• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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"Double dose with a toast to you creepy GHOST!"
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All fucking day because I have no life
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Modern, Supernatural,
Welcome to the small town of Crimson Falls, where the amount of crime is minuscule and no one would hurt a fly... well maybe. For a while now, the different coven's of supernaturals have lived in almost perfect harmony.​
View attachment 94258
For a while now, the different coven's of supernaturals have lived in almost perfect harmony. But dark times have come to grasp a hold on the town, and it is endangering all that they have strived so hard to keep from happening. Loyalties and relationships will be tested. Who will remain and who will fall to the darkness itself? Will you choose the light or dark? Enemies will join together to save all they have ever cared for, and the secrets that they've attempted to keep hidden.
Crimson Falls is a quaint little town in California; but for being in Cali, the town definitely got more rain than most Californian cities. Crimson Falls is full of supernaturals! Werewolves, vampires, witches, and even some of the more... in a word, advanced creatures. There are few people who know about these supernaturals and they would like to keep it that way; however, with all that's going on they don't know if they can
And of course there are some wonderful places in Crimson Falls, or else it wouldn't be a town.... Anyway, here are a few of the places in town:
There is the college. Red Water University, where most of the kids go fresh out of high school. Supernaturals blend in perfectly with the hustle and bustle of college life and this works in their favor.
Welcome to Crimson Falls High School! Home of the Wild Wolves! And a few werewolves too xD
This is the Willow Bar and Grill. Owned by the parents of Willow and Adam Houlihan and the usual hang out spot for people; human and supernatural too.

~Sign Up and OOC Rules~
  • I am the GM, and my word is final. I make the rules. My Co-Gms are @IceQueen and @Infinite_Darkness What we say goes
  • I enforce the rules, and I do have the power to kick you out. That being said, I will do my best to make fair judgments in regards to any situation. I am actually pretty nice!
  • Basic rule, I have a character Skeleton for a reason, please use it. It's not fun when I have to look for information that may or may not be there.
  • Please, for this rp, USE REAL PICTURES.
  • Under no circumstances are you allowed to post without a GM accepting your character. We have to make sure that each character is up to code.
  • Please flesh out the characters, I like seeing that people put effort into their characters, and that they took time to have some formatting and other things.
  • Please be kind to all your other rp friends, we don't want people feeling attacked or threatened by other. It helps create a more cohesive bond between players.
  • There is a 4 character limit!!! I may change this eventually and when this happens you will be informed, but as of now it is two. Also there is a limit of 3 on the type of supernatural, unless stated otherwise
  • Please make all your character sheets on the same one, will help stop others from searching through countless pages for your sheet.
  • Have fun~
  • ~IC Rules~
  • I do not take credit for this list of rules, but they are everything that I wanted my rules to be.
  • Try not to go to far without me posting, I hate feeling left behind.
  • Please try to post a paragraph each time. I really detest having a lot of 1 liners, so please try to keep them away. (I understand if you get writers block or something, just tell us real fast so we don't think you're not trying.)
  • YOU CAN NOT BE YOUR OWN PARTNER/LOVER! I hate it when people do this, it sucks to be done, and if you plan on having a drama point based on the fact that two of your characters were together, that's fine as long as as it is now over.
  • Feel free to interact with a NPC or more!
  • Likewise, only type in third person. Reason is, first person can confuse people. It makes them get lost in all the I's, since there would be a ton of them. So please, for my sake and the sake of others, use third person. If you have actually read all the rules, please put "I wanna be a chicken nugget" at the bottom of your CS IN ALL CAPS. And make it fancy or colorful or something c:
  • Please refrain from using text talk and please try to use a spell checker if you don't know English very well. There is an exception though, when your Character is actually texting!
  • GRAMMAR! Now one of my pet peeves is having people who spell things shorthanded. It doesn't matter to me if there are a few mistakes here
  • Cursing. Now, I know some characters are not going to be the sweetest, and some are just going to have a few instances, but I am completely fine with your characters cursing. However, one every single sentence is kind of extreme, so try to avoid putting one in everything.
  • As this is an OPEN AGE roleplay, so please if something gets to that "stage of romance" fade to black.
  • This one goes with the first one, no automatic hits. It kind of sucks when someone just hits you in the face over and over and then throws you off the building without you being able to do anything, like a dummy. Don't do it
  • No god moding. Everyone hates it, especially me. We don't have much physical interaction such as fighting in this roleplay, but it can happen, so don't have your character instantly knock someone twice their size out and come out unscathed.

Human's~ The human race has always been seen as strong minded and willing in the mind of their kind. Yet to the creatures of the night and world they have all but been seen as merely people to use as a form of cloaking from hunter's or a constant meal. Humans can be turned into supernaturals (i.e. werewolves, vampires).
Human turning into a vampire


Hunter's ~ Hunter's are of the Human race whom have knowledge fully on the the race's and coven's of Monster's. Their skills sets can vary in technical, physical and or weapon knowledge and abilities. They blend into human society well and should never be underestimated in what they are capable of. They don't fear much and are willing to risk their live's in order to vanquish the creatures and protect civilian's.

Werewolves~ Werewolves (literally "man-wolves") are shape-shifting creatures with unusual speed, strength, reflexes, and senses. They are weakened when they know of a coming full moon. Yet , when the full moon rises and the change occur's they are at full strength.. Speed increase , agility increases and that of their senses are heightened ultimately.

Silver is of great weakness to them in any form taken. They are considered to be some of the most deadly.


Vampires ~ Vampires and or Vamprye's are creatures who appear human. They feed off the life essence ( Human blood per say.) To keep that hunger controlled and themselves stabilized from rampaging killing's and slaughter. Their abilities can vary in many forms.

Sunlight is a form of harm to them which leaves them to wear specialized rings and or amulet's with moonstone to keep them protected during the day to walk among the humans.

Some of their other greater weaknesses are holy water and wooden stakes pierced through that of the heart. One can try to kill them in anyway they wish but if not stabbed through the heart or burned alive it will be a useless tactic. They usually keep to larger groups known as covens still unknown and remembered by the human race. They are considered some of the most deadly.


Kitsune ~ Kitsune's are noted as highly intelligent being's. Cunning and devious with great loyalty held within their bloodlines. They are of Japanese Yokai descent ( Japanese Demons.)

They can take the form of a fox and often when in their human form their ear's remain. Though most use incantation's to keep them hidden away from human knowledge. Their abilities as well vary from healing , elemental control , conjuring and such. They can easily trick other's as well.. But , are noted for being loyal guardian's and friends. They have one tail but as they grow older yet unchanging and their wisdom becomes more vast they can have up to nine tails in their true form.


Hybrid's are what are known to the coven's as "Dirty Blood Mixing" It is when two breed's of creatures and or Witch come together and bring forth a child baring both their bloodline's into the world. They are known as uncontrollable when in the Hybrid form and eThe mixing of two powerful bloodlines results in a individual capable of anything.


A person, now especially a woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic or sorcery; a sorceress. One of great power's linked to the supernatural world and to elemental and or stronger abilities. They are notorious for being extremely secretive to their coven's and seem to always never be far from that of each other's side.


A spirit in the form of a wailing woman who appears to or is heard by members of a family as a sign that one of them is about to die. They often take on human form and will live that of a normal human life.


Shapeshifter's are creature's that are able to take the appearance of any individual and or creature they so wish to be. They can take on certain abilities of the one's form they take on but it just depends on the abilities , skill and power of the individual.



(Picture/Gif. Real face claims only. If you wanna incorporate more than one picture, that's fine. Also, please try to put all your characters into one post. It's easier for me to make a CS Guide that way!)

Age & Birthday✪
Race(Pick from the supernaturals)
Grade✪ (College or High school. Freshman to senior for both)

Part/Full-Time Job

Physical Description✪ Here just put down the usual hair color/description, eye color, height, weight and piercings and tattoos. Also, if your supernatural has a different form (i.e. wolf) include that too.
Health Ailments

Personality✪ (A paragraph but if you want you can list things and give a description of each trait)
History(Optional. I suck at these so I'm not gonna have you guys do it unless you want to)





Other(Anything else I forgot and you want to mention. Also, be sure to put your character's abilities here as well and explain them.)





1: Nicholas Hunter - @Kylo Ren
2: Delissia Vanderbuilt - @Shayla
3: Reserved by @UnboundDestiny

1: Adam Houlihan - @Litttle_Ghost98
2: Sebastian Ford - @Infinite_Darkness
3: Axel Watson - @Shayla

1: James Niemann - @Little_Ghost98
2: Giovanni Foster - @IceQueen
3: Dylan Dixon - @Brea
4: Nylin Hitch - @King★Shattered★Heaventric★Charming

1: Julian Thomas - @Infinite_Darkness
2: Naria Lycant - @IceQueen
3: Reserved by UnboundDestiny

1: Ellianne Dixon - @Little_Ghost98
2: Bailey Smith - @Wicked_"Innocence"
3: Fiona Westwood - @King★Shattered★Heaventric★Charming

1: Asher Bates - @Infinite_Darkness
2: Jennifer Hart - @Brea
3: Pepper Matthews - @King★Shattered★Heaventric★Charming

1: Iris Crawford - @Shayla
2: Reserved by @UnboundDestiny

1: Kyden Jeffers - @Little_Ghost98
2: Connor Coty - @SoleStride

1: Willow Houlihan - @Little_Ghost98
2: Delilah Montgomery - @Infinite_Darkness
3: Dyteton Winceton - @IceQueen
4: Clarissa Scott - @Brea
5: Kyle Smith - @Wicked
6: William Hawke - @Kylo Ren
7: Ernesto Valez - @King★Shattered★Heaventric★Charming

1: Genevieve Keegan - @Infinite_Darkness
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~College Options~
House 1

This house is somewhat close to the local University, but is set farther into the forest than most houses.
Most of the people going here spend time in the forest, and feel close to nature. The house isn't far from the lake, in fact, you can see
it from the back of the house. There is two ground floor rooms and four second floor rooms, along with
four basement rooms

Ground Room 1-Ernesto


Ground Room 2-Nickolas

Second Floor Room 1-Dylan


Second Floor Room 2-

Second Floor Room 3-Pepper



Second Floor Room 4-Julian


Basement Room 1-Geo


Basement Room 2-Sebastian Ford


Basement Room 3

Basement Room 4-Nia


House 2

This house is a little closer to the urban areas, but it is also close enough to get to college fast enough. The
property is created to look woodsy even though it is close to the urban areas. It has two ground
floor rooms, four second story rooms and two basement rooms

Ground Room 1-Bailey


Ground room 2-Kyle


Second Floor Room 1-Clarissa


Second Floor Room 2-Genevive


Second Floor Room 3-William


Second Floor Room 4

Basement Room 1

Basement Room 2

~High School~

This house is also located somewhere near the high schools, but is also close enough to the forest. The house has 2 ground, 3 second, and 2 basement rooms and is owned by Jake


Ground Room 1-Asher


Ground Room 2-Nylin


Second Floor Room 1- Jennifer


Second Floor Room 2-

Second Floor Room 3-

Basement Room 1-

Basement Room 2-

House 4

Closer to the high school, this house is considered high class, and the owner knows it,
but she keeps all her kids in check. She has 2 ground floor, 2 second floor, and one basement room.


