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"Double dose with a toast to you creepy GHOST!"
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All fucking day because I have no life
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Modern, Supernatural,
red Crimson Falls is a quaint little town in California; but for being in Cali, the town definitely gets more rain than most Californian cities! It's an amazing town with a ton of history to go with it; and amazing people that make up the town as well! A place where the amount of crime is minuscule and no one would hurt a fly.

It was a nice day and the teens and young adults of the town were calming themselves down a bit; weening themselves from epic parties and drunken nights as summer vacation died down and came to an end. Well, not all of the teens and young adults. A lot of them were still partying like they didn't have a care in the world, and some of them didn't. Others? Others had more things to worry about than partying and getting drunk. Some kids had school, work, family gatherings and a ton of other things.

Willow's Mood: ||Chill||Anxious||Annoyed||
Adam's Mood: ||Chill||Happy||
Willow's Outfit: HERE
Adam's Outfit: HERE
Location: Home ---> Willow's Bar and Grill
Mentioned: @Shayla - Axel Watson || @UnboundDestiny - Andrew Listley ||
Interactions: None

Crimson Falls. Such a wonderful place to live your life! So much to do and what seems like forever to do it. Unless you're Willow Houlihan. School and work was beginning to stress her out to the max! She had so much things to do and so little time to do it. She'd done none of the assignments that she was supposed to turn in at school in a week. They were optional and she didn't have to do them, but it would be nice to have a little extra credit under her belt.
"Will! Hurry up and get ready! We have to leave for work soon!" Willow heard her brother yell up the stairs of her parents' house. She usually stayed at the house on college campus, but has stayed at her family home the past week or so to easily commute to work.

"Shut up dickbutt! I'm on my way down!" Willow yelled back as she put on her work apron and pulled her hair into a ponytail.

Her brother acted like it took her eight hours to get ready for work. No, it took her 10 minutes at the most. Will didn't really take too long to get ready for anything. She wasn't one of those girls that woke up at 4AM to get ready for school that started at 8. It'd never been that way with her.

Willow made sure to pin her name tag to her shirt before running downstairs and getting into her brother's truck. "Finally! I don't know why it takes so damn long for women to get ready. And, dickbutt? Seriously?" Adam looked at his sister and shook his head. Willow chuckled and put on her seat belt as he began driving to the bar and grill their parents named after her.

She'd been working there with her parents for about 4 years now, and she loved every minute of it. Not to mention she got paid handsomely. The two were almost at the restaurant, driving in silence until Adam spoke up. "You're gonna be so excited when we get to the grill." He looked over at his sister for a brief moment before looking back at the road. Willow furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Excited for what?" Adam shook his head. "Oh nothing. I've said too much already." He smirked as they pulled into the parking lot. "I hate that. Why'd you say something if you weren't gonna tell me?" She glared at her brother. "Because you're my little sister and I love to torture you." He chuckled and ruffled her hair.

Will had been working for about 3 hours now, and she was absolutely pooped. There were plenty of customers that she was serving, but she would just have to suck it up and deal with them. 'Be as nice as you possibly can. Keep them coming back no matter how much they act like bitches.' This was something her brother always told her; and she was trying her best, but most of the people acted like they'd never been to a restaurant before. Will had hoped that Andy would come in for a little while and get her mind off of all of this. She hadn't really gotten to see him much in the past few days. Except for when he popped into the restaurant for a little while, but they couldn't exactly hang out when she was working.

Willow groaned and sat down at the bar where her brother was "working." No one really went to the bar until around 6, unless it was happy hour. That was when Adam got a few people. "I cannot deal with this right now. Most of these people are so rude." She sighed. "Remember what I told you. Be as…" He spoke before Willow interrupted him. "Nice as possible. I know I know." She nodded. "Don't worry. Your surprise will be here soon." Adam smirked as he wiped down the bar. "What the hell is my surprise?!" She complained to her brother. "Not a what. A who." He smiled.
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FB_IMG_1453159930095 (1).jpg
Ellianne's Mood: ||Chill||Excited||Girly||
Ellianne's Outfit: HERE
Location: Home ---> Mall Food Court
Mentioned: @Justin Charming - Fiona Westwood ||
Interactions: None

Ellianne danced around her room as she got dressed and did her make up. She blasted Justin Bieber's 'Sorry', sang into her hairbrush and danced around her room like a mad woman.

