. However, on that same note, the crowd was continuing to grow and he was getting just a little bit edgy here, almost feeling the need to elbow someone out of the way to give himself more space. He was feeling almost smothered, but he was sucking it up and toughing it out. After all, how in the hell was he going to last in the inescapable confines of a ship on the sea when he was getting uncomfortable with all the voices gabbing at once around a table in a pub. No one needed to get punched here or tossed across a table! He could behave. They were just excited, just as excited as he was.

He kept his smile up, glad that he wasn't getting kicked out of the running for his less than cordial first greeting. "I won't let you down, captain. I suppose, if I'm to be hired, I can call you that now?" He might have been jumping the gun a little bit, but if he was on a potential list on being on this crew, then he was sure as hell going to act like it!

It was also fascinating hearing from the others. The ratkin claimed to be an alchemist that could create remedies to ailments as well as bombs. Fyrus propped an elbow on the table and listened, curious. "Extraordinary," he mused, "I've never met an alchemist before." Another was announcing herself as a magician of all things, and that was equally as fascinating, with a third giving a claim of being a dancer. He could see that one easily, though a blacksmith, too! Magical by nature? They sure did have quite the variety of souls in this pub tonight. "A little bit of everything, huh?" he noted aloud, "I guess that's a good sign for you, captain."

Quieting down for the moment, he helped himself to food and a drink, mulling over something this captain had said in her explanation. Her actual purpose for this journey, the apparent reason for needing a crew to go on a voyage... Swallowing down his bite, washing it down a moment later with a gulp of ale, he asked, "So, I'm sorry. Did you say you're looking for the Gathrealite? You sure do go all out if that's the job. Not one to start off small with some little buried treasure on a remote island, eh? Going right for the big one."

Renard Greenblight

"Hold on rat-nard."


The comment had thrown Renard back so much that he could barely keep up with the next string of words that came from the captain's mouth till he jumped a little from her booming laugh.

"I-I...uh..." The ratfolk became flustered, his ears twitching beneath his hood as his paws absentmindedly began to fiddle with the utensils on the table. "It's...Renard..."

He had been uncertain if she was being serious about fixing her 'condition.' His beady black eyes took her appearance in. He didn't think one way or the other about how she looked, whether she was ugly or pretty. He was indifferent but his eyes did linger to the black splotch over one of her eyes. "Well, I can treat that eye of yours for example, if that is what you meant.

His eyes then briefly moved to the girl who had crept up so silently and he perked his ears at her name. So she was Risk, then. He became very pleased when she began to eat her fill of the food that was set on the table. He, himself, had reached over for a small portion of the food and brought it verry close to himself. Eyeing the others around him as though they might swipe the plate from him at any moment. He would take quick small bites without ever drawingh is eyes away from the others. Pausing often to listen and watch his surroundings.

His attention was brought to the man sitting beside him. He had called him...extraordinary. He was fairly certain it was a compliment. He had never been complimented before and there was, perhaps, a little light in those dark beady black eyes.

"Th...thank you," he ventured, hoping it was the appropriate response.

But then another man came in, seeming to challenge their new captain, although he certainly did raise some good points. Renard hadn't really considered asking any of these questions. All he cared about was a place to stay, even if temporary, and offer his services for a bed to sleep on. Now that this stranger, Tyson as he called himself, began raising all these points he couldn't help but wonder himself what the answers could be.

The captain's response, however, puzzled him greatly. He tilted his head. "Er...what is this 'Gathrealite?'"

Tyson Dirge

Tyson was expecting many answers to what he believed was a simple question. It had to be treasure of some kind. Perhaps she planned to raid some rich man's home. Find treasure on some far away island. A map she obtained from a long since dead family member she wished to follow.

The answer she gave was far from anything he ever expected.

The cocky frown dropped from his face and he stared at her as though she spoke in some dark tongue. His jaw opened slightly, and he stared as though he could will her words to say something else. Surely, he had

"Er...what is this Gathrealite?"