Ground Room 1

Ground Room 2

Second Floor Room 1-Fiona


Second Floor Room 2

Basement Room-Delilah


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||Willow Beatrice Houlihan||

||Will||Little Wolf
||Lil Will||Red||

✪Age & Birthday✪
||December 31st||19||Capricorn||

||Human (might change her to a wolf or vampire later)||

||Freshman in College||



✪Part/Full-Time Job✪
||Waitress at her parent's bar||Barista at the cafe on the college campus||

✪Physical Description✪
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: 120 pounds

✪Health Ailments✪

Curious: Curiosity killed the cat is not a proverb she goes by. She can be very curious and often looks for answers to questions and tends to poke her nose around in places to fulfill this.

Adventurous: Willow is definitely a girl who will try new things and get out there when she wants to. She can be very reckless sometimes

Easily angered: She is very easily angered and it definitely shows. The littlest slip up could make Will go off on you and no one wants to see that. It's a good idea to get on her good side and stay there

Nonchalant: Willow can be very carefree and relaxed. She's a very chill girl and can usually be calm in crazy situations.



(+): ||
Music||Art||Painting||Heavy Metal||Disney Movies||Animals||Food||Cake||Waitressing||Crocheting||Camping||The outdoors||Horror Movies||Space||Asking Alexandria||Frozen (movie)||Pie||Sushi||Flirting||Beaches||Dogs||Rain||The Little Mermaid||Small animals||Green Tea Fraps||Kittens||

(-): ||Sci-Fi Movies||Spiders||Frogs||Ghost bugs||Anything with more than 4 legs||Losing her phone charger||Grocery shopping||Not showering||Pain||Death||Most people||Her freshman year of high school||The letter B||Her middle name||The cursive letter "X"||Liars||Bananas||

H: ||Singing||Drawing||Painting||Dancing||Hiking||Longboarding||Karate||Tai Chi||Camping||Gaming||Cooking/Baking||Sewing||Eating||Writing||Bowling||

T: ||Artsy stuff||Writing||Karate||Cooking/Baking||Longboarding||

S: ||Writing||Archery||Talking to people||Confidence||Optimism||Cooking skills||Karate skills||She's book smart||

W: ||Her family||Food||Those she cares about||Animals||Her asthma||Her kindness||

||Bad break ups||Losing her best friends||Dying
||Being turned||Being immortal||Spiders||Car accidents||

Madison Houlihan ~ Mother
Johnathon Houlihan ~ Father
Adam Houlihan ~ Older Brother

Best Friend(s): ||
Axel Watson||

~Axel Watson~



||Her favorite food is sushi||She has a HUGE secret crush on her childhood friend Axel||She's wondered what it would be like to turn into a vampire or werewolf||She has a Great Dane named Aeries||





||James Jeremy Lee Niemann||


✪Age & Birthday✪
||September 17th||20


||Junior at Red Water University||




✪Part/Full-Time Job✪

✪Physical Description✪
Height: 6 feet 5 inches

Weight: 218 pounds

✪Health Ailments✪

Manipuative: James is very good at getting what he wants. Whether it be free stuff at his favorite store, or a girl to do something for him, he will do anything he can to get it. James is a good liar and uses this to his advantage.

Confident: Jamie is a guy who takes pride in himself and everything he does. He knows what he wants and he does what he has to do to make things happen the way he wants them to.

Inconsiderate: Although he can be sweet to a certain extent, Jamie can also be very inconsiderate. There are times that he does not care about anyone's feelings or well-being.

Flirty: James is a HUGE flirt. He's known for being a flirty guy and is very good with the ladies. A lot of girls he meets, fawn over him. He's a charmer xD

Hopeless Romantic: Despite his bad boy attitude and the fact that he presents himself as somewhat of a player, James is quite the hopeless romantic. He often searches for love, even if it's in the wrong places.



(+): ||Food||Love||Horror movies||Camping||Hunting||Cars||Motorcycles||Dating||Flirting||Girls||You Me At Six||Rock music||Rap music||Movies||Guitars||Music||

(-): ||Nosy people||Annoying people||The letter "Q"||Pain||Not having food||Being given orders||Working||School||Not getting a girl's number||Monkeys||Smoking||Bees||Most bugs||Most vampires||Near death experiences||Turning on a full moon||

H: ||Dancing||MMA Fighting||Cooking||Flirting||Dancing||Working out||Lifting weights||Volunteer work||Skating||

T: ||Flirting||MMA fighting||Working out||

S: ||His werewolf abilities||MMA fighting||His manipulative side||Bravery

W: ||His little sister||Hopeless romanticism||Impatient||Selfish||Loose-tongued||Reckless||A little conceited||

||Hurting his family||Killing someone he loves
||Failing in life||


April Niemann ~ Mother
George Niemann ~ Father
Rachel Niemann ~ Younger Sister


||Giovanni Foster||



He killed his first love||His family doesn't know he's a werewolf||




||Ellianne Joy Dixon||

||Elle||Elli||E.J||Elli D (her rapper name lmao)||

✪Age & Birthday✪
||18||October 31st||Scorpio||


Senior in High School||



✪Part/Full-Time Job✪
||She works at Jamba Juice||

✪Physical Description✪
Height: 4 feet 11 inches (5 feet 3 inches in heels)
Weight: 110 pounds

✪Health Ailments✪
||Allergic to peanuts||Hemophilia||

Careful: Because of her medical conditions (especially her hemophilia) she has to be very careful about the things she does. She's very careful about who she trusts and keeps as friends.

Blunt: Elli is very straighforward when it comes to most things. She is quick to voice her opinions and will not hold her tongue.

Caring: Elli will do anything for her friends and the people she cares about, even if it means putting herself on the back burner

Logical: She is a fast learner and she thinks on her feet. She uses her quick wits and smarts to help her make hard decisions and solve problems

Confident: Elle is a girl who takes pride in herself and everything she does. She knows what she wants and she does what she has to do to make things happen the way she wants them to.

Dependable: She is a girl who almost anyone can go to for almost anything. She is one to give out advice if you need it and is a great listener. If you need a helping hand, some advice or a shoulder to cry on, she's your girl.

Cheerful: Ellianne is usually a very happy person, which is why people like being around her. She always tries to make people happy and is very friendly. When you see her, she usually has a smile on her face.


(+): ||Music||Nick Jonas||Dancing||Ballet||Movies||Romance movies||School
||Animals||Pop music||Singing||Poetry||Boys||Justin Bieber||Texting||Doing her hair||Flirting||Make up||Going to parties||Magic||Cooking||

(-): ||Rude people||Smoking||Horror movies||Bugs||Reptiles||Liars||Being taken advantage of||Being mean||Hurting herself||Dandelions||Burgers||Meat||

H: ||Cooking||Ballet||Writing||Singing||Spell casting||Listening to music||Texting||Writing music||Doing volunteer work||Blogging/Vlogging||

T: ||Writing||Spell casting||Ballet||

S: ||Magic||Her smarts||Agility||Survival skills||Trustworthy||Her patience||Friendly||

W: ||Her family just like anyone else||Her strict diet||Can be bossy||Very stubborn||A little too blunt for her own good||

||Slipping into the darkness||Heights||Losing her powers||Sharks||Rejection||



Evelyn Dixon ~ Mother
Jordan Dixon ~ Father
Elliot Dixon ~ Older Brother
Carli Dixon ~ Younger Sister


||Nylin Hitch||



||She's a vegetarian||





||Adam Marcus Houlihan||


✪Age & Birthday✪
||21||January 11th||Capricorn||


Junior in college||




✪Part/Full-Time Job✪
||Bartender at Willow Bar & Grill||

✪Physical Description✪
Height: 6 feet 7 inches

Weight: 230 pounds

✪Health Ailments✪

Adam is a very chill down to earth guy. He tends to be too happy all the time and it sometimes makes others uncomfortable. Adam is a very bubbly guy. He cares about almost everyone's feelings and tries to help everyone out. He tends to be very confident. Adam cares about a lot of things, especially animals and the people he loves and he's very stubborn. Although it doesn't seem like it, he has depression and most of the times he fakes a smile. He has some trust issues and is scared to get too close to people, so he tends to push those he loves away. His sister is the only person who's ever been there for him consistently and they're practically best friends.


(+): ||Music||Guys||Cartoons||Food||Drinks||Reading||Heavy Metal||R&B||Some rap music||Drake||Grape juice||Carrot cake||Batman
||Movie nights||Cute dates||Nighttime||Cars||Hunting||Weapons||Crossbows||

(-): ||Bananas||Rude people||Homophobes||Making his bed||Meek Mill||Evil Supernaturals||Pain||Depression||Not being good enough||Being in pain||Causing someone pain||

H: ||Bartending||Cooking||Reading||Writing||Hunting||Camping||Karate||Candle making||Longboarding||Eating||

T: ||Hunting||Cooking||Longboarding||

S: ||Hunting skills||Charisma||Talking to people||Fighting||Arguing||Survival skills||Charm||

W: ||Dancing||Cute girls/guys||Depression||Food||Cartoons||Alcohol (sometimes)||His family||Willow, his little sister||Those he loves||His laptop||

||Killing his family||Going rogue||Having to hurt someone innocent||Turning||His sister turning||Having to kill his sister or someone he loves||He's not good enough||



Madison Houlihan ~ Mother

Johnathon Houlihan ~ Father
Willow Houlihan ~ Younger Sister

||Axel Watson||





||Lives in his own apartment||

||Adam isn't a legit hunter, but he wants to be. He's going to one day ask to be someone's apprentice||





||Kyden Olivia Thorn Jeffer||


✪Age & Birthday✪
||20||March 17th||Pisces||


||Sophomore in College||




✪Part/Full-Time Job✪
||Apprenticeship at Skull and Bones Tattoo and Piercing||

✪Physical Description✪
Height: 5 ft 9 in

Weight: 157 pounds

✪Health Ailments✪

Blunt: Ky is very straighforward when it comes to most things. She is quick to voice her opinions and will not hold her tongue.