This was the last week of summer vacation and Elli was definitely going to make the most of it. She and Fiona has already made plans to go back to school shopping at the mall, The two best friends has only seen each other about 6 times over the break, so it only made sense to hang out as much as possible before school started back up.

Ellianne turned off her music, grabbed her phone, car keys and ran downstairs. "I'm going to the mall to hang out with Fiona! I'll be home later!" She yelled to her parents as she walked out of the door. The car ride to the mall was calming… well as calming as things could be with pop music blaring through the speakers.

Elli parked in the parking lot of the mall and as she made her way to the food court, texted Fiona. ~Hey gorgeous. I'm at the food court when you get here! I'm gonna get us something from Starbucks. XOXO Elli~ She went up to the barista and ordered two strawberries and crème frappucinos before sitting back down to wait for Fiona. Ellianne took a few pictures, adding them to her Snapchat story.
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Mood: ||Lazy||Intent||Chill||
Oufit: HERE
Location: The Park
Mentioned: None
Kyden had been awake for about two hours now. She'd already taken her shower, gotten dressed, and was now spending her time doing nothing of importance or productivity. For the last hour and a half, Ky had been playing video games on the Xbox. Skyrim, Fable, Call of Duty. Black Ops 3 took up most of her video game time and most of that time was spent yelling at her friends on Xbox Live or screaming about the massive amounts of zombies that were trying to kill her.

Ky was in the middle of an amazing kill streak when her mom came in and stepped in from of the TV, blocking her view. "Mom! Get out of the way, they're on my ass!" Ky tried to maneuver herself to see around her mother. "I'm gonna be on your ass if you don't get out of this house Kyden Olivia. All you've been doing is playing your games. That Fable-Rim or whatever." Her mom crossed her arms over her chest. "It's Skyrim Mom. And this is Black Ops 3." Kyden explained still trying to play her game around her mother. She cringed when she heard that she'd died and the round had ended. "You need to get off the game and get outside. I haven't seen you really get into your music lately. Can you even still play guitar?" Kyden groaned, not wanting to get up off the couch, but her mom was serious when she said she'd be on her ass. "Yes, Mom, I still know how to play. I guess I can get out of the house for a little bit." She stood up from the couch and turned off her Xbox before grabbing her acoustic guitar and walking outside to go to the park.
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images (2).jpg
Mood: ||Hectic||Restless||
Oufit: HERE
Location: Woods
Mentioned: @IceQueen - Giovanni Foster ||

James was out enjoying the last week of his summer away from the hell hole everyone called Red Water University. He didn't really like school, and it had always been like that. Everyone was all pretty sure that if James could blow up the school and not get arrested, he would.

Anyway, it'd been three months and he hadn't seen hide nor hair of his alpha Geo since school ended. It was a bit weird considering that they were pretty much inseparable. He shrugged as he roamed around the woods. The woods had always been one of his favorite places to clear his mind. He'd been thinking a lot about his pack, school and other things. He'd also been thinking a lot about Geo for some reason. It was probably just worry.... maybe. She would probably pop up sometime. Hopefully he'd see someone who knew where she was and where he could find her.

He'd been walking around the woods for an hour or so, his mind wandering from place to place. He was so scrambled and all over the place today. It'd been like that for the past few days and he had no idea why. Maybe it was just the fast that he hadn't seen his pack in a while. Or Geo. Damn he just couldn't get Geo off of his mind. James kept walking until he came across the lake.
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Reactions: IceQueen


Outfit: HERE
Location: Home
Mentioned : None
Interactions: None

Waking up from bed to he obnoxious buzzing of her alarm, Beth groaned as a hand shot out, banging on the insufferable clock to silence it's screams. She sat up, looking around the room as she shook out her hair. Then, she saw that whoever had joined her last night when returning from the bar had left an item of clothing on her floor. She chuckled, wondering just where her previous companion had gone, but it did not bother her. At the end of the day, B always thought of herself as more of a one night stand girl, unless something was very unique.

Getting up, Beth fell into her normal routine quite quickly, turning on her speakers and playing her music, which this morning started off with a nice bit of Avenged Sevenfold. She already knew that the loud music at questionable hours in the morning drove her neighbours mad, but she just laughed it off as she picked up the left garments, throwing them over to rest haphazardly on top of one of her cabinets.

Then, she found herself an outfit for the day, throwing it on lazily as she grabbed her hat from where it hung off her drum kit, pulling it over her head before heading from the room. She had a free day ahead of her, until the mid-afternoon, when her shift began at the radio station.