The rat's question seemed to snap Tyson out of whatever trance he had been in. A sneer crossed his lips without his meaning to, all his earlier joking from earlier vanishing in an instant. "It's a myth. A legend. Tales told to children. It doesn't exist."

He looked at the so called captain in a new light now. "I thought this was all just a joke but, turns out, you're just crazy." He then looked to the others around the table who had gathered for this so called crew. "If you're all really considering in joining her crew, then you should know that her little venture here will take you far beyond the sea. Straight into the Other Sea.

"There are monsters there," he continued. A shadow had fallen over his face. "Those who go never come back. It is uncharted territory. You'd likely be going to your deaths. You'll have to say goodbye to everything you've ever known. Have years of experience out in the water? Think you know what you're doing? Toss it all overboard the instant you touch those waters because the same laws don't apply. The waves are sparratic. Weather unpredictable. Things lurk beneath the waves you've only seen in your nightmares."

Renard was getting a bit more and more nervous as this Tyson spoke. It was a little too similar to the Under Dark... He had escaped hoping for safety. Would he not obtain that by joining this crew?

"All this," Tyson went on, "with the more likely fact that it would all be for nothing." He looked the captain square in the eye. "Because it doesn't exist."

He leaned back in his seat, one foot over the other as he crossed his arms over his chest as he met each and every person in the eye on at a time. "So... Still want to join?"


Renard Greenblight

"Hold on rat-nard."


The comment had thrown Renard back so much that he could barely keep up with the next string of words that came from the captain's mouth till he jumped a little from her booming laugh.

"I-I...uh..." The ratfolk became flustered, his ears twitching beneath his hood as his paws absentmindedly began to fiddle with the utensils on the table. "It's...Renard..."

He had been uncertain if she was being serious about fixing her 'condition.' His beady black eyes took her appearance in. He didn't think one way or the other about how she looked, whether she was ugly or pretty. He was indifferent but his eyes did linger to the black splotch over one of her eyes. "Well, I can treat that eye of yours for example, if that is what you meant.

His eyes then briefly moved to the girl who had crept up so silently and he perked his ears at her name. So she was Risk, then. He became very pleased when she began to eat her fill of the food that was set on the table. He, himself, had reached over for a small portion of the food and brought it verry close to himself. Eyeing the others around him as though they might swipe the plate from him at any moment. He would take quick small bites without ever drawingh is eyes away from the others. Pausing often to listen and watch his surroundings.

His attention was brought to the man sitting beside him. He had called him...extraordinary. He was fairly certain it was a compliment. He had never been complimented before and there was, perhaps, a little light in those dark beady black eyes.

"Th...thank you," he ventured, hoping it was the appropriate response.

But then another man came in, seeming to challenge their new captain, although he certainly did raise some good points. Renard hadn't really considered asking any of these questions. All he cared about was a place to stay, even if temporary, and offer his services for a bed to sleep on. Now that this stranger, Tyson as he called himself, began raising all these points he couldn't help but wonder himself what the answers could be.

The captain's response, however, puzzled him greatly. He tilted his head. "Er...what is this 'Gathrealite?'"

Tyson Dirge

Tyson was expecting many answers to what he believed was a simple question. It had to be treasure of some kind. Perhaps she planned to raid some rich man's home. Find treasure on some far away island. A map she obtained from a long since dead family member she wished to follow.

The answer she gave was far from anything he ever expected.

The cocky frown dropped from his face and he stared at her as though she spoke in some dark tongue. His jaw opened slightly, and he stared as though he could will her words to say something else. Surely, he had

"Er...what is this Gathrealite?"

The rat's question seemed to snap Tyson out of whatever trance he had been in. A sneer crossed his lips without his meaning to, all his earlier joking from earlier vanishing in an instant. "It's a myth. A legend. Tales told to children. It doesn't exist."

He looked at the so called captain in a new light now. "I thought this was all just a joke but, turns out, you're just crazy." He then looked to the others around the table who had gathered for this so called crew. "If you're all really considering in joining her crew, then you should know that her little venture here will take you far beyond the sea. Straight into the Other Sea.