Caring: Kyden will do anything for her friends and the people she cares about, even if it means putting herself on the back burner

Confident: Ky is a girl who takes pride in herself and everything she does. She knows what she wants and she does what she has to do to make things happen the way she wants them to.

Dependable: She is a girl who almost anyone can go to for almost anything. She is one to give out advice if you need it and is a great listener. If you need a helping hand, some advice or a shoulder to cry on, she's your girl.

Flirty: Kyden is a total flirt. She's known for being flirty a lot of the time, has the cheesiest pick-up lines and is great with the ladies. She's quite the charmer

(+): ||Food||Heavy Metal music||Cheese||Broccoli||Cars
||Cartoons||Disney movies||Animals||Cake||The rain||Movies||Cats||The color blue||Oranges||Sushi||Women||Flirting||Dates||Fish||Candy||Cooking||Mary Lambert||

(-): ||The color orange||Rude people||Close-minded people||Plain potato chips||Most country music||Eggnog||Ginger||Math||Carrots||

(H): ||Skating||Dancing||Tattooing||Drawing||Artsy stuff||Writing||Binge watching Netflix||Reading||

(T): ||Tattooing||Drawing||Cooking||Artsy stuff||Flirting||

(S): ||Talking to girls/people||Shifting||Tiger things||Dancing||Kickboxing||Art||Making friends||Vlogging/Blogging||Singing||Playing guitar||

(W): ||Her family||Uncontrollable shifting||Animals||Her anxiety||Rapping||Cute girls||Blue eyes||Good music||

||Losing someone she really cares about||Hurting her loved ones||Dying||

Meredith Ann Jeffer - Mother
Gwen Start Jeffer - Little Sister
Axel Watson - Cousin





||She doesn't know her father||Her favorite thing to shift into is a panda or tiger||Axel is her cousin||

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Reactions: IceQueen



Asher Jordan Bates


[BCOLOR=#0d4a5e]✪Age & Birthday✪[/BCOLOR]
18 // July 17th

Hybrid ~ Half Witch Half Werewolf

Senior in High School



[BCOLOR=#0d4a5e]✪Part/Full-Time Job✪[/BCOLOR]
Works at the Veterinarian Office.

[BCOLOR=#0d4a5e]✪Physical Description✪[/BCOLOR]
Hair Color: Dark-ish brown
Hair Description: Shorter on the sides, longer on the top.
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 154Lbs
Piercings: None
Scar: Three, small, claw marks under right eye. (See wolf form to see what the look like during that form.)
Tattoo: Right upper arm
Wolf form: Boom.
Eyes when Using Magic: Bam

[BCOLOR=#0d4a5e]✪Health Ailments✪[/BCOLOR]

Athletic: Ash is a very athletic guy, that has a knack for Soccer and Basketball. He is also the captain of the Soccer team.
Fast Learner: Asher seems to find it easy to learn new things and master them.
Brave: Not much makes Asher squirm in his seat. He faces danger without fear.
Stubborn: What can I say Ash is set in his ways, and it takes a lot to make him rethink things.
Natural Born Leader: Ash finds it easy to lead, in fact that's why he is student body president.
Flirty: Ash likes to flirt...a lot...in fact way too much. Though he is always...
Loyal: Ash has never cheated, he sticks by his friends in tough situations and well he won't be going anywhere any time soon.


(+): Working out, Running, Practicing Soccer, Talking into a microphone, Nutella, Almonds, Peanuts, Chocolate, Ice cream, Smoothies, Protein Shakes, Water, Video Games, Cheese burgers, Horror Movies, Action Movies, Fish (pet), Hanging out with friends, Mint Chocolate Chip cookies, Doritos, Girls and Guys.
(-): Cleaning, Getting F's, Failing his friends and family, Losing a game that the team has worked hard for, Missing an assignment, Hunters, People yelling in his ear (sucks when you have super hearing), Though of being kidnapped, Changing Diapers, Being bit by the animals at the vet's office, Having to clean out the kennels, being barfed on.

(H): Soccer, Hanging Out, Running.
(T): Soccer, Running.

(S): Cautious about where he places trust. His gifts as both a witch and Werewolf.
(W): His friends (will do anything for them), His family. His weaknesses as a wolf.

Being killed.
Falling off a building...taller than two stories high.


Benjamin Franklin Bates - 19 - Older Brother - College in Arizona.

Melrose Casey Bates - 13 - Younger Sister - Middle School
Cassandra Melissa Bates - 39 - Mother - Works at the Doctors office as a nurse

Xavier Thomas Bates - 43 - Father - Works at the sheriffs office, he is the sheriff.





All wolf Abilities apply.
Molecular Combustion: The ability to make things explode without fire or bombs.
Molecular Immobilization: The ability to slow the molecules to where they are immobilized, also known as freezing.



Sebastian Devon Ford

Ford or his first name.

[BCOLOR=#ab4c3c]✪Age & Birthday✪[/BCOLOR]
20 // February 14th

Hunter~ hales from an ancient line that was created by supernaturals to kill supernatural beings.

Junior in College.



[BCOLOR=#ab4c3c]✪Part/Full-Time Job✪[/BCOLOR]
Part time Tattoo Artist at the shop in town.

[BCOLOR=#ab4c3c]✪Physical Description✪[/BCOLOR]
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Description: Faded on the sides, longer on the top.
Eye Color: Brownish-Green.
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 211 Lbs
Piercings: 1/2 inch gauge in each ear, Anti-tragus piercing in left ear.
Tattoos: All the ones seen in his appearance photo.

[BCOLOR=#ab4c3c]✪Health Ailments✪[/BCOLOR]

Selfless: Ford rarely does anything for himself, it's always for others. Saving their lives at the risk of his own is what he is all about.
Brave: Ford never blinks in the face of danger, in fact his heart beat doesn't increase.
Supernatural Edge: Some believe since Ford is one of the few descendants of the original hunters, that he has this supernatural edge that helps him in a fight. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't.
Researcher: You can't really do much of anything as a hunter if you don't know what your up against. Though you can count on Ford to get to the bottom of things.
Reserved: Ford can be a quite guy at times. Spending a lot of time in his room, or studying, he doesn't socialize too much. Though when he does, depending on who he is with, he is often a nice, flirty, talkative guy.
Skilled with almost any weapon: Ford isn't one to gloat, but there isn't much he can't do weapon wise. He is a marksman with guns or bows and arrows. He his a swordsmen, and can handle a spear as well. He also can make anything into a deadly weapon if provoked. Though, he sucks at nun-chucks.
Loyal: Ford is a very loyal individual. Always stick to who he can trust most.
Cautious: Something that Ford seems to do is want to know the supernatural creature in depth, get to know them as a person before he decides to kill them or not. He believes each life is precious, and some just have to live it differently than others. Though you kill someone, you're automatically on his kill list. Also, Ford doesn't get too comfortable with someone, seeing that his older brother was killed during a fight with a vampire.
Musically Talented: Ford can play the drums pretty well, and the piano. Sometimes you can hear him playing the piano in his room.
Artistic: Ford is an amazing artist. His drawings are fantastic, and his tattoos are out of this world.

(+): Boxing, Karate, MMA, Shooting ranges, Archery, Training, Running, Researching things, Drawing, Sculpting, Comic books, Frankenstein Movies, Dracula Movies, Godzilla vs. Mothra, Godzilla, Monkeys, Kool-Aid, Baseball, Wrestling, Coffee, Hot Coco, Video Games, Cars, Tattoos, Drums, Sleeping with Sirens, Post Hardcore, Working out, Hiking, Sight seeing.
(-): People who think they can boss him around, Arrogant asses, People who think they are the best, People who run a dictatorship instead of a democracy, One track minds, Soggy Cereal, The color Pink, The brand Pink, Chick Flicks, Cheaters.

(H): Drawing, Playing the Piano, Hiking, Working Out, Doing Tattoos.
(T): Drawing, Piano and Drums, Tattoos.

(S): His physical Stamina, His brute force, His skill to kill, Knows when someone isn't telling the truth.
(W): Doesn't trust easy (unless of course you've already earned it), People lose his trust easily.

Loosing anyone else.
Making the wrong decision about a supernatural.


Joshua David Ford ~ Older Brother ~ Deceased
Aaron Jeremy Ford ~ Oldest Brother ~ Alive ~27
Justine Gretchen Ford ~ Mother ~ Alive 48
Delilah Maxine Ford ~ Older sister ~ Alive ~ 21
Don't worry about his father, he hasn't been in the picture for a long time!

Close Friend - Axel Watson




Weapons: Crossbow, Any gun, Swords, Knives.
Super Natural Edge: Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced aim, Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Hearing.
Vehicle: 1967 ford mustang super snake eleanor gt500
Has a family ring, that brings him back to life after being killed. However, this only works if he is wearing his ring upon death. And the ring only works on his bloodline.
"I'M A MOTHER F*CKEN CHICKEN NUGGET! I already went through the process of being transformed into one!"




Delilah Rose Montgomery


Rose or Lilah

[BCOLOR=#008080]✪Age & Birthday✪[/BCOLOR]

18, April 19th




Senior in High School, takes an Art class at the college cause one of her moms is the teacher!





[BCOLOR=#008080]✪Part/Full-Time Job✪[/BCOLOR]

Works at the Bar and Grill as a waitress (Part-time)

[BCOLOR=#008080]✪Physical Description✪[/BCOLOR]

Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown with blonde highlights
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 118.7 Lbs
Piercings: Basic Ear piercings, and Cartilage.
Tattoos: One tattoo

[BCOLOR=#008080]✪Health Ailments✪[/BCOLOR]

PTSD - will be explained in IC on how she got it.


Brave: Delilah doesn't really get scared in the face of danger, mostly when friends or family are involved. She will go to the ends of the earth before letting a friend be hurt.
Artistic: Delilah is a very artistic girl and can be seen drawing, painting, taking photos, or sculpting a lot.
Bright: Delilah is a very bright girl. She may not hold the number one spot on the academic list, but she is at least a good student.
Musical: Delilah loves to play the violin and guitar. She can also sing, but nothing super amazing.
Kind: Delilah is kind to almost everyone because she finds it a lot of work to be a complete ass to everyone.