Outfit: HERE
Location: Ace's Mechanics/ Willow's Bar and Grill
Mentioned: Willow & Adam Houllian @Little_Ghost98
Interactions: None

Andrew had been awake most of the night, working in the garage on his own ride. He had gotten a shipment of new parts the day before, and was more than eager to fit them. It had taken a while, but now he was done, and his baby was ready to be taken out for a spin. However, he was shattered, and still had a not so short day ahead of him.

So, he did the only reasonable thing in his mind, and decided to go and grab a coffee. Plus, it would give him a chance to see Willow, as he usually did. So, lowering his car off of the lift and dropping the bonnet, he wiped away any grease from his hands or face and got in the car. With a turn of the key, the engine roared to life, and he set out to head to Willow's.

It didn't take long, as the car raced through the streets, quickly pulling up into a spot in the car park outside of the bar. With a slight smirk, enjoying the feel of the new parts, Andy got out and locked his car, heading into the bar to find Willow. Once in, he took his normal seat at the bar portion of the place, seeing Willow talking to her brother a little way down and not wanting to disturb them right now.



Outfit: HERE
Location: Home/Park
Mentioned: Kyden @Little_Ghost98
Interactions: None

Valerie awoke on her own accord, having had a nice lay in for once. The sun was already pouring through her window when her eyes finally opened, yawning happily as she sat up in bed, removing the earbuds she had fallen asleep with still in her ears. Then, she checked the time, practically jumping out of bed when she discovered how late she had slept in, fearing she missed work.
Luckily, her calendar reminded her that this was one of her days off, and upon that discovery quickly got ready and went out. Of course, she checked that she had everything she needed, mainly her book, and then popped her headphones in to go out.

Firstly, she went and grabbed herself a drink from a corner shop, just a bottle of water, before heading over to the park. Something about nature made her feel happy, and she always enjoyed spending her time outside, especially in the park. The whole air of the place made her relaxed, and it wasn't uncommon for her to find someone there to talk to, usually Kyden, which was always a plus.

Once there, Val found a seat at one of the benches, peacefully listening to her music as she took sips of her water every now and again, waiting for something to take her attention.
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Geo sighed to herself as she sat on a rock in the middle of the forest, by the lake. It had been months since the last alpha had bit the dust, not that she needed to be reminded that the blood of her old lover coated her hands. It was like a living nightmare on her own skin, an invisible tattoo. Not much had physically changed, but Geo was an emotional wreck for the past six months, and she was only just beginning to recover. She knew she couldn't strand her pack forever, not with the other alpha's prowling around. Eventually they would all be snapped up, all but James. He was too stubborn to let go, or so she hoped. She hadn't seen him in months, and to be honest, she could have used his shoulder to cry on. But he didn't need to see her in such a state, so she had kept her distance. Picking up another stone, Geo chucked it across the water, causing the smooth stone to skip once, before hitting a tree to the left of the lake. Huffing, Geo shook her head, and leaned back on the rock, covering her eyes and trying to just listen to the sounds of the forest.
M: @Little_Ghost98 James
I: None


Nia sighed to herself as she sat on the bench, leaning back and drinking a bottle of water as she cooled down from her workout. Nia was wearing a sports bra that was bright red, and black shorts, and blue Nikes. Sighing, she brushed back her red hair, looking at herself in the mirror. She had a few bruises on her legs, but nothing major, she was used to it. Smiling at her sparring partner, who seemed to be faring worse than her as she threw up into the bucket by the ring. "Nice fighting you!" She called as she got up again, heading towards the showers. She had practice in a bit, and she had to head over. After showering, Nia got into her car and headed to practice, stopping to take a walk though a park to kill time.
M: None
I: none

Connor Coty

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Mentioned: None
Interactions: None
Location: Home à Willow's Bar and Grill

Connor had been enjoying his day inside for the most part. With his headphones on, he was sitting at his desk hunched over a large book about European history. His hand was scribbling in a notebook off to the side, never seeming to stop for a second until some random thought stilled it. Connor looked up to glance at the clock in the corner of his computer screen. Without hesitation, the pen in his hand fell to the notebook beneath it and he rose from his chair, pulling his headphones off and turning off his iPod. He dropped the headphones on the corner of his desk chair and grabbed a crumpled piece of black cloth. Connor strode out the door and down the steps, sliding smoothly into his car and driving away without a word.