"There are monsters there," he continued. A shadow had fallen over his face. "Those who go never come back. It is uncharted territory. You'd likely be going to your deaths. You'll have to say goodbye to everything you've ever known. Have years of experience out in the water? Think you know what you're doing? Toss it all overboard the instant you touch those waters because the same laws don't apply. The waves are sparratic. Weather unpredictable. Things lurk beneath the waves you've only seen in your nightmares."

Renard was getting a bit more and more nervous as this Tyson spoke. It was a little too similar to the Under Dark... He had escaped hoping for safety. Would he not obtain that by joining this crew?

"All this," Tyson went on, "with the more likely fact that it would all be for nothing." He looked the captain square in the eye. "Because it doesn't exist."

He leaned back in his seat, one foot over the other as he crossed his arms over his chest as he met each and every person in the eye on at a time. "So... Still want to join?"

Ria deeply sighs then says" what you said may turn out to be true, but then one could argue you won't know till you try". " Ask your self this what would you be doing if you didn't go on the ship, is drifting or living a monoton life really living". She pauses for a few moments or so then says" at one point I was just drifting day to day and I began to feel hollow".

" I'm not trying to tell you what to do because your heart of hearts needs to work thatout".
She starts to eat some of the food gracefully, between bites she says" besides the captain isn't a bad looking lady and she seems fun".
Aconite Bane

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

As the group sat to take up the food offered, both him and Icy declined and just stood there as the lot started introducing themselves. Aconite kept his mouth shut for the time being, just observing.

Ria was as confident as Icy but the lady was more naked than the other. Her method of talking was that like she was the captain more than the beat up woman.

Tyson had potential to have get in trouble with his mouth alone. He was quite... He was thinking. He had a lot of questions and knew when to be wary. More wary.

"I like him," he whispered to the Icy, leaning to the frowning lady.

"My feeling is quite the opposite," she stated.

The pretty boy was named Furnus or something. He looked like he could be snapped in two by carrying a crate of fish. Would it really be a good idea to have Icy join them?

The ratkin, Renard... he was more trusted than the others and he was the smallest among the group. Most useful of the bunch in terms of preparation.

Risk, the ginger brat knew magic? She does not look like she practices it. Magic is quite dangerous and many had been placed into commission to eliminate them. He smiled in amusement as the brat started to stuff her mouth with the food offered.

The last people to tell their names in this group were Icy and himself. No way in hell was he going to say his until he felt a sharp pain on his abdomen. "Aconite," he whizzed out, glared at the siren. "Hunter."

Gathrealite was then mentioned and that had Tyson open his mouth again, this time more serious. He scolded the group, even explaining what that the sea could just kill them. He droned on and on about the dangers then still had the balls to ask if the people there wanted to join. Now, there were two people trying to be the leader.

Again, leaning towards the angry siren, he smirked. "Listen to the Tyson guy. He knows what he is talking about."

"You have no right to tell me that. You have been all over the world."

1688780238335.pngChilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

The group was more or less excited of what was being discussed and this one fellow just had to shatter those dream-like state most had, including her. She never had any self-preservation and this man, Tyson, was trying to drill it to her. She did not like that.

Aconite was not even helping. He kept telling her to abandon her plans because it was too dangerous. She rolled her eyes at this, especially when Mister Tyson started his lecture.

When the lady Ria started to talk, her ire lessened. She hummed a bit, watching the reaction of the others. She jumped a bit when Acon blew on her ear. "If you are going to sing him to death, do it when nobody is around," Acon warned.

"I am not but that is quite tempting," she answered back before clearing her voice to get everyone's attention. "Chilek," she started, introducing herself first. "Or you can call me Icy. For now, I think I should request the position of first-mate," she chuckled before she moved around the table, patting Risk and moving towards Tyson.

"The lady Ria is correct," she smiled. "Mister Tyson, I would like to throw that wretched question back to you." Her eyes landed on the man. "Do you still want to join or are you trying to dissuade these lovely people?" She winked at the captain then before placing her hands on Fyrus' shoulders lightly.