(+): Art, Music, Chocolate, Cupcakes, Cake, Fruit, Pies, Deserts, Healthy Food, Smoothies, Action Movies, The Fault in Our Stars, Sherlock Holmes, Reading, Writing, Sculpting, Playing the flute or violin, Cheetos, Grape Juice, Fashion, Hanging out with others, Volleyball.
(-): Meat, Being sick, Braking glasses, Eggs, Boring Movies, Math class, Having a dad as a teacher.


(H): Drawing, Playing the Violin.
(T): Anything Artistic, Violin and Flute.


(S): Will help out a friend when needed, Can tell when someone is lying (like a sixth sense), High Pain tolerance, Is a Black Belt.
(W): Sometimes her PTSD causes her to tense up and freeze.


~Losing the rest of her family (Her younger twin brothers were killed a few years back).
~ Constantly remembering what it was like to find her brother's dead.


Diana & Francis Montgomery ~ Mother's
Jesse Gregory Montgomery ~ Half- Brother (Francis's off spring)







Genevieve Gabriela Keegan


[BCOLOR=#800080]✪Age & Birthday✪[/BCOLOR]
June 19th | 20


College - Sophomore - Psych Major



[BCOLOR=#800080]✪Part/Full-Time Job✪[/BCOLOR]
Baker at Sweet Desert's Bakery (owned by her father)

[BCOLOR=#800080]✪Physical Description✪[/BCOLOR]
Hair Color: Light & Dark brown with blonde highlights
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128 Lbs
Piercings: Septum, Basic ear piercings, Belly-button, Cartilage
Tattoo: Here

[BCOLOR=#800080]✪Health Ailments✪[/BCOLOR]
Allergy to Pine Nuts

Photographer: Genevieve loves photography. Her father gave her her first camera at six and ever since then she's loved it.
Athletic: Genevieve loves running, she is even on the cross-country team at the college.
Baker: Gifted in the bakery is among the few talents she has.
Kind-ish: Genevieve has a good balance of good and bad. She is nice, but there are days she cane be pretty rude.
Adventurous: Being someone who loves photography, Genevieve loves to explore new places to take pictures.
Confident: There isn't much that Genevieve would fear that would hold her back from doing something.
Free-Spirited: She likes to go where she wants and do what she wants.
Artistic: Genevieve loves to draw and she does it a lot.
Flirty: Genevieve loves to flirt with guys. It's this that limits her from really getting into a relationship.

(+): Coffee, The Forest, Cookies, Ice cream, Jogging/ Running, Dogs, Chicken-Fettuccine Alfredo, Dogs, Camping, Swimming.
(-): Cheaters, Being broke, Being chased by something in the forest, Being lied to about something important.

(H): Drawing, Jogging, Photography
(T): Photography, Jogging, Baking

(S): Ghost abilities, Enhanced Stamina (from running for long periods of time), Camping
(W): Near death experience, Not being able to differ between alive people and the dead (at first), Her family doesn't trust.

Heights, Drowning (Again), Her mother and Step-Father, Her Father finding out about her.


Cathy Hollins - Mother - Human - Alive
Derek Hollins - Step Father - Human - Alive
Justin Hollins - Half-brother - Human - Alive
Kyle Keegan- Father - Human - Alive





- Seeing the Dead
- Can walk through walls when focused
- Can turn into a natural ghost state when provoked or in defensive mode
- Can possess someone



Julian Zachary Thomas


[BCOLOR=#ff6600]✪Age & Birthday✪[/BCOLOR]
March 2nd | 19


Freshman in College



[BCOLOR=#ff6600]✪Part/Full-Time Job✪[/BCOLOR]
Movie Theater

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]✪Physical Description✪[/BCOLOR]
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 198 Lbs
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None

[BCOLOR=#ff6600]✪Health Ailments✪[/BCOLOR]

Protective, Sporty, Secretive, Party-boy, Observant, Flirty, Brave, Fighter.

(+): Egg-nog, Cats, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Carrots, Candy canes, Candy, Chocolate, Cheeseburgers, Fries and Milkshakes, Halo, Call of Duty, Comic books.
(-) Sushi, Attention Whores, Piggy banks, Books, Tall snow, Wet socks, Soggy bread, Soggy cereal, His mother yelling at him, The color pink, death.

(H): Basketball, Video games, MMA
(T): MMA, Basketball, Observing peoples behaviors.

(S): Banshee abilities, Enhanced Stamina and Strength (from working out), Getting to know people.

People close to him dying, clowns.


Chris - Father - Human - Alive
Stephanie - Mother - Banshee - Alive
Kelly - Sister - Human - Adopted - Alive





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My characters here

Giovanni Kristiene Foster

Geo, Echo

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]✪Age & Birthday✪[/BCOLOR]
20, December 4th

Alpha Werewolf




[BCOLOR=#3366ff]✪Part/Full-Time Job✪[/BCOLOR]
Part time as an artist doing commissions

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]✪Physical Description✪[/BCOLOR]
Geo stands around 5'7", and she is slim figure. She doesn't have much in the way of curves, but she
has some figure. Some people figure that she should be a model, but she knows it is way too
dangerous. She does dance and gymnastics on her own time, but she is seen
usually in her hipster like clothes, beanies are her best friend and her
favorite mode of transport is her bike. She has a few tattoo's.
Not only that, as the alpha, Ann has glowing red eyes
when her werewolf side comes out.
Her full form is a beautiful black wolf with Amber eyes,
giving her the nickname The Burning Wolf,
but is more commonly known as
Echo, her Alias.




Her favorite necklace

Her Werewolf Eyes

Full Wolf Form


[BCOLOR=#3366ff]✪Health Ailments✪[/BCOLOR]

Caring- Geo protects her pack like they are her own kin, and she isn't afraid to get in peoples faces when they
mess with her pack.
Reserved- Geo holds back some things from her pack because she is afraid of making them worry over her.
She tucks away everything about her PTSD, and most everything around her past.

Just-Geo hates the idea of being unfair to her pack, and she tries to make her decisions based on what her pack
members say and what her own heart says.
Calculating- Geo hates putting her pack in danger, so she takes every move seriously.
Intelligent-Geo is surprisingly intelligent for being an art student and she can easily rip anyone a new one
if she needs too.
Self Loathing- Geo doesn't really think of herself in the best light, and is completely surprised that she could
even become an alpha.
Fun- Geo always puts people in front of her, but she is extremely open an fun, but I wouldn't go breaking her
trust if you get to see the silly side of her.
Aggressive- True to her Alpha title, Geo can be aggressive when people mess with her pack. Not only that, but she
keeps good track of her pack members and makes sure to keep them in line.
Inner Child- Due to her loving art and perusing it, she has a small inner side of a child that helps her with
formulating ideas. It can sometimes show through, but only around her best friends.
Secretly Flirtatious- Under the right light, with the right person and the right mood, Geo can be somewhat
flirtatious, but she mostly speaks with her body. The easiest time to see her flirtatious is if she is dancing.

Not much is known about Geo's past, but what we do know is she was picked up by the pack. She had glowing
yellow eyes, and she was extremely close to the alpha of the pack, who was almost her age. They were
some of the closest friends you could ever find, and it wasn't a surprise when they became a couple.
But their alpha had been hiding behind a curtain, and slowly, Geo began to unwrap his true self,
someone animalistic and cruel, who wanted nothing more than power. One day, he started
to tear her pack apart, killing as many as he could get his hands onto. But he had
underestimated her abilities, and when it came time, Geo ended up slaying
the one she loved most of all, which caused her deep emotional
trauma. After almost half a year, Geo managed to
pull everyone back together, but is still
learning what it is like to be an alpha.

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]+[/BCOLOR]Stars, Running, Gymnastics, MMA, Onions, Spicy Food, Cuddles, Darkness, Dancing, Salsa, Books,
Drawing, Feeling Healthy, Feeling In Control, Chocolate, Feeling wanted, Winning a fight, Salsa dancing,
Serving some sass, Buchata dancing

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]-[/BCOLOR]Being Disrespected, Jerks, One Night Stands, People with no Class, People who aren't original, Copy cats,
writers block, artichokes, mangos, peaches, tunafish, bad breath, creeps, people who grab her butt.

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]H:[/BCOLOR] Dancing, Drawing, Making Art, Skateboarding, MMA, Corralling her Pack, Playing Games
[BCOLOR=#3366ff]T:[/BCOLOR]Dancing, Drawing, MMA

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]S:[/BCOLOR] Fighting, Werewolf Powers, Aggressive, Flexible, Fast, Loyal

[BCOLOR=#3366ff]W:[/BCOLOR] Self Doubting, Silver, Wolves bane, Somewhat Reserved

-Being Raped, Falling, Loosing the ones she loves, death, loosing her pack, her old alpha



Basement Room 1
Her ride is a motorcycle she got for her 18th birthday from her old boyfriend.
She has a dog named Chico who is completely submissive to her.








Naria Clarie Lycant

Nia, Nina

Age & Birthday
18, October 16th


Freshman in college



Part/Full-Time Job
Part time as a band

Physical Description
Nia stands around 5'4", but she always wears combat boots which adds 2 inches to her height. She needs glasses, but she frequently wears
contacts to go to class. Nia has a strong figure, and she has really strong arms from playing the drums, and her bright
red hair is a staple of her image. Her eyes are a hazel green color, and her face is generally heart shaped.
She has a few tattoo's as well.

Right Shoulder


Left Side


Health Ailments



Creative- Nia is nothing but supportive of her friends, classmates, siblings, anyone. She only hopes for the best from anyone.
Jokester-Nia loves poking fun at other people, weather they are friend, foe, or just plain anyone.
Laid Back-She is really laid back, which can be a bit of a downfall, since when she isn't motivated, it makes her lazy.
Quirky-She sounds a little odd to most people, because she has a creative side, for bashing things
Loud-Because she plays the drums, she is used to being really really loud

Caring- Nia cares a lot about the people around her, especially if the people around her are feeling frustraited
Supportive-Nia is completely supportive of her friends decisions
Driven-Nia is driven to do any
Persistant- Nia has a habit of pushing things a bit too far and she often makes people angry that way.
Desnse- If you want to date Nia, you would have to say it to her face, because she is as thick as a board when it comes to feelings.
Fearful-Nia fears the voices and things that come into her head, and how she ends up around all the dead people, which is why she tries to ignore
who she really is and drown it out with music instead

+Drumming, Singing, Feeling accepted, Joking around, Having fun, being loose, feeling herself, soda, pizza, fries, ketchup, stars, makeup, red hair, bracelets,
Being herself, decorating, the color orange, the color red, punk rock, Hey Violet, Of Monsters and Men, Imagine Dragons, Winter, Cozy Fires, Fighting

-Haters, Feeling Helpless, Hurting those around her, Super Spicy Food, Not being Lazy enough, feeling stumped, paperwork, essays
H:Drumming, Singing, Dancing, Doodling, Sculpting, Cooking, Fighting, Writing Lyrics
T:Drumming, Singing, Writing Lyrics, Fighting/MMA

S:Can Sense Death, Banshee Scream, Basic Banshee Abilities, Strong Fighter
W:Afraid of using her abilities, Selfless, easily hurt by backstabbing.