He arrived at work a solid five minutes before the beginning of his shift, walking in through the employee entrance and making his way to the front. He checked the serving areas all while tying his apron around his hips, finally giving a recognizable form to the dark mass he had rumpled up and brought with him. There were three black pens hooked into one of the pockets, they had probably been there the whole time since his last shift and he had just not taken them out.

Glancing around, he noticed a few familiar workers there. None that he was sure he ever really spoke to, but they were there and doing whatever they normally did. Either way, he would only acknowledge any who acknowledged him first as anything else was just a waste of energy. There, Connor leaned against a nearby counter, hands shoved into the pockets of his darkwash jeans, and waited until a table was sat in his section.

~ Delissia Vanderbuilt ~ Outfit of the Day

Delissia drove her car fast and down the back highway road that led straight into town. She was feeling in the mood to avoid her family as of right now. They had sent her away to Europe to live among the noble and Royal Vamprye families to show her given worth as one of the Vanderbuilt eldest.. She all but rolled her eye's from beneath her sunglasses. Right now she was going to spend her time however she wished especially before starting her final last damn year at that highschool learning everything she well... Already witnessed and knew long before. At last the town came into sight as she slowed the car down to proper speed as the color's of Autumn were well on their way to settling back into the town again. She really wasn't sure as to where she should head for the day. But , than a thought came to mind as she thought of her boyfriend well ex right now, Andy. Andy and her... They were the relationship that both set's of their parent's demanded to occur whether they loved or wanted each other. She adored him greatly back than without a doubt for they had always known another for as long as her memories had remained held. In all honesty she wasn't sure if they were in love or not... Everything seemed like a jumble not to mention the word's " I love you." Had never escaped their mouth's. It was the main reason that she had chosen to step back and free him whilst she was gone. Give him a chance to find someone entirely better than that of her .. Geesh , she thought as her brow furrowed softly. She did love him and for that reason she released him.

Delissia drove down the road before taking a sharp right turn as she turned into the parking lot of Houlihan's. People were already beginning to pile in group by group. Once she parked it didn't take her long to notice a guy leaned against a car beside her. She sighed but a tad before flashing the familiar man a grin." Already back to following , Dash? Your making me feel irresistible." His hearty laugh filled the air as he stepped near her to offer up that of his arm with his usual held devilish grin." Well it is a damn fine perk when you have a fine looking princess to look at and well... You get me as your handsome knight." She all but smirked as her arm wound about that of his as they made their way inside with the hustle bustle to be found everywhere. One of the server's came over with a perky smile and led them to a booth table closest to the bar area. She kept beside Dastion knowing all to well she would get a talk for attempting to leave her guardian's side. It was than , she released his arm and slipped into the booth with a sway. Elise swiped her hand up to brush back her hair. Over her time away it had grown much longer along with an apparent softness to her features. She felt herself broken from her thoughts as Dash passed her menu to her. She glanced over it as her eye's caught sight of Andy but she all but kept her lips sealed. She hadn't even warned him that she was home and with the smile on his face she thought it best to not alert him. She settled back casually against the cold leather of the seat as she sipped her coffee and laughed and talked to Dash over to current topic.

~ Axel Watson ~

Axel stood outside on his parent's deck as he gazed out into the wooded area. He hadn't looked out into these wood's for nearly three year's and oddly enough it felt right to be back. He gave a slowed smile as he took a deep breath as his hand remained braced against the dagger hooked to his belt. Footstep's creaked on the deck as he instinctively reached for his dagger only to feel his father's hand clasp his shoulder as he spoke up in his hearty rough tone." Loosen up , Kiddo.. You know your safer than than safe in this house.. What are you still doing around here anyway?" Axel sighed slowly as he withdrew his hand from the brace of his holster to turn and face his father with a hearty chuckle of his own." Wanting me out of your hair already old man? I was going to head on out anyway.. Adam told be that Willow would be working a shift tonight so I thought I'd head on over and give her a surprise." His father all but nodded as he clapped his shoulder a few solid times." Well best get down there before the rush hour in that place. Just keep in mind you have been gone sometime and that little lady is always asking on you." Axel grinned broadly before stepping around his father as he made his way back inside. He came to pass his mother as she glowed with a warm smile to her lips as she blew him a kiss from her spot in the kitchen as she set back to cooking away on one of her "Weekend cooking rushes." He drew in closer to the door as he eased his leather jacket on before he headed out the door to walk down the stone pathway to his motorcycle. Key in the ignition and he had set off in a rumble down the road.