"The captain has already made the flyers and we took the commission, we answered her request. We know what we are getting ourselves into. We know it is quite dangerous as the dark abys we call the ocean is unpredictable." She moved behind Tyson then. Looking down on the male.

Aconite moved, his crossed arms lowered and Chilek knew that what she was doing was dangerous.

She cupped his cheeks for a brief moment to let him gaze upon her. She did not want her face to be punched right now. She had more to say. "We can prepare this journey, keep everyone safe in a sense." Letting go, she booped his nose then. "Each and everyone here has their strength. The sea would always become your enemy if you keep fighting it. Befriend and maybe accept it and you will have the strongest ally you can imagine."

Chuckling, she twirled with a flare and bowed before them, her performance ending. "Be it hell or high waters, I would be joining you, madame. Would you like to take the stage and introduce yourself?" Moving back to where Acon was, she could not help but also pat the cute rat on the table. She wanted to hold Renard but seeing as nobody was doing it, she had to keep her hands away for now.
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Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @Noble Scion @Lyrikai @DekuNightFury @Rads
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

Taking a moment to take in the small stature of the young red-haired woman, Saila was almost reminded of her own youth, but then those thoughts were quickly brushed aside. She needed to focus on her current task at hand: Convincing a bunch of strangers to leave their homes and follow her into the middle of nowhere to get a shit load of money and make it back in one piece... simple.

"Risk.. Magician.. I.. don't mind dirty work."
Saila found herself smiling at the mention of her name. If she were to go off of just that, she may need to keep a close eye on her, lest she disappear with all of their money in the middle of the night. She didn't think much of her occupation as a "magician" but if she was just introduced to an alchemist then maybe magic could be real... could be. She gave a short nod her way. "Nice meeting ya Risk," she greeted. "I supposed you don't take much of those do ya?" She chuckled at her own joke.

"I won't let you down, captain. I suppose, if I'm to be hired, I can call you that now?"
Saila could not hold the toothy smile that spread across her face. "Captain," she repeated to herself. "Aw yeah that sounds good. Better than scum, piss stain, and rat-" She paused before glancing towards Renard. "-uhm.. sorry my friend. No ill feelings her towards rats, I mean. It's just good to be called something with strength and authority for a change ya know?" She took a swallow of her drink before hearing the pretty man's next inquiry.
"So, I'm sorry. Did you say you're looking for the Gathrealite? You sure do go all out if that's the job. Not one to start off small with some little buried treasure on a remote island, eh? Going right for the big one."
Setting down her mug, Saila nodded. "You're right. I supposed it wouldn't make sense to go after the big haul right off the bat. We could start small.." She stood, slamming her fist on the table. "But after that we go for the big one! The Gathrealite will be- mmph!" Mogby shot a large hand out, clasping it over her mouth and sitting her back down. "Hush now," he whispered fearfully, looking about the pub, making sure no one heard her. "You know how people feel about that type of stuff Saila. You could get hurt if someone feels ill about that!"
"Er...what is this 'Gathrealite?'"

Mogby gave the ratkin a small smile while holding the struggling Saila down. "Oh don't worry about that my dear. It's-"

"It's a myth. A legend. Tales told to children. It doesn't exist."
Saila finally managed to free herself from the large man's grasp and used her remaining energy into immediately going into defensive mode and cursing at Tysom. "Oh, fuck you," she yelled, standing up once more. "It sure as hell is real and you'd better believe it before the sea swallows your ass WHOLE!" She was once again apprehended by an embarrassed Mogby who struggled to calm her down. As to two fought each other, the man continued on about how dangerous the trip was and trying his hand as persuading these kind people not to join her in her endeavors. She honestly didn't expect questions, but there's always a defiant one to make things more challenging. While the pair were struggling, Ria threw some kind and encouraging words Saila's way, giving her the strength to break free from Mogby and continue her berate onto Tyson.

It was only by the clearing of someone's throat that Saila paused from her verbal fight. She turned to see a woman that looked like she did not belong in this part of the island. No offense to Mogby, but her elegance and grace was foreign and uncommon in a pub such as the one they were in, but with that came an air of danger about her. Saila could not point in out, but her fight and flight senses were going off in the back of her mind as the woman approached.