Being forever alone, Hurting those close to her, death.


Basement Room 4


Dyteton Charles Winceton


Age & Birthday
18, May 14th





Part/Full-Time Job
Part Time

Physical Description
Dyte is a average size male, standing at 5'10" who has messy brown hair that he keeps
messy and under a hat. Though when he does style it, he has it flipped upwards. He keeps himself
clean shaven, but he has muscles, or some of them. He often dresses in
flannel shirts and jeans. He has no tattoos or piercings

Health Ailments

Dyte is a fairly joking person. Always one to try and make others laugh
History(Optional. I suck at these so I'm not gonna have you guys do it unless you want to)


Other(Anything else I forgot and you want to mention. Also, be sure to put your character's abilities here as well and explain them.)


(Picture/Gif. Real face claims only. If you wanna incorporate more than one picture, that's fine. Also, please try to put all your characters into one post. It's easier for me to make a CS Guide that way!)
Age & Birthday
Race(Pick from the supernaturals)
Grade(College or High school. Freshman to senior for both)
Part/Full-Time Job
Physical DescriptionHere just put down the usual hair color/description, eye color, height, weight and piercings and tattoos. Also, if your supernatural has a different form (i.e. wolf) include that too.
Health Ailments
Personality(A paragraph but if you want you can list things and give a description of each trait)
History(Optional. I suck at these so I'm not gonna have you guys do it unless you want to)


Other(Anything else I forgot and you want to mention. Also, be sure to put your character's abilities here as well and explain them.)
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About to post my characters back-to-back. No one post until I've got all 3 up please! (Should only take a minute)
"Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different people."


"Might wanna remember this for later tonight."
. Dylan Dean Dixon .

"Just don't call me Triple D."
. N/A- Feel free to think of some .

Age & Birthday
"I'm perfectly legal, Babe."
. 19 & December 20th .

"Shhh, my family doesn't know."
. Werewolf .

"Guess I'm fresh meat, huh?"
. College Freshman .

"Wanna see for yourself?"
. Male .

"Gotta love the ladies."
. Heterosexual .

Part/Full-Time Job
"Gotta get money somehow, don't I?"
. Mechanic .

Physical Description
"I know, I know. I'm handsome as fuck."
. Eyes- Dark Brown
Hair- Dark Brown/Black
Height- 5'11
Weight- 139 lbs
Build- Ottermode
Birthmark- N/A
Tattoos- Spider on his right chest, and a tribal band going around left bicep.
Piercings- N/A
Scars- A few on his knuckles, from fighting.
Other- Has back dimples.
Werewolf: Looks a lot like a Teen Wolf Werewolf (claws, sharpened teeth, twisted features, much hairier and muscular), but during the full moon he can turn into a full wolf: [spoili]
[/spoili] .

Health Ailments
"Other than turning into a wolf once a month?"
. Allergic to Bleach, Pollen and Cats .

"Whoa, buy me a drink first."
. Dylan is very much what can be considered a stereotypical 'Bad Boy.' He's very flirtatious, and can turn almost anything dirty. With a sly smile and a perverted mind, Dylan does everything with confidence. He has trouble admitting he is wrong, but also will not rub it in someones face when he is right. Dylan is very argumentative, which results in having a horrible habit of talking back. He doesn't take well to any authority figure, and often turns to rebellious actions just to prove he is his own person. He can sometimes be a compulsive liar, although he usually tries to tell the truth. If you pay close attention you will notice that he keeps a close eye on people he's taken any interest in, protectively so. If anyone tries to inflict any kind of discomfort towards his friends, family, or other people he cares about, Dylan will act quickly... unfortunately, this usually means his fists are going to start flying. As odd as it sounds, Dylan is a fighter because he is a lover. He's not afraid of getting himself hurt, but seeing certain people hurt crushes him on the inside. When he does care for you, he will show it in almost unnoticeable ways: He'll remember small things you mention casually (like your favorite flower, or how you need a new phone charger), he'll stand slightly in front of you in a confrontation, he'll leave tiny gifts without any indication that said gift is from him. Although he hides it by being very touchy and suggestive, Dylan is mortified by the idea of commitment. He doesn't like the idea of being tied down, or feeling trapped. He is very confrontational, liking to go straight to the source of unhappiness, and is also very determined. Lastly, Dylan has never, and never will, conform with society. He likes being his own person, and feels like everyone else should too. .

"Yeah, that's none of your business."
[spoili] From the day Dylan was born, he never stood a chance. He was the youngest of four sons, to a mother who had been abandoned during her pregnancy with him. Most mothers would hate and blame their child for this, but Dylan never experienced anything but love from his mom-- except for maybe harsh discipline. Though, who could blame her? She was left alone to raise four young boys! His family of five grew up in a trailer park, where he shared a room with all of his siblings. Being the youngest, he received the most torture from his older brothers, even though he knew he could always count on them when he needed to.

School was absolute hell for him. He was teased constantly, whether it was for his fourth generation hand-me-downs or his lack of school supplies. Not to mention that he was an odd-looking child. He hated life up until he started high school, when everything changed. Puberty had done Dylan well, and he was almost overwhelmed with how much female attention he was getting so suddenly. Plus, in his new school no one knew where his home was, or how badly his family was struggling. He suddenly had people tripping over themselves to be his friend... but he wanted none of it. If they didn't want to be his friend when he was ugly and poor, why would he allow them to accept him when he wasn't? And so, he became very selective of who he hung out. According to several adults, he chose the 'wrong crew,' but Dylan does not regret his decision in his friends. He'd choose his loyal knuckleheads over anyone, any day.

During his freshman year of high school he was out walking in the woods, when he was suddenly attached by a large animal. Instead of going tot he hospital he went home and pretended to be sick, knowing that his mother could not afford a hospital bill. He spent the next few days going through the transformation process, and a month later he woke up in the woods covered in bunny blood. This is when he realized what he was, and so he started doing research on werewolves. In time he learned how to control himself, his family becoming his anchor when he went over the edge.

Like his brothers before him, Dylan got a job as early as he could. Most of his paycheck often went to helping his mother pay for the bills. After a while his mother started to fight with him over the money, saying he was giving her too much of what he had earned, but he disagreed. The way he saw it, she raised him better than he could ever thank her for, and so his paycheck was the least he could give her in return. To stop the fighting he started giving her less money upfront, but later sneaking the rest into her purse when she wasn't looking. His mother pretended not to notice.

Dylan's viewed as a bad boy by many, because of his friends and his own actions. But no one really knows how he is behind closed doors, except for his friends and family. And he intends to keep it that way.

"We all love and hate a few things, don't we?"
. Likes- Smoking occasionally, big trucks, rock music, girls, raves, doing dangerous things, 'hanging out,' windy days, and big dogs.
Dislikes- Small dogs, lazy days, too-warm weather, being yelled at, judgmental people, school, cheaters, and bullies .

"I'm pretty good at being bad."
. Dylan is good at lying, as he does it often enough, as well as lipreading. As long as he can see your lips, it doesn't matter how quietly you speak, he will understand you. And, yes, he can tell the difference between 'vacuum' and 'fuck you.' He's also pretty good at starting fires, cooking, and he has a great memory. Lastly, Dylan can juggle, and although he's not sure exactly when he learned to do so, he is pretty good at it .

"I have no weaknesses."
. Strengths- Because Dylan keeps himself in good shape, he is very good at heavy lifting. He is also pretty nimble, and actually quite flexible. Not flexible enough to stick his foot behind his head or do the splits, but enough that he is a champion at limbo. Not sure if this is a strength, but Dylan has, and I quote, "Perfected the art of lip biting."
Weaknesses- Sure, Dylan can lift heavy things, but holding them for long periods of time is a whole other story. He seems to have two left feet, as he is always tripping over himself, and is easily distracted. Also, Dylan cannot run for long distances, as he gets tired pretty quickly .

"I laugh in the name of fear. Ha! Ha! Ha!"
. Above all, Dylan fears commitment, although he'll never admit it. Beyond that, he has a few fears, which include: Failure, Needles, and Clowns. Especially clowns. .

"Touch them and I will rip your throat out... with my teeth."
. Mother- Candice- Kmart Employee.[spoili][/spoili][spoili]


Brother- Kaiden- 27- Warehouse Manger [spoili]
Brother- Darian - 24 - Front Desk at Corporation [spoili]
Brother- Tyson -21 - Walmart Empolyee [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"I suppose I do care about a few more people than my family members."
Love Interest
. Bailey Smith (Witch) - Have been friends for a while .

. Delilah Montgomery (Human) - Recent Friends .
. Delissia Vanderbuilt (Vampire) - Met shortly after Dylan became a werewolf, were enemies, now friends .
. Ernesto Velez (Human) .
. Fiona Westwood (Witch) - Buddies .
. Genevieve Keegan (Ghost) .
. James Niemann (Werewolf) - Buddies .
. Julian Thomas (Banshee) - Buddies .
. Kyden Jeffer (Shapeshifter) - Buddies .

. Adam Houlihan (Hunter) - Adam doesn't know he's a werewolf) .
. Axel Watson (Hunter) - Rivals .
. Connor Coty (Shapeshifter) - Neutral .
. Ellianne Dixon (Witch) - Rivals .
. Giovanni Foster (Alpha Werewolf) - Rivals .
. Iris Crawford (Kitsune) - Rivals .
. Kyle Smith (Human) - Rivals .
. William Hawke (Human/Hunter) .

. Asher Bates (Witch/Werewolf) - Neutral .
. Naria Lycant (Banshee) - Neutral .
. Nicholas Hunter (Vampire) - Strangers .
. Nylin Hitch (Alpha Werewolf) - Friendly, Dylan will join his pack eventually .
. Pepper Matthews (Witch/Banshee) - Neutral .
. Sebastian Ford (Hunter) - Neutral .
. Willow Houlihan (Human) - Friendly Neutral .