Willow.. now there was a girl who had always been his very world. From the day she had "Accidentally" given him a black eye in 1st grade to the day he held her in his arms to cry during her first year in Middle School. Yet , his mind always wandered off into memory towards that dark night he had saved her during his Senior Year of highschool. He had nearly lost her those year's ago to that monster.. It was the one thing that led to him leaving the town to gather his thought's outside of the town and the Hunter Ring..

He was quickly shaken from his thought's as he pulled into Houlihan's parking lot as the motorcycle revved loudly in the process. He came to a parking halt as he kicked the kick stand break into place as he eased off from the motorcycle. His hand's lifted as he removed the helmet to shake his hair out a bit only to hear the giggles of a couple Freshmen Highschooler's staring at him.. The looks they gave always made him feel like he was just a fresh piece of meat to them. He flashed them a quickened smile only to shrink a bit at their piercing giggles. Girls someday's... At that he came to the front entryway as he drew it swiftly open as his dagger remained hitched in the holster at his belt. He glanced around the bustle of the room only to catch sight of Adam at the bar with Willow near by with her back turned as they argued a bit. Some things never change he thought as he all but chuckled heartily before winding his way through the crowds. He at last came up quietly by the bar counter as he gave Adam a knowing look before his hand reached out to tap Willow on the shoulder as he spoke up in his deepened warm voice." So the rumor's are true... Redhead's are still as loud as ever , huh Little Red?" He grinned broadly as he awaited for her to turn.. Even though he was twenty it was still his given nickname for her.. Which would more than likely end up with him having a whallop to the head even after these year's. Even though he hadn't been around in nearly three as is and no doubt another had taken his spot.

Interactions: @Little_Ghost98 ~ Willow and Adam

~ Iris Crawford ~

Iris walked down the steps of the hidden away shrine as her heels clicked soundly against the stone below. Suddenly , loud and small voices came to echo behind her. " Mama! Mommy! " She quickly stopped in her tracks as her ear's flickered at the familiar sounding voices as Kyoya and Hana came bounding to her with saddened looks streaked to their face's. She quickly dropped down onto her knee's as her children ran quickly into them as she enveloped them into a warming hug. " Do you really , really have to go already? " Her eye's clouded with a sense of sadness and wanting. She hated having to leave her own children.. Living a lie and most of all.. Not being able to mother her own precious children. It didn't take her long to catch sight of her Ojichan standing at the top of the steps watching her with that constant heated disappointment he always burdened her with. She sighed softly as she drew back enough to slip her fingertips warm against their cheeks as she smiled softly to them as her words fell from her lips in a silken tone. " Watashi wa hijō ni anata no ryōhō o aishi, anata ga sore o shitte iru mae ni, watashi wa modotte kimasu." They nodded with smile's only to see Hana shed a tear as Iris brushed it away. " Don't go about crying , Little Fox.. I always come back for you.. Right?" Hana sniffled a little before nodding , it was than that Iris brushed a warm kiss atop each of their head's before slipping up with nimble ease as the cherry blossom's fell heavily around her as she vanished away. A few moments later she re -appeared besides that of her car as her snow white cat ear's faded away with the fallen cherry blossom's. Life was hard and it was even harder being a secretive mother who was next in line to gain full control as guardian to the Spirit World and Leader to that of the Kitsune's in the town. Sacrifice after sacrifice she made to ensure honor upon her family and the power of who she was.

Hours later , Iris sat behind the desk at Hard rock as finger's drummed along heavily to the song blaring from the radio as the sleeve's of her outfit bounced against her body with each movement as her silver eye's flickered over the people gathered inside as she held a brief smirk against the soft tinge of pink held against her lips. She rose up from her position as she gathered up a stack of records with cd's stacked high as she made her way through the people as she sung softly with the song echoing as she began to stack record's in their proper places. Another year and day in this town with little change to be reported. The summer was coming near its end almost to quickly in her book. She wished she could be back in Japan at this time but it was impossible. Her so called duty was held to remaining loyal to this small town always no matter the cause. She heard her name called out as she was flagged down to return to her desk as she called out." Be right there , Mister! Just give me a sec..! " Finishing up , she crossed over in a quickened run as she came back behind the counter with a warm smile crossed her lips as she set to ringing up the customer and setting to work on dealing with the customer's as the quiet day dragged on and the mask was on to hide away her emotions and who she truly was.
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Willow's Mood: ||Chill||Anxious||Excited||Happy||
Adam's Mood: ||Chill||Happy||
Willow's Outfit: HERE
Adam's Outfit: HERE
Location: Home ---> Willow's Bar and Grill
Mentioned: @Shayla - Axel Watson || @UnboundDestiny - Andrew Listley ||
Interactions: @Shayla - Axel Watson || @UnboundDestiny - Andrew Listley ||