"Chilek. Or you can call me Icy. For now, I think I should request the position of first-mate."
Saila wrenched herself free of Mogby once more. "You can have whatever position you want if you can convince this idiot that the Gathrealite is real!" That earned a slap to the back of the head from the pub owner. Maybe it was a rush to give a possible killer this much in the start, but if it meant showing Tyson his own ass, then she could have anything she wanted since Saila had nothing to begin with.
"Be it hell or high waters, I would be joining you, madame. Would you like to take the stage and introduce yourself?"
Saila smiled. It was a relief that this woman was joining her crew. Whatever had her hairs standing on the back of her neck was eased as she stood to her feet. She gave a short nod to Icy. "Saila Meg is my name miss. And I appreciate you joining me today."
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Spending much of the conversation quietly eating and munching away at the rapidly disappearing food as she'd listen indifferently, unused to people paying attention to her as a number of glances that would move her way at her own contribution to the conversation, even a soft blush appearing on the thief's face.

Though the strange bunny man would be the only one to meet her eyes for a moment sending a creepy smile at her, a chill of danger moving down her spine as she'd warily flinch, pausing for a moment as she'd purse her lips and frown, her eyes flicking off to a corner of the room as she'd finally stop eating, having eaten enough to make her start feeling nauseous.

Tyson's eyes would also meet Risk's, but she wouldn't give him any sort of a reaction. She had her own ideas of what to do, and she could leave at any time she wanted, so it almost felt like the 'danger' part didn't apply to her all that much.

"More than I'd like~." Risk would hum back with a half-hearted laugh, a flicker of a smile which would disappear as soon as it had appeared, the captain's smile strangely less intimidating than Aconite's and made her relax a little more. Shared struggles over hard times, she guessed.

Listening and watching the forward Chilek, Risk would be taken off-guard at the pat on her head, her tanned face glowing as she'd meekly curl into tattered clothes at the casual affection. She wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or pleased, grumpily settling on distracting herself with their captain's apparent glee at having a crew.
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Tyson Dirge

Well, his words did not have quite the impact that Tyson expected, or rather it would be more appropriate to say that he 'hoped' for. He wanted to scare these people from joining this very strange captain on her quest, especially for something as ridiculous as finding the Gathrealite, a resource that has literally only been spoken about in legend. The Other Sea was filled with untold dangers and he was fairly certain that most if not all of this group did not know exactly what they were getting themselves into. From what he had witnessed of them all is that they either A. Wanted a sense of adventure or B. Wanted a safe place to stay.

His attention was brought to the two new strangers who approached the table, his eyes narrowing slightly as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end at the sense of danger he felt. These two were trouble. They were dangerous. He wasn't exactly sure how but there was something about the calm way the bunny man carried himself yet his eyes always seemed to be watching. Calculating. The female was more like a right cord. Pulled so tight that at any moment...she might snap.

That was the sense he got from these two, anyway. He didn't know what their true intentions were but, for all he knew, they also wanted a grand adventure and were simply scouting them out for one. Tyson had been around to many places in his time so he wasn't caught off guard by the man's long bunny ears and he had learned to always keep his guard up no matter what. Even kind people wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back.

He resisted the urge to stand when the female approached him. He was watching her carefully while also keeping an eye on the bunny man. Aconite he called himself. He didn't miss the way Aconite moved himself from his relaxed position to a more ready one, although what he planned to do, Tyson wasn't sure. He didn't see the man's hands reach for any weapons...but who knew what he was capable of?

Although the one he was most concerned about was the female, Icy, a fitting name he thought. One quick movement and she could slit his throat if he wasn't careful. Though he hadn't moved from his relaxed position, Tyson was on edge as he watched her. The deep blue of his eyes dark like the depths of the ocean no one dared ventured. He didn't know if he'd be able to move fast enough if either one of them decided to attack...but he believed his best bet would be to somehow grab the woman and use her as a shield against Aconite, though it was a risky move since he had no idea how capable either one of them could be.