"I've never had a room all to myself before."
. College House 1, Second floor, Room #1 [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"Pretty sure I told you everything already."
. Dylan has never had a real girlfriend .
. Is only in college because his mother insisted on it, because he got a few scholarships through work and school .
. Is actually much smarter than he lets on .
. He is a lone wolf, so he doesn't have a pack yet .
. Learned how to control his werewolf abilities all by himself, and hasn't ever told anyone about what he is. In the beginning it was very hard, and he often ran out of rooms when he couldn't control himself, but eventually he got the hang of it. Before he could control himself he would chain himself up to a thick tree in the woods during a full moon. Most of the time the chains held .

"Some boys never become men."
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"There's no such thing as fate."


"Personally I think it rolls off the tongue nicely."
. Clarissa Riley Scott .

"Clary works just fine."
. Clary .

Age & Birthday
"It's rude to ask how old a lady is."
. 19 & February 16th .

"I'm American, if that's what you mean?"
. Human .

"Finally out of high school... but not yet finished with school."
. College Freshman .

"This is... insulting. Isn't it obvious?"
. Female .

"I just can't picture myself with a girl."
. Heterosexual .

Part/Full-Time Job
"I've got a pretty nice employee discount."
. Works at Khols .

Physical Description
"You can't figure this out yourself?"
. Eyes- Dark Brown
Hair- Brown, Thinish, Shoulder Length
Height- 5'8''
Weight- 128 lbs
Build- Average
Birthmark- N/A
Tattoos- N/A
Piercings- Ear Lobes (once in each).
Scars-Accidentally cut her face while cooking dinner once [spoili]
[/spoili] .

Health Ailments
"Cats are the only thing that bother me."
. Allergic to Cats .

"I'm used to being called a bitch, I guess."
. Clarissa is a very careful girl. After Jason, she decided not to trust anyone ever again. And, so far, she had stayed true to her word. Because she often spent her Friday nights alone, Clary took up reading. She likes to read all kinds of genre's, but Dystopian novels are her favorite. She's very imaginative, and often can get ahead of herself. Clary is also incredibly outspoken, and has no problem sharing her opinion with others. She knows a lot of useless facts, but rarely shares them because she believes no one cares. She's quick to jump to conclusions, and is very insecure with herself. She has a hard time interacting with other people, because she was shunned for so long. She says exactly what is on her mind- which can make her either really funny, or really bitchy. She's also very defensive, and will turn hostile if she feels like she's being threatened in any way. She can also be violent, if pushed hard enough. However, once you get past her walls you will find that Clary is actually very caring and kind. She likes to keep organized, even though that's easier said than done. Also, she is very sensitive, but when her feelings are hurt she gets angry rather than sad .

"That's a little personal, don't you think?"
. Growing up, Clarissa was a very cheerful little girl. She made friends everywhere she went, and loved everyone. She was like this all the way up to her freshman year of highschool, when she was fourteen. She had always been the youngest of her class, but it hadn't really bothered her until that year. She felt like a child among a sea full of adults. This is when she started to become less social.

There was one upperclassman in her gym class, a junior named Jason, who paid a great deal of attention to her. They slowly became friends, and then got into a relationship together. Because she was young and naive she did everything he told her to do, without getting anything in return. At first the abuse was emotional and verbal, but when things got physical she put up with it for about a year, before her friend forced her to break up with him. While she was relieved to be out of a bad relationship, Jason started spreading bad rumors about her and ruined her reputation, costing her many friends. This is when her and her family moved to Crimson Falls, and she was thankful to get away from her old school.

After that Clary had lost pretty much all of her self confidence, and became something of a recluse. That is until she joined the student government when she was a junior. Suddenly she was surrounded by kind people who had great ideas, while also encouraging others to share their own. Ever so slowly, Clary's confidence was rebuilt, though she will always be slightly insecure. .

"I like more things than I don't."
. Likes- Books, Homework, Hiking, Oreos, Disney Movies, Dancing, Kids, Fashion, Archery, Public Speaking, Studying, Cartoons, Starbucks, Perfume, Hard Work, Cop Dramas, Ballet and Marshmallows.
Dislikes- Video Games, Spoilers, Horror Movies, Sports, Early Mornings, and Busy Work. .

. Hobbies- Reading, Swimming, Gardening, Archery, Debate and Running.
Talents- When she was young her father put her into archery, and when she developed a love for it she continued to do it. She's actually very good now. She's got a great sense in fashion, which is actually something she takes pride in. Also, Clary is very organized, and can organize a mess in no time at all. She is also very resourceful, thanks to her imagination..

"I like to think I'm pretty balanced."
. Strengths: Clary is known for her courage and persistence. She is good at setting goals and sticking to the game plan until she achieves her goal. She is tougher than she looks and knows how to hold her own. And, she's very clever.
Weaknesses: Just because Clarissa is tough doesn't mean she's necessarily strong. It's actually quite the contrary, she is just as weak as she looks. It's also not uncommon for her to become obsessed with little failures, and will continue to beat her self up over them until she feels she's corrected herself. She is also very closed-minded, stubbornand can be very unforgiving. .

"I'll never understand why people like Haunted Houses so much."
. Everything about roller coasters terrify Clarissa. She's also afraid of being buried alive, and haunted houses. Clary is also not fond of rodents .

"I love them, they're pretty cool."
. Mother- Evaline Scott- Chef [spoili]
Father- Christain Scott- Personal Trainer [spoili]
Little Brother (8)- Zachary Scott [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"I'm not very good at making friends, but no one can go through life without making a few."
Love Interest
. Adam Houlihan (Hunter) - Start off as strangers, then become friends, and eventual love interests .

. Asher Bates (Witch/Werewolf) - Buddies .
. Axel Watson (Hunter) - Buddies .
. Bailey Smith (Witch) - Buddies .
. Connor Coty (Shapeshifter) - For 2 years .
. Delilah Montgomery (Human) - Sit together in art .
. Ellianne Dixon (Witch) .
. Genevieve Keegan (Ghost) .
. Naria Lycant (Banshee) - Buddies .
. Nicholas Hunter (Vampire) - Buddies .
. Pepper Matthews (Witch/Banshee) .
. Sebastian Ford (Hunter) .
. Willow Houlihan (Human) - Starting as Strangers, going to be Buddies .

. n .

. Delissia Vanderbuilt (Vampire) - Strangers, will be friends later .
. Ernesto Velez (Human) - Strangers, will be friends later .
. Fiona Westwood (Witch) - Strangers .
. Giovanni Foster (Alpha Werewolf) - Neutral .
. Iris Crawford (Kitsune) - Strangers, will be friends later .
. James Niemann (Werewolf) - Strangers .
. Julian Thomas (Banshee) - Neutral .
. Kyden Jeffer (Shapeshifter) - Neutral .
. Kyle Smith (Human) - Neutral .
. Nylin Hitch (Alpha Werewolf) - Strangers .
. William Hawke (Human/Hunter) - Strangers, may be friends later on .


"The lighting sucks in the basement, but you get used to it."
. College House 2, Basement, Room 1 [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"I can't think of anything I haven't told you yet."
. Has always been fascinated by supernatural lore .
. Wants to be a doctor one day .
. Knows how to use a bow and arrow .

"Ever feel like you have the best intentions, but you make one mistake after another?"
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"Whenever someone tells me I can't do something, I prove them wrong."


"Yes, Heart is actually my last name."
. Jennifer Maria Hart .

"Most people call me Jenna."
. Jenna, Jenny, Jen, Hart .

Age & Birthday
"Technically I'm frozen as a 17 year old."
. 18 & May 13th .

"Don't worry! I've never killed a human before. Even if it is tempting sometimes..."
. Vampire/Shapeshifter Hybrid .

"Just one more year before college."
. High School Senior .

"Are you implying I look like a boy?"
. Female .

"Sorry, but I'm only into guys."
. Heterosexual .

Part/Full-Time Job
"You bet I take full advantage of my discount."
. Victoria's Secret Employee .

Physical Description
"Actually, I can look like whatever I want, but this is my natural appearance."
. Eyes- Blue-Grey
Hair- Medium (Armpit Length), Blonde, usually curled.
Height- 5'6
Weight- 124lbs
Build- Adverage
Birthmark- On her shoulder: It's brown, and shaped like an upside down cat.
Tattoos- [spoili]
Piercings- Ears (once), Bellybutton.
Scars- Fang marks on her neck from when she was bit
Other- Because she's part shapeshifter she can change her appearance at will .

Health Ailments
"Other than the fact that my teeth turn into fangs?"
. Allergic to Bees and Peanuts .

"I just want to be liked, but then again doesn't everyone?"
. Jennifer is very much a people pleaser. She always puts other peoples needs before her own, which often gets her into a lot of trouble. However, she continues to do it because she just wants to make people happy. Also because she fears rejection, especially that of her peers. She is often described as selfless, kind and helpful. Jenna has always had a hard time hurting peoples feelings, and will tell a lie to avoid doing so. Jenna is extremely talkative, and once you get her going it's nearly impossible to make her shut up. She's very determined, and is always setting goals for herself. She is easily manipulated, and often becomes dependent on her friends. She doesn't outwardly show it, but Jenna is very insecure with who she is, and is often trying to reshape herself into someone she thinks everyone will like. At times she can be a bit naive, but that's just because she wants to believe that there is good in everyone. .

"Yes, my mom is a shapeshifter, my father is a vampire. Is it such a big deal?."
. Jennifer's parents are both supernatural beings, but of different races. Since she is a product of a vampire and a shapeshifter she is considered a hybrid. She gets the best- and the worst- of both worlds. She has all of the heightened abilities as a vampire, such as speed, agility, strength, and senses, but she also needs to drink blood in order to stay alive. Up until now it seems as though her aging process has been average, but most recently it's seemed to have slowed down. Her family believes she will stop aging soon, just as her older brother has stopped aging. She can also change her appearance, though this is slightly painful. However, because she's been doing it ever since she was young she's developed a tolerance for changing appearance.

All her life Jennifer has drank blood from blood bags or from animals in the surrounding forest. Her father works at a hospitol in town, so getting blood bags isn't too much of a challenge for him. She's never had blood straight from a human source, though when she was young she found it extremely hard to control her urges. Thankfully she has had her whole family to help her as she's grown.