Willow chuckled and thought about her brother's small hints as she sat with him. She had time to take a brief respire while her buddy/co-worker Conner waited tables. She was sure he wouldn't mind, and they were starting to calm down just a little bit. 'Not a what, but a who. Hmm.... Who the hell could it be?!' Willow thought to herself. She couldn't think of anyone that would want to surprise her. Before her brother stated that it was a who and not a what, she was really hoping it would be a new car or something, but her parents weren't the best givers of material things. Ugh who was coming?! It was wracking her brain terribly!! Was their grandma coming to town with gifts or something? And even if she was, Will didn't think that she'd categorize a visit from Grandma surprise worthy.

"Is it Grandma Betty? Uncle Ray? Aunt Prentice?" Willow sat at the bar, interrogating her brother about the surprise she had in store for her. "No, no and no. Besides, I said I wouldn't spoil the surprise. You'll just have to wait, won't you, little sister?" Adam smirked and turned around to make a drink for one of the customers at the bar. "So the rumors are true... Redheads are still as loud as ever... huh Little Red?" Willow heard someone speak, and at first she didn't know who was talking to her. That was until she heard the most familiar nickname that only one person called her. She gasped and turned around to see the last person she'd ever thought would be visiting. "Oh my God, Axel!!!" She practically screamed and jumped into his arms. Axel and Willow definitely went way back. She'd punched him in the face once and from that point on was history. She hadn't seen him in years and so Will was especially excited for this surprise. She used to have the biggest crush on Axel when they were younger, then he moved away.. Will was crush, but there was Andy to help her through everything after that. "I can't believe you're here!!!" She smiled before pulling away from their hug. After a few seconds Willow gasped and punched his arm. "That's for leaving for three years! College has been hard without my best friend!" She chuckled, looking around the restaurant for a brief moment. Willow smiled when she saw Andy sitting at the bar not far away. Her boyfriend would finally get to meet her best friend! Will had always told Andrew stories about their friendship, and in all honesty, she could tell that Andrew got a little jealous when she talked about Axel. She never wanted to do it on purpose, but she just loved remembering how they were as kids and telling him about it.

"Andy!" She yelled to her boyfriend excitedly. "Come here, I have someone I want you to meet!" She waved for him to come over. Will wasn't sure how this was gonna go, and she really wasn't sure if the two of them talking would be such a good idea since Andy is new boyfriend and Axel is childhood best friend and old future boyfriend... That usually never went well.


Mood: ||Happy||Restless||Upset||
Oufit: HERE
Location: Woods
Mentioned: @IceQueen - Giovanni Foster ||
Interactions: @IceQueen - Giovanni Foster ||

James had been sitting down at the lake, just enjoying the fresh air and gorgeous scenery when he'd almost been hit with a rock that was skipped from across the lake. It'd scared him half to death considering he hadn't seen it coming. A bit ticked off that the other person would be so careless not to look where they were skipping rocks, James sped to the other side of the lake, ready to give the person a piece of his mind.

"If you could look before you throw rocks that'd be great asshole!" He yelled as he got closer to the person. At first, he didn't know he was yelling at Geo, the alpha of his pack, that was until he got two or three feet away. "Holy shit! Geo I didn't know that was you. I am so sorry for yelling at you." He apologized, feeling bad about he things he said. "You know you aren't an asshole." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. It was nice seeing Geo after so long. She still looked good. Still looked herself, but something was wrong. He could definitely feel it. Without saying another word, James walked over to Geo and pulled her into a tight hug. He could tell that she needed it.
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~ Axel Watson ~