For the moment, however, it seemed she merely wanted to make a point. He tried not to flinch when she touched his face. It had nothing personally to do with her. He never knew a kind touch. He knew bruises. He knew fists. His brain and body naturally expected either one of those when her hands reached for his face and it took every ounce of willpower he had not to react.

Then she was gone, moving away and bowing, done with her performance and a performance it was. Tyson had to admit that he was impressed. Perhaps at least these two had what it would take to survive the Other Sea... But even the most capable would have trouble. That's why he was more concerned for the others, especially the young female known as Risk and the rat, Renard.

Tyson let a smirk play across his face as he looked toward Icy, though there was no mockery or malice behind it. More like a playful glint as he lowered his feet from the table and leaned forward. "You can't just 'call' the role of First Mate. You have to earn it." He straightened in his seat. "And I miiiight have an eye on it myself... Don't get me wrong. I didn't come here and sprout all that just to dash your hopes. I want to know if this crew is the real deal, that you all know exactly what you're getting yourselves into." He frowned, his expression serious. "You could die. This isn't a joke or a threat or me trying to make a point. At any point, at any time, you could very well die. So you need to ask yourselves: Is this something worth dying for?"

The sudden outburst from the captain as she cursed Tyson out was a stark contrast compared to Icy's wonderful performance and he was fairly certain she was about to punch him had it not been for the man sitting beside her reaching up and pulling her back down to her seat. Well. She was clearly passionate about this Gathrealite.

"If you ask me, Captain, you need all the help you can get." Tyson put in after Saila accepted Icy into her crew. "I think I'll tag along just to be sure no one gets killed under your watch. You are drawing up quite the impressive group here, all who seem capable to handle their own. Just so you know, though, I have an eye on that First Mate position myself. I know how to handle a ship and have experience in running a crew so I don't mind putting my expertise to use. If you want to give it to Miss Icy over there that's fine, you are the captain after all, but that doesn't mean I won't try to earn it later."

He leaned back once more. "So, here's your crew. What now? I assume you have a plan to get this Gathrealite, correct? Have some faint idea on where it could be? We might also want to move this party to your ship. We're starting to get some really odd looks now."

Fyrus scowled slightly, not sure if this captain was serious or not about being called things like piss stain. In fairness, she did seem rather down on her luck here, so he wasn't surprised that she would be having a rough time of things. He would do his best not to hold it against her. As long as he was getting paid and would finally have some folks to call a crew, then he was happy! He'd be grateful just to have some purpose in life that would get him the hell out this tavern. He'd sure love to stop spending his days doing nothing but being drunk and then bored and then drunk again.

"Captain it is then," he agreed, "Pleasure to be a member of your crew, captain." Captain. Now he sure did love the sound of that. Could it be? Did he find a captain? Oh hell yeah, they were going to be rich!

Starting small with some easy loot that would fill their pockets was certainly a great way to get acclimated to the crew and get them enough coin for rum and supplies for longer voyages! Of course, with something so lucrative as the Gathrealite, it was hard to just... set it aside and try to go after the small fry loot. "You're the captain," he said, "Where you go, I follow. If it's Gathrealite we want, Gathrealite we get." He batted eyelashes at the handsome one. He seemed to think it was a myth, and that was fine. Who knows. Maybe it was, but running around looking for it was a good chance to get out of here and find other treasures along the way. "Myth or not, sure would be exciting to find out."

Hands found his shoulders and he leaned his head back. Tyson may have been handsome, but this Icy was a goddess by comparison. The way she drilled into the other, tossing his question right back at him brought a smirk to Fyrus's face. "Excellent point you make, and I agree. I've already signed my soul over here, be kind of cowardly and rude to back out now. I only just sat down after all. How am I to know if this is a bust if I haven't even given it a shot?"

Turning his attention to his drink, he didn't care at all that these two were already going to be bickering about who got to be first mate. Roles were roles that mattered very little where the going really got rough. They all needed to pitch in equally and do their parts. As long as he had a gun in his hands, he was satisfied. "Well you won't have to worry about me fighting for the place, at least. I'm not interested. I'm better at a cannon or with a gun in my hands."