"I try to focus on the things I like and ignore the ones I don't."
. Likes- Animals, Romance Movies, Snow, Hot Coco, Shopping, Cuddling, Big Projects and Helping Others.
Dislikes- Failing, Letting People Down, Lying, Seafood, Rodents, Swimming, and Hairless Cats. .

"Let's see here..."
. Hobbies- Cheerleading, as stated before. Jennifer also enjoys singing, and is quite good at it. She occasionally participates in a choir, if she has the time, and enjoys going to karaoke night with her girlfriends. Lastly, she volunteers at a local animal shelter whenever she can.
Talents- Jennifer has always had a way with animals, especially dogs. She can mimic other peoples voices, and is able to think critically. Jenna also has an amazing singing voice, and can play the guitar .

. Strengths- Jenna is very flexible, and has great eyesight. She's stronger than she looks, and light on her feet. She can also run fast and for a long period of time.
Weaknesses- Although Jenna can fit into small places, she prefers not to. She's short and small, which makes her easy to over look. Jennifer also has a horrible memory .

"I'm a vampire, what do I have to fear?"
. When Jennifer was young she discovered she was allergic of bees, and has been afraid of them ever since. She's also not a fan of clowns, but that's a whole other story in itself. For some reason, Jenna is afraid of birds, especially crows. Her biggest fears are rejection and failure. Oh! And Hunters .

"We look like normal people, wouldn't you agree?"
. Mother-Elizabeth- Police Officer [spoili]
Father-Jacob- Doctor [spoili]
Older Brother- Jason-21-Bartender - In Medical School [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"I try to make friends with everyone."
Love Interest
. William Hawke (Human/Hunter) - Forbidden Love, they sneak around .

. Asher Bates (Witch/Werewolf) - Since Sophomore year in HS .
. Delilah Montgomery (Human) - Recent Friends .
. Ellianne Dixon (Witch) .
. Iris Crawford (Kitsune) .
. Julian Thomas (Banshee) - For a year now .
. Nicholas Hunter (Vampire) - Known each other since HS .
. Nylin Hitch (Alpha Werewolf) - Buddies, known each other since Freshman year in HS .
. Pepper Matthews (Witch/Banshee) - Longtime friends, Jenna babysits Rainbow sometimes .
. Sebastian Ford (Hunter) - Buddies, he let her live a few years ago .
. Willow Houlihan (Human) - Been friends for a while, Willow knows what Jenna is .

. Ernesto Velez (Human) .
. Fiona Westwood (Witch) .
. James Niemann (Werewolf) - Rivals .

. Adam Houlihan (Hunter) - Strangers .
. Axel Watson (Hunter) - Strangers .
. Bailey Smith (Witch) - Friendly Acquaintances .
. Connor Coty (Shapeshifter) - Strangers .
. Delissia Vanderbuilt (Vampire) - Complicated. Friendly and work well together, but don't like each other .
. Genevieve Keegan (Ghost) - Strangers .
. Giovanni Foster (Alpha Werewolf) - Strangers .
. Kyden Jeffer (Shapeshifter) - Strangers .
. Kyle Smith (Human) - Strangers .
. Naria Lycant (Banshee) - Strangers .


"It's Blue! Pretty, right?"
. High School House 1, Second Floor, Room 1 [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"You want to know more?"
. Her family keeps a fridge in the garage for their blood bags, it requires a security code to open .
. Is very good at singing, but she'd rather become a professional vet or an elementary teacher .
. Is fairly familiar with the powers of other supernatural beings .

"I'm too smart to be seduced by you."
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Annnndddd done! Sorry about the spam everyone! ♥
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(Faceclaim: Matt Lanter)
Connor Coty
Age & Birthday
20 years old / April 2nd
Sophomore in college
Part/Full-Time Job
Part-time Server at Willow Bar & Grill
Physical Description
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Muddy Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Other Forms: Can take almost any form human or animal
Original Form
Health Ailments
Hypoglycemia - He can usually be spotted pulling candy from his pockets at random times, this works out since he has a major sweet-tooth.
Connor is generally a nice guy. He doesn't talk much on his own but will give a little conversation if approached. If not approached first, he's relatively closed off and quiet. Connor is compassionate about other people and adores animals – he would quickly risk his life for anyone if it was necessary. Not a whole lot is known about him, but he would willingly answer questions if asked. He's very honest and only hides things that need to be hidden – like his Race. He is often seen silently giving candy to people when they look down or depressed.
Connor's history is mostly unknown – he is an orphan who lives with normal, human adoptive parents. He also went to a military school as a teenager which is where he started learning mixed martial arts among other combative and problem-solving skills.
Likes: Studying, watching movies, listening to music, playing board games, and animals.
Dislikes: People who talk a lot, dramatic people, and anything obviously troublesome or a hassle.
Harmonica, bass guitar, adaptation, Tai Chi, mixed martial arts.
Strengths: Physical strength/martial arts training – Connor is very capable in hand-to-hand combat. He's also a very good actor when he must be.
Weaknesses: The secret of his race, his adoptive parents.
His Family discovering his race and abandoning him.

Mother: Susan Coty
Father: Michael Coty
Co-workers and other students in his classes
That dog that keeps peeing on his car tires
House? Room?

Connor is a shapeshifter capable of shifting to either human or animal forms. His voice changes as well. He is capable of pulling off partial shifts (for example just a hand or eyes) which take less concentration. Each shift can take on the traits of that creature (Ex: Owl eyes would allow him night vision, etc.) He cannot mimic other supernatural abilities even if he shifts into the image of another supernatural.
This ability also allows him to have control over mass/size and elasticity to a degree* and causes him to age more slowly than others and heal just a little bit faster.

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~*~* Bailey *~*~


Bailey Elizabeth-Nicole Smith


*~*Age & Birthday*~*
19 & December 2nd


College Sophomore


Panromantic Demisexual

*~*Part/Full Time Job*~*
Part Time Bookstore Clerk


*~*Physical Description*~*
With a short stature and an average figure, Bailey takes after both her mother and her father. She had caramel brown eyes that'll lighten up with the weather warms up and will darken when it starts to get colder with a nautral hair color of chocolate brown. She stands at 5'5" and weights about 120 pounds and has a small tattoo of a cross on the side of her left hand and a flock of ravens flying from her right wrist to her forearm. Bailey also has a nose piercing and her ears pierced twice on both ears.

*~*Health Ailments*~*
Mild Insomniac

Bailey has never been the person to fit herself into something. She's honestly pretty closed off cause she usually spends her free time in her wild day dreams and when she does speak its always a bad time...for her mostly because she sometimes says things that no one understands cause it's along the lines of why batman is superior to superman, or how dead pool could one day rule the world. She's a complete nerd who would rather spend time at home curled up with a good book or cuddled up with her familiar Haiku. But don't take her quietness and reserved personality as a sign of submissiveness cause Bailey can be pretty dangerous when she's pushed the wrong way it feels threatned, she can also be pretty sarcastic and witty when she wants to be...in fact she could be a totally different person when she feels comfortable.

Anyone from the outside could say that Bailey lived a pretty normal life, she came from a family with a normal income and had both her parents growing up and she even had an older brother that she would fight with all the time. In fact everything was normal...until everyone found out what her mother actually was and Bailey found out that she wasn't as normal as she thought she was. An Umbra Witch, her mother was a descendant of dark European witches and Bailey had gained most of her mother's looks...and her Witch ancestry.

The only reason her brother hasn't been like her was because only one out of every two children with Umbra Witch ancestry was actually an Umbra witch themselves. But once this was discovered everything went to hell, her mother and her father got in a divorce because he hadn't wanted to be married to a "freak" as he put it and hadn't wanted a "freak" child. He had abandoned them, but a year later he died in a car accident...and Bailey still hasn't figured out of her mother had something to do with it. After their father died Bailey instantaneously began learning the ways of an Umbra Witch and began learning about her ancestry. Her brother and her were still close but she knew that she would never be the same person that she was before discovering all of this.

Likes<>Old black and white movies, Books, Poetry, Cats, Tea, Tofu

Meat Products, Her father, Rude/Annoying People, Clowns, Cherry Flavored Candy, Even numbers

Hobbies<>Reading, Cooking, Photography, Learning new languages, Practicing new spells

Talents<>Baking/Cooking & Photography

Strengths<> Judging People's Character, Reading body language, Intelligent, Seeing the color in everything

Weaknesses<> Clumsy, Easily distracted, Procrastination

Because Bailey is an Umbra Witch she's always been afraid of possessing a dark power and is afraid of hurting someone that she cares about. She also had a huge fear with the sound of thunder and the stike of lighting, and confined spaces.

Lydia Hannah Smith-Mother-48-Alive
Micheal Henry Smith-Father-52-Deceased
Kyle Leonardo Smith-20-Brother-Alive
Haiku Smith-Familar-4-Alive



Clarissa Scott- Buddies[/spoili]

Dylan "Dill Pickle" Dixon-They've been friends for a while and she's liked him for a while, but hasn't really spoken on her feelings.

Jennifer Hart- Friendly Acquaintances



House 2 for college- Ground floor room 1

[spoili]image.jpeg [/spoili]


•Bailey is a lactate-ovo meaning that she'll eat dairy products and eggs but won't eat meat.
•Her familiar Haiku [spoili]image.jpeg [/spoili]will be seen with her everywhere because Haiku won't leave her alone and they have a special connection.

Witch Time: Umbra witches are able to slow down time in dire moments (most likely when they've just dodged a close attack) but they can only slow it down for a few seconds.

Demon Pact: When she finally decides to make a pact with a demon she can use this demon's power and can summon that demon for a short period of time. But the downside is that when she dies, she has to give her soul to the demon and if she doesn't have full control and confidence when summoning the demon the demon could possibly turn on her.

Witch Walk: During a full moon (when an Umbran Witch has most power) an Umbra Witch has the ability to walk on walls and defy gravity but only when the moon is out.

Beast Within: While running at their top speed, an Umbra Witch has the ability to turn into a large feline. This only works while their running and once they stop they turn back into their human form.

Potion Brewing/Concation Making: Like every other witch, Umnra witches have the ability to create potions that can help/hurt supernatural and human beings. Umbra witches posses a great knowledge of herbology which gives them the ability to concoct special lollipops that can heal them (and others), improve their strength and magical abilities.

Purgatorio Travel: Umbra witches have the ability to travel from the human world to purgatory (the space between heaven and the underworld where a sinner explains their sins before being allowed into heaven) using a witches circle[spoili]image.png [/spoili]. While in purgatory a Umbra Witch cannot be seen unless by another umbra witch or someone with a magical artifact/power to see into purgatory.