Willow's screams pierced the air around him as he grinned broadly. Once he felt those arms hook about his neck he lifted her with great ease over the countertop as he brought her over the counter to hug her tightly against himself. He had missed her more than he could even say and seeing that smile lit to her lips all but flooded back those feelings that dwelled within him. He gave her a slow spin around as he hugged her tight before speaking up in his deepened tone." I'll take that general shock of your's as a very good thing. I missed you , Little Red that is for sure.. Your Bro is the one who has been keeping it from you for weeks on end.. I owe you for that , man." He glanced over Will's shoulder at Adam as he grinned broadly in thanks to him for this as he set Will back down upon her feet as his hand came to skim over the warmth of her softened cheek briefly as he spoke up once more to her. " As for how long I am back for... Let's just say I'm back for good and not going anywhere.. I mean.. Unless you want me to? I headed back here with Tasha , Jessie and some other's. " A devilish gleam came to hint against the darkened green of his eye's as he stepped back to fold his arms against the broadness of his chest as he all but laughed at her delivered punch. Tasha had been his girlfriend mainly through his last two year's of highschool and up until six months ago his girl. But , both being Hunter's they wanted to be more careful. As for Jesse and the other's they were all Hunter's and Willow knew the entire group minus their secret.

At that he crossed his way over as his boot's creaked ever slightly against the hardwood floor's with each given step. He glanced at Willow with a warm smile. She had always been beautiful to him without a doubt. Yet , now as he looked at her she had become truly stunning. That smile of her's was always infectious to him even when he was angered or upset. He'd find comfort in that small smile and that playful warm side of her's that could make anyone comfortable with her no matter the case. She was his closest friend whom he had fallen in love with sometime ago. But after the incident , he refused to let himself tell her and kept to how they were. She needed someone normal and not like him and he knew all to well she had liked him but that it was merely left as such. He watched as she began to beckon a guy over from the furthest end of the bar. It didn't take him much to guess and settle on the fact the guy was her boyfriend. The smile she held to her lips was the dead give away. To him he was extremely happy for her as he ignored the jealousy of knowing the guy was having the chance he would never have. He was accepting of it , I mean... Well semi. It was than he watched Tasha and the other's walk in. They were being led to their seat's as Tasha flashed him a warm smile matched by a wink as he grinned broadly and waved back as they all knew he would join up with them later. At that he whispered lowly. " Told you one day you would snag an even better guy.. Not to mention he looks just right for punching for you. " He shot her a teasing look while stifling his laughter as he waited to meet the boyfriend.
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Reactions: Ghostie


Mentioned: @Little_Ghost98 Willow @Shayla Delissa & Axel
Interactions: @Little_Ghost98 Willow
Andy had just ordered a drink when he heard the first commotion, sipping lightly on his beverage when he heard Willow's joyful scream. He turned his head, seeing her hugged by some guy who was a complete stranger to him. At first, he raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering what was going on. However, he did not get jealous, as her quick punch to the guy's arm solidified in her mind that they were just friends. But, from her reaction to the guy's arrival, it was clear to him that it could only be that one friend Willow talked about quite a lot from her childhood; Axel.

Andy quickly finished his drink, leaving the glass on the side as he got up to go over to Willow after her calling and waving. However, as he got up, he saw someone he didn't expect to see. He thought Delissa was not meant to be back for a while yet, and definitely hadn't received any message from her about her return. He gave her a slight smile before turning to make his way to Willow.

He quickly made his way over to where Willow was talking to the guy. He wasn't jealous per se, but the way Willow talked about this guy, if it was who Andy predicted, almost daily got under his skin ever so slightly. However, now a more pressing matter clawed at his mind; why had Delissa not told him of her return? Was she mad at him?

Andy sighed, getting over to Willow. He gave her a quick hug, as was customary to greet someone in a relationship. "What's up?" He asked afterwards, smiling at her lightly.
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There was only so much that a young man such as Nicholas could do when he wasn't busy working and didn't have many friends that he could spend time with to keep himself occupied for a while, so eventually he settled on taking a simple stroll through town, looking around for any venues that could potentially capture his interest. Sure, even though he'd spent quite a little while at this little place known to people as "Crimson Falls" (several years, to be more precise), he hadn't really been able to do much in the way of social interaction besides remembering a few stand-out names here and there that he could also associate with the physical appearances that belonged to them. Was it that they didn't have any actual appeal to his charisma? Was it that he needed to make more of an effort with approaching people instead of expecting them to approach him? Whatever the reason, he was- for the most part- all on his lonesome as he usually was in this life as a supernatural being, and the thought of that was honestly mildly depressing. There was no doubt that he could get by fine on his own, but it would definitely be much appreciated if he could have more people surrounding him whom he could actually rely on for communication from time to time and provide him with a little more internal comfort.