Kyle Leonardo Smith

Kiki{only by his sister}

***Age & Birthday***
20 & October 30th


College Junior



***Part/Full Time Job***
Part Time Gutiar Salesman

***Physical Description***
Kyle stands at 6'0" with a slim and slight muscular build. His eyes are light blue in color while his hair is a darker brown. He tends to grow out a little bit of stubble but he shaves it after wearing it out for a while. Kyle has a tattoo on his chest but doesn't have any piercings. He also has deep dimples and a scar on his cheek from when he insulted his sister.

***Health Ailments***

Kyle and his sister are polar opposites, where she'll stay in on a weekend Kyle will definitely go out and get into some form of trouble and where his sister is quiet, he's loud and outspoken...just be careful to ask his opinion cause if you don't want the honest truth he'll give you just that since he's so brutally honest. Though he does have a pretty explosive temper and will completely blow his lid if he's angered or his little sister is hurt. He's a very protective figure and will only show loyalty to his friends. But even when he gets angry he'll always calm down soon enough and will go back to being his sweet, caring, and humorous self.

Kyle has always been the troubled child, he would get into fights at school because of his bad temper and seemed to only see white when his little sister would get picked on by the older kids. But he would always come home to his family who seemed to show him nothing but love even though he was pretty faulty person himself. Though day by day he started noticing something changing in his home until one day he came home with the news that his parents were splitting up and his sister and mother were dark witches.

For an eleven year old this was pretty scary so he took his fear out and replaced with anger and ended up in even more trouble when his sister couldn't calm him down before he exploded completely. Sometimes he would blame her and would think she was a freak as her father would call her, but then he realized that he had to be the one protecting his mother and his sister after his father left and died, so that's exactly what he did.

Likes<>Dogs, Parties, Cafés, Coffee, guitars, parks

Dislikes<>Spoiled brats, annoying people, bratty girls, crying babies, babies, classical music

Hobbies<>Collecting Coins, Playing Guitar, Cooking, Learning how to play new instruments

Talents<> Playing Guitar, Cooking, Making music, writing his own songs

Strengths<> Great eyesight, reading people's emotions, has critical thinking skills, Charismatic

Weaknesses<>Being still for too long, his temper, Procrastination

Kyle has a huge fear that one day he'll just loose his temper completely and actually hurt someone. He's also pretty afraid of clowns which is why he hates being at a circus. And even though he's never admit it, he's deathly afraid of the dark.

Lydia Hannah Smith-48-Mother-Alive
Michael Henry Smith-52-Father-Deceased
Bailey Elizabeth-Nicole Smith-19-Sister-Alive



Close Friends




Jennifer Hart-Strangers
Clarissa Scott- Neutral


Dylan Dixon- Haant been able to like him ever since his sister inteoduced him. Feels like he's nothing but trouble and would rather his sister keep away.



House 2 for college- Ground floor room 2
[spoili]image.jpeg [/spoili]

•Kyle has a small puppy that he saved from being out to rest since no one wanted him, and then named him Toby
•Has been expelled many times because of the fights he gets into.

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@Wicked_"Innocence" I am afraid I already have Dylan O Brenin reserved as a face claim, I'm sorry. I have to transfer him over now
Nicholas James Hunter


Age & Birthday
20 - August 4th


Sophomore at Red Water University



Part/Full-Time Job
Part-Time Bartender at Thornhill Bar

Physical Description
Nicholas James Hunter.jpg
Red Eye.gif
Front of Alex Mercer's Jacket.jpg
Back of Alex Mercer's Jacket.jpg
Nicholas is a very well-built man who stands at five feet and ten inches and weighs 168 pounds, with straightened out wavy brown hair and eyes that have a bright caramel hue to match (which will turn into a dark crimson shade once his more primal instincts have been activated at will, accompanied by a moderate sharpening of the edges of his teeth). He's often seen wearing one particular jacket that he's quite fond of due to its aesthetic appearance, and has a black in color tattoo on his back between his shoulder blades that is an imitation of the insignia on the back of the piece of clothing.

Health Ailments

SYMPATHETIC - As tough a man as he may look and be, Nicholas is in fact capable of lending others a helping hand if need be and has no problem with listening to someone who may be harboring stressing troubles so he can be the one to alleviate any of their existing worries.

COURAGEOUS - Nicholas has never quite been one to back down from a seemingly harrowing challenge, and will approach it headstrong if he feels it is necessary, regardless of any sort of potential consequences that may arise from participating in such an event.

FLIRTATIOUS - Nicholas has quite the habit of flirting with women, and it's definitely not just been for show.

LONG TEMPERED - It takes quite a bit of build-up in order to fully piss off Nicholas, since he's gotten very adept at being able to keep his attitude under control for the sake of not drawing too much attention to himself. However, once his fuse eventually does runs out, he becomes a very dangerous person to be around.

"Why is that important to you?"

(Will be revealed over the course of the roleplay)

+Occasional flirting
+Drinks taken in moderation (in reference to alcohol)
+Listening to music of most kinds

-Blatant arrogance
-Manipulative people
-Being forced to back out of a fight

-Nicholas has a very apparent affinity for writing and drawing various kinds of artwork in his spare time, and is also quite skilled at both of them.
-Sometimes, Nicholas will enjoy just standing outside for a little while and admiring the stars in the night sky.

+His physicality
+His well-rounded personality
+His vampire abilities
+His steadfast approach to problems

-Recklessness brought about by his anger
-His susceptibility to being lured in by false personas

-Being killed by a Hunter
-Possessing deep feelings for someone (in case he ends up losing that person)
-Being a part of a car accident

"... Those are not people you need to know about."

Marianne Ellison Hunter - Mother [DECEASED]
Oliver Davis Hunter - Father [DECEASED]

"Clarissa's pretty cool. Yeah, she's blunt sometimes, but I like her."

-Clarissa Riley Scott (@Brea)

"Jennifer's... She's the closest person to me right now. We've been close for a long time."
-Jennifer Maria Hart (@Brea)

"Ladies...? I'm open."

(Eventual love interest is Iris Crawford - @Shayla)

"I've seen some other people around. Don't know who they are, though."

-Dylan Dean Dixon (@Brea)

-A high-ranking Hunter by the name of William Hawke, whose personal mission is to track down and take out Nicholas in addition to his standard occupation of locating supernatural beings and putting them down.

Nicholas' Room (College House 1, Ground Room 2)

-When relying upon his abilities as a vampire, all of Nicholas' senses are significantly enhanced, becoming able to see things with more clarity both during the day and during the night, hear and smell things from farther distances, pack more power in his attacks and jump up to and across greater distances.

-Nicholas particularly enjoys a song called "Fake It" by a band named "Seether".


William Hawke


Age & Birthday
21 - January 7th


Junior Student at Red Water University



Part/Full-Time Job
-Part-Time Clerk at Jammin' Jukes
-Hunter operating under Axel Watson's command

Physical Description

William Hawke.jpg
As a man who stands exactly six feet tall, William has a very well-endowed posture which gives off vibes of both confidence and class, and has a well-built body which he retains by working out regularly whether it be at the gym or at home. In addition, he has light brown hair which he always keeps styled, and a set of sapphire blue eyes which have a tendency of entrancing the people who are able to fully meet with his gaze.

Health Ailments

FOCUSED - Though William does in fact have moments where he kicks back and takes things easy for himself, usually there is an air of seriousness that surrounds him wherever he goes since he's so fixated on finding his targets and eliminating them as soon as he is possibly able to.

APPROACHABLE - In conjunction with the trait listed above, William doesn't tend to be the first to interact with somebody else unless it's for a necessary purpose (i.e. in regards to a mission), but he is still someone that anybody else can easily talk to provided that they are polite, and he will have no problem in responding with a friendly manner.

HONEST - If William feels that there is something to be said, then he will say it straight and won't bother sugar-coating anything about it.

VERSATILE - At heart, William is a rather stubborn type of person, and will persist on seeing something through no matter what anyone may say to try and get him not to for whatever reason.

"Sorry, can't disclose that to you."

(Will be revealed over the course of the roleplay)

+Target practice
+Working out
+Practice with hand-to-hand combat
+Horror and action movies
+His twin set of Berettas
+Country music

-Romantic movies
-Idiotic people
-Most kinds of insects
-Failing a mission

-William has a hobby of listening to country music in his free time, both when he's being leisurely and when he is working out.

-William is talented with the art of parkour, being able to use knives and semi-automatic pistols in close combat, and completing acrobatic feats that one would normally assume him to be incapable of performing.

+His familiarity with various kinds of martial arts
+His vast knowledge of weapon usage
+His near-constant level of focus

-His overconfidence
-His desire to protect the innocent from harm

-Not being able to keep others safe


Penelope Hawke - Mother (49 Years Old)
Harrison Hawke - Father (51 Years Old)
Michelle Hawke - Younger Sister [DECEASED]

"Axel's a pretty cool guy to hang around."

-Axel Watson (@Shayla)

"Sebastian's a good guy, too. I like him."
-Sebastian Devon Ford (@Gorgeous♠Chaos)

(William will also eventually become friends with Clarissa Riley Scott - @Brea)

"... Jennifer's a nice girl. Being with her right now goes against my code, but... I think I can trust her."

-Jennifer Maria Hart (@Brea)

"Hm... There aren't really any other people that I've taken notice of. Are there any that I should I be?"

(Will be updated as the roleplay goes along)

"... There's a man I've been tracking down for a while, now. His name is Nicholas Hunter, and I've made it my own priority to seek him out whenever possible."


(Will eventually become rivals with Dylan Dean Dixon - @Brea)

William's Room (College House 2, Room 3)

-William is well-trained in being able to use multiple kinds of weapons associated with both long-ranged and melee combat, though he is particularly skilled at using a twin set of Beretta 9mm pistols.

-While it may not seem like it, William is indeed open to love. It will just take a considerable amount of personal interaction with him to be able to tap into said emotion.

-William's favorite song to listen to is a remix of "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line.
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@Brea I kinda wanna steal Clarissa from you
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Brea
Are we going to allow people to have other houses or should I limit that to a certain number?
I think you should have a certain number of people in like one house, then if we need to have another house
I think you should have a certain number of people in like one house, then if we need to have another house
I have it that way, the issue is people keep making their own, and it's messing up my shoving people together for the sake of plot idea
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