Nick spent time dwelling on these thoughts for a little while as he strode through the streets clad in a pair of casual light brown shoes, typical navy blue jeans and a simplistically fancy t-shirt, his moonstone ring sitting comfortably around the ring finger of his right hand before he noticed a record store while looking around at the surrounding area, figuring he'd go to have a look to see what kinds of tunes were being sold there and heading towards the building's front entrance with that now in mind. Pushing open the door, his eyes scanned over the interior of the room to see many CDs being kept in various places all around and noticing that not many people were present here. Then the song that was playing inside managed to grab his attention, and he turned his head towards the source to see a girl who looked only a little bit younger than him sitting in front of the front desk, drumming her fingers along the surface of it to the beat of the music while a small content smile pulled at her lips. Hm. Isn't that something, he thought to himself, taking another look around at all the shelves before beginning to make a calm approach towards the counter, intending to strike up a conversation with the person who was operating it.

"That's quite the jam you're playing there," Nicholas complimented with a friendly smile, leaning forward and folding his arms one in front of the other on the table in a very leisurely manner. "Does that happen to be along the lines of something you'd recommend getting here?"

Mentioned: None
Interacted With: Iris Crawford (@Shayla)



"Hi, how can I help you today?"

Meanwhile, in another corner of Crimson Falls, William was busying himself by attending to customers at his own record store (though not literally his own, since he was just an employee there), treating every one of them in the naturally helpful way that he did with everyone who came to shop here. It may have been considered to just be a routine thing as someone who worked there to earn money, but it was generally just habitual for him to treat everyone he first came across with respect until he deemed otherwise after getting to properly judge the people that he interacted with. That was the way he was raised, and he took that to heart all throughout his life, wanting to be able to bring as much good into the world as he possibly could. It certainly wasn't an easy task to do alone, but that was why he was glad he worked with a particular group of people who felt just as strongly as he did and were out to bring about change for the better of everyone else; as a Hunter, he'd come to learn the existence of otherworldly entities which threatened the safety of mankind itself, and he felt proud to be a part of a force that was doing nothing but its absolute best to make sure that said safety would remain. These very people that he saw before him were everything to him, the reason why he lived. He always lived to help others in any way that he was able, and he would continue to do so until he was driven to the grave.

Now... If only he was able to find and execute him... Then he'd be able to feel like he could ease a weight off of his own shoulders that burdened him for quite some time. He'd never forgiven himself for failing to finish that one job, especially when his target managed to evade his reach for so long. But he knew he'd find him... Eventually.

Mentioned: Nicholas James Hunter (Myself)
Interacted With: None


Geo watched the stone smack the tree on the other side of the lake, rustling following not long after. It took Geo a fraction of a second to be up and crouched on top of the rock, lips pulled back in a snarl as she waited for the person to approach. However, the voice that came ringing through the forest made her stop in her steps, the red glow disappearing from her gaze as the figure approached. 'Of course, just the person I was thinking of. Thank god.' She thought to herself, heaving a sigh as she looked out towards the lake again before back at Jason.

"It's fine Jason. It's understandable that you would be mad. I did kind of, you know, disappear for a while." She mumbled, rubbing her head as she relaxed her muscles again. Feeling Jason's arms wrap tightly around her slender form, she awkwardly positioned her arms around him, one hand reaching up to ruffle his hair. "Oh come on now. No need to be so sensitive." Geo teased lightly, trying to keep the shakiness out of her voice as she attempted to make a joke. Ever since she had defeated him, it had left a mark on her, one that was very hard to get rid of.
Interactions: @Little_Ghost98 Jason

images (2).jpg
Mood: ||Happy||Restless||Upset||
Oufit: HERE
Location: Woods
Mentioned: @IceQueen - Giovanni Foster ||
Interactions: @IceQueen - Giovanni Foster ||



Willow's Mood: ||Chill||Anxious||Excited||Happy||
Adam's Mood: ||Chill||Happy||
Willow's Outfit: HERE
Adam's Outfit: HERE
Location: Willow's Bar and Grill
Mentioned: @Shayla - Axel Watson || @UnboundDestiny - Andrew Listley ||
Interactions: @Shayla - Axel Watson || @UnboundDestiny - Andrew Listley ||



Mood: ||Lazy||Intent||Chill||
Oufit: HERE
Location: The Park
Mentioned: None

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